Appendix F - Differences between FT and Main Study Questionnaires

Att_Appendix F PIAAC 2011-12 MS BQ Changes.doc

Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) 2011-2012 Main Study Data Collection

Appendix F - Differences between FT and Main Study Questionnaires

OMB: 1850-0870

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Appendix F

Differences between the PIAAC 2011 questionnaires used in the Field Test (FT) and those submitted for the Main Study

(OMB # 1850-0870)

To aid OMB’s review, this memo outlines differences between the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) materials approved under field test (FT) 2010 clearance on May 23, 2010 (OMB# 1850-0870) and those included in the current regular submission package for the main study 2011 data collection.

Except for a few changes to the questions added as U.S. national options, all deletions or changes to questions were made by the international organizers. Note that international item numbers are listed below and may vary slightly in the U.S. BQ specification documents.

Revisions to Section B – Education and Training

Modified: B_Q01a – Looking at this card, what is the highest level of education you have completed?-– Eliminated the response category “Foreign Qualification”.

Modified: B_Q01a3 – Can you indicate which level in our national education system corresponds most closely with the level of this degree or certification? – Eliminated the response category “Foreign Qualification”.

Modified: B_Q02b - What type of degree or certificate are you currently studying for? - The response category “Foreign Qualification” was deleted. Due to this change the related follow-up items (listed below) were also deleted.

Deleted follow-up set:

  • B_S02b1 - What is the name of this qualification?

  • B_Q02b2 - In which country are you studying for this qualification?

  • B_S02b2 - What country was that?

  • B_Q02b3 - Can you indicate which level in our national education system corresponds most closely with the level of this qualification?

  • B_Q03b2 - In which country did you start studying for this qualification?

  • B_S03b2 - What country was that?

  • B_Q03b3 - Can you indicate which level in our national education system corresponds most closely with the level of this qualification?

Modified: B_Q05a - What type of degree or certificate was this? - The response category “Foreign Qualification” was deleted. Due to this change the related follow-up items were also deleted.

Deleted follow-up set:

  • B_S05a1 - What is the name of this qualification?

  • B_Q05a2 - In which country did you gain this qualification?

  • B_S05a2 - What country was that?

  • B_Q05a3 - Can you indicate which level in our national education system corresponds most closely with the level of this qualification?


  • B_Q06 What is the easiest way to describe the total time you spent in studying for this qualification in the past 12 months: would that be in weeks, in days or in hours? Exclude time spent on homework and travel.

  • B_Q07a From ^MonthYear until now, how many weeks did you spend studying for this qualification?

  • B_Q07b On average, how many hours per week was that? Exclude time spent on homework or travel.

  • B_Q08a From ^MonthYear until now, how many days did you spend studying for this qualification?

  • B_Q08B – On average, how many hours per day was that? Exclude time spent on homework or travel.

  • B_Q09a – From ^MonthYear until now, how many hours did you spend studying for this qualification? Exclude time spent on homework or travel.

  • B_Q09b – How much of this time was spent on homework?

  • B_Q10d - Compared to your employer at the time, how useful do you think your studies for this qualification would be if you were working for a different employer? Would you say they were...

  • B_S14b - Could you please specify this reason? (This was a follow-up probe to B_Q14b.)

  • B_Q15d – Compared to your employer at the time, how useful do you think this training would be if you were working for a different employer? Would you say it was …

Modified: B_Q17-B_Q20a - These questions were changed to refer to time spent in all non-formal training activities in past year. Modified questions are:

  • B_Q17- Now let’s look at the total amount of time you have spent in the past 12 months on all types of courses, training, private lessons, seminars or workshops. What is the easiest way to describe the total time you spent on all these activities: would that be in weeks, in days or in hours? Exclude time spent on homework or travel.

  • B_Q18a – From ^MonthYear until now, how many weeks did you spend in these activities?

  • B_Q18b – On average, how many hours per week was that? Exclude hours spent travelling to and from the places at which these activities took place.

  • B_Q19a – From ^MonthYear until now, how many days did you spend in these activities?

  • B_Q19b – On average, how many hours per day was that? Exclude hours spent travelling to and from the places at which these activities took place.

  • B_Q20a – From ^MonthYear until now, how many hours did you spend in these activities? Exclude hours spent travelling to and from the places at which these activities took place.

Added: B_Q20b - About how much of this time was spent on activities that were job-related?

Deleted: B_Q21-B_Q25b – Deleted all items related to the second learning activity (such as types of courses, training, private lessons, seminars or workshops). Specific questions deleted are:

  • B_Q21 - What kind of activity was this? Was it ...

  • B_Q22 - What is the easiest way to describe the total time you spent in this activity: in weeks, in days or in hours? Include time spent on homework.

  • B_Q23a - From ^MonthYear until now, how many weeks did you spend in this activity?

  • B_Q23b - On average, how many hours per week was that? Include hours spent on homework, but exclude hours spent travelling to and from the place at which the activity took place.

  • B_Q24a - From ^MonthYear until now, how many days did you spend in this activity?

  • B_Q24b - On average, how many hours per day was that? Include hours spent on homework, but exclude hours spent travelling to and from the place at which the activity took place.

  • B_Q25a - From ^MonthYear until now, how many hours did you spend in this activity? Include hours spent on homework, but exclude hours spent travelling to and from the place at which the activity took place.

  • B_Q25b - How much of this time was spent on homework?

Modified: B_Q26a

  • Deleted the introductory text to this question which stated, “In the last few questions we talked about learning activities you may have undertaken in the last 12 months. First we talked about formal qualifications you may have studied for, and then we talked about other organized learning activities you may have participated in.”

  • New question is, “ In the last 12 months, were there ^MoreAny learning activities you wanted to participate in but did not? Include both learning activities that lead to formal degrees and other organized learning activities.”

Modified: B_Q26b - Which of the following reasons prevented you from participating in education and training? Please indicate the most important reason. – Eliminated the following response categories.

  • Education or training conflicted with my work schedule;

  • There was no such education or training offered within a reachable distance;

  • I was not confident with the idea of going back to something that is like school;

  • A temporary illness or injury prevented me;

  • A chronic health problem or age prevented me; and

  • The expected benefit of education or training was too low.

Deleted: B_S26b - Could you please specify this reason? – Deleted this probe which was a follow-up to B_Q26b.

Revisions to Section C – Current status and Work history

Modified: C_S03 - How many months in total have/had you been looking for paid work? – Deleted the additional statement within this question which was “Could you please specify this reason?”

Deleted: C_S07 - Could you please specify how you would describe your current situation? – Deleted this probe which was a follow-up to C_Q07.


  • C_Q10b - In the last 5 years, have you ever been out of work for a continuous period of 3 months or longer? Exclude any time in which you were studying full-time for a formal qualification. Do not include paid leave, like maternity leave or sick leave

  • C_Q10c - In the last 5 years, what is the total amount of time you have been out of work? Would that be…

  • C_Q11 - Looking at the total time you were out of work in the last five years, how much of this time were you available for work? By ‘available for work’ we mean that you were actively trying to find work, and would have been able to start within a few weeks if work had been offered to you.

Revisions to Section D – Current Work


  • D_Q15a - In the last 12 months, did you receive any additional payment (for example a bonus) based on your performance?

  • D_Q15b - In the last 12 months, did you discuss a personal career or training plan with your supervisor?

  • D_Q15c - In the last 12 months, did you have a formal performance evaluation?

  • D_Q15d - In the last 12 months, did you get regular feedback on an informal basis from your supervisor?

Revisions to Section F – Last Job


  • F_Q01- In your ^JobLastjob what proportion of your time ^DoDid you usually spend… listening carefully to co-workers? Co-workers are people working for the same firm or employer. Include any listening activity you consider part of your ^JobLastjob, even if it concerns personal matters.

Revisions to Section G – Skill Use Literacy, Numeracy and ICT at work


  • G_Q03a – In your ^JobLastjob, how often ^DoDid you usually … measure or estimate sizes, weights, distances, etc.?

  • G_Q03e – In your ^JobLastjob, how often ^DoDid you usually …interpret charts, graphs or tables?

  • G_Q05b – In your ^JobLastjob, how often ^DoDid you usually … use the internet to retrieve specific information like a street address, information on a product or bus or train schedules?

Revisions to Section H – Skill Use Literacy, Numeracy and ICT in everyday life


  • H_Q03a – ^Ineverydaylife, how often do you usually …measure or estimate sizes, weights, distances, etc.?

  • H_Q03e – ^Ineverydaylife, how often do you usually …interpret charts, graphs, or tables?

  • H_Q05b – ^Ineverydaylife, how often do you usually … use the internet to retrieve specific information like a street address, information on a product or bus or train schedules?

Revisions to Section I – About Yourself


  • I_Q01a Series – To what extent do the following statements apply to you?

    • I_Q01a – I am a hard worker

    • I_Q01b – I get enthusiastic about ideas for a short time but later lose interest

    • I_Q01c – I am self-disciplined

    • I_Q01d – I can cope with setbacks

    • I_Q01e – New projects sometimes distract me from previous ones

    • I_Q01f – I am good at resisting temptation

    • I_Q01g – I finish whatever I begin

    • I_Q01h – I have difficulty maintaining focus on projects or tasks that take more than a few months to complete

    • I_Q01i – I have trouble concentrating

  • I_Q02 Series – To what extent do the following statements apply to you?

    • I_Q02a – I like taking responsibility

    • I_Q02b – I find it best to make decisions myself, rather than to rely on fate

    • I_Q02c – When I encounter problems or opposition, I usually find ways and means to overcome them

    • I_Q02d – Success often depends more on luck than on effort

    • I_Q02e – I often have the feeling that I have little influence over what happens to me

    • I_Q02f – When I make important decisions, I often look at what others have done


  • I_Q03a - I would now like to ask you some questions about how you think about the future. To what extent do the following statements apply to you?

    • I_Q03b - I'm only concerned about the present

    • I_Q03c - I would prefer benefits now to somewhat larger benefits in the future

    • I_Q03d - I will accept getting less today so that I will get more tomorrow


  • I_Q04 Series– I would now like to ask you some questions about how you deal with problems and tasks you encounter. To what extent do the following statements apply to you?

  • I_Q04a – I prefer to follow well-tried methods for tackling problems or tasks

  • I_Q04c – I prefer to split complex problems into parts, and work these out one at a time

  • I_Q04e – I prefer tasks that are clearly structured

  • I_Q04f – If I am puzzled by a problem or task, I use my imagination to look for a solution

  • I_Q04g – I like to know what is expected of me

  • I_Q04i – When I start a task, I first figure out all the details of what I need to do

  • I_Q04k – I find it difficult to switch between different tasks

  • I_R05 - I would now like to ask you some questions about things you may do in your spare time. I will mention different activities and I want you to tell me how often you engage in these activities.

  • I_Q05a - In the last 12 months, how often did you … engage in a cultural activity, for example going to a classical concert, the theater, or a museum?

    • I_Q05b - go to the movies, a night club or a pop concert?

    • I_Q05c - participate in sports?

    • I_Q05d - visit a library or a bookshop?

    • I_Q05e - spend time with friends or relatives?

    • I_Q05h - attend a church service or religious event?

Modified: I_Q05f and I_Q05g – These two items were combined into one item I_Q05f which is now, “In the last 12 months, how often, if at all, did you do voluntary work, including unpaid work for a charity, political party, trade union or other non-profit organization?”


  • I_Q06 Series– To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  • I_Q06b – The average citizen has considerable influence on politics

  • I_Q06c – I feel that I have a pretty good understanding of the important political issues facing our country

  • I_Q06d – I think most people are better informed about politics and government than I am


  • I_Q07 Series– To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  • I_Q07c – Most of the time you can be sure that other people want the best for you

  • I_Q07d – I am willing to accept personal costs to help someone who helped me in the past

  • I_Q09a - Approximately how many days in the last 12 months were you unable to go to work because of a temporary illness or chronic health problem?

  • I_Q09b - Approximately how many days in the last 12 months were you unable to perform your usual activities because of a temporary illness or chronic health problem?

  • I_Q10a – Do you have any longstanding illness or longstanding health problem? By longstanding we mean illnesses or health problems which have lasted, or are expected to last, for 6 months or more.

  • I_Q10b To what extent have you been limited because of this health problem in activities people usually do? Would you say you have been severely limited, limited but not severely, or not limited at all?

Revisions to Section J – Background Information


  • J_Q02b - What is the highest level of education your spouse or partner has ever completed?

  • J_Q06c – ^DidDoes your mother or female guardian hold a paying job ^When?

  • J_Q06d – What ^WasIs your mother’s or female guardian’s main job ^When? Please provide the job title and indicate whether she was self-employed or not.

  • J_Q06e – What ^DidiDoes your mother or female guardian do in her main job? Please describe the kind of work she ^DidiDoes in that job.

  • J_Q07c – ^DidDoes your father or male guardian hold a paying job ^When?

  • J_Q07d – What ^WasIs your father’s or male guardian’s main job ^When? Please provide the job title and indicate whether he was self-employed or not.

  • J_Q07e – What ^DidiDoes your father or male guardian do in his main job? Please describe the kind of work he ^DidiDoes in that job.

  • J_R09 - The following questions are about different types of income resources you may have received in the past 12 months.

  • J_Q09a - In the last 12 months, that is since ^MonthYear, did you receive…

    • J_Q09b - disability benefits?

    • J_Q09c - sickness benefits?

    • J_Q09d - early retirement benefits?

    • J_Q09e - retirement benefits?

Page 12

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleSocio-economic background (J_Q06b-e, J_Q07b-e)
AuthorPJ Hogan
Last Modified By#Administrator
File Modified2011-03-03
File Created2011-03-03

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