Volume 1
OMB# 1850-0790)
Student Grade 4 Operational Science Questions
Student Grade 4 Pilot Reading Questions
Student Grade 4 Pilot Mathematics Questions
Student Grade 4 Pilot U.S. History Questions
Student Grade 4 Pilot Civics Questions
Student Grade 4 Pilot Geography Questions
Student Grade 8 Operational Science Questions
Student Grade 8 Pilot English/Language Arts Questions
Student Grade 8 Pilot Mathematics Questions
Student Grade 8 Pilot U.S. History Questions
Student Grade 8 Pilot Civics Questions
Student Grade 8 Pilot Geography Questions
Student Grade 12 Operational Core Questions
Student Grade 12 Operational Science Questions
Student Grade 12 Operational English/Language Arts Questions
Student Grade 12 Operational Mathematics Questions
Student Grade 12 Pilot U.S. History Questions
Student Grade 12 Pilot Civics Questions
Student Grade 12 Pilot Geography Questions
May 15, 2008
Explanation and Burden Information for This Submittal
This document contains supplemental information pertaining to the 2008–2010 NAEP System Clearance proposal. The System Clearance package was submitted in January 2007 and approved in May 2007 with OMB #1850-0790. The terms of clearance for OMB approvals state that each subsequent submittal activity under the System Clearance is to be submitted to OMB.
This submittal contains burden information and the actual background questionnaires for the following components of the 2009 assessments:
Student Grade 4 Operational Science Questions
Student Grade 4 Pilot Reading Questions
Student Grade 4 Pilot Mathematics Questions
Student Grade 4 Pilot Civics Questions
Student Grade 4 Pilot U.S. History Questions
Student Grade 4 Pilot Geography Questions
Student Grade 8 Operational Science Questions
Student Grade 8 Pilot English/Language Arts Questions
Student Grade 8 Pilot Mathematics Questions
Student Grade 8 Pilot Civics Questions
Student Grade 8 Pilot U.S. History Questions
Student Grade 8 Pilot Geography Questions
Student Grade 12 Operational Core Questions
Student Grade 12 Operational Science Questions
Student Grade 12 Operational English/Language Arts Questions
Student Grade 12 Operational Mathematics Questions
Student Grade 12 Pilot Civics Questions
Student Grade 12 Pilot U.S. History Questions
Student Grade 12 Pilot Geography Questions
These specific questionnaires are the second group (Wave 2) of questionnaires submitted for approval for usage in 2009. One additional group of questions (Wave 3) will be submitted as part of the overall 2009 OMB submittal package.
The Wave 1 submittal included the core (demographic) and subject-specific student background questions for the grades 4 and 8 operational reading and mathematics assessments.
Wave 3 will include questions for student special studies, including the National Indian Education Study (grades 4 and 8) and the Extended Background Questions for the socioeconomic status study (grades 4, 8, and 12). Questionnaires for Teachers (grades 4 and 8), Schools (grades 4, 8, and 12), and Students with Disabilities and English Language Learners (SD-ELL) will also be part of the Wave 3 submittal, as will the High School Transcript Study (HSTS).
2009 Wave 2 Burden Information
The Wave 2 submittal contains the subject-specific student background questions for the operational science assessments at grades 4, 8, and 12; the operational English/Language Arts and mathematics assessments at grade 12; the pilot reading and mathematics assessments at grades 4 and 8; and the pilot civics, U.S. history, and geography assessments at grades 4, 8, and 12. The grade 12 core (demographic) background questions are also included. (Note that the Core questions are separate for the OMB submission, but their burden is not computed separately. All students take core questions which are part of the overall 15 minute background question burden. The core questions were approved in the System Clearance submittal in 2007 but are included in the Volume II questionnaires because they will be administered in 2009.)
Student response burden is .25 hours (15 minutes) for the total background questions sections. At grade 4, the estimated total number of students for the subjects included in the Wave 2 materials is 164,375 resulting in 41,094 hours of student burden. At grade 8, the estimated total number of students for the subjects being submitted is 165,375 resulting in 41,344 hours of student burden. At grade 12, the estimated total number of students for the subjects included in the Wave 2 materials is 116,667 resulting in 29,167 hours of student burden.
The estimated total number of students participating in the grades 4, 8, and 12 operational and pilot assessments is 446,417 with a resulting student burden of 111,604 hours. (Note: Total estimates have changed slightly from Wave 1 total estimates as more specific sample size information has become available. There have been slight increases in the Science HOTS/ICT and grade 12 reading and mathematics operational estimates.)
See the following table for a summary of Wave 2 burden estimates*.
* Refer to Appendix A for a chart with the estimated burden for all three Waves (by grade level) of the 2009 submittals.
Wave 2
Estimated Burden for NAEP 2009 Assessments Contained in This Submittal—By Grade Level
Components |
# of Students |
Student Burden |
# of Teachers |
Teacher Burden |
# of Schools |
School Burden |
SD/ELL Burden |
Total Burden |
(in hours) |
(in hours) |
(in hours) |
(in hours) |
Grade 4 Students |
Science Operational |
151,375 |
37,844 |
37,844 |
Science Probe (ICT/HOTS) |
4,000 |
1,000 |
1,000 |
Civics Pilot |
1,000 |
250 |
250 |
US History Pilot |
1,000 |
250 |
250 |
Geography Pilot |
1,000 |
250 |
250 |
Reading Pilot |
3,000 |
750 |
750 |
Mathematics Pilot |
3,000 |
750 |
750 |
Totals |
164,375 |
41,094 |
41,094 |
Grade 8 Students |
Science Operational |
151,375 |
37,844 |
37,844 |
Science Probe (ICT/HOTS) |
4,000 |
1,000 |
1,000 |
Civics Pilot |
1,000 |
250 |
250 |
US History Pilot |
1,500 |
375 |
375 |
Geography Pilot |
1,500 |
375 |
375 |
Reading Pilot |
3,000 |
750 |
750 |
Mathematics Pilot |
3,000 |
750 |
750 |
Totals |
165,375 |
41,344 |
41,344 |
Grade 12 Students |
Science Operational |
11,000 |
2,750 |
2,750 |
Science Probe (ICT/HOTS) |
4,000 |
1,000 |
1,000 |
Reading Operational |
51,000 |
12,750 |
12,750 |
Mathematics Operational |
47,667 |
11,917 |
11,917 |
Civics Pilot |
1,000 |
250 |
250 |
US History Pilot |
1,000 |
250 |
250 |
Geography Pilot |
1,000 |
250 |
250 |
Totals |
116,667 |
29,167 |
29,167 |
Overall Totals |
446,417 |
111,604 |
111,604 |
Overview of NAEP 2008–2010 Assessments
The following broad overview of the 2008–2010 NAEP assessments was included as part of the initial System Clearance submittal. The National Assessment Governing Board (the Governing Board) determines NAEP policy and assessment schedule, and future Board decisions may result in changes to some aspects of an assessment (e.g., which subjects are assessed in which years). However, overall methodology and assessment process will remain constant. In the 2009 assessment year, questionnaires will be administered to students at grades 4, 8, and 12; to teachers at grades 4 and 8; and to school administrators at grades 4, 8, and 12.
The 2009 assessments consist of the following:
Operational assessments in reading, mathematics, and science in grades 4, 8, and 12;
Pilot assessments for civics, U.S. history, and geography at grades 4, 8, and 12; pilot assessments in reading and mathematics at grades 4 and 8; and
Special studies, including (1) American Indian/Alaska Native students at grades 4 and 8 as part of the National Indian Education Study; and (2) a pilot of extended background questions as part of the development of a new socioeconomic status variable at grades 4, 8, and 12.
How, By Whom, and for What Purpose the Data Will Be Used
In the original request for system clearance, NCES asked for approval of the instruments to be used to gather data from the 2008–2010 national and state assessments. This submittal applies to the second set of questionnaires that will be submitted for the 2009 assessments. This set of questions contains operational and pilot student questions. Specifically, science (operational grades 4, 8, and 12), reading and mathematics (operational grade 12 and pilot grades 4 and 8), and social studies (U.S. history, civics, and geography pilots at grades 4, 8, and 12) are contained in the Volume II submittal.
Given that the purpose of NAEP is to gather data on the achievement of students in the subject areas assessed for use in monitoring education progress, and because of the program's increasing visibility, it is incumbent on the program to develop the most reliable and valid instruments possible. To do so, NAEP has employed four strategies in recent assessment cycles:
Small-scale pilot testing of new materials and test administration techniques;
Pilot testing items to determine which items best measure the constructs under consideration;
Field testing* of operational assessments to accommodate the mandated six-month reporting; and
Full-scale operations.
Background questionnaire development follows the same pattern as that of cognitive item development, although we tend to pilot fewer items with less duplication and use the resulting data to refine the questions. The questions are designed to provide
the information for disaggregating data according to categories specified in the legislation,
contextual information that is subject specific (e.g., reading, mathematics) and has an impact and known relationship to achievement, and
policy relevant information specified by the Governing Board.
In all assessment years, questionnaires are generally administered to students at grades 4, 8, and 12; teachers at grades 4 and 8; and school administrators at grades 4, 8, and 12. SD/ELL (Students with Disabilities/ English Language Learner) questionnaires are completed by teachers or administrators of students identified as learning disabled or as English Language Learners.
Development Information for the 2009 Components Contained in Wave 2 Submittal
Operational Science: Grades 4, 8, and 12
The items proposed for inclusion in the background questionnaires for the 2009 NAEP Science Assessment were developed based on a review of existing NAEP items from the 2000 and 2005 science background questionnaires, the 2008 science pilot items, and other NCES surveys including the Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS:2002). A number of new items were also developed based on the recommendations made at the Science Experts Workshop.
The science items that were piloted in 2008 have been modified for the 2009 operational assessments to achieve standardization on the background questionnaire items across subjects (i.e., reading and mathematics). The content of the science items has remained the same between the 2008 pilot and 2009 operational versions. The changes that have been made to the 2009 operational items are, mainly, standardizing response options (following the same response sets that were used in reading and mathematics when applicable) and providing a time frame in the item stem for each item. Minor item rewriting has also been done for clarification purposes.
Mathematics: Operational (Grade 12) and Pilot (Grades 4 and 8)
Development activities entailed updating dated technology items and modifying newly developed student reading items for administration in the student mathematics questionnaires. Student reading items were turned into student mathematics items to achieve comparability across subject areas and to address holes in issue coverage. The student mathematics items were assessed according to the results of the pilot testing, which was administered in 2007 for grades 4 and 8 and in 2008 for grade 12.
Three major activities for item development took place for the 2011 mathematics pilot assessment: (1) developing new items targeted to measure the aspects of these 2011 highlighted issues; (2) updating, modifying, and adding technology-related items; and (3) modifying newly developed student reading items for administration in the student mathematics questionnaires.
New item development was based on certain aspects of issues and sub-issues—Availability and Use of Instructional Resources (Resources), Organization of Instruction (Instruction), Teacher Preparation (Teacher Prep), Role of Technology in Instruction (Technology), Student Engagement with Mathematics (Student Engagement), and Teaching and Learning of Algebra (Algebra)—that are addressed as important factors for student learning and have been made into student questionnaire items. Item development for modified or newly developed technology questions included (a) types of technology devices that students use, (b) types of learning activities using technology devices, and (c) interaction between students and teachers using technology. Some of the student reading items served as the basis for student mathematics items to achieve comparability across subject areas.
Reading (English/Language Arts): Operational (Grade 12) and Pilot (Grades 4 and 8)
The bulk of activities during the development year entailed developing, reviewing, pilot testing, and evaluating subject-specific items for the 2009 operational administration of NAEP Reading Student Background Questionnaires. Additional pilot testing on the grade 12 reading items, administered in 2008, guided the item review and selection at grade 12.
Development activities for the reading student questionnaire primarily entailed developing new items to capture the issues associated with the new assessment frameworks. Student reading items were also turned into student mathematics items to achieve comparability across subject areas and to address holes in issue coverage.
The standardized rotation schedule was applied to the student reading questionnaires for the 2011 pilot assessment. In addition to the rotation schedule, factors considered were item priority (whether an item is essential and should be asked in every administration), parallelism with questionnaires of other subject areas (i.e., the 2011 student mathematics questionnaires), face validity, and strength of an item’s or issue’s constituent base.
Social Studies: Pilot (Grades 4, 8, 12)
Development activities for the student questionnaires for U.S. history, civics, and geography primarily entailed updating and modifying items from the questionnaires in the last assessment for each of these subject areas. Although maintaining trend on as many items as possible is desirable, standardization across subject areas has been one of the major efforts in recent questionnaire development. Thus, in updating and modifying previously existing items for the 2009 pilot assessments, we made major efforts to achieve standardization across the three social studies subjects and across reading and mathematics.
Besides issue coverage, factors considered for item development included item priority—whether the content is essential and should be asked in every administration—some parallelism with 2009 student questionnaires for reading and mathematics, face validity, and strength of an item’s or issue’s constituent base.
In selecting the 2010 background questionnaire items for social studies, response frequencies were reviewed for each item based on the data collected from the last assessments (i.e., 2006 assessments for U.S. history and civics and the 2001 assessment for geography). That statistical review determined which items could be moved forward to the 2010 assessments and what kinds of modification were needed to improve the items. The modification typically occurred in changes of item wording for clarification purposes, adding follow-up questions, adding details in the item stem, providing a time frame in the item stem, or changing response options. Changes in response options occurred in two cases: (1) to standardize types of response options used across the questionnaires and (2) to segregate relatively large percentages by adding more categories.
One design consideration for the social studies questionnaires is the fact that U.S. history, civics, and geography are often taught together under the general rubric of social studies at the elementary and middle school grades. Furthermore, schools use different labels when referring to the same social studies subject areas. We revised certain items to reflect this reality, while at the same time making sure that each questionnaire was somewhat distinctive from the others. To achieve this goal, we not only included a unique set of items in each of the questionnaires, but for activities described in the items that could occur in any social studies class, the social studies subject was referred to as “social studies or history” in the U.S. history questionnaire, “social studies or civics” in the civics questionnaire, and “social studies or geography” in the geography questionnaire.
2009 Overall Burden Estimate Chart (3 Waves)
by Grade Level (revised 4/08)
Subjects |
# of Students |
Student Burden |
# of Teachers |
Teacher Burden |
# of Schools |
School Burden |
SD/ELL (# of school personnel) |
SD/ELL Burden |
Total Burden |
(in hours) |
(in hours) |
(in hours) |
(in hours) |
4th Grade Wave 1—Operational (mathematics & reading) |
344,000 |
86,000 |
86,000 |
Wave 2—Operational (science); Pilot (civics, history, geography, reading, mathematics) |
164,375 |
41,094 |
41,094 |
Wave 3—Student Special Studies* (NIES, EBQ); Teacher (Operational & Pilot); School (Operational and Pilot); SD-ELL Questionnaires |
11,300 |
1,575 |
27,299 |
9,009 |
9,100 |
4,550 |
18,154 |
5,991 |
21,124 |
4th Grade Totals |
519,675 |
128,669 |
27,351 |
9,026 |
9,117 |
4,559 |
18,189 |
6,002 |
148,255 |
8th Grade Wave 1—Operational (mathematics & reading); |
344,000 |
86,000 |
86,000 |
Wave 2—Operational (science); Pilot (civics, history, geography, reading, mathematics) |
165,375 |
41,344 |
41,344 |
Wave 3—Student Special Studies* (NIES, EBQ); Teacher (Operational & Pilot); School (Operational and Pilot); SD-ELL Questionnaires |
11,000 |
1,500 |
27,336 |
9,021 |
9,112 |
4,556 |
18,178 |
5,999 |
21,075 |
8th Grade Totals |
520,375 |
128,844 |
27,388 |
9,038 |
9,129 |
4,565 |
18,213 |
6,010 |
148,457 |
12th Grade—Wave 1 |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Wave 2—Operational (mathematics, reading, science); Pilot (civics, history, geography) Special Studies ( Science Hot/ICT ) |
116,667 |
29,167 |
29,167 |
Wave 3—Student Special Studies* (EBQ for SES); School (Operational and Pilot); SD-ELL Questionnaires |
7,500 |
625 |
395 |
130 |
132 |
66 |
4,416 |
1,457 |
2,278 |
12th Grade Totals |
124,167 |
29,792 |
395 |
130 |
132 |
66 |
4,346 |
1,434 |
31,422 |
1 HSTS (High School Transcript Study) |
2 E-Filing (Electronic Filing) |
388 |
6,984 |
Grand Totals |
1,164,217 |
287,304 |
55,134 |
18,194 |
18,378 |
16,561 |
40,748 |
13,447 |
328,134 |
* Note: The burden estimates for students in Wave 3 are comprised of 15 minutes for NIES questions and 5 minutes for EBQ questions.
1 HSTS—A subset of the sample of schools will also be sampled to participate in the HSTS.
2 E-Filing—A subset of the sample of schools where school personnel complete e-filing activities.
* Based on the results of recent assessment cycles, field testing to accommodate 6-month reporting may no longer be needed.
2009 Wave 2 Supporting Statement
File Type | application/msword |
Author | joconnell |
Last Modified By | katrina.ingalls |
File Modified | 2008-06-06 |
File Created | 2008-06-06 |