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Impact Evaluation of Departmentalized Instruction in Elementary Schools

OMB: 1850-0942

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Impact Evaluation of
Departmentalized Instruction in
Elementary Schools
Part B: Collection of Information
Employing Statistical Methods
March 8, 2018
Submitted to:
U.S. Department of Education
National Center for Education Evaluation
Institute of Education Sciences
550 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20202
Project Officer: Tom Wei
Contract Number: ED-IES-17-C-0064
Submitted by:
Mathematica Policy Research
P.O. Box 2393
Princeton, NJ 08543-2393
Telephone: (609) 799-3535
Facsimile: (609) 799-0005
Project Director: Alison Wellington
Reference Number: 50533



Collection of information employing statistical methods ........................................................ 2

Respondent universe and sampling methods ............................................................. 2


Procedures for the collection of information ................................................................ 2


Methods to maximize response rates and deal with nonresponse ............................. 8


Tests of procedures or methods to be undertaken ..................................................... 9


Individuals consulted on statistical aspects of the design and on collecting
and analyzing data .................................................................................................... 10

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................ 12







Minimum detectable effects with 200 study schools ........................................................................ 7


Individuals consulted on statistical design ..................................................................................... 10


Individuals responsible for data collection and analysis ................................................................ 11






This package requests clearance for data collection activities to support an evaluation of
departmentalized instruction in elementary schools. The Institute of Education Sciences (IES),
National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, U.S. Department of
Education (ED) has contracted with Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. (Mathematica) and its
partners (Public Impact; Clowder Consulting, LLC; Social Policy Research Associates; and IRIS
Connect) to conduct this evaluation.
By the upper elementary grades, low-income students’ achievement lags several years
behind that of higher-income students (Duncan and Magnuson 2011). Departmentalized
instruction, where each teacher specializes in teaching one subject to multiple classes of students
instead of teaching all subjects to a single class of students (self-contained instruction), has
recently become more popular as an improvement strategy in elementary schools. This strategy,
which secondary schools already use almost universally, holds promise for several reasons.
Many teachers are, to some degree, more effective at teaching particular subjects (Condie et al.
2014; Fox 2016; Goldhaber et al. 2013). Assigning teachers to those subjects could raise student
achievement. It also allows teachers to concentrate planning on fewer subjects, which may lead
to more thoughtful lessons and deeper instructional or content knowledge in those subjects (Chan
and Jarman 2004). However, some experts worry that departmentalization could harm struggling
students, particularly low-income students, by compromising student-teacher relationships
(McPartland and Braddock 1993). In particular, teaching more students may make teachers less
aware of each student’s needs; having more teachers may make students feel less connected to
each teacher. These factors could decrease student achievement, offsetting any gains from being
taught by teachers who are more effective in the subjects they teach.
Despite concerns about departmentalization in elementary grades, elementary schools are
increasingly adopting it. The percentage of elementary teachers in departmentalized settings
more than doubled over a recent 12-year period, from 6 percent in 1999–2000 to 15 percent in
2011–2012 (U.S. Department of Education [ED] 2009; Goldring et al. 2013).
Currently, virtually no evidence exists on the effectiveness of departmentalized instruction
relative to the more traditional self-contained approach to instruction. Given the increased use of
departmentalization and numerous ways it might affect students, there is an urgent need for more
evidence on its effects. This evaluation will help to fill the gap by examining whether
departmentalizing fourth and fifth grade teachers improves teacher and student outcomes. The
evaluation will focus on math and reading, with an emphasis on low-performing schools that
serve a high percentage of disadvantaged students.
To help schools that are selected to transition to departmentalized instruction, the study team
will provide implementation support. This support will include two design meetings before the
start of the 2018–2019 school year to help schools determine the most effective structure for
departmentalization and provide principals with advice on how to assign teachers to subjects. It
will also include support calls to schools implementing departmentalized instruction throughout




the 2018–2019 and 2019–2020 school years to help them navigate any challenges related to
departmentalization, as needed.
We will estimate the impact of departmentalized instruction in two different types of
districts—those with teacher effectiveness measures based on student achievement growth and
those without these measures. Impacts of departmentalized instruction could vary across these
two sets of districts. In districts with these scores, principals can use the scores to determine
teachers’ relative effectiveness in reading and math and to assign teachers to the subjects they
teach best. However, 63 percent of districts nationwide do not have teacher effectiveness
measures based on student achievement growth (Troppe et al. 2017). These districts need
evidence on whether principals, despite not having standardized information on teacher
effectiveness in each subject, can accurately assess teachers’ strengths in a way that enables
departmentalization to succeed. The evaluation will provide evidence to guide decisions about
departmentalization in both types of districts.
The evaluation will include implementation and impact analyses. The implementation
analysis will describe schools’ approaches to departmentalization and benefits and challenges
encountered. The analysis will be based on information from school agreement forms, meetings
to design each school’s approach to departmentalization; monitoring and support calls; principal
interviews; and teacher surveys. The impact analysis will draw on data from teacher surveys,
videos of classroom instruction, principal interviews, and district administrative records to
estimate the impact of departmentalized instruction on a range of outcomes. These outcomes
include quality of instruction and student-teacher relationships, teacher satisfaction and retention,
and student achievement and behavior.
Collection of information employing statistical methods

B1. Respondent universe and sampling methods
The evaluation will rely on a purposive sample of approximately 200 elementary schools
from approximately 12 school districts from across the United States. The study will not
statistically sample districts or schools, and thus we will not make statements that generalize
beyond the districts and schools in the study. The 200 elementary schools will currently have
self-contained classrooms in grades 4 and 5. We will group these 200 schools into pairs based on
the similarity of their characteristics (such as average baseline school performance and
socioeconomic status of students, as measured by free or reduced-price lunch receipt). We will
then randomly assign schools within each pair to either implement departmentalized instruction
in grades 4 and 5 (the treatment group) or to continue to use self-contained classrooms in these
grades (the control group). Schools will remain in their assigned group for two school years
(2018-2019 and 2019-2020).
B2. Procedures for the collection of information

Statistical methods for sample selection

The study will include a purposive sample of approximately 12 districts that together include
about 200 schools (approximately 17 per district) that are eligible for and willing to participate in
the study. Schools are eligible for the study if they contain fourth and fifth grades that are not
currently departmentalized. We will also target schools that serve disadvantaged students (at




least 30 percent of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch) and have below-average
performance (average proficiency rate in the bottom half of schools in the state). This will result
in a purposive sample of districts that are willing to participate and schools from within those
districts that are willing and eligible to participate. Although we will not be able to generalize to
all schools, we will obtain valid estimates of the impact of departmentalizing instruction for a
policy-relevant sample of schools that meet our eligibility requirements and are willing to
participate. Below we explain in more detail how we will select districts, schools, and students
for the study.
Selection of school districts. The 12 recruited school districts must together contain 200
schools that are eligible and willing to participate in the study. To identify districts likely to yield
a sufficient number of eligible schools, we will target districts with at least 18 disadvantaged
elementary schools with below-average performance. Data from the Common Core of Data and
EDFacts suggest there are 168 such school districts. To help ensure that about half of the districts
in the study have student growth scores for teachers, we will use information from the National
Center on Teacher Quality supplemented by online research and our experience working with
states and districts to classify districts into two groups, based on the availability of these scores.
We will draw on information from other Mathematica studies to eliminate districts that we know
are already mostly or fully departmentalized in fourth and fifth grades. We then focus on the
largest remaining districts with and without growth scores (as these are the districts most likely
to have a sufficient number of eligible schools), and screen out districts that cannot participate
because they already departmentalize most or all fourth and fifth grade classrooms. We will
recruit suitable districts until we reach our sample size target of 12 districts, about half of which
will have student growth scores for teachers.
Selection of schools. Within the participating districts we will invite eligible schools to
participate in the study. We will include 200 elementary schools with fourth and fifth grades for
the 2018–2019 school year. Schools will be randomly assigned to the treatment or control group
as described in section B1 above.
Selection of students. We will include all fourth and fifth grade students enrolled in the
schools participating in the study. The study team will have access to administrative data on
student characteristics and test scores through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
established with each participating district. Additionally, the study team will request parent
consent for students to be included in video recordings of the study classrooms (Appendix E).

Data collection

This study includes multiple data collection efforts, including the activities summarized
Principal interview. The study team will conduct interviews in spring 2019 with principals
of study schools to collect standardized information on factors principals considered when
deciding teachers’ subject (if appropriate) and grade assignments, teachers’ communication with
parents, and the schools’ and teachers’ handling of disciplinary issues (Appendix A). We will
also ask principals of treatment schools about their perceptions of the challenges and benefits of




Teacher survey. A thirty-minute, web-based teacher survey will collect information about
treatment and control teachers’ time devoted to instruction, planning, and professional
development, as well as their opportunities to coordinate with other teachers, and their
perceptions of the successes and challenges related to planning and providing instruction and
building relationships with students and parents (Appendix B). The survey will also measure
teacher satisfaction and confidence in their teaching and level of awareness of student learning
District administrative records. The study team will collect district administrative data on
teacher effectiveness, student records, and teacher assignments (Appendix C). We will use
information on teachers’ effectiveness in math and reading from the 2016–2017 school year to
examine the impact of departmentalization in districts that do and do not have teacher
effectiveness measures. To estimate the impact of departmentalized instruction on student
achievement and behavior, we will collect district administrative data on students’ test scores in
reading and math, as well as data on student attendance and disciplinary incidents. We will use
district administrative data on teachers’ school assignments to estimate the impact of
departmentalized instruction on teacher retention.
Videos of classroom instruction. To measure the quality of instruction and teacher-student
interactions, the study team will video-record, on average, two 30-minute lessons of fourth grade
classes selected to be video-recorded. Study team videographers will record and upload the
videos, and study team members will rate the videos using the Classroom Assessment Scoring
System (CLASS) observation instrument. The CLASS measures the quality of student-teacher
interactions, is valid and reliable (Kane and Staiger 2012; Pianta et al. 2012), and has strong
procedures for training raters (Pianta et al. 2012). It is also suitable for teachers in multiple

Estimation procedures

The evaluation will include three broad sets of analyses: (1) impact analyses, estimating the
effect of departmentalized instruction on student and teacher outcomes; (2) subgroup analyses,
estimating the effects of departmentalized instruction on various subgroups of interest; and (3)
implementation analyses, to learn about study schools’ experiences and challenges implementing
departmentalized instruction.
Impact analyses. We will estimate the impact of departmentalized instruction after the first
and second years of implementation, using regression models to compare the outcomes of
students and teachers in schools randomly assigned to departmentalize instruction and those
assigned to the control group.
Key outcomes of interest for the impact analysis include:

Students’ reading and math achievement


Student behaviors, including attendance and disciplinary incidents


Teachers’ instructional planning and professional development


Teachers’ instructional practices





Teachers’ job satisfaction and confidence in their teaching abilities


Teacher retention (overall and for higher- and lower-performing teachers)


The quality of student-teacher relationships

To estimate impacts on student achievement and teachers’ outcomes, we will use the
following regression model:
(1) yisbd   Tisbd   X isbd   Zb 



where yisbd is the outcome for individual i (either teacher or student) in school s , block b , and
district d ; X isbd is a set of student-, teacher-, and school-level covariates; Z b is a set of
indicators for the study’s random assignment blocks (matched pairs of schools); Tisbd indicates
whether the school was assigned to departmentalize instruction; isbd is an individual-level error
term; and  and  are parameter vectors. The coefficient  represents the average impact of
departmentalized instruction. The baseline characteristics in X isbd will include:

(for student-level outcomes) student characteristics, such as test scores from the year
before the intervention, gender, race/ethnicity, free or reduced-price lunch eligibility,
special education status, and English learner status


(for teacher-level outcomes) teacher characteristics, such as demographic
characteristics, age, experience, and educational background


(for both student- and teacher-level outcomes) school-level characteristics, such as
school-level student achievement and demographics.

When estimating student achievement models, the outcome of interest will be a student’s
state standardized test score in reading or math. For comparability across states, we will convert
state test scores to z-scores, subtracting off the mean and dividing by the standard deviation of
scores for all students in that state and grade level. To estimate impacts on teacher-level
outcomes, such as teachers’ practices, and survey responses, we will estimate a similar model at
the teacher level. In each analysis, we will weight schools equally and cluster standard errors at
the school level.
Subgroup analyses. To help districts and schools decide whether to switch from selfcontained classrooms to departmentalized instruction, it can be valuable to know if the impact of
departmentalization differs when principals have access to teachers’ math and reading
effectiveness scores and when they do not. Districts and schools may also want to know whether
the impact of departmentalization varies for different types of students. For example, if
departmentalization has a positive impact on high-achieving students, but a negative impact on
low-achieving students, schools with many low-achieving students may decide not to implement
We will estimate impacts for various subgroups, including:





Districts that do and do not have teacher effectiveness measures


Students with high and low pre-intervention achievement


Students who are and are not eligible for free and reduced-price lunch


Special education students

Implementation analyses. Understanding the implementation experiences and challenges
of schools selected to departmentalize instruction for the study will provide important
information for other districts and schools considering departmentalizing instruction in upper
elementary grades. The implementation analyses will support replication of study schools’
approaches to departmentalized instruction in other districts and provide important context for
interpreting the impact results.
Our implementation analysis will describe schools’ approaches to departmentalization and
benefits and challenges encountered, from the perspective of both teachers and principals. We
will document the structure of departmentalization in treatment schools, how schools assigned
teachers to subjects, and any implementation challenges. In both treatment and control schools,
we will document time for instruction, planning, and teacher professional development.

Degree of accuracy needed

We estimate that the targeted sample sizes for the study will achieve a minimum detectable
effect size of 0.08 standard deviations on student achievement, 0.33 standard deviations on
teacher classroom observation scores, 11 percentage points on teacher satisfaction outcomes
based on responses from the teacher survey, and 8 percentage points on teacher retention. Using
a 50 percent subsample of schools – such as for the subgroup analyses based on whether
principals have access to effectiveness scores when they make teacher assignment decisions –
the study will achieve minimum detectable effects of 0.11 standard deviations on student
achievement, 0.47 standard deviations on teacher classroom observation scores, 15 percentage
points on teacher satisfaction outcomes, and 11 percentage points on teacher retention.
These target minimum detectable effects represent meaningful and realistic impacts that
balance policy relevance against the costs of data collection. Prior studies of teacher-focused
interventions have found effect sizes larger than these. The minimum detectable effects for
student achievement (0.08 to 0.11) are smaller than the impacts of pay-for-performance on
students’ math achievement in 5 out of 10 districts that participated in IES’s Teacher Incentive
Fund intervention (Wellington et al. 2016) and the 0.13 impact of being taught by a Teaching
Fellows math teacher rather than a math teacher from a less selective alternative route into
teaching (Clark et al. 2013). The minimum detectable effects for teacher observation scores (0.33
to 0.47) are within the range of impacts (0.29 to 0.61) for content-focused professional
development interventions in several IES studies (Garet et al. 2008, 2016). The minimum
detectable effects for teacher satisfaction (11 to 15 percentage points) are smaller than most of
the impacts of departmentalization on teacher satisfaction found by Strohl et al. (2014). Finally,
for teacher retention, our minimum detectable effects are smaller than the 11-percentage point
impact that Clotfelter et al. (2008) found for a program providing small retention bonuses to
North Carolina teachers in high-poverty schools. Our proposed sample sizes will be sufficient to
detect impacts of these magnitudes.




Table B.1 displays minimum detectable effects for the full sample of schools as well as a 50
percent subsample. The full sample will include 200 schools, 100 in the treatment group and 100
in the control group. The study design will maximize power to detect impacts by matching
schools with similar characteristics into blocks within each district. The characteristics used to
match schools will include average school baseline performance and socioeconomic status of
students (as measured by free or reduced-price lunch receipt). Since the fourth- and fifth-grade
students in the study will have baseline test scores from third- and fourth-grade assessments, we
will also use students’ prior test scores as covariates in the impact analysis to increase statistical
The calculations in Table B.1 assume the following: (1) 80 percent power and a 5 percent
significance level for a two-tailed test; (2) each school will have an average of 3 fourth grade
teachers and 66 students; (3) 85 percent of teachers will respond to the survey and have
classroom observation ratings; (4) the school-level intracluster correlation is 0.16 for student
outcomes, 0.15 for teacher observation scores, 0.13 for teacher satisfaction, and 0.02 for teacher
retention; (5) the percentages of the between-school and within-school variances explained by
covariates are 80 and 40 percent for student test scores, 80 and 72 percent for classroom
observation outcomes, 30 and 15 percent for teacher survey outcomes, and 20 and 10 percent for
teacher retention; (6) 75 percent of control group teachers will feel satisfied with their jobs and
64 percent of these teachers will be retained across two years; and (7) reliability of classroom
observations is 0.21. Assumptions on the clustering of outcomes and the explanatory power of
covariates for the student analyses are based on data from five large random assignment
education evaluations (Deke et al. 2010). Assumptions for the analyses of teacher observation
scores come from studies with information on the reliability of the CLASS observation
instrument (Raudenbush et al. 2011), the school-level intraclass correlation of classroom
observation scores (Schochet 2011), and the explanatory power of covariates in a random
assignment study of math professional development (Garet et al. 2016). Assumptions for the
analyses of teacher satisfaction and teacher retention across two years come from a random
assignment study of pay-for-performance for teachers (Wellington et al. 2016).
Table B.1. Minimum detectable effects with 200 study schools
Minimum detectable effect

Data source


Full sample

50 percent

District records

Students’ reading and math test scores

0.08 SDs

0.11 SDs

Classroom observations

Teacher observation scores

0.33 SDs

0.47 SDs

Teacher survey

Percentage of teachers who felt satisfied about
their jobs
Teacher retention across 2 years

11 percentage
8 percentage

15 percentage
11 percentage

District records
SD = standard deviation.


Unusual problems requiring specialized sampling procedures
We do not anticipate any unusual problems that require specialized sampling procedures.





Use of periodic (less frequent than annual) data collection cycles to reduce burden

In order to limit respondent burden as much as possible, we have carefully considered what
the minimum amount of data is needed to answer the research questions and how to structure the
data collection. For example, the teacher surveys, principal interviews, and classroom
observations will be collected only once in spring 2019. In addition, we will request
administrative data no more than once a year, and in some cases (for example, fall 2019) we will
request multiple years of data within a single request to reduce the number of separate requests.
B3. Methods to maximize response rates and deal with nonresponse
The study will employ multiple strategies to maximize response rates while minimizing
burden on respondents. These include: establishing positive relationships with respondents and
school and district staff; sending letters to teachers to alert them to an upcoming request to
complete the survey; providing survey instruments that are accessible in both web and mobile
formats; scheduling calls with principals at a time that is convenient for them; accepting
administrative data files in formats that are most convenient for districts; and establishing
efficient and flexible scheduling for classroom observations. To reassure respondents on the
confidentiality of the data they provide, we will include a statement on confidentiality and data
collection requirements (Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, Title I, Part E, Section 183) in
all letters and data collection instruments. Finally, we will include a statement indicating that
participation is voluntary, yet we will also emphasize the importance of each response for the
study findings.
Because we will develop an MOU with each district specifying in detail all data
requirements, we anticipate full district participation for administrative records and their support
for teacher participation. To further solidify administrators’ cooperation, we will adhere to
additional data collection requirements that districts may have such as preparing research
applications and providing documentation of institutional review board (IRB) approvals.
Reducing districts’ burden in the submission of study data will facilitate attaining a response rate
of at least 85 percent on student records and educator administrative data. Federal rules permit
ED and its designated agents to collect student demographic and existing achievement data from
schools and districts without prior parental or student consent (Family Educational and Rights
and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99)). To maximize the response rate
and minimize burden on schools and parents, we will follow these federal rules.
Based on Mathematica’s experience conducting surveys with teachers, we expect at least an
85 percent response rate for the teacher survey. Because teachers will receive full information on
the study (including the purpose of the requested information, how it will be used, and how we
will maintain confidentiality of all data collected), we anticipate high levels of cooperation. To
maximize completion of surveys, we will take the following steps. We will send teachers an
invitation letter both by mail and email with a link to the web-based survey. In previous studies
in similar settings, we have found that some teachers do not check school email accounts
frequently. Therefore, we will include the web link to the survey in their invitation letters and
also give teachers the option of completing a hard-copy survey, which will be mailed to them at
their schools. Over a 12-week data collection period, we will send teachers email and mail
reminders (see Appendix B). We plan to offer $30 to teachers who complete the teacher survey,
which will take no more than 30 minutes to complete. We will also coordinate in-person school




visits with our field staff during the last four weeks of data collection to provide teachers with a
hard-copy version of the teacher survey. This in-person connection has helped motivate teachers
to participate in past surveys.
We have taken or will take a number of steps to ensure high-quality survey data. First, we
have used many items that have been successfully used in other federal studies. Second, we have
pretested the teacher survey instrument for clarity, accuracy, length, flow, and wording. Based on
the pretest, the instrument is estimated to take under 30 minutes to complete. Third, the webbased survey will not allow respondents to enter out-of-range or inconsistent responses, and data
entry programs will also check for these errors. Fourth, for surveys that are completed on paper,
trained quality-control staff will identify item nonresponse and reporting errors by checking for
complete and reasonable answers as soon as a hard-copy questionnaire is received and follow up
with respondents if problems are identified. Finally, weekly reviews of web survey data will
allow us to identify potential errors and follow up with respondents prior to the end of data
collection. We will be courteous but persistent when following up with participants who do not
respond quickly.
Videos of classroom instruction will be conducted in spring 2019 and an 85 percent
response rate is expected. To maximize teacher cooperation, we will communicate the
procedures to be used and obtain parent consent for students in their classrooms. Study field staff
will visit the school with consent forms and work with teachers to develop student rosters for
each class chosen to be recorded. The study team will use these rosters to accurately track receipt
of parent consent. Forms will be returned to teachers, and the study plans to offer teachers $25
for collecting the consents and an additional $25 in active consent districts if they are able to get
at least 85 percent of their students or parents to return forms (regardless of how students or
parents respond).
Additionally, the study will work with district, school, and teacher schedules to avoid
conflicts with testing and other planned activities. Appointments will be made for the video
recordings, and well-trained videographers will record the classrooms. They will be instructed to
set up the video equipment ahead of instructional time or during transition periods to minimize
any disruption to student instruction. They will have a list of which students’ parents provided
permission to be recorded (and which did not) and they will be trained to seat children without
permission outside of the view of the camera. We will communicate several key points to
teachers and parents including (a) the purpose of the classroom video recordings and how they
will be used for research purposes only, (b) the protections that are in place to ensure that the
videos are only accessible to the study team, and (c) that the videos will be destroyed at the end
of the study.
B4. Tests of procedures or methods to be undertaken
As much as possible, the data collection instruments for the study draw on surveys, forms,
and protocols that have been used successfully in previous federal studies. For example, the
teacher survey was modeled on instruments used in previous studies, such as the Impact
Evaluation of Teacher Preparation Models and the Impact Evaluation of the Teacher Incentive




We pretested the teacher survey and principal interview protocol. The purpose of the
pretests was to identify problems that study respondents might have providing the requested
information and to confirm the level of burden. For example, the pretests assessed the content
and wording of individual questions, organization and format of the instruments, the amount of
time it took to respond, and potential sources of response error.
The teacher survey was pretested with eight fourth-grade elementary school teachers across
eight districts, including teachers using either departmentalized or self-contained instruction. We
sent a full survey packet to pretest respondents and asked them to complete the survey and to
return completed forms by mail. The study team reviewed the completed surveys and conducted
debriefing interviews, by phone, with each respondent to review problems teachers may have
encountered. Interviewers followed a protocol to probe on a number of items to be sure the
survey questions were communicated clearly and collected accurate information. Respondent
burden to complete the survey averaged 25 minutes and ranged from 14 to 30 minutes as
reported by pretest respondents. The results of the pretest were used to revise and improve the
survey instrument.
The principal interview protocol was pretested, by phone, with six principals across five
districts. Some principals were from schools that use departmentalized instruction, and some
were from schools that use self-contained instruction. We first asked the principal the interview
questions. After completing the interviews, we immediately conducted a debrief interview with
the principal to probe on the clarity and relevance of the interview questions. Respondent burden
to complete the interview averaged 33 minutes, ranging from 24 to 33 minutes and with a
median of 31.5 minutes. The principal interview pretest findings were used to revise and
streamline the interview protocol.
We did not pretest the school records data request or parent consent forms as both were
closely modeled on forms that have been effectively used for other studies, such as the Impact of
Teacher Feedback using Classroom Videos and the Impact Evaluation of the Teacher Incentive
Fund. The classroom observation rubric (CLASS) was also not pretested in light of its
established validity and reliability (Kane and Staiger 2012; Pianta et al. 2012).
The study will provide a help desk for questions, and our field staff will be available to
answer questions throughout the data collection period. Staff will be trained to respond to
frequently asked questions about the study and individual forms, so they can provide technical
assistance and report any issues that come up in the field.
B5. Individuals consulted on statistical aspects of the design and on collecting and
analyzing data
The following individuals were consulted on the statistical aspects of the study:
Table B.2. Individuals consulted on statistical design


Telephone Number

Alison Wellington

Senior Researcher, Mathematica


Hanley Chiang

Senior Researcher, Mathematica







Telephone Number

Melissa Clark

Senior Researcher and Deputy Director of Education
Research, Mathematica


Mariesa Herrmann

Senior Researcher, Mathematica


Paul Burkander

Researcher, Mathematica


Susanne James-Burdumy

Senior Fellow and Director of Education Research,


The following individuals will be responsible for data collection and analysis:
Table B.3. Individuals responsible for data collection and analysis


Telephone number

Tim Bruursema

Survey Researcher, Mathematica


Paul Burkander

Researcher, Mathematica


Florence Chang

Director of Planning and Evaluation, Jefferson County
Public Schools


Hanley Chiang

Senior Researcher, Mathematica


Melissa Clark

Senior Researcher and Deputy Director of Education
Research, Mathematica


Megan Davis-Christianson

Lead Program Analyst, Mathematica


Sarah Crissey

Survey Researcher, Mathematica


Sheila Heaviside

Senior Survey Researcher, Mathematica


Mariesa Herrmann

Senior Researcher, Mathematica


Libby Makowsky

Researcher, Mathematica


Catherine McClellan

Principal Scientist, Clowder Consulting


Bryce Onaran

Survey Researcher, Mathematica


Alison Wellington

Senior Researcher, Mathematica






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Fox, Lindsay. “Playing to Teachers’ Strengths: Using Multiple Measures of Teacher
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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleImpact Study of Feedback for Teachers Based on Classroom Videos: Part B, Collection of Information Employing Statistical Methods
File Modified2018-03-05
File Created2018-03-05

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