Educational Support Needs Assessment survey

Educational Support Needs Assessment

Gallup survey instrument

Educational Support Needs Assessment survey

OMB: 1850-0819

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(Columns are ABSOLUTE)




City Center: Government

2006 Regional Survey

of Principals/Curriculum Consultants X SURVEY DESIGN: Tara McGhee


Jane Wood, Specwriter

February 2007 n=350

I.D.#: (1-6)


______ ______

____________________________________________ (649 - 658)


______ ______

____________________________________________ (716 - 721)

(NOTE: All interviews are recorded. The recording begins when the respondent answers the phone. This statement is read after the "Continue" response is entered after the Introduction and before the first question) This call will be recorded for quality assurance.

1 (Continue)

2 (Refused) - (Thank and Terminate) (984)

S1. SAMPLE: (Code from fone file)

1 Principal (n=175)



5 Curriculum Coordinators (n=175) _____(54)

S1a. SCHOOL/DISTRICT: (Code from fone file)

1 (If code XX in fone file) School/Building

2 (If code YY in fone file) District _____(55)

S1b. PERSONNEL TITLE: (Code from fone file)




05 Principal

06 Elementary School Principal

07 Secondary School Principal

Curriculum Coordinators - DISTRICT

08 Curriculum Coordinators

______ ______

___________________________________________ (56) (57)

S1c. GRADE LEVEL: (Code from fone file)

1 Elementary

2 Middle/Junior High

3 High School

4 Other _____(58)

(There are no questions S1d-S1f)

S2. STATE: (Code from fone file)

08 Colorado (n=25 Principals; n=25 Curriculum Coordinators)

20 Kansas (n=25 Principals; n=25 Curriculum Coordinators)

29 Missouri (n=25 Principals; n=25 Curriculum Coordinators)

31 Nebraska (n=25 Principals; n=25 Curriculum Coordinators)

38 North Dakota (n=25 Principals; n=25 Curriculum Coordinators)

46 South Dakota (n=25 Principals; n=25 Curriculum Coordinators)

56 Wyoming ((n=25 Principals; n=25 Curriculum Coordinators)

______ ______

___________________________________________ (52) (53)

(Ask to speak with name from fone file)

[SURVENT NOTE: Also display Personnel_Title and Institution_Name where available]

Hello, this is __________, with The Gallup Organization. We are calling on behalf of the Regional Education Laboratory at Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning to assess the educational needs of the districts in your region.

1 Male respondent available (Continue)

2 Female respondent available (Continue)

7 Respondent not available - (Set time to call back)

8 (Soft Refusal)

9 (Hard Refusal) - (Thank and Terminate)

0 (No longer in that position) – (Ask for current position-holder and re-read Introduction; If no replacement, Thank, Terminate, and Tally) _____(1001)


S3. I just want to confirm that you [(If code 1 in S1, say:) are the principal or have those responsibilities for your school/(If code 5 in S1, say:) are the curriculum coordinator or have those responsibilities for your district.] Is that correct?

1 Yes, principal (or have those

responsibilities) - (Continue)

5 Yes, curriculum coordinator (or have those

responsibilities) - (Continue)

6 Yes, assistant principal

(principal not available) - (Continue)

7 (Yes, assistant curriculum coordinator

(curriculum coordinator not available) - (Continue)

2 No (Thank and Terminate)

3 (DK) (Thank and Terminate)

4 (Refused) (Thank and Terminate) _____(1002)

S4. In what state do you work? (Open ended and code) (INTERVIEWER NOTE: If respondent mentions more than one state, probe for primary state)

1 Colorado (Continue)

2 Kansas (Continue)

3 Missouri (Continue)

4 Nebraska (Continue)

5 North Dakota (Continue)

6 South Dakota (Continue)

7 Wyoming (Continue)

8 Other primary

state mentioned (Thank and Terminate)

9 (DK) (Thank and Terminate)

0 (Refused) (Thank and Terminate) _____(1003)

S5. (If code 1-7 in S4, ask:) In what type of community do you primarily work? Is it a (read 1-5)?

1 Rural community – a place with a population of less than 2,500

2 Small Town – a town with a population of between 2,500 and 25,000

3 Large Town – a town with a population of between 25,000 and 50,000

4 Mid-sized city – a city with a population of between 50,000 to 250,000

5 Large city – a city with a population of 250,000 or more

6 (DK)

7 (Refused) _____(1004)

1. At what level of education do you work? (Open ended and code) (INTERVIEWER NOTE: If necessary, probe for education level respondent PRIMARILY works in)

1 Pre-Kindergarten/Preschool

2 Elementary school

3 Middle school or Junior High school

4 High school

5 District level

8 K-12 combination

9 (DK)

0 (Refused) _____(1005)

(If code 1 in #1, Thank and Terminate;

Otherwise, Continue)

(There are no questions #2-#2g) HOLD _____(1006-


HOLD _____(1301-


3. How would you rate the performance of the public schools in your district overall, where a 5 means excellent and a 1 means poor? You may use any number between 1 and 5.

5 Excellent




1 Poor

6 (DK)

7 (Refused) _____( )


4. Regarding the following classroom, school, and district issues, please indicate how critical each issue is to the success of your district or building, where a 5 means it is a very critical issue and a 1 means it is not critical at all. You may use any number between 1 and 5. How critical to the success of your district or building is (read and rotate A-Z)?

5 Very critical in district/building success




1 Not critical at all in district/building success

6 (DK)

7 (Refused)

A. Recruiting, retaining, or inservicing teachers to meet the highly qualified teacher requirement under NCLB. _____( )

B. Developing highly effective administrators _____( )

C. Understanding and interpreting educational research _____( )

D. Creating coherent district systems that support teaching and learning _____( )

E. Using research to develop policies and put them into practice _____( )

4. (Continued:)

F. Implementing difficult but necessary changes _____( )

G. Developing instructional leadership _____( )

H. Managing with limited budgets/funding _____( )

I. Assuring that teachers use clearly defined student outcome goals. _____( )

J. Managing the complexities of a standards-based system _____( )

K. Developing school improvement plans _____( )

L. Identifying and using data for decision-making _____( )

M. Procuring or providing professional development that improves student outcomes _____( )

N. Developing professional development plans with a coherent school focus _____( )

O. Delivering professional development focused on particular content areas, such as reading and/or math _____( )

P. Providing quality early childhood education _____( )

Q. Selecting and implementing effective interventions for improving high school student outcomes _____( )

R. Designing and implementing distributive leadership and/or teacher leadership roles _____( )

S. Building a community of learners _____( )

T. Designing and implementing an effective parent involvement program _____( )

4. (Continued:)

U. Creating and maintaining a safe school environment _____( )

V. Implementing research-based instructional strategies for particular content areas (e.g. reading, math, science) _____( )

W. Using technology in the classroom to enhance student outcomes _____( )

X. Providing effective instruction for low-achieving students in order to meet AYP (INTERVIEWER NOTE: AYP refers to “adequate yearly progress” - It is a measure of YEAR-to-YEAR student achievement on statewide assessments) _____( )

Y. Identifying and implementing effective strategies for ELL students in order to meet AYP (INTERVIEWER NOTE: AYP refers to “adequate yearly progress” - It is a measure of YEAR-to-YEAR student achievement on statewide assessments) _____( )

Z. Identifying and implementing effective strategies for special education students in order to meet AYP (INTERVIEWER NOTE: AYP refers to “adequate yearly progress” - It is a measure of YEAR-to-YEAR student achievement on statewide assessments) _____( )

5. Other than the issues you just rated, what other issues are critical to the success of your district or building? (Open ended and code) (Allow three responses)

01 Other (list)

02 (DK)

03 (Refused)

04 None/No others


1st ______ ______

________________________________ Resp: (1413) (1414)

2nd ______ ______

________________________________ Resp: (1415) (1416)

3rd ______ ______

________________________________ Resp: (1417) (1418)

(If code 4 or 5 to ANY in #4 A-Z, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to Note before #7)

6. (For each code 4 or 5 in #4, ask:) As you may know, Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning, also called McREL, is a non-profit organization concerned with meeting the needs of America’s educators and their students. This survey is on behalf of the Regional Education Laboratory at McREL. We would like your input on the need for McREL to provide assistance in the following areas and the extent that McREL should use its federally funded products and services to support them.

Given all the other resources available to you, please rate the extent that you think McREL should use its federal funding to provide support in the following areas, where a 5 means it is a very high priority for McREL to fund and 1 means it is not a priority at all. You may use any number between 1 and 5. How much of a priority for funding by McREL is (read and rotate A-Z)?

5 Very high priority for McREL to fund




1 Not a priority at all for McREL to fund

6 (DK)

7 (Refused)

A. Recruiting, retaining, or inservicing teachers to meet the highly qualified teacher requirement under NCLB. _____( )

B. Developing highly effective administrators _____( )

C. Understanding and interpreting educational research _____( )

D. Creating coherent district systems that support teaching and learning _____( )

E. Using research to develop policies and put them into practice _____( )

6. (Continued:)

F. Implementing difficult but necessary changes _____( )

G. Developing instructional leadership _____( )

H. Managing with limited budgets/funding _____( )

I. Assuring that teachers use clearly defined student outcome goals. _____( )

J. Managing the complexities of a standards-based system _____( )

K. Developing school improvement plans _____( )

L. Identifying and using data for decision-making _____( )

M. Procuring or providing professional development that improves student outcomes _____( )

N. Developing professional development plans with a coherent school focus _____( )

O. Delivering professional development focused on particular content areas, such as reading and/or math _____( )

P. Providing quality early childhood education _____( )

Q. Selecting and implementing effective interventions for improving high school student outcomes _____( )

R. Designing and implementing distributive leadership and/or teacher leadership roles _____( )

S. Building a community of learners _____( )

T. Designing and implementing an effective parent involvement program _____( )

6. (Continued:)

U. Creating and maintaining a safe school environment _____( )

V. Implementing research-based instructional strategies for particular content areas (e.g. reading, math, science) _____( )

W. Using technology in the classroom to enhance student outcomes _____( )

X. Providing effective instruction for low-achieving students in order to meet AYP (INTERVIEWER NOTE: AYP refers to “adequate yearly progress” - It is a measure of YEAR-to-YEAR student achievement on statewide assessments) _____( )

Y. Identifying and implementing effective strategies for ELL students in order to meet AYP (INTERVIEWER NOTE: AYP refers to “adequate yearly progress” - It is a measure of YEAR-to-YEAR student achievement on statewide assessments) _____( )

Z. Identifying and implementing effective strategies for special education students in order to meet AYP (INTERVIEWER NOTE: AYP refers to “adequate yearly progress” - It is a measure of YEAR-to-YEAR student achievement on statewide assessments) _____( )

(If code 01 in #5, Continue;

Otherwise, Skip to D1)

7. (For each code 01 in #5, ask:) Thinking of the additional issue(s) you raised as being critical to the success of your district or building, we would like you to rate your level of priority for McRel to support your need for background information, conducting data analysis on existing data not previously analyzed, or conducting a research review on this/these issues.  Please use a five point scale where 5 means very high priority for McRel and 1 means not a priority at all for McRel .  You can use any number from 1 to 5. 

What about ( 1st response in #5)?

What about (2nd response in #5)?

What about (3rd response in #5)?

5 Very high priority for McREL to do background analysis




1 Not a priority at all for McREL to do background analysis

6 (DK)

7 (Refused)

A. (If code 01 in 1st response, ask:) (First response in #5) _____( )

B. (If code 01 in 2nd response, ask:) (Second response in #5) _____( )

C. (If code 01 in 3rd response, ask:) (Third response in #5) _____( )



D1. GENDER: (Do NOT ask; code only)

1 Male

2 Female _____(1428)


D2. How long have you been in your current position? (Open ended and code actual number of years)

97 Less than one year

98 (DK)

99 (Refused)

______ ______

___________________________________________ (1429) (1430)

D3. How long have you been working [(If code 1 or 6 in S3, say:) in your school/(If code 5 or 7 in S3, say:) in your district]? (Open ended and code actual number of years)

97 Less than one year

98 (DK)

99 (Refused)

______ ______

___________________________________________ (1431) (1432)

D4. How many years, in total, have you been involved or working in education? (Open ended and code actual number of years)

97 Less than one year

98 (DK)

99 (Refused)

______ ______

___________________________________________ (1433) (1434)


D4a. What percentage of students in your [(If code 1 or 6 in S3, read:) school/(If code 5 or 7 in S3, read:) district] qualify for free or reduced lunches? Would you say (read 1-5)?

1 10% or fewer qualify for free lunches

2 11% - 25%

3 26% - 50%

4 51% - 74%, OR

5 75% or more students qualify for free lunches

6 (DK)

7 (Refused) _____(1435)

(There are no questions D4b-D5) HOLD _____(1436-


D6. What percentage of students in your [(If code 1 or 6 in S3, read:) school/(If code 5 or 7 in S3, read:) district] are ELL, or are limited in their oral and/or written use of the English language? Would you say (read 1-5)? (INTERVIEWER NOTE: ELL is a term used by the Office for Civil Rights and generally refers to students who are limited in their oral and/or written use of the English language)

1 10% or fewer students are ELL

2 11% - 25%

3 26% - 50%

4 51% - 74%, OR

5 75% or more students are ELL

6 (DK)

7 (Refused) _____( )

D7. Do you consider the community that you serve to be rural, or not?

1 Yes, rural

2 No, not rural

3 (DK)

4 (Refused) _____( )



Again, this is _____, with The Gallup Organization of _____. I would like to thank you for your time. Our mission is to "help people be heard" and your opinions are important to Gallup in accomplishing this.

INTERVIEWER I.D. #: _____(571-


REL Central at McRel 2006 Regional Survey Page 22

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleCRT
AuthorJeanne Weisbrook
Last Modified ByDoED
File Modified2006-11-16
File Created2006-11-16

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