PRA Review: Q-CCIIT Project
PRA Review: Q-CCIIT Project
Response to Comments on Supporting Statements:
Part A
The Q-CCIIT measure is designed to be used in early care and learning settings serving infants and toddlers, both by the Early Head Start program and by the wider child care research and provider community. One of the project's tasks is the development of a plan for sustainability and dissemination of the measure to support its usefulness. This plan is anticipated to be completed in 2013 after psychometrics on the Q-CCIIT measure have been documented.
The Q-CCIIT measure is specifically designed to focus on caregiver interactions with infants and toddlers, which may require approaches that are different from interactions with older children. The Q-CCIIT measure will use key developmental constructs and a scale range similar to other measures, which may facilitate the administration of multiple measures in mixed-age settings. Although the areas of caregiver interaction (caregiver support for the domains of child development) parallel many of those for older children, the levels and descriptors of caregiver behaviors will be based on the developmental needs of infants and toddlers rather than older children in the setting. Thus, the Q-CCIIT measure does not have a direct extension for older children.
This approximately two-hour time frame was indicated in order to allow for introductions and explanation of the purposes of the focus group, in addition to an activity (designed to elicit evidence of the face validity of the ordering of items) and time for discussion. The session will conclude with a 5-minute demographic questionnaire for focus-group participants on topics such as type of setting (center-based or FCC), work experience, and race/ethnicity, so that we can capture the range of respondent characteristics.
Yes, we agree, and we will be collecting information about exposure to the caregivers and setting.
Yes, these parent questionnaires were selected because they have evidence of associations both with other observational measures as well as with direct assessments of children. For example, according to Squires, Clifford, and Twombly (personal communication, 2007) domain scores from the ASQ:IT were significantly correlated (r = .75 - .94, p < .01) with scores from the Battelle Developmental Inventory, 2nd Edition (BDI-2), a direct assessment.
Total scores on the CDI were significantly related to the PLS total (r = .63) while the CDI Words and Gestures subtest has demonstrated relations ranging from .51 to .87 with the PPVT-III, the PLS, the Reynell DLS, and the Language Sample Number of Different Words. The CDI Words and Sentences subtest was correlated .40 to .88 with the Bayley Expressive subtest, the EOWPVT, the SICD-R, the PLS, PPVT, and Reynell DLS expressive subtest (Fenson et al., 2007; Fenson, Pethick, Renda, & Cox, 2000; Kisker et al., 2003).
BITSEA scores correlated significantly with evaluator ratings of behavioral competence and predicted CBCL and ITSEA problem and competence scores one year later (Briggs-Gowen, Carter, Irwin, Wachtel, Cicchetti, 2004). Further, ITSEA competence scores related positively to the Vineland composite score (r = .58) and ITSEA Externalizing scores related negatively to the Vineland (r = -.26; Carter, Briggs-Gowan, Jones, and Little, 2003). Carter and colleagues (Carter, Briggs-Gowen, Jones, & Little, 2003) also found significant relations between the ITSEA domains and the CBCL (.21 to .73); the Colorado Child Temperment Inventory (CCTI; .08 to .57); and the Beck Anxiety Inventory and CES-D (.12 to .29).
The Q-CCIIT observations will be completed at only one time point, with child competencies measured both concurrently with those observations and at a 6-month follow-up. The research question we seek to answer is whether the quality of the setting is related to child growth over this 6-month interval. The repeat observations mentioned on page B-4 are for test-retest reliability purposes, in order to check the stability of the instrument. They are scheduled to occur approximately 2 weeks after the initial observations, and we do not expect substantial change in the composition of classrooms over this 2-week period.
Also, be sensitive to including competencies that are for children up to 42 months old. The sample is designed to measure relationships for children from birth to 36 months. By the of the 6 month lag, some children who were 36 months old during the first set of measures will be 42 months old.
For the purposes of measuring child competencies, we propose to include children up to age 30 months at the initial time point, who would be no greater than 36 months at the 6-month interval. Our focus is on children in the infant/toddler age range, not on older children.
Our sampling plan is designed to yield a range of settings with important characteristics of interest, such as program-based, community-based, center-based, family child care homes, age-specific, and mixed age. Unfortunately, we are not aware of information that would be available at the level of a geographic location that would allow us to construct a sampling frame and stratify more formally. We will make every effort to obtain access to settings across the quality spectrum, but we may in fact have difficulty gaining access to lower-quality settings, as is common in other studies of child care. If there are national, regional, or local databases with such information available through new studies, we would be happy to make use of them in our sampling approach.
We appreciate this suggestion and will identify the appropriate person from NCES to invite.
In our experience, gift cards are a preferred approach to respondent incentive payments over checks or cash. They do not require a SSN, do not expire, do not require check-cashing fees, can be carefully tracked, and are well-received by respondents.
We will modify our respondent payment to caregivers for setting observation and completion of background questionnaires to $25 per observation.
We will make this change from “guarantee” to “assurance.”
Part B
Although the target population of interest is from birth through 36 months of age, for the purposes of measuring child competencies, we will focus on children who are up to 30 months at the time of observation, and follow-up at a 6-month interval.
The repeat observations mentioned on page B-4 are for test-retest reliability purposes, in order to check the stability of the instrument. They are scheduled to occur approximately 2 weeks after the initial observations, and we do not expect substantial change in the composition of classrooms over this 2-week period.
Given the strong and continuing influence of the family on child development, classroom observations typically exhibit weak correlations to child outcomes. Although higher correlations are found when disadvantaged samples are examined (Burchinal, Roberts, Riggins, Zeisel, Neebe, and Bryant 2000), the influence of the family advantages (and possibly peer effects) is strong, In addition, continuity of care is not widely practiced and infants and toddlers may be in care for varying amounts of time. Frequently, infants and toddlers are in a particular classroom fewer than 6 months before being moved to the next setting.
Bivariate relations between parent- or teacher-report measures and classroom observation measures are generally less than 0.15. Direct assessments have a stronger, though still weak, relation with classroom observations. Within the NICHD-SECC sample (705<n<435), the zero-order correlations of the ORCE quality score with the BSID MDI were 0.12 at 15 months and 0.25 at 24 months (NICHD-ECCRN 2000). At 36 months, the correlation of the ORCE quality score with the Bracken was 0.23, and the correlations with the Reynell Vocabulary Comprehension and Expressive Language were 0.25 and 0.16, respectively. The parent report measures (CDI, CBCL) employed in this sample had weaker relations with the ORCE (zero-order correlations range from 0.02 to 0.17 across the time points) (NICHHD-ECCRN 2000; Burchinal, personal communication, February 1, 2011).
The design
effects presented in this table, and incorporated into the effective
sample size and minimum detectable correlation calculations, reflect
the impact of within-classroom clustering on the variance of
estimates. The formula for the design effect is 1 + ICC
where the ICC is the intraclass correlation coefficient, and n is the
average number of children per classroom. The ICC is the proportion
of the total variance that is accounted for by between-classroom (as
opposed to within-classroom) variation. If there were no clustering
effect within classrooms, then there would be no homogeneity of
children within classrooms, and ICC = 0 and the design effect = 1. As
the ICC increases, it reflects some level of homogeneity of children
within classroom, meaning that the effective sample size of children
is less than the nominal sample size. We assumed an ICC value of 0.1
in these calculations.
If the latter, are there plans to determine if the 45 minute instrument could in any way meaningfully be paired back to 5 minutes for insertion into other studies? Something like this is not central for this particular study, but the analysis could be useful for others.
The parent questionnaire is intended solely for validation of the Q-CCIIT measure.
Response to Comments on Instruments:
We will make the requested changes. Please supply the new template for race questions; we have been following a previously approved template.
We will remove the “other specify” line under Pacific Islander. If it is possible to include, we would like to replace it with “Another race (please specify).”
We provided the content of the questionnaires using the spreadsheet format to allow for ease of amendment, as needed. Once the final questions are decided upon, we will prepare these for self-administered format, and include additional information such as the Paperwork Reduction Act statement, OMB number, burden, and assurances of confidentiality.
Please note that Appendix E contains Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), caregiver recruitment and consent materials, and parent notification and consent materials. If needed, we can also supply recruitment scripts used for telephone calls.
Briggs-Gowan, M. J., Carter, A. S., Irwin, J. R., Wachtel, K., & Cicchetti, D. V. (2004). The brief infant-toddler social and emotional assessment: Screening for social-emotional problems and delays in competence. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 29(2), 143-155.
Burchinal, M. R., & Roberts, J. E. (2000). Relating quality of center-based child care to early cognitive and language development longitudinally. Child Development, 71(2), 339.
Carter, A.S., Briggs-Gowan, M.J., Jones, S.M., & Little, T.D. (2003). The Infant-Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment (ITSEA): Factor structure, reliability, and validity. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 31(5), 495-514.
Fenson, L., Marchman, V.A., Thal, D.J, Dale, P.S., Reznick, J.S., & Bates, E. (2007). MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories, User’sGuide and Technical Manual, Second Edition. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing.
Fenson, L., Pethick, S., Renda, C., & Cox, J.L. (2000). Short-form versions of the MacArthur Communicative Development Inventories. Applied Psycholinguistics, 21(1), 95-115.
Kisker, E.E., Boller, K., Nagatoshi, C., Sciarrino, C., Jethwani, V., Zavitsky, T., Ford, M., & Love, J. (2003). Resources for measuring services and outcomes in Head Start programs serving infants and toddlers. Washington, D.C.: Mathematica Policy Research.
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Early Child Care Research Network. (2000). The relation of child care to cognitive and language development. Child Development, 71(4), pp. 960-980.
File Type | application/msword |
Author | Louisa Tarulla |
Last Modified By | Bridget C.E. Dooling |
File Modified | 2011-08-31 |
File Created | 2011-08-31 |