Form 1 NLM TOXNET 2018 Workshop Survey instrument

Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery (NIH)

NLM TOXNET 2018 Workshop Survey Instrument

NLM Toxnet 2018 Workshop Survey

OMB: 0925-0648

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NLM Re-envisioning TOXNET and Beyond Survey
Evaluation Survey

Thank you for your interest in helping NLM re-envision its toxicology and environmental health resources to ensure their relevance
today and in the future. As we noted in our invitation to you, we want to work with users of NLM's toxicology and environmental health
resources to gain critical insight into optimizing NLM's electronic resources in the areas of toxicology and environmental health by
assessing and re-envisioning them to ensure that they continue to meet the changing needs of a diverse set of users. This survey is
one step that will help us better understand current and future user information needs.
OMB Control Number: 0925-0648 Expiration Date: 03/31/2018
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the
collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information
unless it displays a current valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this
collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to NIH, Project Clearance Branch, 6705 Rockledge Drive,
MSC 7974, Bethesda, MD 20892-7974, ATTN: PRA (0925-0648). Do not return the completed form to this address.
We appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts with us. If you have any questions regarding this survey, please contact Dan
Kovacs at Decision Partners at or Pertti (Bert) Hakkinen at NLM at
If you do not finish the survey in one session, your progress will be saved until you return, but you must use the same computer or

To start, please tell us a little about yourself ...
1. What is your occupation or job title?
Industrial Hygienist
Toxicologist or Environmental Health Scientist
Emergency Responder/Preparer
Public Health Agency Employee
Medical Professional
Occupational Health and Safety Trainer
If Other, please specify

2. Who are you employed by?
Federal Government
State or Local Government
Health Care Provider
Non-Governmental Organization
Other, please specify

3. Please select the Country in which you are employed

4. For those in the US, please select the State in which you are employed

Now, please tell us a little about your information needs and the resources that you
use ...

5. How important to you are each of the following types of toxicology and environmental health electronic
resources? (For the most important resources describe why they are important to you.)
Environmental health, toxicology and chemical
Why is this an important resource to you?

Online communities related to specific relevant
Why is this an important resource to you?

Journals and peer-reviewed publications
Why is this an important resource to you?

Why is this an important resource to you?

E-learning resources (tutorials, courses)
Why is this an important resource to you?

Phone and tablet apps for accessing information
Why is this an important resource to you?

Other, Non-database Websites
Why is this an important resource to you?

Other (specify in comment box below)
Why is this an important resource to you?




Not Important at

6. How often do the following tasks lead you to use electronic resources?
(For the most frequent or important, describe how they support the task.)
Daily Weekly Monthly
Research on health effects of exposure
How do electronic resources support you in this task?

Research on substances that impact environment
How do electronic resources support you in this task?

Teaching in high school or university
How do electronic resources support you in this task?

Training in industry, government or other nonacademic setting
How do electronic resources support you in this task?

Preparing for or responding to a CBRNE
emergency event
How do electronic resources support you in this task?

Several times A few times a Less than once a year or
a year
not at all

7. Continuing previous question ...
How often do the following tasks lead you to use electronic resources?
(For the most frequent or important, describe how they support the task.)
Several A few times
Daily Weekly Monthly times a year
a year

Less than once a
year or not at all

Providing medical care (other than first-responder)
How do electronic resources support you in this task?

Developing or monitoring public health policies or initiatives
How do electronic resources support you in this task?

Developing or monitoring safety and environmental
How do electronic resources support you in this task?

Developing occupational health and safety assessments
How do electronic resources support you in this task?

Other task (please rate here and specify below)
How do electronic resources support you in this task?

8. Are there ways that these resources could better support your tasks? What changes would be needed?

Now, please tell us a little about the sources of the information resources that you
use ...

9. How frequently do you use electronic resources from the following sources?

Daily Weekly Monthly
NLM (e.g., PubMed, PubChem, Hazardous Substances Data
Bank, Household Products Database)
Specific resource(s) used from this source (if any)

Specific resource(s) used from this source (if any)

Specific resource(s) used from this source (if any)

Specific resource(s) used from this source (if any)

European Commission (e.g., Joint Research Centre)
Specific resource(s) used from this source (if any)

European Chemicals Agency
Specific resource(s) used from this source (if any)

times a

A few
times a

Less than once a
year or not at all

10. Continuing previous question ...
How frequently do you use electronic resources from the following sources?
Daily Weekly Monthly
European Food Safety Authority
Specific resource(s) used from this source (if any)

European Medicines Agency
Specific resource(s) used from this source (if any)

OECD's eChemPortal
Specific resource(s) used from this source (if any)

Professional Societies
Specific resource(s) used from this source (if any)

Other (specify in comment box
Specific resource(s) used from this source (if any)

Several times a

A few times a

Less than once a year or not at

11. Thinking of the resources that you use most frequently, which best describe why you use them more
frequently than other resources? (select all that apply)
Search engine takes me there first
Habit/familiarity with resource
Has the information that I'm looking for
Trustworthiness/competence of provider
Comprehensiveness/breadth of resources available
Quality of Information available; Most up-to-date information
Ease of use of resource (organization, navigation, interface, info export/sharing)
Other (specify below)
Please briefly describe in your own words why you go to your primary sources first.

Now, please tell us a little about the availability and quality of implementation of
resources now and in the future ...
12. How difficult is it today to find the toxicology and environmental health electronic resources that you
need, when you need them? Would you say:
Not at all Difficult
Slightly Difficult
Moderately Difficult
Very Difficult
Extremely Difficult
Other / Can't Rate (describe below)
Why do you say that?

13. What kinds of toxicology and environmental health electronic resources are not currently available, but
would be valuable to you in your work if they were developed?

14. What will need to be done to enhance and improve access to electronic resources in the future and
why is this important?

15. As you look into the future, how important will each of the following be to you?
Ability to easily integrate information from multiple
Ability to use voice activated search
Receiving alerts when new knowledge, models,
techniques or other information relevant to my work
is available
Ability to do more of my work on a smart phone
Having a virtual community that I can easily share
information with or ask questions of
Being able to customize resources to my specific
needs as a user
Other (specify below)
Other (please specify)

Very Important



Not Important
at All

16. Do you have any other thoughts or comments that will help us as we move forward with other activities
to support re-envisioning NLM's electronic resources to ensure that they continue to meet the changing
needs of a diverse set of users?

17. Please provide your name so that we can follow-up with you if needed to better understand your
responses as we move forward with other activities to support re-envisioning NLM's electronic resources.
Your name will not be associated with any of your survey responses beyond the NLM and Decision
Partners Team.

If you have any questions regarding this survey, please contact Dan Kovacs at Decision Partners at
or Pertti (Bert) Hakkinen at NLM at
Thank you for taking the time to help us re-envision NLM's electronic resources. Your input has been very valuable.

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleView Survey
File Modified2018-02-20
File Created2018-02-16

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