3090-0297 FAST Track Req-39
2019 Supplier Relationship Management Survey
For PRA Review only – Contents of this
box will not be displayed to recipients. Note
that this survey depends on embedded data to determine which
questions will be displayed to each recipient. Embedded data are
commands built into the survey that draw information from the
contact list. Survey responses remain confidential, and personally
identifiable information is not collected by the system. The
embedded data fields that are used in this survey are: GSA
Program Office (program being rated) Schedule
(Primary GSA contract through which the supplier does business)
Screen 1
Link at the bottom of above page goes to a pdf displaying the PRA statement and a GSA Privacy Act Statement. See next page for screenshot.
Screen 1, continued
Screenshot of pdf linked from bottom of first page:
Screen 2
If No, then display Screen 3 and exit survey.
If Yes and GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA General Supplies and Services, the display Screen 4a.
If Yes and GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Fleet, the display Screen 4b.
If Yes and GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Information Technology Category, then display Screen 4c.
If Yes and GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Center for Travel Management, then display Screen 4d.
If Yes and GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Center for Transportation Management, then display Screen 4e.
If Yes and GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Employee Relocation Resource Center (ERRC), then display Screen 4f.
If Yes and GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Professional Services and Human Capital (PSHC) Categories, then display Screen 4g.
Screen 3
survey (for respondents who select “No” on Screen 2). The
above link goes to a page on GSA.gov that provides information on how
to do business with GSA.
Screen 4a
Displayed if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA General Supplies and Services.
Then proceed to Screen 5.
Screen 4b
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Fleet:
Then skip to Screen 6a.
Screen 4c
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Information Technology Category:
Then skip to Screen 9.
Screen 4d
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = the GSA Center for Travel Management:
Then skip to Screen 6b.
Screen 4e
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = the GSA Center for Transportation Management:
Then skip to Screen 6c.
Screen 4f
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = the GSA Employee Relocation Resource Center (ERRC):
Then skip to Screen 6d.
Screen 4g
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Professional Services and Human Capital (PSHC) Categories:
Then skip to Screen 13.
Screen 5
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA General Supplies and Services
Then skip to Screen 6e.
Screen 6a
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Fleet
Then skip to Screen 7a.
Screen 6b
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = the GSA Center for Travel Management
Then skip to Screen 7b.
Screen 6c
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = the GSA Center for Transportation Management
Then skip to Screen 7c.
Screen 6d
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = the GSA Employee Relocation Resource Center (ERRC)
Then skip to Screen 7d.
Screen 6e
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA General Supplies and Services
Then skip to Screen 7e.
Screen 7a
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Fleet
Then skip to Screen 8a.
Screen 7b
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = the GSA Center for Travel Management
Then skip to Screen 8b.
Screen 7c
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = the GSA Center for Transportation Management
Then skip to Screen 8c.
Screen 7d
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = the GSA Employee Relocation Resource Center (ERRC)
Then skip to Screen 8d.
Screen 7e
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA General Supplies and Services
Then skip to Screen 8e.
Screen 8a
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Fleet
Then skip to Screen 16.
Screen 8b
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = the Center for Travel Management
Then skip to Screen 17.
Screen 8c
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = the GSA Center for Transportation Management
Then skip to Screen 20.
Screen 8d
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = the GSA Employee Relocation Resource Center (ERRC)
Then skip to Screen 23.
Screen 8e
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA General Supplies and Services
Then skip to Screen 26.
Screen 9
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Information Technology Category
If GWAC – 8(a) STARS II is selected, skip to Screen 10a.
If GWAC – Alliant II is selected, skip to Screen 10b.
If GWAC – VETS II is selected, skip to Screen 10c.
If IT Telecom – Connections II is selected, skip to Screen 10d.
If IT Telecom – Enterprise Infrastructure Services (EIS) is selected, skip to Screen 10e.
If IT Telecom – Networx is selected, skip to Screen 10f.
If IT Telecom – Regional Telecommunications Program is selected, skip to Screen 10g.
If IT Telecom – Washington Interagency Telecommunications III (WITS III) is selected, Skip to Screen 10h.
If Schedule 70 is selected, then skip to Screen 10i.
Screen 10a
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Information Technology Category
AND if GWAC – 8(a) STARS II is selected on Screen 9.
Then skip to Screen 11a.
Screen 10b
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Information Technology Category
AND if GWAC – Alliant II is selected on Screen 9.
Then skip to Screen 11b.
Screen 10c
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Information Technology Category
AND if GWAC – VETS II is selected on Screen 9.
Then skip to Screen 11c.
Screen 10d
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Information Technology Category
AND if IT Telecom – Connections II is selected on Screen 9.
Then skip to Screen 11d.
Screen 10e
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Information Technology Category
AND if IT Telecom – Enterprise Infrastructure Services (EIS) is selected on Screen 9.
Then skip to Screen 11e.
Screen 10f
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Information Technology Category
AND if IT Telecom – Networx is selected on Screen 9.
Then skip to Screen 11f.
Screen 10g
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Information Technology Category
AND if IT Telecom – Regional Telecommunications Program is selected on Screen 9.
Then skip to Screen 11g.
Screen 10h
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Information Technology Category
AND if IT Telecom – Washington Interagency Telecommunications III (WITS III) is selected on Screen 9.
Then skip to Screen 11h.
Screen 10i
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Information Technology Category
AND if Schedule 70 is selected on Screen 9.
Then skip to Screen 11i.
Screen 11a
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Information Technology Category
AND if GWAC – 8(a) STARS II is selected on Screen 9.
Then skip to Screen 32.
Screen 11b
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Information Technology Category
AND if GWAC – Alliant II is selected on Screen 9.
Then skip to Screen 32.
Screen 11c
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Information Technology Category
AND if GWAC – VETS II is selected on Screen 9.
Then skip to Screen 32.
Screen 11d
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Information Technology Category
AND if IT Telecom – Connections II is selected on Screen 9.
Then skip to Screen 32.
Screen 11e
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Information Technology Category
AND if IT Telecom – Enterprise Infrastructure Services (EIS) is selected on Screen 9.
Then skip to Screen 32.
Screen 11f
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Information Technology Category
AND if IT Telecom – Networx is selected on Screen 9.
Then skip to Screen 32.
Screen 11g
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Information Technology Category
AND if IT Telecom – Regional Telecommunications Program is selected on Screen 9.
Then skip to Screen 32.
Screen 11h
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Information Technology Category
AND if IT Telecom – Washington Interagency Telecommunications III (WITS III) is selected on Screen 9.
Then skip to Screen 32.
Screen 11i
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Information Technology Category
AND if Schedule 70 is selected on Screen 9.
Then skip to Screen 30.
Screen 13
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Professional Services and Human Capital (PSHC) Categories
If Professional Services Schedule (00CORP) is selected, skip to 14a.
If Human Capital Schedules (736 and 738X) is selected, skip to 14b.
If One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services (OASIS) is selected, skip to 14c.
If Human Capital and Training Solutions (HCaTS) is selected, skip to 14d.
Screen 14a
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Professional Services and Human Capital (PSHC) Categories
AND if Professional Services Schedule is selected on Screen 13.
Then skip to 15a.
Screen 14b
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Professional Services and Human Capital (PSHC) Categories
AND if Human Capital Schedules is selected on Screen 13.
Then skip to 15b.
Screen 14c
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Professional Services and Human Capital (PSHC) Categories
AND if One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services is selected on Screen 13.
Then skip to Screen 15c.
Screen 14d
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Professional Services and Human Capital (PSHC) Categories
AND if Human Capital and Training Solutions is selected on Screen 13.
Then skip to Screen 15d.
Screen 15a
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Professional Services and Human Capital (PSHC) Categories
AND if Professional Services Schedule is selected on Screen 13.
Then skip to Screen 30.
Screen 15b
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Professional Services and Human Capital (PSHC) Categories
AND if Human Capital Schedules is selected on Screen 13.
Then skip to Screen 31.
Screen 15c
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Professional Services and Human Capital (PSHC) Categories
AND if One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services is selected on Screen 13.
Then skip to Screen 31.
Screen 15d
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Professional Services and Human Capital (PSHC) Categories
AND if Human Capital and Training Solutions is selected on Screen 13.
Then skip to Screen 31.
Screen 16
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA Fleet
If Schedule (embedded data) = 23V, then skip to Screen 31.
ELSE skip to Screen 32.
Screen 17
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = the GSA Center for Travel Management
Then proceed to Screen 18.
Screen 18
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = the GSA Center for Travel Management
Then proceed to Screen 19.
Screen 19
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = the GSA Center for Travel Management
If Schedule = 599, skip to Screen 31.
ELSE skip to Screen 32.
Screen 20
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = the GSA Center for Transportation Management
Then proceed to Screen 21.
Screen 21
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = the GSA Center for Transportation Management
Then proceed to Screen 22.
Screen 22
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = the GSA Center for Transportation Management
Then skip to Screen 32.
Screen 23
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = the GSA Employee Relocation Resource Center (ERRC)
Then proceed to Screen 24.
Screen 24
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = the GSA Employee Relocation Resource Center (ERRC)
Then proceed to Screen 25.
Screen 25
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = the GSA Employee Relocation Resource Center (ERRC)
If Schedule = 48, skip to Screen 31.
ELSE skip to Screen 32.
Screen 26
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA General Supplies and Services
Then proceed to Screen 27.
Screen 27
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA General Supplies and Services
Then proceed to Screen 28.
Screen 28
Display if GSA Program Office (embedded data) = GSA General Supplies and Services
Then proceed to Screen 29.
Screen 29
Display if GSA Program Office = GSA General Supplies and Services
If Schedule = 51V, 58-I, 72, 73, 75, OR 03FAC, proceed to Screen 30.
ELSE skip to Screen 31.
Screen 30
Display if Schedule = 51V, 58-I, 70, 72, 73, 75, 03FAC, OR PSS.
If “I am not participating in the TDR pilot” is selected, skip to Screen 32.
Screen 31
Display if Schedule = 51V, 58-I, 70, 72, 73, 75, 03FAC, OR PSS.
If Program Office = GSA General Supplies and Services,
OR if Schedule 70 is selected on page 9,
OR if Professional Services Schedule is selected on page 13,
OR if Human Capital Schedules is selected on page 13,
OR if Schedule = 48,
OR if Schedule = 599,
OR if Schedule = 23V, proceed to Screen 31.
ELSE skip to Screen 32.
Screen 32
Display if Program Office = GSA General Supplies and Services,
OR if Schedule 70 is selected on page 9,
OR if Professional Services Schedule is selected on page 13,
OR if Human Capital Schedules is selected on page 13,
OR if Schedule = 48,
OR if Schedule = 599,
OR if Schedule = 23V.
Then proceed to Screen 33.
Screen 33
Display if Program Office = GSA General Supplies and Services,
OR if Schedule 70 is selected on page 9,
OR if Professional Services Schedule is selected on page 13,
OR if Human Capital Schedules is selected on page 13,
OR if Schedule = 48,
OR if Schedule = 599,
OR if Schedule = 23V.
Then proceed to Screen 34.
Screen 34
Display to all respondents
Then proceed to Screen 35.
Screen 35
Display to all respondents.
Then proceed to Screen 36.
Screen 34
Display to all respondents
If “Small” is selected, then display the following question in the same page.
Screen 34, continued
If “$0 - $10,000” or “$10,001 - $25,000” is selected, then display the following question in the same page:
Screen 34, continued
Screen 35
Display to all respondents.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 0000-00-00 |