Form 1 2010-2011 Program Information Report

Head Start Program Information Report

2010-2011 Program Information Report

Head Start Program Information Report

OMB: 0980-0017

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OMB NO. 0980-0017
The annual Head Start Program Information Report (PIR) must be completed by ALL programs funded by the federal
government to operate Head Start and Early Head Start programs. A separate PIR must be completed for each grantee
and each delegate agency. Separate reports must be completed for Head Start and Early Head Start Programs.
DEADLINE: The 2010-11 PIR is due no later than August 31, 2011
Programs are encouraged to submit their reports as soon as their enrollment year is complete.
the PIR

All programs are required to submit PIR data electronically using the Head Start Enterprise System
(HSES), located at
This will eliminate the need for standalone versions of the software. The online reporting system includes
numerous new error checks and provides program-level reports based on 2011 data. The system will
automatically calculate certain totals; therefore, they are not included in this form as data entry fields.
Delegate programs will submit their PIR survey through HSES to their grantee agency for review and
approval. When all of an agency’s PIRs are complete, grantees will submit the PIRs through HSES to
the Office of Head Start.
There are three steps to submitting the PIR:
1. Input or upload the PIR, review and answer all questions
2. Use the system validation function to check the program’s PIR for errors and make any
necessary corrections
3. If validation is successful, mark the PIR complete
Submission of the PIR to the Office of Head Start constitutes approval by the authorized representative of
the grantee agency.


2010-2011 PIR Guidance and Reference materials are available at
Instructions and definitions in the report can be activated and deactivated by selecting the “Hide” and
“Show” buttons at the top of each PIR section.
Frequently Asked Questions are answered at
This copy of the 2010-2011 PIR Survey Form is provided as a reference for programs that are preparing
their data for submission.
The 2010-2011 PIR Survey Changes document provides an item-by-item listing of changes made to this
year’s PIR.


Please contact the HSES Help Desk at or (866) 771-4737 if you require
assistance with reporting.

The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (Public Law 104-13) Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 4
hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and reviewing collection information.
The project description is approved under the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number 0980-0017. An agency may not collect or
sponsor and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.

2010-2011 PIR Survey Form (Version 1.4 May 13, 2011)

Page 1

The table of contents and other links referenced in this document are active and can be used to navigate.
In PDF format the table of contents entries are also Bookmarks.

A. Program Information ......................................................................................................................... 4
General Information ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Enrollment Year ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Enrollment dates ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Funded Enrollment ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
Funded enrollment by funding source........................................................................................................... 5
Funded enrollment by program option – children ......................................................................................... 6
Funded enrollment of pregnant women (EHS programs) ............................................................................. 7
Funded enrollment at child care partner ....................................................................................................... 7
Centers and Classes .................................................................................................................................................. 8
Centers .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Classes.......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Cumulative Enrollment ............................................................................................................................................... 9
Children by age ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Pregnant women (EHS programs) ................................................................................................................ 9
Total cumulative enrollment ........................................................................................................................ 10
Type of eligibility.......................................................................................................................................... 10
Prior enrollment ........................................................................................................................................... 11
Turnover ...................................................................................................................................................... 11
Child care subsidy ....................................................................................................................................... 11
Ethnicity ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
Race ............................................................................................................................................................ 12
Primary language of family at home ........................................................................................................... 13
Transportation .......................................................................................................................................................... 14
Transportation services ............................................................................................................................... 14
Buses .......................................................................................................................................................... 14

B. Program Staff & Qualifications....................................................................................................... 15
Total Staff ................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Staff by type ................................................................................................................................................ 15
Total Volunteers ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
Volunteers by type ...................................................................................................................................... 15
Management Staff .................................................................................................................................................... 16
Management staff – salaries ....................................................................................................................... 16
Coordination of services.............................................................................................................................. 16
Child Development Staff .......................................................................................................................................... 17
Preschool child development staff – qualifications (HS and Migrant programs) ........................................ 17
Infant and toddler child development staff – qualifications (EHS and Migrant programs) .......................... 21
Non-Supervisory Child Development Staff .............................................................................................................. 26
Child development staff – classroom teacher salary by level of education ................................................ 26
Child development staff – average salary ................................................................................................... 26
Child development staff – ethnicity ............................................................................................................. 27
Child development staff – race ................................................................................................................... 27
Child development staff – language ............................................................................................................ 28
Child development staff – classroom teacher turnover ............................................................................... 29
Child development staff – home-based visitor turnover .............................................................................. 29
Family & Community Partnerships Staff .................................................................................................................. 30
Family & community partnerships staff - qualifications ............................................................................... 30

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C. Child & Family Services................................................................................................................. 31
Health Services ........................................................................................................................................................ 31
Health insurance – children ........................................................................................................................ 32
Health insurance - pregnant women (EHS programs) ................................................................................ 32
Medical ........................................................................................................................................................ 33
Medical home - children ................................................................................................................. 33
Medical services – children ............................................................................................................ 33
Immunization services - children .................................................................................................... 34
Pregnant women – services (EHS programs) ............................................................................... 34
Pregnant women – prenatal health (EHS programs) ..................................................................... 34
Dental .......................................................................................................................................................... 35
Dental home – children .................................................................................................................. 35
Preschool dental services (HS and Migrant programs) ................................................................. 35
Infant and toddler preventive dental services (EHS and Migrant programs) ................................. 36
Pregnant women dental services (EHS programs)........................................................................ 36
Mental Health Services ............................................................................................................................................ 36
Mental health professional .......................................................................................................................... 36
Mental health services ................................................................................................................................ 36
Mental health referrals ................................................................................................................................ 37
Disabilities Services ................................................................................................................................................. 37
Preschool disabilities services (HS and Migrant programs) ....................................................................... 37
Infant and toddler Part C early intervention services (EHS and Migrant programs) ................................... 37
Preschool primary disabilities (HS and Migrant programs)......................................................................... 38
Education ................................................................................................................................................................. 38
Preschool kindergarten transition (HS and Migrant programs)................................................................... 38
Infant and toddler transition (EHS programs) ............................................................................................. 38
Screening .................................................................................................................................................... 39
Assessment ................................................................................................................................................. 39
Curriculum ................................................................................................................................................... 40
Family and Community Partnerships ....................................................................................................................... 42
Number of families ...................................................................................................................................... 42
Employment ................................................................................................................................................ 42
Federal or other assistance ........................................................................................................................ 43
Job training/school ...................................................................................................................................... 43
Education .................................................................................................................................................... 43
Family services ........................................................................................................................................... 44
Father involvement...................................................................................................................................... 44
Homelessness services .............................................................................................................................. 45
Collaboration Agreements .......................................................................................................................... 45
Local education agency (LEA) ....................................................................................................... 45
Public school pre-kindergarten programs ...................................................................................... 45
Part C agencies .............................................................................................................................. 45

D. Appendix ....................................................................................................................................... 46
Reference Links ....................................................................................................................................................... 46

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The General Information data already exists in HSES. HSES provides the ability for programs to update this information as changes occur.
Programs are asked to verify the accuracy and, if necessary, complete or update the following information.
Program Information


Program Information

Grant Number

Value Options

Delegate Number
Programs can make
changes to Agency
Type and Agency
Description, if
incorrect, by sending
an email to the HSES
Help Desk at
and copying the
assigned Program

Program Type


Head Start
Early Head Start
Migrant & Seasonal Head Start


Community Action Agency (CAA)
School System
Charter School
Private/Public Non-Profit (Non-CAA) (e.g.,
church or non-profit hospital)
Private/Public For-Profit (e.g. for-profit hospitals)
Government Agency (Non-CAA)
Tribal Government or Consortium (American
Indian/Alaska Native)
A secular or non-religious agency
A religiously affiliated agency or organization
providing essentially secular services
Grantee that directly operates program(s) and
has no delegates
Grantee that directly operates programs and
delegates service delivery
Grantee that maintains central office staff only
and operates no program(s) directly
Grantee that delegates all of its programs; it
operates no programs directly and maintains no
central office staff
Delegate agency

Program Name
Program Address
Program City, State, Zip Code (5+4)
Program Phone Number
Program Fax Number
Head Start or Early Head Start Director
Head Start or Early Head Start Director
Agency Email
Agency Web Site Address
Name and Title of Approving Official
DUNS Number (if available)
Agency Type

Agency Affiliation


Agency Description


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Enrollment dates

Enrollment Year - The period of time, not to exceed 12 months, during which the program provides
center-based or home-based services to a group of children and their families.

Full-year options - Define the enrollment year based on the significant turnover that tends to occur
in conjunction with the beginning of the school year. Therefore, please define an enrollment year as
a 12-month period that must begin between August 1 and September 15.


Part-year options - Use the first and last dates on which classes and/or home visits begin and end
to specify the program’s Enrollment Year.


Migrant programs - May report both start and end dates either in the same calendar year or in
different years, not to exceed a 12 month period. Any of the following Migrant program examples
would be acceptable:
Enrollment start date
Enrollment end date
Example 1:
Example 2:
Example 3:

Do not report on children and families enrolled for the first time that will begin services in the next
enrollment year.

Enrollment Year:


a. Start Date
b. End Date


Funded Enrollment is the total number of enrollees (children and pregnant women) the program was
funded to serve for the 2010-2011 enrollment year.
ACF Funded Enrollment - The total number of Head Start children and/or Early Head Start children and
pregnant women identified on the Grantee’s most recent Financial Assistance Award (FAA).
Non-ACF Funded Enrollment - The total number of Head Start children and/or Early Head Start
children and pregnant women fully funded by a non-federal source who receive comprehensive services
in compliance with Head Start Program Performance Standards. This may include, for example, slots
funded by the state or local school district.
Funded enrollment in the PIR is reported at the program and delegate level.
Where “# of children / pregnant women” is used, it refers to:
 The total number of children enrolled if entering data for a Head Start program.
 The total number of children and pregnant women enrolled if entering data for an Early Head Start

Funded enrollment by funding source

Funded Head Start or Early Head Start Enrollment:

# of children /
pregnant women

a. ACF Funded Enrollment
b. Non-ACF Funded Enrollment
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Funded enrollment by program option – children

Refer to regulations on program options, 45 CFR 1306 Head Start Staffing Requirements and Program
Report funded enrollment for the program option used for the greatest part of the year when more than
one program option is used with the same group of children. For example, programs with center-based
services in the school year (9 months) and home-based services for the summer months (3 months)
would report funded enrollment as center-based services. This example is an implementation of
consecutive program options in a single program year, not a combination option.
Center-based option - services provided to children primarily in classroom settings.


Full-day enrollment - services provided for more than 6 hours per day.

Full-working-day enrollment - services provided for not less than 10 hours per day as
permitted by State law (including regulation) for the provision of services.


Full-calendar-year - all the days of the year other than Saturday, Sunday, and a legal
public holiday.

Part-day enrollment - services provided for 6 hours or less per day

Double session option - option in which a single teacher is employed to work with one
group of children in the morning and a different group of children in the afternoon.
The double session option does not refer to a program that employs a teacher to work
with one group of children in the morning and a different teacher to work with a different
group of children in the afternoon, even if the same classroom space is used.

Home-based option - services provided to children, primarily in the child's home, through intensive work
with the child's parents and family as the primary factor in the growth and development of the child.
Combination option - services provided to children in both a center setting and through intensive work
with the child's parents and family at home.
The combination option does not refer to a program that operates a center-based option during
one part of the year and a home-based option during another part of the year (consecutively).
When consecutive program options are operating within the same program year, report funded
enrollment for the primary option.
For example, programs may operate center-based services for teen parents during the school year
and home-based services in the summer months. In this example, report the center-based option
funded enrollment and note the details of the home-based services in the question comments box.
Family child care option - services provided to children receiving child care primarily in the home of a
family child care provider or other family-like setting.

Full-working-day enrollment - services provided for not less than 10 hours per day as permitted
by State law (including regulation) for the provision of services.


Full-calendar-year - all the days of the year other than Saturday, Sunday, and a legal public

Locally designed option - services provided through an alternative program variation that has been
formally approved by the Office of Head Start.

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Center-based option - 5 days per week:

# of children

a. Full-day enrollment
1. Of these, the number available as full-working-day enrollment
a. Of these, the number available for the full-calendar-year
b. Part-day enrollment
1. Of these, the number in double sessions

Center-based option - 4 days per week:

# of children

a. Full-day enrollment
b. Part-day enrollment
1. Of these, the number in double sessions

Home-based option


Combination option


Family child care option

a. Of these, the number available as full-working-day enrollment
1. Of these, the number available for the full-calendar-year

Locally designed option

Funded enrollment of pregnant women (EHS programs)
# of pregnant women


Total number of pregnant women positions in funded enrollment

Funded enrollment at child care partner

Child Care Partners - Child care centers that provide services to enrolled children that meet the Head
Start Program Performance Standards.

# of children

A.10 The number of funded enrollment positions at center-based child care partners with whom the
program has formal contractual arrangements
Include only those children served through a partner organization; not those in your own program’s extended day or wrap-around care.

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Grantees are responsible for assuring that all centers are accounted for and that every facility which has
been purchased, constructed or received major renovations using Head Start or Early Head Start funds
has a notice of Federal Interest filed and has indicated this in the center record in HSES.
Refer to 45 CFR 1309 Head Start Facilities Purchase, Major Renovation and Construction of the Head
Start Program Performance Standards for additional guidance on Federal Interest and facilities.
Centers and Classrooms refer to actual physical space.
Class - A group of children that functions as a single unit, including preschool, infants/toddlers, and
mixed-age groupings.
Double Session Classes - Classes for which a single teacher is employed to work with one group of
children in the morning and a different group of children in the afternoon. Count each session as a
separate class. For example, if a program had 5 classes that operated mornings and 5 that operated
afternoons with the same 5 teachers, this would count as 10 classes.

Centers already exist in HSES. HSES provides the ability for programs to update this information as changes occur.
Programs are asked to verify the accuracy and, if necessary, complete or update the following information.

Center Name
Address, City, State, Zip +4, County, Congressional District

Is this center owned by the program?
Center Information

Yes or No

Is there federal interest in this center?
Yes or No

Has the federal interest been filed?
Yes or No

Program Name
Programs Providing
Services in Center

Selected from the programs defined in HSES for the Grantee or Delegate.

Program Type
Head Start or Early Head Start

Phone Number
Class / Group Name
Program Option
Center-based, Home-based, Combination, Family child care, Locally designed, or Services to pregnant women

Program Option Variation
Classes / Groups

Not Applicable, Part-day, Double session – AM, Double session – PM, Full-day, Full-working-day,
or Full-working-day - full year

Days of the week (M, T, W, T, F, S, S)
Grantees are responsible for assuring that all centers are accounted for and that every facility which has been purchased, leased, constructed or
received major renovations using Head Start or Early Head Start funds has a notice of Federal Interest filed and has indicated this in the center record
in HSES.

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Class - A group of children that functions as a single unit, including preschool, infants/toddlers, and
mixed-age groupings.
Double Session Classes - Classes for which a single teacher is employed to work with one group of
children in the morning and a different group of children in the afternoon. Count each session as a
separate class. For example, if a program had 5 classes that operated mornings and 5 that operated
afternoons with the same 5 teachers, this would count as 10 classes.
Include both classes operated directly by Head Start and Early Head Start, as well as those operated by
child care partners.
# of classes

A.11 Total number of classes operated
a. Of these, the number of double session classes

Children by age

Cumulative Enrollment - Include ALL children who have been enrolled in the program and have
attended at least one class or, for programs with home-based options, received at least one home visit.
Include ALL pregnant women who have been enrolled in the program and received Early Head Start
Age of Child - Use the age of the child at the time of enrollment according to the date used by the local
school system in determining eligibility for public school.

A.12 Children by age:

# of children at

a. Under 1 year
b. 1 year old
c. 2 years old
d. 3 years old
e. 4 years old
f. 5 years and older

Pregnant women (EHS programs)
# of pregnant

A.13 Cumulative enrollment of pregnant women

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Total cumulative enrollment
# of children /
pregnant women

A.14 Total cumulative enrollment

calculates total

Type of eligibility

Report each enrollee only once, in A.15, by primary type of eligibility.

A.15 Report each enrollee only once by primary type of eligibility:

# of children /
pregnant women

a. Income below 100% of federal poverty line
b. Receipt of public assistance such as TANF, SSI
c. Status as a foster child - # children only
d. Status as homeless
e. Over income*
# of children

f. Number of children exceeding the allowed over income enrollment (as noted below) with
family incomes between 100% and 130% of the federal poverty line**
* Section 645(a)(1)(B)(iii)(I) of the Head Start Act specifies that programs may serve, to a reasonable extent, up to 10 percent of participants in the
area served who would benefit from such programs but who are not eligible due to options A.15.a through A.15.d above. Report in A.15.e above.
** Section 645(a)(1)(B)(iii)(II) of the Head Start Act specifies that programs may serve children whose families have incomes below 130% of the federal
poverty line if programs can demonstrate that all income-eligible children in their area are being served. This question applies only to those programs
that have met the requirements of the Head Start Act and have enrolled children below 130% of the federal poverty line. Report in A.15.f above.
* Section 645(d) of the Head Start Act specifies that AIAN programs may enroll participants who do not meet the low-income criteria, as long as these
participants comprise less than 50 percent of total enrollment. Report in A.15.e above.
* Section 645(a)(2) of the Head Start Act specifies that programs serving communities that meet these criteria may enroll participants who do not meet
the low-income criteria, as long as these participants comprise less than 50 percent of total enrollment. Report in A.15.e above.

A.16 If the program serves enrollees under A.15.f, specify how the program has demonstrated that all income-eligible
children in their area are being served.

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Prior enrollment

Include children who were enrolled previously in Early Head Start, Head Start or some combination. For
example, a child enrolled at birth in Early Head Start who is now in his or her second year of Head Start
preschool should be counted in "Three or more years."
Prior enrollment includes only those children who, in their previous year of Head Start or Early Head
Start, were enrolled for at least half of the time that classes or home visits were in session.

A.17 Enrolled in Head Start or Early Head Start for:

# of children

a. The second year
b. Three or more years


When counting the number of children who were enrolled less than 45 days, count from the date the child
began classes or, for home-based programs, the date home visits began. Grantees should include all
children who have been enrolled in the program and have attended at least one class. Programs with
home-based options should include children who have received at least one home visit during that
month. Grantees should also include all pregnant women who have been enrolled in their program and
received Early Head Start services.
EHS Programs:
Where “# of pregnant women” is used, it refers to the total number of pregnant women who did not
subsequently enroll their infant in an Early Head Start program.
Migrant Programs:
If the program operated for less than 45 days, do not include children who completed the program in
# of children /
pregnant women

A.18 Total number of children and pregnant women who left the program any time after classes or
home visits began and did not re-enroll
# of children

a. Of the children who left the program above, the number of children who were enrolled less
than 45 days

Child care subsidy

Include all children who received services that met the Head Start Program Performance Standards
regardless of the funding source.

# of children
at end of
enrollment year

A.19. The number of enrolled children for whom the program received a child care subsidy

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The ethnicity and race categories are determined according to the ethnicity or race that the family
Each enrollee will be included in both an ethnicity category and a race category. For example, a family
that identifies their child as Black and Cuban will be counted in the “Hispanic or Latino” ethnicity category
and also counted in the “Black or African American” race category.
Hispanic or Latino origin - A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or
other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of their race.
# of children /
pregnant women

A.20 Ethnicity:
a. Hispanic or Latino origin
b. Non-Hispanic or Non-Latino origin


American Indian or Alaska Native - A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and
South America or Central America, and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment.
Asian - A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the
Indian subcontinent.
Black or African American - A person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa.
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander - A person having origins in any of the original peoples of
Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.
White - A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.
Bi-Racial/Multi-Racial - A person of 2 or more races.
Other - A person reporting a race other than those listed.
Unspecified - A person whose race is unknown or whose parents declined to identify their race.

A.21 Race:

# of children /
pregnant women

a. American Indian or Alaska Native
b. Asian
c. Black or African American
d. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
e. White
f. Biracial/Multi-racial
g. Other
1. Explain:
h. Unspecified
1. Explain:

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Primary language of family at home
A.22 Primary language of family at home:

# of children /
pregnant women

a. English
b. Spanish
c. Native Central American, South American, and Mexican Languages (e.g., Mixteco, Quichean.)
d. Caribbean Languages (e.g., Haitian-Creole, Patois)
e. Middle Eastern & South Asian Languages (e.g., Arabic, Hebrew, Hindi, Urdu, Bengali)
f. East Asian Languages (e.g., Chinese, Vietnamese, Tagalog)
g. Native North American/Alaska Native Languages
h. Pacific Island Languages (e.g., Palauan, Fijian)
i. European & Slavic Languages (e.g., German, French, Italian, Croatian, Yiddish, Portuguese, Russian)
j. African Languages (e.g., Swahili, Wolof)
k. Other (e.g., American Sign Language)
1. Specify:
l. Unspecified (language is not known or parents declined identifying the home language)

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Please read transportation questions carefully as responses are required from all programs, including
those that do not provide transportation.

Transportation services
Yes (Y) / No (N)

A.23 Does the program provide transportation to some or all of the enrolled children either directly or
through a formal contractual agreement with a transportation provider?
# of children

a. Number of children for whom transportation is provided


Include only buses purchased or leased with ACF grant funds that were used in the last program year to
support the operation of the Head Start or Early Head Start program

# of buses owned

A.24. Total number of buses owned by the program that were purchased with ACF grant funds and are
currently used to support program operations, regardless of year purchased
a. Of these, the number of buses purchased since last year’s PIR was reported
Yes (Y) / No (N)

A.25 Are any of the buses used by the program leased by the program itself?
# of buses leased

a. Number of buses leased

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This section of the PIR is used to describe all staff involved in the Head Start or Early Head Start program.
Programs should include all staff on the payroll at any time since last year’s PIR was reported.
 If more than one individual held the position during the year, provide information for the person
who was in the position at the time the PIR is reported.
 If the position is vacant at the time the PIR is reported, provide information on the last person to
hold the position during the year.
 Head Start and Early Head Start programs must report separately.
 Grantees and delegate agencies must also report staff separately.
Staff to include or not to include in the PIR counts.
Head Start or Early Head Start Staff - Includes all administrative, management, child
development, content area, and support staff such as custodians, regardless of the
funding source for their salaries or number of hours worked.

May be

Contracted Staff - Includes individuals who are not Head Start or Early Head Start
employees with whom the program has contracted to provide an ongoing service (e.g.,
disabilities specialists and mental health professionals, child care providers, or bus
Substitutes - For PIR purposes, include only those substitutes that replaced a staff
member for an extended period of time. Examples include turnover, maternity, or other
extended leave.
Consultants - Individuals providing short-term services to the program are not to be
counted as staff.
Volunteers, student interns, or trainees are not to be counted as staff.

Staff by type


# of Head Start or
Early Head Start staff

# of contracted staff

B.1 Total number of staff members, regardless of the funding source for
their salary or number of hours worked
a. Of these, the number who are current or former Head Start or Early
Head Start parents
b. Of these, the number who left since last year’s PIR was reported
1. Of these, the number who were replaced
Programs completing the PIR survey for the first time should report the number of staff who left since the program began.

Volunteers by type
# of volunteers


Number of persons providing any volunteer services to the program since last year’s PIR
was reported
a. Of these, the number who are current or former Head Start or Early Head Start parents

Include both classroom and non-classroom volunteers. Count each person only once, regardless of the number of times they have volunteered in the

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Management staff – salaries

Complete the table below for management staff and individual staff persons with lead responsibility for
each content area. Do not use averages.
Annual Salary - Report the staff member’s full annual salary for each position, even if part or all of the
salary is funded by a non-ACF source or if the position is split between programs. Specify the actual
salary per year. Do not annualize this figure if the staff member works less than 12 months of the year.
Report the percentage of the staff member’s salary that is paid by Federal Head Start or Early Head Start
funds. Enter the percentage (%); Do not enter the dollar amount.
For example:
The Program Director’s annual salary is $75,000. One-third of their salary is paid for by the local
school district and two-thirds is paid by Head Start. Report the full annual salary of “$75,000.”
Report the percentage funded by Head Start as “66%.”


Management staff:



Annual salary

% of salary funded by Head
Start or Early Head Start

a. Executive Director



b. Head Start or Early Head Start Director



c. Child Development & Education Manager



d. Health Services Manager



e. Family & Community Partnerships Manager



f. Disability Services Manager



g. Fiscal Officer



Coordination of services

Report the average number of hours per week services managers in the listed positions spend working
with community partners/service providers to plan and implement coordinated services for Head Start
children and families.
Examples include:
 hours a Disability Services Manager spends with LEA officials coordinating how a child’s IEP or
IFSP will be integrated into and supported by the Head Start program;
 time a Health Services Manager spends developing and maintaining partnerships with local
health care providers to assure children have access to services for which they are referred.



On average, the number of hours per week services managers spend coordinating services:

# of hours
per week

a. Child Development & Education Manager
b. Health Services Manager
c. Family & Community Partnerships Manager
d. Disability Services Manager
If more than one person has lead responsibility for the role, provide the combined number of hours per week devoted, on average, to coordinating

2010-2011 PIR Survey Form (Version 1.4 May 13, 2011)

Page 16

Preschool child development staff – qualifications (HS and Migrant programs)

Include ALL preschool child development staff providing direct services to Head Start children, both parttime and full-time, regardless of the funding source for their salaries. Include contracted child
development staff and the child development staff of partnering agencies that provide direct services to
Head Start children.
Count each preschool child development staff person by the highest degree or credential held. Staff
persons that are continuing their education in pursuit of a higher degree or credential should also be
reported in the relevant subsections of that category.
Preschool Child Development Staff - refers to child development staff serving Head Start program
children, as well as child development staff serving Migrant and Seasonal Head Start program children
ages three to five.
Early Childhood Education Degree - Is an associate, baccalaureate, or advanced degree in early
childhood education.
Classroom Teachers - Includes all lead teachers and co-lead teachers.
Assistant Teachers - for preschool classes, this refers to either the second paid staff in the classroom
or, when two teachers are present, the third paid staff working as a teacher aide.
Home-based Visitors - Includes home visitors providing child development services in the home-based
option only, whether or not they also function as family service workers. Family & community partnerships
staff are reported in a separate section.
Family Child Care Providers - Includes the provider of services in his or her place of residence or in
another family-like setting.
Family Child Care Specialist - a child development specialist or other Head Start or delegate agency
staff member with responsibilities related to the provision of comprehensive Head Start and Early Head
Start services delivered in the family child care option.







# of

# of

# of

# of
Child Care

# of Child

# of Homebased

# of
Child Care

B.5 Total number of preschool child
development staff by position

2010-2011 PIR Survey Form (Version 1.4 May 13, 2011)

Page 17







# of

# of

# of Home–

# of Family
Child Care

# of Child

# of Homebased

Of the number of preschool child development staff by
position, the number with the following degrees or

a. An advanced degree in:
1. Early childhood education
2. Any field and coursework equivalent
to a major relating to early childhood
education, with experience teaching
preschool-age children






# of

# of

# of Home–

# of Family
Child Care

# of Child

# of Homebased

Of the number of preschool child development staff by
position, the number with the following degrees or

b. A baccalaureate degree in:
1. Early childhood education
2. Any field and coursework equivalent to
a major relating to early childhood
education with experience teaching
preschool-age children
3. Any field and has been admitted into
and is supported by the Teach for
America program and passed a
rigorous early childhood content exam
Of the preschool child development staff with a
baccalaureate degree in B.5.b.1 through B.5.b.3
above, the number enrolled in:

4. Advanced degree in early childhood
education or in any field and
coursework equivalent to a major
relating to early childhood education

2010-2011 PIR Survey Form (Version 1.4 May 13, 2011)

Page 18







# of

# of

# of Home–

# of Family
Child Care

# of Child

# of HomeBased

Of the number of preschool child development staff by
position, the number with the following degrees or

c. An associate degree in:
1. Early childhood education
2. A field related to early childhood
education and coursework equivalent
to a major relating to early childhood
education with experience teaching
preschool-age children
Of the preschool child development staff with an
associate degree in B.5.c.1 and B.5.c.2 above, the
number enrolled in:

3. A baccalaureate degree program in
early childhood education or in any
field and coursework equivalent to a
major relating to early childhood






# of

# of

# of Home–

# of Family
Child Care

# of Child

# of HomeBased

Of the number of preschool child development staff by
position, the number with the following credentials:

d. A Child Development Associate (CDA)
credential or state-awarded preschool,
infant/toddler, family child care or homebased certification, credential, or licensure
that meets or exceeds CDA requirements
1. Of these, a Child Development
Associate (CDA) credential or stateawarded preschool, infant/toddler, family
child care or home-based certification,
credential, or licensure that meets or
exceeds CDA requirements and that is
appropriate to the option in which they
are working
Of the preschool child development staff with the
credentials in B.5.d above, the number enrolled in:

2. A baccalaureate degree program in
early childhood education or in any
field and coursework equivalent to a
major relating to early childhood
3. An associate degree program in early
childhood education or in a related
field and coursework equivalent to a
major relating to early childhood

2010-2011 PIR Survey Form (Version 1.4 May 13, 2011)

Page 19







# of

# of

# of Home–

# of Family
Child Care

# of Child

# of HomeBased

Of the number of preschool child development staff by

e. The number who do not have the
qualifications listed in B.5.a through B.5.d
Of the preschool child development staff in B.5.e
above, the number enrolled in:

1. A baccalaureate degree program in
early childhood education or in any
field and coursework equivalent to a
major relating to early childhood
2. An associate degree program in early
childhood education or in a related
field and coursework equivalent to a
major relating to early childhood
3. Any type of Child Development
Associate (CDA) credential or stateawarded preschool, infant/toddler,
family child care or home-based
certification, credential, or licensure
that meets or exceeds CDA
requirements and that is appropriate to
the option in which they are working
# of classes

B.6 Total number of center-based option classes serving preschool-aged children
B.7 Number of center-based option classes serving preschool-aged children in which at least one
teacher (excluding assistant teachers) has one of the following:
 An advanced or baccalaureate degree in early childhood education or in any field and
coursework equivalent to a major relating to early childhood education with experience
teaching pre-school age children, or
 A baccalaureate degree and has been admitted into and is supported by the Teach for
America program and passed a rigorous early childhood content exam.
 An associate degree in early childhood education or in a related field and coursework
equivalent to a major relating to early childhood education with experience teaching
preschool-age children
Only include center-based option classes serving preschool-age children; do not include combination option or locally designed option classes serving
preschool-age children; do not include classes serving only infants and toddlers.

2010-2011 PIR Survey Form (Version 1.4 May 13, 2011)

Page 20

Infant and toddler child development staff – qualifications (EHS and Migrant

Includes child development staff, both part-time and full-time, regardless of the funding source for their
salaries, who provide services to infants, toddlers and pregnant women.
Include contracted child development staff and the child development staff of partnering agencies that
provide services to infants, toddlers and pregnant women.
Count each infant and toddler child development staff person by the highest degree or credential held.
Staff persons that are continuing their education in pursuit of a higher degree or credential should also be
reported in the relevant subsections of that category.
Infant and Toddler Child Development Staff - refers to child development staff serving Early Head
Start program children, child development staff serving Migrant and Seasonal Head Start program infants
and/or toddlers, and, where applicable, staff serving pregnant women.
Early Childhood Education Degree - Is an associate, baccalaureate, or advanced degree in early
childhood education.
Classroom Teachers - Includes all lead teachers and co-lead teachers. Each center-based infant and
toddler class must provide one teacher for each group of four children, with a total group size of no more
than eight infants and/or toddlers. All infant and toddler classrooms must be staffed by two teachers.
Assistant Teachers - For infant and toddler classes, this refers to the third paid staff in a center-based
class working as a teacher aide.
Home-based Visitors - Includes home visitors providing child development services in the home-based
option only, whether or not they also function as family service workers. Family & community partnerships
staff are reported in a separate section.
Family Child Care Providers - Includes the provider of services in his or her place of residence or in
another family-like setting.
Family Child Care Specialist - a child development specialist or other Head Start or delegate agency staff
member with responsibilities related to the provision of comprehensive Head Start and Early Head Start services
delivered in the family child care option.







# of

# of

# of

# of
Child Care

# of Child

# of Homebased

# of
Child Care

B.8 Total number of infant and toddler
child development staff by

2010-2011 PIR Survey Form (Version 1.4 May 13, 2011)

Page 21







# of

# of

# of Home–

# of Family
Child Care

# of Child

# of Homebased

Of the number of infant and toddler child development
staff by position, the number with the following degrees or

a. An advanced degree in:
1. Early childhood education with a focus
on infant and toddler development
2. Any field and coursework equivalent to
a major relating to early childhood
education, with experience teaching
infants and/or toddlers






# of

# of

# of Home–

# of Family
Child Care

# of Child

# of Homebased

Of the number of infant and toddler child development
staff by position, the number with the following degrees or

b. A baccalaureate degree in:
1. Early childhood education with a focus
on infant and toddler development
2. Any field and coursework equivalent to
a major relating to early childhood
education with experience teaching
infants and/or toddlers
Of the infant and toddler child development staff
with a baccalaureate degree in B.8.b.1 through
B.8.b.2 above, the number enrolled in:

3. Advanced degree in early childhood
education or in any field and
coursework equivalent to a major
relating to early childhood education
with a focus on infant and toddler

2010-2011 PIR Survey Form (Version 1.4 May 13, 2011)

Page 22







# of

# of

# of Home–

# of Family
Child Care

# of Child

# of HomeBased

Of the number of infant and toddler child development
staff by position, the number with the following degrees or

c. An associate degree in:
1. Early childhood education with a focus
on infant and toddler development
2. A field related to early childhood
education and coursework equivalent
to a major relating to early childhood
education with experience teaching
infants and toddlers
Of the infant and toddler child development staff
with an associate degree in B.8.c.1 and B.8.c.2
above, the number enrolled in:

3. A baccalaureate degree program in
early childhood education or in any
field and coursework equivalent to a
major relating to early childhood
education with a focus on infant and
toddler development

2010-2011 PIR Survey Form (Version 1.4 May 13, 2011)

Page 23







# of

# of

# of Home–

# of Family
Child Care

# of Child

# of HomeBased

Of the number of infant and toddler child development
staff by position, the number with the following

d. A Child Development Associate (CDA)
credential or state-awarded preschool,
infant/toddler, family child care or homebased certification, credential, or licensure
that meets or exceeds CDA requirements
1. Of these, a Child Development
Associate (CDA) credential or stateawarded preschool, infant/toddler, family
child care or home-based certification,
credential, or licensure that meets or
exceeds CDA requirements and that is
appropriate to the option in which they
are working
Of the infant and toddler child development staff
with the credentials in B.6.d above, the number
enrolled in:

2. A baccalaureate degree program in
early childhood education or in any
field and coursework equivalent to a
major relating to early childhood
education with a focus on infant and
toddler development
3. An associate degree program in early
childhood education or in a related
field and coursework equivalent to a
major relating to early childhood
education with a focus on infant and
toddler development

2010-2011 PIR Survey Form (Version 1.4 May 13, 2011)

Page 24







# of

# of

# of Home–

# of Family
Child Care

# of Child

# of HomeBased

Of the number of infant and toddler child development
staff by position:

e. The number who do not have the
qualifications listed in B.8.a through B.8.d
Of the infant and toddler child development staff in
B.8.e above, the number enrolled in:

1. A baccalaureate degree program in
early childhood education or in any
field and coursework equivalent to a
major relating to early childhood
education with a focus on infant and
toddler development
2. An associate degree program in early
childhood education or in a related field
and coursework equivalent to a major
relating to early childhood education
with a focus on infant and toddler
3. Any type of Child Development
Associate (CDA) credential or stateawarded preschool, infant/toddler,
family child care or home-based
certification, credential, or licensure
that meets or exceeds CDA
requirements and that is appropriate to
the option in which they are working

2010-2011 PIR Survey Form (Version 1.4 May 13, 2011)

Page 25


Non-supervisory child development staff members are reported in questions B.9 through B.22.
Do not include supervisory staff (child development supervisors or home-based supervisors).

Child development staff – classroom teacher salary by level of education

Average Annual Salary - Report the average annual salary for classroom teachers with each listed
degree or credential type, even if part or all of their salaries are funded by a non-ACF source. Report the
actual average salaries, not the pay scale for teachers with this degree or credential.

B.9 Classroom teacher salary by level of education:

Average annual salary

a. Advanced degree in early childhood education or related degree


b. Baccalaureate degree in early childhood education or related degree


c. Associate degree in early childhood education or related degree


d. A Child Development Associate (CDA) credential or state-awarded preschool,
infant/toddler, family child care or home-based certification, credential, or licensure that
meets or exceeds CDA requirements


e. Classroom teachers that do not have the qualifications listed in B.9.a through B.9.d


Child development staff – average salary

Average Annual Salary - Report the average annual salary for all staff in each position, even if part or all
of the salary is funded by a non-ACF source or if the position is split between programs. Calculate the
average using actual salary per year. Do not annualize this figure if staff members work less than 12
months of the year.
Average Hourly Rate - Report the average annual salary as an hourly dollar amount. For example, an
average annual of salary of $30,000 in a 36-week, 40-hour per week program equals an average hourly
rate of $20.83.

B.10 Average salary:



Average annual salary

Average hourly rate

a. Classroom teachers



b. Assistant teachers



c. Home-based visitors



d. Family child care providers



2010-2011 PIR Survey Form (Version 1.4 May 13, 2011)

Page 26

Child development staff – ethnicity

Report each non-supervisory child development staff member in both an ethnicity category and a race
category. This includes classroom teachers, assistant teachers, home-based visitors, and family child
care providers.
For example, a staff member that is identified as Black and Cuban will be counted in the “Hispanic or
Latino” ethnicity category and also counted in the “Black or African American” race category.
Hispanic or Latino origin - A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or
other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of their race.
# of non-supervisory
child development staff

B.11 Ethnicity:
a. Hispanic or Latino origin
b. Non-Hispanic or Non-Latino origin

Child development staff – race

American Indian or Alaska Native - A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and
South America or Central America, and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment.
Asian - A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the
Indian subcontinent.
Black or African American - A person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa.
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander - A person having origins in any of the original peoples of
Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.
White - A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.
Bi-Racial/Multi-Racial - A person of 2 or more races.
Other - A person reporting a race other than those listed.
Unspecified - A person whose race is unknown or who declined to identify their race.

B.12 Race:

# of non-supervisory
child development staff

a. American Indian or Alaska Native
b. Asian
c. Black or African American
d. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
e. White
f. Biracial/Multi-racial
g. Other
1. Explain:
h. Unspecified
1. Explain:

2010-2011 PIR Survey Form (Version 1.4 May 13, 2011)

Page 27

Child development staff – language

Report each non-supervisory child development staff member. This includes classroom teachers,
assistant teachers, home-based visitors, and family child care providers.

# of non-supervisory
child development staff

B.13 The number who are proficient in a language(s) other than English
a. Of these, the number who are proficient in more than one language other than English
B.14 Language groups in which staff are proficient:

# of non-supervisory
child development staff

a. Spanish
b. Native Central American, South American, and Mexican Languages (e.g., Mixteco, Quichean.)
c. Caribbean Languages (e.g., Haitian-Creole, Patois)
d. Middle Eastern & South Asian Languages (e.g., Arabic, Hebrew, Hindi, Urdu, Bengali)
e. East Asian Languages (e.g., Chinese, Vietnamese, Tagalog)
f. Native North American/Alaska Native Languages
g. Pacific Island Languages (e.g., Palauan, Fijian)
h. European & Slavic Languages (e.g., German, French, Italian, Croatian, Yiddish, Portuguese, Russian)
i. African Languages (e.g., Swahili, Wolof)
j. Other (e.g., American Sign Language)
1. Specify:
k. Unspecified (language is not known or staff declined identifying the language)

2010-2011 PIR Survey Form (Version 1.4 May 13, 2011)

Page 28

Child development staff – classroom teacher turnover

This item applies to classroom teachers only. Do not include assistant teachers, home-based visitors, or
family child care providers.

# of classroom

B.15 The number of classroom teachers who left the program during the year
Include those who left since last year’s PIR was reported.

B.16 Of these, the number who left for the following reasons:

# of classroom

a. Higher compensation/benefits package in the same field (e.g., teacher left to school
b. Change in job field
c. Other
B.17 Number of classroom teacher vacancies in the program that remained unfilled for a period of
3 months or longer
B.18 Number of classroom teachers hired during the year due to turnover
Count only replacement staff; do not count staff added due to expansion.

Child development staff – home-based visitor turnover

This item applies to home-based visitors only. Do not include family service workers, teachers, or family
child care child development specialists.

# of home-based

B.19 The number of home-based visitors who left the program during the year
Include those who left since last year’s PIR was reported.

B.20 Of these, the number who left for the following reasons:

# of home-based

a. Higher compensation/benefits package in the same field
b. Change in job field
c. Other
B.21 Number of home-based visitor vacancies in the program that remained unfilled for a period of
3 months or longer
B.22 Number of home-based visitors hired during the year due to turnover
Count only replacement staff; do not count staff added due to expansion.

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Page 29

Family & community partnerships staff - qualifications

Include all family service staff, both part-time and full-time, regardless of the funding source for their
Include family service staff shared by Head Start and Early Head Start programs on the PIR of the
program in which the majority of their time is spent.
Count each staff member only once by the highest level of education completed.
Related Degree - Is an advanced degree, baccalaureate degree, or an associate degree with a major in
such fields as social work, sociology, psychology, family studies, counseling, family development, family
systems theory, or human resources development.


# of family workers

# of FCP supervisors

B.23 Total number of family & community partnerships (FCP) staff
B.24 Number of case managers and other staff members who work directly
with families, such as staff with a family caseload
B.25 Of the family & community partnerships staff, the number with the
following education:



# of family workers

# of FCP supervisors

a. A related advanced degree
b. A related baccalaureate degree
c. A related associate degree
d. GED or high school diploma


# of family workers

# of FCP supervisors

B.26 Of the family & community partnerships staff who do not have a related
degree, the number in training leading to a related degree or credential
B.27 Comments on staff shared by Head Start and Early Head Start programs:

2010-2011 PIR Survey Form (Version 1.4 May 13, 2011)

Page 30


Selected items in this section require data to be reported both at the time of enrollment and at the end of
the enrollment year.
Report on ALL children and pregnant women enrolled during the course of the enrollment year in both
columns, including those who left the program and late enrollees.
At Enrollment - The status of the individual enrollee at the time of his or her enrollment (i.e., include the
status of children who enrolled during the enrollment year).
At End of Enrollment - The status of each enrollee at the end of his or her enrollment in the program.
Include the status of those who left the program during the enrollment year.


Health information should be obtained from the medical, dental, and immunization records of all children
and pregnant women enrolled for any length of time since last year’s PIR was reported.
Indian Health Services and Migrant Health Services are not considered health insurance for purposes of
the PIR.
Refer to the State EPSDT schedules – Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment

Medicaid enrolled - The child or pregnant woman has been officially certified as eligible for Medicaid
paid services. The term does not include children or pregnant women who are thought to be eligible
but have not been officially certified. Include children or pregnant women enrolled in Medicaid for any
length of time since last year’s PIR was reported.


Children’s Health Insurance Program - A federal-state partnership administered by the state under
broad federal guidelines. The program may be known as "CHIP" or function under a different name.


CHIP enrolled - The child has been officially certified as eligible to receive services covered by the
Children's Health Insurance Program. Include children enrolled in CHIP for any length of time.

2010-2011 PIR Survey Form (Version 1.4 May 13, 2011)

Page 31

Health insurance – children


Count each child only once



# of children
at enrollment

# of children
at end of
enrollment year

C.1 Number of all children with health insurance
Of these, the number of children whose primary health insurance fits into the following categories:

a. Number enrolled in Medicaid
b. Number enrolled in the Child Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
c. Number enrolled in a combined CHIP/Medicaid Program if the state operates a
Medicaid expansion
d. Number enrolled in state-only funded insurance (for example, medically indigent
e. Number with private health insurance (for example, parent's insurance)
f. Number with health insurance other than those listed above, for example,
Military Health (Tri-Care or CHAMPUS)
1. Specify:


# of children
at enrollment

# of children
at end of
enrollment year

C.2 Number of children with no health insurance

Health insurance - pregnant women (EHS programs)


# of
at enrollment

# of pregnant
women at end of

C.3 Number of pregnant women with at least one type of health insurance
C.4 Number of pregnant women with no health insurance

2010-2011 PIR Survey Form (Version 1.4 May 13, 2011)

Page 32



Medical Home - An ongoing source of continuous, accessible health care.


Medical Treatment - Any service that is required to improve the physical condition of the child,
including all forms of medical follow-up.


Chronic Condition - Health conditions that continue over a long period of time. Examples include
allergies, asthma, hearing loss, diabetes, etc. Include only those enrolled children diagnosed with a
chronic condition that required ongoing medical treatment since last year’s PIR was reported.

Medical home - children


# of children
at enrollment

# of children
at end of
enrollment year

C.5 Number of children with an ongoing source of continuous, accessible health care
C.6 Number of children receiving medical services through the Indian Health Service
C.7 Number of children receiving medical services through a migrant community health

Medical services – children


Include children who left the program, if they were up-to-date when they left the program, when
counting children who are up-to-date on a schedule of age-appropriate preventive and primary health
# of children

C.8 Number of all children who are up-to-date on a schedule of age-appropriate preventive and primary
health care, according to the relevant state’s EPSDT schedule for well child care
a. Of these, the number diagnosed by a health care professional with a chronic condition needing
medical treatment since last year’s PIR was reported
1. Of these, the number who have received or are receiving medical treatment
C.9 Number of all children diagnosed by a health care professional who received medical treatment for
the following chronic health conditions, including those diagnosed prior to this reporting period:

# of children

a. Anemia
b. Asthma
c. Hearing Difficulties
d. Overweight
e. Vision Problems
f. High Lead Levels
g. Diabetes

2010-2011 PIR Survey Form (Version 1.4 May 13, 2011)

Page 33

Immunization services - children


# of children
at enrollment

# of children
at end of
enrollment year

C.10 Number of children who have been determined by a health care professional to
be up-to-date on all immunizations appropriate for their age
C.11 Number of children who have been determined by a health care professional to
have received all immunizations possible at this time, but who have not received
all immunizations appropriate for their age

Pregnant women – services (EHS programs)
C.12 Indicate the number of pregnant women who received the following services while enrolled in EHS:

Prenatal and/or postpartum health care


Mental health interventions and follow up


Substance abuse prevention


Substance abuse treatment


Prenatal education on fetal development


Information on the benefits of breastfeeding

# of
pregnant women

Pregnant women – prenatal health (EHS programs)
C.13 Trimester of pregnancy in which the pregnant women served were enrolled:

# of
pregnant women


a. 1 trimester (0-3 months)

b. 2 trimester (3-6 months)

c. 3 trimester (6-9 months)
C.14 Of the total served, the number whose pregnancies were identified as medically high risk by a
physician or health care provider

2010-2011 PIR Survey Form (Version 1.4 May 13, 2011)

Page 34



Dental Home - An ongoing source of continuous, accessible dental care provided by a dentist.


Dental Services - Include enrollees who left the program, those that re-enrolled, and late enrollees if
they have completed a professional dental examination since last year’s PIR was reported.


Preventive Care - Includes fluoride application, cleaning, sealant application, etc.


Dental Treatment - Includes restoration, pulp therapy, or extraction. It does not include fluoride
application or cleaning.

Dental home – children


# of children
at enrollment

# of children
at end of
enrollment year

C.15 Number of children with continuous, accessible dental care provided by a dentist

Preschool dental services (HS and Migrant programs)

Migrant programs should report on children age 3 and older only when completing this item.

# of children

C.16 Number of children who received preventive care
C.17 Number of all children, including those enrolled in Medicaid or CHIP, who have completed a
professional dental examination since last year’s PIR was reported
a. Of these, the number of children diagnosed as needing treatment since last year’s PIR was
1. Of these, the number of children who have received or are receiving treatment

b. Specify the primary reason that children who needed treatment did not receive it:

Select one
primary reason

1. Health insurance doesn’t cover dental treatment
2. No dental care available in local area
3. Medicaid not accepted by dentist
4. Dentists in the area do not treat 3 – 5 year old children
5. Parents did not keep/make appointment
6. Children left the program before their appointment date
7. Appointment is scheduled for future date
8. Other (please specify):

2010-2011 PIR Survey Form (Version 1.4 May 13, 2011)

Page 35

Infant and toddler preventive dental services (EHS and Migrant programs)

Migrant programs should report on infants and toddlers only when completing this item.

# of children

C.18 Number of all children who are up-to-date on a schedule of age-appropriate preventive and
primary oral health care according to the relevant state’s EPSDT schedule

Pregnant women dental services (EHS programs)
# of pregnant

C.19 Of the number of pregnant women served, the number who received a professional dental
examination(s) and/or treatment since last year’s PIR was reported

Mental health professional

Report the number of hours a mental health professional spent with children, parents and families within
or outside of the classroom, and in training or consultation with Head Start staff.

# of hours

C.20 Average total hours per operating month a mental health professional(s) spends on-site

Mental health services

Do not include routine communication with staff or parents or routine child screenings and assessments.

C.21 Indicate the number of enrolled children who were served by the mental health (MH)
professional(s) since last year’s PIR was reported:

# of children

a. Number of children for whom the MH professional consulted with program staff about the child’s
behavior / mental health
1. Of these, the number for whom the MH professional provided three or more
consultations with program staff since last year’s PIR was reported
b. Number of children for whom the MH professional consulted with the parent(s) / guardian(s)
about their child’s behavior/mental health
1. Of these, the number for whom the MH professional provided three or more consultations
with the parent(s) / guardian(s) since last year’s PIR was reported
c. Number of children for whom the MH professional provided an individual mental health
d. Number of children for whom the MH professional facilitated a referral for mental health

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Mental health referrals
# of children

C.22 Number of children who were referred by the program for mental health services outside of Head
Start since last year’s PIR was reported
a. Of these, the number who received mental health services since last year’s PIR was reported

Preschool disabilities services (HS and Migrant programs)
# of children

C.23 Number of children enrolled in the program who have an Individualized Education Program (IEP)
indicating they have been determined eligible by the LEA to receive special education and related
a. Of these, the number who were determined eligible to receive special education and related

# of children

1. Prior to enrollment into the program for this enrollment year
2. During this enrollment year
b. Of these, the number who have not received special education and related services

Infant and toddler Part C early intervention services (EHS and Migrant programs)
# of children

C.24 Number of children enrolled in the program who have an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)
indicating they have been determined eligible by the Part C Agency to receive early intervention
services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
a. Of these, the number who were determined eligible to receive early intervention services:

# of children

1. Prior to enrollment into the program for this enrollment year
2. During this enrollment year
b. Of these, the number who have not received early intervention services under IDEA

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Preschool primary disabilities (HS and Migrant programs)

Migrant Programs should report on children age 3 and older only when completing this item.
Report the number of children with an Individualized Education Program (IEP), enrolled during this
enrollment year, whose primary or most significant disability was determined by a multidisciplinary team
to be one of the following disabilities.
Report each child only once, by primary disability.
The multiple disabilities category should be used rarely; only when children have a combination of
impairments so severe that they cannot be addressed in special education programs provided for
children with only one of the impairments.

C.25 Diagnosed primary disability:



# of children
determined to
have this disability

# of children
receiving special

a. Health impairment
b. Emotional/behavioral disorder
c. Speech or language impairments
d. Mental retardation
e. Hearing impairment, including deafness
f. Orthopedic impairment
g. Visual impairment, including blindness
h. Learning disabilities
i. Autism
j. Traumatic brain injury
k. Non-categorical/developmental delay
l. Multiple disabilities, including deaf-blind

Preschool kindergarten transition (HS and Migrant programs)
# of children

C.26 Of the number of children enrolled in Head Start at the end of the current enrollment year, the
number projected to be entering kindergarten in the following school year

Infant and toddler transition (EHS programs)
C.27 Number of children aging out of the Early Head Start program and entering:

# of children

a. Head Start program
b. Other early childhood program

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The Head Start Act requires all children to receive a developmental, sensory, and behavioral screening
within 45 days of entering the program, in order to determine if further evaluation is needed. If a child was
enrolled in Head Start as a three-year-old, received the screening, and is returning to Head Start as a
four-year-old, that child does NOT need to be re-screened (see Policy Clarification OHS-PC-C-002).
This question asks about the initial screenings within 45 days of entry for children who are enrolled in the
program for the first time. These screenings may take place prior to the child receiving services, for
example, developmental screening of children during summer months before classes start at the
beginning of fall.
This does not include ongoing screenings that children may receive as part of their regularly scheduled
EPSDT visits nor does it include ongoing assessment of children’s health and development.
Report on ALL children enrolled for the first time, including children who were screened but then left the
program prior to 45 days.
# of children

C.28 Number of all newly enrolled children who completed required screenings within 45 days for
developmental, sensory, and behavioral concerns since last year’s PIR was reported
a. Of these, the number identified as needing follow-up assessment or formal evaluation to
determine if the child has a disability
C.29 The instrument(s) used by the program for developmental screening:
Enter primary tool first


a. Enter name/title
b. Enter name/title
c. Enter name/title
Common titles have been pre-populated for your convenience, which will appear in a dropdown box as you begin to type the name of the screening
tool. If available, please select the appropriate title with your cursor from the dropdown box, to help ensure consistency in reporting. If your screening
instrument is not available in common titles, please enter the title in its entirety. The Office of Head Start does not endorse specific screening tools.

C.30 Approach or tool(s) used by the program to support ongoing child assessment:
Enter primary tool first


Locally designed
Yes (Y) / No (N)

a. Enter name/title and
if locally designed
b. Enter name/title and
if locally designed
c. Enter name/title and
if locally designed
Common titles have been pre-populated for your convenience, which will appear in a dropdown box as you begin to type the name of the assessment
tool. If available, please select the appropriate title with your cursor from the dropdown box, to help ensure consistency in reporting. If your
assessment tool is not available in common titles, please enter the title in its entirety. The Office of Head Start does not endorse specific assessment

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EHS programs:
If no specific curriculum is used for pregnant women services (C.31.d), leave the item blank.

C.31 Curriculum used by the program:
a. For center-based services:
Enter curriculum used as primary
foundation first


Locally designed
Yes (Y) / No (N)

1. Enter name/title
and if locally
2. Enter name/title
and if locally
3. Enter name/title
and if locally
Common titles have been pre-populated for your convenience, which will appear in a dropdown box as you begin to type the name of the curriculum.
If available, please select the appropriate title with your cursor from the dropdown box, to help ensure consistency in reporting. If your curriculum is
not available in common titles, please enter the title in its entirety. The Office of Head Start does not endorse specific curricula.

b. For family child care services:
Enter curriculum used as primary
foundation first


Locally designed
Yes (Y) / No (N)

1. Enter name/title
and if locally
2. Enter name/title
and if locally
3. Enter name/title
and if locally
Common titles have been pre-populated for your convenience, which will appear in a dropdown box as you begin to type the name of the curriculum.
If available, please select the appropriate title with your cursor from the dropdown box, to help ensure consistency in reporting. If your curriculum is
not available in common titles, please enter the title in its entirety. The Office of Head Start does not endorse specific curricula.

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c. For home-based services:
Enter curriculum used as primary
foundation first


Locally designed
Yes (Y) / No (N)

1. Enter name/title
and if locally
2. Enter name/title
and if locally
3. Enter name/title
and if locally
Common titles have been pre-populated for your convenience, which will appear in a dropdown box as you begin to type the name of the curriculum.
If available, please select the appropriate title with your cursor from the dropdown box, to help ensure consistency in reporting. If your curriculum is
not available in common titles, please enter the title in its entirety. The Office of Head Start does not endorse specific curricula.

d. For pregnant women services:
Enter curriculum used as primary
foundation first


Locally designed
Yes (Y) / No (N)

1. Enter name/title
and if locally
2. Enter name/title
and if locally
3. Enter name/title
and if locally
Common titles have been pre-populated for your convenience, which will appear in a dropdown box as you begin to type the name of the curriculum.
If available, please select the appropriate title with your cursor from the dropdown box, to help ensure consistency in reporting. If your curriculum is
not available in common titles, please enter the title in its entirety. The Office of Head Start does not endorse specific curricula.

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The following questions refer to the families of children and pregnant women enrolled in Head Start and
Early Head Start.
Parents - Include the biological or non-biological person(s) identified as the primary caregiver(s).
Include, for example, custodial grandparents, stepparents, guardians, and foster parents.

Number of families

Count families, not children. Families with more than one child enrolled should be counted only once.
Count dual-custody families as two families.

# of families
at enrollment

C.32 Total number of families:
a. Of these, the number of two-parent families
b. Of these, the number of single-parent families


Count each family only once in the appropriate category according to their employment status at the time
of enrollment.

C.33 Of the number of two-parent families, the number of families in which:

# of families
at enrollment

a. Both parents/guardians are employed
b. One parent/guardian is employed
c. Both parents/guardians are not working (i.e. unemployed, retired, or disabled)
C.34 Of the number of single-parent families, the number of families in which:

# of families
at enrollment

a. The parent/guardian is employed
b. The parent/guardian is not working (i.e. unemployed, retired, or disabled)

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Federal or other assistance
# of families
at enrollment

C.35 Total number of families receiving any cash benefits or other services under the Federal
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program
C.36 Total number of families receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
C.37 Total number of families receiving services under the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)

Job training/school

Count each family only once in the appropriate category according to their status at the time of

C.38 Of the number of two-parent families, the number of families in which:

# of families
at enrollment

a. Both parents/guardians are in job training or school
b. One parent/guardian is in job training or school
c. Neither parent/guardian is in job training or school
C.39 Of the number of single-parent families, the number of families in which:

# of families
at enrollment

a. The parent/guardian is in job training or school
b. The parent/guardian is not in job training or school


Count each family only once. For example, if one parent completed high school and one has an
associate degree, count this family once under associate degree.

C.40 Of the total number of families, the highest level of education obtained by the child’s parent(s) /

# of families

a. An advanced degree or baccalaureate degree
b. An associate degree, vocational school, or some college
c. A high school graduate or GED
d. Less than high school graduate

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Family services

Families may be counted in more than one category if more than one type of service was received.
Include families that received services directly through the program or through program referrals.

C.41 The number of families who received the following services since last year’s PIR was reported:

# of families

a. Emergency/crisis intervention such as meeting immediate needs for food, clothing, or shelter
b. Housing assistance such as subsidies, utilities, repairs, etc.
c. Mental health services
d. English as a Second Language (ESL) training
e. Adult education such as GED programs and college selection
f. Job training
g. Substance abuse prevention or treatment
h. Child abuse and neglect services
i. Domestic violence services
j. Child support assistance
k. Health education
l. Assistance to families of incarcerated individuals
m. Parenting education
n. Marriage education
C.42 Of these, the number that received at least one of the services listed above

Father involvement
Yes (Y) / No (N)

C.43 Does the program have organized and regularly scheduled activities designed to involve fathers /
father figures?
# of children

a. Number of enrolled children whose fathers / father figures participated in these activities

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Homelessness services

Homeless - The lack of a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. See Policy Clarification
OHS – PC – I – 081 What is the definition of “homeless children”? for more information.

# of families

C.44 Total number of families experiencing homelessness that were served during the enrollment year
# of children

C.45 Total number of children experiencing homelessness that were served during the enrollment year
# of families

C.46 Total number of families experiencing homelessness that acquired housing during the enrollment

Collaboration Agreements
Local education agency (LEA)
# of LEAs

C.47 Number of LEAs in the program’s service area
C.48 Number of formal agreements the program has with LEAs:

# of formal

a. To coordinate services for children with disabilities
b. To coordinate transition services

Public school pre-kindergarten programs
Yes (Y) / No (N)

C.49 Does the program have formal collaboration and resource sharing agreements with public school
pre-kindergarten programs?
# of formal

a. If yes, the number of formal agreements in which the program is currently participating

Part C agencies
# of Part C

C.50 Number of Part C agencies in the program’s service area
# of formal

a. Number of formal agreements the program has with Part C agencies to coordinate services for
children with disabilities
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Link to where
referenced in
this document

Top of the

enrollment by

Link as referenced
in this document

URL or Mail To Address for Link

All programs are required to submit PIR data electronically
using the Head Start Enterprise System (HSES), located at

PIR Guidance and Reference materials, as well as,
Frequently Asked Questions are available at

Please contact the HSES Help Desk at or (866) 771-4737 if you require
assistance with reporting.

45 CFR 1306 Head Start Staffing
Requirements and Program Options

Section 645(a)(1)(B)(iii)(I)
Type of

Section 645(a)(1)(B)(iii)(II)
Section 645(d)

Section 645(a)(2)
Centers and

45 CFR 1309 Head Start Facilities
Purchase, Major Renovation and


Early and Periodic Screening,
Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT)


Policy Clarification OHS-PC-C-002


OHS – PC – I – 081 What is the
definition of “homeless children”?

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2011-05-13
File Created2011-05-13

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