The National Public Education Financial Survey (NPEFS) is an annual collection of state-level finance data that has been included in the NCES Common Core of Data (CCD) since FY 1982 (school year 1981-82). NPEFS provides function expenditures by salaries, benefits, purchased services, and supplies, and includes federal, state, and local revenues by source. The NPEFS collection includes data on all state-run schools from the 50 states, the District of Columbia, American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. NPEFS data are used for a wide variety of purposes, including to calculate federal program allocations such as states’ “average per-pupil expenditure” (SPPE) for elementary and secondary education, certain formula grant programs (e.g. Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) as amended, Impact Aid, and Indian Education programs). Furthermore, in addition to using the SPPE data as general information on the financing of elementary and secondary education, the U.S. Department of Education Secretary uses these data directly in calculating allocations for certain formula grant programs, including, but not limited to, title I, part A, of the ESEA, Impact Aid, and Indian Education programs. Other programs, such as the Education for Homeless Children and Youth program under title VII of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, and the Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants under title IV, part A of the ESEA make use of SPPE data indirectly because their formulas are based, in whole or in part, on State title I, part A, allocations. This request is to conduct the annual collection of state-level finance data for FY 2019-2021.
The latest form for National Public Education Financial Survey (NPEFS) 2022-2024 expires 2022-08-31 and can be found here.
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Justification for No Material/Nonsubstantive Change |
Supplementary Document |
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Supporting Statement B |
Supporting Statement A |