NAEP 2021 COVID-19 Educational Experiences Student, Teacher, and School Administrator Pretesting

NCES System Clearance for Cognitive, Pilot, and Field Test Studies 2019-2022

Appendices NAEP 2021 COVID19 SQ Pretesting

NAEP 2021 COVID-19 Educational Experiences Student, Teacher, and School Administrator Pretesting

OMB: 1850-0803

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National Center for Education Statistics

National Assessment of Educational Progress


Communication Materials for Survey Questionnaire Pretesting

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) 2021

COVID-19 Educational Experiences Student, Teacher, and School Administrator Pretesting

OMB# 1850-0803 v.270

June 2020

Appendix A: Recruitment Email/Letter to Youth Organizations

[IF SENT AS EMAILSubject: Education Research Opportunity for Students in <4th or 8th> grade]


Dear <NAME>,

We are administering an important study on behalf of the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). Because your organization plays an active role in the community, we need your help.

NCES is looking for students in <4th or 8th> grade (2019-2020 school year) to help us test new computer-delivered survey questions about the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on their school experience. The new survey questions will be part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) assessment. Student participation is vital in helping us develop the best questions possible for the test.

The voluntary research interviews will be held virtually via <Zoom or other videoconference platform> and will last no more than 45-minutes. Participants will need a laptop or tablet as well as high-speed internet. During the interview with a researcher, each student will be asked to answer survey questions. There will be more than one researcher present during each research interview. While a parent does not have to be present during the interview, they can be. Student feedback is important for us to develop the best ways of assessing the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on their school experience. Because we care about student privacy, we will assign each student a unique student identifier. Student names will not be linked to their answers.1

The <Zoom or other videoconference platform> interview will be recorded; however, the audio file can be separated from the video file, and the video file will be deleted immediately. The student will not be asked to activate their camera for the interview, and therefore, no video should be recorded.

Each student will receive a $25 virtual gift card at the end of the interview as a thank you.

Students play a key role in helping us improve our surveys. In fact, their participation enhances the experience of thousands of students all over the United States who will take the surveys.

We would like to ask for your assistance in letting parents/legal guardians and students know how they can be involved in this important study. We appreciate your consideration of this request and invite you to please contact us with any questions regarding this project. We look forward to speaking with you soon!




Educational Testing Service


Appendix B: Recruitment Email/Letter to Parents or Legal Guardians of Student Participants (Under Age 18)

[IF SENT AS EMAILSubject: Paid Education Research Opportunity]


Dear <NAME>:

We are reaching out to parents of <4th or 8th> students just like you because we need your help. Our organization, Educational Testing Service, is administering an important education study on behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), which is part of the U.S. Department of Education.

NCES is looking for students in <4th or 8th> grade (2019-2020 school year) to help us test new computer-delivered survey questions about the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on their school experience. The new survey will be part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) test. Student participation is vital in helping us develop the best questions possible for the test.

The voluntary research interviews will be held virtually via <Zoom or other videoconference platform> and will last no more than 45-minutes. During the interview with a researcher, each student will be asked to answer survey questions. There will be more than one researcher present during each research interview. While a parent does not have to be present during the interview, they can be. Participants will need a laptop or tablet as well as high-speed internet.

While we will record audio for the purposes of this interview, the files will be deleted upon completion of the final report. The <Zoom or other videoconference platform> interview will be recorded; however, the audio file can be separated from the video file, and the video file will be deleted immediately. Your child will not be asked to activate their camera for the interview, and therefore, no video should be available.

Your child will receive a $25 virtual gift card at the end of the interview as a thank you.

Because we care about your child’s privacy, we will assign him/her a unique student identifier. At no time will your child’s name be linked to his/her answers.0

This study is voluntary and has many interviews available. Your child can be scheduled at a time that works best for you.

If your child is interested in this study, please <fill out an intake form at <LINK> OR call <CONTACT PHONE> OR email <CONTACT EMAIL>>. We look forward to speaking with you soon!

Thank you,



Educational Testing Service

<Website Link>

Appendix C: Recruitment Web-Surveyor Intake Form—Link Provided in Emails/Letters to Parents/Legal Guardians Interested in Participating

Student Name (Last, First): ____________________________________________

Parent/Legal Guardian Name (Last, First): ________________________________

Parent/Legal Guardian Phone Number: __________________________________

Student’s Grade (during the 2019-2020 school year): 4th__ 8th__

Student’s School/District: _____________________________________________

Student’s Gender: ___________________________________________________

Student’s Ethnicity/Race:


 Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino

Race (one or more of the categories below):

 American Indian or Alaska Native

 Asian

 Black or African American

 Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

 White

 Prefer not to answer

Which language did the student learn when he or she first began to talk? ____________________________

Which language does the student most frequently speak at home? _________________________________

Is the student enrolled in any English language learner (ELL) classes at this time? ______________________

Is the student currently enrolled in any of the following types of summer courses? (select all that apply)

 Honor courses

 Remedial courses

 Other courses

Does the student participate in the National School Lunch program?



Prefer not to answer

What is the total annual household income range based on the following ranges?

Less than $30,000

$30,000 to $99,999

$100,000 or more

Prefer not to answer

Does the student live in a rural, suburban, or urban area?




Don’t Know

Prefer not to answer

Possible Time For 45-Minute Interview:

Please mark all the interviews that would work for the student if he or she or they qualifies to participate. Not all of these times will be used. We are trying to schedule a limited number of interviews that will be convenient for the largest number of participants.

















If some other time during these weeks would be better, what 45-minute time frame would that be? Please include your time zone in your response.


If your student qualifies to participate, we will need to follow up with you for scheduling purposes. Please provide us with your contact information.

FIRST NAME: ___________________________________________________

LAST NAME: ___________________________________________________

EMAIL ADDRESS: _______________________________________________

MOBILE PHONE NUMBER: ________________________________________

ALTERNATE PHONE NUMBER: _____________________________________

To complete the submission of this form, please click the “Submit” button. You will be contacted within <TIMEFRAME> to let you know whether or not the student has been selected to participate in this study.


Appendix D: Recruitment Email/Letter to Teacher and School Administrators

[Subject: Paid Education Research Opportunity]

Dear <NAME>:

NCES is looking for current <panel/committee> members to review new survey questions for the NAEP 2021 questionnaires. The survey questions focus on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on your school experience this year. Your participation and opinions will help us improve the survey questions, so educators like you can better understand them.

As part of your review, you will receive a copy of the survey questions and will be asked to provide general feedback on the items. You will review the items independently, send your feedback via email, and then join a virtual meeting with other <panel/committee> members or one-on-one with a researcher to discuss your feedback. In total, this activity should take 2-3 hours of your time. If you choose to participate, we will follow up with an email that includes the items and guiding questions.

You will receive a virtual giftcard of $250 as a thank you for your time and effort.

These research reviews are an important stage of the NAEP questionnaire development process. Your comments, along with the comments of other educators, will help NCES improve the survey.

If you are interested in this study, please call <CONTACT PHONE> OR email <CONTACT EMAIL>>. I look forward to speaking with you soon!

Thank you,



Educational Testing Service


Appendix E: Consent Form for Parent/Legal Guardian of Student Participants (Under Age 18)



National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) 2021 Coronavirus Pandemic Educational Experiences Student Cognitive Interviews:  Parent Consent Form

Summary: Your child is being asked to participate in a research study conducted by Educational Testing Service (ETS), which involves PROVIDING FEEDBACK ON SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE ITEMS, 45-MINUTES, ONLINE VIA <ZOOM OR OTHER VIDEOCONFERENCE PLATFORM>. Please read the details below and ask questions about anything you do not understand. 


1. Why is this research study being done? 

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), which is part of the U.S. Department of Education, is conducting a study with students who are in <4th or 8th> grade (2019-2020 school year) to test new computer-delivered Coronavirus Pandemic Educational Experiences survey questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Students’ participation will help NAEP improve survey questions before other students take the surveys nationwide.


2. What is my child being asked to do?  

As a participant in this research study, your child is being asked to do the following:  

  • Each participant will work through an early version of new NAEP survey questions on a computer via a virtual meeting platform. A researcher will ask what the student was thinking as he or she completed the questions, whether he or she thinks the questions are clear and understandable, and whether he or she has any suggestions on how to improve the questions.

  • Specific knowledge is not required, and participants’ responses will not be graded. There will be more than one adult on the remote call during each research interview.

  • ETS is not evaluating your child’s performance, i.e., participation in this research is not indicative nor a representation of the child’s ability. This study is being done to test how our survey questions work and gather information to make them better. 

  • Your child’s answers will not be disclosed to his or her or their school and will not be linked to any personally identifiable information, such as the school’s name.


The amount of your time your child will participate in this research study is no more than 45-minutes. The interview requires only one virtual meeting session.


This research study will be conducted online via a virtual meeting platform.


3. Are there benefits to being in this research study? 

We do not anticipate that your child will benefit directly from this research study. In the future, others may benefit because of what the researchers learn from this study about how students can be asked about educational experiences during the coronavirus pandemic.


4. What are the risks?  

There are no anticipated risks associated with participation in this research study.  

5. How will my child’s data be used? 

Data will be used for research purposes to inform survey question development. Your child will be assigned a unique student identifier and at no time will his/her name be linked to any of his/her answers. The study will not retain any personally identifiable information. Prior to the start of the study, students will be notified that their participation is voluntary and that the information they provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151).

Audio will be recorded for analysis, but no other personally identifying information will be recorded or retained. The audio recording will be destroyed after the release of the final report. Please note that in order to capture audio, the video must be recorded as well. The audio file can be separated from the video file post-interview, and the video portion will be immediately deleted. Additionally, your child should not activate the camera for the <Zoom or other videoconference platform> interview, therefore eliminating any video capture, even temporarily.

Anonymized data may be used in future research studies; this de-identified data will only be accessible within ETS and will not be shared with outside entities. Research findings may also be shared at educational conferences and in academic publications, however, your child will not be individually identified.  


6. How will my child’s data be maintained? 

Data will be kept confidential and securely stored on ETS encrypted, password-protected computers and servers and/or secure, locked filing cabinets for up to 3 years, an ETS policy for auditing purposes. 


7. What other options are there? 

You may choose to not allow your child to participate in this research study.  


8. What are my child’s rights and what else should I know as the parent of a research study participant? 

Your child’s participation in this research study is completely voluntary, and your child has the right to withdraw from this study at any time and can end early if he/she wishes with the knowledge that if he/she withdraws early, he/she forgoes payment. All information gathered from your child up to the point of withdrawal will be deleted. Your child may choose not to take part in this research study at all, and your child also has the right to refuse to answer any questions that make them uncomfortable. You and your child also have the right to know specifically how your child’s data will be used.  


9. Will my child receive a payment? 

By participating in this research study your child will be paid $25 via virtual gift card. Your child will be paid if he/she completes the full 45-minute research study.  


10. Who can answer questions about the study? 

If you or your child have any questions or concerns about this research study, or if your child has any problems that occur from taking part in this research study, you or your child may contact the researcher DEBBY ALMONTE at DALMONTE-BERTLING@ETS.ORG, who is coordinating this interview at ETS on behalf of NCES.  


If you have any questions about your child’s rights as a research participant or if you believe your child has suffered an injury as a result of taking part in the research study, you or your child may contact the institutional review board, or IRB, that reviews and approves all research activities sponsored by ETS at IRB@ETS.ORG.  


Statement of informed consent: I have read and understand this consent form and understand I can contact the researcher if I have any concerns. I also understand that the research study content to which my child will have access is confidential and the property of ETS. 


Please select one of the following statements: 


  • Yes, I allow my child to participate in this research. 

  • No, I do not allow my child to participate in this research. 



Parent/Guardian Signature Date  



Parent/Guardian Printed name   



Print Child’s name   

Permission to Use Identifiable Media (Audio Recordings).  I have read this consent form, and I understand that my child’s name will not appear on any materials.  


Please select one of the following statements: 


  • I DO give permission to include my child’s voice on an audio-recording for use only by ETS staff, including use for assessment development, product development, research and/or training purposes. No names will appear on any materials.  


  • I DO NOT give permission to include my child’s voice on an audio-recording for any purposes other than their participation in this research study.  




Appendix F: Consent Form for Teachers and School Administrators

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) 2021 Coronavirus Pandemic Educational Experiences Teacher and School Cognitive Interviews: Adult Consent Form

Summary: You are being asked to participate in a research study conducted by Educational Testing Service (ETS), which involves PROVIDING FEEDBACK ON SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE ITEMS, 2-3 HOURS, INDEPENDENTLY OR ONLINE VIA <ZOOM OR OTHER VIDEOCONFERENCE PLATFORM>. Please read the details below and ask questions about anything you do not understand.

  1. Why is this research study being done?

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, is conducting a study with teachers and schools of <4th or 8th> grade students to test new computer-delivered Coronavirus Pandemic Educational Experiences survey questions for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Participation will help NAEP improve survey questions before other teachers and school administrators take the surveys nationwide.

  1. What am I being asked to do?

As a participant in this research study, you are being asked to do the following:  

  • Each participant will work through an early version of new NAEP survey questions independently or with a group of fellow <committee/panel> members on a computer via a virtual meeting platform. A researcher will ask what you were thinking as you completed the questions, whether you think the questions are clear and understandable, and whether you have any suggestions on how to improve the questions.

  • Specific knowledge is not required.

  • ETS is not evaluating your performance, i.e., participation in this research is not indicative nor a representation of your ability. This study is being done to test how our survey questions work. 

  • Your answers will not be disclosed to your school and will not be linked to any personally identifiable information, such as the school’s name.


The amount of your time you will participate in this research study is no more than 3 hours. This includes an independent review you complete on your own time (estimated 1-2 hours) followed by a 60-minute virtual meeting with <committee/panel> members or one-on-one with a researcher to discuss your feedback.


This meeting will be conducted online via a virtual meeting platform.

  1. Are there benefits to being in this research study?

We do not anticipate that you will benefit directly from this research study. In the future, others may benefit because of what the researchers learn from this study about how teachers and school administrators can be asked about educational experiences during the coronavirus pandemic.

  1. What are the risks of participation?

There are no anticipated risks associated with participation in this research study.

  1. How will my data be used?

Data will be used for research purposes to inform survey question development. You will be assigned a unique identifier and at no time will your name be linked to any of your answers. The study will not retain any personally identifiable information. Prior to the start of the study, you will be notified that your participation is voluntary and that the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151).

For any virtual meetings, audio will be recorded for analysis, but no other personally identifying information will be recorded or retained. The audio recording will be destroyed after the release of the final report. Please note that in order to capture audio, the video must be recorded as well. The audio file can be separated from the video file post-interview, and the video portion will be immediately deleted. Additionally, you should not activate the camera for the <Zoom or other videoconference platform> interview, therefore eliminating any video capture, even temporarily.

Anonymized data may be used in future research studies; this de-identified data will only be accessible within ETS and will not be shared with outside entities. Research findings may also be shared at educational conferences and in academic publications, however, you will not be individually identified.  

  1. How will my data be maintained?

Data will be kept confidential and securely stored on ETS encrypted, password-protected computers and servers and/or secure, locked filing cabinets for up to 3 years, an ETS policy for auditing purposes. 

  1. What other options are there?

You may choose not to participate in this research study.

  1. What are my rights and what else should I know as a research study participant?

Your participation in this research study is completely voluntary, and you have the right to withdraw at any time with the knowledge that if you withdraw early, you forgoe payment. You may choose not to take part in this research study at all, and you also have the right to refuse to answer any questions that make you uncomfortable. You also have the right to know specifically how your data will be used.

  1. Will I receive a payment?

By participating in this research study, you will be paid $250 by the NAEP logistics contractor. You will be paid if you complete the full research study.

  1. Who can answer questions about the study?

If you have any questions or concerns about this research study, or if you have any problems that occur from taking part in this research study, you may contact the researcher DEBBY ALMONTE at DALMONTE-BERTLING@ETS.ORG, who is coordinating this interview at ETS on behalf of NCES.  

If you have any questions about your rights as a research participant or if you believe you have suffered an injury as a result of taking part in the research study, you may contact the institutional review board, or IRB, that reviews and approves all research activities sponsored by ETS at IRB@ETS.ORG.

Statement of informed consent: I have read and understand this consent form and understand I can contact the researcher if I have any concerns. I also understand that the research study content to which I will have access is confidential and the property of ETS.

Please select one of the following statements:

  • Yes, I would like to participate in this research.

  • No, I would not like to participate in this research.

_________________________________________ _________

Printed name Date



Permission to Use Identifiable Media (Audio Recordings). I have read this consent form and I understand that my name will not appear on any materials.

Please select one of the following statements:

_ I DO give permission to include my voice on an audio-recording for use by ETS staff and project partners only (e.g., for assessment development, product development, research and/or training purposes.  My name will not appear in any results.

  • I DO NOT give permission to include my voice on an audio-recording for any purpose.

For U.S. income tax reporting purposes, select 1 of the following statements:

  • I am a U.S. citizen/U.S. permanent resident. I have not received payment from ETS for any other service performed during the current calendar year 2020, and I am not an employee of ETS or an ETS Rater/Reader.

  • I am a U.S. citizen/U.S. permanent resident. I have and will NOT receive payment from ETS during the current calendar year 2020 that will meet or exceed $600 in total, and I am not an employee of ETS or an ETS Rater/Reader.

  • I am a U.S. citizen/U.S. permanent resident. I have or will receive payment from ETS during the current calendar year 2020 that WILL meet or exceed $600 in total, and I am not an employee of ETS or an ETS Rater/Reader.

  • I am not a U.S. Citizen or U.S. permanent resident. I am not eligible to participate in this research study.

  • I am a foreign national on a non-immigrant visa. I certify that I have not participated in another ETS research study in the calendar year 2020.

  • I am a foreign national on a non-immigrant visa. I have participated in another ETS study in the calendar year 2020. I am not eligible to participate in this research study.

Appendix G: Confirmation of Interview Email/Day-of Interview Reminder Email

Dear <NAME>:

Thank you for agreeing to help us test the new NAEP computer-delivered survey questions about the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on your child’s school experience for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).

The interview will last about 45-minutes. We will begin the interview promptly at <TIME>, and it is important that you (picture ID required) and/or your child join the <Zoom or other videoconference platform> virtual interview 15-minutes early to check in.

This is a <friendly reminder OR confirmation> that your child has been scheduled to participate in a study at the following date/time:

DATE: <Day of Week, Month, Day, Year>

TIME: <XX:XX AM/PM, Time Zone of participant’s location>

GIFT CARD: <Your child> will receive a $25 virtual gift card to thank them for their participation.

LINK <Link to <Zoom or other videoconference platform> virtual meeting>


  • Signed parent/guardian consent form (attached). You must scan it and email it back. Without a signed form, your child cannot participate in the interview and receive the $25 virtual gift card.


  • Parent/guardian valid picture ID—this is required for participation.

  • If your child uses eyeglasses for reading or watching TV, they should wear them during the study interview.

Thank you for volunteering in this very important research for NAEP. We look forward to seeing you. If you have any questions about the study, please contact <Education Testing Service CONTACT NAME> at <CONTACT INFORMATION>.



<Educational Testing Service>

Appendix H: Thank You Email/Letter to Parent/Legal Guardian of Student Participants (Under Age 18)

[IF SENT AS EMAILSubject: Thank you—NAEP Research Study]


Dear <NAME>,

On behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), which is part of the U.S. Department of Education, Educational Testing Service would like to thank you for allowing <CHILD’S NAME> to participate in the study for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).

<CHILD’S NAME>’s participation helped us test the new NAEP computer-delivered survey questions about the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on their school experience. The assistance <he orshe or they> provided, combined with input from other students, was incredibly useful and informative for improving the survey experience for students nationwide. We greatly appreciate you taking the time to help <CHILD’S NAME> log onto the <Zoom or other videoconference platform> interview to participate.

For more information on NAEP, please visit the NCES NAEP website at:

Again, thank you for your assistance.



Educational Testing Service


Appendix I: Thank You Email to Teacher and School Administrator Participants

Subject: Thank you—NAEP Research Study


Dear <NAME>,

On behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), Educational Testing Service would like to thank you for independent review of the coronavirus pandemic survey questions for the NAEP 2021 questionnaires.

Your participation helped us test the new NAEP computer-delivered survey questions about the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on their school experience. The assistance you provided, combined with input from other teachers and school administrators, was incredibly useful and informative for improving the survey experience for teacher and school administrators nationwide. We greatly appreciate you taking the time to review the questions and provide your feedback.



Educational Testing Service


Appendix J: Example Cognitive Lab Interview Tracking Schedule: Cognitive Interviews for Survey Questionnaires

An example tracking sheet to show how responses to screener questions (Appendix C) will be tracked in order to be used to determine the targeted sample, including diversification on key characteristics.

1 The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is authorized to conduct NAEP by the National Assessment of Educational Progress Authorization Act (20 U.S.C. §9622). All of the information provided by school staff and students may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20

U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151). Audio will be recorded for analysis and Education Testing Service staff may take notes about students’ reactions to the survey questions; however, no personally identifying information will be recorded or retained. By law, every National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) employee as well as every NCES agent, such as contractors and NAEP coordinators, has taken an oath and is subject to a jail term of up to 5 years, a fine of $250,000, or both if he or she willfully discloses ANY identifiable information about participants. Electronic submission of participant’s information will be monitored for viruses, malware, and other threats by Federal employees and contractors in accordance with the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015. The collected information will be combined across respondents to produce statistical reports.

0 The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is authorized to conduct NAEP by the National Assessment of Educational Progress Authorization Act (20 U.S.C. §9622). All of the information provided by school staff and students may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151). Audio will be recorded for analysis and Education Testing Service staff may take notes about students’ reactions to the survey questions, however, no personally identifying information will be recorded or retained. By law, every National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) employee as well as every NCES agent, such as contractors and NAEP coordinators, has taken an oath and is subject to a jail term of up to 5 years, a fine of $250,000, or both if he or she willfully discloses ANY identifiable information about participants. Electronic submission of participant’s information will be monitored for viruses, malware, and other threats by Federal employees and contractors in accordance with the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015. The collected information will be combined across respondents to produce statistical reports.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorStancavage, Fran
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-13

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