Annual Performance Report
The purpose of the legislation that established Title III Part E program is to “carry out a program of making grants to institutions of higher education that are designed to effect long-range improvement in science and engineering education at predominantly minority institutions and to increase the participation of underrepresented ethnic minorities, particularly women, in scientific and technological careers.”
A. Use this section to summarize how your grant is enabling your institution to fulfill the legislative intent of the Title III, Part E Program.
1. Summarize, in 250 words or less, the impact your Title III, Part E grant has had this year in your institution’s capacity to contribute to fulfilling the goals of the legislation.
2. How has the grant helped to carry out the mission of the institution?
3. How did the cooperative arrangement aspect of the grant benefit the institutions involved?
From the list below, select at least two questions that document your institution’s experience with the grant during this reporting period. Please answer each question selected in 250 words or less.
If your institution has received more than one Title III, Part E grant over time, discuss the long-range impact Title III-B, Sec. 326 has had on your institution’s capacity to fulfill the goals of the legislation.
If your institution has experienced any unexpected outcomes as a result of this grant, that affect for better or worse its capacity to fulfill the goals of the legislation, tell us about them here.
Tell us about any challenges that you have had during the reporting period or that you anticipate in the coming year which may affect your ability to meet the goals of your grant. Include, if applicable, your institution’s plans to meet these challenges.
Has the grant facilitated or contributed to bringing additional resources to your institution, for example, new Federal, State, or local dollars that can be attributed partly to your grant activities?
How would you improve or change the Program (e.g., customer service, allowable activities, regulations, statute)?
Section 2: Institutional Profile (MSEIP)
Please tell us the total number of individuals who benefited from this MSEIP Project during this reporting period:
Number of students ______
Number of faculty and staff ______
In the table below, please enter the proportion of students enrolled in science and engineering programs institution-wide using the most recently available enrollment numbers at the time of this report. Definitions for science and engineering programs should be those used by MSEIP.
Enrollment by Race and Ethnicity
Enrollment in science and engineering programs recognized by MSEIP (institution-wide) |
Science |
Engineering |
Undergraduates |
Head Count |
Head Count |
American Indian or Alaskan Native |
Asian |
Black or African American |
Hispanic or Latino |
Native Hawaiian or Othe Pacific Islander |
White |
Grand Total |
Section 2: Student Enrollment in Science Education Programs by Race/Ethnicity, Gender and Discipline (MSEIP)
Please report the total number of students (part-time and full-time) enrolled, by race/ethnicity, gender, and discipline during this reporting period. This data should reflect those students directly affected by MSEIP programs only. The discipline areas selected for this table correspond with discipline areas recognized in IPEDS. Use the CIP codes as your guide in designating students appropriately. Please report data as of 10/15/04.
Black, non-Hispanic |
American Indian or Alaskan Native |
Pacific Islander |
Hispanic |
Other ethnic groups underrepresented in science & engineering |
Total Student by Discipline |
Code 26 |
Female |
Male |
Code 14 |
Female |
Male |
Code 27 |
Female |
Male |
Code 02 |
Female |
Male |
Code 45 |
Female |
Male |
Code 42 |
Female |
Male |
Code 30 |
Female |
Male |
Other (please specify):
Female |
Male |
Other (please specify):
Female |
Male |
Other (please specify):
Female |
Male |
Other (please specify):
Female |
Male |
Other (please specify):
Female |
Male |
Totals by Race/Ethnicity and Gender
Female |
Male |
Section 3: Grant Activities and Focus Area
In this section, we want to get a sense of what types of activities Title III or V is supporting at your institution. We want to know how those activities are helping to address the problems described in your grant application, and how they are improving academic quality, student services and outcomes, institutional management, and fiscal stability
Line 1: Enter the title of the grant activity(ies) as related in your application and carried out during this reporting period. Please note that for the purposes of the annual report, endowment should be considered a separate activity even if it was not presented as a separate activity in your application. You will have the opportunity to enter additional grant application activities as necessary
Line 2: Enter the total amount of Title III or V funds used during this reporting period to support each grant activity. This total amount should include any costs associated with the management of the activity such as the appropriate percentage of key personnel salaries and benefits devoted to that activity.
Line 3: Select one of four focus areas Fiscal Stability, Institutional Management, Student Services and Outcomes, and Academic Quality for each activity. Refer to the definitions of the four focus areas for samples of activities that fall into each category. [The answer to this question will determine which Focus Area Outcomes table(s) that is filled out.]
Please keep in mind that these categories are meant to apply to the activity's overall outcome not the processes used to achieve that outcome. For example, you might have an activity to improve retention of science majors that is being carried out over the entire length of your grant. The ultimate outcome of this activity is a Student outcome and therefore would be categorized as "Student Services and Outcomes" even though you might have implemented various strategies or processes to achieve that goal during the reporting period, such as improved library collections, acquisition of teaching/lab equipment, and faculty development. You will have an opportunity to report on those processes later on in the process measure table.
Legislative Allowable Activities Table: In this table, we want to develop a profile of how program funds are distributed within the various Legislative Allowable Activities (LAA) categories. Please determine how much of the total funds used for the grant activity (Line 2) is distributed within the LAA categories and enter the dollar amount. Please note that you may have an activity that does not fall into one of the LAA categories - this is acceptable as long as that activity fulfills the goals of the legislation. In these cases you will be asked to provide a brief description of those activities in the "other" option. NOTE: The dollar amount entered in Line 2 for each grant activity should equal the sum of the dollar amounts distributed in the LAA categories.
Grant activity carried out during this reporting period in your grant application:
Total $ spent on this activity during the current reporting period: _____________
Focus area: ____ Academic Quality ____ Student Services and Outcomes
____ Fiscal Stability ____ Institutional Management
Category |
Dollars spent |
% of Activity |
Advanced science seminars |
Science faculty workshops and conferences |
Faculty training to develop specific science research or education skills |
Research in science education |
Programs for visiting scientists |
Preparation of films or audio-visual materials in science |
Development of learning experiences in science beyond those normally available to minority undergraduate students |
Development of pre-college enrichment activities in science |
Section 4: Project Status
Continued funding requires evidence of substantial progress towards meeting your activity objectives. From your application, please list your objectives for each activity carried out this reporting period.
Activity: ________________________________________________________________
On Schedule Activity Objectives:
Section 4: Project Status
Activity: ________________________________________________________________
Narrative Supporting Completed Objectives
Please provide brief statements, with data and references to goals stated in your application as appropriate, to document the objectives that were “completed” during the reporting period.
Activity Objective |
Evidence of Completion |
Section 4: Project Status
Activity: ________________________________________________________________
Changes to Objective Schedule
Please provide brief statements, with data and references to goals stated in your application as appropriate, to support and explain the need for objective schedule changes.
Activity Objective |
Reason(s) for change |
Expected completion date |
Section 4: Project Status
Activity: ________________________________________________________________
Changes to Activity Objectives
Please provide brief statements, with data and references to goals stated in your application as appropriate, to support and explain the need for the changes of objectives during the reporting period.
Activity Objective |
objective |
Reason(s) for change |
Has this change been approved by the ED Program office? |
Section 4: Budget
Column 1 |
Column 2 |
Column 3 |
Column 4 |
Column 5 |
Column 6 |
Column 7 |
Column 8 |
Budget Categories |
Carryover Balance from Previous FY |
Actual Budget |
Expendi-tures |
Non-Federal Expendi-tures |
Carryover Balance |
Next Year’s Actual Budget |
Changes? Y/N |
Personnel |
Fringe Benefits ___% |
Travel |
Equipment |
Supplies |
Contractual |
Construction |
Other |
Training Stipend |
Indirect Costs |
Total Costs |
Section 4: Line Item Budget Narrative
Please describe how funds will be expended as a result of your changes in each of the line item categories.
Fringe Benefits
Training Stipends
Indirect Costs
Section 4: Summary Budget Narrative
Please explain budget changes, as needed, particularly the use of funds from cost savings, carryover funds and other expanded authorities changes to your budget. Provide an explanation if you are NOT expending funds at the expected rate. Describe any significant changes to your budget resulting from modifications of project activities.
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Section 1—Executive Summary |
Author | Donna C |
Last Modified By | joe.schubart |
File Modified | 2007-03-27 |
File Created | 2007-03-27 |