Proposed IRIS Screen Changes 2013

ATTACHMENT C - Proposed IRIS Screen Changes 2013.xlsx

IEPS International Resource Information System (IRIS)

Proposed IRIS Screen Changes 2013

OMB: 1840-0759

Document [xlsx]
Download: xlsx | pdf


DD - Inst Type
DD - Inst Desig
DDRA Fellow
DDRA Instructor
FLAS Fellow
FLAS Instructor
FRA Fellow
FRA Instructor
GPA Annual
GPA Annual Participant
GPA Language
GPA Instructor
GPA Language Participant
SA Participant

Sheet 1: DD - Inst Type

Institution Type 2-year Public/State Controlled Institution of Higher Education

2-year Private Institution of Higher Education

4-year Public/State Controlled Institution of Higher Education

4-year Private Institution of Higher Education

Sheet 2: DD - Inst Desig

Institution Designation: Eligible to receive assistance under Part A or B of Title III or under Title V of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA)

Not eligible to receive assistance under Part A or B of Title III or under Title V of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA)

Sheet 3: AORC

Section Page Page Type CF File Change Type Field Name Values or Before After Location (if new) Work

Update Password Shared includes/UpdateUserAccount.cfm Instructions
Please change your password to something other than your award number. Please update your password to something other than your award number.

To change your password, enter your current password and the new password. Enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update." To update your password, enter your current password and the new password. Re-enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update."

Welcome Screen Shared includes/index.cfm Text/Instructions
Complete replace of welcome screen with new cross program text.

Project Information Shared includes/editProjectInfo.cfm Add Dropdown Institution Type See tab: DD - Inst Type
Below Institution (on page) Page and Database

Add Radio Selections Insitution Designation (if applicaple): See tab: DD - Inst Desig
Below Institution Type (above) Page and Database

Text Abstract Cut and paste your abstract from your application into the box below. Insert the abstract for the approved project into the box below.

Add Count Abstract

Additional User Shared includes/createAddUser.cfm Text Instructions To add a user with permission to review and edit reports for this project, click the "Add a User" button. The system will email login credentials to each added user. The user will have access to all functionalities in IRIS except report submission which is restricted to the Project Director. If a user is no longer associated with the project, the Project Director must remove that user from IRIS. IFLE staff may not add or delete users from IRIS. Click the "Add User" button to list no more than five persons authorized to access the IRIS reporting screens to input and/or to review information. IRIS will issue log in credentials to the additional users.

Add Info Icon (i) Icon Additional users do not have the authority to submit performance reports. The Project Director is the only project personnel authorized to submit IRIS reports.
Next to Additional Users title Page

Button Add a User Change "Add a User" to "Add User"

Page Function code change Only allow up to 5 additional users. When limit is reached, make the add user button hidden.

Additional User - Add Shared includes/createAddUser.cfm Add Checkbox
Do you wish to receive IFLE blast emails and newsletter? Note: All other automatic notifications will be sent to the user. Default: checked - This field will remove user from email blasts from program officers. At bottom, above buttons Page and Database

Button Save and Add another Another should have an uppercase A

Travel Requests Shared includes/incTAR.cfm Text Instructions Create a Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each grant-funded participant who is traveling from the U.S. Create an international Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each individual. (A TAR is required if grant funds are supporting any cost associated with the travel, e.g., per diem, air fare, ground transportation.)

Text Instructions •To add a TAR, click the "Add a Travel Approval Request" button. Click the "Add a Travel Approval Request" button to create a TAR.

Remove Instructions •Your TARs are listed below.

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •To view or edit a TAR, click "Update."

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •To remove a TAR, click "Delete."

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •After entering a TAR, click the "Submit to IRIS" button at the bottom of the page to submit it to IRIS.

Completely remove text

Text Instructions •Once the TAR has been approved by IRIS, it can be updated and resubmitted to IRIS for your program officer to reapprove. •Approved TARS can be updated and resubmitted to US/ED for review.

Text Instructions The TAR must be submitted to IFLE at least 30 days prior to the traveler's departure. The TAR must be submitted to US/ED at least 30 days prior to the traveler's departure.

Travel Requests - Add Shared includes/incTAR.cfm Text Title International Travel Approval Request - Submit 30 days in advance of travel International Travel Approval Request (Submit 30 days in advance of travel)
Add () around Submit section, drop down to next line and change font color to red

Text Instructions Submit a Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each person traveling to or from the U.S., to participate in project related activities. A TAR is required if grant funds are supporting any cost associated with the travel, e.g., per diem, air fare, ground transportation. Complete all required fields for each international traveler participating in project related activities.

Text Travel Justification Travel Justification Justification

Remove Note Provide travel justification that is directly related to the approved project scope. Indicate whether this funding is in the approved budget.

Completely remove text

Text Country(ies) Instructions For travel to the U.S., select the country the participant is traveling from. For travel to the U.S., select the country of departure.

Text Title VI AORC funds requested for travel Title VI AORC funds requested for travel AORC funds requested

Text Which FY funds are being used: Which FY funds are being used Fiscal year funds to be used

Remove Explanation of Title VI AORC funds requested: Explanation of Title VI AORC funds requested:

Text Provide a detailed itemization of Title VI AORC funds to be requested, e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Provide a detailed itemization of Title VI AORC funds to be requested, e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Detailed itemization of Title VI AORC funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates.
Modifications to text and links added

Links Detailed itemization of Title VI AORC funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates. GSA for domestic per diem rates

Links Detailed itemization of Title VI AORC funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates. US Dept. of State for international rates

Remove Text Participant's Departure Itinerary (Required for international travel)

Add text Participant's Return Itinerary Please include connecting flights.

Text Please select from one of the following: I certify that this travel request complies with the Fly America Act I certify that this travel request complies with the Fly America Act and/or Open Skies agreement.

Select View Submit Reports Shared includes/incCreateEditReports.cfm Instructions
The reports required for this grant are displayed below. The reports and due dates for the grant cycle are indicated below.

Remove Item
•To begin entering your report, click the "Enter Report Information" button below or click a button on the menu bar. You may also click a link in the Report Status column to go directly to a screen.

Remove Item
•To view or submit a report, click the "View / Submit Report" button.

Remove Item
•After viewing the report, project directors may click the "Submit Report" button to submit it to IFLE.

Remove Item
•To enter data for a report other than the current one, select the report and click the "Enter Report Information" button.

Add Item
•Click a radio button in the "select Report" column.

Add Item
•Click the "Enter Report Information" button to input the requested information.

Add Item
•Click the "View/Submit Report" button to review the report in draft or to submit the report after completion.

Add (i) button
Only the Project Director is authorized to submit the completed report.
Next to () under Fall Year #

•You may also view reports from previous grants for your program, institution, and world area. •Click here to view reports from previous grants by program, institution, and world area.

Time Extensions Shared includes/incTimeExtension.cfm Instructions
Section 74.25 of the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) allows a grantee to notify IFLE about the necessity to extend the end of a grant for up to 12 months. The time extension allows you to complete an activity that you were unable to complete before the scheduled end date of your grant. If you need a time extension, you must notify your program officer in writing at least 10 days before the end date of the grant. Please use this screen to notify IFLE during the final year of the grant that the grantee needs additional time (up to 12 months) to complete approved project activities. Submit a Time Extension request in IRIS at least 10 days before the end date specified on the grant award notification.

Rename Item Comments Comments Justification for the Time Extension

Move Item Enter the amount of funds…

Move under Date and above note.

Rename Item
Enter the revised end date for your project. When the project end date is extended, the due date for the submission of your final performance report will change. The final performance report will be due 90 days after the revised end date. Requested Time Extension End Date

Example: 01/01/1900 (mm/dd/yyyy format)

Rename Item
Enter the amount of funds to be used during the time extension Note: The time extension end date automatically revises the due date for submitting the final report. The final report on the project will be due 80 days after the time extension date requested. Indicate funds to be used during the time extension.

Please note: According to EDGAR 74.25(e)(2)(ii) a time extension may not be exercised merely for the purpose of using unobligated balances. Note: EDGAR section 74.25(e) (2) (ii) stipulates that a time extension is not to be requested for the purpose of using unobligated funds.

Narratives Objectives and Accomplishments Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe each of the objectives of the project and the progress made towards those objectives during the current reporting period. List each of the project objectives. Describe the progress made toward each objective during the current reporting period.
Collaboration Activities
includes/incNarrative.cfm Rename Page Link Collaboration Activities Outreach Activities

Rename Page Narrative Name Collaboration Activities Outreach Activities

Max Characters
4000 5000
Adjustments to Project Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions For any planned activity that was scheduled to take place during the current reporting period but did not, explain the circumstances. Indicate whether you still plan to conduct the activity and when; or, specify the amount of funds to be reprogrammed, the activities to be conducted, and when. Please describe any major obstacles that either prevented the completion of any activity/ies or changed how the activity/ies were implemented. Briefly describe if and/or how the grant plans to proceed with these activities.
Exemplary Activities Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe project activities that showcase the grantee's success in meeting its project objectives in a particularly effective way during the current reporting period and that you would recommend for replication or dissemination because of their content and impact. Describe particularly effective project activities (funded by the grant and/or matching) that showcase the grant's success in meeting and/or exceeding its project objects during the current reporting period. These activities should be exemplary candidates for replication and/or dissemination.
Evaluation Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe project-related evaluation activities that have taken place during the current reporting period. List any evaluation activities related to the project objectives. Describe key findings and how any aspects of the project were changed (if at all) as a result.

Upload Instructions Please upload any evaluation or assessment reports regarding your grant activities. (You may upload up to 2 documents. Word, Excel or Adobe PDF) Please upload any evaluation or assessment reports as support material. Up to 2 documents may be uploaded. (10mb max - Word, Excel or Adobe PDF)
Priorities Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe any activities that took place during the current reporting period which address the announced priorities of the program. Indicate if grant funds were used to support the activities. To view a list of the announced priorities, click <a href="../priorities.cfm" target="_blank">here.</a> Describe the grant activities conducted during the reporting period that addressed the announced program priorities, and indicate whether grant (or matching funds) were used to support the activities.<br /><a href="../priorities.cfm" title="Priorities" target="_blank">Click here to view the list of priorities.</a>

Max Characters
4000 5000
Budget Spring Budget Shared includes/Budget1.cfm Text Remove Instructions and Budget Info Form

Fall Budget Shared includes/FallBudget1.cfm Text Change report span for budget


Text Remove instructions for spring Budget numbers submitted on your spring report may be updated here. This will not change what was submitted on your spring report.

Text Remove Spring Report columns


Text Remove Total Title VI Column


Remove reporting date span in column


Add (i) button Total Other Other funds allocated to these line items from other internal 2nd external sources.

Final Budget Shared includes/Budget1.cfm Text Instructions For each category, enter the amount of Title VI AORC funds expended during the current reporting period. Report on expenditures from through 10/01/2010 through 09/30/2011. Totals will be automatically calculated. For each category, enter the amount of Title VI AORC funds expended during the current reporting period. Report on expenditures from 10/01/2010 through 09/30/2011. Totals will be automatically calculated. Click the link to download the SF-425 Federal Financial Report. You must complete and submit this form as part of your final performance report using the upload function below.

includes/incbudgetend.cfm Code (Allow FFR for AORC) Instructions Budget attachment: * excel, pdf, or .doc only. Attach a spreadsheet with the final budget expenditures for the just completed one-year budget period. Your project file must be formatted for letter-size paper prior to upload. SF-425 Federal Financial Report Long Form attachment: PDF only. Attach a PDF containing your completed SF-425 Federal Financial Report Long Form. Once code is modified, different instruction appears. Page Code

Report Data Center Information
aorc/aorcCenterInfo.cfm Change Text Institutions (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" or "apple" key and click) (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" key and click)

Change Text Countries (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" or "apple" key and click) (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" key and click)

Change Text Languages (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" or "apple" key and click) (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" key and click)

Center Contacts
aorc/aorcCenterContactInfo.cfm Add Textbox Point of Contact

First item below U.S. Contact Information Page and Database

Text Street Street Address 1

Add Textbox Address 2

Below Address 1 Page and Database

Add Textbox Email

Below Fax Page and Database

Add Textbox Web site

Below Email Page and Database

Add Textbox Point of Contact

First item below Overseas Contact Information Page and Database

Text Street Street Address 1

Add Textbox Address 2

Below Address 1 Page and Database

Add Textbox Email

Below Fax Page and Database

Add Textbox Web site

Below Email Page and Database
Researcher Profiles
aorc/aorcResearchProfile.cfm Rename Page Link Researcher Profiles Participant Profiles

Rename Page Header Researcher Profiles Participant Profiles

Rename Button
Add a Researcher Add a Participant
Researcher Profiles - Add
aorc/aorcResearchProfile.cfm Rename Page Header Researcher Profiles Participant Profiles

Rename Field Researcher name Researcher name Participant name

Rename Field Researcher type Researcher type Participant type

Dropdown Add Participant type Undergraduate Student
In dropdown Database

Dropdown Add Participant type Graduate Student


Dropdown Add Participant type K-12 Teacher


Dropdown Add Participant type Other


Add Textbox Other

Below Participant type Page and Database

Add Radios Postgraduate research ( ) Yes ( ) No
Below Other Page and Database

Add Textbox Employment

Below Postgraduate research Page and Database

Add Radios Utilize language areas studies skills in current job ( ) Yes ( ) No
Below Employment Page and Database

Add Dropdown Language

Below Academic Status Page and Database
Center Activities/Services

Rename Item
Cultural events (Art Exhibits, Museum Tours, Etc.) Cultural events

Rename Item
Guided Tours Related to Research Project Research Assistance

Remove Item


Rename Item
Information Technology - Computer, Internet, Telephone Information Technology

Remove Item
Research clearances


Rename Item
Travel (in country logistics) In country logistics (security, transportation)

Add header Language(s):


Add Item (3) Language Selection and Number

Page and Database

Remove Section Customer Satisfaction Survey

includes/Publications.cfm Add Item


Rename Item
Audio, video, and podcasts Audio, video, and/or podcasts

Rename Item
Authored books Books - Authored

Rename Item
Book chapters Books - Chapters

Rename Item
Edited books Books - Edited

Add Item
Books - Reviews


Rename Item
Conference presentations Presentations - Conference

Rename Item
Curricula and textbooks Curricula and/or textbooks

Remove Item
Journal articles


Add Item


Add Item
Media interviews


Add Item


Add Item
Policy brief and/or papers


Add Item
Presentations - Non-conference


Add Item
Publications - Edited


Add Item
Publications - Refereed


Add Item
Publications - Non-refereed


Add Item
Translations conducted


Add Item


Add Item


Add Info Icon (i) Icon

To the right the publications Page and Database

Add Count

Sources of U.S. Funding
aorc/aorcSourcesFunding.cfm Remove Page

Final Report Grant Results Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Please identify results of grant-funded activities from the entire grant cycle that will be disseminated to the public on the IRIS Web site ( Results should be reflective of the objectives cited in your approved project application, and may include exemplary activities, project-related URLs, activities particularly successful in meeting program priorities, or any other unique accomplishment that you want to showcase. Please identify results of grant-funded activities and note that they may be made available to the public on the IRIS Web site ( Results should be reflective of the objectives cited in your approved project application, and may include exemplary activities, project-related URLs, activities particularly successful in meeting program priorities, or any other unique accomplishment that you want to showcase.

Max Characters
4000 5000

Sheet 4: BIE

Section Page Page Type CF File Change Type Field Name Values or Before After Location (if new) Work

Update Password Shared includes/UpdateUserAccount.cfm Instructions
Please change your password to something other than your award number. Please update your password to something other than your award number.

To change your password, enter your current password and the new password. Enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update." To update your password, enter your current password and the new password. Re-enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update."

Welcome Screen Shared includes/index.cfm Text/Instructions
Complete replace of welcome screen with new cross program text.

Project Information Shared includes/editProjectInfo.cfm Add Dropdown Institution Type See tab: DD - Inst Type
Below Institution (on page) Page and Database

Add Radio Selections Insitution Designation (if applicaple): See tab: DD - Inst Desig
Below Institution Type (above) Page and Database

Add Count Program officer: List agreement partners


Text Abstract Cut and paste your abstract from your application into the box below. Insert the abstract for the approved project into the box below.

Add Count Abstract


Text Languages, Countries, Disciplines Select all of the languages, countries, disciplines, and subject areas that apply to the project from the dropdowns below. Any entries already selected are displayed first. Select the languages, countries, disciplines, and subject areas that apply to the project from the dropdown list below. Any entries already selected are displayed first.

Text Languages Instructions Please select no more than 15 of the languages most relevant to your project focus Please select no more than 15 languages most relevant to the project focus

Text Languages Instructions (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click.) Hold down "ctrl" and click to make multiple selections.

Text Countries Instructions Please select no more than 15 of the countries most relevant to your project's focus. Please select no more than 15 countries most relevant to the project.

Text Countries Instructions (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click.) Hold down "ctrl" and click to make multiple selections.

Text Disciplines Instructions (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click.) Hold down "ctrl" and click to make multiple selections.

Remove Item Subject Areas

Additional User Shared includes/createAddUser.cfm Text Instructions To add a user with permission to review and edit reports for this project, click the "Add a User" button. The system will email login credentials to each added user. The user will have access to all functionalities in IRIS except report submission which is restricted to the Project Director. If a user is no longer associated with the project, the Project Director must remove that user from IRIS. IFLE staff may not add or delete users from IRIS. Click the "Add User" button to list no more than five persons authorized to access the IRIS reporting screens to input and/or to review information. IRIS will issue log in credentials to the additional users.

Add Info Icon (i) Icon Additional users do not have the authority to submit performance reports. The Project Director is the only project personnel authorized to submit IRIS reports.
Next to Additional Users title Page

Button Add a User Change "Add a User" to "Add User"


Page Function code change Only allow up to 5 additional users. When limit is reached, make the add user button hidden.

Additional User - Add Shared includes/createAddUser.cfm Add Checkbox
Do you wish to receive IFLE blast emails and newsletter? Note: All other automatic notifications will be sent to the user. Default: checked - This field will remove user from email blasts from program officers. At bottom, above buttons Page and Database

Button Save and Add another Another should have an uppercase A

Travel Requests Shared includes/incTAR.cfm Text Instructions Create a Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each grant-funded participant who is traveling from the U.S. Create an international Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each individual. (A TAR is required if grant funds are supporting any cost associated with the travel, e.g., per diem, air fare, ground transportation.)

Text Instructions •To add a TAR, click the "Add a Travel Approval Request" button. Click the "Add a Travel Approval Request" button to create a TAR.

Remove Instructions •Your TARs are listed below.

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •To view or edit a TAR, click "Update."

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •To remove a TAR, click "Delete."

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •After entering a TAR, click the "Submit to IRIS" button at the bottom of the page to submit it to IRIS.

Completely remove text

Text Instructions •Once the TAR has been approved by IRIS, it can be updated and resubmitted to IRIS for your program officer to reapprove. •Approved TARS can be updated and resubmitted to US/ED for review.

Text Instructions The TAR must be submitted to IFLE at least 30 days prior to the traveler's departure. The TAR must be submitted to US/ED at least 30 days prior to the traveler's departure.

Travel Requests - Add Shared includes/incTAR.cfm Text Title International Travel Approval Request - Submit 30 days in advance of travel International Travel Approval Request (Submit 30 days in advance of travel)
Add () around Submit section, drop down to next line and change font color to red

Text Instructions Submit a Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each person traveling to or from the U.S., to participate in project related activities. A TAR is required if grant funds are supporting any cost associated with the travel, e.g., per diem, air fare, ground transportation. Complete all required fields for each international traveler participating in project related activities.

Text Travel Justification Travel Justification Justification

Remove Note Provide travel justification that is directly related to the approved project scope. Indicate whether this funding is in the approved budget.

Completely remove text

Text Country(ies) Instructions For travel to the U.S., select the country the participant is traveling from. For travel to the U.S., select the country of departure.

Text Title VI BIE funds requested for travel Title VI BIE funds requested for travel BIE funds requested

Text Which FY funds are being used: Which FY funds are being used Fiscal year funds to be used

Remove Explanation of Title VI BIE funds requested: Explanation of Title VI BIE funds requested:

Text Provide a detailed itemization of Title VI BIE funds to be requested, e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Provide a detailed itemization of Title VI BIE funds to be requested, e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Detailed itemization of Title VI BIE funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates.
Modifications to text and links added

Links Detailed itemization of Title VI BIE funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates. GSA for domestic per diem rates

Links Detailed itemization of Title VI BIE funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates. US Dept. of State for international rates

Remove Text Participant's Departure Itinerary (Required for international travel)

Add text Participant's Return Itinerary Please include connecting flights.

Text Please select from one of the following: I certify that this travel request complies with the Fly America Act I certify that this travel request complies with the Fly America Act and/or Open Skies agreement.

Select View Submit Reports Shared includes/incCreateEditReports.cfm Instructions
The reports required for this grant are displayed below. The reports and due dates for the grant cycle are indicated below.

Remove Item
•To begin entering your report, click the "Enter Report Information" button below or click a button on the menu bar. You may also click a link in the Report Status column to go directly to a screen.

Remove Item
•To view or submit a report, click the "View / Submit Report" button.

Remove Item
•After viewing the report, project directors may click the "Submit Report" button to submit it to IFLE.

Remove Item
•To enter data for a report other than the current one, select the report and click the "Enter Report Information" button.

Add Item
•Click a radio button in the "select Report" column.

Add Item
•Click the "Enter Report Information" button to input the requested information.

Add Item
•Click the "View/Submit Report" button to review the report in draft or to submit the report after completion.

Add (i) button
Only the Project Director is authorized to submit the completed report.
Next to () under Fall Year #

•You may also view reports from previous grants for your program, institution, and world area. •Click here to view reports from previous grants by program, institution, and world area.

Time Extensions Shared includes/incTimeExtension.cfm Instructions
Section 74.25 of the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) allows a grantee to notify IFLE about the necessity to extend the end of a grant for up to 12 months. The time extension allows you to complete an activity that you were unable to complete before the scheduled end date of your grant. If you need a time extension, you must notify your program officer in writing at least 10 days before the end date of the grant. Please use this screen to notify IFLE during the final year of the grant that the grantee needs additional time (up to 12 months) to complete approved project activities. Submit a Time Extension request in IRIS at least 10 days before the end date specified on the grant award notification.

Rename Item Comments Comments Justification for the Time Extension

Move Item Enter the amount of funds…

Move under Date and above note.

Rename Item
Enter the revised end date for your project. When the project end date is extended, the due date for the submission of your final performance report will change. The final performance report will be due 90 days after the revised end date. Requested Time Extension End Date

Example: 01/01/1900 (mm/dd/yyyy format)

Rename Item
Enter the amount of funds to be used during the time extension Note: The time extension end date automatically revises the due date for submitting the final report. The final report on the project will be due 80 days after the time extension date requested. Indicate funds to be used during the time extension.

Please note: According to EDGAR 74.25(e)(2)(ii) a time extension may not be exercised merely for the purpose of using unobligated balances. Note: EDGAR section 74.25(e) (2) (ii) stipulates that a time extension is not to be requested for the purpose of using unobligated funds.

Narratives Objectives and Accomplishments Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe each of the objectives of the project and the progress made towards those objectives during the current reporting period. List each of the project objectives. Describe the progress made toward each objective during the current reporting period.
Adjustments to Project Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions For any planned activity that was scheduled to take place during the current reporting period but did not, explain the circumstances. Indicate whether you still plan to conduct the activity and when; or, specify the amount of funds to be reprogrammed, the activities to be conducted, and when. Please describe any major obstacles that either prevented the completion of any activity/ies or changed how the activity/ies were implemented. Briefly describe if and/or how the grant plans to proceed with these activities.
Exemplary Activities Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe project activities that showcase the grantee's success in meeting its project objectives in a particularly effective way during the current reporting period and that you would recommend for replication or dissemination because of their content and impact. Describe particularly effective project activities (funded by the grant and/or matching) that showcase the grant's success in meeting and/or exceeding its project objects during the current reporting period. These activities should be exemplary candidates for replication and/or dissemination.
Evaluation Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe project-related evaluation activities that have taken place during the current reporting period. List any evaluation activities related to the project objectives. Describe key findings and how any aspects of the project were changed (if at all) as a result.

Upload Instructions Please upload any evaluation or assessment reports regarding your grant activities. (You may upload up to 2 documents. Word, Excel or Adobe PDF) Please upload any evaluation or assessment reports as support material. Up to 2 documents may be uploaded. (10mb max - Word, Excel or Adobe PDF)
Priorities Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe any activities that took place during the current reporting period which address the announced priorities of the program. Indicate if grant funds were used to support the activities. To view a list of the announced priorities, click <a href="../priorities.cfm" target="_blank">here.</a> Describe the grant activities conducted during the reporting period that addressed the announced program priorities, and indicate whether grant (or matching funds) were used to support the activities.<br /><a href="../priorities.cfm" title="Priorities" target="_blank">Click here to view the list of priorities.</a>

Max Characters
4000 5000
Budget Spring Budget Shared includes/Budget2Col.cfm Text Remove Instructions and Budget Info Form

Fall Budget Shared includes/FallBudget2col.cfm Text Change date span for full report span

Text Remove Spring Report columns


Text Remove instructions for spring Budget numbers submitted on your spring report may be updated here. This will not change what was submitted on your spring report.

Remove Column Total Title VI BIE Funds Spent


Remove Column Total Matching Funds


Remove date span Remove date span in column

Final Budget Shared includes/Budget2Col.cfm

For each category, enter the amount of Title VI BIE funds and matching funds expended during the current reporting period. Report on expenditures from 07/01/2011 through 06/30/2012. Totals and percentages will be automatically calculated. "Matching funds" refers to the mandated cost sharing stipulated in the authorizing legislation. The matching funds should be no less than 50% of the total cost of the project. Click the link to download the SF-425 Federal Financial Report Long Form. You must complete and upload this form as part of your final performance report using the upload function below. For each category, enter the amount of Title VI BIE funds and matching funds expended during the current reporting period. Report on expenditures from 07/01/2011 through 06/30/2012. Totals and percentages will be automatically calculated. "Matching funds" refers to the mandated cost sharing stipulated in the authorizing legislation. The matching funds should be no less than 50% of the total cost of the project. Click the link to download the SF-425 Federal Financial Report. You must complete and upload this form as part of your final performance report using the upload function below.
Report Data IB Courses & Programs
bieuisfl/BusPrograms.cfm Change Text Discipline(s) (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" or "apple" key and click) (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" key and click)

Add Count Description

Add Count Comments

Int'l Business Positions
bieuisfl/busPositions.cfm Required Field change Title VI BIE grant funds


Required Field change Institutional match


Required Field change Total


Add Count Comments

Faculty Enhancement
bieuisfl/FacultyEnhance.cfm Remove Item Discipline(s)


Change Text
(for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" or "apple" key and click) (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" key and click)

Add Count Comments

Outreach Activities Shared bieuisfl/Outreach.cfm Remove Text
To enter default values for the city, state, and language which will pre-populate on new outreach records, click the "Enter Outreach Defaults" button.

Remove Button
Enter Outreach Defaults

Outreach Activities - Add
bieuisfl/Outreach.cfm Add Count Title of activity

Add Count Partners

(for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" or "apple" key and click) (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" key and click)

Add Count Comments

Study Abroad / Internships
bieuisfl/StudyAbroad.cfm Change Text Country(ies) (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" or "apple" key and click) (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" key and click)

Add Count Pupose of program

Final Report Grant Results Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Please identify results of grant-funded activities from the entire grant cycle that will be disseminated to the public on the IRIS Web site ( Results should be reflective of the objectives cited in your approved project application, and may include exemplary activities, project-related URLs, activities particularly successful in meeting program priorities, or any other unique accomplishment that you want to showcase. Please identify results of grant-funded activities and note that they may be made available to the public on the IRIS Web site ( Results should be reflective of the objectives cited in your approved project application, and may include exemplary activities, project-related URLs, activities particularly successful in meeting program priorities, or any other unique accomplishment that you want to showcase.

Max Characters
4000 5000

Sheet 5: CIBE

Section Page Page Type CF File Change Type Field Name Values or Before After Location (if new) Work

Update Password Shared includes/UpdateUserAccount.cfm Instructions
Please change your password to something other than your award number. Please update your password to something other than your award number.

To change your password, enter your current password and the new password. Enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update." To update your password, enter your current password and the new password. Re-enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update."

Welcome Screen Shared includes/index.cfm Text/Instructions
Complete replace of welcome screen with new cross program text.

Project Information Shared includes/editProjectInfo.cfm Add Dropdown Institution Type See tab: DD - Inst Type
Below Institution (on page) Page and Database

Add Radio Selections Insitution Designation (if applicaple): See tab: DD - Inst Desig
Below Institution Type (above) Page and Database

Text Abstract Cut and paste your abstract from your application into the box below. Insert the abstract for the approved project into the box below.

Add Count Abstract


Text Languages, Countries, Disciplines Select all of the languages, countries, disciplines, and subject areas that apply to the project from the dropdowns below. Any entries already selected are displayed first. Select the languages, countries, disciplines, and subject areas that apply to the project from the dropdown list below. Any entries already selected are displayed first.

Text Languages Instructions Please select no more than 15 of the languages most relevant to your project focus Please select no more than 15 languages most relevant to the project focus

Text Languages Instructions (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click.) Hold down "ctrl" and click to make multiple selections.

Text Countries Instructions Please select no more than 15 of the countries most relevant to your project's focus. Please select no more than 15 countries most relevant to the project.

Text Countries Instructions (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click.) Hold down "ctrl" and click to make multiple selections.

Text Disciplines Instructions (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click.) Hold down "ctrl" and click to make multiple selections.

Remove Item Subject Areas

Additional User Shared includes/createAddUser.cfm Text Instructions To add a user with permission to review and edit reports for this project, click the "Add a User" button. The system will email login credentials to each added user. The user will have access to all functionalities in IRIS except report submission which is restricted to the Project Director. If a user is no longer associated with the project, the Project Director must remove that user from IRIS. IFLE staff may not add or delete users from IRIS. Click the "Add User" button to list no more than five persons authorized to access the IRIS reporting screens to input and/or to review information. IRIS will issue log in credentials to the additional users.

Add Info Icon (i) Icon Additional users do not have the authority to submit performance reports. The Project Director is the only project personnel authorized to submit IRIS reports.
Next to Additional Users title Page

Button Add a User Change "Add a User" to "Add User"


Page Function code change Only allow up to 5 additional users. When limit is reached, make the add user button hidden.

Additional User - Add Shared includes/createAddUser.cfm Add Checkbox
Do you wish to receive IFLE blast emails and newsletter? Note: All other automatic notifications will be sent to the user. Default: checked - This field will remove user from email blasts from program officers. At bottom, above buttons Page and Database

Button Save and Add another Another should have an uppercase A

Travel Requests Shared includes/incTAR.cfm Text Instructions Create a Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each grant-funded participant who is traveling from the U.S. Create an international Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each individual. (A TAR is required if grant funds are supporting any cost associated with the travel, e.g., per diem, air fare, ground transportation.)

Text Instructions •To add a TAR, click the "Add a Travel Approval Request" button. Click the "Add a Travel Approval Request" button to create a TAR.

Remove Instructions •Your TARs are listed below.

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •To view or edit a TAR, click "Update."

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •To remove a TAR, click "Delete."

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •After entering a TAR, click the "Submit to IRIS" button at the bottom of the page to submit it to IRIS.

Completely remove text

Text Instructions •Once the TAR has been approved by IRIS, it can be updated and resubmitted to IRIS for your program officer to reapprove. •Approved TARS can be updated and resubmitted to US/ED for review.

Text Instructions The TAR must be submitted to IFLE at least 30 days prior to the traveler's departure. The TAR must be submitted to US/ED at least 30 days prior to the traveler's departure.

Travel Requests - Add Shared includes/incTAR.cfm Text Title International Travel Approval Request - Submit 30 days in advance of travel International Travel Approval Request (Submit 30 days in advance of travel)
Add () around Submit section, drop down to next line and change font color to red

Text Instructions Submit a Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each person traveling to or from the U.S., to participate in project related activities. A TAR is required if grant funds are supporting any cost associated with the travel, e.g., per diem, air fare, ground transportation. Complete all required fields for each international traveler participating in project related activities.

Text Travel Justification Travel Justification Justification

Remove Note Provide travel justification that is directly related to the approved project scope. Indicate whether this funding is in the approved budget.

Completely remove text

Text Country(ies) Instructions For travel to the U.S., select the country the participant is traveling from. For travel to the U.S., select the country of departure.

Text Title VI CIBE funds requested for travel Title VI CIBE funds requested for travel CIBE funds requested

Text Which FY funds are being used: Which FY funds are being used Fiscal year funds to be used

Remove Explanation of Title VI CIBE funds requested: Explanation of Title VI CIBE funds requested:

Text Provide a detailed itemization of Title VI CIBE funds to be requested, e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Provide a detailed itemization of Title VI CIBE funds to be requested, e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Detailed itemization of Title VI CIBE funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates.
Modifications to text and links added

Links Detailed itemization of Title VI CIBE funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates. GSA for domestic per diem rates

Links Detailed itemization of Title VI CIBE funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates. US Dept. of State for international rates

Remove Text Participant's Departure Itinerary (Required for international travel)

Add text Participant's Return Itinerary Please include connecting flights.

Text Please select from one of the following: I certify that this travel request complies with the Fly America Act I certify that this travel request complies with the Fly America Act and/or Open Skies agreement.

Select View Submit Reports Shared includes/incCreateEditReports.cfm Instructions
The reports required for this grant are displayed below. The reports and due dates for the grant cycle are indicated below.

Remove Item
•To begin entering your report, click the "Enter Report Information" button below or click a button on the menu bar. You may also click a link in the Report Status column to go directly to a screen.

Remove Item
•To view or submit a report, click the "View / Submit Report" button.

Remove Item
•After viewing the report, project directors may click the "Submit Report" button to submit it to IFLE.

Remove Item
•To enter data for a report other than the current one, select the report and click the "Enter Report Information" button.

Add Item
•Click a radio button in the "select Report" column.

Add Item
•Click the "Enter Report Information" button to input the requested information.

Add Item
•Click the "View/Submit Report" button to review the report in draft or to submit the report after completion.

Add (i) button
Only the Project Director is authorized to submit the completed report.
Next to () under Fall Year #

•You may also view reports from previous grants for your program, institution, and world area. •Click here to view reports from previous grants by program, institution, and world area.

Time Extensions Shared includes/incTimeExtension.cfm Instructions
Section 74.25 of the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) allows a grantee to notify IFLE about the necessity to extend the end of a grant for up to 12 months. The time extension allows you to complete an activity that you were unable to complete before the scheduled end date of your grant. If you need a time extension, you must notify your program officer in writing at least 10 days before the end date of the grant. Please use this screen to notify IFLE during the final year of the grant that the grantee needs additional time (up to 12 months) to complete approved project activities. Submit a Time Extension request in IRIS at least 10 days before the end date specified on the grant award notification.

Rename Item Comments Comments Justification for the Time Extension

Move Item Enter the amount of funds…

Move under Date and above note.

Rename Item
Enter the revised end date for your project. When the project end date is extended, the due date for the submission of your final performance report will change. The final performance report will be due 90 days after the revised end date. Requested Time Extension End Date

Example: 01/01/1900 (mm/dd/yyyy format)

Rename Item
Enter the amount of funds to be used during the time extension Note: The time extension end date automatically revises the due date for submitting the final report. The final report on the project will be due 80 days after the time extension date requested. Indicate funds to be used during the time extension.

Please note: According to EDGAR 74.25(e)(2)(ii) a time extension may not be exercised merely for the purpose of using unobligated balances. Note: EDGAR section 74.25(e) (2) (ii) stipulates that a time extension is not to be requested for the purpose of using unobligated funds.

Narratives Objectives and Accomplishments Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe each of the objectives of the project and the progress made towards those objectives during the current reporting period. List each of the project objectives. Describe the progress made toward each objective during the current reporting period.
Adjustments to Project Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions For any planned activity that was scheduled to take place during the current reporting period but did not, explain the circumstances. Indicate whether you still plan to conduct the activity and when; or, specify the amount of funds to be reprogrammed, the activities to be conducted, and when. Please describe any major obstacles that either prevented the completion of any activity/ies or changed how the activity/ies were implemented. Briefly describe if and/or how the grant plans to proceed with these activities.
Exemplary Activities Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe project activities that showcase the grantee's success in meeting its project objectives in a particularly effective way during the current reporting period and that you would recommend for replication or dissemination because of their content and impact. Describe particularly effective project activities (funded by the grant and/or matching) that showcase the grant's success in meeting and/or exceeding its project objects during the current reporting period. These activities should be exemplary candidates for replication and/or dissemination.
Evaluation Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe project-related evaluation activities that have taken place during the current reporting period. List any evaluation activities related to the project objectives. Describe key findings and how any aspects of the project were changed (if at all) as a result.

Upload Instructions Please upload any evaluation or assessment reports regarding your grant activities. (You may upload up to 2 documents. Word, Excel or Adobe PDF) Please upload any evaluation or assessment reports as support material. Up to 2 documents may be uploaded. (10mb max - Word, Excel or Adobe PDF)
Priorities Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe any activities that took place during the current reporting period which address the announced priorities of the program. Indicate if grant funds were used to support the activities. To view a list of the announced priorities, click <a href="../priorities.cfm" target="_blank">here.</a> Describe the grant activities conducted during the reporting period that addressed the announced program priorities, and indicate whether grant (or matching funds) were used to support the activities.<br /><a href="../priorities.cfm" title="Priorities" target="_blank">Click here to view the list of priorities.</a>

Max Characters
4000 5000
Budget Spring Budget Shared includes/Budget2Col.cfm Text Remove Instructions and Budget Info Form

Fall Budget Shared includes/FallBudget2col.cfm Text Change date span for full report span


Text Remove Spring Report columns


Text Remove instructions for spring Budget numbers submitted on your spring report may be updated here. This will not change what was submitted on your spring report.

Remove Column Total Title VI CIBE Funds Spent


Remove Column Total Matching Funds


Remove date span Remove date span in column

Final Budget Shared includes/Budget2Col.cfm

For each category, enter the amount of Title VI CIBE funds and matching funds expended during the current reporting period. Report on expenditures from 07/01/2011 through 06/30/2012. Totals and percentages will be automatically calculated. "Matching funds" refers to the mandated cost sharing stipulated in the authorizing legislation. The matching funds should be no less than 50% of the total cost of the project. Click the link to download the SF-425 Federal Financial Report Long Form. You must complete and upload this form as part of your final performance report using the upload function below. For each category, enter the amount of Title VI CIBE funds and matching funds expended during the current reporting period. Report on expenditures from 07/01/2011 through 06/30/2012. Totals and percentages will be automatically calculated. "Matching funds" refers to the mandated cost sharing stipulated in the authorizing legislation. The matching funds should be no less than 50% of the total cost of the project. Click the link to download the SF-425 Federal Financial Report. You must complete and upload this form as part of your final performance report using the upload function below.
Report Data IB Courses by Discipline No Changes

IB Courses & Programs
cibe/cibeBusinessPrograms.cfm Change Text Discipline(s) (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" or "apple" key and click) (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" key and click)

Add Count Description

Add Count Comments

Lang Courses No Changes cibe/cibeBusinessLangCourses.cfm

Master's Grads
cibe/cibeGraduates.cfm Add Item Business Area Other
In Business Area, under Production or logistics Page and Database

Add Item Professional Program Other
In Professional Program, under Social Work Page and Database

Text / Instructions Comments Comments: (limit 1,000 characters and spaces) Comments: (limit 3,000 characters and spaces) If "Other" was selected, please explain below.

Limit Comments 1000 3000

Add Count

Doctorate Grads
cibe/cibeGraduates.cfm Add Item Business Area Other
In Business Area, under Production or logistics Page and Database

Add Item Professional Program Other
In Professional Program, under Social Work Page and Database

Text / Instructions Comments Comments: (limit 1,000 characters and spaces) Comments: (limit 3,000 characters and spaces) If "Other" was selected, please explain below.

Limit Comments 1000 3000

Add Count

Master's Placements
cibe/cibePlacements.cfm Add Count Comments

Doctorate Placements
cibe/cibePlacements.cfm Add Count Comments

Int'l Research
cibe/cibeBusResearchActivities.cfm Add Count Comments

includes/Publications.cfm Add Item


Rename Item
Audio, video, and podcasts Audio, video, and/or podcasts

Rename Item
Authored books Books - Authored

Rename Item
Book chapters Books - Chapters

Rename Item
Edited books Books - Edited

Add Item
Books - Reviews


Rename Item
Conference presentations Presentations - Conference

Rename Item
Curricula and textbooks Curricula and/or textbooks

Remove Item
Journal articles


Add Item


Add Item
Media interviews


Add Item


Add Item
Policy brief and/or papers


Add Item
Presentations - Non-conference


Add Item
Publications - Edited


Add Item
Publications - Refereed


Add Item
Publications - Non-refereed


Add Item
Translations conducted


Add Item


Add Item


Add Info Icon (i) Icon

To the right the publications Page and Database

Add Count Comments

cibe/cibeCollaboration.cfm Change Text Partner(s) (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click.) (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" key and click.)

Add Count Description and partner name(s)

Professional Development Programs
cibe/cibeDevelopment.cfm Change Text Discipline(s) (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click.) (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" key and click.)

Outreach Activities
cibe/cibeOutreachActs.cfm Change Text Top Instructions (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click.) (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" key and click.)

Add Count Partners

Add Count Comments

Final Report Grant Results Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Please identify results of grant-funded activities from the entire grant cycle that will be disseminated to the public on the IRIS Web site ( Results should be reflective of the objectives cited in your approved project application, and may include exemplary activities, project-related URLs, activities particularly successful in meeting program priorities, or any other unique accomplishment that you want to showcase. Please identify results of grant-funded activities and note that they may be made available to the public on the IRIS Web site ( Results should be reflective of the objectives cited in your approved project application, and may include exemplary activities, project-related URLs, activities particularly successful in meeting program priorities, or any other unique accomplishment that you want to showcase.

Max Characters
4000 5000

Sheet 6: DDRA

Section Page Page Type CF File Change Type Field Name Values or Before After Location (if new) Work

Top Menu

Add tab for Instructor Administration


Update Password Shared includes/UpdateUserAccount.cfm Instructions
Please change your password to something other than your award number. Please update your password to something other than your award number.

To change your password, enter your current password and the new password. Enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update." To update your password, enter your current password and the new password. Re-enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update."

Welcome Screen Shared includes/index.cfm Text/Instructions
Complete replace of welcome screen with new cross program text.


Project Information Shared includes/editProjectInfo.cfm Add Dropdown Institution Type See tab: DD - Inst Type
Below Institution (on page) Page and Database

Add Radio Selections Insitution Designation (if applicaple): See tab: DD - Inst Desig
Below Institution Type (above) Page and Database

Additional User Shared includes/createAddUser.cfm Text Instructions To add a user with permission to review and edit reports for this project, click the "Add a User" button. The system will email login credentials to each added user. The user will have access to all functionalities in IRIS except report submission which is restricted to the Project Director. If a user is no longer associated with the project, the Project Director must remove that user from IRIS. IFLE staff may not add or delete users from IRIS. Click the "Add User" button to list no more than five persons authorized to access the IRIS reporting screens to input and/or to review information. IRIS will issue log in credentials to the additional users.

Add Info Icon (i) Icon Additional users do not have the authority to submit performance reports. The Project Director is the only project personnel authorized to submit IRIS reports.
Next to Additional Users title Page

Button Add a User Change "Add a User" to "Add User"

Page Function code change Only allow up to 5 additional users. When limit is reached, make the add user button hidden.

Additional User - Add Shared includes/createAddUser.cfm Add Checkbox
Do you wish to receive IFLE blast emails and newsletter? Note: All other automatic notifications will be sent to the user. Default: checked - This field will remove user from email blasts from program officers. At bottom, above buttons Page and Database

Button Save and Add another Another should have an uppercase A

Fellow Administration
ddfra_director/createEditReports.cfm New Button Time Extension

Moved from update fellow page

New Button Unsubmit Fellow Reports

Time Extensions Shared includes/incTimeExtension.cfm Instructions
Section 74.25 of the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) allows a grantee to notify IFLE about the necessity to extend the end of a grant for up to 12 months. The time extension allows you to complete an activity that you were unable to complete before the scheduled end date of your grant. If you need a time extension, you must notify your program officer in writing at least 10 days before the end date of the grant. Please use this screen to notify IFLE during the final year of the grant that the grantee needs additional time (up to 12 months) to complete approved project activities. Submit a Time Extension request in IRIS at least 10 days before the end date specified on the grant award notification.

Rename Item Comments Comments Justification for the Time Extension

Add Count Justification for the Time Extension

Move Item Enter the amount of funds…

Move under Date and above note.

Rename Item
Enter the revised end date for your project. When the project end date is extended, the due date for the submission of your final performance report will change. The final performance report will be due 90 days after the revised end date. Requested Time Extension End Date

Example: 01/01/1900 (mm/dd/yyyy format)

Rename Item
Enter the amount of funds to be used during the time extension Note: The time extension end date automatically revises the due date for submitting the final report. The final report on the project will be due 80 days after the time extension date requested. Indicate funds to be used during the time extension.

Please note: According to EDGAR 74.25(e)(2)(ii) a time extension may not be exercised merely for the purpose of using unobligated balances. Note: EDGAR section 74.25(e) (2) (ii) stipulates that a time extension is not to be requested for the purpose of using unobligated funds.

Update Fellow Info
ddfra_director/CreateEditFellow.cfm Remove Text
If the revised fellowship end date is now later than the grant end date, you must notify IEPS that a time extension is necessary. Click "Time Extension" to notify IEPS.

Remove Button Time Extension

Grant Activation Request (GAR)
ddfra_director/gar.cfm Add Count Comments

Change Text This is the itinerary for traveling to the host countries. countries country(ies)

Change Text This is the itinerary for traveling from the host countries. countries country(ies)

Hiatus Request
ddfra_director/hiatus.cfm Add Count Comments

Instructor Administration

New Screen

Same as GPA Instructors Database

Sheet 7: DDRA Fellow

Section Page Page Type CF File Change Type Field Name Values or Before After Location (if new) Work

Update Password Shared includes/UpdateUserAccount.cfm Instructions
Please change your password to something other than your award number. Please update your password to something other than your award number.

To change your password, enter your current password and the new password. Enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update." To update your password, enter your current password and the new password. Re-enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update."

Pre-Fellowship Report

Remove Foreign Lang Self-Eval


Final Report

Remove Foreign Lang Self-Eval

Pre-Fellowship Report Fellow Information No Changes


Foreign Lang Self-Eval Remove

Awarded Budget No Changes

Final Report Research Results No Changes

Dissemination No Changes

Adjustments to Project No Changes

Project Support No Changes

ddfra_fellow/narrAdvice.cfm Add Count Comments

Graduation/Employment New Page

Foreign Lang Self-Eval Removed

Actual Budget
ddfra_Fellow/budget.cfm Add Count Comments

Sheet 8: DDRA Instructor

New addition to DDRA

Sheet 9: FLAS

Section Page Page Type CF File Change Type Field Name Values or Before After Location (if new) Work

Top Menu

Move Travel Requests to before Select, View, Submit Reports


Update Password Shared includes/UpdateUserAccount.cfm Instructions
Please change your password to something other than your award number. Please update your password to something other than your award number.

To change your password, enter your current password and the new password. Enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update." To update your password, enter your current password and the new password. Re-enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update."

Welcome Screen Shared includes/index.cfm Text/Instructions
Complete replace of welcome screen with new cross program text.


Project Information Shared includes/editProjectInfo.cfm Add Dropdown Institution Type See tab: DD - Inst Type
Below Institution (on page) Page and Database

Add Radio Selections Insitution Designation (if applicaple): See tab: DD - Inst Desig
Below Institution Type (above) Page and Database

Additional User Shared includes/createAddUser.cfm Text Instructions To add a user with permission to review and edit reports for this project, click the "Add a User" button. The system will email login credentials to each added user. The user will have access to all functionalities in IRIS except report submission which is restricted to the Project Director. If a user is no longer associated with the project, the Project Director must remove that user from IRIS. IFLE staff may not add or delete users from IRIS. Click the "Add User" button to list no more than five persons authorized to access the IRIS reporting screens to input and/or to review information. IRIS will issue log in credentials to the additional users.

Add Info Icon (i) Icon Additional users do not have the authority to submit performance reports. The Project Director is the only project personnel authorized to submit IRIS reports.
Next to Additional Users title Page

Button Add a User Change "Add a User" to "Add User"

Page Function code change Only allow up to 5 additional users. When limit is reached, make the add user button hidden.

Additional User - Add Shared includes/createAddUser.cfm Add Checkbox
Do you wish to receive IFLE blast emails and newsletter? Note: All other automatic notifications will be sent to the user. Default: checked - This field will remove user from email blasts from program officers. At bottom, above buttons Page and Database

Button Save and Add another Another should have an uppercase A

Travel Requests Shared includes/incTAR.cfm Text Instructions Create a Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each grant-funded participant who is traveling from the U.S. Create an international Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each fellow who is traveling using a Title VI-funded summer travel award.

Text Instructions (If a fellow is not receiving Title VI grant funds for travel, you do not need to create a TAR.) (If a fellow is not receiving a travel award, you do not need to create a TAR.)

Text Instructions •To add a TAR, click the "Add a Travel Approval Request" button. Click the "Add a Travel Approval Request" button to create a TAR.

Remove Instructions •Your TARs are listed below.

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •To view or edit a TAR, click "Update."

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •To remove a TAR, click "Delete."

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •After entering a TAR, click the "Submit to IRIS" button at the bottom of the page to submit it to IRIS.

Completely remove text

Text Instructions •Once the TAR has been approved by IRIS, it can be updated and resubmitted to IRIS for your program officer to reapprove. •Approved TARS can be updated and resubmitted to US/ED for review.

Text Instructions The TAR must be submitted to IFLE at least 30 days prior to the traveler's departure. The TAR must be submitted to US/ED at least 30 days prior to the traveler's departure.

Travel Requests - Add Shared includes/incTAR.cfm Text Title International Travel Approval Request - Submit 30 days in advance of travel International Travel Approval Request (Submit 30 days in advance of travel)
Add () around Submit section, drop down to next line and change font color to red

Text Instructions Submit a Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each person traveling to or from the U.S., to participate in project related activities. A TAR is required if grant funds are supporting any cost associated with the travel, e.g., per diem, air fare, ground transportation. Complete all required fields for each international traveler participating in project related activities.

Text Travel Justification Travel Justification Justification

Remove Note Provide travel justification that is directly related to the approved project scope. Indicate whether this funding is in the approved budget.

Completely remove text

Text Country(ies) Instructions For travel to the U.S., select the country the participant is traveling from. For travel to the U.S., select the country of departure.

Text Title VI FLAS funds requested for travel Title VI FLAS funds requested for travel FLAS funds requested

Text Which FY funds are being used: Which FY funds are being used Fiscal year funds to be used

Disable Fellowship period AY

Remove Explanation of Title VI FLAS funds requested: Explanation of Title VI FLAS funds requested:

Text Provide a detailed itemization of Title VI FLAS funds to be requested, e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Provide a detailed itemization of Title VI FLAS funds to be requested, e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Detailed itemization of Title VI FLAS funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates.
Modifications to text and links added

Links Detailed itemization of Title VI FLAS funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates. GSA for domestic per diem rates

Links Detailed itemization of Title VI FLAS funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates. US Dept. of State for international rates

Remove Text Participant's Departure Itinerary (Required for international travel)

Add text Participant's Return Itinerary Please include connecting flights.

Text Please select from one of the following: I certify that this travel request complies with the Fly America Act I certify that this travel request complies with the Fly America Act and/or Open Skies agreement.

Select View Submit Reports Shared includes/incCreateEditReports.cfm Instructions
The reports required for this grant are displayed below. The reports and due dates for the grant cycle are indicated below.

Remove Item
•To begin entering your report, click the "Enter Report Information" button below or click a button on the menu bar. You may also click a link in the Report Status column to go directly to a screen.

Remove Item
•To view or submit a report, click the "View / Submit Report" button.

Remove Item
•After viewing the report, project directors may click the "Submit Report" button to submit it to IFLE.

Remove Item
•To enter data for a report other than the current one, select the report and click the "Enter Report Information" button.

Add Item
•Click a radio button in the "select Report" column.

Add Item
•Click the "Enter Report Information" button to input the requested information.

Add Item
•Click the "View/Submit Report" button to review the report in draft or to submit the report after completion.

Add (i) button
Only the Project Director is authorized to submit the completed report.
Next to () under Fall Year #

•You may also view reports from previous grants for your program, institution, and world area. •Click here to view reports from previous grants by program, institution, and world area.

Time Extensions Shared includes/incTimeExtension.cfm Instructions
Section 74.25 of the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) allows a grantee to notify IFLE about the necessity to extend the end of a grant for up to 12 months. The time extension allows you to complete an activity that you were unable to complete before the scheduled end date of your grant. If you need a time extension, you must notify your program officer in writing at least 10 days before the end date of the grant. Please use this screen to notify IFLE during the final year of the grant that the grantee needs additional time (up to 12 months) to complete approved project activities. Submit a Time Extension request in IRIS at least 10 days before the end date specified on the grant award notification.

Rename Item Comments Comments Justification for the Time Extension

Move Item Enter the amount of funds…

Move under Date and above note.

Rename Item
Enter the revised end date for your project. When the project end date is extended, the due date for the submission of your final performance report will change. The final performance report will be due 90 days after the revised end date. Requested Time Extension End Date

Example: 01/01/1900 (mm/dd/yyyy format)

Rename Item
Enter the amount of funds to be used during the time extension Note: The time extension end date automatically revises the due date for submitting the final report. The final report on the project will be due 80 days after the time extension date requested. Indicate funds to be used during the time extension.

Please note: According to EDGAR 74.25(e)(2)(ii) a time extension may not be exercised merely for the purpose of using unobligated balances. Note: EDGAR section 74.25(e) (2) (ii) stipulates that a time extension is not to be requested for the purpose of using unobligated funds.

Language Request
flas_coordinator/langRequest.cfm Add Count Supporting materials


flas_coordinator/langRequest.cfm Add (i) button Level

Overseas Request
flas_coordinator/overseasRequest.cfm Add (i) button Level


Change name Number of weeks Number of weeks Total number of weeks

New item (radio)
( ) Single program ( ) Multiple programs

Page and Database

New note Program web site Note: Ensure that the link works before you submit the request.

Change name Explanation of request Explanation of request Justification for request

Add Count Justification for request


Fellow Admin
flas_coordinator/flasDirMaintFellow.cfm Remove Text
•For fellows that have not completed their pre self-evaluations, check the open box in the Pre Self-Evaluation column and click the "Notify Pre Self-Evaluation" button.

Change Text
Note: Fellows cannot be moved to final until their pre self-evaluations have been submitted. Note: Fellows cannot be moved to Final until their pre self-evaluations have been submitted.

Once a fellow is moved to the final report, the fellow's interim record cannot be updated. Therefore, interim fellows should not be moved to the final report until after the interim report is submitted. Once a fellow is moved to the Final report, the fellow's Interim report cannot be updated. Therefore, Interim fellows should not be moved to the Final report until after the Interim report is submitted.

Remove Button Notify Pre Self-Evaluation

Remove Column Pre Self Evaluation

Fellow Admin - Add
flas_coordinator/flasDirCreateFellow.cfm Make Required Fellow's Home Institution

Remove Text Fellow's Home Institution If the fellow is attending another institution for his or her degree, indicate which institution.

Remove Field Other

Rename Item Location Location Program

Move Item Total Title VI FLAS grant funds

Move above Total university contribution

Move Item University contribution-tuition and fees

Move below University contribution-tuition and fees

Remove Item Is this award for the Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad program?

Change Text Is this fellowship for language or area studies Is this fellowship for language or area studies Is this fellowship for

Change Option Is this fellowship for language or area studies Coursework Language and area studies coursework

Change Option Is this fellowship for language or area studies Dissertation research Dissertation research overseas

Travel Enter amount of grant funds used for travel.

Total Title VI FLAS grant funds: (Tuition and fees + stipend + travel) (Tuition and fees + stipend + travel award (if applicable))

Change Field Is this fellowship for: Is this fellowship for: This fellowship is for:

Add new item This fellowship is for: Summer intensive language program

Database and page

Add Count Comments

Change section Dissertation Research Dissertation Research Dissertation Research Overseas

Instructions Dissertation Research Overseas If the purpose of the fellowship is dissertation research, provide the following information. When you click Save, an email will be sent to your program officer to notify them of your request for a dissertation research fellowship. If the purpose of the fellowship is for dissertation research overseas, provide the following information. When you click Save, an email will be sent to your program officer to notify them of your request for a dissertation research fellowship.

Add Count Organization affiliation(s)

Add Count Individual affiliation(s)

Add Count Methodology

Instructor Admin

Text Instructor Fellow(s) Instructor Fellow(s) Instructor fellow(s)

FLAS Competition Description
flas_coordinator/flasDirCompetition.cfm Change Name FLAS Competition Description FLAS Competition Description FLAS Selection Process

Change Title FLAS Competition Description FLAS Competition Description FLAS Selection Process

Remove ( I ) button FLAS Selection Process

Remove section Undergraduate applicants

Remove section Master's applicants

Remove section Doctoral applicants

Remove section Master's / Doctoral applicants

Remove section Number of FLAS Awards

Remove section Number of Alternatives

Add count Selection Processes

Priorities Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe any activities that took place during the current reporting period which address the announced priorities of the program. Indicate if grant funds were used to support the activities. To view a list of the announced priorities, click <a href="../priorities.cfm" target="_blank">here.</a> Describe the grant activities conducted during the reporting period that addressed the announced program priorities, and indicate whether grant (or matching funds) were used to support the activities.<br /><a href="../priorities.cfm" title="Priorities" target="_blank">Click here to view the list of priorities.</a>

Max Characters
4000 5000

flas_coordinator/budget.cfm Remove Text
Enter the funds received from or given to other institutions during the current reporting period.

Change Text Total Summer FLAS funds awarded to Interim fellows: (Tuition + Stipend + Travel) (Tuition + Stipend + Travel award (if applicable))

Change Text Total AY FLAS funds received from other institutions/programs Total AY FLAS funds received from other institutions/programs Total AY FLAS funds received from other institutions

Change Text Total AY FLAS funds given to other institutions/programs Total AY FLAS funds given to other institutions/programs Total AY FLAS funds given to other institutions

Remove Text
(Allocation + Carry Over - funds awarded to fellows + funds received - funds given)

Add Count Comments

Sheet 10: FLAS Fellow

Section Page Page Type CF File Change Type Field Name Values or Before After Location (if new) Work

Update Password Shared includes/UpdateUserAccount.cfm Instructions
Please change your password to something other than your award number. Please update your password to something other than your award number.

To change your password, enter your current password and the new password. Enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update." To update your password, enter your current password and the new password. Re-enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update."

Top Menu

Remove Foreign Lang Self Eval


Welcome / Home
flas_fellow/index.cfm Remove Foreign Lang Self Eval instructions
3.On the Foreign Language Self-Evaluation screen, enter your language self-evaluation and information about any standardized language tests you took.

Fellow Profile No Changes

Education and Courses
flas_fellow/flasFelEducation.cfm Change Text Discipline(s) for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" or "apple" key and click) for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" key and click)

Remove Text Institution (If your institution is not in the dropdown, enter it in "Other.")


Remove Item Highest Degree Earned Other


Remove Item Other Degree Earned Other


Change Text Discipline(s) for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" or "apple" key and click) for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" key and click)

Remove Text Institution (If your institution is not in the dropdown, enter it in "Other.")


Change Text Courses Taken during Fellowship Enter the title and the number of credits for all of the courses in which you were enrolled during the fellowship period. If you have not received your grades for the semester, select the grade you will most likely receive. Enter the full title and the number of credits for all of the courses in which you were enrolled during the fellowship period. If you have not received your grades for the semester/quarter, select TBD.

Change Text Course Title (Each course for a semester must have a different title.) (Each course for a semester/quarter must have a different title.)

Add new column / dropdown Course Type Language, Area Studies, Other

Page and Database

Add item to dropdown Grade TBD


Change Text Career goal(s) for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" or "apple" key and click) for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" key and click)

Foreign Lang Self Eval
flas_fellow/index.cfm Remove Page


Fellowship Evaluation No Changes

You are required to provide comments in this box and what you write will be confidential and just shared with just the U.S. Department of Education (Unless you check to share with your Project Director and FLAS Coordinator.). In this box please write about your impressions of the FLAS program you participated in, specifically: Was the competition announced frequently and in highly visible forums? Were the application requirements clearly stated? Were the administrators of the program ready to assist during the application process and after you received your award? How was the quality of the language and area studies course offerings? What suggestions do you have to improve your institution's FLAS program? You are required to provide comments in this box. What you write is confidential and shared with just the U.S. Department of Education (Unless you check to share with your Project Director and FLAS Coordinator.). In this box please write about your impressions of the FLAS program you participated in, specifically: How was the quality of the language and area studies course offerings? Was the competition announced frequently and in highly visible forums? Were the application requirements clearly stated? Were the administrators of the program ready to assist during the application process and after you received your award? What suggestions do you have to improve your institution's FLAS program?

Sheet 11: FLAS Instructor

No changes

Sheet 12: FRA

Section Page Page Type CF File Change Type Field Name Values or Before After Location (if new) Work

Top Menu

Add tab for Instructor Administration


Update Password Shared includes/UpdateUserAccount.cfm Instructions
Please change your password to something other than your award number. Please update your password to something other than your award number.

To change your password, enter your current password and the new password. Enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update." To update your password, enter your current password and the new password. Re-enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update."

Welcome Screen Shared includes/index.cfm Text/Instructions
Complete replace of welcome screen with new cross program text.


Project Information Shared includes/editProjectInfo.cfm Add Dropdown Institution Type See tab: DD - Inst Type
Below Institution (on page) Page and Database

Add Radio Selections Insitution Designation (if applicaple): See tab: DD - Inst Desig
Below Institution Type (above) Page and Database

Additional User Shared includes/createAddUser.cfm Text Instructions To add a user with permission to review and edit reports for this project, click the "Add a User" button. The system will email login credentials to each added user. The user will have access to all functionalities in IRIS except report submission which is restricted to the Project Director. If a user is no longer associated with the project, the Project Director must remove that user from IRIS. IFLE staff may not add or delete users from IRIS. Click the "Add User" button to list no more than five persons authorized to access the IRIS reporting screens to input and/or to review information. IRIS will issue log in credentials to the additional users.

Add Info Icon (i) Icon Additional users do not have the authority to submit performance reports. The Project Director is the only project personnel authorized to submit IRIS reports.
Next to Additional Users title Page

Button Add a User Change "Add a User" to "Add User"

Page Function code change Only allow up to 5 additional users. When limit is reached, make the add user button hidden.

Additional User - Add Shared includes/createAddUser.cfm Add Checkbox
Do you wish to receive IFLE blast emails and newsletter? Note: All other automatic notifications will be sent to the user. Default: checked - This field will remove user from email blasts from program officers. At bottom, above buttons Page and Database

Button Save and Add another Another should have an uppercase A

Fellow Administration
ddfra_director/createEditReports.cfm New Button Time Extension

Moved from update fellow page

New Button Unsubmit Fellow Reports

Time Extensions Shared includes/incTimeExtension.cfm Instructions
Section 74.25 of the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) allows a grantee to notify IFLE about the necessity to extend the end of a grant for up to 12 months. The time extension allows you to complete an activity that you were unable to complete before the scheduled end date of your grant. If you need a time extension, you must notify your program officer in writing at least 10 days before the end date of the grant. Please use this screen to notify IFLE during the final year of the grant that the grantee needs additional time (up to 12 months) to complete approved project activities. Submit a Time Extension request in IRIS at least 10 days before the end date specified on the grant award notification.

Rename Item Comments Comments Justification for the Time Extension

Add Count Justification for the Time Extension

Move Item Enter the amount of funds…

Move under Date and above note.

Rename Item
Enter the revised end date for your project. When the project end date is extended, the due date for the submission of your final performance report will change. The final performance report will be due 90 days after the revised end date. Requested Time Extension End Date

Example: 01/01/1900 (mm/dd/yyyy format)

Rename Item
Enter the amount of funds to be used during the time extension Note: The time extension end date automatically revises the due date for submitting the final report. The final report on the project will be due 80 days after the time extension date requested. Indicate funds to be used during the time extension.

Please note: According to EDGAR 74.25(e)(2)(ii) a time extension may not be exercised merely for the purpose of using unobligated balances. Note: EDGAR section 74.25(e) (2) (ii) stipulates that a time extension is not to be requested for the purpose of using unobligated funds.

Update Fellow Info
ddfra_director/CreateEditFellow.cfm Remove Text
If the revised fellowship end date is now later than the grant end date, you must notify IEPS that a time extension is necessary. Click "Time Extension" to notify IEPS.

Remove Button Time Extension

Grant Activation Request (GAR)
ddfra_director/gar.cfm Add Count Comments

Remove Text

Change Text This is the itinerary for traveling to the host countries. countries country(ies)

Change Text This is the itinerary for traveling from the host countries. countries country(ies)

Hiatus Request
ddfra_director/hiatus.cfm Add Count Comments

Instructor Administration
ddfra_director/CreateAddInstructor.cfm New Screen

Same as GPA Instructors Database

Sheet 13: FRA Fellow

Section Page Page Type CF File Change Type Field Name Values or Before After Location (if new) Work

Update Password Shared includes/UpdateUserAccount.cfm Instructions
Please change your password to something other than your award number. Please update your password to something other than your award number.

To change your password, enter your current password and the new password. Enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update." To update your password, enter your current password and the new password. Re-enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update."

Pre-Fellowship Report

Remove Foreign Lang Self-Eval


Final Report

Remove Foreign Lang Self-Eval

Pre-Fellowship Report Fellow Information No Changes


Foreign Lang Self-Eval Remove

Awarded Budget No Changes

Final Report Research Results

ddfra_fellow/disseminfo.cfm Change Text Dissemination Methods: (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click) (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" key and click)

Add Count Discuss how you plan to share your research results

Publications Shared includes/Publications.cfm Add Item


Rename Item
Audio, video, and podcasts Audio, video, and/or podcasts

Rename Item
Authored books Books - Authored

Rename Item
Book chapters Books - Chapters

Rename Item
Edited books Books - Edited

Add Item
Books - Reviews


Rename Item
Conference presentations Presentations - Conference

Rename Item
Curricula and textbooks Curricula and/or textbooks

Remove Item
Journal articles


Add Item


Add Item
Media interviews


Add Item


Add Item
Policy brief and/or papers


Add Item
Presentations - Non-conference


Add Item
Publications - Edited


Add Item
Publications - Refereed


Add Item
Publications - Non-refereed


Add Item
Translations conducted


Add Item


Add Item


Add Info Icon (i) Icon

To the right the publications Page and Database

Add Count Comments

Adjustments to Project No Changes

Project Support No Changes

ddfra_fellow/narrAdvice.cfm Add Count Comments

Foreign Lang Self-Eval Removed

Actual Budget
ddfra_Fellow/budget.cfm Add Count Comments

Sheet 14: FRA Instructor

New addition to FRA

Sheet 15: GPA Annual

Section Page Page Type CF File Change Type Field Name Values or Before After Location (if new) Work

Top Menu
includes/incButtonBar.cfm Rename Tab
Pre-Seminar Pre-Travel

Rename Tab
Post-Seminar Post-Travel

includes/incButtonBar.cfm Rename Tab
Pre-Seminar Screens Pre-Travel Screens

Rename Tab
Participant Administration Participant Information

includes/incButtonBar.cfm Rename Tab
Post-Seminar Screens Post-Travel Screens

Rename Tab
Participant Administration Participant Information

Remove Tab
Orientation Evaluation


Update Password Shared includes/UpdateUserAccount.cfm Instructions
Please change your password to something other than your award number. Please update your password to something other than your award number.

To change your password, enter your current password and the new password. Enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update." To update your password, enter your current password and the new password. Re-enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update."

Welcome Screen Shared includes/index.cfm Text/Instructions
Complete replace of welcome screen with new cross program text.


Project Information Shared includes/editProjectInfo.cfm Add Dropdown Institution Type See tab: DD - Inst Type
Below Institution (on page) Page and Database

Add Radio Selections Insitution Designation (if applicaple): See tab: DD - Inst Desig
Below Institution Type (above) Page and Database

Text change Country(ies) of Study (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click. You are only allowed up to 15 selections.) (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" key and click. You are only allowed up to 15 selections.)

Remove Item Subject Areas


Time Extensions Shared includes/incTimeExtension.cfm Instructions
Section 74.25 of the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) allows a grantee to notify IFLE about the necessity to extend the end of a grant for up to 12 months. The time extension allows you to complete an activity that you were unable to complete before the scheduled end date of your grant. If you need a time extension, you must notify your program officer in writing at least 10 days before the end date of the grant. Please use this screen to notify IFLE during the final year of the grant that the grantee needs additional time (up to 12 months) to complete approved project activities. Submit a Time Extension request in IRIS at least 10 days before the end date specified on the grant award notification.

Rename Item Comments Comments Justification for the Time Extension

Move Item Enter the amount of funds…

Move under Date and above note.

Rename Item
Enter the revised end date for your project. When the project end date is extended, the due date for the submission of your final performance report will change. The final performance report will be due 90 days after the revised end date. Requested Time Extension End Date

Example: 01/01/1900 (mm/dd/yyyy format)

Rename Item
Enter the amount of funds to be used during the time extension Note: The time extension end date automatically revises the due date for submitting the final report. The final report on the project will be due 80 days after the time extension date requested. Indicate funds to be used during the time extension.

Please note: According to EDGAR 74.25(e)(2)(ii) a time extension may not be exercised merely for the purpose of using unobligated balances. Note: EDGAR section 74.25(e) (2) (ii) stipulates that a time extension is not to be requested for the purpose of using unobligated funds.

Additional User Shared includes/createAddUser.cfm Text Instructions To add a user with permission to review and edit reports for this project, click the "Add a User" button. The system will email login credentials to each added user. The user will have access to all functionalities in IRIS except report submission which is restricted to the Project Director. If a user is no longer associated with the project, the Project Director must remove that user from IRIS. IFLE staff may not add or delete users from IRIS. Click the "Add User" button to list no more than five persons authorized to access the IRIS reporting screens to input and/or to review information. IRIS will issue log in credentials to the additional users.

Add Info Icon (i) Icon Additional users do not have the authority to submit performance reports. The Project Director is the only project personnel authorized to submit IRIS reports.
Next to Additional Users title Page

Button Add a User Change "Add a User" to "Add User"


Page Function code change Only allow up to 5 additional users. When limit is reached, make the add user button hidden.


Additional User - Add Shared includes/createAddUser.cfm Add Checkbox
Do you wish to receive IFLE blast emails and newsletter? Note: All other automatic notifications will be sent to the user. Default: checked - This field will remove user from email blasts from program officers. At bottom, above buttons Page and Database

Button Save and Add another Another should have an uppercase A


Travel Requests Shared includes/incTAR.cfm Text Instructions Create a Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each grant-funded participant who is traveling from the U.S. Create an international Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each individual. (A TAR is required if grant funds are supporting any cost associated with the travel, e.g., per diem, air fare, ground transportation.)

Text Instructions •To add a TAR, click the "Add a Travel Approval Request" button. Click the "Add a Travel Approval Request" button to create a TAR.

Remove Instructions •Your TARs are listed below.

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •To view or edit a TAR, click "Update."

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •To remove a TAR, click "Delete."

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •After entering a TAR, click the "Submit to IRIS" button at the bottom of the page to submit it to IRIS.

Completely remove text

Text Instructions •Once the TAR has been approved by IRIS, it can be updated and resubmitted to IRIS for your program officer to reapprove. •Approved TARS can be updated and resubmitted to US/ED for review.

Text Instructions The TAR must be submitted to IFLE at least 30 days prior to the traveler's departure. The TAR must be submitted to US/ED at least 30 days prior to the traveler's departure.

Travel Requests - Add Shared includes/incTAR.cfm Text Title International Travel Approval Request - Submit 30 days in advance of travel International Travel Approval Request (Submit 30 days in advance of travel)
Add () around Submit section, drop down to next line and change font color to red

Text Instructions Submit a Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each person traveling to or from the U.S., to participate in project related activities. A TAR is required if grant funds are supporting any cost associated with the travel, e.g., per diem, air fare, ground transportation. Complete all required fields for each international traveler participating in project related activities.

Text Travel Justification Travel Justification Justification

Remove Note Provide travel justification that is directly related to the approved project scope. Indicate whether this funding is in the approved budget.

Completely remove text

Text Country(ies) Instructions For travel to the U.S., select the country the participant is traveling from. For travel to the U.S., select the country of departure.

Text Title VI BIE funds requested for travel Title VI BIE funds requested for travel BIE funds requested

Text Which FY funds are being used: Which FY funds are being used Fiscal year funds to be used

Remove Explanation of Title VI BIE funds requested: Explanation of Title VI BIE funds requested:

Text Provide a detailed itemization of Title VI BIE funds to be requested, e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Provide a detailed itemization of Title VI BIE funds to be requested, e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Detailed itemization of Title VI BIE funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates.
Modifications to text and links added

Links Detailed itemization of Title VI BIE funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates. GSA for domestic per diem rates

Links Detailed itemization of Title VI BIE funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates. US Dept. of State for international rates

Remove Text Participant's Departure Itinerary (Required for international travel)

Add text Participant's Return Itinerary Please include connecting flights.

Text Please select from one of the following: I certify that this travel request complies with the Fly America Act I certify that this travel request complies with the Fly America Act and/or Open Skies agreement.

Pre-Travel Participant Administration
gpa_director/gpaDirMaintParts.cfm Change Text
To send an email notification, check the "Notify" box for all participants that you would like to notify and click the "Notify Participants" button. To send an email notification to participants, check the "Notify" box for those who should be notified. Click the "Notify Participants" button.

Add a Participant
gpa_director/gpaDirCreatePart.cfm Change Text
Enter the following information about each participant, including project administrators. Enter the following information about each participant, including all project administrators.

Add Dropdown Institution Type See tab: DD - Inst Type
Below Institution (on page) Page and Database

Add Radio Selections Insitution Designation (if applicaple): See tab: DD - Inst Desig
Below Institution Type (above) Page and Database

Add Checkboxes Select if your institution is identified as low income, rural

To be determined Add Dropdown

Project Overview
gpa_director/gpaDirProjOverview.cfm Remove text
Enter the following information about the Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad grant.

Use the fields below to upload attachment files with the Pre Departure Orientation Agenda, Host Country Itinerary (for annual projects) / GPA Student Class Schedule (for foreign language projects) and Key personnel in host country. The files must be in one of the following formats: Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Adobe PDF or HTML. The first four fields must contain valid file names. Press the "Browse..." button to the right of each attachment field to attach a file. When prompted, locate and select the file to upload. Upload the required files below in one of the following formats: Word, PowerPoint, Excel or Adobe PDF. Press the "Browse..." button to the right of each attachment field to attach a file. When prompted, locate and select the file to upload.

Remove Text Host Country Itinerary (for annual projects) / GPA Student Class Schedule (for foreign language projects):

Add Button Notify US/ED

Post-Travel Participant Administration
gpa_director/gpaDirMaintParts.cfm Change Text
To send an email notification, check the "Notify" box for all participants that you would like to notify and click the "Notify Participants" button. To send an email notification to participants, check the "Notify" box for those who should be notified. Click the "Notify Participants" button.

Remove button on Post Add Paricipant Remove the "Add Participant button when under Post-Travel screen.

Orientation Evaluation Remove Page

In-Country Experience Eval Remove/Replace page gpa_director/gpaDirInCntryExperience.cfm

In-Country Experience Comments Add Narrative includes/incNarrative.cfm Add Narrative In-Country Experience Comments Evaluate the in-country experience. Describe any exemplary activities, challenges, areas for improvement, or any additional comments. For example, discuss: pace of itinerary, participant challenges, staff challenges and activities that were of impact. When discussing the impact of activites, please explain how this activity made an impact.

Page and Database
Sources of Funding No Changes

Priorities Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe any activities that took place during the current reporting period which address the announced priorities of the program. Indicate if grant funds were used to support the activities. To view a list of the announced priorities, click <a href="../priorities.cfm" target="_blank">here.</a> Describe the grant activities conducted during the reporting period that addressed the announced program priorities, and indicate whether grant (or matching funds) were used to support the activities.<br /><a href="../priorities.cfm" title="Priorities" target="_blank">Click here to view the list of priorities.</a>

Max Characters
4000 5000

Budget Shared includes/Budget1.cfm Add Instructions Instructions Click the link to download the SF-425 Federal Financial Report. You must complete and submit this form as part of your final performance report using the upload function below.

Add Instructions Instructions Also, upload a more detailed line item budget, based on the proposed budget submitted as part of the application package.

includes/incbudgetend.cfm Code (Allow FFR for IRS) Instructions Budget attachment: * excel, pdf, or .doc only. Attach a spreadsheet with the final budget expenditures for the just completed one-year budget period. Your project file must be formatted for letter-size paper prior to upload. SF-425 Federal Financial Report Long Form attachment: PDF only. Attach a PDF containing your completed SF-425 Federal Financial Report Long Form. Once code is modified, different instruction appears. Page Code

Final Grant Results Remove Page

Dissemination and Resources Add Narrative includes/incNarrative.cfm Add Narrative Dissemination and Resources Please identify URLs and/or citations of resources or curriculum development that participants have created as a result of the GPA project. This information will be accessible to the public on the IRIS web site (

Page and Database

Sheet 16: GPA Annual Participant

Section Page Page Type CF File Change Type Field Name Values or Before After Location (if new) Work

Update Password Shared includes/UpdateUserAccount.cfm Instructions
Please change your password to something other than your award number. Please update your password to something other than your award number.

To change your password, enter your current password and the new password. Enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update." To update your password, enter your current password and the new password. Re-enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update."

Welcome / Home No Changes

Orientation Evaluation
gpa_fellow/OrientEvaluation.cfm Title
Orientation Evaluation Pre-departure Orientation Evaluation

Rate the following aspects of the orientation to the program on a scale of excellent to very poor. You may enter comments below to clarify your ratings. This will be shared anonymously with the project director(s). Rate each question below on a scale of excellent to very poor. You may enter comments below to clarify your ratings.

Change Category
Readings and other preparatory materials sent and/or recommended to you in advance of the program. Readings and other preparatory materials sent and/or recommended in advance of the program.

Add Category
Usefulness of readings and other preparatory materials.
#2 Database

Remove Category
Delivery of the information in the orientation, including pacing and appropriateness.


Add Category
Pacing of the information in the orientation.
#6 Database

Add Category
Appropriateness of information in the orientation.
#7 Database

Change Category
Understanding/explanation of what is expected from the participant as an outcome of attendance in program.. Clear explanation of participant requirements upon returning to the U.S.

Add Category
Was length/time of pre-departure orientation appropriate?


Add Sort Order


Add Count Comments


In-country Experience Evaluation
gpa_fellow/InCntryExperience.cfm Instructions
Rate the following aspects of your in-country experience in . Use the boxes that follow to describe exemplary activities and point out areas for improvement. You may provide general comments or specific comments regarding any category in these boxes. This will be shared anonymously with the project director(s). Rate the following aspects of your in-country experience in. Use the comment box below to provide feedback on this program.

Add Category
Quality of speakers and academic lectures

Remove Category
Quality of host country faculty and teachers

Add Category
Quality of host country faculty and teachers for language instruction

Add Category
Quality of host country faculty and teachers for area studies instruction

Remove Category
Quality of food and dining services

Remove Category
Condition of meeting facilities

Add Category
Availability of Project Director and staff

Add Sort Order


Remove Item Exemplary activities

Remove Item Areas for improvement

Add Item Comments Comments. Please provide feedback about the in-country experience. For example, discuss: pace of itinerary, challenges with staff, and/or activities that impacted you professionally.

Outreach Activities
gpa_fellow/Outreach.cfm Move Instruction Item
To add an outreach activity, click the "Add an Outreach Activity" button.
Move to be second item instead of last Page

Change Text
(for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" or "apple" key and click) (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" key and click)

Add count Comments

Sheet 17: GPA Language

Section Page Page Type CF File Change Type Field Name Values or Before After Location (if new) Work

Fall Report

Tab Rename Participant Administration Participant Administration Participant Information

Spring Report

Tab Rename Participant Administration Participant Administration Participant Information

Update Password Shared includes/UpdateUserAccount.cfm Instructions
Please change your password to something other than your award number. Please update your password to something other than your award number.

To change your password, enter your current password and the new password. Enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update." To update your password, enter your current password and the new password. Re-enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update."

Welcome Screen Shared includes/index.cfm Text/Instructions
Complete replace of welcome screen with new cross program text.


Project Information Shared includes/editProjectInfo.cfm Add Dropdown Institution Type See tab: DD - Inst Type
Below Institution (on page) Page and Database

Add Radio Selections Insitution Designation (if applicaple): See tab: DD - Inst Desig
Below Institution Type (above) Page and Database

Text change Country(ies) of Study (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click. You are only allowed up to 15 selections.) (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" key and click. You are only allowed up to 15 selections.)

Remove Item Subject Areas


Time Extensions Shared includes/incTimeExtension.cfm Instructions
Section 74.25 of the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) allows a grantee to notify IFLE about the necessity to extend the end of a grant for up to 12 months. The time extension allows you to complete an activity that you were unable to complete before the scheduled end date of your grant. If you need a time extension, you must notify your program officer in writing at least 10 days before the end date of the grant. Please use this screen to notify IFLE during the final year of the grant that the grantee needs additional time (up to 12 months) to complete approved project activities. Submit a Time Extension request in IRIS at least 10 days before the end date specified on the grant award notification.

Rename Item Comments Comments Justification for the Time Extension

Move Item Enter the amount of funds…

Move under Date and above note.

Rename Item
Enter the revised end date for your project. When the project end date is extended, the due date for the submission of your final performance report will change. The final performance report will be due 90 days after the revised end date. Requested Time Extension End Date

Example: 01/01/1900 (mm/dd/yyyy format)

Rename Item
Enter the amount of funds to be used during the time extension Note: The time extension end date automatically revises the due date for submitting the final report. The final report on the project will be due 80 days after the time extension date requested. Indicate funds to be used during the time extension.

Please note: According to EDGAR 74.25(e)(2)(ii) a time extension may not be exercised merely for the purpose of using unobligated balances. Note: EDGAR section 74.25(e) (2) (ii) stipulates that a time extension is not to be requested for the purpose of using unobligated funds.

Additional User Shared includes/createAddUser.cfm Text Instructions To add a user with permission to review and edit reports for this project, click the "Add a User" button. The system will email login credentials to each added user. The user will have access to all functionalities in IRIS except report submission which is restricted to the Project Director. If a user is no longer associated with the project, the Project Director must remove that user from IRIS. IFLE staff may not add or delete users from IRIS. Click the "Add User" button to list no more than five persons authorized to access the IRIS reporting screens to input and/or to review information. IRIS will issue log in credentials to the additional users.

Add Info Icon (i) Icon Additional users do not have the authority to submit performance reports. The Project Director is the only project personnel authorized to submit IRIS reports.
Next to Additional Users title Page

Button Add a User Change "Add a User" to "Add User"


Page Function code change Only allow up to 5 additional users. When limit is reached, make the add user button hidden.


Additional User - Add Shared includes/createAddUser.cfm Add Checkbox
Do you wish to receive IFLE blast emails and newsletter? Note: All other automatic notifications will be sent to the user. Default: checked - This field will remove user from email blasts from program officers. At bottom, above buttons Page and Database

Button Save and Add another Another should have an uppercase A


Select View Submit Reports Shared includes/incCreateEditReports.cfm Instructions
The reports required for this grant are displayed below. The reports and due dates for the grant cycle are indicated below.

Remove Item
•To begin entering your report, click the "Enter Report Information" button below or click a button on the menu bar. You may also click a link in the Report Status column to go directly to a screen.

Remove Item
•To view or submit a report, click the "View / Submit Report" button.

Remove Item
•After viewing the report, project directors may click the "Submit Report" button to submit it to IFLE.

Remove Item
•To enter data for a report other than the current one, select the report and click the "Enter Report Information" button.

Add Item
•Click a radio button in the "select Report" column.

Add Item
•Click the "Enter Report Information" button to input the requested information.

Add Item
•Click the "View/Submit Report" button to review the report in draft or to submit the report after completion.

Add (i) button
Only the Project Director is authorized to submit the completed report.
Next to () under Fall Year #

•You may also view reports from previous grants for your program, institution, and world area. •Click here to view reports from previous grants by program, institution, and world area.

Travel Requests Shared includes/incTAR.cfm Text Instructions Create a Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each grant-funded participant who is traveling from the U.S. Create an international Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each individual. (A TAR is required if grant funds are supporting any cost associated with the travel, e.g., per diem, air fare, ground transportation.)

Text Instructions •To add a TAR, click the "Add a Travel Approval Request" button. Click the "Add a Travel Approval Request" button to create a TAR.

Remove Instructions •Your TARs are listed below.

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •To view or edit a TAR, click "Update."

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •To remove a TAR, click "Delete."

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •After entering a TAR, click the "Submit to IRIS" button at the bottom of the page to submit it to IRIS.

Completely remove text

Text Instructions •Once the TAR has been approved by IRIS, it can be updated and resubmitted to IRIS for your program officer to reapprove. •Approved TARS can be updated and resubmitted to US/ED for review.

Text Instructions The TAR must be submitted to IFLE at least 30 days prior to the traveler's departure. The TAR must be submitted to US/ED at least 30 days prior to the traveler's departure.

Travel Requests - Add Shared includes/incTAR.cfm Text Title International Travel Approval Request - Submit 30 days in advance of travel International Travel Approval Request (Submit 30 days in advance of travel)
Add () around Submit section, drop down to next line and change font color to red

Text Instructions Submit a Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each person traveling to or from the U.S., to participate in project related activities. A TAR is required if grant funds are supporting any cost associated with the travel, e.g., per diem, air fare, ground transportation. Complete all required fields for each international traveler participating in project related activities.

Text Travel Justification Travel Justification Justification

Remove Note Provide travel justification that is directly related to the approved project scope. Indicate whether this funding is in the approved budget.

Completely remove text

Text Country(ies) Instructions For travel to the U.S., select the country the participant is traveling from. For travel to the U.S., select the country of departure.

Text Title VI BIE funds requested for travel Title VI BIE funds requested for travel BIE funds requested

Text Which FY funds are being used: Which FY funds are being used Fiscal year funds to be used

Remove Explanation of Title VI BIE funds requested: Explanation of Title VI BIE funds requested:

Text Provide a detailed itemization of Title VI BIE funds to be requested, e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Provide a detailed itemization of Title VI BIE funds to be requested, e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Detailed itemization of Title VI BIE funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates.
Modifications to text and links added

Links Detailed itemization of Title VI BIE funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates. GSA for domestic per diem rates

Links Detailed itemization of Title VI BIE funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates. US Dept. of State for international rates

Remove Text Participant's Departure Itinerary (Required for international travel)

Add text Participant's Return Itinerary Please include connecting flights.

Text Please select from one of the following: I certify that this travel request complies with the Fly America Act I certify that this travel request complies with the Fly America Act and/or Open Skies agreement.

Fall Report Participant Administration
gpa_director/gpaDirMaintParts.cfm Change Text
To send an email notification, check the "Notify" box for all participants that you would like to notify and click the "Notify Participants" button. To send an email notification to participants, check the "Notify" box for those who should be notified. Click the "Notify Participants" button.

Add a Participant
gpa_director/gpaDirCreatePart.cfm Change Text
Enter the following information about each participant, including project administrators. Enter the following information about each participant, including all project administrators.

Add Dropdown Institution Type See tab: DD - Inst Type
Below Institution (on page) Page and Database

Add Radio Selections Insitution Designation (if applicaple): See tab: DD - Inst Desig
Below Institution Type (above) Page and Database

Add Checkboxes Select if your institution is identified as low income, rural

To be determined Add Dropdown

Remove Section Oral Proficiency Scores

Instructor Admin No Changes

Project Overview
gpa_director/gpaDirProjOverview.cfm Remove text
Enter the following information about the Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad grant.

Use the fields below to upload attachment files with the Pre Departure Orientation Agenda, Host Country Itinerary (for annual projects) / GPA Student Class Schedule (for foreign language projects) and Key personnel in host country. The files must be in one of the following formats: Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Adobe PDF or HTML. The first four fields must contain valid file names. Press the "Browse..." button to the right of each attachment field to attach a file. When prompted, locate and select the file to upload. Upload the required files below in one of the following formats: Word, PowerPoint, Excel or Adobe PDF. Press the "Browse..." button to the right of each attachment field to attach a file. When prompted, locate and select the file to upload.

Change Item
Pre Departure Orientation Agenda Orientation Agenda

Change Item Host Country Itinerary Host Country Itinerary (for annual projects) / GPA Student Class Schedule (for foreign language projects) GPA Student Class Schedule

Remove Item Project type

Remove Item Focus of project

Add Button Notify US/ED

Objectives and Accomplishments Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe each of the objectives of the project and the progress made towards those objectives during the current reporting period. List each of the project objectives. Describe the progress made toward each objective during the current reporting period.

Adjustments to Project Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions For any planned activity that was scheduled to take place during the current reporting period but did not, explain the circumstances. Indicate whether you still plan to conduct the activity and when; or, specify the amount of funds to be reprogrammed, the activities to be conducted, and when. Please describe any major obstacles that either prevented the completion of any activity/ies or changed how the activity/ies were implemented. Briefly describe if and/or how the grant plans to proceed with these activities.

Exemplary Activities Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe project activities that showcase the grantee's success in meeting its project objectives in a particularly effective way during the current reporting period and that you would recommend for replication or dissemination because of their content and impact. Describe particularly effective project activities (funded by the grant and/or matching) that showcase the grant's success in meeting and/or exceeding its project objects during the current reporting period. These activities should be exemplary candidates for replication and/or dissemination.

Evaluation Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe project-related evaluation activities that have taken place during the current reporting period. List any evaluation activities related to the project objectives. Describe key findings and how any aspects of the project were changed (if at all) as a result.

Upload Instructions Please upload any evaluation or assessment reports regarding your grant activities. (You may upload up to 2 documents. Word, Excel or Adobe PDF) Please upload any evaluation or assessment reports as support material. Up to 2 documents may be uploaded. (10mb max - Word, Excel or Adobe PDF)

Priorities Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe any activities that took place during the current reporting period which address the announced priorities of the program. Indicate if grant funds were used to support the activities. To view a list of the announced priorities, click <a href="../priorities.cfm" target="_blank">here.</a> Describe the grant activities conducted during the reporting period that addressed the announced program priorities, and indicate whether grant (or matching funds) were used to support the activities.<br /><a href="../priorities.cfm" title="Priorities" target="_blank">Click here to view the list of priorities.</a>

Max Characters
4000 5000

Budget Shared includes/Budget1.cfm Text Remove Instructions and Budget Info Form


Spring Report Participant Administration
gpa_director/gpaDirMaintParts.cfm Remove button on Post Add Paricipant Remove the "Add Participant button when under Post-Travel screen.

Change Text
To send an email notification, check the "Notify" box for all participants that you would like to notify and click the "Notify Participants" button. To send an email notification to participants, check the "Notify" box for those who should be notified. Click the "Notify Participants" button.

Instructor Admin No Changes

Orientation Evaluation Remove Page

In-Country Activities No Changes

In-Country Experience Eval Remove/Replace page gpa_director/gpaDirInCntryExperience.cfm

In-Country Experience Comments Add Narrative includes/incNarrative.cfm Add Narrative In-Country Experience Comments Evaluate the in-country experience. Describe any exemplary activities, challenges, areas for improvement, or any additional comments. For example, discuss: pace of itinerary, participant challenges, staff challenges and activities that were of impact. When discussing the impact of activites, please explain how this activity made an impact.

Page and Database
Sources of Funding No Changes

Objectives and Accomplishments Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe each of the objectives of the project and the progress made towards those objectives during the current reporting period. List each of the project objectives. Describe the progress made toward each objective during the current reporting period.
Adjustments to Project Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions For any planned activity that was scheduled to take place during the current reporting period but did not, explain the circumstances. Indicate whether you still plan to conduct the activity and when; or, specify the amount of funds to be reprogrammed, the activities to be conducted, and when. Please describe any major obstacles that either prevented the completion of any activity/ies or changed how the activity/ies were implemented. Briefly describe if and/or how the grant plans to proceed with these activities.
Exemplary Activities Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe project activities that showcase the grantee's success in meeting its project objectives in a particularly effective way during the current reporting period and that you would recommend for replication or dissemination because of their content and impact. Describe particularly effective project activities (funded by the grant and/or matching) that showcase the grant's success in meeting and exceeding its project objects during the current reporting period. These activities should be exemplary candidates for replication and/or dissemination.
Evaluation Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe project-related evaluation activities that have taken place during the current reporting period. List any evaluation activities related to the project objectives. Describe key findings and how any aspects of the project were changed (if at all) as a result.

Upload Instructions Please upload any evaluation or assessment reports regarding your grant activities. (You may upload up to 2 documents. Word, Excel or Adobe PDF) Please upload any evaluation or assessment reports as support material. Up to 2 documents may be uploaded. (10mb max - Word, Excel or Adobe PDF)
Priorities Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe any activities that took place during the current reporting period which address the announced priorities of the program. Indicate if grant funds were used to support the activities. To view a list of the announced priorities, click <a href="../priorities.cfm" target="_blank">here.</a> Describe the grant activities conducted during the reporting period that addressed the announced program priorities, and indicate whether grant or matching funds were used to support the activities.<br /><a href="../priorities.cfm" title="Priorities" target="_blank">Click here to view the list of priorities.</a>

Max Characters
4000 5000
Budget Shared includes/FallBudget1.cfm Text Change report span for budget


Text Remove instructions for fall Budget numbers submitted on your fall report may be updated here. This will not change what was submitted on your fall report.

Text Remove Fall Report columns


Text Remove Total Title VI Column


Remove reporting date span in column


Add (i) button Total Other Other funds allocated to these line items from other internal 2nd external sources.

Final Budget Shared includes/Budget1.cfm Text Instructions For each category, enter the amount of Title VI IRS funds expended during the current reporting period. Report on expenditures from through 10/01/2010 through 09/30/2011. Totals will be automatically calculated. For each category, enter the amount of Title VI IRS funds expended during the current reporting period. Report on expenditures from 10/01/2010 through 09/30/2011. Totals will be automatically calculated. Click the link to download the SF-425 Federal Financial Report. You must complete and submit this form as part of your final performance report using the upload function below.

includes/incbudgetend.cfm Code (Allow FFR for IRS) Instructions Budget attachment: * excel, pdf, or .doc only. Attach a spreadsheet with the final budget expenditures for the just completed one-year budget period. Your project file must be formatted for letter-size paper prior to upload. SF-425 Federal Financial Report Long Form attachment: PDF only. Attach a PDF containing your completed SF-425 Federal Financial Report Long Form. Once code is modified, different instruction appears. Page Code
Grant Results Remove Page

Dissemination and Resources Add Narrative includes/incNarrative.cfm Add Narrative Dissemination and Resources Please identify URLs and/or citations of resources or curriculum development that participants have created as a result of the GPA project. This information will be accessible to the public on the IRIS web site (

Page and Database

Sheet 18: GPA Instructor

No changes

Sheet 19: GPA Language Participant

Section Page Page Type CF File Change Type Field Name Values or Before After Location (if new) Work

Update Password Shared includes/UpdateUserAccount.cfm Instructions
Please change your password to something other than your award number. Please update your password to something other than your award number.

To change your password, enter your current password and the new password. Enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update." To update your password, enter your current password and the new password. Re-enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update."

Welcome / Home No Changes

Orientation Evaluation
gpa_fellow/OrientEvaluation.cfm Title
Orientation Evaluation Pre-departure Orientation Evaluation

Rate the following aspects of the orientation to the program on a scale of excellent to very poor. You may enter comments below to clarify your ratings. This will be shared anonymously with the project director(s). Rate each question below on a scale of excellent to very poor. You may enter comments below to clarify your ratings.

Change Category
Readings and other preparatory materials sent and/or recommended to you in advance of the program. Readings and other preparatory materials sent and/or recommended in advance of the program.

Add Category
Usefulness of readings and other preparatory materials.
#2 Database

Remove Category
Delivery of the information in the orientation, including pacing and appropriateness.


Add Category
Pacing of the information in the orientation.
#6 Database

Add Category
Appropriateness of information in the orientation.
#7 Database

Change Category
Understanding/explanation of what is expected from the participant as an outcome of attendance in program.. Clear explanation of participant requirements upon returning to the U.S.

Add Sort Order


Add Count Comments


Weekly Activities

Remove Activity Section

Remove Activity Other (please specify)

Add Section Please select the three most effective/helpful activities in making language gains

Add Activity Selection Multi select. Require 3, max 5

Add Section Please select the three least effective/helpful activities in making language gain

Add Activity Selection Multi select. Require 3, max 5

In-country Experience Evaluation
gpa_fellow/InCntryExperience.cfm Instructions
Rate the following aspects of your in-country experience in . Use the boxes that follow to describe exemplary activities and point out areas for improvement. You may provide general comments or specific comments regarding any category in these boxes. This will be shared anonymously with the project director(s). Rate the following aspects of your in-country experience in. Use the box below to provide feedback on this program.

Add Category
Quality of speakers and academic lectures

Remove Category
Quality of host country faculty and teachers

Add Category
Quality of host country faculty and teachers for language instruction

Add Category
Quality of host country faculty and teachers for area studies instruction

Remove Category
Quality of food and dining services

Remove Category
Condition of meeting facilities

Add Category
Availability of Project Director and staff

Add Sort Order


Remove Item Exemplary activities

Remove Item Areas for improvement

Add Item Comments Comments. Please provide feedback about the in-country experience. For example, discuss: pace of itinerary, challenges with staff, and/or activities that impacted you professionally.

Foreign Lang Self-Eval Remove Page

Sheet 20: IIPP

Section Page Page Type CF File Change Type Field Name Values or Before After Location (if new) Work

Update Password Shared includes/UpdateUserAccount.cfm Instructions
Please change your password to something other than your award number. Please update your password to something other than your award number.

To change your password, enter your current password and the new password. Enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update." To update your password, enter your current password and the new password. Re-enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update."

Welcome Screen Shared includes/index.cfm Text/Instructions
Complete replace of welcome screen with new cross program text.

Project Information Shared includes/editProjectInfo.cfm Add Dropdown Institution Type See tab: DD - Inst Type
Below Institution (on page) Page and Database

Add Radio Selections Insitution Designation (if applicaple): See tab: DD - Inst Desig
Below Institution Type (above) Page and Database

Text Abstract Cut and paste your abstract from your application into the box below. Insert the abstract for the approved project into the box below.

Add Count Abstract


Text Languages, Countries, Disciplines Select all of the languages, countries, disciplines, and subject areas that apply to the project from the dropdowns below. Any entries already selected are displayed first. Select the languages, countries, disciplines, and subject areas that apply to the project from the dropdown list below. Any entries already selected are displayed first.

Text Languages Instructions Please select no more than 15 of the languages most relevant to your project focus Please select no more than 15 languages most relevant to the project focus

Text Languages Instructions (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click.) Hold down "ctrl" and click to make multiple selections.

Text Countries Instructions Please select no more than 15 of the countries most relevant to your project's focus. Please select no more than 15 countries most relevant to the project.

Text Countries Instructions (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click.) Hold down "ctrl" and click to make multiple selections.

Text Disciplines Instructions (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click.) Hold down "ctrl" and click to make multiple selections.

Additional User Shared includes/createAddUser.cfm Text Instructions To add a user with permission to review and edit reports for this project, click the "Add a User" button. The system will email login credentials to each added user. The user will have access to all functionalities in IRIS except report submission which is restricted to the Project Director. If a user is no longer associated with the project, the Project Director must remove that user from IRIS. IFLE staff may not add or delete users from IRIS. Click the "Add User" button to list no more than five persons authorized to access the IRIS reporting screens to input and/or to review information. IRIS will issue log in credentials to the additional users.

Add Info Icon (i) Icon Additional users do not have the authority to submit performance reports. The Project Director is the only project personnel authorized to submit IRIS reports.
Next to Additional Users title Page

Button Add a User Change "Add a User" to "Add User"


Page Function code change Only allow up to 5 additional users. When limit is reached, make the add user button hidden.

Additional User - Add Shared includes/createAddUser.cfm Add Checkbox
Do you wish to receive IFLE blast emails and newsletter? Note: All other automatic notifications will be sent to the user. Default: checked - This field will remove user from email blasts from program officers. At bottom, above buttons Page and Database

Button Save and Add another Another should have an uppercase A

Travel Requests Shared includes/incTAR.cfm Text Instructions Create a Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each grant-funded participant who is traveling from the U.S. Create an international Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each individual. (A TAR is required if grant funds are supporting any cost associated with the travel, e.g., per diem, air fare, ground transportation.)

Text Instructions •To add a TAR, click the "Add a Travel Approval Request" button. Click the "Add a Travel Approval Request" button to create a TAR.

Remove Instructions •Your TARs are listed below.

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •To view or edit a TAR, click "Update."

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •To remove a TAR, click "Delete."

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •After entering a TAR, click the "Submit to IRIS" button at the bottom of the page to submit it to IRIS.

Completely remove text

Text Instructions •Once the TAR has been approved by IRIS, it can be updated and resubmitted to IRIS for your program officer to reapprove. •Approved TARS can be updated and resubmitted to US/ED for review.

Text Instructions The TAR must be submitted to IFLE at least 30 days prior to the traveler's departure. The TAR must be submitted to US/ED at least 30 days prior to the traveler's departure.

Travel Requests - Add Shared includes/incTAR.cfm Text Title International Travel Approval Request - Submit 30 days in advance of travel International Travel Approval Request (Submit 30 days in advance of travel)
Add () around Submit section, drop down to next line and change font color to red

Text Instructions Submit a Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each person traveling to or from the U.S., to participate in project related activities. A TAR is required if grant funds are supporting any cost associated with the travel, e.g., per diem, air fare, ground transportation. Complete all required fields for each international traveler participating in project related activities.

Text Travel Justification Travel Justification Justification

Remove Note Provide travel justification that is directly related to the approved project scope. Indicate whether this funding is in the approved budget.

Completely remove text

Text Country(ies) Instructions For travel to the U.S., select the country the participant is traveling from. For travel to the U.S., select the country of departure.

Text Title VI CIBE funds requested for travel Title VI CIBE funds requested for travel CIBE funds requested

Text Which FY funds are being used: Which FY funds are being used Fiscal year funds to be used

Remove Explanation of Title VI CIBE funds requested: Explanation of Title VI CIBE funds requested:

Text Provide a detailed itemization of Title VI CIBE funds to be requested, e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Provide a detailed itemization of Title VI CIBE funds to be requested, e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Detailed itemization of Title VI CIBE funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates.
Modifications to text and links added

Links Detailed itemization of Title VI CIBE funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates. GSA for domestic per diem rates

Links Detailed itemization of Title VI CIBE funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates. US Dept. of State for international rates

Remove Text Participant's Departure Itinerary (Required for international travel)

Add text Participant's Return Itinerary Please include connecting flights.

Text Please select from one of the following: I certify that this travel request complies with the Fly America Act I certify that this travel request complies with the Fly America Act and/or Open Skies agreement.

Select View Submit Reports Shared includes/incCreateEditReports.cfm Instructions
The reports required for this grant are displayed below. The reports and due dates for the grant cycle are indicated below.

Remove Item
•To begin entering your report, click the "Enter Report Information" button below or click a button on the menu bar. You may also click a link in the Report Status column to go directly to a screen.

Remove Item
•To view or submit a report, click the "View / Submit Report" button.

Remove Item
•After viewing the report, project directors may click the "Submit Report" button to submit it to IFLE.

Remove Item
•To enter data for a report other than the current one, select the report and click the "Enter Report Information" button.

Add Item
•Click a radio button in the "select Report" column.

Add Item
•Click the "Enter Report Information" button to input the requested information.

Add Item
•Click the "View/Submit Report" button to review the report in draft or to submit the report after completion.

Add (i) button
Only the Project Director is authorized to submit the completed report.
Next to () under Fall Year #

•You may also view reports from previous grants for your program, institution, and world area. •Click here to view reports from previous grants by program, institution, and world area.

Time Extensions Shared includes/incTimeExtension.cfm Instructions
Section 74.25 of the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) allows a grantee to notify IFLE about the necessity to extend the end of a grant for up to 12 months. The time extension allows you to complete an activity that you were unable to complete before the scheduled end date of your grant. If you need a time extension, you must notify your program officer in writing at least 10 days before the end date of the grant. Please use this screen to notify IFLE during the final year of the grant that the grantee needs additional time (up to 12 months) to complete approved project activities. Submit a Time Extension request in IRIS at least 10 days before the end date specified on the grant award notification.

Rename Item Comments Comments Justification for the Time Extension

Move Item Enter the amount of funds…

Move under Date and above note.

Rename Item
Enter the revised end date for your project. When the project end date is extended, the due date for the submission of your final performance report will change. The final performance report will be due 90 days after the revised end date. Requested Time Extension End Date

Example: 01/01/1900 (mm/dd/yyyy format)

Rename Item
Enter the amount of funds to be used during the time extension Note: The time extension end date automatically revises the due date for submitting the final report. The final report on the project will be due 80 days after the time extension date requested. Indicate funds to be used during the time extension.

Please note: According to EDGAR 74.25(e)(2)(ii) a time extension may not be exercised merely for the purpose of using unobligated balances. Note: EDGAR section 74.25(e) (2) (ii) stipulates that a time extension is not to be requested for the purpose of using unobligated funds.

Narratives Objectives and Accomplishments Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe each of the objectives of the project and the progress made towards those objectives during the current reporting period. List each of the project objectives. Describe the progress made toward each objective during the current reporting period.
Adjustments to Project Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions For any planned activity that was scheduled to take place during the current reporting period but did not, explain the circumstances. Indicate whether you still plan to conduct the activity and when; or, specify the amount of funds to be reprogrammed, the activities to be conducted, and when. Please describe any major obstacles that either prevented the completion of any activity/ies or changed how the activity/ies were implemented. Briefly describe if and/or how the grant plans to proceed with these activities.
Exemplary Activities Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe project activities that showcase the grantee's success in meeting its project objectives in a particularly effective way during the current reporting period and that you would recommend for replication or dissemination because of their content and impact. Describe particularly effective project activities (funded by the grant and/or matching) that showcase the grant's success in meeting and/or exceeding its project objects during the current reporting period. These activities should be exemplary candidates for replication and/or dissemination.
Evaluation Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe project-related evaluation activities that have taken place during the current reporting period. List any evaluation activities related to the project objectives. Describe key findings and how any aspects of the project were changed (if at all) as a result.

Upload Instructions Please upload any evaluation or assessment reports regarding your grant activities. (You may upload up to 2 documents. Word, Excel or Adobe PDF) Please upload any evaluation or assessment reports as support material. Up to 2 documents may be uploaded. (10mb max - Word, Excel or Adobe PDF)
Priorities Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe any activities that took place during the current reporting period which address the announced priorities of the program. Indicate if grant funds were used to support the activities. To view a list of the announced priorities, click <a href="../priorities.cfm" target="_blank">here.</a> Describe the grant activities conducted during the reporting period that addressed the announced program priorities, and indicate whether grant (or matching funds) were used to support the activities.<br /><a href="../priorities.cfm" title="Priorities" target="_blank">Click here to view the list of priorities.</a>

Max Characters
4000 5000
Budget Spring Budget Shared includes/Budget2Col.cfm Text Remove Instructions and Budget Info Form

Fall Budget Shared includes/FallBudget2col.cfm Text Change date span for full report span


Text Remove instructions for spring Budget numbers submitted on your spring report may be updated here. This will not change what was submitted on your spring report.

Text Remove Spring Report columns


Remove Column Total Title VI CIBE Funds Spent


Remove Column Total Matching Funds


Remove date span Remove date span in column

Final Budget Shared includes/Budget2Col.cfm

For each category, enter the amount of Title VI CIBE funds and matching funds expended during the current reporting period. Report on expenditures from 07/01/2011 through 06/30/2012. Totals and percentages will be automatically calculated. "Matching funds" refers to the mandated cost sharing stipulated in the authorizing legislation. The matching funds should be no less than 50% of the total cost of the project. Click the link to download the SF-425 Federal Financial Report Long Form. You must complete and upload this form as part of your final performance report using the upload function below. For each category, enter the amount of Title VI CIBE funds and matching funds expended during the current reporting period. Report on expenditures from 07/01/2011 through 06/30/2012. Totals and percentages will be automatically calculated. "Matching funds" refers to the mandated cost sharing stipulated in the authorizing legislation. The matching funds should be no less than 50% of the total cost of the project. Click the link to download the SF-425 Federal Financial Report. You must complete and upload this form as part of your final performance report using the upload function below.
Report Data Fellows Tracking
iipp/iippFellow.cfm Text
(for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click) (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" key and click)

Institutional Partnership Activities
iipp/iippInstPartDev.cfm Add Count Comments

Instructional Resources
iipp/iippInstrResource.cfm Text
(for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click) (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" key and click)

Add Count Comments

Faculty Enhancement
iipp/iippFacultyDev.cfm Text
(for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click) (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" key and click)

Add Count Comments

iipp/iippPrograms.cfm Text
(for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click) (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" key and click)

Add Count Comments

iipp/iippCourses.cfm Text
(for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click) (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" key and click)

(for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click) (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" key and click)

Add Count Comments

Final Report Grant Results Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Please identify results of grant-funded activities from the entire grant cycle that will be disseminated to the public on the IRIS Web site ( Results should be reflective of the objectives cited in your approved project application, and may include exemplary activities, project-related URLs, activities particularly successful in meeting program priorities, or any other unique accomplishment that you want to showcase. Please identify results of grant-funded activities and note that they may be made available to the public on the IRIS Web site ( Results should be reflective of the objectives cited in your approved project application, and may include exemplary activities, project-related URLs, activities particularly successful in meeting program priorities, or any other unique accomplishment that you want to showcase.

Max Characters
4000 5000

Sheet 21: IRS

Section Page Page Type CF File Change Type Field Name Values or Before After Location (if new) Work

Update Password Shared includes/UpdateUserAccount.cfm Instructions
Please change your password to something other than your award number. Please update your password to something other than your award number.

To change your password, enter your current password and the new password. Enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update." To update your password, enter your current password and the new password. Re-enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update."

Welcome Screen Shared includes/index.cfm Text/Instructions
Complete replace of welcome screen with new cross program text.

Project Information Shared includes/editProjectInfo.cfm Add Dropdown Institution Type See tab: DD - Inst Type
Below Institution (on page) Page and Database

Add Radio Selections Insitution Designation (if applicaple): See tab: DD - Inst Desig
Below Institution Type (above) Page and Database

Text Abstract Cut and paste your abstract from your application into the box below. Insert the abstract for the approved project into the box below.

Add Count Abstract

Text Languages, Countries, Disciplines Select all of the languages, countries, disciplines, and subject areas that apply to the project from the dropdowns below. Any entries already selected are displayed first. Select the languages, countries, disciplines, and subject areas that apply to the project from the dropdown list below. Any entries already selected are displayed first.

Text Languages Instructions Please select no more than 15 of the languages most relevant to your project focus Please select no more than 15 languages most relevant to the project focus

Text Languages Instructions (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click.) Hold down "ctrl" and click to make multiple selections.

Text Countries Instructions Please select no more than 15 of the countries most relevant to your project's focus. Please select no more than 15 countries most relevant to the project.

Text Countries Instructions (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click.) Hold down "ctrl" and click to make multiple selections.

Text Disciplines Instructions (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click.) Hold down "ctrl" and click to make multiple selections.

Additional User Shared includes/createAddUser.cfm Text Instructions To add a user with permission to review and edit reports for this project, click the "Add a User" button. The system will email login credentials to each added user. The user will have access to all functionalities in IRIS except report submission which is restricted to the Project Director. If a user is no longer associated with the project, the Project Director must remove that user from IRIS. IFLE staff may not add or delete users from IRIS. Click the "Add User" button to list no more than five persons authorized to access the IRIS reporting screens to input and/or to review information. IRIS will issue log in credentials to the additional users.

Add Info Icon (i) Icon Additional users do not have the authority to submit performance reports. The Project Director is the only project personnel authorized to submit IRIS reports.
Next to Additional Users title Page

Button Add a User Change "Add a User" to "Add User"

Page Function code change Only allow up to 5 additional users. When limit is reached, make the add user button hidden.

Additional User - Add Shared includes/createAddUser.cfm Add Checkbox
Do you wish to receive IFLE blast emails and newsletter? Note: All other automatic notifications will be sent to the user. Default: checked - This field will remove user from email blasts from program officers. At bottom, above buttons Page and Database

Button Save and Add another Another should have an uppercase A

Travel Requests Shared includes/incTAR.cfm Text Instructions Create a Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each grant-funded participant who is traveling from the U.S. Create an international Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each individual. (A TAR is required if grant funds are supporting any cost associated with the travel, e.g., per diem, air fare, ground transportation.)

Text Instructions •To add a TAR, click the "Add a Travel Approval Request" button. Click the "Add a Travel Approval Request" button to create a TAR.

Remove Instructions •Your TARs are listed below.

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •To view or edit a TAR, click "Update."

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •To remove a TAR, click "Delete."

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •After entering a TAR, click the "Submit to IRIS" button at the bottom of the page to submit it to IRIS.

Completely remove text

Text Instructions •Once the TAR has been approved by IRIS, it can be updated and resubmitted to IRIS for your program officer to reapprove. •Approved TARS can be updated and resubmitted to US/ED for review.

Text Instructions The TAR must be submitted to IFLE at least 30 days prior to the traveler's departure. The TAR must be submitted to US/ED at least 30 days prior to the traveler's departure.

Travel Requests - Add Shared includes/incTAR.cfm Text Title International Travel Approval Request - Submit 30 days in advance of travel International Travel Approval Request (Submit 30 days in advance of travel)
Add () around Submit section, drop down to next line and change font color to red

Text Instructions Submit a Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each person traveling to or from the U.S., to participate in project related activities. A TAR is required if grant funds are supporting any cost associated with the travel, e.g., per diem, air fare, ground transportation. Complete all required fields for each international traveler participating in project related activities.

Text Travel Justification Travel Justification Justification

Remove Note Provide travel justification that is directly related to the approved project scope. Indicate whether this funding is in the approved budget.

Completely remove text

Text Country(ies) Instructions For travel to the U.S., select the country the participant is traveling from. For travel to the U.S., select the country of departure.

Text Title VI IRS funds requested for travel Title VI IRS funds requested for travel IRS funds requested

Text Which FY funds are being used: Which FY funds are being used Fiscal year funds to be used

Remove Explanation of Title VI IRS funds requested: Explanation of Title VI IRS funds requested:

Text Provide a detailed itemization of Title VI IRS funds to be requested, e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Provide a detailed itemization of Title VI IRS funds to be requested, e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Detailed itemization of Title VI IRS funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates.
Modifications to text and links added

Links Detailed itemization of Title VI IRS funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates. GSA for domestic per diem rates

Links Detailed itemization of Title VI IRS funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates. US Dept. of State for international rates

Remove Text Participant's Departure Itinerary (Required for international travel)

Add text Participant's Return Itinerary Please include connecting flights.

Text Please select from one of the following: I certify that this travel request complies with the Fly America Act I certify that this travel request complies with the Fly America Act and/or Open Skies agreement.

Select View Submit Reports
includes/incCreateEditReports.cfm Instructions
The reports required for this grant are displayed below. The reports and due dates for the grant cycle are indicated below.

Remove Item
•To begin entering your report, click the "Enter Report Information" button below or click a button on the menu bar. You may also click a link in the Report Status column to go directly to a screen.

Remove Item
•To view or submit a report, click the "View / Submit Report" button.

Remove Item
•After viewing the report, project directors may click the "Submit Report" button to submit it to IFLE.

Remove Item
•To enter data for a report other than the current one, select the report and click the "Enter Report Information" button.

Add Item
•Click a radio button in the "select Report" column.

Add Item
•Click the "Enter Report Information" button to input the requested information.

Add Item
•Click the "View/Submit Report" button to review the report in draft or to submit the report after completion.

Add (i) button
Only the Project Director is authorized to submit the completed report.
Next to () under Fall Year #

•You may also view reports from previous grants for your program, institution, and world area. •Click here to view reports from previous grants by program, institution, and world area.

Time Extensions Shared includes/incTimeExtension.cfm Instructions
Section 74.25 of the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) allows a grantee to notify IFLE about the necessity to extend the end of a grant for up to 12 months. The time extension allows you to complete an activity that you were unable to complete before the scheduled end date of your grant. If you need a time extension, you must notify your program officer in writing at least 10 days before the end date of the grant. Please use this screen to notify IFLE during the final year of the grant that the grantee needs additional time (up to 12 months) to complete approved project activities. Submit a Time Extension request in IRIS at least 10 days before the end date specified on the grant award notification.

Rename Item Comments Comments Justification for the Time Extension

Move Item Enter the amount of funds…

Move under Date and above note.

Rename Item
Enter the revised end date for your project. When the project end date is extended, the due date for the submission of your final performance report will change. The final performance report will be due 90 days after the revised end date. Requested Time Extension End Date

Example: 01/01/1900 (mm/dd/yyyy format)

Rename Item
Enter the amount of funds to be used during the time extension Note: The time extension end date automatically revises the due date for submitting the final report. The final report on the project will be due 80 days after the time extension date requested. Indicate funds to be used during the time extension.

Please note: According to EDGAR 74.25(e)(2)(ii) a time extension may not be exercised merely for the purpose of using unobligated balances. Note: EDGAR section 74.25(e) (2) (ii) stipulates that a time extension is not to be requested for the purpose of using unobligated funds.

Narratives Objectives and Accomplishments Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe each of the objectives of the project and the progress made towards those objectives during the current reporting period. List each of the project objectives. Describe the progress made toward each objective during the current reporting period.
Adjustments to Project Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions For any planned activity that was scheduled to take place during the current reporting period but did not, explain the circumstances. Indicate whether you still plan to conduct the activity and when; or, specify the amount of funds to be reprogrammed, the activities to be conducted, and when. Please describe any major obstacles that either prevented the completion of any activity/ies or changed how the activity/ies were implemented. Briefly describe if and/or how the grant plans to proceed with these activities.
Exemplary Activities Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe project activities that showcase the grantee's success in meeting its project objectives in a particularly effective way during the current reporting period and that you would recommend for replication or dissemination because of their content and impact. Describe particularly effective project activities (funded by the grant and/or matching) that showcase the grant's success in meeting and/or exceeding its project objects during the current reporting period. These activities should be exemplary candidates for replication and/or dissemination.
Evaluation Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe project-related evaluation activities that have taken place during the current reporting period. List any evaluation activities related to the project objectives. Describe key findings and how any aspects of the project were changed (if at all) as a result.

Upload Instructions Please upload any evaluation or assessment reports regarding your grant activities. (You may upload up to 2 documents. Word, Excel or Adobe PDF) Please upload any evaluation or assessment reports as support material. Up to 2 documents may be uploaded. (10mb max - Word, Excel or Adobe PDF)
Priorities Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe any activities that took place during the current reporting period which address the announced priorities of the program. Indicate if grant funds were used to support the activities. To view a list of the announced priorities, click <a href="../priorities.cfm" target="_blank">here.</a> Describe the grant activities conducted during the reporting period that addressed the announced program priorities, and indicate whether grant (or matching funds) were used to support the activities.<br /><a href="../priorities.cfm" title="Priorities" target="_blank">Click here to view the list of priorities.</a>

Max Characters
4000 5000
Budget Spring Budget Shared includes/Budget1.cfm Text Remove Instructions and Budget Info Form

Fall Budget Shared includes/FallBudget1.cfm Text Change report span for budget


Text Remove instructions for spring Budget numbers submitted on your spring report may be updated here. This will not change what was submitted on your spring report.

Text Remove Spring Report columns


Text Remove Total Title VI Column


Remove reporting date span in column


Add (i) button Total Other Other funds allocated to these line items from other internal 2nd external sources.

Final Budget Shared includes/Budget1.cfm Text Instructions For each category, enter the amount of Title VI IRS funds expended during the current reporting period. Report on expenditures from through 10/01/2010 through 09/30/2011. Totals will be automatically calculated. For each category, enter the amount of Title VI IRS funds expended during the current reporting period. Report on expenditures from 10/01/2010 through 09/30/2011. Totals will be automatically calculated. Click the link to download the SF-425 Federal Financial Report. You must complete and submit this form as part of your final performance report using the upload function below.

includes/incbudgetend.cfm Code (Allow FFR for IRS) Instructions Budget attachment: * excel, pdf, or .doc only. Attach a spreadsheet with the final budget expenditures for the just completed one-year budget period. Your project file must be formatted for letter-size paper prior to upload. SF-425 Federal Financial Report Long Form attachment: PDF only. Attach a PDF containing your completed SF-425 Federal Financial Report Long Form. Once code is modified, different instruction appears. Page Code

Report Data Projects Conducted
irslrc/ProjConducted Text

Add Count Title (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" or "apple" key and click) (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" key and click)

Add Count Description of Project

Adoption of Outcomes
irslrc/AdoptOutcomes.cfm Remove Section Remove top section (Enter information about the adoption of project outcomes which occurred during the current reporting period.)

includes/Publications.cfm Add Item


Rename Item
Audio, video, and podcasts Audio, video, and/or podcasts

Rename Item
Authored books Books - Authored

Rename Item
Book chapters Books - Chapters

Rename Item
Edited books Books - Edited

Add Item
Books - Reviews


Rename Item
Conference presentations Presentations - Conference

Rename Item
Curricula and textbooks Curricula and/or textbooks

Remove Item
Journal articles


Add Item


Add Item
Media interviews


Add Item


Add Item
Policy brief and/or papers


Add Item
Presentations - Non-conference


Add Item
Publications - Edited


Add Item
Publications - Refereed


Add Item
Publications - Non-refereed


Add Item
Translations conducted


Add Item


Add Item


Add Info Icon (i) Icon

To the right the publications Page and Database

Add Count Comments

Outreach Activities Shared includes/outreach.cfm Remove Text
To enter default values for the city, state, and language which will pre-populate on new outreach records, click the "Enter Outreach Defaults" button.

Remove Button
Enter Outreach Defaults

Outreach Activities - Add
includes/outreach.cfm Add Count Title of activity

(for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" or "apple" key and click) (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" key and click)

(for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" or "apple" key and click) (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" key and click)

Add Count Activity outcomes

Add Count Partnership(s)

Primary Activities Primary activities

Change Text Partnership(s) Select the type of partnership(s) that was utilized for this activity. Select the type of partnership(s) that were utilized for this activity.

Change Text Partnership(s) Describe activities conducted with this partner: Describe activities conducted with partner(s).

Add Count Comments

Sources of U.S. Funding
irslrc/SourcesOfFunding.cfm Add Count Comments

Final Report Grant Results Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Please identify results of grant-funded activities from the entire grant cycle that will be disseminated to the public on the IRIS Web site ( Results should be reflective of the objectives cited in your approved project application, and may include exemplary activities, project-related URLs, activities particularly successful in meeting program priorities, or any other unique accomplishment that you want to showcase. Please identify results of grant-funded activities and note that they may be made available to the public on the IRIS Web site ( Results should be reflective of the objectives cited in your approved project application, and may include exemplary activities, project-related URLs, activities particularly successful in meeting program priorities, or any other unique accomplishment that you want to showcase.

Max Characters
4000 5000

Sheet 22: LRC

Section Page Page Type CF File Change Type Field Name Values or Before After Location (if new) Work

Update Password Shared includes/UpdateUserAccount.cfm Instructions
Please change your password to something other than your award number. Please update your password to something other than your award number.

To change your password, enter your current password and the new password. Enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update." To update your password, enter your current password and the new password. Re-enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update."

Welcome Screen Shared includes/index.cfm Text/Instructions
Complete replace of welcome screen with new cross program text.

Project Information Shared includes/editProjectInfo.cfm Add Dropdown Institution Type See tab: DD - Inst Type
Below Institution (on page) Page and Database

Add Radio Selections Insitution Designation (if applicaple): See tab: DD - Inst Desig
Below Institution Type (above) Page and Database

Text Abstract Cut and paste your abstract from your application into the box below. Insert the abstract for the approved project into the box below.

Add Count Abstract

Text Languages, Countries, Disciplines Select all of the languages, countries, disciplines, and subject areas that apply to the project from the dropdowns below. Any entries already selected are displayed fLRCt. Select the languages, countries, disciplines, and subject areas that apply to the project from the dropdown list below. Any entries already selected are displayed fLRCt.

Text Languages Instructions Please select no more than 15 of the languages most relevant to your project focus Please select no more than 15 languages most relevant to the project focus

Text Languages Instructions (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click.) Hold down "ctrl" and click to make multiple selections.

Text Countries Instructions Please select no more than 15 of the countries most relevant to your project's focus. Please select no more than 15 countries most relevant to the project.

Text Countries Instructions (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click.) Hold down "ctrl" and click to make multiple selections.

Additional User Shared includes/createAddUser.cfm Text Instructions To add a user with permission to review and edit reports for this project, click the "Add a User" button. The system will email login credentials to each added user. The user will have access to all functionalities in IRIS except report submission which is restricted to the Project Director. If a user is no longer associated with the project, the Project Director must remove that user from IRIS. IFLE staff may not add or delete users from IRIS. Click the "Add User" button to list no more than five persons authorized to access the IRIS reporting screens to input and/or to review information. IRIS will issue log in credentials to the additional users.

Add Info Icon (i) Icon Additional users do not have the authority to submit performance reports. The Project Director is the only project personnel authorized to submit IRIS reports.
Next to Additional Users title Page

Button Add a User Change "Add a User" to "Add User"

Page Function code change Only allow up to 5 additional users. When limit is reached, make the add user button hidden.

Additional User - Add Shared includes/createAddUser.cfm Add Checkbox
Do you wish to receive IFLE blast emails and newsletter? Note: All other automatic notifications will be sent to the user. Default: checked - This field will remove user from email blasts from program officers. At bottom, above buttons Page and Database

Button Save and Add another Another should have an uppercase A

Travel Requests Shared includes/incTAR.cfm Text Instructions Create a Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each grant-funded participant who is traveling from the U.S. Create an international Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each individual. (A TAR is required if grant funds are supporting any cost associated with the travel, e.g., per diem, air fare, ground transportation.)

Text Instructions •To add a TAR, click the "Add a Travel Approval Request" button. Click the "Add a Travel Approval Request" button to create a TAR.

Remove Instructions •Your TARs are listed below.

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •To view or edit a TAR, click "Update."

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •To remove a TAR, click "Delete."

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •After entering a TAR, click the "Submit to IRIS" button at the bottom of the page to submit it to IRIS.

Completely remove text

Text Instructions •Once the TAR has been approved by IRIS, it can be updated and resubmitted to IRIS for your program officer to reapprove. •Approved TARS can be updated and resubmitted to US/ED for review.

Text Instructions The TAR must be submitted to IFLE at least 30 days prior to the traveler's departure. The TAR must be submitted to US/ED at least 30 days prior to the traveler's departure.

Travel Requests - Add Shared includes/incTAR.cfm Text Title International Travel Approval Request - Submit 30 days in advance of travel International Travel Approval Request (Submit 30 days in advance of travel)
Add () around Submit section, drop down to next line and change font color to red

Text Instructions Submit a Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each person traveling to or from the U.S., to participate in project related activities. A TAR is required if grant funds are supporting any cost associated with the travel, e.g., per diem, air fare, ground transportation. Complete all required fields for each international traveler participating in project related activities.

Text Travel Justification Travel Justification Justification

Remove Note Provide travel justification that is directly related to the approved project scope. Indicate whether this funding is in the approved budget.

Completely remove text

Text Country(ies) Instructions For travel to the U.S., select the country the participant is traveling from. For travel to the U.S., select the country of departure.

Text Title VI LRC funds requested for travel Title VI LRC funds requested for travel LRC funds requested

Text Which FY funds are being used: Which FY funds are being used Fiscal year funds to be used

Remove Explanation of Title VI LRC funds requested: Explanation of Title VI LRC funds requested:

Text Provide a detailed itemization of Title VI LRC funds to be requested, e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Provide a detailed itemization of Title VI LRC funds to be requested, e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Detailed itemization of Title VI LRC funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates.
Modifications to text and links added

Links Detailed itemization of Title VI LRC funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates. GSA for domestic per diem rates

Links Detailed itemization of Title VI LRC funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates. US Dept. of State for international rates

Remove Text Participant's Departure Itinerary (Required for international travel)

Add text Participant's Return Itinerary Please include connecting flights.

Text Please select from one of the following: I certify that this travel request complies with the Fly America Act I certify that this travel request complies with the Fly America Act and/or Open Skies agreement.

Select View Submit Reports Shared includes/incCreateEditReports.cfm Instructions
The reports required for this grant are displayed below. The reports and due dates for the grant cycle are indicated below.

Remove Item
•To begin entering your report, click the "Enter Report Information" button below or click a button on the menu bar. You may also click a link in the Report Status column to go directly to a screen.

Remove Item
•To view or submit a report, click the "View / Submit Report" button.

Remove Item
•After viewing the report, project directors may click the "Submit Report" button to submit it to IFLE.

Remove Item
•To enter data for a report other than the current one, select the report and click the "Enter Report Information" button.

Add Item
•Click a radio button in the "select Report" column.

Add Item
•Click the "Enter Report Information" button to input the requested information.

Add Item
•Click the "View/Submit Report" button to review the report in draft or to submit the report after completion.

Add (i) button
Only the Project Director is authorized to submit the completed report.
Next to () under Fall Year #

•You may also view reports from previous grants for your program, institution, and world area. •Click here to view reports from previous grants by program, institution, and world area.

Time Extensions Shared includes/incTimeExtension.cfm Instructions
Section 74.25 of the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) allows a grantee to notify IFLE about the necessity to extend the end of a grant for up to 12 months. The time extension allows you to complete an activity that you were unable to complete before the scheduled end date of your grant. If you need a time extension, you must notify your program officer in writing at least 10 days before the end date of the grant. Please use this screen to notify IFLE during the final year of the grant that the grantee needs additional time (up to 12 months) to complete approved project activities. Submit a Time Extension request in IRIS at least 10 days before the end date specified on the grant award notification.

Rename Item Comments Comments Justification for the Time Extension

Move Item Enter the amount of funds…

Move under Date and above note.

Rename Item
Enter the revised end date for your project. When the project end date is extended, the due date for the submission of your final performance report will change. The final performance report will be due 90 days after the revised end date. Requested Time Extension End Date

Example: 01/01/1900 (mm/dd/yyyy format)

Rename Item
Enter the amount of funds to be used during the time extension Note: The time extension end date automatically revises the due date for submitting the final report. The final report on the project will be due 80 days after the time extension date requested. Indicate funds to be used during the time extension.

Please note: According to EDGAR 74.25(e)(2)(ii) a time extension may not be exercised merely for the purpose of using unobligated balances. Note: EDGAR section 74.25(e) (2) (ii) stipulates that a time extension is not to be requested for the purpose of using unobligated funds.

Narratives Objectives and Accomplishments Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe each of the objectives of the project and the progress made towards those objectives during the current reporting period. List each of the project objectives. Describe the progress made toward each objective during the current reporting period.
Adjustments to Project Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions For any planned activity that was scheduled to take place during the current reporting period but did not, explain the circumstances. Indicate whether you still plan to conduct the activity and when; or, specify the amount of funds to be reprogrammed, the activities to be conducted, and when. Please describe any major obstacles that either prevented the completion of any activity/ies or changed how the activity/ies were implemented. Briefly describe if and/or how the grant plans to proceed with these activities.
Exemplary Activities Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe project activities that showcase the grantee's success in meeting its project objectives in a particularly effective way during the current reporting period and that you would recommend for replication or dissemination because of their content and impact. Describe particularly effective project activities (funded by the grant and/or matching) that showcase the grant's success in meeting and/or exceeding its project objects during the current reporting period. These activities should be exemplary candidates for replication and/or dissemination.
Evaluation Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe project-related evaluation activities that have taken place during the current reporting period. List any evaluation activities related to the project objectives. Describe key findings and how any aspects of the project were changed (if at all) as a result.

Upload Instructions Please upload any evaluation or assessment reports regarding your grant activities. (You may upload up to 2 documents. Word, Excel or Adobe PDF) Please upload any evaluation or assessment reports as support material. Up to 2 documents may be uploaded. (10mb max - Word, Excel or Adobe PDF)
Priorities Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe any activities that took place during the current reporting period which address the announced priorities of the program. Indicate if grant funds were used to support the activities. To view a list of the announced priorities, click <a href="../priorities.cfm" target="_blank">here.</a> Describe the grant activities conducted during the reporting period that addressed the announced program priorities, and indicate whether grant (or matching funds) were used to support the activities.<br /><a href="../priorities.cfm" title="Priorities" target="_blank">Click here to view the list of priorities.</a>

Max Characters
4000 5000
Budget Spring Budget Shared includes/Budget1.cfm Text Remove Instructions and Budget Info Form

Fall Budget Shared includes/FallBudget1.cfm Text Change report span for budget


Text Remove instructions for spring Budget numbers submitted on your spring report may be updated here. This will not change what was submitted on your spring report.

Text Remove Spring Report columns


Text Remove Total Title VI Column


Remove reporting date span in column


Add (i) button Total Other Other funds allocated to these line items from other internal 2nd external sources.

Final Budget Shared includes/Budget1.cfm Text Instructions For each category, enter the amount of Title VI LRC funds expended during the current reporting period. Report on expenditures from through 10/01/2010 through 09/30/2011. Totals will be automatically calculated. For each category, enter the amount of Title VI LRC funds expended during the current reporting period. Report on expenditures from 10/01/2010 through 09/30/2011. Totals will be automatically calculated. Click the link to download the SF-425 Federal Financial Report. You must complete and submit this form as part of your final performance report using the upload function below.

includes/incbudgetend.cfm Code (Allow FFR for LRC) Instructions Budget attachment: * excel, pdf, or .doc only. Attach a spreadsheet with the final budget expenditures for the just completed one-year budget period. Your project file must be formatted for letter-size paper prior to upload. SF-425 Federal Financial Report Long Form attachment: PDF only. Attach a PDF containing your completed SF-425 Federal Financial Report Long Form. Once code is modified, different instruction appears. Page Code

Report Data Projects Conducted
irslrc/ProjConducted Text

Add Count Title (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" or "apple" key and click) (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" key and click)

Add Count Description of Project

Adoption of Outcomes No Changes

includes/Publications.cfm Add Item


Rename Item
Audio, video, and podcasts Audio, video, and/or podcasts

Rename Item
Authored books Books - Authored

Rename Item
Book chapters Books - Chapters

Rename Item
Edited books Books - Edited

Add Item
Books - Reviews


Rename Item
Conference presentations Presentations - Conference

Rename Item
Curricula and textbooks Curricula and/or textbooks

Remove Item
Journal articles


Add Item


Add Item
Media interviews


Add Item


Add Item
Policy brief and/or papers


Add Item
Presentations - Non-conference


Add Item
Publications - Edited


Add Item
Publications - Refereed


Add Item
Publications - Non-refereed


Add Item
Translations conducted


Add Item


Add Item


Add Info Icon (i) Icon

To the right the publications Page and Database

Add Count Comments

Outreach Activities Shared includes/outreach.cfm Remove Text
To enter default values for the city, state, and language which will pre-populate on new outreach records, click the "Enter Outreach Defaults" button.

Remove Button
Enter Outreach Defaults

Outreach Activities - Add
includes/outreach.cfm Add Count Title of activity

Add Count Theme / topic

(for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" or "apple" key and click) (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" key and click)

(for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" or "apple" key and click) (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" key and click)

Add Count Activity outcomes

Add Count Partnership(s)

Primary Activities Primary activities

Change Text Partnership(s) Select the type of partnership(s) that was utilized for this activity. Select the type of partnership(s) that were utilized for this activity.

Change Text Partnership(s) Describe activities conducted with this partner: Describe activities conducted with partner(s).

Add Count Comments

Sources of U.S. Funding Remove

Final Report Grant Results Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Please identify results of grant-funded activities from the entire grant cycle that will be disseminated to the public on the IRIS Web site ( Results should be reflective of the objectives cited in your approved project application, and may include exemplary activities, project-related URLs, activities particularly successful in meeting program priorities, or any other unique accomplishment that you want to showcase. Please identify results of grant-funded activities and note that they may be made available to the public on the IRIS Web site ( Results should be reflective of the objectives cited in your approved project application, and may include exemplary activities, project-related URLs, activities particularly successful in meeting program priorities, or any other unique accomplishment that you want to showcase.

Max Characters
4000 5000

Sheet 23: NRC

Section Page Page Type CF File Change Type Field Name Values or Before After Location (if new) Work

Update Password Shared includes/UpdateUserAccount.cfm Instructions
Please change your password to something other than your award number. Please update your password to something other than your award number.

To change your password, enter your current password and the new password. Enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update." To update your password, enter your current password and the new password. Re-enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update."

Welcome Screen Shared includes/index.cfm Text/Instructions
Complete replace of welcome screen with new cross program text.

Project Information Shared includes/editProjectInfo.cfm Add Dropdown Institution Type See tab: DD - Inst Type
Below Institution (on page) Page and Database

Add Radio Selections Insitution Designation (if applicaple): See tab: DD - Inst Desig
Below Institution Type (above) Page and Database

Text Abstract Cut and paste your abstract from your application into the box below. Insert the abstract for the approved project into the box below.

Add Count Abstract

Text Languages, Countries, Disciplines Select all of the languages, countries, disciplines, and subject areas that apply to the project from the dropdowns below. Any entries already selected are displayed first. Select the languages, countries, disciplines, and subject areas that apply to the project from the dropdown list below. Any entries already selected are displayed first.

Text Languages Instructions Please select no more than 15 of the languages most relevant to your project focus Please select no more than 15 languages most relevant to the project focus

Text Languages Instructions (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click.) Hold down "ctrl" and click to make multiple selections.

Text Countries Instructions Please select no more than 15 of the countries most relevant to your project's focus. Please select no more than 15 countries most relevant to the project.

Text Countries Instructions (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click.) Hold down "ctrl" and click to make multiple selections.

Text Subject Areas Instructions (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click.) Hold down "ctrl" and click to make multiple selections.

Remove Item Center Thematic Focus

Additional User Shared includes/createAddUser.cfm Text Instructions To add a user with permission to review and edit reports for this project, click the "Add a User" button. The system will email login credentials to each added user. The user will have access to all functionalities in IRIS except report submission which is restricted to the Project Director. If a user is no longer associated with the project, the Project Director must remove that user from IRIS. IFLE staff may not add or delete users from IRIS. Click the "Add User" button to list no more than five persons authorized to access the IRIS reporting screens to input and/or to review information. IRIS will issue log in credentials to the additional users.

Add Info Icon (i) Icon Additional users do not have the authority to submit performance reports. The Project Director is the only project personnel authorized to submit IRIS reports.
Next to Additional Users title Page

Button Add a User Change "Add a User" to "Add User"

Page Function code change Only allow up to 5 additional users. When limit is reached, make the add user button hidden.

Additional User - Add Shared includes/createAddUser.cfm Add Checkbox
Do you wish to receive IFLE blast emails and newsletter? Note: All other automatic notifications will be sent to the user. Default: checked - This field will remove user from email blasts from program officers. At bottom, above buttons Page and Database

Button Save and Add another Another should have an uppercase A

Travel Requests Shared includes/incTAR.cfm Text Instructions Create a Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each grant-funded participant who is traveling from the U.S. Create an international Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each individual. (A TAR is required if grant funds are supporting any cost associated with the travel, e.g., per diem, air fare, ground transportation.)

Text Instructions •To add a TAR, click the "Add a Travel Approval Request" button. Click the "Add a Travel Approval Request" button to create a TAR.

Remove Instructions •Your TARs are listed below.

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •To view or edit a TAR, click "Update."

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •To remove a TAR, click "Delete."

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •After entering a TAR, click the "Submit to IRIS" button at the bottom of the page to submit it to IRIS.

Completely remove text

Text Instructions •Once the TAR has been approved by IRIS, it can be updated and resubmitted to IRIS for your program officer to reapprove. •Approved TARS can be updated and resubmitted to US/ED for review.

Text Instructions The TAR must be submitted to IFLE at least 30 days prior to the traveler's departure. The TAR must be submitted to US/ED at least 30 days prior to the traveler's departure.

Travel Requests - Add Shared includes/incTAR.cfm Text Title International Travel Approval Request - Submit 30 days in advance of travel International Travel Approval Request (Submit 30 days in advance of travel)
Add () around Submit section, drop down to next line and change font color to red

Text Instructions Submit a Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each person traveling to or from the U.S., to participate in project related activities. A TAR is required if grant funds are supporting any cost associated with the travel, e.g., per diem, air fare, ground transportation. Complete all required fields for each international traveler participating in project related activities.

Text Travel Justification Travel Justification Justification

Remove Note Provide travel justification that is directly related to the approved project scope. Indicate whether this funding is in the approved budget.

Completely remove text

Text Country(ies) Instructions For travel to the U.S., select the country the participant is traveling from. For travel to the U.S., select the country of departure.

Text Title VI AORC funds requested for travel Title VI AORC funds requested for travel AORC funds requested

Text Which FY funds are being used: Which FY funds are being used Fiscal year funds to be used

Remove Explanation of Title VI AORC funds requested: Explanation of Title VI AORC funds requested:

Text Provide a detailed itemization of Title VI AORC funds to be requested, e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Provide a detailed itemization of Title VI AORC funds to be requested, e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Detailed itemization of Title VI AORC funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates.
Modifications to text and links added

Links Detailed itemization of Title VI AORC funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates. GSA for domestic per diem rates

Links Detailed itemization of Title VI AORC funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates. US Dept. of State for international rates

Remove Text Participant's Departure Itinerary (Required for international travel)

Add text Participant's Return Itinerary Please include connecting flights.

Text Please select from one of the following: I certify that this travel request complies with the Fly America Act I certify that this travel request complies with the Fly America Act and/or Open Skies agreement.

Select View Submit Reports Shared includes/incCreateEditReports.cfm Instructions
The reports required for this grant are displayed below. The reports and due dates for the grant cycle are indicated below.

Remove Item
•To begin entering your report, click the "Enter Report Information" button below or click a button on the menu bar. You may also click a link in the Report Status column to go directly to a screen.

Remove Item
•To view or submit a report, click the "View / Submit Report" button.

Remove Item
•After viewing the report, project directors may click the "Submit Report" button to submit it to IFLE.

Remove Item
•To enter data for a report other than the current one, select the report and click the "Enter Report Information" button.

Add Item
•Click a radio button in the "select Report" column.

Add Item
•Click the "Enter Report Information" button to input the requested information.

Add Item
•Click the "View/Submit Report" button to review the report in draft or to submit the report after completion.

Add (i) button
Only the Project Director is authorized to submit the completed report.
Next to () under Fall Year #

•You may also view reports from previous grants for your program, institution, and world area. •Click here to view reports from previous grants by program, institution, and world area.

Text Under Fall Year # (Narratives Updates/Report Data/Budget) (Update Narratives/Report Data/Budget)

Add (i) button
Enter any changes to the project narratives since the spring report or enter N/A.
Next to () under Fall Year #

Time Extensions Shared includes/incTimeExtension.cfm Instructions
Section 74.25 of the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) allows a grantee to notify IFLE about the necessity to extend the end of a grant for up to 12 months. The time extension allows you to complete an activity that you were unable to complete before the scheduled end date of your grant. If you need a time extension, you must notify your program officer in writing at least 10 days before the end date of the grant. Please use this screen to notify IFLE during the final year of the grant that the grantee needs additional time (up to 12 months) to complete approved project activities. Submit a Time Extension request in IRIS at least 10 days before the end date specified on the grant award notification.

Rename Item Comments Comments Justification for the Time Extension

Move Item Enter the amount of funds…

Move under Date and above note.

Rename Item
Enter the revised end date for your project. When the project end date is extended, the due date for the submission of your final performance report will change. The final performance report will be due 90 days after the revised end date. Requested Time Extension End Date

Example: 01/01/1900 (mm/dd/yyyy format)

Rename Item
Enter the amount of funds to be used during the time extension Note: The time extension end date automatically revises the due date for submitting the final report. The final report on the project will be due 80 days after the time extension date requested. Indicate funds to be used during the time extension.

Please note: According to EDGAR 74.25(e)(2)(ii) a time extension may not be exercised merely for the purpose of using unobligated balances. Note: EDGAR section 74.25(e) (2) (ii) stipulates that a time extension is not to be requested for the purpose of using unobligated funds.

Narratives Objectives and Assessments Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe each of the objectives of the project and the progress made towards those objectives during the current reporting period. Describe each of the objectives of the project and the progress made towards each objective during the current reporting period.
Adjustments to Project Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions For any planned activity that was scheduled to take place during the current reporting period but did not, explain the circumstances. Indicate whether you still plan to conduct the activity and when; or, specify the amount of funds to be reprogrammed, the activities to be conducted, and when. Please describe any major obstacles that either prevented the completion of any activity/ies or changed how the activity/ies were implemented. Briefly describe if and/or how the grant plans to proceed with these activities.
Exemplary Activities Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe project activities that showcase the grantee's success in meeting its project objectives in a particularly effective way during the current reporting period and that you would recommend for replication or dissemination because of their content and impact. Describe particularly effective project activities (funded by the grant and/or matching) that showcase the grant's success in meeting and/or exceeding its project objects during the current reporting period. These activities should be exemplary candidates for replication and/or dissemination.
Evaluation Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe project-related evaluation activities that have taken place during the current reporting period. List any evaluation activities related to the project objectives. Describe key findings and how any aspects of the project were changed (if at all) as a result.

Upload Instructions Please upload any evaluation or assessment reports regarding your grant activities. (You may upload up to 2 documents. Word, Excel or Adobe PDF) Please upload any evaluation or assessment reports as support material. Up to 2 documents may be uploaded. (10mb max - Word, Excel or Adobe PDF)
Priorities Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe any activities that took place during the current reporting period which address the announced priorities of the program. Indicate if grant funds were used to support the activities. To view a list of the announced priorities, click <a href="../priorities.cfm" target="_blank">here.</a> Describe the grant activities conducted during the reporting period that addressed the announced program priorities, and indicate whether grant (or matching funds) were used to support the activities.<br /><a href="../priorities.cfm" title="Priorities" target="_blank">Click here to view the list of priorities.</a>

Max Characters
4000 5000
Budget Spring Budget Shared includes/Budget1.cfm Text Remove Instructions and Budget Info Form

Fall Budget Shared includes/FallBudget1.cfm Text Change report span for budget


Text Remove instructions for spring Budget numbers submitted on your spring report may be updated here. This will not change what was submitted on your spring report.

Text Remove Spring Report columns


Text Remove Total Title VI Column


Remove reporting date span in column


Add (i) button Total Other Other funds allocated to these line items from other internal 2nd external sources.

Final Budget Shared includes/Budget1.cfm Text Instructions For each category, enter the amount of Title VI AORC funds expended during the current reporting period. Report on expenditures from through 10/01/2010 through 09/30/2011. Totals will be automatically calculated. For each category, enter the amount of Title VI AORC funds expended during the current reporting period. Report on expenditures from 10/01/2010 through 09/30/2011. Totals will be automatically calculated. Click the link to download the SF-425 Federal Financial Report. You must complete and submit this form as part of your final performance report using the upload function below.

includes/incbudgetend.cfm Code (Allow FFR for AORC) Instructions Budget attachment: * excel, pdf, or .doc only. Attach a spreadsheet with the final budget expenditures for the just completed one-year budget period. Your project file must be formatted for letter-size paper prior to upload. SF-425 Federal Financial Report Long Form attachment: PDF only. Attach a PDF containing your completed SF-425 Federal Financial Report Long Form. Once code is modified, different instruction appears. Page Code

Report Data Instructional Resources
nrc/nrcDevInstrResources.cfm Change tab
Instructional Resources Instructional Materials

Change title
Development of Instructional Resources Development of Instructional Materials

Enter information for each instructional resource developed during the current reporting period with support from Title VI NRC funds. Instructional resources are anything one can give to a teacher to help them teach (e.g., CD's, pamphlets or textbooks). List all instructional materials developed with NRC funds during the current reporting period.

•The instructional resources already entered for this report are listed below. Instructional materials previously entered for this project are listed first.

•To view or edit a record, click "Update." Click on Action/Update to view or edit an entry.

•To remove a record, click "Delete." Click on Action/Delete to remove an entry.

•To add a record, click the "Add an Instructional Resource" button. Click "Add Instructional Materials" to add an entry.

Change button
Add an Instructional Resource Add Instructional Materials

Instructional Resources - Add
nrc/nrcDevInstrResources.cfm Title Change
Development of Instructional Resources Development of Instructional Materials

Enter information for each instructional resource developed during the current reporting period with support from Title VI NRC funds. Enter information for each instructional material developed during the current reporting period with support from NRC funds.

(for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" or "apple" key and click) (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" key and click)

Text Title of resource Title of resource Title of material

Add Count Comments

Degree, etc Descriptions
nrc/nrcOfferings.cfm Make Multiple Majors

Add Count Majors

Make Multiple Minors

Add Count Minors

Make Multiple Certificates

Add Count Certificates

Bachelor's Degrees
nrc/nrcDegrees.cfm Title Change
Program Graduates - Bachelor's Degrees and Certificates Earned by Discipline Program Graduates-Bachelor's Degrees and Certificates Earned by Discipline.

Graduates are defined as all center- or program-related degree or certification recipients, as defined on the Degree and Certificate Description screen. If a student receives as degree as well as certificate, enter the data in both cells on the page. Program graduates are defined as all center- or program-related degree or certficate recipients, as defined on the Degree and Certificate Description screen. If a student received a degree as well as a certificate, enter a number in both applicable cells on this page.

Remove text
•Select each major discipline and enter the number of NRC program Bachelor's degree graduates and/or certificate recipients in that discipline.

Remove text
•Include students who graduated between September 2010 and August 2011.

Remove text
•Click the "Save" button to redisplay the page with additional blank records, if needed.

Remove text
•The total will be automatically calculated.

Add Text
Include students who graduated between September 20xx and August 20xx.

Add Text
Select each major discipline and enter the number of center-or-program-related Bachelor's degree graduates and/or certificate recipients in that discipline.

Add Text
Click the "Save / Add" button to display additional records, if needed.

Add Text
The total column will auto sum.

Color change Made headers of Discipline table blue

Add Count Comments

Master's Degrees
nrc/nrcDegrees.cfm Title Change
Program Graduates - Master's Degrees and Certificates Earned by Discipline Program Graduates-Master's Degrees and Certificates Earned by Discipline.

Graduates are defined as all center- or program-related degree or certification recipients, as defined on the Degree and Certificate Description screen. If a student receives as degree as well as certificate, enter the data in both cells on the page. Program graduates are defined as all center- or program-related degree or certficate recipients, as defined on the Degree and Certificate Description screen. If a student received a degree as well as a certificate, enter a number in both applicable cells on this page.

Remove text
•Select each major discipline and enter the number of NRC program Master's degree graduates and/or certificate recipients in that discipline.

Remove text
•Include students who graduated between September 2010 and August 2011.

Remove text
•Click the "Save" button to redisplay the page with additional blank records, if needed.

Remove text
•The total will be automatically calculated.

Add Text
Include students who graduated between September 20xx and August 20xx.

Add Text
Select each major discipline and enter the number of center-or-program-related Master's degree graduates and/or certificate recipients in that discipline.

Add Text
Click the "Save / Add" button to display additional records, if needed.

Add Text
The total column will auto sum.

Color change Made headers of Discipline table blue

Add Count Comments

Doctoral Degrees
nrc/nrcDegrees.cfm Title Change
Program Graduates - Doctoral Degrees and Certificates Earned by Discipline Program Graduates-Doctoral Degrees and Certificates Earned by Discipline.

Graduates are defined as all center- or program-related degree or certification recipients, as defined on the Degree and Certificate Description screen. If a student receives as degree as well as certificate, enter the data in both cells on the page. Program graduates are defined as all center- or program-related degree or certficate recipients, as defined on the Degree and Certificate Description screen. If a student received a degree as well as a certificate, enter a number in both applicable cells on this page.

Remove text
•Select each major discipline and enter the number of NRC program Doctoral degree graduates and/or certificate recipients in that discipline.

Remove text
•Include students who graduated between September 2010 and August 2011.

Remove text
•Click the "Save" button to redisplay the page with additional blank records, if needed.

Remove text
•The total will be automatically calculated.

Add Text
Include students who graduated between September 20xx and August 20xx.

Add Text
Select each major discipline and enter the number of center-or-program-related Doctoral degree graduates and/or certificate recipients in that discipline.

Add Text
Click the "Save / Add" button to display additional records, if needed.

Add Text
The total column will auto sum.

Color change Made headers of Discipline table blue

Add Count Comments

nrc/nrcPlacements.cfm Title Change
Center or Program Graduate Placements Career Sector Placements for Center-or Program-Related Graduates

Remove text
•Enter the number of major, minor, or certificate recipients placed in the sectors listed.

Remove text
•Graduates who are out of the job market are considered unemployed.

Remove text
•Include students who graduated between September 2010 and August 2011.

Remove text
•Totals will be automatically calculated.

Remove text
•Count each graduate only once.

Add Text
Include graduates during the September 20xx and August 20xx period.

Add Text
For each career sector listed, enter the number of recipients of a Bachelor's major or minor or certificate; a Master's major, minor, or certificate; or a Doctorate major, minor, or certificate and who are employed in that career sector.

Add Text
Count each graduate only once in the career placements.

Add Text
Count "out of the job market" graduates as "unemployed".

Add Text
Totals will auto sum.

Add Count Comments

Outreach Activities Shared bieuisfl/Outreach.cfm Instructions
Enter information for each outreach or professional development activity conducted during the current reporting period for which Title VI NRC funds were expended. Enter information for each outreach or professional development activity conducted during the current reporting and supported by NRC funds.

•The outreach activities already entered for this report are listed below. Outreach activities previously entered for this project are listed first.

•To view or edit a record, click "Update." Click "Update" to view or edit an entry.

•To remove a record, click "Delete." Click "Delete" to remove an entry.

•To add a new outreach activity, click the "Add an Outreach Activity" button. Click "Add an Outreach Activity" to add a new outreach activity.

Remove Text
To enter default values for the city, state, and language which will pre-populate on new outreach records, click the "Enter Outreach Defaults" button.

Remove Button
Enter Outreach Defaults

Outreach Activities - Add
bieuisfl/Outreach.cfm Add Count Title of activity

(for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" or "apple" key and click) (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" key and click)

Primary Activities Primary activities

Change Text Partnership(s) Select the type of partnership(s) that was utilized for this activity. Select the type of partnership(s) that were utilized for this activity.

Change Text Partnership(s) Describe activities conducted with this partner: Describe activities conducted with partner(s).

Add Count Comments

Resource Leveraging
nrc/nrcResLever.cfm Title Change
Additional Resources Obtained to Support NRC Project Activities Additional Resources that Supported the NRC Project

Indicate any additional funds that the institution or another entity provided to support the following NRC activities and objectives for the current reporting period. In the first column, enter the amount of NRC grant funds used; in the second column enter the funds provided by your institution; and, in the third column, indicate funds provided by other sources. If an activity an activity or funding source is not applicable, enter the number zero (0). For the current reporting period, indicate the funds that the NRC host institution and that any other entity contributed to the development of the activities listed below, to augment the support provided by the NRC grant.

Change heading
Title VI NRC Funds NRC Grant Funds

Change heading
Institution Host Institution Funds

Add (i) button Host Institution Funds Include funds contributed by the Center or Program and other units within the institution.

Page and Database

Change heading
Other Funds Other Funding Sources

Add (i) button Other Funding Sources Include funds contributed by other entities external to the host institution, such as foundations, institutes, other grant programs, etc.

Page and Database

Related federal grants Relevant federal grants

Replace Text
If this center has more related federal grant(s), enter the total number and click "Display Rows." List additional federal grants that the Center has obtained that are relevant to the NRC program activities that the Center is conducting.

Add Info
Enter the total number of relevant federal grants in this cell.

Add Info
Click "Display Rows" to enter details.

Color change Made headers of federal grants table blue.

Replace Text
Explain how having a Title VI NRC grant has enabled the Center or Program to attract additional funding to help accomplish project activities and objectives. Explain how having a NRC grant has enabled the Center and the institution to leverage the NRC status to attract additional funds to complete project activities and reach its stated objectives.

Language Courses
nrc/nrcLangCourses.cfm Add Count Comments

Language Courses - Add
nrc/nrcLangCourses.cfm Add Count Comments

IAS Courses
nrc/nrcIASCourses.cfm Add Count Comments

IAS Courses - Add
nrc/nrcIASCourses.cfm Add Count Comments

includes/Publications.cfm Add Item


Rename Item
Audio, video, and podcasts Audio, video, and/or podcasts

Rename Item
Authored books Books - Authored

Rename Item
Book chapters Books - Chapters

Rename Item
Edited books Books - Edited

Add Item
Books - Reviews


Rename Item
Conference presentations Presentations - Conference

Rename Item
Curricula and textbooks Curricula and/or textbooks

Remove Item
Journal articles


Add Item


Add Item
Media interviews


Add Item


Add Item
Policy brief and/or papers


Add Item
Presentations - Non-conference


Add Item
Publications - Edited


Add Item
Publications - Refereed


Add Item
Publications - Non-refereed


Add Item
Translations conducted


Add Item


Add Item


Add Info Icon (i) Icon

To the right the publications Page and Database

Add Count Comments

Final Report Grant Results Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Please identify results of grant-funded activities from the entire grant cycle that will be disseminated to the public on the IRIS Web site ( Results should be reflective of the objectives cited in your approved project application, and may include exemplary activities, project-related URLs, activities particularly successful in meeting program priorities, or any other unique accomplishment that you want to showcase. Please identify results of grant-funded activities and note that they may be made available to the public on the IRIS Web site ( Results should be reflective of the objectives cited in your approved project application, and may include exemplary activities, project-related URLs, activities particularly successful in meeting program priorities, or any other unique accomplishment that you want to showcase.

Max Characters
4000 5000

Sheet 24: SA AA

Section Page Page Type CF File Change Type Field Name Values or Before After Location (if new) Work

Top Menu

Change Tab
Orientation Evaluation Orientation Comments

Change Tab
In-Country Experience Eval In-Country Experience Comments

Update Password Shared includes/UpdateUserAccount.cfm Instructions
Please change your password to something other than your award number. Please update your password to something other than your award number.

To change your password, enter your current password and the new password. Enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update." To update your password, enter your current password and the new password. Re-enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update."

Welcome Screen Shared includes/index.cfm Text/Instructions
Complete replace of welcome screen with new cross program text.

Project Information Shared includes/editProjectInfo.cfm Add Dropdown Institution Type See tab: DD - Inst Type
Below Institution (on page) Page and Database

Add Radio Selections Insitution Designation (if applicaple): See tab: DD - Inst Desig
Below Institution Type (above) Page and Database
Additional User Shared includes/createAddUser.cfm Text Instructions To add a user with permission to review and edit reports for this project, click the "Add a User" button. The system will email login credentials to each added user. The user will have access to all functionalities in IRIS except report submission which is restricted to the Project Director. If a user is no longer associated with the project, the Project Director must remove that user from IRIS. IFLE staff may not add or delete users from IRIS. Click the "Add User" button to list no more than five persons authorized to access the IRIS reporting screens to input and/or to review information. IRIS will issue log in credentials to the additional users.

Add Info Icon (i) Icon Additional users do not have the authority to submit performance reports. The Project Director is the only project personnel authorized to submit IRIS reports.
Next to Additional Users title Page

Button Add a User Change "Add a User" to "Add User"

Page Function code change Only allow up to 5 additional users. When limit is reached, make the add user button hidden.

Additional User - Add Shared includes/createAddUser.cfm Add Checkbox
Do you wish to receive IFLE blast emails and newsletter? Note: All other automatic notifications will be sent to the user. Default: checked - This field will remove user from email blasts from program officers. At bottom, above buttons Page and Database

Button Save and Add another Another should have an uppercase A

sa_overseas/saBudget.cfm Instructions
Enter your pre-seminar projected budget amounts in the "Projected" column. Review the amounts below that were entered in the "Awarded" column by the program officer. At the conclusion of the seminar, enter the post-seminar budget amounts in the "Expended" column. Please upload a detailed budget narrative with an explanation of each item. Enter your pre-seminar projected budget amounts in the "Projected" column. Review the amounts below that were entered in the "Awarded" column by the program officer. At the conclusion of the seminar, enter the post-seminar budget amounts in the "Expended" column. Please upload a detailed budget (using Excel) and a narrative with an explanation of each line item.

Remove Item Domestic Travel

Add (i) button Pre-Departure Orientation Added (i) button but no info

Add extra upload Budget attachment

Page and Database
Orientation Evaluation
sa_overseas/saDomOrientEvaluation.cfm Change Title Pre-Departure Preparation and Orientation Evaluation Pre-Departure Preparation and Orientation Evaluation Pre-Departure Preparation and Orientation Comments

Change Instructions
Evaluate the pre-departure and / or the in-country orientation. Describe any exemplary activities and note areas for improvement. Submit feedback for the pre-departure and / or the in-country orientation. Describe any impactful activities and note areas for improvement.

Remove Item Exemplary activies

Remove Item Areas for improvement

Add Item Comments

Add Count Comments


Change Instructions
Upload the Pre-departure Orientation, International Travel, Seminar Agenda. Include international flight and travel information. Upload the detailed International Travel and Seminar Agenda. Include international flight and travel information.

Change Instructions International Travel Upload a file with the International Travel in Word, Excel, Adobe PDF or HTML format. Upload a file with the International Travel in Word, Excel or Adobe PDF. (for example, individual flight information or group itineraries).

Change Instructions Seminar Agenda Upload a file with the Seminar Agenda in Word, Excel, Adobe PDF or HTML format. Upload a file with the Seminar Agenda in Word, Excel or Adobe PDF.

In-Country Experience Eval Remove/Replace page gpa_director/gpaDirInCntryExperience.cfm

In-Country Experience Eval Add Narrative includes/incNarrative.cfm Add Narrative In-Country Experience Eval Evaluate the in-country experience. Describe any exemplary activities, challenges, areas for improvement, or any additional comments. For example, discuss: pace of itinerary, participant challenges, staff challenges and activities that were of impact. When discussing the impact of activites, please explain why this activity made an impact.

Page and Database

Sheet 25: SA DI

Section Page Page Type CF File Change Type Field Name Values or Before After Location (if new) Work

Update Password Shared includes/UpdateUserAccount.cfm Instructions
Please change your password to something other than your award number. Please update your password to something other than your award number.

To change your password, enter your current password and the new password. Enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update." To update your password, enter your current password and the new password. Re-enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update."

sa_participant/index.cfm Complete page change

sa_overseas/saBudget.cfm Change Title
Domestic Institution Budget Pre-departure Orientation Host Budget

Enter your pre-seminar projected budget amounts in the "Projected" column. Review the amounts below that were entered in the "Awarded" column by the program officer. At the conclusion of the seminar, enter the post-seminar budget amounts in the "Expended" column. Please upload a detailed budget narrative with an explanation of each item. Enter your pre-seminar projected budget amounts in the "Projected" column. Review the amounts below that were entered in the "Awarded" column by the program officer. At the conclusion of the seminar, enter the post-seminar budget amounts in the "Expended" column. Please upload a detailed budget (using Excel) and a narrative with an explanation of each line item.

Remove Item International Air Travel

Remove Item Inter-Country and Inter-City Travel

Remove Item Escort(s) and Interpreter(s)

Remove Item Pre-Departure Orientation

Remove Item In-Country Orientation

Add extra upload Budget attachment

Page and Database

Add Instructions
Please provide a detailed budget (using Excel) which shows costs as listed in chart, but in greater detail (i.e. demonstrates per unit costs).

Orientation Evaluation
sa_overseas/saDomOrientEvaluation.cfm Change Title Pre-Departure Preparation and Orientation Evaluation Pre-Departure Preparation and Orientation Evaluation Pre-Departure Preparation and Orientation Comments

Change Instructions
Evaluate the pre-departure and / or the in-country orientation. Describe any exemplary activities and note areas for improvement. Submit feedback for the pre-departure and / or the in-country orientation. Describe any impactful activities and note areas for improvement.

Remove Item Exemplary activies

Remove Item Areas for improvement

Add Item Comments

Add Count Comments

Sheet 26: SA Participant

Section Page Page Type CF File Change Type Field Name Values or Before After Location (if new) Work

Update Password Shared includes/UpdateUserAccount.cfm Instructions
Please change your password to something other than your award number. Please update your password to something other than your award number.

To change your password, enter your current password and the new password. Enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update." To update your password, enter your current password and the new password. Re-enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update."

sa_participant/index.cfm Complete page change

Participant Information
sa_participant/saPartInformation.cfm New Page

Professional Experience
sa_participant/education.cfm Change Text Education level(s) taught or administered (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" and click) (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" and click)

Update Item List Education level(s) taught or administered

Change Text Discipline(s) taught or administered (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" and click) (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" and click)

Remove Item Position

Add Item Institution

Add Item Institution Type

Add Item Institution Designation

Add Item School

Add Item Select if your school is identified as

Add Item Participant Type

Orientation Evaluation
gpa_fellow/OrientEvaluation.cfm Title
Orientation Evaluation Pre-departure Orientation Evaluation

Rate the following aspects of the orientation to the program on a scale of excellent to very poor. You may enter comments below to clarify your ratings. This will be shared anonymously with the project director(s). Rate each question below on a scale of excellent to very poor. You may enter comments below to clarify your ratings.

Change Category
Readings and other preparatory materials sent and/or recommended to you in advance of the program. Readings and other preparatory materials sent and/or recommended in advance of the program.

Add Category
Usefulness of readings and other preparatory materials.
#2 Database

Remove Category
Delivery of the information in the orientation, including pacing and appropriateness.


Add Category
Pacing of the information in the orientation.
#6 Database

Add Category
Appropriateness of information in the orientation.
#7 Database

Change Category
Understanding/explanation of what is expected from the participant as an outcome of attendance in program.. Clear explanation of participant requirements upon returning to the U.S.

Add Sort Order


Add Count Comments

In-country Experience Evaluation
gpa_fellow/InCntryExperience.cfm Instructions
Rate the following aspects of your in-country experience in . Use the boxes that follow to describe exemplary activities and point out areas for improvement. You may provide general comments or specific comments regarding any category in these boxes. This will be shared anonymously with the project director(s). Rate the following aspects of your in-country experience in. Use the comment box below to provide feedback on this program.

Add Category
Quality of speakers and academic lectures

Remove Category
Quality of host country faculty and teachers

Add Category
Quality of host country faculty and teachers for language instruction

Add Category
Quality of host country faculty and teachers for area studies instruction

Remove Category
Quality of food and dining services

Remove Category
Condition of meeting facilities

Add Category
Availability of Project Director and staff

Add Sort Order


Remove Item Exemplary activities

Remove Item Areas for improvement

Add Item Comments Comments. Please provide feedback about the in-country experience. For example, discuss: pace of itinerary, challenges with staff, and/or activities that impacted you professionally.

Language Proficiency
sa_participant/saPartLangProficiency.cfm Title Change Language Proficiency and Knowledge Language Proficiency and Knowledge Foreign Language and Area Studies

Enter information to indicate the impact of the seminar on your language study. Enter information to indicate the impact of the seminar on your language and area studies experiences.

Add Question Do you plan to continue to internationalize your curriculum?

Add Comments for question If so, how do you plan to do so:

Curriculum Project
sa_participant/saPartCurriculumProject.cfm Add Count Description

Remove Item Type of project

Change Text Project topic/field (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" or "apple" key and click) (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" key and click)

Add new elements Intended audience

Change Item
2a. Did you think about the project while in country(ies)? 2. Did you work on or begin planning (notes, outline, etc.) the project while in country(ies)?

Remove Item
2b. Upon return to the United States?

Add Item
3. How did you feel about the structured time spent discussing curriculum projects during the seminar?

Change Order 3a. Did you discuss the project with other participants, host agency, or someone else while in country?

Change to 4

Change Order 4. Did you feel that it would be beneficial to spend more or less time discussing projects while in country(ies)?

Change to 3

Change Text
3. Did you feel that it would be beneficial to spend more or less time discussing projects while in country(ies)? 3. How did you feel about the structured time spent discussing curriculum projects during the seminar?

Change Text
4a. Did you discuss the project with other participants, host agency, or someone else while in country? 4a. Did you discuss the project (with other participants, host agency, or someone else) while in country?

Change Text
5a. Do you think that attendance in the Seminars Abroad Program has enabled you to improve curriculum in the classroom? 5a. Do you think that attendance in the Seminars Abroad Program has enabled you to build upon current curriculum in the classroom?

Change Text
5b. In the school? 5b. In other classrooms at your school?

Change Text
5c. Help others in the community understand another culture? 5c. Help others in the community (town/city, county, school district) understand another culture?

Change Text
6. Was the curriculum project accepted at the school at which you teach? 6. Will you be able to implement the curriculum project within the first year after participating in the Seminars Abroad program?

Add Item Under 6 If not, please explain why you have not been able to in the box below.

Add Item Under 7 If so, how many?

Add Item
8. In your first year after participating in this program, how many students have gained knowledge from the curriculum developed?

Add Item
9. How do you know the students gained knowledge? Were they assessed?

Add Item
If they were assessed, how? Briefly describe method below.

Add Count Comments

The curriculum project file must be in one of the following formats: MS Word, MS PowerPoint, PDF or HTML. The curriculum project file must be in one of the following formats: MS Word, MS PowerPoint or PDF.

Add Instructions
Click here for help in compressing PowerPoint files.

Outreach Activities
gpa_fellow/Outreach.cfm Move Instruction Item
To add an outreach activity, click the "Add an Outreach Activity" button.
Move to be second item instead of last Page

Enter information for each outreach activity you completed or planned as a result of your participation in the program. Include activities such as conference presentations, teacher workshops, media interviews and articles. Enter information for each outreach activity you completed or planned as a result of your participation in the program. Include activities such as conference presentations, teacher workshops, media interviews, community events and articles. We strongly encourage you to complete more than one outreach activity within 12 months of returning from the Seminar Abroad.

Change Text
(for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" or "apple" key and click) (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" key and click)

Add Item Dates completed or planned

Add count Comments

Sheet 27: TICFIA

Section Page Page Type CF File Change Type Field Name Values or Before After Location (if new) Work

Update Password Shared includes/UpdateUserAccount.cfm Instructions
Please change your password to something other than your award number. Please update your password to something other than your award number.

To change your password, enter your current password and the new password. Enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update." To update your password, enter your current password and the new password. Re-enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update."

Welcome Screen Shared includes/index.cfm Text/Instructions
Complete replace of welcome screen with new cross program text.

Project Information Shared includes/editProjectInfo.cfm Add Dropdown Institution Type See tab: DD - Inst Type
Below Institution (on page) Page and Database

Add Radio Selections Insitution Designation (if applicaple): See tab: DD - Inst Desig
Below Institution Type (above) Page and Database

Text Abstract Cut and paste your abstract from your application into the box below. Insert the abstract for the approved project into the box below.

Add Count Abstract


Text Languages, Countries, Disciplines Select all of the languages, countries, disciplines, and subject areas that apply to the project from the dropdowns below. Any entries already selected are displayed first. Select the languages, countries, disciplines, and subject areas that apply to the project from the dropdown list below. Any entries already selected are displayed first.

Text Languages Instructions Please select no more than 15 of the languages most relevant to your project focus Please select no more than 15 languages most relevant to the project focus

Text Languages Instructions (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click.) Hold down "ctrl" and click to make multiple selections.

Text Countries Instructions Please select no more than 15 of the countries most relevant to your project's focus. Please select no more than 15 countries most relevant to the project.

Text Countries Instructions (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click.) Hold down "ctrl" and click to make multiple selections.

Text Disciplines Instructions (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click.) Hold down "ctrl" and click to make multiple selections.

Additional User Shared includes/createAddUser.cfm Text Instructions To add a user with permission to review and edit reports for this project, click the "Add a User" button. The system will email login credentials to each added user. The user will have access to all functionalities in IRIS except report submission which is restricted to the Project Director. If a user is no longer associated with the project, the Project Director must remove that user from IRIS. IFLE staff may not add or delete users from IRIS. Click the "Add User" button to list no more than five persons authorized to access the IRIS reporting screens to input and/or to review information. IRIS will issue log in credentials to the additional users.

Add Info Icon (i) Icon Additional users do not have the authority to submit performance reports. The Project Director is the only project personnel authorized to submit IRIS reports.
Next to Additional Users title Page

Button Add a User Change "Add a User" to "Add User"


Page Function code change Only allow up to 5 additional users. When limit is reached, make the add user button hidden.

Additional User - Add Shared includes/createAddUser.cfm Add Checkbox
Do you wish to receive IFLE blast emails and newsletter? Note: All other automatic notifications will be sent to the user. Default: checked - This field will remove user from email blasts from program officers. At bottom, above buttons Page and Database

Button Save and Add another Another should have an uppercase A

Travel Requests Shared includes/incTAR.cfm Text Instructions Create a Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each grant-funded participant who is traveling from the U.S. Create an international Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each individual. (A TAR is required if grant funds are supporting any cost associated with the travel, e.g., per diem, air fare, ground transportation.)

Text Instructions •To add a TAR, click the "Add a Travel Approval Request" button. Click the "Add a Travel Approval Request" button to create a TAR.

Remove Instructions •Your TARs are listed below.

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •To view or edit a TAR, click "Update."

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •To remove a TAR, click "Delete."

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •After entering a TAR, click the "Submit to IRIS" button at the bottom of the page to submit it to IRIS.

Completely remove text

Text Instructions •Once the TAR has been approved by IRIS, it can be updated and resubmitted to IRIS for your program officer to reapprove. •Approved TARS can be updated and resubmitted to US/ED for review.

Text Instructions The TAR must be submitted to IFLE at least 30 days prior to the traveler's departure. The TAR must be submitted to US/ED at least 30 days prior to the traveler's departure.

Travel Requests - Add Shared includes/incTAR.cfm Text Title International Travel Approval Request - Submit 30 days in advance of travel International Travel Approval Request (Submit 30 days in advance of travel)
Add () around Submit section, drop down to next line and change font color to red

Text Instructions Submit a Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each person traveling to or from the U.S., to participate in project related activities. A TAR is required if grant funds are supporting any cost associated with the travel, e.g., per diem, air fare, ground transportation. Complete all required fields for each international traveler participating in project related activities.

Text Travel Justification Travel Justification Justification

Remove Note Provide travel justification that is directly related to the approved project scope. Indicate whether this funding is in the approved budget.

Completely remove text

Text Country(ies) Instructions For travel to the U.S., select the country the participant is traveling from. For travel to the U.S., select the country of departure.

Text Title VI TICFIA funds requested for travel Title VI TICFIA funds requested for travel TICFIA funds requested

Text Which FY funds are being used: Which FY funds are being used Fiscal year funds to be used

Remove Explanation of Title VI TICFIA funds requested: Explanation of Title VI TICFIA funds requested:

Text Provide a detailed itemization of Title VI TICFIA funds to be requested, e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Provide a detailed itemization of Title VI TICFIA funds to be requested, e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Detailed itemization of Title VI TICFIA funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates.
Modifications to text and links added

Links Detailed itemization of Title VI TICFIA funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates. GSA for domestic per diem rates

Links Detailed itemization of Title VI TICFIA funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates. US Dept. of State for international rates

Remove Text Participant's Departure Itinerary (Required for international travel)

Add text Participant's Return Itinerary Please include connecting flights.

Text Please select from one of the following: I certify that this travel request complies with the Fly America Act I certify that this travel request complies with the Fly America Act and/or Open Skies agreement.

Select View Submit Reports Shared includes/incCreateEditReports.cfm Instructions
The reports required for this grant are displayed below. The reports and due dates for the grant cycle are indicated below.

Remove Item
•To begin entering your report, click the "Enter Report Information" button below or click a button on the menu bar. You may also click a link in the Report Status column to go directly to a screen.

Remove Item
•To view or submit a report, click the "View / Submit Report" button.

Remove Item
•After viewing the report, project directors may click the "Submit Report" button to submit it to IFLE.

Remove Item
•To enter data for a report other than the current one, select the report and click the "Enter Report Information" button.

Add Item
•Click a radio button in the "select Report" column.

Add Item
•Click the "Enter Report Information" button to input the requested information.

Add Item
•Click the "View/Submit Report" button to review the report in draft or to submit the report after completion.

Add (i) button
Only the Project Director is authorized to submit the completed report.
Next to () under Fall Year #

•You may also view reports from previous grants for your program, institution, and world area. •Click here to view reports from previous grants by program, institution, and world area.

Time Extensions Shared includes/incTimeExtension.cfm Instructions
Section 74.25 of the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) allows a grantee to notify IFLE about the necessity to extend the end of a grant for up to 12 months. The time extension allows you to complete an activity that you were unable to complete before the scheduled end date of your grant. If you need a time extension, you must notify your program officer in writing at least 10 days before the end date of the grant. Please use this screen to notify IFLE during the final year of the grant that the grantee needs additional time (up to 12 months) to complete approved project activities. Submit a Time Extension request in IRIS at least 10 days before the end date specified on the grant award notification.

Rename Item Comments Comments Justification for the Time Extension

Move Item Enter the amount of funds…

Move under Date and above note.

Rename Item
Enter the revised end date for your project. When the project end date is extended, the due date for the submission of your final performance report will change. The final performance report will be due 90 days after the revised end date. Requested Time Extension End Date

Example: 01/01/1900 (mm/dd/yyyy format)

Rename Item
Enter the amount of funds to be used during the time extension Note: The time extension end date automatically revises the due date for submitting the final report. The final report on the project will be due 80 days after the time extension date requested. Indicate funds to be used during the time extension.

Please note: According to EDGAR 74.25(e)(2)(ii) a time extension may not be exercised merely for the purpose of using unobligated balances. Note: EDGAR section 74.25(e) (2) (ii) stipulates that a time extension is not to be requested for the purpose of using unobligated funds.

Narratives Objectives and Accomplishments Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe each of the objectives of the project and the progress made towards those objectives during the current reporting period. List each of the project objectives. Describe the progress made toward each objective during the current reporting period.
Adjustments to Project Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions For any planned activity that was scheduled to take place during the current reporting period but did not, explain the circumstances. Indicate whether you still plan to conduct the activity and when; or, specify the amount of funds to be reprogrammed, the activities to be conducted, and when. Please describe any major obstacles that either prevented the completion of any activity/ies or changed how the activity/ies were implemented. Briefly describe if and/or how the grant plans to proceed with these activities.
Exemplary Activities Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe project activities that showcase the grantee's success in meeting its project objectives in a particularly effective way during the current reporting period and that you would recommend for replication or dissemination because of their content and impact. Describe particularly effective project activities (funded by the grant and/or matching) that showcase the grant's success in meeting and/or exceeding its project objects during the current reporting period. These activities should be exemplary candidates for replication and/or dissemination.
Use of Technology No Changes

Evaluation Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe project-related evaluation activities that have taken place during the current reporting period. List any evaluation activities related to the project objectives. Describe key findings and how any aspects of the project were changed (if at all) as a result.

Upload Instructions Please upload any evaluation or assessment reports regarding your grant activities. (You may upload up to 2 documents. Word, Excel or Adobe PDF) Please upload any evaluation or assessment reports as support material. Up to 2 documents may be uploaded. (10mb max - Word, Excel or Adobe PDF)
Priorities Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe any activities that took place during the current reporting period which address the announced priorities of the program. Indicate if grant funds were used to support the activities. To view a list of the announced priorities, click <a href="../priorities.cfm" target="_blank">here.</a> Describe the grant activities conducted during the reporting period that addressed the announced program priorities, and indicate whether grant (or matching funds) were used to support the activities.<br /><a href="../priorities.cfm" title="Priorities" target="_blank">Click here to view the list of priorities.</a>

Max Characters
4000 5000
Budget Spring Budget Shared includes/Budget2Col.cfm Text Remove Instructions and Budget Info Form

Fall Budget Shared includes/FallBudget2col.cfm Text Change date span for full report span


Text Remove Spring Report columns


Text Remove instructions for spring Budget numbers submitted on your spring report may be updated here. This will not change what was submitted on your spring report.

Remove Column Total Title VI TICFIA Funds Spent


Remove Column Total Matching Funds


Remove date span Remove date span in column

Final Budget Shared includes/Budget2Col.cfm

For each category, enter the amount of Title VI TICFIA funds and matching funds expended during the current reporting period. Report on expenditures from 07/01/2011 through 06/30/2012. Totals and percentages will be automatically calculated. "Matching funds" refers to the mandated cost sharing stipulated in the authorizing legislation. The matching funds should be no less than 50% of the total cost of the project. Click the link to download the SF-425 Federal Financial Report Long Form. You must complete and upload this form as part of your final performance report using the upload function below. For each category, enter the amount of Title VI TICFIA funds and matching funds expended during the current reporting period. Report on expenditures from 07/01/2011 through 06/30/2012. Totals and percentages will be automatically calculated. "Matching funds" refers to the mandated cost sharing stipulated in the authorizing legislation. The matching funds should be no less than 50% of the total cost of the project. Click the link to download the SF-425 Federal Financial Report. You must complete and upload this form as part of your final performance report using the upload function below.
Report Data Partners/Collaborators
ticfia/ticfiaPartner.cfm Add Count Names of associations and organizations: (limit 500 characters and spaces)


Add Count Names of government and non-government entities: (limit 500 characters and spaces)

Text Names of institutions of higher education: (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" or "apple" key and click) (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" key and click)

Add Count Names of libraries: (limit 500 characters and spaces)

Add Count Names of publishers: (limit 500 characters and spaces)

Add Count Names of other project partners and collaborators: (limit 500 characters and spaces)

Add Count Names of associations and organizations: (limit 500 characters and spaces)

Add Count Names of government and non-government entities: (limit 500 characters and spaces)

Add Count Names of institutions of higher education: (limit 500 characters and spaces)

Add Count Names of libraries: (limit 500 characters and spaces)

Add Count Names of publishers: (limit 500 characters and spaces)

Add Count Names of other project partners and collaborators: (limit 500 characters and spaces)

Text Country(ies) of partners and collaborators: (for partners and collaborators selected above) (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" or "apple" key and click) (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" key and click)

Resources Collected No Changes

Resource Dissemination
ticfia/ticfiaDissemination.cfm Text Audiences project serves (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" or "apple" key and click) (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" key and click)

Final Report Grant Results Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Please identify results of grant-funded activities from the entire grant cycle that will be disseminated to the public on the IRIS Web site ( Results should be reflective of the objectives cited in your approved project application, and may include exemplary activities, project-related URLs, activities particularly successful in meeting program priorities, or any other unique accomplishment that you want to showcase. Please identify results of grant-funded activities and note that they may be made available to the public on the IRIS Web site ( Results should be reflective of the objectives cited in your approved project application, and may include exemplary activities, project-related URLs, activities particularly successful in meeting program priorities, or any other unique accomplishment that you want to showcase.

Max Characters
4000 5000

Sheet 28: UISFL

Section Page Page Type CF File Change Type Field Name Values or Before After Location (if new) Work

Update Password Shared includes/UpdateUserAccount.cfm Instructions
Please change your password to something other than your award number. Please update your password to something other than your award number.

To change your password, enter your current password and the new password. Enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update." To update your password, enter your current password and the new password. Re-enter the new password again to confirm. Then click "Update."

Welcome Screen Shared includes/index.cfm Text/Instructions
Complete replace of welcome screen with new cross program text.

Project Information Shared includes/editProjectInfo.cfm Add Dropdown Institution Type See tab: DD - Inst Type
Below Institution (on page) Page and Database

Add Radio Selections Insitution Designation (if applicaple): See tab: DD - Inst Desig
Below Institution Type (above) Page and Database

Text Abstract Cut and paste your abstract from your application into the box below. Insert the abstract for the approved project into the box below.

Add Count Abstract


Text Languages, Countries, Disciplines Select all of the languages, countries, disciplines, and subject areas that apply to the project from the dropdowns below. Any entries already selected are displayed first. Select the languages, countries, disciplines, and subject areas that apply to the project from the dropdown list below. Any entries already selected are displayed first.

Text Languages Instructions Please select no more than 15 of the languages most relevant to your project focus Please select no more than 15 languages most relevant to the project focus

Text Languages Instructions (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click.) Hold down "ctrl" and click to make multiple selections.

Text Countries Instructions Please select no more than 15 of the countries most relevant to your project's focus. Please select no more than 15 countries most relevant to the project.

Text Countries Instructions (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click.) Hold down "ctrl" and click to make multiple selections.

Text Disciplines Instructions (for multiple selections, hold down "ctrl" or "apple" key and click.) Hold down "ctrl" and click to make multiple selections.

Remove Item Subject Areas

Additional User Shared includes/createAddUser.cfm Text Instructions To add a user with permission to review and edit reports for this project, click the "Add a User" button. The system will email login credentials to each added user. The user will have access to all functionalities in IRIS except report submission which is restricted to the Project Director. If a user is no longer associated with the project, the Project Director must remove that user from IRIS. IFLE staff may not add or delete users from IRIS. Click the "Add User" button to list no more than five persons authorized to access the IRIS reporting screens to input and/or to review information. IRIS will issue log in credentials to the additional users.

Add Info Icon (i) Icon Additional users do not have the authority to submit performance reports. The Project Director is the only project personnel authorized to submit IRIS reports.
Next to Additional Users title Page

Button Add a User Change "Add a User" to "Add User"


Page Function code change Only allow up to 5 additional users. When limit is reached, make the add user button hidden.

Additional User - Add Shared includes/createAddUser.cfm Add Checkbox
Do you wish to receive IFLE blast emails and newsletter? Note: All other automatic notifications will be sent to the user. Default: checked - This field will remove user from email blasts from program officers. At bottom, above buttons Page and Database

Button Save and Add another Another should have an uppercase A

Travel Requests Shared includes/incTAR.cfm Text Instructions Create a Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each grant-funded participant who is traveling from the U.S. Create an international Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each individual. (A TAR is required if grant funds are supporting any cost associated with the travel, e.g., per diem, air fare, ground transportation.)

Text Instructions •To add a TAR, click the "Add a Travel Approval Request" button. Click the "Add a Travel Approval Request" button to create a TAR.

Remove Instructions •Your TARs are listed below.

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •To view or edit a TAR, click "Update."

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •To remove a TAR, click "Delete."

Completely remove text

Remove Instructions •After entering a TAR, click the "Submit to IRIS" button at the bottom of the page to submit it to IRIS.

Completely remove text

Text Instructions •Once the TAR has been approved by IRIS, it can be updated and resubmitted to IRIS for your program officer to reapprove. •Approved TARS can be updated and resubmitted to US/ED for review.

Text Instructions The TAR must be submitted to IFLE at least 30 days prior to the traveler's departure. The TAR must be submitted to US/ED at least 30 days prior to the traveler's departure.

Travel Requests - Add Shared includes/incTAR.cfm Text Title International Travel Approval Request - Submit 30 days in advance of travel International Travel Approval Request (Submit 30 days in advance of travel)
Add () around Submit section, drop down to next line and change font color to red

Text Instructions Submit a Travel Approval Request (TAR) for each person traveling to or from the U.S., to participate in project related activities. A TAR is required if grant funds are supporting any cost associated with the travel, e.g., per diem, air fare, ground transportation. Complete all required fields for each international traveler participating in project related activities.

Text Travel Justification Travel Justification Justification

Remove Note Provide travel justification that is directly related to the approved project scope. Indicate whether this funding is in the approved budget.

Completely remove text

Text Country(ies) Instructions For travel to the U.S., select the country the participant is traveling from. For travel to the U.S., select the country of departure.

Text Title VI UISFL funds requested for travel Title VI UISFL funds requested for travel UISFL funds requested

Text Which FY funds are being used: Which FY funds are being used Fiscal year funds to be used

Remove Explanation of Title VI UISFL funds requested: Explanation of Title VI UISFL funds requested:

Text Provide a detailed itemization of Title VI UISFL funds to be requested, e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Provide a detailed itemization of Title VI UISFL funds to be requested, e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Detailed itemization of Title VI UISFL funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates.
Modifications to text and links added

Links Detailed itemization of Title VI UISFL funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates. GSA for domestic per diem rates

Links Detailed itemization of Title VI UISFL funds e.g., lodging, per diem, travel. Please refer to GSA for domestic per diem rates and US Dept. of State for international rates. US Dept. of State for international rates

Remove Text Participant's Departure Itinerary (Required for international travel)

Add text Participant's Return Itinerary Please include connecting flights.

Text Please select from one of the following: I certify that this travel request complies with the Fly America Act I certify that this travel request complies with the Fly America Act and/or Open Skies agreement.

Select View Submit Reports
includes/incCreateEditReports.cfm Instructions
The reports required for this grant are displayed below. The reports and due dates for the grant cycle are indicated below.

Remove Item
•To begin entering your report, click the "Enter Report Information" button below or click a button on the menu bar. You may also click a link in the Report Status column to go directly to a screen.

Remove Item
•To view or submit a report, click the "View / Submit Report" button.

Remove Item
•After viewing the report, project directors may click the "Submit Report" button to submit it to IFLE.

Remove Item
•To enter data for a report other than the current one, select the report and click the "Enter Report Information" button.

Add Item
•Click a radio button in the "select Report" column.

Add Item
•Click the "Enter Report Information" button to input the requested information.

Add Item
•Click the "View/Submit Report" button to review the report in draft or to submit the report after completion.

Add (i) button
Only the Project Director is authorized to submit the completed report.
Next to () under Fall Year #

•You may also view reports from previous grants for your program, institution, and world area. •Click here to view reports from previous grants by program, institution, and world area.

Time Extensions Shared includes/incTimeExtension.cfm Instructions
Section 74.25 of the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) allows a grantee to notify IFLE about the necessity to extend the end of a grant for up to 12 months. The time extension allows you to complete an activity that you were unable to complete before the scheduled end date of your grant. If you need a time extension, you must notify your program officer in writing at least 10 days before the end date of the grant. Please use this screen to notify IFLE during the final year of the grant that the grantee needs additional time (up to 12 months) to complete approved project activities. Submit a Time Extension request in IRIS at least 10 days before the end date specified on the grant award notification.

Rename Item Comments Comments Justification for the Time Extension

Move Item Enter the amount of funds…

Move under Date and above note.

Rename Item
Enter the revised end date for your project. When the project end date is extended, the due date for the submission of your final performance report will change. The final performance report will be due 90 days after the revised end date. Requested Time Extension End Date

Example: 01/01/1900 (mm/dd/yyyy format)

Rename Item
Enter the amount of funds to be used during the time extension Note: The time extension end date automatically revises the due date for submitting the final report. The final report on the project will be due 80 days after the time extension date requested. Indicate funds to be used during the time extension.

Please note: According to EDGAR 74.25(e)(2)(ii) a time extension may not be exercised merely for the purpose of using unobligated balances. Note: EDGAR section 74.25(e) (2) (ii) stipulates that a time extension is not to be requested for the purpose of using unobligated funds.

Narratives Objectives and Accomplishments Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe each of the objectives of the project and the progress made towards those objectives during the current reporting period. List each of the project objectives. Describe the progress made toward each objective during the current reporting period.
Adjustments to Project Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions For any planned activity that was scheduled to take place during the current reporting period but did not, explain the circumstances. Indicate whether you still plan to conduct the activity and when; or, specify the amount of funds to be reprogrammed, the activities to be conducted, and when. Please describe any major obstacles that either prevented the completion of any activity/ies or changed how the activity/ies were implemented. Briefly describe if and/or how the grant plans to proceed with these activities.
Exemplary Activities Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe project activities that showcase the grantee's success in meeting its project objectives in a particularly effective way during the current reporting period and that you would recommend for replication or dissemination because of their content and impact. Describe particularly effective project activities (funded by the grant and/or matching) that showcase the grant's success in meeting and/or exceeding its project objects during the current reporting period. These activities should be exemplary candidates for replication and/or dissemination.
Evaluation Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe project-related evaluation activities that have taken place during the current reporting period. List any evaluation activities related to the project objectives. Describe key findings and how any aspects of the project were changed (if at all) as a result.

Upload Instructions Please upload any evaluation or assessment reports regarding your grant activities. (You may upload up to 2 documents. Word, Excel or Adobe PDF) Please upload any evaluation or assessment reports as support material. Up to 2 documents may be uploaded. (10mb max - Word, Excel or Adobe PDF)
Priorities Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Describe any activities that took place during the current reporting period which address the announced priorities of the program. Indicate if grant funds were used to support the activities. To view a list of the announced priorities, click <a href="../priorities.cfm" target="_blank">here.</a> Describe the grant activities conducted during the reporting period that addressed the announced program priorities, and indicate whether grant (or matching funds) were used to support the activities.<br /><a href="../priorities.cfm" title="Priorities" target="_blank">Click here to view the list of priorities.</a>

Max Characters
4000 5000
Budget Spring Budget Shared includes/Budget2Col.cfm Text Remove Instructions and Budget Info Form

Fall Budget Shared includes/FallBudget2col.cfm Text Change date span for full report span


Text Remove Spring Report columns


Text Remove instructions for spring Budget numbers submitted on your spring report may be updated here. This will not change what was submitted on your spring report.

Remove Column Total Title VI UISFL Funds Spent


Remove Column Total Matching Funds


Remove date span Remove date span in column

Final Budget Shared includes/Budget2Col.cfm

For each category, enter the amount of Title VI UISFL funds and matching funds expended during the current reporting period. Report on expenditures from 07/01/2011 through 06/30/2012. Totals and percentages will be automatically calculated. "Matching funds" refers to the mandated cost sharing stipulated in the authorizing legislation. The matching funds should be no less than 50% of the total cost of the project. Click the link to download the SF-425 Federal Financial Report Long Form. You must complete and upload this form as part of your final performance report using the upload function below. For each category, enter the amount of Title VI UISFL funds and matching funds expended during the current reporting period. Report on expenditures from 07/01/2011 through 06/30/2012. Totals and percentages will be automatically calculated. "Matching funds" refers to the mandated cost sharing stipulated in the authorizing legislation. The matching funds should be no less than 50% of the total cost of the project. Click the link to download the SF-425 Federal Financial Report. You must complete and upload this form as part of your final performance report using the upload function below.
Report Data Faculty Enhancement
bieuisfl/FacultyEnhance.cfm Remove Item Discipline(s)

Language Programs No Changes

Language Courses
bieuisfl/uisflLangCourses.cfm Remove Item Is this course intensive?

Language Positions
bieuisfl/uisflLangFacPositions.cfm Add $ Title VI UISFL grant funds


Add $ Institutional match


Add $ Total

IAS Programs
bieuisfl/UISFLBusPrograms.cfm Remove Item Discipline(s)

IAS Courses
bieuisfl/BusCourses.cfm Remove Item Discipline(s)

Remove Item Indicate any pre-professional or professional degree program(s) toward which this course applies

IAS Positions
bieuisfl/BusPositions.cfm Required field change Title VI UISFL grant funds

Required field change Institutional match

Required field change Total

Outreach Activities Shared bieuisfl/Outreach.cfm Remove Text
To enter default values for the city, state, and language which will pre-populate on new outreach records, click the "Enter Outreach Defaults" button.

Remove Button
Enter Outreach Defaults

Outreach Activities - Add
bieuisfl/Outreach.cfm Add Count Title of activity

(for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" or "apple" key and click) (for multiple selections, hold down the "ctrl" key and click)

Add Count Comments

Study Abroad / Internships No Changes

Final Report Grant Results Shared includes/incNarrative.cfm Text Instructions Please identify results of grant-funded activities from the entire grant cycle that will be disseminated to the public on the IRIS Web site ( Results should be reflective of the objectives cited in your approved project application, and may include exemplary activities, project-related URLs, activities particularly successful in meeting program priorities, or any other unique accomplishment that you want to showcase. Please identify results of grant-funded activities and note that they may be made available to the public on the IRIS Web site ( Results should be reflective of the objectives cited in your approved project application, and may include exemplary activities, project-related URLs, activities particularly successful in meeting program priorities, or any other unique accomplishment that you want to showcase.

Max Characters
4000 5000
File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created0000-00-00

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