The following table describes all changes that were made between the previously cleared version of the instrument and the final proposed version. The highlighted changes are those that were made based on the results of cognitive testing of the instrument. For each of the highlighted changes, the full question wording for both the cleared version and proposed version can be found below the table. Additionally, the landing page language for the Internet Instrument is included at the end of this document. This language is similar to the language that was approved and used in the Pilot Study Teacher Questionnaire, however, it has been adapted to accommodate the mode-change.
Location (Q# or Section) |
Location (Q# or Section) |
Change between cleared and final |
Originally Approved Version |
Final Version |
Cover |
Cover |
Removed Census Bureau Reference: "Conducted by: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Economics and Statistics Administration U.S. CENSUS BUREAU" |
Cover |
Cover |
Added endorsements to final version |
Back of cover |
Back of cover |
Removed the language in the “Dear Teacher” letter. |
Paperwork Burden Statement |
Paperwork Burden Statement |
Revised to reflect 2014 OM changes and match final pilot questionnaire |
Paperwork Burden Statement |
Paperwork Burden Statement |
Updated with Instructions Experiment email address | |
1 |
1 |
removed "Mark (x) only one box" |
unnumbered between Q1 and Q2 |
2 |
Changed skip instruction for box 3 |
"Please STOP now and return this questionnaire to the U.S. Census Bureau. Thank you for your time." |
"Go to 'Thank You Screen' |
3 |
4 |
removed "Mark (x) only one box" |
5 |
6 |
removed "Mark (x) only one box" |
6 |
7 |
Changed to match final pilot questionnaire |
"taught at the elementary or secondary" |
"taught at the elementary, middle, or secondary level" |
7 |
8 |
Changed to match final pilot questionnaire |
"worked as an elementary- or secondary-level teacher" |
"worked as an elementary, middle, or secondary level teacher" |
9 |
10 |
Changed to match final pilot questionnaire |
"Do NOT include students who have only a 504 plan but not an IEP." |
"Do NOT include students who have only a 504." |
12 |
13 |
removed "Mark (x) only one box" |
16 |
18 |
Revised question and added new skip instruction |
See attached description for full wording of cleared question |
See description below for full wording of Proposed question |
17 |
19 |
Changed to match final pilot questionnaire |
Added instruction: "However, if you reported more than 10 periods or sections in item 18, report on only 10 of those periods or sections." |
18 |
20 |
Revised question |
See attached description for full wording of cleared question |
See description below for full wording of Proposed question |
19 |
21 |
Replaced question |
See attached description for full wording of cleared question |
See description below for full wording of Proposed question |
Unnumbered between Q19 and Q20a |
Q23 |
Revised question |
See attached description for full wording of cleared question |
See description below for full wording of Proposed question |
20a |
22a |
Changed to match final pilot questionnaire |
"If you student taught in more than one classroom, report the total number of times you received feedback across all assignments." |
"If your student teaching was in more than one classroom, report the total number of times you received feedback across all assignments." |
21a |
24a |
removed "Mark (x) only one box" |
21b |
24b |
Changed to match final pilot questionnaire |
"For some teachers, the content area may be the grade level... " |
"For some teachers, the content area may be special education or the grade level…" |
21b |
24b |
Broke into three instructions instead of two |
wording did not change |
wording did not change |
23 |
27 |
Changed to match final pilot questionnaire |
27. Of the hours you are required to work, how many hours per week are you required to deliver INSTRUCTION to students in this school?
24 |
26 |
Changed to match final pilot questionnaire |
26. How many hours does your contract require you to work during a typical FULL WEEK at THIS SCHOOL?
26 |
29 |
Replaced question |
See attached description for full wording of cleared question |
See description below for full wording of Proposed question |
28 |
31 |
Changed to match final pilot questionnaire |
"Select one box on each line." |
Repositioned and revised instruction to read, "Please select one answer on each line." |
29 |
32 |
Replaced question |
See attached description for full wording of cleared question |
See description below for full wording of Proposed question |
30 |
33 |
Changed to match final pilot questionnaire |
"Select one box on each line." |
Repositioned and revised instruction to read, "Please select one answer on each line." |
31 |
34 |
Replaced question |
See attached description for full wording of cleared question |
See description below for full wording of Proposed question |
32 |
35 |
Changed to match final pilot questionnaire |
"Select one box on each line." |
Repositioned and revised instruction to read, "Please select one answer on each line." |
34 |
37 |
Repositioned Instruction and revised |
Instruction "The following questions refer to your BEFORE-TAX earnings from teaching and other employment" came at the beginning of the section. |
Instruction moved before question 37 and revised to read, "The following question refers to your BEFORE-TAX earnings from teaching." |
Section 8 |
Section 8 |
Revised section title |
Contact Information |
Date and Time to Complete |
Back cover |
Back Cover |
Updated with instructions experiment phone number |
1-800-221-1204 |
1-800-347-2702 |
Back cover |
Back cover |
Updated with instructions experiment email address | |
Full before and after question wording for highlighted items above.
Revise Class Period Question
How many separate class periods or sections do you currently teach at THIS school?
Do NOT include homeroom periods or study halls.
Example: If you teach 2 classes or sections of chemistry I, a class or section of physics I, and a class or section of physics II, you would report 04 classes or sections.
Number of classes or sections |
Proposed Revision:
18. How many separate class periods or sections do you CURRENTLY teach at THIS school?
Do NOT include homeroom periods or study halls.
Do NOT include class periods or sections that you teach in the afternoon, that is, after lunch.
If you do not teach class periods or sections (as we have defined them), select the “None” box.
Number of classes |
2. Revise Student Assessment Question
18. On average, over the course of three months, how many times would you say that you give tests or
Pick the grade and the subject in which you tend to give the fewest number of tests or examinations in a marking period.
Do NOT count quizzes.
Do NOT count standardized tests that are administered by the state.
If, on average, you do not give any tests or examinations (as we have defined them), select the “None” box.
Number of tests |
Proposed revision:
On average, over the course of three months, how many times would you say that you give student assessments?
Pick the grade and the subject in which you tend to give the fewest number of student assessments in a three month period.
Count tests and examinations as assessments.
Do NOT count quizzes or homework.
Do NOT count standardized tests that are administered by the state.
If, on average, you do not give any assessments (as we have defined them), select the “None” box.
Number of assessments |
3. Replace Postsecondary Degrees with Professional Development Question
Cleared Postsecondary Degree question:
21. How many postsecondary degrees do you currently hold?
Do not include certificates of study below the associate’s degree.
Do not include associate’s degrees, that is, a degree that normally requires at least 2 but less than 4 years of full-time-equivalent college work.
Do NOT include degrees that were paid for, or partly paid for, by a state, school, or school district.
Do NOT include postsecondary degrees that you are currently working on, but have not yet been awarded.
If you do not hold any postsecondary degrees (as we have defined them), select the “None” box.
Number of postsecondary degrees |
Proposed Replacing with Professional Development question:
In the past two years, how many hours have you spent in in-service/professional development workshops or seminars?
Do NOT include workshops or seminars focused solely on teaching methods.
If you have not spent time in in-service/professional development workshops (as we have defined them), select the “None” box.
Hours of professional development |
Revised Education Degree Question
Did you receive your bachelor’s degree from a Department of Education, College of Education, or School of Education at your college or university?
Proposed revision:
Which of the following best describes your bachelor’s degree?
was awarded by your school’s college of Education, school of
Education, or department of Education
was awarded by another college, school, or department, not in
5. Replace Teacher Communication with Parent Communication Question
Cleared Teacher Communication Question:
26. On average, over the course of three months, how many times would you say that you have interactions with other teachers, both from your school and from other schools, about how to teach?
Do NOT include discussing how to teach a particular topic with other teachers.
Do NOT include collaborating with other teachers in planning and preparing instructional materials.
Include visiting another classroom to learn more about teaching.
Include working together with other teachers to try out new ideas.
If, on average, you do not have any interactions with other teachers (as we have defined them), select the “None” box.
Number of interactions |
Propose Replacing with Parent Communication Question:
29. On average, how many hours per week would you say that you spend communicating with parents?
Include parent-teacher conferences and face-to-face meetings about student performance.
Do NOT include telephone or email communications about student performance.
Do NOT include communications related to school functions, such as dances, field trips, or student exhibits.
If, on average, you do not spend time communicating with parents (as we have defined it), select the “None” box.
Average WEEKLY Hours |
6. Replace the Evaluation Question with the Classroom Question
Cleared Evaluation Question:
32. So far this school year (2014-15), how many times have you been observed IN YOUR CLASSROOM for the purpose of evaluating your performance?
Please consider only instances of formal observations conducted in your classroom by a school administrator for the purpose of evaluating your performance. Formal observations are standardized using an instrument, form, rubric, or checklist.
Do NOT include informal observations conducted by a school administrator, coach, mentor, or peer.
If so far this school year (2014-15), you were not observed (as we have defined it), select the “None” box.
Number of times |
Propose Replacing with Classroom Question:
32. How many separate classrooms are in the building in which your classroom is located?
Please do NOT include classrooms used for primarily teaching STEM subjects, that is, science, technology, engineering and math courses.
If there are no classrooms in your building (as we have defined them), select the “None” box.
Number of classrooms
7. Replace Homework Question with Bathroom Question
Cleared Homework Question:
31. On average, over the course of three months, how often would you say that you assign homework?
Pick the grade and the subject in which you tend to assign the least amount of homework per month.
Do NOT include working on projects, small investigations, or the gathering of data and the writing of long reports as homework.
Include doing problems/questions sets, reading textbooks or supplementary materials, and short writing assignments as homework.
If, on average, you do not assign homework (as we have defined it), select the “None” box.
Number of times
Propose Replacing with Bathroom Question:
34. How many bathrooms are in the building in which your classroom is located?
Please include bathrooms primarily meant for use by staff members only.
Do NOT include bathrooms primarily meant for use by students.
If there are no bathrooms in your building (as we have defined them), select the “None” box.
Number of bathrooms |
Updated Landing Page Language to accommodate mode-change:
You have been selected to represent hundreds of other teachers in the United States by completing the 2014-15 National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS).
The survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
If you do not have the time to dedicate to the entire survey now, you may complete what you are able to and log out. Your responses will be saved, and when you re-enter the survey, you will be taken to the question where you left off.
Each time you complete a page, your answers are saved.
Please use the Next buttons at the bottom of each page to navigate through the survey.
Please do not use your browser's back button.
Please complete and submit the survey within two weeks.
Answers to frequently asked questions and a list of survey endorsers are available on the menu bar above. These tabs open a separate window.
Teachers who teach in multiple schools: Please respond to questions as they apply to the school that appears below.
Grades K-12 and comparable ungraded levels: This survey focuses on schools offering any of grades K-12 or comparable ungraded levels at the elementary or secondary level. The term "ungraded levels" refers to schools that classify students by an alternative means other than particular grade levels (e.g., kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, etc.).
Thank you for participating in the NTPS!
Please correct any errors in name or address.
Contact Information
Teacher's Name:
First Name
Last Name
School Name
Mailing Address:
Mailing Address
File Type | application/msword |
Author | Cleo Redline |
Last Modified By | Kubzdela,Kashka |
File Modified | 2014-12-10 |
File Created | 2014-12-05 |