2 Attachment 2 - MIECHV Needs Assessment Data Summary_FINA

The Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program Needs Assessment Update Supplemental Information Request

Attachment 2 - MIECHV Needs Assessment Data Summary_FINAL.XLSX

Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Needs Assessment Data Summary

OMB: 0906-0038

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Data Summary Contents
1. Simplified Method Overview
2. Description of Indicators
3. Descriptive Statistics
4. Raw Indicators
5. Standardized Indicators
6. At-Risk Domains
7. At-Risk Counties
8. Example Formulas

Sheet 1: Data Summary Contents

OMB No: 0906-XXXX

Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX

MIECHV Needs Assessment Data Summary

Data Summary Contents
Table 1. Simplified Method Overview
Table 2. Description of Indicators
Table 3. Descriptive Statistics
Table 4. Raw Indicators
Table 5. Standardized Indicators
Table 6. At-Risk Domains
Table 7. At-Risk Counties
Table 8. Example Formulas

Public Burden Statement: An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this project is 0906-XXXX. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 120 hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to HRSA Reports Clearance Officer, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 14N39, Rockville, Maryland, 20857.

Sheet 2: 1. Simplified Method Overview

OMB No: 0906-XXXX
Simplified Method Overview

Indicators were selected in collaboration with HRSA/MCHB to match as closely as possible the statutorily-defined1 criteria for identifying target communities for home visiting programs. We considered issues such as data availability and reliability of indicators at the county level when selecting the final indicator list. After selecting indicators, we grouped them according to five domains (Socioeconomic Status, Adverse Perinatal Outcomes, Substance Use Disorder, Crime, and Child Maltreatment). The algorithm for identifying at-risk counties is as follows:

1. Obtain raw, county-level data for each indicator from the listed data source as defined in Tab 2. Description of Indicators.

2. Compute mean of counties and standard deviation (SD) for each indicator as well as other descriptive statistics (number of missing, range, etc.) (Tab 3. Descriptive Statistics).

3. Standardize indicator values (compute z-score) for each county so that all indicators have a mean of 0 and a SD of 1. Z-score = (county value - mean)/SD. (Tab 5. Standardized Indicators).

4. Using the resulting z-scores for each county, calculate the proportion of indicators within each domain for which that county’s z-score was greater than 1, that is, the proportion of indicators for which a given county is in the ‘worst’ 16% of all counties in the state (16% is the percentage of values greater than 1 SD above the mean in the standard normal distribution). If at least half of the indicators within a domain have z-scores greater or equal to 1 SD higher than the mean, then a county is considered at-risk on that domain. The total number of domains at-risk (out of 5) is summed to capture the counties at highest risk across domains. Counties with 2 or more at-risk domains is identified as at-risk. (Tab 6. At-Risk Domains).

1Not included are indicators for infant mortality and domestic violence. Infant mortality was excluded from the Adverse Perinatal Outcomes domain because the level of suppression at the county level for 5-year aggregate data was too high for meaningful inclusion (all but 13 states have >50% of counties with suppressed data). Preterm and low birth weight births together are the second largest cause of infant mortality. Given that the other two indicators in the domain are direct precursors of infant mortality, we evaluated the extent to which similar counties were identified when infant mortality rate was included or excluded (among counties with non-suppressed data). The level of suppression for preterm birth and low birthweight was also substantial for individual year data. Thus, we compiled 3-yr and 5-yr aggregated data to obtain reliable estimates for smaller counties. Domestic violence was excluded because there are no national sources available with county-level data for domestic violence.
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX

Sheet 3: 2. Description of Indicators

Domain Indicator Indicator Definition Alignment with statute definition of at-risk communities Year Source Source Link Source Notes Next Update OMB No: 0906-XXXX
Socioeconomic Status (SES) Poverty % population living below %100 FPL Poverty 2016 Census Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates https://www.census.gov/data/datasets/2016/demo/saipe/2016-state-and-county.html
2017 data available in 2019 Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX
Unemployment Unemployed percent of the civilian labor force Unemployment 2016 Bureau of Labor Statistics https://www.bls.gov/lau/#cntyaa
2017 data available in 2019
HS Dropout % of 16-19 year olds not enrolled in school with no high school diploma High school dropouts 2016 American Community Survey https://factfinder.census.gov 1 year estimates used for counties with populations >65,000; 5 year estimate used for counties with populations <65,000 2017 data available in 2019
% of 16-19 year olds not enrolled in school with no high school diploma 2012-2016
% of 16-19 year olds not enrolled in school with no high school diploma 2012-2016 OR 2016
Income Inequality Gini Coefficient - 1 Yr Estimate N/A 2016 American Community Survey https://factfinder.census.gov 1 year estimates used for counties with populations >65,000; 5 year estimate used for counties with populations <65,000 2017 data available in 2019
Gini Coefficient - 5 Yr Estimate 2012-2016
Gini Coefficient - 1 Yr or 5 Yr Estimate 2012-2016 OR 2016
Adverse Perinatal Outcomes Preterm Birth % live births <37 weeks Premature birth, low-birth weight infants, and infant mortality, including infant death due to neglect or other indicators of at-risk prenatal, maternal, newborn, or child health 2012-2016 NVSS - Raw Natality File File received by HRSA Births <10 were suppressed; the mean of counties was inputted for counties with missing data 2017 data available in 2019
Low Birth Weight % live births <2500 g Premature birth, low-birth weight infants, and infant mortality, including infant death due to neglect or other indicators of at-risk prenatal, maternal, newborn, or child health 2012-2016 NVSS - Raw Natality File File received by HRSA Births <10 were suppressed; the mean of counties was inputted for counties with missing data 2017 data available in 2019
Substance Use Disorder Alcohol Prevalence rate: Binge alcohol use in past month Substance abuse 2012-2014 SAMHSA - National Survey of Drug Use and Health https://www.samhsa.gov/data/population-data-nsduh/reports?tab=38 County estimates are inputted using the estimate for the Substance Abuse Treatment Planning Region in which they belong. Nonmedical use of pain relievers refer to any form of prescription pain
relievers that were not prescribed for the person or that the person took only for the experience or feeling they caused.
2014-2016 available mid-2018; limited set only
Marijuana Prevalence rate: Marijuana use in past month 2012-2014
Illicit Drugs Prevalence rate: Use of illicit drugs, excluding Marijuana, in past month 2012-2014
Pain Relievers Prevalence rate: Nonmedical use of pain medication in past year 2012-2014
Crime Crime Reports # reported crimes/1000 residents Crime 2014 Institute for Social Research - National Archive of Criminal Justice Data https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/NACJD/series/57 Used county population count from ICPSR - NACJD, not PEP Unknown
Juvenile Arrests # crime arrests ages 0-17/100,000 juveniles aged 0-17, 2014 2014 Institute for Social Research - National Archive of Criminal Justice Data https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/NACJD/series/57 Used county population of 0-17 year olds from PEP Unknown
Juvenile Arrests # crime arrests ages 0-17/100,000 juveniles aged 0-17, 2015 2015 Institute for Social Research - National Archive of Criminal Justice Data https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/NACJD/studies/36794 Used county population of 0-17 year olds from PEP Unknown
Child Maltreatment Child Maltreatment Rate of maltreatment victims aged <1-17 per 1,000 child (aged <1-17) residents Child maltreatment 2016 ACF File received by HRSA
2017 data available in 2019

Sheet 4: 3. Descriptive Statistics

Domain Indicator Indicator Definition Year Missing (n) Missing (%) Mean of counties SD Median Interquartile Range Min Max Other Notes State Estimate OMB No: 0906-XXXX
Socioeconomic Status Poverty % population living below %100 FPL 2016

Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX
Unemployment Unemployed percent of the civilian labor force 2016

HS Dropout % of 16-19 year olds not enrolled in school with no high school diploma - 1 Yr Estimate 2016

% of 16-19 year olds not enrolled in school with no high school diploma - 5 Yr Estimate 2012-2016

% of 16-19 year olds not enrolled in school with no high school diploma - 1 Yr or 5 Yr Estimate 2012-2016 OR 2016

Income Inequality Gini Coefficient - 1 Yr Estimate 2016

Gini Coefficient - 5 Yr Estimate 2012-2016

Gini Coefficient - 1 Yr or 5 Yr Estimate 2012-2016 OR 2016

Adverse Perinatal Outcomes Preterm Birth % live births <37 weeks 2012-2016

Low Birth Weight % live births <2500 g 2012-2016

Substance Use Disorder Alcohol Prevalence rate: Binge alcohol use in past month 2012-2014

Marijuana Prevalence rate: Marijuana use in past month 2012-2014

Illicit Drugs Prevalence rate: Use of illicit drugs, excluding Marijuana, in past month 2012-2014

Pain Relievers Prevalence rate: Nonmedical use of pain medication in past year 2012-2014

Crime Crime Reports # reported crimes/1000 residents 2014

Juvenile Arrests # crime arrests ages 0-17/100,000 juveniles aged 0-17, 2014 2014

Juvenile Arrests # crime arrests ages 0-17/100,000 juveniles aged 0-17, 2015 2015

Child Maltreatment Child Maltreatment Rate of maltreatment victims aged <1-17 per 1,000 child (aged <1-17) residents 2016

Sheet 5: 4. Raw Indicators

County Poverty Unemployment HS dropout HS dropout 1 Yr HS dropout 5 Yr Income Inequality Income Inequality 1 Yr Income Inequality 5 Yr Low Birth Weight Preterm Birth Alcohol Marijuana Illicit Drugs Pain Relievers Crime Reports Juvenile Arrests (2014) Juvenile Arrests (2015) Child Maltreatment OMB No: 0906-XXXX
County 1

Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX
County 2

County 3

County 4

County 5

County 6

County 7

County 8

Sheet 6: 5. Standardized Indicators

County Poverty Unemployment HS dropout HS dropout 1 Yr HS dropout 5 Yr Income Inequality Income Inequality 1 Yr Income Inequality 5 Yr Low Birth Weight Preterm Birth Alcohol Marijuana Illicit Drugs Pain Relievers Crime Reports Juvenile Arrests (2014) Juvenile Arrests (2015) Child Maltreatment OMB No: 0906-XXXX
County 1

Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX
County 2

County 3

County 4

County 5

County 6

County 7

County 8

Sheet 7: 6. At-Risk Domains

County 2016 Population SES Adverse Perinatal Outcomes Substance Use Disorder Crime Child Maltreatment Number of At-Risk Domains OMB No: 0906-XXXX
County 1

Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX
County 2

County 3

County 4

County 5

County 6

County 7

County 8

Sheet 8: 7. At-Risk Counties

At-Risk Counties The county is served, in whole or in part, by at least one home visiting program (Yes or No or Not Sure) The county is served, in whole or in part, by at least one home visiting program that implements evidence-based home visiting service delivery models eligible for implementation by MIECHV (Yes or No or Not Sure) The county is served, in whole or in part, by home visiting programs which are    funded by MIECHV (Yes or No or Not Sure) Estimated number of families served by a home visiting program located in the county in the most recently completed program fiscal year Estimate of  need in the county (data provided by HRSA) Author: If the at-risk community is smaller than a county, how will it be reflected - e.g. census tracts? Optional: Alternate estimated need of eligible families in the county as defined by the awardee Optional: In home visiting programs located in the county, percentage of home visitor positions that were vacant in the most recently completed program fiscal year

OMB No: 0906-XXXX

Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX

Sheet 9: 8. Example Formulas

Geographic Location Standardized Indicator Values Standardized Indicator Value ≥1 Proportion of Standardized Indicator Values ≥1 Proportion of High Standardized Indicator Values ≥0.5 Number of At-Risk Domains

OMB No: 0906-XXXX
County Low Birth Weight Preterm Birth Low Birth Weight Preterm Birth Adverse Perinatal Outcomes Adverse Perinatal Outcomes At-Risk Domains

Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX
[Insert County or Geography Name] #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

These formulas can be used to standardize (ie calculate z-scores) for each of the cleaned, raw indicator values. The EXCEL formula is '=STANDARDIZE(value, mean, SD). The mean and standard deviation should be calculated based on the raw values for all counties/geographic locations. This formula returns a value of 1 if the standardized indicator value is ≥1 and returns a value of 0 if the standardized indicator value is <1. This formula calculations the proportion of standardized indicators with values ≥1 within a domain. If new indicators are added to a domain, they should be added to this formula. This formula returns a value of 1 if the proportion of standardized indicators with values ≥1 is 0.5 or more and returns a 0 if the proportion is <0.5. A value of 1 denotes the domain is considered at-risk. This formula sums the number of at-risk domains. Counties or geographic locations with 2 or more at-risk domains may be considered at-risk.

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