Memorandum United States Department of Education
Institute of Education Sciences
National Center for Education Statistics
DATE: March 6, 2012
TO: Shelly Martinez, OMB
FROM: Dana Kelly, NCES
THROUGH: Kashka Kubzdela, NCES
RE: Program for International Student Assessments (PISA) 2012 Main Study Change Request (OMB# 1850-0755 v.13)
The PISA 2012 Main Study OMB clearance request was approved on July 30, 2011 (1850-0755 v.12). The purpose of this memo is to submit the final U.S. versions of the main study questionnaires, which have been approved by the PISA Governing Board and PISA international consortium. In addition, we have updated burden estimates to correct an error in the previous table and to reflect that three states will participate in PISA to receive state-level estimates. Additionally, we describe two minor changes to how the study is being carried out, per the international consortium. These changes are summarized below and they do not affect burden estimates. We attach revised Parts A and B and Appendices C and D, which reflect these changes.
We have revised the burden table (see below and in Section A.12 of the revised Part A). The burden estimates for the national sample have not changed. However, we have updated the burden estimates for the state samples to reflect that three states (Connecticut, Florida, and Massachusetts) will participate in PISA 2012 to receive state-level results. We have also corrected an error in the previous table; this correction reduces the burden estimate for the state benchmarking part of the study. We have updated the combined burden estimates accordingly. Our original overall burden estimate was based on a national and two state samples and totaled 8,888 hours. The revised overall estimate is based on a national and three state samples, corrects the error in the previous table, and totals 8,194 hours.
Questionnaire Items
The PISA 2012 Main Study OMB clearance request approved on July 30, 2011, included the final U.S. versions of the student and school questionnaires administered in the field test in the spring of 2011. We have updated Appendix C to include the final versions of the questionnaire items to be used in the main study. In this memo we indicate changes between the field test and main study questionnaire items, including revisions to the field test items, new items, and eliminated field test items (more items were field tested than will be used in the main study). There will be three student questionnaire forms in the main study and items will be rotated across forms. Each student will complete a 30 minute questionnaire although there is approximately 41 minutes of questionnaire material. Although three overlapping forms will be used, Appendix C presents each item only once. The student questionnaire forms also will be formatted so they can be scanned (so in some cases boxes will be replaced with circles for students to fill in). As discussed in the two briefings NCES provided to OMB in September and October 2011, the field trial evaluated whether the items and scales functioned properly to (a) measure the constructs they were intended to measure (validity), (b) to do so in cross-nationally valid manner, and (c) to measure constructs efficiently. In some cases, the field trial was used to compare alternative measurement approaches for measuring constructs. Several new, innovative measurement methods were introduced in the PISA 2012 field trial. These appeared throughout the questionnaires, but primarily in the student questionnaire. Statistical analyses of the field test data focused on evaluating the psychometric functioning of (a) items within scales and (b) the scales themselves. Some of the new methods were deemed successful and the PISA Governing Board approved their use in the main study questionnaires. The selection of items for the main study also took into consideration research risk, policy implications, country priorities, implementation issues, and per-item and per-construct timing information.
Appendix D presents the student locator items that will be asked of students to support a possible methodological study to validate PISA by relating student performance on PISA 2012 to other cognitive, education, and employment outcomes. In addition to the items that were cleared already, we would like to ask students for email addresses to facilitate follow up. All locator items, including the new item asking for an email addresses, are shown in Appendix D.
In the PISA 2012 Main Study request approved on July 30, 2011, we indicated that we planned to subsample 18 students to return for a second assessment session to take the assessment on computer. We will now subsample 20 students to ensure we have the same number of students assessed as expected. This change is a result of feedback from the international consortium based on our field test. We have updated Part A and Part B to reflect this procedural change. This change does not affect the burden estimate.
The international consortium has changed the financial literacy test booklet design to include four test booklets instead of two. Two booklets will include financial literacy and mathematics items and two booklets will include financial literacy and reading items. This change does not affect the number of students assessed but it will enable us to correlate performance in financial literacy with mathematics and reading, not just mathematics as originally planned. We have updated Part A to reflect this change.
Updated Burden Table
of Changes to Field Test School and Student Questionnaire Items
School Questionnaire Items
Items with revised wording or structure
New items
Deleted items
Student Questionnaire Items
Note: There are 3 different forms of the student questionnaire for the Main Study. Each student will complete one questionnaire estimated at 30 minutes. Also, there are no additional items in the Student questionnaire for the Main Study.
Items with revised wording or structure
2. Deleted items
School Questionnaire Items
Items with revised wording or structure
New items
Item # |
Stem |
USA_SC54A01 |
Note: This item is a national option and was administered in PISA 2009. About how many students in the 10th grade in your school have a first language that is not English? (Please check only one box.) 60% or more 40% or more but less than 60% 20% or more but less than 40% 10% or more but less than 20% More than 0% but less than 10% None |
SC51 |
During the last twelve months, what percentage of teaching staff in your school has attended a program of professional development with a focus on financial education? A program of professional development here is a formal program designed to enhance teaching skills or pedagogical practices. It may or may not lead to a recognized qualification. The program must last for at least one day in total and have a focus on the teaching of financial education. Staff who teach financial education in your school ________ % All other teaching staff in your school ________ % |
Deleted Items
Item # |
Stem |
SC06 |
The following questions are about the amount of instructional time in your school.
SC08 |
About what percentage of students in your school repeated a grade, at these levels, last academic year? |
SC12 |
Which of the following statements describe the 10th grade students’ access to computers in your school? |
SC17 |
Does your school offer any of the following options to students in the 10th grade whose first language is not English? |
SC36 |
Who has the main responsibility for career guidance of students in the 10th grade at your school? |
SC37 |
If career guidance is available at your school, which of the statements below best describes the situation for students in the 10th grade? |
SC38 |
To what extent do you feel that teachers in your school concentrate on developing in students the skills and knowledge that will help them in tertiary (post-secondary) education? |
SC39 |
Which of the following measures aimed at quality assurance and improvement do you have in your school?
SC41 |
How is the attendance of students at your school monitored? |
SC42 |
At your school, how is student truancy followed-up? |
SC43 |
Which of the following statements apply in your school? |
SC48 |
Which of the statements below best describe the situation for teachers at your school regarding professional development in financial education? |
Student Questionnaire
Items with revised wording or structure
2012 Main Study |
2012 Field Test |
Item # |
Item |
Item # |
Item |
General Direction |
Note: This sentence has been added to the first page of general directions. Your answers will be combined with answers from other students to calculate totals and averages. |
ST09 |
Note: the Stem has been reworded
In the last two full weeks of school, how many times did you skip a whole school day?
ST09 |
In the last two full weeks of school, how many times did you skip school? |
ST115 |
Note: ST10 from FT has been edited and renamed ST115
In the last two full weeks of school, how many times did you skip some classes? |
ST10 |
In the last two full weeks of school, how many times did you miss school because of illness or other circumstances?
(National option) USA_ST119A01 |
Note: “(high school diploma or GED)” has been added to capture all students completing high school certification requirements.
What is the highest grade or level of school you expect to complete?
Q13 |
What is the highest grade or level of school you expect to complete?
ST43 |
Note: option (a) has been reworded
Thinking about your mathematics lessons: to what extent do you agree with the following statements?
(Please darken only one circle in each row.)
ST43 |
Thinking about your mathematics lessons: to what extent do you agree with the following statements?
(Please darken only one circle in each row.)
ST44 |
Note: The stimulus and (d) have been reworded and (b) and (f) have been deleted. Suppose that you are a student in the following situation: Each week, your mathematics teacher gives a short quiz. Recently you have done badly on these quizzes. Today you are trying to figure out why. How likely are you to have these thoughts or feelings in this situation? (Please darken only one circle in each row.)
ST44 |
Suppose that you are a student in the following situation: Each week, your mathematics teacher gives a short quiz. Recently you performed poorly on these quizzes. Today you are trying to figure out why. How likely are you to have these thoughts or feelings in this situation? (Please check only one box in each row.)
ST48 |
Note: The layout of this item has changed. Also, Items in the first question have been reworded.
For each pair of statements, please choose the item that best describes you.
e) Please darken only one of the following two circles.
ST48 |
ST55 |
Note: “(e.g., language arts, literature, writing)” has been added to (a)
How many hours do you typically spend per week attending out-of-school-time lessons in the following subjects?
a) English (e.g., language arts, literature, writing) |
ST55 |
How many hours do you typically spend per week attending out-of-school-time lessons in the following subjects?
ST61 |
Note: Items (a) and (c) have been reworded
How often have you encountered the following types of mathematics tasks during your time at school?
ST61 |
Have you been taught to do the following types of mathematics tasks during your time in school?
ST72 |
Note: “(e.g., language arts, literature, writing)” has been added.
On average, about how many students attend your English class (e.g., language arts, literature, writing)? ________ students |
ST72 |
On average, about how many students attend your English class? ________ students |
ST73 ST74 ST75 |
Note: Items (a) & (b) have been reworded for grammatical reasons
ST73 ST74 ST75 |
ST79 |
Note: Response categories have been reworded. Also, items (l), (m), (n), (p), and (r) have been deleted.
How often do these things happen in your mathematics classes? (Please darken only one circle in each row.)
Every class; Most classes; Some classes; Never or Hardly Ever
l) The teacher tells us what is expected of us when we get a test, quiz, or assignment. m) The teacher checks our workbooks. n) The teacher has us argue about different approaches to solving a mathematics problem. p) The teacher gives a test or quiz to assess student learning. r) The teacher has us solve realistic problems from daily life. |
ST79 |
Thinking about the mathematics teacher that taught your last mathematics class: How often do these things happen? (Please check only one box in each row.) Always or almost always; Often; Sometimes; Never |
ST83 |
Note: Items (a) & (c) have been reworded
Thinking about the mathematics teacher who taught your last mathematics class: to what extent do you agree with the following statements?
ST83 |
Thinking about the mathematics teacher who taught your last mathematics class: To what extent do you agree with the following statements?
ST91 |
Note: Item (a) has been reworded
Thinking about your school: to what extent do you agree with the following statements?
ST91 |
Thinking about your school: To what extent do you agree with the following statements?
ST93 |
Note: The stem has changed. Also, items (b), (e), (h), (i), (j), (k) have been deleted
How well does each of the following statements describe you?
ST93 |
Thinking about yourself: How much like you are each of the statements below?
ST94 |
Note: The stem has changed. Also, items (a), (b), (c), (d), (g), (h), (k), (l), (m), and (o) have been deleted
How well does each of the following statements describe you?
ST94 |
Thinking about yourself: How much like you are each of the statements below?
ST96 |
Note: The stimulus has changed (mobile to cell phone to be more familiar to U.S. students). Also, item (d) has been deleted.
Suppose that you have been sending text messages from your cell phone for several weeks. Today, however, you can’t send text messages. You want to try to solve the problem.
What would you do? For each suggestion, darken the option that best applies to you.
ST96 |
Suppose that you have been sending text messages from your mobile phone for several weeks. Today, however, you can’t send text messages. You want to try to solve the problem.
What would you do? For each suggestion, check the option that best applies to you.
ST104 |
Note: Items (b) & (c) have been deleted. Also, the stem has changed.
Suppose that you arrive at the train station. There is a ticket machine that you have never used before. You want to buy a ticket.
What would you do? For each suggestion, darken the option that best applies to you.
ST104 |
You arrive at the train station. There is a ticket machine that you have never used before. You want to buy a ticket.
What would you do? For each suggestion, check the option that best applies to you.
Note: The following questions are administered within the Financial Literacy assessment booklets.
FQ001Q04 |
Note: Items (a), (b), (c), and (h) have been reworded. Also, (c) & (d) have been combined into (c).
Do you get money from any of these sources?
FQ001Q04 |
Do you get money from any of these sources?
Deleted items
Item # |
Stem |
ST30 |
Please read the paragraph below. Then, indicate for each of the explanations that follow how likely it is to apply to you, given the situation. You have been studying for a mathematics quiz and you are getting tired. Your friends want you to stop studying and go to a movie with them. Although you think it would be fun, you decide to continue studying for the quiz instead of going with them. |
ST31 |
Please read the paragraph below. Then, indicate for each of the explanations that follow how likely it is to apply to you, given the situation.
You have decided to read a book about the history of mathematics in your free time that was not assigned in school. |
ST32 |
Please read the paragraph below. Then, indicate for each of the explanations that follow how likely it is to apply to you, given the situation. Your school has a mathematics club. In this club, students compete to solve mathematics problems against other schools. You have decided to join the club. |
ST33 |
Please read the sentence below. Then, indicate for each of the explanations that follow how likely it is to apply to you, given the situation.
You decide to pay closer attention in your mathematics class than in your other classes. |
ST34 |
Please read the paragraph below. Then, indicate for each of the explanations that follow how likely it is to apply to you, given the situation.
You have 25 hours a week to study for your classes. You usually study 12 hours a week for your mathematics class, almost the same as the total time spent studying science, English, foreign languages, and history combined. |
ST35 |
Thinking about how people important to you view mathematics: How strongly do you agree with the following statements?
ST36 |
Thinking about your friends: To what extent do you agree with the following statements? |
ST38 |
If you had to choose between the following options, which would you prefer? |
ST39 |
To what extent do you agree with the following statements? |
ST40 |
To what extent do you agree with the following statements? |
ST41 |
Here we briefly describe some students. Please read each description and check the box on each line that shows how much each student is like you. |
ST45 |
You are a student in the following situation:
Last week you were having difficulty understanding a new concept presented by the mathematics teacher. This week, however, you are beginning to catch on. Today you are trying to figure out why.
How likely are you to have these thoughts or feelings in this situation?
ST47 |
Thinking about your views on mathematics: To what extent do you agree with the following statements? |
ST49 |
How often do you do the following things inside and outside school? h) I do mathematics even though I do not like it.
ST50 |
Thinking about your mathematics classes: To what extent do you agree with the following statements? |
ST51 |
For each pair of items, please choose the one that best describes you. |
ST52 |
There are different ways of studying mathematics: To what extent do you agree with the following statements? |
ST54 |
Thinking about your views on mathematics: To what extent do you agree with the following statements? |
ST56 |
For those subjects in which you attend out-of-school lessons, please indicate whether these lessons are either remedial or enriching in nature. |
ST58 |
Thinking only about mathematics: On average, how many hours do you spend each week on the following? |
ST59 |
What grade did you receive in the following subjects both on your last report card and the last school you attended?
On your last report card, how did your grade compare with the passing grade in each subject area? |
ST62 |
Thinking about mathematical concepts: How familiar are you with the following terms? e) Pythagorean Theorem n) Prime Number r) Area of a Circle
Read the problem in the box below. Then, answer the questions that follow it. |
Read the problem in the box below. Then, answer the questions that follow it. |
ST65 |
Read the problem in the box below. Then, answer the questions that follow it. |
ST66 |
Read the problem in the box below. Then, answer the questions that follow it. |
ST67 |
Read the problem in the box below. Then, answer the questions that follow it. |
ST68 |
Read the problem in the box below. Then, answer the questions that follow it. |
ST77 |
How often do these things happen in your mathematics classes? c) Students work from books and other printed material. |
ST78 |
How often do these things happen with your mathematics homework? |
ST80 |
Thinking about the mathematics teacher that taught your last mathematics class: To what extent do you agree with the following statements? b) The teacher gives tasks that only involve calculations. c) The teacher gives problems with definite solutions. |
ST89 |
Thinking about your school: To what extent do you agree with the following statements?
ST90 |
Thinking about how others view your school: To what extent do you agree with the following statements? |
ST92 |
Thinking about your school: To what extent do you agree with the following statements? |
ST95 |
You have just bought a new cell phone. It works differently from your old one. You want to find out how to use it. |
ST97 |
After 15 minutes, you haven’t found a solution to the problem. What would you do next? What would you do? For each suggestion, check the option that best applies to you. |
ST98 |
You want to buy a cable to connect your computer to your TV. You don’t know which cable to buy. What would you do? For each suggestion, check the option that best applies to you. |
ST99 |
Suppose you know the right cable to connect your computer to your TV. You want to find an electronics store that sells cheap cables. What would you do? For each suggestion, check the option that best applies to you. |
ST100 |
You try three discount electronics stores but none of them has the cable in stock. What would you do? For each suggestion, check the option that best applies to you. |
ST101 |
You are planning a trip to the zoo with your brother. You don’t know which route to take to get there. What would you do? For each suggestion, check the option that best applies to you. d) I ask a friend who has been there before for advice. f) I search the Internet to get directions from home to the zoo. g) I use a GPS car navigation system to find the quickest route. |
ST102 |
Suppose that your brother is driving and you are using a map to navigate to the zoo. When you think you are nearly there, you realize that you are lost. What would you do? For each suggestion, check the option that best applies to you. |
ST103 |
After 15 minutes, you have worked out where you are. You are a long way from the zoo and there doesn’t seem to be an easy way to get there. What would you do? For each suggestion, check the option that best applies to you. |
Suppose that you have been buying train tickets from the ticket machine for several weeks. Today, however, the ticket machine doesn’t seem to work. You need to buy a ticket. What would you do? For each suggestion, check the option that best applies to you. |
ST106 |
After 15 minutes, you haven’t been able to buy a ticket and the train is due to arrive soon. What would you do? For each suggestion, check the option that best applies to you. |
ST107 |
You are given two choices to make money: Which do you prefer? |
ST108 |
You are given two choices to make money: Which do you prefer?
ST109 |
You are given two choices to make money: Which do you prefer? |
ST110 |
You are given two choices to make money: Which do you prefer? |
ST111 |
You are given three choices to make money: Which do you prefer? |
ST112 |
You are given three choices to make money: Which do you prefer? |
ST113 |
You are given three choices to make money: Which do you prefer? |
ST114 |
You are given three choices to make money: Which do you prefer? |
FQ001Q06 |
Do you have any of the following?
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Author | Murray_G |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-31 |