Appendix B
Noncognitive Background Items
PROGRAM FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ASSESSMENT 2012 (PISA:2012) Validation Study 2015 Field test and main study
OMB # 1850-0900 v.2
December 8, 2014
Noncognitive Background Items: Confidentiality and OMB statements 1
Noncognitive Background Items: Career Interest and Intentionality (CII) 1
Noncognitive Background Items: Core Background Questionnaire 5
Noncognitive Background Items: Behavioral Performance Competencies (BPC) 6
Noncognitive Background Items: Additional Proposed Background Questions 13
The following statements will be included on the log in page:
NCES is authorized to conduct this study under the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C., § 9543). Your participation is voluntary and the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C., § 9573). Individual responses will be combined with those from other participants to produce summary statistics and reports.
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this voluntary information collection is 1850-0900. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 2 hours per respondent, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, and complete and review the information collection. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s), suggestions for improving the form, or comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this form, write directly to: Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education, 1990 K Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006.
OMB No. 1850-0900, Approval Expires xx/xx/2017.
ESO Noncognitive Battery - Career Interest and Intentionality (CII) |
Question |
Description |
(101) CII_01 |
Which of the following best describes your current employment status? |
STEM: CII_02-61 |
This inventory contains a list of activities to help you explore your vocational interests. Please indicate how much you would like to do each activity by clicking on the response that most closely represents how you feel about it. |
(102) CII_02 |
Build kitchen cabinets |
(112) CII_12 |
Develop a new medicine |
(122) CII_22 |
Write books or plays |
(132) CII_32 |
Teach an individual an exercise routine |
(142) CII_42 |
Buy and sell stocks and bonds |
(152) CII_52 |
Develop a spreadsheet using computer software |
(103) CII_03 |
Lay brick or tile |
(113) CII_13 |
Study ways to reduce water pollution |
(123) CII_23 |
Play a musical instrument |
(133) CII_33 |
Help people with personal or emotional problems |
(143) CII_43 |
Manage a retail store |
(153) CII_53 |
Proofread records or forms |
(104) CII_04 |
Repair household appliances |
(114) CII_14 |
Conduct chemical experiments |
(124) CII_24 |
Compose or arrange music |
(134) CII_34 |
Give career guidance to people |
(144) CII_44 |
Operate a beauty salon or barber shop |
(154) CII_54 |
Load computer software into a large computer network |
(105) CII_05 |
Raise fish in a fish hatchery |
(115) CII_15 |
Study the movement of planets |
(125) CII_25 |
Draw pictures |
STEM: CII_02-61 - continued |
(135) CII_35 |
Perform rehabilitation therapy |
(145) CII_45 |
Manage a department within a large company |
(155) CII_55 |
Operate a calculator |
(106) CII_06 |
Assemble electronic parts |
(116) CII_16 |
Examine blood samples using a microscope |
(126) CII_26 |
Create special effects for movies |
(136) CII_36 |
Do volunteer work at a non-profit organization |
(146) CII_46 |
Start your own business |
(156) CII_56 |
Keep shipping and receiving records |
(107) CII_07 |
Drive a truck to deliver packages to offices and homes |
(117) CII_17 |
Investigate the cause of a fire |
(127) CII_27 |
Paint sets for plays |
(137) CII_37 |
Teach children how to play sports |
(147) CII_47 |
Negotiate business contracts |
(157) CII_57 |
Calculate the wages of employees |
(108) CII_08 |
Test the quality of parts before shipment |
(118) CII_18 |
Develop a way to better predict the weather |
(128) CII_28 |
Write scripts for movies or television shows |
(138) CII_38 |
Teach sign language to people with hearing disabilities |
(148) CII_48 |
Represent a client in a lawsuit |
(158) CII_58 |
Inventory supplies using a hand-held computer |
(109) CII_09 |
Repair and install locks |
(119) CII_19 |
Work in a biology lab |
(129) CII_29 |
Perform jazz or tap dance |
(139) CII_39 |
Help conduct a group therapy session |
(149) CII_49 |
Market a new line of clothing |
(159) CII_59 |
Record rent payments |
(110) CII_10 |
Set up and operate machines to make products |
(120) CII_20 |
Invent a replacement for sugar |
(130) CII_30 |
Sing in a band |
STEM: CII_02-61 - continued |
(140) CII_40 |
Take care of children at a day-care center |
(150) CII_50 |
Sell merchandise at a department store |
(160) CII_60 |
Keep inventory records |
(111) CII_11 |
Put out forest fires |
(121) CII_21 |
Do laboratory tests to identify diseases |
(131) CII_31 |
Edit movies |
(141) CII_41 |
Teach a high-school class |
(151) CII_51 |
Manage a clothing store |
(161) CII_61 |
Stamp, sort, and distribute mail for an organization |
STEM: CII_62-69 |
The following questions ask about your thoughts about getting a new job. Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree to the following statements. |
(162) CII_62 |
I intend to get a new job within the next year. |
(163) CII_63 |
I will try to get a new job within the next year. |
(164) CII_64 |
It would be good for me to get a new job within the next year. |
(165) CII_65 |
Getting a new job within the next year would be beneficial to me. |
(166) CII_66 |
Most people who are important to me think I should get a new job within the next year. |
(167) CII_67 |
It is expected of me that I get a new job within the next year. |
(168) CII_68 |
It is mostly up to me whether I get a new job within the next year. |
(169) CII_69 |
If I want to, I can get a new job within the next year. |
STEM: CII_70-77 |
The following questions ask about your thoughts about seeking additional job training. Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree to the following statements |
(170) CII_70 |
I intend to seek additional job training within the next year. |
(171) CII_71 |
I will try to seek additional job training within the next year. |
(172) CII_72 |
It would be good for me to seek additional job training within the next year. |
(173) CII_73 |
Seeking additional job training within the next year would be beneficial to me. |
(174) CII_74 |
Most people who are important to me think I should seek additional job training within the next year. |
(175) CII_75 |
It is expected of me that I seek additional job training within the next year. |
(176) CII_76 |
It is mostly up to me whether I seek additional job training within the next year. |
(177) CII_77 |
If I want to, I can seek additional job training within the next year. |
STEM: CII_78-87 |
In the four weeks ending last Sunday, did you do any of these things ... |
(178) CII_78 |
get in contact with a public employment office to find work? |
(179) CII_79 |
get in contact with a private agency (temporary work agency, firm specializing in recruitment, etc.) to find work? |
(180) CII_80 |
apply to employers directly? |
(181) CII_81 |
ask among friends, relatives, unions, etc. to find work? |
(182) CII_82 |
place or answer job advertisements? |
(183) CII_83 |
study job advertisements? |
(184) CII_84 |
take a recruitment test or examination or undergo an interview? |
(185) CII_85 |
look for land, premises, or equipment for work? |
(186) CII_86 |
apply for permits, licenses, or financial resources for work? |
STEM: CII_78-87 - continued |
(187) CII_87 |
do anything else to find work? |
(188) CII_88 |
If a job had been available in the week ending last Sunday, would you have been able to start within 2 weeks? |
(189) CII_89 |
All things considered, how satisfied are you with your current job? Would you say you are … |
(190) CII_90 |
What occupation do you plan on pursuing? Please select a broad
occupation category on this page and select more specific
occupation groups and job titles on the following pages.
Managers List2 |
Managers Subcategories |
Professionals List2 |
Professionals Subcategories (6) |
Professionals - Business _ Administration List2 |
Professionals - Health List2 |
Professionals - ICT List2 |
Professionals - Legal-Social_ Cultural List2 |
Professionals - Science _ Engineering List2 |
Professionals - Teaching List2 |
Technicians _ Associates List2 |
Technicians and Associate Professionals Subcategories (5) |
Technicians _ Associates - ICT List2 |
Technicians _ Associates - Health List2 |
Tech _ Assoc - Science _ Engineering List2 |
(190) CII_90 - continued |
Tech _ Assoc - Legal Social Cultural List2 |
Tech _ Assoc - Business _ Admin List2 |
Clerical Support Workers List2 |
Clerical Support Workers Subcategories |
) Services _ Sales Workers List2 |
Services and Sales Workers Subcategories |
Skilled Ag-Forestry_ Fish Workers List2 |
Skilled Agricultural, Forestry, and Fishery Workers Subcategories |
Crafts _ Related Trades Workers List2 |
Craft & Related Trades Workers Subcategories (5) |
Crafts _ Rel Trades Workers - Building _ Rel List2 |
Crafts _ Rel Trades Workers - Elec _ Elec List2 |
Crafts _ Rel Trades Workers - Food WW OtherList2 |
Crafts _ Rel Trades Workers - Hand Print List2 |
Crafts _ Rel Trades Workers - Met Mac Rel List2 |
Plant _ Machine Operators _ Assemblers List2 |
Elementary Occupations List2 |
Armed Forces Occupations List2 |
CII_91 |
Are you planning on going to a further training, development, or educational program? |
CII_92 |
What type of training, development, or educational program do you plan on attending? |
CII_93 |
In what field of education will you attend a training, development, or educational program? |
End Survey |
SO Noncognitive Battery - Core Background Questionnaire |
Item |
Item Text |
Item Directions Text |
Routing Rules |
Response Options |
Concept/ Construct |
bq_q1 |
How old are you? (years old) |
Use the number keys to type your answer. |
Open-ended item |
Age |
bq_q2 |
Are you female or male? |
Click on your answer. |
Female//Male |
Gender |
bq_q3 |
What is the highest level of education you have completed? |
Click on your answer. |
No education // Primary education // Secondary education without a diploma // Secondary Education (i.e., High School diploma, GED or equivalent) // Some Post-Secondary Education (including community, technical or vocational) // 4 year College or University degree//Beyond a College or University degree |
Education |
bq_q4 |
Were you born in [country]? |
Yes//No |
Country of Origin |
bq_q5 |
In what year did you first come to live in [country]? |
Use the pull-down menu to select your answer. |
If No (2) to bq_q4 |
Drop-down options: Before 1970// 1971-2013 (individual year options)// After 2013 |
Country of Origin |
bq_q6 |
What is the language that you first learned at home in childhood and still understand? |
Click on your answer. |
[national language 1]//[national language 2, if applicable]//[other common language in your country]//Other |
Language First Learned |
bq_q7 |
Enter your native language: |
If Other (4) to bq_q6 |
Open-ended item. Note, even though this item is on the same screen as bq_q6, the response in the text box should be coded as bq_q7. |
Language First Learned "Other" |
bq_q8 |
Which of the following best describes your current employment status? |
Click on your answer. |
Full-time employed (including self-employed)//Part-time employed (including self-employed)//Unemployed (not employed and looking for work)//Unemployed and not looking for work (e.g., student, retired, homemaker or permanently disabled)//Apprentice, intern//Other |
Employment Status |
bq_q9 |
What is your current occupation (or intended occupation if currently unemployed)? Please select a broad occupation category on this screen and more specific occupation groups and job titles on the following screens. |
If answered full-time (1), part-time (2), or Unemployed and looking for work (3) to bq_q5 |
SEE Worksheet: ISCO-08 structure ENg09 for US-English version text. PDF document includes mock-up of screens to illustrate screen contents/sequencing. |
Current Occupation |
ESO Noncognitive Battery - Behavioral Performance Competencies (BPC) |
Item # |
Concept/Construct |
Item |
Personality Facets |
<Module Stem> Please choose one statement in each pair that is more like you. Make a choice even when neither or both statements describe you particularly well. Just think about the two options a bit longer and choose the one that is more like you. |
BPC_01a |
Order 06 |
_____1A. I feel comfortable even in very disorganized settings. |
BPC_01b |
Achievement 53 |
_____1B. I don't necessarily seek difficult assignments, but, when given, I do them pretty well. |
BPC_02a |
Well Being 42 |
_____2A. Most people would say I am one of the happiest people they have ever met. |
BPC_02b |
Self Control 28 |
_____2B. I rarely jump into something without thinking about it first. |
BPC_03a |
Self Control 29 |
_____3A. Even under time pressure, I would rather take my time to think about my answer to a question than to say the first thing that comes to mind. |
BPC_03b |
Self Control 16 |
_____3B. I am not one of those people who has to do everything perfectly, but I rarely turn in work having silly mistakes, such as spelling errors or missing words. |
BPC_04a |
Well Being 10 |
_____4A. I tend to blame myself when things go wrong. |
BPC_04b |
Well Being 35 |
_____4B. I am pretty happy with my life. |
BPC_05a |
Responsibility 23 |
_____5A. If I am running late, I try to call ahead to notify those who are waiting for me. |
BPC_05b |
Sociability 31 |
_____5B. I'll talk to anyone. |
BPC_06a |
Curiosity 28 |
_____6A. I have a constant desire to learn more. |
BPC_06b |
Cooperation 101 |
_____6B. Others have said I am pleasant to be with. |
BPC_07a |
Generosity 35 |
_____7A. I would help others as long as I had the free time and ability to do so. |
BPC_07b |
Ingenuity 21 |
_____7B. I prefer to work with existing ideas, but sometimes I can come up with new ones of my own. |
BPC_08a |
Cooperation 151 |
_____8A. I try to be polite to everyone. |
BPC_08b |
Generosity 49 |
_____8B. I would gladly spend some of my leisure time trying to improve my community. |
BPC_09a |
Cooperation 27 |
_____9A. I'm nice to others even when I don't have to be. |
BPC_09b |
Well Being 39 |
_____9B. On most days, I feel extremely good about myself. |
BPC_10a |
Adjustment 77 |
_____10A. I'm so relaxed about things that others sometimes think I don't care. |
BPC_10b |
Achievement 41 |
_____10B. I have to be very sick to miss a day of work or not to complete a task on time. |
BPC_11a |
Generosity 19 |
_____11A. I sometimes put the needs of my close friends in front of my own, but I generally don't do that for others. |
Personality Facets |
(Continued)--<Module Stem> Please choose one statement in each pair that is more like you. Make a choice even when neither or both statements describe you particularly well. Just think about the two options a bit longer and choose the one that is more like you. |
BPC_11b |
Adjustment 37 |
_____11B. Criticism bothers me no more or less than it bothers anyone else. |
BPC_12a |
Curiosity 25 |
_____12A. I like to analyze things instead of taking them at face value. |
BPC_12b |
Adjustment 26 |
_____12B. I tend not to look back on mistakes I've made; I just move on. |
BPC_13a |
Intellectual Efficiency 41 |
_____13A. I grasp scientific theories easily. |
BPC_13b |
Intellectual Efficiency 20 |
_____13B. I learn things better by doing them than by reading about them. |
BPC_14a |
Ingenuity 60 |
_____14A. I struggle when I have to contribute something original. |
BPC_14b |
Cooperation 39 |
_____14B. I can be nice, but only to people who I know well and have come to trust. |
BPC_15a |
Ingenuity 88 |
_____15A. I've won awards for being creative. |
BPC_15b |
Sociability 41 |
_____15B. Most of the time, I can think of something to say even to complete strangers. |
BPC_16a |
Achievement 52 |
_____16A. I tend to set goals that are challenging, but still reachable. |
BPC_16b |
Intellectual Efficiency 20 |
_____16B. I learn things better by doing them than by reading about them. |
BPC_17a |
Self Control 32 |
_____17A. I don't get distracted easily. |
BPC_17b |
Dominance 23 |
_____17B. If given a chance, I'd make a good leader. |
BPC_18a |
Cooperation 151 |
_____18A. I try to be polite to everyone. |
BPC_18b |
Cooperation 19 |
_____18B. I tend not to trust people until I know them well. |
BPC_19a |
Curiosity 41 |
_____19A. I wouldn't attend lectures or training courses just for fun. |
BPC_19b |
Curiosity 34 |
_____19B. I am interested in learning about almost everything. |
BPC_20a |
Ingenuity 115 |
_____20A. My creative talents would be best described as average. |
BPC_20b |
Order 41 |
_____20B. Keeping things organized does not come naturally to me, but I try anyway. |
BPC_21a |
Well Being 18 |
_____21A. At times, I get really down on myself for making mistakes, but I get over it quickly. |
BPC_21b |
Responsibility 46 |
_____21B. I would readily accept my share of responsibility for mistakes at work, but I wouldn’t take the blame for others. |
BPC_22a |
Intellectual Efficiency 34 |
_____22A. I can hold a meaningful conversation on just about any topic. |
BPC_22b |
Generosity 29 |
_____22B. When my friends are low on cash, I have no problem with lending them money. |
Item # |
Concept/Construct |
Item |
Personality Facets |
(Continued)--<Module Stem> Please choose one statement in each pair that is more like you. Make a choice even when neither or both statements describe you particularly well. Just think about the two options a bit longer and choose the one that is more like you. |
BPC_23a |
Intellectual Efficiency 37 |
_____23A. I am very quick at processing information. |
BPC_23b |
Self Control 23 |
_____23B. I am really good at tasks that require a careful and cautious approach. |
BPC_24a |
Adjustment 39 |
_____24A. I accept criticism better than most people. |
BPC_24b |
Responsibility 93 |
_____24B. I keep my promises even if it inconveniences my friends or family. |
BPC_25a |
Adjustment 22 |
_____25A. I don't enjoy stressful situations, but I do handle them well. |
BPC_25b |
Intellectual Efficiency 29 |
_____25B. I was sometimes bored in school because the work was too easy. |
BPC_26a |
Intellectual Efficiency 42 |
_____26A. I am so quick in my thinking that others have a hard time keeping up with me. |
BPC_26b |
Ingenuity 40 |
_____26B. Generating new ideas is effortless for me. |
BPC_27a |
Generosity 26 |
_____27A. I tend to be helpful and do things for people even when they don't expect it. |
BPC_27b |
Generosity 04 |
_____27B. I don't like lending money even to my best friends. |
BPC_28a |
Cooperation 103 |
_____28A. I get along with almost everyone. |
BPC_28b |
Achievement 37 |
_____28B. When being evaluated, I try to get the highest rating possible |
BPC_29a |
Dominance 12 |
_____29A. I've been told that I need to be more assertive. |
BPC_29b |
Responsibility 56 |
_____29B. I am known to forget to return things that I've borrowed. |
BPC_30a |
Responsibility 38 |
_____30A. I'm usually on time for meetings at work, but don't care so much about running late with friends. |
BPC_30b |
Responsibility 51 |
_____30B. I believe I fulfill my obligations and promises as well as most people. |
BPC_31a |
Ingenuity 104 |
_____31A. I never seem to run out of ideas at work. |
BPC_31b |
Adjustment 30 |
_____31B. If I do something stupid or embarrass myself, I usually just laugh it off. |
BPC_32a |
Well Being 43 |
_____32A. I can find something positive to say in even the worst of situations. |
BPC_32b |
Well Being 18 |
_____32B. At times, I get really down on myself for making mistakes, but I get over it quickly. |
BPC_33a |
Achievement 52 |
_____33A. I tend to set goals that are challenging, but still reachable. |
BPC_33b |
Achievement 46 |
_____33B. I try to be the best at anything I do. |
BPC_34a |
Cooperation 42 |
_____34A. I like most people I meet. |
BPC_34b |
Intellectual Efficiency 41 |
_____34B. I grasp scientific theories easily. |
Item # |
Concept/Construct |
Item |
Personality Facets |
(Continued)--<Module Stem> Please choose one statement in each pair that is more like you. Make a choice even when neither or both statements describe you particularly well. Just think about the two options a bit longer and choose the one that is more like you. |
BPC_35a |
Dominance 43 |
_____35A. When working on a team project, I like to take charge of things. |
BPC_35b |
Generosity 48 |
_____35B. I contribute to charity regularly. |
BPC_36a |
Cooperation 14 |
_____36A. I'm a pleasant person, but, like everyone else, I get grumpy from time to time. |
BPC_36b |
Sociability 35 |
_____36B. I have about average social skills. |
BPC_37a |
Responsibility 38 |
_____37A. I'm usually on time for meetings at work, but don't care so much about running late with friends. |
BPC_37b |
Cooperation 106 |
_____37B. I have often been critical of others. |
BPC_38a |
Order 30 |
_____38A. I become annoyed when things around me are disorganized. |
BPC_38b |
Order 06 |
_____38B. I feel comfortable even in very disorganized settings. |
BPC_39a |
Achievement 27 |
_____39A. I have high standards and work toward them. |
BPC_39b |
Well Being 41 |
_____39B. I have a positive outlook on life. |
BPC_40a |
Achievement 50 |
_____40A. Most people would call me ambitious. |
BPC_40b |
Self Control 02 |
_____40B. If I had time, I would double check my answers on an exam before turning it in. |
BPC_41a |
Dominance 12 |
_____41A. I've been told that I need to be more assertive. |
BPC_41b |
Dominance 25 |
_____41B. I usually control the topic and flow of conversation. |
BPC_42a |
Generosity 04 |
_____42A. I don't like lending money even to my best friends. |
BPC_42b |
Curiosity 41 |
_____42B. I wouldn't attend lectures or training courses just for fun. |
BPC_43a |
Dominance 18 |
_____43A. I don't like to give orders, but I would, if necessary, to get things done. |
BPC_43b |
Cooperation 19 |
_____43B. I tend not to trust people until I know them well. |
BPC_44a |
Order 04 |
_____44A. Most of the time my room is in complete disarray. |
BPC_44b |
Intellectual Efficiency 13 |
_____44B. I am usually not very quick in my thinking, but I have strengths in other areas. |
BPC_45a |
Sociability 70 |
_____45A. I can network or socialize with people, but I am not as good at it as some of my friends. |
BPC_45b |
Intellectual Efficiency 08 |
_____45B. I would happily work in jobs that require little thinking. |
BPC_46a |
Sociability 25 |
_____46A. I like to go out in a big group. |
BPC_46b |
Curiosity 31 |
_____46B. I always take things apart to find out how they work. |
BPC_47a |
Intellectual Efficiency 08 |
_____47A. I would happily work in jobs that require little thinking. |
BPC_47b |
Intellectual Efficiency 34 |
_____47B. I can hold a meaningful conversation on just about any topic. |
BPC_48a |
Responsibility 05 |
_____48A. When I make a mistake, I take full responsibility for it. |
Item # |
Concept/Construct |
Item |
Personality Facets |
(Continued)--<Module Stem> Please choose one statement in each pair that is more like you. Make a choice even when neither or both statements describe you particularly well. Just think about the two options a bit longer and choose the one that is more like you. |
BPC_48b |
Ingenuity 73 |
_____48B. Being new and original comes quite naturally to me. |
BPC_49a |
Dominance 29 |
_____49A. I can be intimidating at times. |
BPC_49b |
Sociability 30 |
_____49B. Talking to people makes me feel great. |
BPC_50a |
Responsibility 46 |
_____50A. I would readily accept my share of responsibility for mistakes at work, but I wouldn’t take the blame for others. |
BPC_50b |
Responsibility 93 |
_____50B. I keep my promises even if it inconveniences my friends or family. |
BPC_51a |
Order 08 |
_____51A. I frequently forget to put things back in their proper places. |
BPC_51b |
Adjustment 04 |
_____51B. I worry a lot more than others. |
BPC_52a |
Adjustment 32 |
_____52A. On most days, I don't have even a single worry. |
BPC_52b |
Dominance 25 |
_____52B. I usually control the topic and flow of conversation. |
BPC_53a |
Generosity 27 |
_____53A. I am very generous with my time and money. |
BPC_53b |
Sociability 32 |
_____53B. I'm just about the most outgoing person there is. |
BPC_54a |
Sociability 39 |
_____54A. Although I consider myself pretty outgoing, some of my friends are way more sociable. |
BPC_54b |
Adjustment 35 |
_____54B. After I make a mistake, I can't stop thinking about it. |
BPC_55a |
Ingenuity 114 |
_____55A. When it comes to finding new solutions, I usually outshine others. |
BPC_55b |
Dominance 30 |
_____55B. After joining a group, I usually end up becoming the leader. |
BPC_56a |
Self Control 13 |
_____56A. I am known to make quick, hot-headed decisions. |
BPC_56b |
Self Control 120 |
_____56B. I carefully choose my words, particularly in a public forum. |
BPC_57a |
Generosity 45 |
_____57A. Although I think charitable causes are important, I personally don't like to be involved with them. |
BPC_57b |
Self Control 15 |
_____57B. I like to do things fast, even when I know that the quality of what I do would be better if I slowed down. |
BPC_58a |
Responsibility 52 |
_____58A. Most of the time I honor my commitments, but when unable to do so, I inform people right away. |
BPC_58b |
Self Control 120 |
_____58B. I carefully choose my words, particularly in a public forum. |
BPC_59a |
Adjustment 24 |
_____59A. I handle stress about as well as most people. |
BPC_59b |
Well Being 17 |
_____59B. My life has had about an equal share of ups and downs. |
BPC_60a |
Cooperation 106 |
_____60A. I have often been critical of others. |
BPC_60b |
Cooperation 24 |
_____60B. I am on good terms with nearly everyone. |
BPC_61a |
Achievement 50 |
_____61A. Most people would call me ambitious. |
Personality Facets |
(Continued)--<Module Stem> Please choose one statement in each pair that is more like you. Make a choice even when neither or both statements describe you particularly well. Just think about the two options a bit longer and choose the one that is more like you. |
BPC_61b |
Achievement 210 |
_____61B. When given a choice, I prefer an easy job to a challenging one. |
BPC_62a |
Dominance 43 |
_____62A. When working on a team project, I like to take charge of things. |
BPC_62b |
Dominance 18 |
_____62B. I don't like to give orders, but I would, if necessary, to get things done. |
BPC_63a |
Adjustment 22 |
_____63A. I don't enjoy stressful situations, but I do handle them well. |
BPC_63b |
Adjustment 35 |
_____63B. After I make a mistake, I can't stop thinking about it. |
BPC_64a |
Achievement 210 |
_____64A. When given a choice, I prefer an easy job to a challenging one. |
BPC_64b |
Curiosity 13 |
_____64B. As long as I pass a training course, I don't care what I have learned. |
BPC_65a |
Generosity 31 |
_____65A. I sympathize with those worse off than me and help them as much as I can. |
BPC_65b |
Order 25 |
_____65B. I prefer to do things in a logical order. |
BPC_66a |
Curiosity 39 |
_____66A. I like reading books or magazines about current events or new technology. |
BPC_66b |
Curiosity 18 |
_____66B. I am happy with what I know, but there is always room to learn more. |
BPC_67a |
Cooperation 24 |
_____67A. I am on good terms with nearly everyone. |
BPC_67b |
Order 29 |
_____67B. I hardly ever lose or misplace things. |
BPC_68a |
Adjustment 32 |
_____68A. On most days, I don't have even a single worry. |
BPC_68b |
Adjustment 37 |
_____68B. Criticism bothers me no more or less than it bothers anyone else. |
BPC_69a |
Well Being 10 |
_____69A. I tend to blame myself when things go wrong. |
BPC_69b |
Sociability 15 |
_____69B. I am more of a listener than a talker. |
BPC_70a |
Intellectual Efficiency 36 |
_____70A. I need things explained to me only once. |
BPC_70b |
Responsibility 18 |
_____70B. I often feel responsible for making sure that all group projects and assignments are completed. |
BPC_71a |
Ingenuity 73 |
_____71A. Being new and original comes quite naturally to me. |
BPC_71b |
Ingenuity 13 |
_____71B. In a group task, I tend to develop other people's ideas rather than come up with my own. |
BPC_72a |
Curiosity 39 |
_____72A. I like reading books or magazines about current events or new technology. |
BPC_72b |
Intellectual Efficiency 38 |
_____72B. I feel at ease when working on difficult tasks. |
BPC_73a |
Curiosity 24 |
_____73A. I prefer informative documentaries to other television programs. |
Item # |
Concept/Construct |
Item |
Personality Facets |
(Continued)--<Module Stem> Please choose one statement in each pair that is more like you. Make a choice even when neither or both statements describe you particularly well. Just think about the two options a bit longer and choose the one that is more like you. |
BPC_73b |
Well Being 43 |
_____73B. I can find something positive to say in even the worst of situations. |
BPC_74a |
Ingenuity 21 |
_____74A. I prefer to work with existing ideas, but sometimes I can come up with new ones of my own. |
BPC_74b |
Ingenuity 45 |
_____74B. People always comment on how unique my ideas are. |
BPC_75a |
Self Control 16 |
_____75A. I am not one of those people who has to do everything perfectly, but I rarely turn in work having silly mistakes, such as spelling errors or missing words. |
BPC_75b |
Cooperation 48 |
_____75B. I complain no more than anyone else. |
BPC_76a |
Order 46 |
_____76A. I am definitely more organized than most people. |
BPC_76b |
Order 47 |
_____76B. When it comes to being tidy and clean, I am about average. |
BPC_77a |
Well Being 28 |
_____77A. No matter what challenge life throws at me, I can handle it. |
BPC_77b |
Order 31 |
_____77B. I keep detailed notes of important meetings and lectures. |
BPC_78a |
Sociability 05 |
_____78A. I prefer being alone. |
BPC_78b |
Self Control 13 |
_____78B. I am known to make quick, hot-headed decisions. |
BPC_79a |
Sociability 29 |
_____79A. I hate to stay at home alone. |
BPC_79b |
Order 30 |
_____79B. I become annoyed when things around me are disorganized. |
BPC_80a |
Ingenuity 13 |
_____80A. In a group task, I tend to develop other people's ideas rather than come up with my own. |
BPC_80b |
Well Being 14 |
_____80B. Bad things just happen to me more than to others, and there is nothing I can do about it. |
BPC_81a |
Generosity 35 |
_____81A. I would help others as long as I had the free time and ability to do so. |
BPC_81b |
Generosity 27 |
_____81B. I am very generous with my time and money. |
BPC_82a |
Order 26 |
_____82A. Organization is a key component of most things I do. |
BPC_82b |
Responsibility 50 |
_____82B. I take my obligations and commitments to others very seriously. |
BPC_83a |
Sociability 70 |
_____83A. I can network or socialize with people, but I am not as good at it as some of my friends. |
BPC_83b |
Sociability 30 |
_____83B. Talking to people makes me feel great. |
BPC_84a |
Ingenuity 64 |
_____84A. I like jobs that allow me to develop and express my ideas. |
BPC_84b |
Curiosity 34 |
_____84B. I am interested in learning about almost everything. |
BPC_85a |
Intellectual Efficiency 23 |
_____85A. I can learn math, but I just need a little more time and practice to do so. |
Item # |
Concept/Construct |
Item |
Personality Facets |
(Continued)--<Module Stem> Please choose one statement in each pair that is more like you. Make a choice even when neither or both statements describe you particularly well. Just think about the two options a bit longer and choose the one that is more like you. |
BPC_85b |
Well Being 25 |
_____85B. Once in a while, I need a confidence boost, so I do something that's easy and likely to be a success. |
BPC_86a |
Sociability 39 |
_____86A. Although I consider myself pretty outgoing, some of my friends are way more sociable. |
BPC_86b |
Sociability 15 |
_____86B. I am more of a listener than a talker. |
BPC_87a |
Self Control 04 |
_____87A. I avoid errors by being careful and thorough. |
BPC_87b |
Ingenuity 45 |
_____87B. People always comment on how unique my ideas are. |
BPC_88a |
Curiosity 47 |
_____88A. I wouldn't like having to learn new things all the time just to keep up with my job. |
BPC_88b |
Self Control 27 |
_____88B. I try to be careful about what I say to others, but sometimes I just can't help myself. |
BPC_89a |
Dominance 125 |
_____89A. When a decision has to be made, I am usually the one to make it. |
BPC_89b |
Order 46 |
_____89B. I am definitely more organized than most people. |
BPC_90a |
Responsibility 49 |
_____90A. I have made great personal sacrifices to do what I have promised. |
BPC_90b |
Achievement 46 |
_____90B. I try to be the best at anything I do. |
BPC_91a |
Curiosity 18 |
_____91A. I am happy with what I know, but there is always room to learn more. |
BPC_91b |
Responsibility 51 |
_____91B. I believe I fulfill my obligations and promises as well as most people. |
BPC_92a |
Intellectual Efficiency 15 |
_____92A. I have to read complex information several times before I fully understand it. |
BPC_92b |
Dominance 36 |
_____92B. I don't like making decisions for people and prefer that others do it for me. |
BPC_93a |
Order 33 |
_____93A. Every item in my room and on my desk has a designated place. |
BPC_93b |
Curiosity 30 |
_____93B. I love to do experiments and see the results. |
BPC_94a |
Cooperation 43 |
_____94A. Others usually ask me to join their teams because I am good at helping people work better together. |
BPC_94b |
Adjustment 29 |
_____94B. I don't get startled or shaken up easily. |
BPC_95a |
Order 47 |
_____95A. When it comes to being tidy and clean, I am about average. |
BPC_95b |
Self Control 19 |
_____95B. I am patient and deliberate in my actions. |
BPC_96a |
Self Control 29 |
_____96A. Even under time pressure, I would rather take my time to think about my answer to a question than to say the first thing that comes to mind. |
BPC_96b |
Adjustment 16 |
_____96B. It is unusual for me to worry about something for more than a day or two. |
Item # |
Concept/Construct |
Item |
Personality Facets |
(Continued)--<Module Stem> Please choose one statement in each pair that is more like you. Make a choice even when neither or both statements describe you particularly well. Just think about the two options a bit longer and choose the one that is more like you. |
BPC_97a |
Generosity 01 |
_____97A. I have so much going on that it is hard for me to find time for others. |
BPC_97b |
Achievement 10 |
_____97B. I lower my standards as tasks get more difficult. |
BPC_98a |
Curiosity 32 |
_____98A. I continually strive to uncover information about topics that are new to me. |
BPC_98b |
Dominance 44 |
_____98B. I enjoy being in positions of high responsibility. |
BPC_99a |
Achievement 38 |
_____99A. I make every effort to do more than what is expected of me. |
BPC_99b |
Dominance 28 |
_____99B. I enjoy supervising others. |
BPC_100a |
Responsibility 06 |
_____100A. I have always felt an extremely strong sense of personal responsibility and duty. |
BPC_100b |
Generosity 26 |
_____100B. I tend to be helpful and do things for people even when they don't expect it. |
BPC_101a |
Dominance 19 |
_____101A. I speak up when it's important. |
BPC_101b |
Well Being 22 |
_____101B. For the most part, I feel that my life is on the right track. |
BPC_102a |
Achievement 55 |
_____102A. I work about as hard to complete tasks as most people I know. |
BPC_102b |
Ingenuity 22 |
_____102B. I sometimes have good ideas at work, just like everyone else. |
BPC_103a |
Achievement 34 |
_____103A. I go above and beyond what is required of me. |
BPC_103b |
Sociability 27 |
_____103B. I'm easy to talk to. |
BPC_104a |
Generosity 24 |
_____104A. It is important for me to work in a profession where I can help others. |
BPC_104b |
Well Being 35 |
_____104B. I am pretty happy with my life. |
ESO Noncognitive Battery - Additional Proposed Background Questions |
Question Description |
Question |
Theme |
B_Q02a |
Are you currently studying for any kind of formal degree or certificate? |
Current studies; level of degree; area of study |
1 |
Yes |
2 |
No |
B_Q02bUS |
What type of degree or certificate are you currently studying for? |
Current studies; level of degree; area of study |
1 |
Grades 1-6 |
2 |
Grades 7-9 |
3 |
High school diploma |
4 |
Pre-associate education. Attended trade school, college, or university; no certificate or degree received |
6 |
A certificate from a college or trade school for completion of a program prior to the associate/bachelor's degree |
7 |
Associate degree |
8 |
Bachelor's degree (e.g. BA, AB, BS) |
9 |
Master's degree (e.g. MA, MS, MEng, MEd, MSW, MBA) |
10 |
Professional degree (e.g. MD, DDS, DVM, LLB, JD) |
11 |
Doctorate degree (e.g. PhD, EdD) |
B_Q02cUSX |
What was the area of study, emphasis or major for this degree or certificate? If there was more than one, please choose the one you consider most important. |
Current studies; level of degree; area of study |
B_Q02c |
Now, looking at this card, in which category would you place ^B_Q02cUSX ? Again, if there was more than one, please choose the one you consider most important. |
Current studies; level of degree; area of study |
1 |
General programs |
2 |
Teacher training and education studies |
3 |
Humanities, languages and arts |
4 |
Social sciences, business and law |
5 |
Science, mathematics and computing |
6 |
Engineering, manufacturing and construction |
7 |
Agriculture and veterinary |
8 |
Health and welfare |
9 |
Services |
B_Q04a |
During the last 12 months, that is since ^MonthYear, have you studied for any formal degree or certificate, either full-time or part-time? |
Studies in the last 12 months |
1 |
Yes |
2 |
No |
B_R12 |
[TU-EN-Question-B_R12-1]We would now like to turn to other organized learning activities you may have participated in during the last 12 months, including both work and non-work related activities. We will distinguish between courses mentioned on this show card. When answering the next questions, please exclude any activity you engaged in as part of the study you already reported on.[TU-EN-Question-B_R12-2]We would now like to turn to other organized learning activities you may have participated in during the last 12 months, including both work and non-work related activities. We will distinguish between courses mentioned on this show card. |
B_Q12a |
During the last 12 months, have you participated in courses conducted through open or distance education? |
Non-formal learning activities (distance education, on-the-job courses, seminars, other private lessons) |
1 |
Yes |
2 |
No |
B_Q12c |
During the last 12 months, have you attended any organized sessions for on-the-job training or training by supervisors or co-workers? |
Non-formal learning activities (distance education, on-the-job courses, seminars, other private lessons) |
1 |
Yes |
2 |
No |
B_Q12e |
During the last 12 months, have you participated in seminars or workshops? |
Non-formal learning activities (distance education, on-the-job courses, seminars, other private lessons) |
1 |
Yes |
2 |
No |
B_Q12g |
During the last 12 months, have you participated in courses or private lessons, not already reported? |
Non-formal learning activities (distance education, on-the-job courses, seminars, other private lessons) |
1 |
Yes |
2 |
No |
[B_Q26a] |
[TU-EN-Question-B_Q26a-1] |
In the last 12 months, were there more learning activities you wanted to participate in but did not? Include both learning activities that lead to formal degrees and other organized learning activities. |
[TU-EN-Question-B_Q26a-2] |
In the last 12 months, were there any learning activities you wanted to participate in but did not? Include both learning activities that lead to formal degrees and other organized learning activities. |
More/any learning activities, wanted, but could not participate in; reasons for non-participation, |
1 |
Yes |
2 |
No |
[B_Q26b] |
Which of the following reasons prevented you from participating in education and training? Please indicate the most important reason. |
More/any learning activities, wanted, but could not participate in; reasons for non-participation, |
1 |
I did not have the prerequisites |
2 |
Education or training was too expensive/I could not afford it |
3 |
Lack of employer support |
4 |
I was too busy at work |
5 |
The course or program was offered at an inconvenient time |
6 |
I did not have time because of child care or family responsibilities |
7 |
Something unexpected came up that prevented me from taking education or training |
8 |
Other |
[B_R27aUSX] |
During the past 12 months, did you take any classes or have a tutor ... |
[B_Q27aUSX] |
to improve your basic reading, writing, and math skills? |
Basic education courses in the last 12 months (reading/writing/math, GED, some other adult education) |
1 |
Yes |
2 |
No |
[B_Q27bUSX] |
to prepare to take the General Educational Development test, or GED? |
Basic education courses in the last 12 months (reading/writing/math, GED, some other adult education) |
1 |
Yes |
2 |
No |
[B_Q27cUSX] |
in some other high school equivalency program or adult high school program? |
Basic education courses in the last 12 months (reading/writing/math, GED, some other adult education) |
1 |
Yes |
2 |
No |
[B_Q29aUSX] |
During the past 12 months, were you in a formal apprenticeship program leading to journeyman status in a skilled trade or craft? |
Formal apprenticeship in the last 12 months |
1 |
Yes |
2 |
No |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | David Kastberg |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-25 |