Appendix A

Appendix A - BTLS W5 2012 Questionnaire Revisions.docx

Beginning Teacher Longitudinal Study (BTLS) 2009-2012

Appendix A

OMB: 1850-0868

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The items that were revised, deleted, and/or submitted for cognitive testing for wave 5 of the Beginning Teacher Longitudinal Study (BTLS) are displayed below along with justification for each item change. Please find a listing of those items where only a year change is recommended, as well as a listing and justification for those items that were deleted, submitted for cognitive testing, and had substantial question wording changes.

Only the year reference for the following variables was changed:











The following 6 variables were deleted.

Variable needing revision
*retrospective item

W4 Question Wording

W4 Response Categories



During the 2008-09 school year you reported teaching regularly scheduled classes. During the 2009-10 school year you reported a transition to a teacher aide, student teacher or short-term substitute teacher. In 20 words or less please explain the reason for the change.

NOTE: For this survey, teacher aides, student teachers and short-term substitute teachers are not considered current regular classroom teachers.


The item has low response rates.


Indicate the level of importance each of the following played in your most recent decision to leave the position of a pre-K-12 teacher. Because I was dissatisfied with the grade level or subject area I taught.

1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

Few people found this item to be important at all (2 people marked anything other than "not important"). This item could also fall under "dissatisfied with teaching"


Last school year (2009-10) you reported teaching regularly scheduled classes. This school year (2010-11) you reported a transition to a teacher aide, student teacher or short-term substitute teacher. In 20 words or less please explain the reason for the change.

NOTE: For this survey, teacher aides, student teachers and short-term substitute teachers are not considered current regular classroom teachers. Please complete this Former Teacher Questionnaire as best as you can based on your experience of changing from a classroom teacher to a teacher aide, short-term substitute teacher or student teacher.


The response rate for this item was low (66.67% of the people eligible to answer it) and it was decided to delete this from TFS.


Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave your pre-K-12 teaching position. Because I have not taken or could not pass the required test(s).

1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

Looking at frequencies, almost all respondents felt that this item was "Not at all important" in their decision to leave their pre-K-12 teaching position. In their fifth year of teaching, respondents are less likely to still be having trouble passing the required tests.


Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave LAST YEAR’S SCHOOL. Because I have not taken or could not pass the required test(s).

1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

Looking at frequencies, all respondents felt that this item was "Not at all important" in their decision to leave last year's school.


Do you meet your state’s requirements for a Highly Qualified Teacher in at least one subject that you teach this school year (2010-11)?


Changing to match SASS; Some teachers may not know their HQT status

The following variables were submitted for cognitive testing and the yellow highlighted portions of these variables were changed as a result (the one item highlighted in blue represent a response category that was dropped):

Variable needing revision

W4 Question Wording

W4 Response Categories

Revised W5 Question Wording

Revised W5 Response Categories



What are your estimated annual before-tax earnings at this job?
*If you are in the military service, report military earnings here.
*Include earnings from commissions, merit pay bonuses, and other bonuses from this job.

1= less than $30,000
2= $30,000-34,999
3= $35,000-39,999
4= $40,000-44,999
5= $45,000-49,999
6= $50,000 or more

No change

1 = less than $40,000
2 = $40,000 - $49,999
3 = $50,000 or more

We don’t have response rates for this item yet as the item was added to wave 4 and response rates have not yet been calculated, by rough estimate, about 1/3 of the respondents eligible to answer this item did so. Because of this we are making the ranges less specific.


Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave your pre-K-12 teaching position. Because I moved or wanted to take a job more conveniently located.

1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave your pre-K-12 teaching position. Because of a change in residence.

No change

Current wording was too specific causing respondents whose spouse relocated to report that reason in the other category rather than here


Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave your pre-K-12 teaching position. Because I decided to take courses to improve career opportunities WITHIN the field of education.

1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave your pre-K-12 teaching position. Because I decided to take courses or pursue a degree to improve career opportunities WITHIN the field of education.

No change

After looking at LVOSP write-ins, it was clear that respondents were not including pursuing degrees in this category


Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave your pre-K-12 teaching position. Because I decided to take courses to improve career opportunities OUTSIDE the field of education.

1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave your pre-K-12 teaching position. Because I decided to take courses or pursue a degree to improve career opportunities OUTSIDE the field of education.

No change

After looking at LVOSP write-ins, it was clear that respondents were not including pursuing degrees in this category


Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave your pre-K-12 teaching position. Because I was dissatisfied with having some of my compensation, benefits, or rewards tied to the performance of my students at last year's school.

1=Not at all important 2=Slightly important

3=Somewhat important

4=Very important

5=Extremely important

Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave your pre-K-12 teaching position. Because I was dissatisfied with how some of my compensation, benefits, or rewards tied to the performance of my students at last year's school.

No change

Changing to match TFS.


Indicate the level of importance each of the following played in your decision to return to the position of a pre-K-12 teacher. Because I moved or wanted to take a job more conveniently located.

1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

Indicate the level of importance each of the following played in your decision to return to the position of a pre-K-12 teacher. Because of a change in residence.

No change

Current wording was too specific causing respondents whose spouse relocated to report that reason in the other category rather than here


Indicate the level of importance each of the following played in your decision to return to the position of a pre-K-12 teacher. Because I wanted or needed a higher salary.

1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

Indicate the level of importance each of the following played in your decision to return to the position of a pre-K-12 teacher. Because I wanted or needed a job/higher salary.

No change

Current wording was too specific causing respondents just needed a job to report that reason in the other category


Indicate the level of importance each of the following played in your decision to return to the position of a pre-K-12 teacher. Because some of my compensation, benefits, or rewards are tied to the performance of my students.

1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

Indicate the level of importance each of the following played in your decision to return to the position of a pre-K-12 teacher. Because of how some of my compensation, benefits, or rewards are tied to the performance of my students.

No change

Changing to match TFS


Indicate the level of importance each of the following played in your decision to return to the position of a pre-K-12 teacher. Because I wanted the opportunity to teach at my current school.

1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

Indicate the level of importance each of the following played in your decision to return to the position of a pre-K-12 teacher. Because I wanted the opportunities offered at my current school.

No change

Some teachers want other opportunities at their school, such as coaching positions.


Indicate the level of importance each of the following played in your decision to return to the position of a pre-K-12 teacher. Because I was able to maintain privileges based on my seniority.

1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

Indicate the level of importance each of the following played in your decision to return to the position of a pre-K-12 teacher. Because I was able to maintain privileges based on my seniority/tenure.

No change

Since many teachers are tenured at this point adding this word to this item might help them to associate seniority with tenure.


Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave LAST YEAR’S SCHOOL. Because I moved or wanted to take a job more conveniently located.

1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave LAST YEAR’S SCHOOL. Because of a change in residence.

No change

Current wording was too specific causing respondents whose spouse relocated to report that reason in the other category rather than here


Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave LAST YEAR’S SCHOOL. Because I was dissatisfied with having some of my compensation, benefits, or rewards tied to the performance of my students at last year’s school.

1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave LAST YEAR’S SCHOOL. Because I was dissatisfied with how some of my compensation, benefits, or rewards tied to the performance of my students at last year’s school.

No change

Changing to match TFS


Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave LAST YEAR’S SCHOOL. Because I wanted the opportunity to teach at my current school.

1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave LAST YEAR’S SCHOOL. Because I wanted the opportunities offered at my current school.

No change

Current wording was too specific causing respondents whose spouse relocated to report that reason in the other category rather than here


This school year (2010-11), are you a Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) according to your state’s requirements? (Generally, to be Highly Qualified, teachers must 1) have a bachelor’s degree; 2) hold full state certification or licensure, including an "alternative certification"; and 3) demonstrate competency in the subject area(s) they teach. The HQT requirement is a provision under No Child Left Behind [NCLB].)


No change

1 = HQT in all subjects taught
2 = HQT in at least one subject taught
3 = Not HQT in any subject taught
4 = I don't know my HQT status

Changing to match SASS; Some teachers may not know their HQT status


During this school year (2010-11), will you (or have you) - Serve as a coach/consultant in a particular subject?


During this school year (2011-12), will you (or have you) - Serve as a coach/consultant to teachers in a particular subject?

No change

Changed based on results from cognitive testing


During this school year (2010-11), will you (or have you) - Serve as a mentor coordinator in your school or district?


Added an explanation: “(A mentor coordinator is typically responsible for overseeing a group of mentors or a mentor program)”

No change

Changed based on results from cognitive testing


During this school year (2010-11), will you (or have you) - Serve in a teacher union leadership position?


During this school year (2011-12), will you (or have you) - Serve in a teacher union leadership position within your school or district?

No change

Changed based on results from cognitive testing


During this school year (2010-11), will you (or have you) - Give a presentation at a professional conference?


Added an explanation: “(e.g., The National Science Teachers Association’s National Conference on Science Education, Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Annual Conference)”

No change

Changed based on results from cognitive testing


Were you given any training related to mentoring by your school or district?


Were you given any formal training related to mentoring by your school or district?

No change

Changed based on results from cognitive testing


To what extent do you feel prepared to be a mentor?

1=Not at all prepared
2=Somewhat prepared
3=Well prepared
4=Very well prepared

To what extent were you prepared to be a mentor?

No change

Changed based on results from cognitive testing

The following additional variables were revised.

Variable needing revision
*retrospective item

Revised Source Code

W4 Question Wording

W4 Response Categories

Revised W5 Question Wording

Revised W5 Response Categories




Did you change schools because your contract was NOT renewed at the 2008-09 school?

2= No

Did you change schools involuntarily (e.g., contract not renewed, laid off, school closed or merged)?

No change

W3 retrospective item needs to be updated to W4 question wording and source code in order to be a retrospective item to W4.



What was your MAIN occupational status last year?

1=Working for a school or school district in a position in the field of K-12 education but not as a regular K-12 classroom teacher
2=Working in the field of pre-K or postsecondary education
3=Working outside the field of education, including military service
4=Student at a college or university
5=Caring for family members

No change

1=Working for a school or school district in a position in the field of K-12 education, but not as a regular K-12 classroom teacher
10=Working in the field of K-12 education but not in a school/district
2= Working in the field of pre-K or postsecondary education
3= Working outside the field of education, including military service
4=Student at a college or university
5=Caring for family members

Addition of category 10 to the response options was necessary to match W4.



Did you leave teaching because your contract was NOT renewed?
*Report on the most recent time you left pre-K—12 teaching if you’ve left teaching more than once.


Did you leave your pre-K-12 teaching position involuntarily (e.g., contract not renewed, laid off, school closed or merged)?
*Report on the most recent time you left pre-K—12 teaching if you’ve left teaching more than once.

No change

W3 retrospective item needs to be updated to W4 question wording and source code in order to be a retrospective item to W4.



Which of the following best describes the reason why your contract was not renewed?

1=I was laid off as part of a reduction in force
2=I did not meet Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) requirements
(Generally, to be Highly Qualified, teachers must 1) have a bachelor’s degree; 2) hold full state certification or licensure, including an "alternative certification"; and 3) demonstrate competency in the subject area(s) they teach. The HQT requirement is a provision under No Child Left Behind [NCLB].)
3=I was not given a reason for why my contract was not renewed
4=My contract was not renewed for other reason(s)

Which of the following best describes why you involuntarily left your pre-K-12 teaching position?

1=Budget cuts or budget shortfalls
5=Reduced pupil enrollment
6=School and/or district merger

2=I did not meet Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) requirements
(Generally, to be Highly Qualified, teachers must 1) have
at least a bachelor’s degree; 2) hold full state certification or licensure, including an "alternative certification"; and 3) demonstrate competency in the subject area(s) they teach. The HQT requirement is a provision under the No Child Left Behind [NCLB] Act of 2001.)
4=My contract was not renewed for other reason(s)

W3 retrospective item needs to be updated to W4 question wording and source code in order to be a retrospective item to W4. Wording in answer option added for clarification.



Which of the following best describes the reason why your contract was not renewed? Other, please specify


Which of the following best describes why you involuntarily left your pre-K-12 teaching position? Other, please specify

No change

W3 retrospective item needs to be updated to W4 question wording and source code in order to be a retrospective item to W4.



Which of the following best describes why you involuntarily left your pre-K-12 teaching position?

1=Budget cuts or budget shortfalls
5=Reduced pupil enrollment
6=School and/or district merger
2=I did not meet Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) requirements
(Generally, to be Highly Qualified, teachers must 1) have a bachelor’s degree; 2) hold full state certification or licensure, including an "alternative certification"; and 3) demonstrate competency in the subject area(s) they teach. The HQT requirement is a provision under No Child Left Behind [NCLB].)
4=My contract was not renewed for other reason(s)

No change

1=Budget cuts or budget shortfalls
5=Reduced pupil enrollment
6=School and/or district merger
2=I did not meet Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) requirements
(Generally, to be Highly Qualified, teachers must 1) have
at least a bachelor’s degree; 2) hold full state certification or licensure, including an "alternative certification"; and 3) demonstrate competency in the subject area(s) they teach. The HQT requirement is a provision under the No Child Left Behind [NCLB] Act of 2001.)
4=My contract was not renewed for other reason(s)

Wording in answer option added for clarification.


No change

Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave your pre-K-12 teaching position. Because I was concerned about my job security at last year's school.

1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave your pre-K-12 teaching position. Because I was concerned about my job security at last year's school (e.g. potential school or district budget cuts or downsizing).

No change

After looking at LVOSP write-ins, it was clear that respondents were not understanding what was meant by "job security."


No change

From the items above, which do you consider the one most important reason in your decision to leave the position of a pre-K-12 teacher?


No change

computer-generated list

The term write-in did not accurately describe what the respondent was doing. The respondent cannot write anything in, but instead chooses from a list.


No change

From the items above, which do you consider the one most important reason in your decision to return to the position of a pre-K-12 teacher?


No change

computer-generated list

The term write-in did not accurately describe what the respondent was doing. The respondent cannot write anything in, but instead chooses from a list.



Which of the following best describes the reason why you changed schools involuntarily?

1=Budget cuts or budget shortfalls
5=Reduced pupil enrollment
6=School and/or district merger
2=I did not meet Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) requirements
(Generally, to be Highly Qualified, teachers must 1) have a bachelor’s degree; 2) hold full state certification or licensure, including an "alternative certification"; and 3) demonstrate competency in the subject area(s) they teach. The HQT requirement is a provision under No Child Left Behind [NCLB].)
4=My contract was not renewed for other reason(s)

No change

1=Budget cuts or budget shortfalls
5=Reduced pupil enrollment
6=School and/or district merger
2=I did not meet Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) requirements
(Generally, to be Highly Qualified, teachers must 1) have
at least a bachelor’s degree; 2) hold full state certification or licensure, including an "alternative certification"; and 3) demonstrate competency in the subject area(s) they teach. The HQT requirement is a provision under the No Child Left Behind [NCLB] Act of 2001.)
4=My contract was not renewed for other reason(s)

Wording in answer option added for clarification.


No change

Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave LAST YEAR’S SCHOOL. Because I was concerned about my job security at last year’s school.

1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave LAST YEAR’S SCHOOL. Because I was concerned about my job security at last year’s school (e.g. potential school or district budget cuts or downsizing).

No change

After looking at MVOSP write-ins, it was clear that respondents were not understanding what was meant by "job security."


No change

From the items above, which do you consider the one most important reason in your decision to leave LAST YEAR’S SCHOOL?


No change

computer-generated list

The term write-in did not accurately describe what the respondent was doing. The respondent cannot write anything in, but instead chooses from a list.


No change

During this school year (2010-11), will you (or have you) - Sponsor any student groups, clubs, or organizations?


During this school year (2010-11), will you (or have you) - Lead any student groups, clubs, or organizations?

No change

After looking at ACTSP write-ins, it was clear that respondents were thinking that "Sponsor" meant supporting a group, club, or organization with money. We wanted to catch more of the write-ins.


No change

How many regular classroom teachers are you mentoring in your school or district this school year (2010-11)?


No change

4=4 or more

Looking at the write-ins for this item, it was clear that respondent answers were falling into the new response categories. By changing to response categories we are also taking away the possibility of mistakes (ex. An extra zero).


No change

Including yourself, how many family members were living in your household or were financially dependent on you (or your spouse) during 2010?


No change in question wording, but a change in the way it looks on the computer screen. "Include yourself" should be above the box where respondent answers the question.

No change

It is easy for the respondent to forget to count themselves as financially dependent. This change will better ensure that the write-ins are accurate.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleElegant Memo
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-31

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