Teacher Survey
Impact Evaluation of Teacher Residency Programs
Teacher Survey
Last Updated June 28, 2021
The U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences is conducting a large-scale evaluation of teacher residency programs. The evaluation will provide comprehensive information for policymakers, school districts, and teacher preparation programs about the characteristics, effectiveness, and retention of teachers from different types of teacher preparation programs. It will also aim to shed light on effective approaches to teacher preparation used by teacher residency programs that could be implemented more broadly.
As part of this evaluation we are asking selected teachers to complete a brief survey. This survey asks about your experiences, financial compensation (if any), and coursework and requirements for the program you completed or are currently completing for initial teaching certification; coaching and support after becoming a teacher of record; perceptions of and satisfaction with the program you completed or are currently completing for initial teaching certification and teaching; and background.
This survey will pose minimal risk to you. It does not contain sensitive questions and the study team has established extensive data security procedures to reduce the possibility of data disclosure. Your participation in the study is voluntary and you may refuse to answer any question.
Per the policies and procedures required by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, Title I, Part E, Section 183, responses to this data collection will be used only for research purposes. The reports prepared for this study will summarize findings and will not associate responses with a specific residency program, district, school, or individual. We will not provide information that identifies you, your school, or your district to anyone outside the study team, except as required by law. Additionally, no one at your school or in your district will see your responses.
The survey will take about 30 minutes to complete. As a token of appreciation for your time, you will receive $30 for completing this survey.
By clicking next, I agree to participate in this survey.
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the needed data, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1850-0960 which expires 04/30/2024. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing the burden, to Mathematica, 600 Alexander Park, Suite 100 Princeton, NJ 08540 ATTN: Melissa Clark. Do not return the completed form to this address. |
In this section, please answer questions about your experiences in the teacher preparation program you completed or are currently completing for initial teaching certification. This could include a traditional teaching certification program as part of a bachelor’s, fifth year, or master’s degree; a teacher residency program; or an alternative teacher certification program. Do not include experiences after you received your initial certification.
A1. Please indicate when you started and completed the teacher preparation program you completed or are currently completing for initial teaching certification.
a. I started the program for initial teaching certification in
Program start date
b. I completed the program for initial teaching certification in
Program end date
I am still completing the program for my initial teaching certification 88
A2. [IF A1 NE 88: “Did you complete”; IF A1 = 88: “Are you currently completing”] a teacher residency program as part of your initial certification?
Yes 1 GO TO A4
No 0
Teacher residency program: Typically developed as a partnership between a school district and a local higher education institution. Residency programs usually have a longer clinical placement than found in most traditional or alternative programs, generally at least a full school year, with residents working under the guidance of an experienced, expert mentor (or cooperating) teacher—before they complete the program and become a teacher of record.
A3. What type of teacher preparation program [IF A1 NE 88: “did you complete”; IF A1 = 88: “are you currently completing”] for your initial certification?
Select one only
Traditional teacher certification program 1
Alternative certification program 2
Traditional teacher certification program: An educational program in which a candidate completes the necessary initial study leading to an entry-level teaching certificate before beginning employment as a teacher in a school. Higher education institutions deliver the training as part of a bachelor’s, fifth year, or master’s degree program.
Alternative teacher certification program: A program designed for individuals who already have a postsecondary degree. Minimal to no education courses or training are required before beginning employment in a school. Candidates often take courses and receive training while teaching. Higher education institutions, state agencies, or local school districts deliver the training. Individuals receive full certification one to three years after beginning the first teaching job.
A4. What type of degree [IF A1 NE 88: “did you earn when you completed”; IF A1 = 88: “will you earn when you complete”] the program for your initial teaching certification? Do not include experiences after you received your initial certification.
Select one only
No higher education degree 0
Associate’s (for example A.A., A.B.) 1
Bachelor’s (for example, B.S., B.A.) 2
Master’s (for example, M.S., M.A., M.B.A.) 3
Doctorate (for example, Ed.D., Ph.D., D.Sc.) 4
Other (SPECIFY) 5
Specify (STRING (NUM))
A5. Please provide the name of the program you [IF A1 NE 88: “completed”; IF A1 = 88: “are currently completing”] for your initial teaching certification.
IF A2=1 (Teacher Residency Program) |
A6. Please select which teacher residency program you [IF A1 NE 88: “completed”; IF A1 = 88: “are currently completing”] for your initial teaching certification.
IF A2=0 (Not a Teacher Residency program) AND A1 NOT EQUAL TO 88 (Already Completed Initial Certification Program) |
A7. Did you complete a teacher residency program after your initial teacher certification?
No 0
Teacher residency program: Typically developed as a partnership between a school district and a local higher education institution. Residency programs usually have a longer clinical placement than found in most traditional or alternative programs, generally at least a full school year, with residents working under the guidance of an experienced, expert mentor (or cooperating) teacher—before they complete the program and become a teacher of record.
In this section, please answer questions about your supervised teaching experiences in the teacher preparation program you [IF A1 NE 88: “completed”; IF A1 = 88: “are currently completing”]for initial teaching certification.
B1. Did you have a student teaching experience before you became a full-time teacher of record?
NOTE: Student teaching (also called supervised or practice teaching): A school-based experience supervised by both a certified classroom teacher and a program supervisor. It is generally a requirement of preservice teachers seeking certification or licensure to teach in a public school. In teacher residency programs, the residency counts as student teaching.
NOTE: Teacher of record: A teacher of record is a teacher who is employed full-time with a public or private school and has ultimate responsibility for a classroom.
Yes 1
B2. Do you currently work as a teacher of record in the same district where you completed your student teaching experience?
Yes 1
No 0
B3. How long was your student teaching experience before you became a full-time teacher of record? Your best estimate is fine.
Up to 10 weeks or one academic quarter 1
More than 10 weeks and up to half school year (includes a single trimester or 1 half-year semester) 2
More than a half school year and up to 30 weeks (includes 2 trimesters or 3 academic quarters) 3
More than 30 weeks and up to a full school year 4
More than one full school year 5
B4. In a 5-day school week, how many full-length school days did you typically spend in your host school during your student teaching experience? You can add up partial days to full-day equivalents. For instance, two half days would equal one full day.
B5. Thinking about the last three months of your student teaching experience, about how often did you teach at least one full lesson?
Your best estimate is fine. If your student teaching experience was less than three months in length, please consider the entire experience when responding.
Select one only
Every day or nearly every day 1
At least once a week, but less than every day 2
At least once a month, but less than once a week 3
Less than once a month 4
Other (SPECIFY) 99
Specify (STRING (NUM))
B6. During your student teaching experience did you have more than one mentor or cooperating teacher?
(The mentor or cooperating teacher maintains ultimate responsibility for the classroom of the student teacher. A mentor or cooperating teacher has teaching experience or expertise and typically provides information, advice, support, coaching, and feedback to student teachers.)
Yes 1
No 0
B7. By the end of your student teaching experience, how much responsibility did the mentor or cooperating teacher(s) in your student teaching classroom allow you to have over the following activities in the class(es) he or she was teaching?
[IF B6 NE 0: NOTE: If you had multiple mentor or cooperating teachers throughout your student teaching experience, please consider your student teaching experience, on average. If you had more than one mentor or cooperating teachers throughout your student teaching experience, please consider your average level of responsibility in their classes.]
(The mentor or cooperating teacher maintains ultimate responsibility for the classroom of the student teacher. A mentor or cooperating teacher has teaching experience or expertise and typically provides information, advice, support, coaching, and feedback to student teachers.)
Select one per row |
Activity |
I had Little or no responsibility |
i had Some responsibility |
Responsibility shared equally with teacher |
i had Primary responsibility |
a. Selecting instructional materials |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
b. Selecting teaching techniques |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
c. Planning lessons |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
d. Conducting formative or ongoing assessment of student progress |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
e. Disciplining students |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
f. Working one-on-one with students |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
g. Working with small groups |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
h. Implementing lessons with the entire class |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
i. Conducting parent–teacher conferences or other parent outreach activities |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
B8. During your student teaching experience, how often did the mentor or cooperating teacher(s) in your student teaching classroom provide you with the following types of support for your teaching?
Select one per row |
Don’t Know |
a. Observed your teaching and provided feedback |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
b. Modeled a specific instructional practice for you in their classroom |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
c. Had you rehearse a specific instructional practice before class or implementation |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
d. Co-taught with you |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
f. Helped integrate your coursework with teaching experience |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
g. Other types of coaching or support (SPECIFY) (STRING (NUM))
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
B9. Thinking about all aspects of your student teaching experience, how helpful was the experience for preparing you for the following aspects of teaching?
Select one per row |
NOT helpful |
SLIGHTLY helpful |
MODERATELY helpful |
Very helpful |
a. Classroom management |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
0 |
b. Lesson planning |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
0 |
c. General pedagogy |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
0 |
d. Pedagogical content |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
0 |
e. Teaching English learner students |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
0 |
f. Teaching students with disabilities |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
0 |
g. Student engagement |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
0 |
h. Family engagement |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
0 |
i. Teaching students from diverse economic backgrounds |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
0 |
j. Cultural awareness, racial equity, and/or racial diversity |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
0 |
k. Differentiated instruction across students |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
0 |
l. Collaborating with other teachers |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
0 |
m. Other aspect of teaching (SPECIFY) (STRING (NUM))
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
B10. How much do you disagree or agree with the following statements about your student teaching experience?
[IF B6 NE 0: NOTE: If you had multiple mentor or cooperating teachers throughout your student teaching experience, please consider your student teaching experience, on average. If you had more than one mentor or cooperating teachers throughout your student teaching experience, please consider your average level of responsibility in their classes.]
Select one per row |
strongly disagree |
somewhat disagree |
somewhat agree |
strongly agree |
a. My classroom mentor or cooperating teacher was an effective classroom instructor |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
b. My classroom mentor or cooperating teacher provided feedback about my teaching that was easy to understand |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
c. My classroom mentor or cooperating teacher provided specific ideas about how I could improve my teaching |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
d. My classroom mentor or cooperating teacher helped me to be more reflective about my teaching |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
e. My student teaching experience reinforced what I learned in my coursework |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
B11. How much do you disagree or agree with the following statements about how relevant your student teaching experience is to your current job?
Select one per row |
strongly disagree |
somewhat disagree |
somewhat agree |
strongly agree |
don’t know |
a. My host school had a similar student population to the school where I currently work |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
b. My host school was a similar type of school to the school where I currently work |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
c. My student teaching experience helped familiarize me with the curriculum that I currently use |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
d. My student teaching experience helped familiarize me with district policies in the district where I currently work |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
B12. Which grade level(s) were included in the classroom in which you completed your student teaching?
Grades Teaching |
yes |
no |
a. Pre-kindergarten to kindergarten |
1 |
0 |
b. Grades 1 to 2 |
1 |
0 |
c. Grades 3 to 5 |
1 |
0 |
d. Grades 6 to 8 |
1 |
0 |
e. Grades 9 to 12 |
1 |
0 |
f. Other grade(s) (SPECIFY) |
1 |
0 |
B13. Which subject(s) were covered in the classroom in which you completed your student teaching?
Subjects Teaching |
yes |
no |
a. English language arts/reading |
1 |
0 |
b. Math |
1 |
0 |
c. Science |
1 |
0 |
d. Social studies/history |
1 |
0 |
e. Other subject(s) (SPECIFY) |
1 |
0 |
In this section, please consider your experiences in the teacher preparation program you [IF A1 NE 88: “completed”; IF A1 = 88: “are currently completing”] for initial teaching certification when answering these questions. [IF A1 NE 88: Do not include experiences after you received your initial certification.]
C1. Please indicate when you started coursework for the teacher preparation program.
a. I started taking courses for initial teaching certification in
Program start date
b. I completed the coursework for initial teaching certification in
Program end date
[IF A1 NE 88: I am still completing coursework for my initial teaching certification] 88
C2. In coursework for the teacher preparation program you [IF A1 NE 88: “completed”; IF A1 = 88: “are currently completing”] for initial teaching certification, how often was each of the following topics emphasized?
Select one per row |
never |
infrequently |
sometimes or occasionally |
Frequently |
a. Classroom management |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
b. Lesson planning |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
c. General pedagogy |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
d. Pedagogical content |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
e. Teaching English learner students |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
f. Teaching students with disabilities |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
g. Student engagement |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
h. Family engagement |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
i. Teaching students from diverse economic backgrounds |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
j. Cultural awareness, racial equity, and/or racial diversity |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
k. Differentiated instruction across students |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
l. Child development |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
m. Collaborating with other teachers |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
n. Socio-emotional learning |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
o. Other aspect of teaching (SPECIFY) (STRING (NUM))
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
D1. Did you receive any financial compensation, including waived tuition or fees, for participating in the teacher preparation program you [IF A1 NE 88: “completed”; IF A1 = 88: “are currently completing”] for initial teaching certification? (Do not count general college financial aid programs.)
Yes 1
No 0 GO TO D3
D2. What is the average amount you received for participating in the teacher preparation program you [IF A1 NE 88: “completed”; IF A1 = 88: “are currently completing”] for initial teaching certification?
D3. When you got your first teaching job as a teacher of record, did you have a formal agreement through your teacher preparation program to teach in that district for a certain number of years?
NOTE: Teacher of record: A teacher of record is a teacher who is employed full-time with a public or private school and who has ultimate responsibility for a classroom.
Yes 1
No 0 GO TO E1
D4. For how many years was this formal agreement to teach in the district as a teacher of record?
E1. In this section, please consider your experiences with any supports you received after becoming a teacher of record from the teacher preparation program you [IF A1 NE 88: “completed”; IF A1 = 88: “are currently completing”] for initial teaching certification, and not as part of your district’s usual support for new teachers.
NOTE: Teacher of record: A teacher of record is a teacher who is employed full-time with a public or private school and who has ultimate responsibility for a classroom.
During your first three years as a teacher of record, did you receive any of the following supports from the teacher preparation program you [IF A1 NE 88: “completed”; IF A1 = 88: “are currently completing”] for initial teaching certification? |
After becoming the teacher of record, for how many years did you receive [FILL SUPPORT TYPE] from the teacher preparation program you [IF A1 NE 88: “completed”; IF A1 = 88: “are currently completing”] for initial teaching certification? |
After becoming a teacher of record, how often, on average, did you receive [FILL SUPPORT TYPE] from the teacher preparation program you [IF A1 NE 88: “completed”; IF A1 = 88: “are currently completing”] for initial teaching certification? |
a. Formal mentoring? 1 Yes 0 No GO TO E1b M GO TO E1b |
1 Up to one year 2 More than one, but less than two years 3 More than two, but less than three years 4 Three years or more |
1 Every day or nearly every day 2 At least once a week, but less than every day 3 At least once a month, but less than once a week 4 Less than once a month |
b. Subject matter professional development (such as particular math topics)? 1 Yes 0 No GO TO E1c M GO TO E1c |
1 Up to one year 2 More than one, but less than two years 3 More than two, but less than three years 4 Three years or more |
1 Every day or nearly every day 2 At least once a week, but less than every day 3 At least once a month, but less than once a week 4 Less than once a month |
c. Nonsubject matter pedagogical professional development (such as encouraging student engagement in lessons)? 1 Yes 0 No GO TO E1d M GO TO E1d |
1 Up to one year 2 More than one, but less than two years 3 More than two, but less than three years 4 Three years or more |
1 Every day or nearly every day 2 At least once a week, but less than every day 3 At least once a month, but less than once a week |
d. Trainings for new teachers focused on school systems and processes? 1 Yes 0 No GO TO E1e M GO TO E1e |
1 Up to one year 2 More than one, but less than two years 3 More than two, but less than three years 4 Three years or more |
1 Every day or nearly every day 2 At least once a week, but less than every day 3 At least once a month, but less than once a week |
e. Other? 1 Yes (Please specify below) (STRING (NUM))
0 No GO TO F1 M GO TO F1 |
1 Up to one year 2 More than one, but less than two years 3 More than two, but less than three years 4 Three years or more |
1 Every day or nearly every day 2 At least once a week, but less than every day 3 At least once a month, but less than once a week |
F1. Overall, how helpful was the teacher preparation program you [IF A1 NE 88: “completed”; IF A1 = 88: “are currently completing”] for initial teaching certification in preparing you to begin your first year of teaching?
Select one only
Not helpful 1
Slightly helpful 2
Moderately helpful 3
Very helpful 4
F2. How satisfied were you with the following from the teacher preparation program you [IF A1 NE 88: “completed”; IF A1 = 88: “are currently completing”]for initial teaching certification?
Select one per row |
very dissatisfied |
somewhat dissatisfied |
somewhat satisfied |
very satisfied |
don’t know |
not applicable |
SKIP F2A IF B1=NO a. The grade(s) and subject(s) of the assigned classroom for your student teaching (also called supervised or practice teaching. In teacher residency programs, the residency counts as student teaching.) |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
b. The quality of the instructors who led your program coursework |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
SKIP F2C IF B1=NO c. The mentor or cooperating teacher(s) for your student teaching experience |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
SKIP F2D IF B1=NO d. The program supervisor who oversaw your student teaching experience |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
na |
SKIP F2E IF D1=NO e. Any financial compensation, including waived tuition or fees, you received for specifically participating in the program (do not count general college financial aid programs.) |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
f. Any nonfinancial benefits you received for specifically participating in the program, such as health insurance |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
na |
g. The program as a whole |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
SKIP F2H IF B1=NO h. The host school where you did your student teaching |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
d |
F3. All in all, how satisfied are you with teaching as a career?
Select one only
Very dissatisfied 1
Somewhat dissatisfied 2
Somewhat satisfied 3
Very satisfied 4
F4. How many more years do you plan to stay in the teaching profession after this school year ([2021–2022, 2022–2023])?
Select one only
6 or more years 1
3 to 5 more years 2
1 to 2 more years 3
None 4
Don’t know d
F5. If you voluntarily leave the teaching profession within the next three years, what do you think will be your primary reason?
Select one only
I plan to pursue other education-related career opportunities (for example, principal, administrator, or counselor) 1
I plan to pursue other noneducation-related career opportunities 2
I plan to stay home to take care of my family 3
I plan to retire from work 4
I plan to pursue something else (SPECIFY) 5
Specify (STRING (NUM))
G1. Which grades are you teaching this school year?
Grades Teaching |
yes |
no |
a. 3rd grade |
1 |
0 |
b. 4th grade |
1 |
0 |
c. 5th grade |
1 |
0 |
d. 6th grade |
1 |
0 |
e. 7th grade |
1 |
0 |
f. 8th grade |
1 |
0 |
g. Other grade(s) (SPECIFY) |
1 |
0 |
G2. Which subjects are you teaching this school year?
Subjects Teaching |
yes |
no |
a. English language arts/reading |
1 |
0 |
b. Math |
1 |
0 |
c. Science |
1 |
0 |
d. Social studies/history |
1 |
0 |
e. Other subject(s) (SPECIFY) |
1 |
0 |
G3. Before you began teaching at the K–12 or comparable ungraded level, had you ever worked in a position in the field of education, but not as a classroom teacher of record?
Please do not include your student teaching experience.
NOTE: Teacher of record: A teacher of record is a teacher who is employed full-time with a public or private school and who has ultimate responsibility for a classroom.
Yes 1
No 0 GO TO G5
G4. Did you work as any of the following?
Select all that apply
Long-term substitute teacher 1
Short-term substitute teacher 2
Teacher’s aide 3
Other (SPECIFY) 4
Specify (STRING (NUM))
G5. Before you began teaching at the K–12 or comparable ungraded level, had you ever worked full-time in an occupation outside the field of education?
Yes 1
No 0
G6. Including this school year, how many years of teaching experience as a teacher of record do you have in each of the following settings?
Please include any full-time teaching assignments. Do not include student teaching or part-time teaching.
Please round your responses up to the nearest whole number.
NOTE: Teacher of record: A teacher of record is a teacher who is employed full-time with a public or private school and who has ultimate responsibility for a classroom.
Teaching Experience as a Teacher of Record |
a. Total number of years as a teacher of record |
M |
b. Total number of years as a teacher of record at the elementary school level |
M |
c. Total number of years as a teacher of record at the middle school level |
M |
d. Total number of years as a teacher of record at this school |
M |
G7. [IF A1 NE 88: “Was”; IF A1 = 88: “Is”] your teacher preparation program specifically focused on any of the following areas?
Select all that apply
English as a Second Language or bilingual education 1
Special education 2
Mathematics 3
Natural sciences (for example, Science-general, Biology, Chemistry, Physics) 4
General education (for example, in elementary, middle, or secondary grades) 5
Other (Specify) 99
G8. Do you currently hold a teaching certification to teach in the following content areas?
Select all that apply
English as a Second Language or bilingual education 1
Special education 2
Mathematics 3
Natural sciences (for example, Science-general, Biology, Chemistry, Physics) 4
General education (for example, in elementary, middle, or secondary grades) 5
Other (Specify) 99
Please answer the following questions about all the college or university degrees you have completed or are working toward completing.
Please include all degrees received within and outside the United States.
G9. What type of degree(s) do you have or will you receive?
Select all that apply
Associate’s (for example, A.A., A.B.) 1
Bachelor’s (for example, B.S., B.A.) 2
Master’s (for example, M.S., M.A., M.B.A.) 3
Doctorate (for example, Ed.D., Ph.D., D.Sc.) 4
Other (SPECIFY) 5
Specify (STRING (NUM))
G10. What was or is the major field of study for this bachelor’s degree?
Include both majors if you were or are a double major.
[Drop down of fields from Table 1 and include other Specify]
G11. What was or is the minor field of study for this bachelor’s degree?
Include both minors if you were or are a double minor.
[Drop-down of fields from Table 1 and include Other Specify and Not Applicable]
G12. What was or is your cumulative grade point average (GPA) for your undergraduate coursework?
Please indicate on a 4-point scale.
G13. From what college or university did or will you receive this bachelor’s degree?
Institution name
G14. In what city and state is this college or university located?
Not Applicable na
G15. What month and year did you complete, or do you expect to complete, this bachelor’s degree?
IF G9=3 (Master’s degree) |
G16. What was or is the major field of study for this master’s degree?
Include both majors if you were or are a double major.
[Drop-down of fields from Table 1 and include other Specify]
G17. What was or is the minor field of study for this master’s degree?
Include both minors if you were or are a double minor.
[Drop-down of fields from Table 1 and include other Specify and Not Applicable]
G18. From what college or university did or will you receive this master’s degree?
Institution name
Same college or university as bachelor’s degree 1 GO TO G20
G19. In what city and state is this college or university located?
Table 1. Field of Study Codes for Questions G10, G11, G16, and G17 |
Education-related 101 Early childhood or pre-K, general 102 Elementary grades, general 103 Other elementary education
104 Middle grades, general 105 Secondary grades, general 106 Other secondary education
107 Special education, any
108 English as a Second Language (ESL) or bilingual education
109 Health education 110 Physical education
111 Vocational, career, or technical education
112 Administration 113 Counseling and guidance 114 Educational psychology 115 Policy studies 116 School psychology 117 Other nonsubject matter-specific education 118 All other education
Subject matter-specific 200 Arts and music
201 Communications 202 Composition 203 English 204 Journalism 205 Language arts 206 Linguistics 207 Literature or literary criticism 208 Reading 209 Speech 210 Other English and language arts
211 Foreign languages
212 Mathematics 213 Computer science 214 Statistics and probability
215 Natural sciences
216 Social studies, general 217 Political science
218 All other subjects
G20. In what year were you born?
G21. What is your gender?
Select all that apply
Male 1
Female 2
Transgender 3
Nonbinary 4
Other gender (SPECIFY) 5
G22. Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
Yes, Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin 1
No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin 0
G23. What is your race?
Select one or more
White 1
Black or African American 2
Asian 3
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 4
American Indian or Alaska Native 5
Thank you! Those are all our questions.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Angela Edwards |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-12-03 |