International Early Learning Study (IELS)
Field Test Data Collection and Main Study Recruitment
OMB# 1850-0936 v.3
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
U.S. Department of Education
Institute of Education Sciences
Washington, DC
April 2017
Revised July 2017
Appendix A: Recruitment Materials
State Recruitment Letter-Main Study A-1
IELS Study Brochure-Field Test and Main Study
School District Recruitment Letter-Field Test
School District Recruitment Letter-Main Study A-6
School Administrator Recruitment Letter-Field Test
FAQ for School Administrators-Field Test
School Administrator Recruitment Letter-Main Study A-13
FAQ for School Administrators-Main Study A-15
School Registration Email-Main Study A-17
FAQ for Teachers-Field Test
FAQ for Teachers-Main Study
Appendix B: Sampling Materials, Consent, Non-response Follow-up, and Thank You Letters
School Coordinator Email Announcing E-Filing-Field Test
Notification Letter for Parents-Field Test
Implicit Consent Letter for Parents-Field Test
Implicit Consent Form for Parents-Field Test
Explicit Consent Letter for Parents-Field Test
Explicit Consent Form for Parents-Field Test
FAQ for Parents-Field Test
School Coordinator Email Announcing E-Filing- Main Study
Notification Letter for Parents-Main Study
Implicit Consent Form for Parents-Main Study B-17
Explicit Consent Letter for Parents-Main Study
Explicit Consent Form for Parents-Main Study
FAQ for Parents-Main Study
Except for school district and state IELS letters, all materials in this appendix will be used for
both public and private schools.
[Title] [Name First] [Name Last]
[Address 1]
[Address 2]
[City], [State] [Zip code]
Dear [Title] [Name Last]:
I am writing to inform your district about an important new study: the International Early Learning Study (IELS). This study of 5-year-olds will allow the U.S. to compare the skills and competencies of our children to their peers in other countries. Results from IELS will provide policymakers, educators, and parents/guardians with valuable information about the experiences that influence children’s early learning and their abilities as they begin school. I believe this is an extraordinary opportunity for us to learn more about children at this formative age.
The United States and other countries will conduct the study in the fall of 2018. Some schools in your state have been randomly selected to participate in IELS, and I am writing to ask your agency to support the participation of those schools.
IELS is sponsored by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), an intergovernmental organization of industrialized countries. The study is conducted in the U.S. by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, and is administered by Westat on behalf of NCES. The U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has approved the data collection under OMB #1850-0936. Study findings will not identify participating districts, schools, students, or individual staff. Please see the enclosed brochure for information about data confidentiality. While IELS is voluntary, your support of school participation in your state is invaluable so that the United States has a representative sample of schools across the country.
Within the next few weeks, a representative from Westat will contact sampled school districts and schools to discuss participating in the IELS main study. We are in contact with your state assessment director to try to ensure that we are not conflicting with other state efforts and that districts and schools understand how the IELS fits in with other data collections conducted by NCES. In the meantime, if you have questions about the study, please do not hesitate to call [insert study phone number here] or send an email to [insert study email here]. You may also get more information by contacting Dana Kelly at NCES at (202) 245-8326 or, or by visiting the IELS website at
Thank you for your time and support.
Peggy Carr, Ph.D.
Acting Commissioner
cc: [State assessment coordinator name]
The National Center for Education Statistics is authorized to conduct this study under the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). All of the information provided by school staff, students, and parents may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151). Individuals are never identified in any reports. All reported statistics refer to the U.S. as a whole or to national subgroups.
IELS Study Brochure
What do our children know and what can they do when they’re entering elementary school?
What factors influence children’s early learning and development before they enter school?
Are there lessons the U.S. can learn from other countries to improve early childhood education?
A new study gives us an extraordinary opportunity to learn more about children at this formative age. The International Early Learning Study (IELS) will provide important information about what 5-year-old children in different countries and learning environments know and can do as they enter elementary school. The study will give us new insights about children’s abilities in language and literacy, mathematics, self-regulation, and social emotional skills. It also collects information from educators and parents/guardians about children’s early childhood education and care experiences, home learning environments, and demographic characteristics to examine how these factors are related to children’s development.
Why is this early learning study important?
IELS will allow the U.S. to compare the skills and competencies of our children to their peers in other countries. Results from IELS will provide policymakers, educators, and parents/guardians with valuable information about the experiences that influence children’s early learning and their abilities as they begin school.
Who develops and administers the study?
IELS is coordinated by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and conducted in the U.S. by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) within the U.S. Department of Education. The study is developed through a collaborative process involving input from U.S. and international education experts to make sure the materials are appropriate for each country’s young children. The study is administered in the U.S. on behalf of NCES by Westat, a U.S. based research firm.
Who participates in IELS?
A nationally-representative sample of 5-year-olds enrolled in U.S. public and private schools participates in IELS, along with their peers in other countries. Parents/guardians and teachers of selected students are also asked to complete a questionnaire as part of the study. Participation in IELS is voluntary, yet critically valuable and important.
What is involved for students?
IELS is a play-based study conducted with tablets. Children will be asked to point to pictures, consider situations, and complete game-like tasks. They do not need to prepare in advance to participate in the study. The assessment is conducted one-on-one with trained staff who have experience working with children. The study is untimed and will be split across two days to minimize time away from regular classroom activity. Children will be allowed to take breaks as needed. In our experience, the study takes about 30 minutes each day and children enjoy participating.
What is required of schools and teachers?
School administrators are asked to agree to their students’ and teachers’ participation in the study, and to appoint a staff person who will help coordinate activities within the school. Teachers of students who participate in the study are asked to complete a brief survey about their professional background and the skills and abilities of those specific students. School staff will not be asked to administer the study. Trained IELS staff will facilitate the assessment and bring all required materials to the school.
What role do parents have in the study?
One parent or guardian of each student who participates in the study will be asked to complete a brief survey. The questionnaire asks demographic questions as well as questions about their child’s early learning environment, such as whether parents read to their child and whether the child participates in enrichment programs. It also asks questions about their child’s social skills and participation in child care.
Will the names of participants and their responses be kept confidential?
Results will not identify participating states, districts, schools, students, educators, or parents/guardians. All of the information provided by school staff, students, and parents may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151). Individuals are never identified in any reports. All reported statistics refer to the U.S. as a whole or to national subgroups.
Where can I find more information?
Visit the IELS website at
For additional questions about IELS, contact the IELS U.S. home office at [insert study phone number here] or email [insert study email here].
The National Center for Education Statistics is authorized to conduct this study under the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543).The U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has approved this data collection under OMB #1850-0936.
[Title] [Name First] [Name Last], [Title/Department]
[School District]
[Address 1]
[City], [State] [Zip code]
Dear [Title] [Name Last]:
I am writing to inform your district about an important new study: the International Early Learning Study (IELS). This study of 5-year-olds will allow the U.S. to compare the skills and competencies of our children to their peers in other countries. Results from IELS will provide policymakers, educators, and parents/guardians with valuable information about the experiences that influence children’s early learning and their abilities as they begin school. I believe this is an extraordinary opportunity for us to learn more about children at this formative age.
The U.S. and several other countries will conduct a field test for IELS in the fall of 2017 in order to prepare for the main study in 2018. Some schools in your district have been randomly selected to participate in the field test, and I am writing to ask your district to support the participation of those schools. The purpose of the field test is to refine operational processes. It is also to try out new questions to ensure they accurately measure children’s knowledge and skills and are unbiased toward U.S. students.
IELS is a play-based study that is given on tablets. It is conducted one-on-one with trained staff. The assessment is untimed and will be split across two days to minimize children’s time away from regular classroom activity. In our experience, the study takes about 30 minutes each day and children enjoy participating. Teachers of students selected for the study will be asked to complete a questionnaire, which includes questions about their professional background (about 3 minutes to complete) and the skills and abilities of the students selected for the study (about 5 minutes per child, with an average of 4 students per teacher). Parents will also be asked to complete a short survey.
We are asking you to encourage your school(s) to participate in this vital phase, which will take place this year in November and December. As a thank you, each participating school in your district will receive $200 and each school’s IELS school coordinator (i.e., a school staff person designated to liaise with IELS staff) will also receive $200 for their time and effort. Selected teachers will receive $40 for completing the questionnaire, and parents who complete the survey will receive $20. Each student who participates will receive a sticker or a pencil. Schools that participate in the 2017 field test will not be selected again for the main study in fall 2018.
IELS is sponsored by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), an intergovernmental organization of industrialized countries. The study is conducted in the U.S. by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, and is administered by Westat on behalf of NCES. The U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has approved the data collection under OMB #1850-0936. Study findings will not identify participating districts, schools, students, or individual staff. Please see the enclosed FAQ for information about data confidentiality. While IELS is voluntary, your support of school participation in your district is invaluable so that the United States has a representative sample of schools across the country.
Within the next few days, a representative from Westat will contact the following school or schools in your district that have been selected for the field test: [LIST SAMPLED SCHOOLS HERE…]. Please include the IELS field test administration window (November to December 2017) on your district test calendar.
IELS is described in more detail in the enclosed materials. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call [insert study phone number here] or send an email to [insert study email here]. You may also get more information about this study by contacting Dana Kelly at NCES at (202) 245-8326 or, or by visiting the IELS website at
Thank you for your time and for supporting this important international education study.
Peggy Carr, Ph.D.
Acting Commissioner
The National Center for Education Statistics is authorized to conduct this study under the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). All of the information provided by school staff, students, and parents may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151). Individuals are never identified in any reports. All reported statistics refer to the U.S. as a whole or to national subgroups.
[Title] [Name First] [Name Last], [Title/Department]
[School District]
[Address 1]
[City], [State] [Zip code]
Dear [Title] [Name Last]:
I am writing to inform your district about an important new study: the International Early Learning Study (IELS). This study of 5-year-olds will allow the U.S. to compare the skills and competencies of our children to their peers in other countries. Results from IELS will provide policymakers, educators, and parents/guardians with valuable information about the experiences that influence children’s early learning and their abilities as they begin school. I believe this is an extraordinary opportunity for us to learn more about children at this formative age.
The U.S. and several other countries will participate in IELS in the fall of 2018. Some schools in your district have been randomly selected to participate in the study, and I am writing to ask your district to support the participation of those schools.
IELS is a play-based study that is given on tablets. It is conducted one-on-one with trained staff. The assessment is untimed and will be split across two days to minimize children’s time away from regular classroom activity. In our experience, the study takes about 30 minutes each day and children enjoy participating. Teachers of students selected for the study will be asked to complete a questionnaire, which includes questions about their professional background (about 3 minutes to complete) and the skills and abilities of the students selected for the study (about 5 minutes per child, with an average of 4 students per teacher). Parents will also be asked to complete a short survey.
We are asking you to encourage your school(s) to participate in IELS, which will take place this year in October and November. As a thank-you, each participating school in your district will receive $200 and each school’s IELS school coordinator (i.e., a school staff person designated to liaise with IELS staff) will also receive $200 for their time and effort. Selected teachers will receive $40 for completing the questionnaire, and parents who complete the survey will receive $20. Each student who participates will receive a sticker or a pencil.
IELS is sponsored by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), an intergovernmental organization of industrialized countries. The study is conducted in the U.S. by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, and is administered by Westat on behalf of NCES. The U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has approved the data collection under OMB #1850-0936. Study findings will not identify participating districts, schools, students, or individual staff. Please see the enclosed FAQ for information about data confidentiality. While IELS is voluntary, your support of school participation in your district is invaluable so that the United States has a representative sample of schools across the country.
Within the next few days, a representative from Westat will contact the following school or schools in your district that have been selected for the study: [LIST SAMPLED SCHOOLS HERE…]. Please include the IELS assessment window (October to November 2018) on your district test calendar.
IELS is described in more detail in the enclosed materials. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call [insert study phone number here] or send an email to [insert study email here]. You may also get more information about this study by contacting Dana Kelly at NCES at (202) 245-8326 or, or by visiting the IELS website at
Thank you for your time and for supporting this important international education study.
Peggy Carr, Ph.D.
Acting Commissioner
[Title] [Name First] [Name Last], [Title/Department]
[School District]
[Address 1]
[City], [State] [Zip code]
Dear [Title] [Name Last]:
I am writing to inform your school about an important new study: the International Early Learning Study (IELS). This study of 5-year-olds will allow the U.S. to compare the skills and competencies of our children to their peers in other countries. Results from IELS will provide policymakers, educators, and parents/guardians with valuable information about the experiences that influence children’s early learning and their abilities as they begin school. I believe this is an extraordinary opportunity for us to learn more about children at this formative age.
The U.S. and several other countries will conduct a field test for IELS in the fall of 2017 in order to prepare for the main study in 2018 Your school is one of 30 across the U.S. that has been selected to take part in the IELS field test between November and December. The purpose of the field test is to refine operational processes. It is also to try out new questions to ensure they accurately measure children’s knowledge and skills and are unbiased toward U.S. students.
IELS is a play-based study that is given on tablets. It is conducted one-on-one with trained staff. The assessment is untimed and will be split across two days to minimize children’s time away from regular classroom activity. In our experience, the study takes about 30 minutes each day and children enjoy participating. Teachers of students selected for the study will be asked to complete a questionnaire, which includes questions about their professional background (about 3 minutes to complete) and the skills and abilities of the students selected for the study (about 5 minutes per child, with an average of 4 students per teacher). Parents will also be asked to complete a short survey.
As a thank-you for help with this vital phase of the study, your school will receive $200. The individual you appoint as the IELS school coordinator (i.e., a school staff person designated to liaise with IELS staff) will also receive $200 for their time and effort. Selected teachers will receive $40 for completing the questionnaire, and parents who complete the survey will receive $20. Each student who participates will receive a sticker or a pencil. Schools that participate in the 2017 field test will not be selected again for the main study in 2018.
IELS is sponsored by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), an intergovernmental organization of industrialized countries. The study is conducted in the U.S. by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, and is administered by Westat on behalf of NCES. The U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has approved the data collection under OMB #1850-0936. Study findings will not identify participating districts, schools, students, or individual staff. Please see the enclosed FAQ for information about data confidentiality.
Within the next few days, a representative from Westat will contact you to discuss your participation. While the study is voluntary, we ask you to support participation in your school so that the U.S. has a representative sample of schools and we can ensure a fair and valid assessment for all U.S. 5-year-olds.
IELS is described in more detail in the enclosed materials. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call [insert study phone number here] or send an email to [insert study email here]. You may also get more information about this study by contacting Dana Kelly at NCES at (202) 245-8326 or, or by visiting the IELS website at
Thank you for your time and for supporting this important international education study.
Peggy Carr, Ph.D.
Acting Commissioner
The National Center for Education Statistics is authorized to conduct this study under the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). All of the information provided by school staff, students, and parents may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151). Individuals are never identified in any reports. All reported statistics refer to the U.S. as a whole or to national subgroups.
International Early Learning Study
Information for School Administrators
What is the International Early Learning Study (IELS)?
IELS is an international study that provides important information about what 5-year-old children in different countries and learning environments know and can do as they enter elementary school. The study provides important information about children’s abilities in language and emergent literacy, mathematics and numeracy, self-regulation, and social emotional skills. It also collects information from educators and parents/guardians about children’s early childhood education and care experiences, home learning environments, and demographic characteristics to examine how various factors are related to children’s development. The U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) facilitates our country’s participation in IELS.
Why is IELS important?
IELS will allow the U.S. to compare the skills and competencies of our children to their peers in other countries. Results from IELS will provide policymakers, educators, and parents/guardians with valuable information about the experiences that influence children’s early learning and their abilities as they begin school.
What is the field test for? Why should my school and students participate?
The IELS field test (a small-scale, trial run of the study) is being conducted in every participating country. Field-testing the study among a diverse sample of 5-year-olds from a variety of schools, locations, and backgrounds ensures that the assessment wording and the concepts assessed are not regionally, culturally, or socially biased. Participants will provide essential feedback to improve the study and help ensure that IELS provides an accurate picture of what U.S. 5-year-olds know and can do.
Are there incentives for participating schools?
Yes. NCES will provide $200 to schools that participate in the field test. NCES will also provide $200 to school coordinators who serve as the point of contact for each school.
Why was my school selected for the field test? Will my school also participate in the main study?
Your school was selected as part of a nationally-representative sample of U.S. public and private schools. Approximately 475 students, from about 30 schools, will participate in the field test. Your school will not be asked to participate in both the field test and main study.
Will all of our 5-year-old students be asked to participate?
Up to 19 students will be randomly selected to take part in the study from each participating school. In very small schools, all 5-year-old students may be asked to participate. Students with disabilities and English Language Learners may be excused if a limited set of accommodations provided by IELS study staff do not provide adequate support to enable their participation.
When and where will the field test being conducted?
NCES will work with Westat, a research organization, to conduct the field test in November and December 2017. The study will be conducted in participating schools. The assessment space needs to be able to accommodate the students and IELS staff.
Who will be responsible for administering the study to students?
Trained IELS staff will provide all required materials and conduct the study with students. Exceptions will be made for students with IEP accommodations who may require the assistance of school personnel (e.g., if a student works one-on-one with an aide).
What is involved for students?
IELS is a play-based study conducted with tablets. Children will be asked to point to pictures, consider situations, and complete game-like tasks. They do not need to prepare in advance. The assessment is conducted one-on-one with trained staff who have experience working with children. The study is untimed and will be split across two days to minimize time away from regular classroom activity. Children will be allowed to take breaks as necessary. The study takes about 30 minutes each day and children enjoy participating.
What happens if a child refuses to participate?
All participation is voluntary. Children can skip any question they do not want to answer. Any child who does not wish to work with IELS staff will not have to.
What is involved for teachers and parents/guardians?
Teachers of students selected for the study will be asked to complete a questionnaire, which includes questions about their professional background (about 3 minutes to complete) and the skills and abilities of the students selected for the study (about 5 minutes per child, with an average of 4 students per teacher). One parent/guardian of each participating student will also be asked to complete a brief questionnaire. Teachers will receive $40 and parents/guardians will receive $20 when they complete the survey.
Will the names of participants and their responses be kept confidential?
Individual children’s performance will not be shared with teachers, the school, or the district in any way. Individual responses will be combined with those from other participants to produce summary statistics and reports. All of the information provided by school staff, students, and parents may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151). All field staff and other staff working on the study have signed an affidavit of non-disclosure where they swear to abide by this law.
Where can I find more information?
For additional information, call the IELS information number, [insert study phone number here], or send an email to [insert study email here]. You may also learn more about the study by visiting the IELS website at
School Registration Email-
Field Test
MyIELS School Registration Email
Dear [insert school coordinator title and last name]:
Thank you again for participating in the IELS 2018 field test, taking place in the fall of 2017. To keep you informed of new information about IELS as well as steps for preparing for the study, we have developed a website for school coordinators called MyIELS ( This is a secure site with content tailored to each individual school.
Below is your Registration ID. You will use this the first time you visit MyIELS to create your own username and password.
The registration ID supports multiple users, though each user will need to provide their own registration information (e.g., name, email, phone, address).
If you need technical assistance at any time, please do not hesitate to contact the IELS help desk at <Toll free number>, or via email at
We look forward to working with you.
The U.S. IELS Team
[Title] [Name First] [Name Last], [Title/Department]
[School District]
[Address 1]
[City], [State] [Zip code]
Dear [Title] [Name Last]:
I am writing to inform your school about an important new study: the International Early Learning Study (IELS). This study of 5-year-olds will allow the U.S. to compare the skills and competencies of our children to their peers in other countries. Results from IELS will provide policymakers, educators, and parents/guardians with valuable information about the experiences that influence children’s early learning and their abilities as they begin school. I believe this is an extraordinary opportunity for us to learn more about children at this formative age.
The U.S. and several other countries will participate in IELS in the fall of 2018. Your school is one of 200 across the U.S. that has been selected to take part in the study between October and November of this year.
IELS is a play-based study that is given on tablets. It is conducted one-on-one with trained staff. The assessment is untimed and will be split across two days to minimize children’s time away from regular classroom activity. In our experience, the study takes about 30 minutes each day and children enjoy participating. Teachers of students selected for the study will be asked to complete a questionnaire, which includes questions about their professional background (about 3 minutes to complete) and the skills and abilities of the students selected for the study (about 5 minutes per child, with an average of 4 students per teacher). Parents will also be asked to complete a short survey.
As a thank-you for participating, your school will receive $200. The individual you appoint as the IELS school coordinator (i.e., a school staff person designated to liaise with IELS staff) will also receive $200 for their time and effort. Selected teachers will receive $40 for completing the questionnaire, and parents who complete the survey will receive $20. Each student who participates will receive a sticker or a pencil.
IELS is sponsored by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), an intergovernmental organization of industrialized countries. The study is conducted in the U.S. by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education, and is administered by Westat on behalf of NCES. The U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has approved the data collection under OMB #1850-0936. Study findings will not identify participating districts, schools, students, or individual staff. Please see the enclosed FAQ for information about data confidentiality.
Within the next few days, a representative from Westat will contact you to discuss your participation. While the study is voluntary, we ask you to support participation in your school so that the U.S. has a representative sample of schools and we can ensure a fair and valid assessment for all U.S. 5-year-olds.
IELS is described in more detail in the enclosed materials. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call [insert study phone number here] or send an email to [insert study email here]. You may also get more information about this study by contacting Dana Kelly at NCES at (202) 245-8326 or, or by visiting the IELS website at
Thank you for your time and for supporting this important international education study.
Peggy Carr, Ph.D.
Acting Commissioner
The National Center for Education Statistics is authorized to conduct this study under the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). All of the information provided by school staff, students, and parents may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151). Individuals are never identified in any reports. All reported statistics refer to the U.S. as a whole or to national subgroups.
International Early Learning Study
Information for School Administrators
What is the International Early Learning Study (IELS)?
IELS is an international study that provides important information about what 5-year-old children in different countries and learning environments know and can do as they enter elementary school. The study provides important information about children’s abilities in language and emergent literacy, mathematics and numeracy, self-regulation, and social emotional skills. It also collects information from educators and parents/guardians about children’s early childhood education and care experiences, home learning environments, and demographic characteristics to examine how various factors are related to children’s development. The U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) facilitates our country’s participation in IELS.
Why is IELS important?
IELS will allow the U.S. to compare the skills and competencies of our children to their peers in other countries. Results from IELS will provide policymakers, educators, and parents/guardians with valuable information about the experiences that influence children’s early learning and their abilities as they begin school.
Why should my school and students participate in the study?
Participants help IELS provide an accurate picture of what 5-year-olds in the U.S. know and can do. It is important that every selected school and student participate in the study because they represent many other schools and children like them across the country. Moreover, educators and parents/guardians contribute vital information about participating children’s skills and education experiences to provide insights into their learning and development.
Are there incentives for participating schools?
Yes. NCES will provide $200 to schools that participate in the study. NCES will also provide $200 to school coordinators who serve as the point of contact for each school.
Why was my school selected for participation?
Your school was selected as part of a nationally-representative sample of U.S. public and private schools. Approximately 3,000 students, from about 200 schools, will participate in the study across the country.
Will all of our 5-year-old students be asked to participate?
Up to 19 students will be randomly selected to take part in the study from each participating school. In very small schools, all 5-year-old students may be asked to participate. Students with disabilities and English Language Learners may be excused if a limited set of accommodations provided by IELS study staff do not provide adequate support to enable their participation.
When and where will the study be conducted?
NCES will work with Westat, a research organization, to conduct the study in October and November 2018. The study will be conducted in participating schools. The assessment space needs to be able to accommodate the students and IELS staff.
Who will be responsible for administering the study to students?
Trained IELS staff will provide all required materials and conduct the study with students. Exceptions will be made for students with IEP accommodations who may require the assistance of school personnel (e.g., if a student works one-on-one with an aide).
What is involved for students?
IELS is a play-based study conducted with tablets. Children will be asked to point to pictures, consider situations, and complete game-like tasks. They do not need to prepare in advance. The assessment is conducted one-on-one with trained staff who have experience working with children. The study is untimed and will be split across two days to minimize time away from regular classroom activity. Children will be allowed to take breaks as necessary. The study takes about 30 minutes each day and children enjoy participating.
What happens if a child refuses to participate?
All participation is voluntary. Children can skip any question they do not want to answer. Any child who does not wish to work with IELS staff will not have to.
What is involved for teachers and parents/guardians?
Teachers of students selected for the study will be asked to complete a questionnaire, which includes questions about their professional background (about 3 minutes to complete) and the skills and abilities of the students selected for the study (about 5 minutes per child, with an average of 4 students per teacher). One parent/guardian of each participating student will also be asked to complete a brief questionnaire. Teachers will receive $40 and parents/guardians will receive $20 when they complete the survey.
Will the names of participants and their responses be kept confidential?
Individual children’s performance will not be shared with teachers, the school, or the district in any way. Individual responses will be combined with those from other participants to produce summary statistics and reports. All of the information provided by school staff, students, and parents may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151). All field staff and other staff working on the study have signed an affidavit of non-disclosure where they swear to abide by this law.
Where can I find more information? Registration Email
Main Study
Dear [insert school coordinator title and last name]:
Thank you again for participating in the IELS 2018 main study. To keep you informed of new information about IELS as well as steps for preparing for the study, we have developed a website for school coordinators called MyIELS ( This is a secure site with content tailored to each individual school.
Below is your Registration ID. You will use this the first time you visit MyIELS to create your own username and password.
The registration ID supports multiple users, though each user will need to provide their own registration information (e.g., name, email, phone, address).
If you need technical assistance at any time, please do not hesitate to contact the IELS help desk at <Toll free number>, or via email at
We look forward to working with you.
International Early Learning Study
Information for Teachers
What is the International Early Learning Study (IELS)?
IELS is an international study that provides important information about what 5-year-old children in different countries and learning environments know and can do as they enter elementary school. The study provides important information about children’s abilities in language and emergent literacy, mathematics and numeracy, self-regulation, and social emotional skills. It also collects information from educators and parents/guardians about children’s early childhood education and care experiences, home learning environments, and demographic characteristics to examine how various factors are related to children’s development. The U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) facilitates our country’s participation in IELS.
Why is IELS important?
IELS will allow the U.S. to compare the skills and competencies of our children to their peers in other countries. Results from IELS will provide policymakers, educators, and parents/guardians with valuable information about the experiences that influence children’s early learning and their abilities as they begin school.
What is the field test for? Why should my students and I participate?
The IELS field test (a small-scale, trial run of the study) is being conducted in every participating country to determine if any of the questions are biased because of national, social, or cultural differences and if the study works as planned. Participants in the field test will provide essential feedback to improve the study and help ensure that IELS provides an accurate picture of what U.S. students know and can do.
When is the field test being conducted?
NCES will work with Westat, a research organization, to conduct the field test in the U.S. between November and December 2017.
How are schools and students selected for participation?
The U.S. Department of Education identified about 30 public and private schools to represent the nation. Within each school, up to 19 children were randomly chosen to participate. Approximately 475 5-year-olds will take part in the field test across the U.S.
What is involved for students?
IELS is a play-based study conducted with tablets. Children will be asked to point to pictures, consider situations, and complete game-like tasks. They do not need to prepare in advance. The assessment is conducted one-on-one with trained staff who have experience working with children. The study is untimed and will be split across two days to minimize time away from regular classroom activity. Children will be allowed to take breaks as necessary. In our experience, the study takes about 30 minutes each day and children enjoy participating.
What role do teachers have in IELS?
Teachers of students selected for the study will be asked to complete a questionnaire, which includes questions about their professional background (about 3 minutes to complete) and the skills and abilities of the students selected for the study (about 5 minutes per child, with an average of 4 students per teacher). You do not have to complete the survey in a single session. Paper-and-pencil versions of the surveys may be available upon request. Your participation in the IELS is vital as we need a certain number of teachers to help us evaluate questionnaire items. Each teacher will be offered $40 as a thank-you after completing the survey.
Do teachers need to help administer the assessments?
No. Trained IELS staff from Westat will administer the study on behalf of NCES and bring all required materials to the school. Exceptions will be made for students with IEP accommodations that may require the assistance of school personnel (e.g., if a student works one-on-one with an aide).
What happens if a child refuses to participate?
All participation is voluntary. Children can skip any question they do not want to answer. Any child who does not wish to work with IELS staff will not have to.
What will happen with the collected data?
The field test data will be used to evaluate whether the assessment fairly and accurately measures students’ knowledge and skills in all participating countries. Individual children’s performance will not be shared with teachers, the school, or the district in any way. Results will not identify participating districts, schools, students, educators, or parents/guardians. Individual responses will be combined with those from other participants to produce summary statistics and reports.
Will the names of participants and their responses be kept confidential?
All of the information provided by teachers, students, and parents may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151). All field staff and other staff working on the study have signed an affidavit of non-disclosure where they swear to abide by this law.
Where can I find more information?
For additional information, call the IELS information number, [insert study phone number here], or send an email to [insert study email here]. You may also learn more about the study by visiting the IELS website at
International Early Learning Study
Information for Teachers
What is the International Early Learning Study (IELS)?
IELS is an international study that provides important information about what 5-year-old children in different countries and learning environments know and can do as they enter elementary school. The study provides important information about children’s abilities in language and emergent literacy, mathematics and numeracy, self-regulation, and social emotional skills. It also collects information from educators and parents/guardians about children’s early childhood education and care experiences, home learning environments, and demographic characteristics to examine how various factors are related to children’s development. The U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) facilitates our country’s participation in IELS.
Why is IELS important?
IELS will allow the U.S. to compare the skills and competencies of our children to their peers in other countries. Results from IELS will provide policymakers, educators, and parents/guardians with valuable information about the experiences that influence children’s early learning and their abilities as they begin school.
Why should my students and I participate in the study?
Participants help IELS provide an accurate picture of what 5-year-olds in the U.S. know and can do. It is important that every selected school and student participate in the study because they represent many other schools and children like them across the country. Moreover, educators and parents/guardians contribute vital information about participating children’s skills and education experiences to provide insights into their learning and development.
How are schools and students selected for participation?
The U.S. Department of Education identified about 200 public and private schools to represent the nation. Within each school, up to 19 children were randomly chosen to participate. Approximately 3,000 5-year-olds will take part in the study across the U.S.
When is IELS being conducted?
NCES will work with Westat, a research organization, to conduct the study in the U.S. between October and November 2018.
What is involved for students?
IELS is a play-based study conducted with tablets. Children will be asked to point to pictures, consider situations, and complete game-like tasks. They do not need to prepare in advance. The assessment is conducted one-on-one with trained staff who have experience working with children. The study is untimed and will be split across two days to minimize time away from regular classroom activity. Children will be allowed to take breaks as necessary. In our experience, the study takes about 30 minutes each day and children enjoy participating.
What role do teachers have in IELS?
Teachers of students selected for the study will be asked to complete a questionnaire, which includes questions about their professional background (about 3 minutes to complete) and the skills and abilities of the students selected for the study (about 5 minutes per child, with an average of 4 students per teacher). You do not have to complete the survey in a single session. Paper-and-pencil versions of the surveys may be available upon request. Your participation in the IELS is vital as we need a certain number of teachers to help us evaluate questionnaire items. Each teacher will be offered $40 as a thank-you after completing the survey.
Do teachers need to help administer the assessments?
No. Trained IELS staff from Westat will administer the study on behalf of NCES and bring all required materials to the school. Exceptions will be made for students with IEP accommodations that may require the assistance of school personnel (e.g., if a student works one-on-one with an aide).
What happens if a child refuses to participate?
All participation is voluntary. Children can skip any question they do not want to answer. Any child who does not wish to work with IELS staff will not have to.
What will happen with the collected data?
Individual children’s performance will not be shared with teachers, the school, or the district in any way. Results will not identify participating districts, schools, students, educators, or parents/guardians. Individual responses will be combined with those from other participants to produce summary statistics and reports.
Will the names of participants and their responses be kept confidential?
All of the information provided by teachers, students, and parents may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151). All field staff and other staff working on the study have signed an affidavit of non-disclosure where they swear to abide by this law.
Where can I find more information?
For additional information, call the IELS information number, [insert study phone number here], or send an email to [insert study email here]. You may also learn more about the study by visiting the IELS website at
Summer Email for School Coordinators-
Main Study
Subject line: Upcoming IELS Study in Your School
Dear {name}:
Thank you again for agreeing to take part in the important new study, the International Early Learning Study (IELS). This study of 5-year-olds will allow the U.S. to compare the skills and competencies of our children to their peers in other countries.
We enjoyed speaking with you this past winter and are looking forward to visiting your school on {assessment date} to complete the planned assessments. If for any reason that date no longer works for your school, please contact us at {help desk phone number} or {help desk email}.
This fall, a Westat representative will call you to discuss sampling all of the 5-year-olds and their teachers in your school so that we can randomly select the 19 children we will ask to participate. We will also discuss the most efficient method of contacting parents and gaining consent for their child’s participation, working with teachers who were identified during sampling to invite them to the study and to complete their online surveys, and assessment logistics. As a thank-you for your help, you will receive $200 at the completion of the survey.
In the meantime, if you would like to learn more about the study, please visit If you have forgotten your username and/or password, information is on the site to have them resent to you. You can also call the IELS support line for this information.
Thank you and have a wonderful rest of your summer,
The IELS Project Staff
The National Center for Education Statistics is authorized to conduct this study under the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). All of the information provided by school staff, students, and parents may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151). Individuals are never identified in any reports. All reported statistics refer to the U.S. as a whole or to national subgroups.
Appendix B
All materials in this appendix will be used for both public and private schools.
Subject: IELS E-Filing open
Attachment: IELS Field Test E-Filing Instructions
Dear School Coordinator:
Welcome and thank you for your efforts as the school coordinator for the International Early Learning Study (IELS) at your school! IELS will allow the U.S. to compare the skills and competencies of our children to their peers in other countries. Results from IELS will provide policymakers, educators, and parents/guardians with valuable information about the experiences that influence children’s early learning and their abilities as they begin school.
In order to randomly select students for the IELS field test, we first need a list of eligible students. Detailed instructions on submitting your lists for IELS are included in the attached document titled IELS Field Test E-Filing Instructions.
The deadline for student lists to be submitted for sampling is Month Day, 2017. Please upload your school’s lists as soon as possible so that sampled students, their teachers, and their parents/guardians can be notified about the study well in advance.
If you have any questions about the instructions, please contact the IELS Help Desk at [insert email] or by calling 1-888-[insert number]. The e-filing instructions are also posted on the IELS website (
Dear Parent or Guardian,
I am writing to inform you about an exciting study that our school will participate in this fall. This study is called the International Early Learning Study, or IELS. It will allow the U.S. to compare the skills and competencies of our children to their peers in other countries. Results from IELS will provide policymakers, educators, and parents/guardians with valuable information about the experiences that influence children’s early learning and their abilities as they begin school.
The U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) has asked our school to take part in the IELS field test, which is a small-scale, trial run of the study. The field test will make sure that the questions accurately measure the knowledge and skills of young children in participating countries. Some of our 5-year-olds, including your child, have been randomly chosen to participate. IELS is voluntary, but participation is important to ensure we get an accurate picture of what 5-year-olds in the U.S. can do.
IELS is a play-based study that is given on tablets. It is conducted one-on-one with trained staff. The assessment is untimed and will be split across two days to minimize time away from regular classroom activity. In our experience, the study takes about 30 minutes each day and children enjoy participating.
I encourage you to support this effort by agreeing to have your child take part. One parent or guardian of each student who participates will be asked to complete a brief survey. You will receive $20 as a thank-you when you complete the survey.
The information provided by students and parents or guardians will not be shared with teachers, our school, or the district. Individuals and schools will not be identified in any reported data. NCES is authorized to conduct this study under the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). All of the information provided by you and your child may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151).
NCES will work with Westat, a research organization, to conduct the field test in the U.S. between November and December. The enclosed fact sheet provides additional information about IELS and explains what is involved for each child selected to participate in the study.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call [insert study phone number here] or send an email to [insert study email here]. You may also get more information about this study by visiting the IELS website at
Thank you for taking the time to consider your child’s participation in this important study.
Facts for Parents about the IELS Field Test
Dear Parent or Guardian,
I am writing to inform you about an exciting study that our school will participate in this fall. This study is called the International Early Learning Study, or IELS. It will allow the U.S. to compare the skills and competencies of our children to their peers in other countries. Results from IELS will provide policymakers, educators, and parents/guardians with valuable information about the experiences that influence children’s early learning and their abilities as they begin school.
The U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) has asked our school to take part in the IELS field test, which is a small-scale, trial run of the study. The field test will make sure that the questions accurately measure the knowledge and skills of young children in participating countries. Some of our 5-year-olds, including your child, have been randomly chosen to participate. IELS is voluntary, but participation is important to ensure we get an accurate picture of what 5-year-olds in the U.S. can do.
IELS is a play-based study that is given on tablets. It is conducted one-on-one with trained staff. The assessment is untimed and will be split across two days to minimize time away from regular classroom activity. In our experience, the study takes about 30 minutes each day and children enjoy participating.
I encourage you to support this effort by agreeing to have your child take part. One parent or guardian of each student who participates will be asked to complete a brief survey. You will receive $20 as a thank-you when you complete the survey.
The information provided by students and parents or guardians will not be shared with teachers, our school, or the district. Individuals and schools will not be identified in any reported data. NCES is authorized to conduct this study under the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). All of the information provided by you and your child may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151).
NCES will work with Westat, a research organization, to conduct the field test in the U.S. between November and December. The enclosed fact sheet provides additional information about IELS and explains what is involved for each child selected to participate in the study.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call [insert study phone number here] or send an email to [insert study email here]. You may also get more information about this study by visiting the IELS website at
If you have an objection to your child participating in the IELS activities, please let us know by completing the attached consent form and returning it to the school.
Thank you for taking the time to consider your child’s participation in this important study.
Facts for Parents about the IELS Field Test
Parent/Guardian Consent Form
International Early Learning Study (IELS)
Field Test
Parent/Guardian Consent Form
Your 5-year-old has been asked to participate in a field test of an international study of early learning called the International Early Learning Study (IELS). This study will be administered by a team of researchers from Westat who have experience working with young children. Westat is operating under contract to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) within the U. S. Department of Education. In fall 2017, new questions will be tested in approximately 30 schools in the United States. This field test will help assessment developers ensure that IELS is valid and fair to all 5-year-olds in the U.S.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call [insert study phone number here] or send an email to [insert study email here]. You may also get more information about this study by visiting the IELS website at
If you grant permission for your child to participate in the IELS field test, you do not need to return this form.
If you do not give permission for your child to participate in the IELS field test, please check the box below, and sign and return this form to your child’s school as soon as possible.
I do not give permission for my child to participate in the
IELS field test.
____________________________________________ Date of signature: _______/_______/____________
(Signature of parent or guardian)
Student name: _____________________________________________
School name: ______________________________________________
Parent Name: __________________________
Parent telephone: _________________________________________
Parent email: ______________________________________________
Student ID: ________________________________________________
Dear Parent or Guardian,
I am writing to inform you about an exciting study that our school will participate in this fall. This study is called the International Early Learning Study, or IELS. It will allow the U.S. to compare the skills and competencies of our children to their peers in other countries. Results from IELS will provide policymakers, educators, and parents/guardians with valuable information about the experiences that influence children’s early learning and their abilities as they begin school.
The U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) has asked our school to take part in the IELS field test, which is a small-scale, trial run of the study. The field test will make sure that the questions accurately measure the knowledge and skills of young children in participating countries. Some of our 5-year-olds, including your child, have been randomly chosen to participate. IELS is voluntary, but participation is important to ensure we get an accurate picture of what 5-year-olds in the U.S. can do.
IELS is a play-based study that is given on tablets. It is conducted one-on-one with trained staff. The assessment is untimed and will be split across two days to minimize time away from regular classroom activity. In our experience, the study takes about 30 minutes each day and children enjoy participating.
I encourage you to support this effort by agreeing to have your child take part. One parent or guardian of each student who participates will be asked to complete a brief survey. You will receive $20 as a thank-you when you complete the survey.
The information provided by students and parents or guardians will not be shared with teachers, our school, or the district. Individuals and schools will not be identified in any reported data. NCES is authorized to conduct this study under the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). All of the information provided by you and your child may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151).
NCES will work with Westat, a research organization, to conduct the field test in the U.S. between November and December. The enclosed fact sheet provides additional information about IELS and explains what is involved for each child selected to participate in the study. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call [insert study phone number here] or send an email to [insert study email here]. You may also get more information about this study by visiting the IELS website at
We must have your written consent before we can allow your child to participate in the IELS field test. Please complete the attached form and return it to the school.
Thank you for taking the time to consider your child’s participation in this important study.
Facts for Parents about the IELS Field Test
Parent/Guardian Consent Form
International Early Learning Study (IELS)
Field Test
Parent/Guardian Consent Form
Your 5-year-old has been asked to participate in a field test of an international study of early learning called the International Early Learning Study (IELS). This study will be administered by a team of researchers from Westat who have experience working with young children. Westat is operating under contract to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) within the U. S. Department of Education. In fall 2017, new questions will be tested in approximately 30 schools in the United States. This field test will help assessment developers ensure that IELS is valid and fair to all 5-year-olds in the U.S.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call [insert study phone number here] or send an email to [insert study email here]. You may also get more information about this study by visiting the IELS website at
I give permission for my child to participate in the IELS field test.
I do not give permission for my child to participate in the
IELS field test.
I have read this permission form and understand what my child and I are being asked to do.
____________________________________________ Date of signature: _______/_______/____________
(Signature of parent or guardian)
Student name: _____________________________________________
School name: ______________________________________________
Parent name: ______________________________________________
Parent telephone: _________________________________________
Parent email: ______________________________________________
Student ID: ________________________________________________
International Early Learning Study
Information for Parents and Guardians
What is the International Early Learning Study (IELS)?
IELS is an international study that provides important information about what 5-year-old children in different countries and learning environments know and can do as they enter elementary school. While the study is designed to be fun for children to take, it will give us important information about their abilities in language and literacy, mathematics, self-regulation, and social emotional skills. The study also collects information from educators and parents/guardians about children’s early childhood education and care experiences, home learning environments, and demographic characteristics to examine how various factors are related to children’s development.
IELS is not designed to produce results for individual children. Rather, results will be combined to describe the nation’s 5-year-olds. Your child’s performance will not be shared with teachers, the school, or the district in any way. Reports of the findings will not identify participating districts, schools, students, educators, or parents/guardians. The U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) facilitates our country’s participation in IELS.
Why is IELS important?
IELS will allow the U.S. to compare the skills and competencies of our children to their peers in other countries. Results from IELS will provide policymakers, educators, and parents/guardians with valuable information about the experiences that influence children’s early learning and their abilities as they begin school.
What is the field test for?
The IELS field test (a small-scale, trial run of the study) is being conducted in every participating country to determine if any of the questions are biased because of national, social, or cultural differences and if the study works as planned. NCES will work with Westat, a research organization, to conduct the field test in the U.S. between November and December of this year. Participants will provide essential feedback to improve the study.
Why should my child and I participate in the field test?
Participants help ensure that this study is fair and provides an accurate picture of what U.S. 5-year-olds know and can do. As a thank you, schools that participate in IELS will be offered $200 and parents/guardians who take part will receive $20.
How did my child and their school get selected for the IELS field test?
The U.S. Department of Education identified about 30 public and private schools to represent the nation in the field test. Within each school, up to 19 children were randomly chosen to participate. Approximately 475 5-year-olds will take part in the field test across the country.
What is involved for students?
IELS is a play-based study conducted with tablets. Children will be asked to point to pictures, consider situations, and complete game-like tasks. They do not need to prepare in advance. The assessment is conducted one-on-one with trained staff who have experience working with children. The study is untimed and will be split across two days to minimize time away from regular classroom activity. Children will be allowed to take breaks as necessary. In our experience, the study takes about 30 minutes each day and children enjoy participating.
What is involved for parents?
One parent or guardian of each student who participates in the study will be asked to complete a brief online survey. If you prefer, you can also request a paper-and-pencil version. The questionnaire asks demographic questions as well as questions about the child’s early learning environment and experiences. It also asks questions about the child’s social skills and participation in child care. You can decide when and where to complete the questionnaire, within the timeframe of the study. You will receive $20 as a thank-you when you complete the survey.
What happens if a child refuses to participate?
All participation is voluntary. Children can skip any question they do not want to answer. Any child who does not wish to work with IELS staff will not have to.
My child has a disability. Can he/she still participate?
Students with disabilities and English Language Learners may be offered a limited set of accommodations to participate in IELS. If those accommodations do not provide adequate support to enable their participation, they may be excused.
Will the names of participants and their responses be kept confidential?
All of the information provided by teachers, students, and parents may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151). All field staff and other staff working on the study have signed an affidavit of non-disclosure where they swear to abide by this law.
Who do I contact for information about the IELS?
For additional information, call the IELS information number, [insert study phone number here], or send an email to [insert study email here]. You may also learn more about the study by visiting the IELS website at
Parent Registration Postcard-
Field Test
Front Back
Text: Your child’s school has accepted an invitation from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) within the U.S. Department of Education to participate in the IELS 2018 field test. Your child has been randomly selected as 1 of up-to 19 children from their school to participate and represent their school and other students like them across the country in this important international education study.
IELS surveys children, their parents, and teachers, and provides comparative information about early learning experiences around the world. This field test will allow test developers to modify or delete questions that are not working effectively and ensure that IELS is valid and fair to all U.S. students. This information, combined with responses from teachers, helps to provide a more complete understanding of children’s early learning contexts and experiences. Reports of the IELS findings will not identify parents, students, individual staff, or schools in any way. The field test results are not published.
As a parent or legal guardian of a sampled student you are asked to participate by going online, registering for the study, providing consent, and also by completing a 30 minute online questionnaire about your background and your child’s experience in school. You will receive $20 as a thank you for completing the survey. Use the provided link and unique account information above to register, provide consent, and complete your questionnaire!
If you do not want to register (e.g., provide an email address, mailing address), but do want to participate and receive $20 as a thank you for completing the survey, you can go directly to the questionnaire site < TBD > and use the credentials above to complete your questionnaire.
Please see the notes on the back of this card for OMB approval and statement, along with the IELS help desk contact information.
Text cont’d – Notes:
You may exit the questionnaire at any time and log in again later – all of your responses will be saved automatically.
It is estimated that it takes approximately 30 minutes to complete the questionnaire.
If you have questions about the questionnaire or need assistance completing it, please contact the IELS help desk at 1-855-205-9782 or email
Thank you for the thought, time, and effort you have put into completing the questionnaire!
The National Center for Education Statistics is authorized to conduct this study under the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151). Individuals are never identified in any reports. All reported statistics refer to the U.S. as a whole or to national subgroups.
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this voluntary survey is 1850-0936. The time required to complete this survey is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the survey. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving this survey, or any comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this survey, please write to: International Early Learning Study (IELS), National Center for Education Statistics, Potomac Center Plaza, 550 12th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20202.
Teacher Questionnaire Invitation Email-
Field Test
Dear «Name»:
Your school is one of about 30 schools across the United States that has accepted an invitation from NCES to participate in the IELS 2018 field test. You’ve been sampled to participate by completing an online teacher questionnaire about your teacher training and education, your views on teaching, and information about some of the students you teach. If you have any questions about how you were selected for this survey, please contact your IELS school coordinator, «SC_FNAME» «SC_LNAME».
The questionnaire takes on average 23 minutes to complete, with an average of 4 students per teacher. This information, combined with responses from students and their parents/legal guardians, helps to provide a more complete understanding of early childhood education and contexts for learning.
You will receive $40 as a thank you for completing the questionnaire, if allowed by your school’s policy. Use the provided link and unique account information below to complete your questionnaire.
Link: <URL
IELS is conducted in the United States by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) in the U.S. Department of Education and is administered by Westat, headquartered in Rockville, Maryland, on behalf of NCES. The U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has approved the data collection under OMB #1850-0936.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call <Toll free number> or send an email to
Thank you for your time and for supporting this important international study.
The U.S. IELS Team
The National Center for Education Statistics is authorized to conduct this study under the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151). Individuals are never identified in any reports. All reported statistics refer to the U.S. as a whole or to national subgroups.
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this voluntary survey is 1850-0936. The time required to complete this survey is estimated to average 23 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the survey. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving this survey, or any comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this survey, please write to: International Early Learning Study (IELS), National Center for Education Statistics, Potomac Center Plaza, 550 12th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20202.
Reminder Email for Parents and Teachers -
Field Test and Main Study
Subject line: Reminder to complete the IELS Survey
Dear {name}:
Thank you again for agreeing to take part in the important new study, the International Early Learning Study (IELS). This study of 5-year-olds will allow the U.S. to compare the skills and competencies of our children to their peers in other countries. Results from IELS will provide policymakers, educators, and parents/guardians with valuable information about the experiences that influence children’s early learning and their abilities as they begin school.
As part of the study, parents and teachers are asked to complete brief online surveys to provide contextual information about the students. You will receive [$$] as a thank-you after completing the survey. As a reminder, the information provided by individual students and parents or guardians will not be shared with teachers, your school, or the district.
If you have not had a chance to complete the survey, please visit to do so. If you have forgotten your username and/or password, information is on the site to have them resent to you. You can also contact the IELS support line at {help desk phone number} or {help desk email} for this information or with any questions.
We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you again for your participation!
The IELS Project Staff
The National Center for Education Statistics is authorized to conduct this study under the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). All of the information provided by school staff, students, and parents may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151). Individuals are never identified in any reports. All reported statistics refer to the U.S. as a whole or to national subgroups.
Thank Your Letter -
Field Test and Main Study
Dear {name},
Thank you for participating in the International Early Learning Study (IELS). Enclosed is a check for [$$] as a token of our appreciation for your participation in this important study of American education.
The study has been very successful because of the cooperation and participation of the children, parents, schools, school administrators, and teachers. You can find further information about the study at our website at
Thank you again for your support of IELS. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the IELS support line at {help desk phone number} or {help desk email}.
The IELS Project Staff
Subject: IELS E-Filing open
Attachment: IELS E-Filing Instructions
Dear School Coordinator:
Welcome and thank you for your efforts as the school coordinator for the International Early Learning Study (IELS) at your school! IELS will allow the U.S. to compare the skills and competencies of our children to their peers in other countries. Results from IELS will provide policymakers, educators, and parents/guardians with valuable information about the experiences that influence children’s early learning and their abilities as they begin school.
In order to randomly select students for IELS, we first need a list of eligible students. Detailed instructions on submitting your lists for IELS are included in the attached document titled IELS E-Filing Instructions.
The deadline for student lists to be submitted for sampling is Month Day, 2018. Please upload your school’s lists as soon as possible so that sampled students, their teachers, and their parents/guardians can be notified about the study well in advance.
If you have any questions about the instructions, please contact the IELS Help Desk at [insert email] or by calling 1-888-[insert number]. The e-filing instructions are also posted on the IELS website (
Dear Parent or Guardian,
I am writing to inform you about an exciting study that our school will participate in this fall. This study is called the International Early Learning Study, or IELS. It will allow the U.S. to compare the skills and competencies of our children to their peers in other countries. Results from IELS will provide policymakers, educators, and parents/guardians with valuable information about the experiences that influence children’s early learning and their abilities as they begin school.
The U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) has asked our school to take part in IELS. Some of our 5-year-olds, including your child, have been randomly chosen to participate. IELS is voluntary, but participation is important to ensure we get an accurate picture of what 5-year-olds in the U.S. can do.
IELS is a play-based study that is given on tablets. It is conducted one-on-one with trained staff. The assessment is untimed and will be split across two days to minimize time away from regular classroom activity. In our experience, the study takes about 30 minutes each day and children enjoy participating.
I encourage you to support this effort by agreeing to have your child take part. One parent or guardian of each student who participates will be asked to complete a brief survey. You will receive $20 as a thank-you when you complete the survey.
The information provided by students and parents or guardians will not be shared with teachers, our school, or the district. Individuals and schools will not be identified in any reported data. NCES is authorized to conduct this study under the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). All of the information provided by you and your child may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151).
NCES will work with Westat, a research organization, to conduct the study in the U.S. between October and November 2018. The enclosed fact sheet provides additional information about IELS and explains what is involved for each child selected to participate in the study. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call [insert study phone number here] or send an email to [insert study email here]. You may also get more information about this study by visiting the IELS website at
Thank you for taking the time to consider your child’s participation in this important study.
Facts for Parents about the IELS
Implicit Consent Letter for Parents-
Main Study
Dear Parent or Guardian,
I am writing to inform you about an exciting study that our school will participate in this fall. This study is called the International Early Learning Study, or IELS. It will allow the U.S. to compare the skills and competencies of our children to their peers in other countries. Results from IELS will provide policymakers, educators, and parents/guardians with valuable information about the experiences that influence children’s early learning and their abilities as they begin school.
The U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) has asked our school to take part in IELS. Some of our 5-year-olds, including your child, have been randomly chosen to participate. IELS is voluntary, but participation is important to ensure we get an accurate picture of what 5-year-olds in the U.S. can do.
IELS is a play-based study that is given on tablets. It is conducted one-on-one with trained staff. The assessment is untimed and will be split across two days to minimize time away from regular classroom activity. In our experience, the study takes about 30 minutes each day and children enjoy participating.
I encourage you to support this effort by agreeing to have your child take part. One parent or guardian of each student who participates will be asked to complete a brief survey. You will receive $20 as a thank-you when you complete the survey.
The information provided by students and parents or guardians will not be shared with teachers, our school, or the district. Individuals and schools will not be identified in any reported data. NCES is authorized to conduct this study under the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). All of the information provided by you and your child may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151).
NCES will work with Westat, a research organization, to conduct the study in the U.S. between October and November 2018. The enclosed fact sheet provides additional information about IELS and explains what is involved for each child selected to participate in the study. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call [insert study phone number here] or send an email to [insert study email here]. You may also get more information about this study by visiting the IELS website at
If you have an objection to your child participating in the IELS activities, please let us know by completing the attached consent form and returning it to the school.
Thank you for taking the time to consider your child’s participation in this important study.
Facts for Parents about the IELS
Parent/Guardian Consent Form
Implicit Consent Form-
Main Study
International Early Learning Study (IELS)
Parent/Guardian Consent Form
Your 5-year-old has been asked to participate in an international study of early learning called the International Early Learning Study (IELS). This study will be administered by a team of researchers from Westat who have experience working with young children. Westat is operating under contract to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) within the U. S. Department of Education. The study will be administered in fall 2018 to approximately 200 schools in the United States.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call [insert study phone number here] or send an email to [insert study email here]. You may also get more information about this study by visiting the IELS website at
If you grant permission for your child to participate in IELS, you do not need to return this form.
If you do not give permission for your child to participate in IELS, please check the box below, and sign and return this form to your child’s school as soon as possible.
I do not give permission for my child to participate in IELS.
____________________________________________ Date of signature: _______/_______/____________
(Signature of parent or guardian)
Student name: _____________________________________________
School name: ______________________________________________
Parent Name: __________________________
Parent telephone: _________________________________________
Parent email: ______________________________________________
Student ID: ________________________________________________
Dear Parent or Guardian,
I am writing to inform you about an exciting study that our school will participate in this fall. This study is called the International Early Learning Study, or IELS. It will allow the U.S. to compare the skills and competencies of our children to their peers in other countries. Results from IELS will provide policymakers, educators, and parents/guardians with valuable information about the experiences that influence children’s early learning and their abilities as they begin school.
The U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) has asked our school to take part in IELS. Some of our 5-year-olds, including your child, have been randomly chosen to participate. IELS is voluntary, but participation is important to ensure we get an accurate picture of what 5-year-olds in the U.S. can do.
IELS is a play-based study that is given on tablets. It is conducted one-on-one with trained staff. The assessment is untimed and will be split across two days to minimize time away from regular classroom activity. In our experience, the study takes about 30 minutes each day and children enjoy participating.
I encourage you to support this effort by agreeing to have your child take part. One parent or guardian of each student who participates will be asked to complete a brief survey. You will receive $20 as a thank-you when you complete the survey.
The information provided by students and parents or guardians will not be shared with teachers, our school, or the district. Individuals and schools will not be identified in any reported data. NCES is authorized to conduct this study under the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). All of the information provided by you and your child may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151).
NCES will work with Westat, a research organization, to conduct the study in the U.S. between October and November 2018. The enclosed fact sheet provides additional information about IELS and explains what is involved for each child selected to participate in the study. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call [insert study phone number here] or send an email to [insert study email here]. You may also get more information about this study by visiting the IELS website at
We must have your written consent before we can allow your child to participate in IELS. Please complete the attached form and return it to the school.
Thank you for taking the time to consider your child’s participation in this important study.
Facts for Parents About the IELS
Parent/Guardian Consent Form
IELS Explicit Consent Form for Parents—IELS Main Study
International Early Learning Study (IELS)
Parent/Guardian Consent Form
Your 5-year-old has been asked to participate in an international study of early learning called the International Early Learning Study (IELS). This study will be administered by a team of researchers from Westat who have experience working with young children. Westat is operating under contract to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) within the U. S. Department of Education. The study will be administered in fall 2018 to approximately 200 schools in the United States.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call [insert study phone number here] or send an email to [insert study email here]. You may also get more information about this study by visiting the IELS website at
I give permission for my child to participate in IELS.
I do not give permission for my child to participate in IELS.
I have read this permission form and understand what my child and I are being asked to do.
____________________________________________ Date of signature: _______/_______/____________
(Signature of parent or guardian)
Student name: _____________________________________________
School name: ______________________________________________
Parent name: ______________________________________________
Parent telephone: _________________________________________
Parent email: ______________________________________________
Student ID: ________________________________________________
International Early Learning Study
Information for Parents and Guardians
What is the International Early Learning Study (IELS)?
IELS is an international study that provides important information about what 5-year-old children in different countries and learning environments know and can do as they enter elementary school. While the study is designed to be fun for children to take, it will give us important information about their abilities in language and literacy, mathematics, self-regulation, and social emotional skills. The study also collects information from educators and parents/guardians about children’s early childhood education and care experiences, home learning environments, and demographic characteristics to examine how various factors are related to children’s development.
IELS is not designed to produce results for individual children. Rather, results will be combined to describe the nation’s 5-year-olds. Your child’s performance will not be shared with teachers, the school, or the district in any way. Reports of the findings will not identify participating districts, schools, students, educators, or parents/guardians. The U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) facilitates our country’s participation in IELS.
Why is IELS important?
IELS will allow the U.S. to compare the skills and competencies of our children to their peers in other countries. Results from IELS will provide policymakers, educators, and parents/guardians with valuable information about the experiences that influence children’s early learning and their abilities as they begin school.
Why should my child and I participate in the study?
Participants help IELS provide an accurate picture of what 5-year-old children in the U.S. know and can do. It is important that every selected child participates in the study because they represent many other children like them across the country. Moreover, parents contribute vital information about children’s early educational experiences to provide insights into their learning and development. As a thank you, schools that participate in IELS will be offered $200 and parents/guardians who take part will receive $20.
How did my child and their school get selected for IELS?
The U.S. Department of Education identified about 200 public and private schools to represent the nation in the study. Within each school, up to 19 students were randomly chosen to participate. Approximately 3,000 5-year-olds will participate in IELS across the country.
When is IELS being conducted?
NCES will work with Westat, a research organization, to conduct the study in the U.S. between October and November 2018.
What is involved for students?
IELS is a play-based study conducted with tablets. Children will be asked to point to pictures, consider situations, and complete game-like tasks. They do not need to prepare in advance. The assessment is conducted one-on-one with trained staff who have experience working with children. The study is untimed and will be split across two days to minimize time away from regular classroom activity. Children will be allowed to take breaks as necessary. In our experience, the study takes about 30 minutes each day and children enjoy participating.
What is involved for parents?
One parent or guardian of each student who participates in the study will be asked to complete a brief online survey. If you prefer, you can also request a paper-and-pencil version. The questionnaire asks demographic questions as well as questions about the child’s early learning environment and experiences. It also asks questions about the child’s social skills and participation in child care. You can decide when and where to complete the questionnaire, within the timeframe of the study. You will receive $20 as a thank-you when you complete the survey.
What happens if a child refuses to participate?
All participation is voluntary. Children can skip any question they do not want to answer. Any child who does not wish to work with IELS staff will not have to.
My child has a disability. Can he/she still participate?
Students with disabilities and English Language Learners may be offered a limited set of accommodations to participate in IELS. If those accommodations provide adequate support to enable their participation, they may participate.
Will the names of participants and their responses be kept confidential?
All of the information provided by teachers, students, and parents may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151). All field staff and other staff working on the study have signed an affidavit of non-disclosure where they swear to abide by this law.
Who do I contact for information about the IELS?
For additional information, call the IELS information number, [insert study phone number here], or send an email to [insert study email here]. You may also learn more about the study by visiting the IELS website at
Parent Registration Postcard-
Main Study
Front Back
Text: Your child’s school has accepted an invitation from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) within the U.S. Department of Education to participate in the IELS 2018 main study. Your child has been randomly selected as 1 of up-to 19 children from their school to participate and represent their school and other students like them across the country in this important international education study.
IELS surveys children, their parents and teachers, and provides comparative information about early learning experiences around the world. Your information, combined with responses from teachers, helps to provide a more complete understanding of children’s early learning contexts and experiences. Reports of the IELS findings will not identify parents, students, individual staff, or schools in any way.
As a parent or legal guardian of a sampled student you are asked to participate by going online, registering for the study, providing consent, and also by completing a 30 minute online questionnaire about your background and your child’s experience in school. You will receive $20 for completing the survey. Use the provided link and unique account information above to register, provide consent, and complete your questionnaire!
If you do not want to register (e.g., provide an email address, mailing address), but do want to participate and receive $20 as a thank you for completing the survey, you can go directly to the questionnaire site < TBD > and use the credentials above to complete your questionnaire.
Please see the notes on the back of this card for OMB approval and statement, along with the IELS help desk contact information.
Text cont’d – Notes:
You may exit the questionnaire at any time and log in again later – all of your responses will be saved automatically.
It is estimated that it takes approximately 30 minutes to complete the questionnaire.
If you have questions about the questionnaire or need assistance completing it, please contact the IELS help desk at 1-855-205-9782 or email
Thank you for the thought, time, and effort you have put into completing the questionnaire!
The National Center for Education Statistics is authorized to conduct this study under the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151). Individuals are never identified in any reports. All reported statistics refer to the U.S. as a whole or to national subgroups.
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this voluntary survey is 1850-0936. The time required to complete this survey is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the survey. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving this survey, or any comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this survey, please write to: International Early Learning Study (IELS), National Center for Education Statistics, Potomac Center Plaza, 550 12th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20202.
Teacher Questionnaire Invitation Email-
Main Study
Dear «Name»:
Your school is one of about 200 schools across the United States that has accepted an invitation from NCES to participate in the IELS 2018 main study. You’ve been sampled to participate by completing an online teacher questionnaire about your teacher training and education, your views on teaching, and information about some of the students you teach. If you have any questions about how you were selected for this survey, please contact your IELS school coordinator, «SC_FNAME» «SC_LNAME».
The questionnaire takes on average 23 minutes to complete, with an average of 4 students per teacher. This information, combined with data from students, and their parents/legal guardians helps to provide a more complete understanding of early childhood education and contexts for learning.
You will receive $40 for completing the questionnaire, if allowed by your school’s policy. Use the provided link and unique account information below to complete your questionnaire.
Link: <URL
IELS is conducted in the United States by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) in the U.S. Department of Education and is administered by Westat, headquartered in Rockville, Maryland, on behalf of NCES. The U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has approved the data collection under OMB #1850-0936.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call <Toll free number> or send an email to
Thank you for your time and for supporting this important international study.
The U.S. IELS Team
The National Center for Education Statistics is authorized to conduct this study under the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151). Individuals are never identified in any reports. All reported statistics refer to the U.S. as a whole or to national subgroups.
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this voluntary survey is 1850-0936. The time required to complete this survey is estimated to average 23 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the survey. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving this survey, or any comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this survey, please write to: International Early Learning Study (IELS), National Center for Education Statistics, Potomac Center Plaza, 550 12th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20202.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Elizabeth Bissett |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-22 |