CARES Act, Recipient’s Funding Certification and Agreement (Institutional Aid)

OMB 1840-0842

OMB 1840-0842

Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act, Pub. L. No. 116-136 (March 27, 2020), authorizes the Secretary of Education to allocate formula grant funds to participating institutions of higher educations (IHEs). Section 18004(c) of the CARES Act allows the IHEs to use up to one-half of the total funds received to cover any costs associated with the significant changes to the delivery of instruction due to the coronavirus (with specific exceptions). This information collection request includes the certification and agreement that must be submitted by an IHE in order to request institutional aid funds allocated under the CARES Act. This information collection request was previously approved as an emergency clearance in order to comply with the requirements of the CARES Act and expedite the release of funds to IHEs and students with pressing financial needs due to the pandemic. The Department of Education is now requesting an extension of that emergency clearance under normal clearance procedures.

The latest form for CARES Act, Recipient’s Funding Certification and Agreement (Institutional Aid) expires 2023-12-31 and can be found here.

OMB Details

CARES Act, Recipient's Funding Certification and Agreement (Institutional Aid)

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