Survey of State Criminal History Information Systems, 20

Survey of State Criminal History Information Systems, 2006

2006 Repository Survey

Survey of State Criminal History Information Systems, 2006

OMB: 1121-0312

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Survey of State Criminal History Information Systems,


Those of you who have responded to the survey in past years will notice major changes in both process and format, the most significant being that your submissions will be input and collected online. Some questions have been added, while others have been deleted in order to more precisely track developing trends over time. To assist the repositories, the survey has been divided into twelve sections, each of which may be submitted independently and not necessarily in the order presented. This was done so that different people on each repository’s staff may submit the data for which their section is responsible. Repository directors will still be responsible to see that the survey is submitted in its entirety. These survey revisions are due, in part, to responses to our request for suggestions and changes.

Please make note of the following:

  1. All questions refer to criminal records of adult offenders, including juveniles tried as adults.

  2. The term “felony” includes any crime classified as a felony under your state’s laws. If your state’s laws do not use the term “felony,” please substitute functional equivalents, such as class 1, 2, 3 and 4 offenses in New Jersey and class A, B and C offenses in Maine.

  3. Questions which seek responses based on a “legal requirement,” refer only to a state statute or a state administrative regulation having the force of law.

  4. If your state has done an audit, please use audit figures, and indicate such figures with an “A.”

  5. If additional space is needed, please use the “Additional Comments” area at the end of each section.

  6. If a question is not applicable to your repository, please indicate “NA” in the “Additional Comments” area at the end of each section.




This section completed by

Name ___________________________ Title ____________________________

Agency ____________________________________________________________

Phone __________________________ Email ____________________________

Date Completed _____________________________________________________

The following questions relate to descriptions of your criminal history record information and master name index databases:

  1. How many subjects (individual offenders) were in your criminal history file as of
    December 31, 2006?

    Automated Records ________________ (Include subjects whose records are partially automated)
    Manual Records ________________

    Total Records ________________

  2. (a) Fingerprints processed in 2006:

Purpose Number Percentage of 2006 volume

Criminal ____________ ____________

Non-Criminal ____________ ____________

Non-Criminal retained ____________

(b) What was the total number of fingerprint-based background checks conducted during 2006?

_______ checks

  1. (a) What was the total number of non-criminal justice fingerprint-based background checks conducted during 2006?

    (b) What was the total number of non-criminal fingerprints retained for future reference as of
    December 31, 2006? __________

(c) What percentage of non-criminal prints were retained in 2006? _______%

(d) Non-criminal justice fingerprints represent ________ percent of the total fingerprints maintained by the state criminal history repository.

(e) Percentage of criminal history database? ______%

(f) Percentage of criminal prints submitted via LiveScan? ________ %

(g) Percentage of non-criminal prints submitted via LiveScan? ________ %

  1. (a) What percentage of arrest events (case cycles) in your automated criminal history file are

supported by fingerprints? _______ %

(b) If less than 100%, check all that apply.

State law and/or policy does not require all arrest information to be supported by fingerprints
Arrest information is entered from final dispositions which are not supported by fingerprints
Arrest information might be entered from criminal summonses or cite & release situations,

which are not supported by fingerprints

 Arrest reported with fingerprints, but subsequently purged by law or court order
Prior manual records are only automated upon receipt of new information
Other __________________________________________________________

  1. (a) Do you currently have felony flagging capability, i.e., does your criminal history record database include a data field or flag enabling you to quickly determine whether a given record subject has a felony conviction?

    Yes, all subjects with felony convictions
    Yes, some subjects with felony convictions

    (b) If any yes response above, when is the flag set?

    When arrest information is entered
    When conviction information is entered
    At both arrest and conviction
    Other __________________________________________________________

    (c) In addition to felony flagging, do you also flag for IFS (Identification in Firearm)?

    Yes, all subjects with felony convictions
    Yes, some subjects with felony convictions

    (d) If any yes response above, when is the flag set?

    When arrest information is entered
    When conviction information is entered
    At both arrest and conviction
    Other __________________________________________________________

  1. (a) If subjects with felony convictions are not presently flagged (or if not all of them are flagged), does your criminal history record database contain sufficient information to enable identification of unflagged previously-recorded felony convictions for flag-setting purposes?

    Yes, all previously-recorded unflagged felony convictions
    Yes, some previously-recorded unflagged felony convictions

    (b) Are all new felony convictions being flagged?


    (c) If no, does your criminal history record database contain sufficient information to enable identification and flagging all new felony convictions?





This section completed by

Name ___________________________ Title ____________________________

Agency ____________________________________________________________

Phone __________________________ Email ____________________________

Date Completed _____________________________________________________

  1. How many felony arrests were reported during calendar year 2006?

    ____________ arrests

  2. (a) In 2006, what was the average time elapsed between the occurrence of a felony arrest and the receipt of the fingerprints and arrest data by the repository?

    ____________ days or __________ hours or Unknown

(b) In 2006, what was the average time elapsed between receipt of felony arrest fingerprints by the repository and entry of identification data into the master name index?

____________ days or __________ hours or Unknown

(c) In 2006, what was the average time elapsed between receipt of felony arrest fingerprints by the repository and entry of identification data into the criminal history database?

____________ days or __________ hours or Unknown

  1. (a) In 2006, what was the average time elapsed between occurrence of non-felony arrest and the receipt of the fingerprints and arrest data by the repository?

    ____________ days or __________ hours or Unknown

    (b) In 2006, what was the average time elapsed between the receipt of non-felony arrest fingerprints by the repository and entry of identification data into the master name index?

    ____________ days or __________ hours or Unknown

    (c) In 2006, what was the average time elapsed between the receipt of non-felony arrest fingerprints by the repository and entry of arrest data into the criminal history database?

    ____________ days or __________ hours or Unknown

  2. How many fingerprints were submitted to the repository via LiveScan during 2006?

    ____________ criminal justice

    ____________ non-criminal justice

  3. (a) How many law enforcement agencies are in your state?

    ____________ agencies

    (b) Of those agencies, how many report arrest data by automated means?

    ____________ agencies

    (c) What are the four largest arresting agencies in your state, and what percentage of statewide arrests are processed by each of those four agencies?

    Agency Name Percent of statewide Are arrests reported
    arrests processed via LiveScan devices?

    ______________________________ ____________% Yes No

    ______________________________ ____________% Yes No

    ______________________________ ____________% Yes No

    ______________________________ ____________% Yes No

  4. (a) As of December 31, 2006, was there a backlog of arrest data to be entered into the criminal history database?


    (b) If yes, how many unprocessed or partially processed arrest data or fingerprint cards (work backlog) did you have at that time?


    (c) How many person-days would it take to eliminate that backlog?

    ____________ person-days

  1. (a) As of December 31, 2006, was there a backlog of arrest data to be entered into the AFIS database?


(b) If yes, how many unprocessed or partially processed fingerprint cards (work backlog) did you have at that time?


(c) How many person-days would it take to eliminate that backlog?

____________ person-days

  1. (a) Is there a legal requirement that arresting agencies submit fingerprints and arrest data for all felony arrests to the repository?

    Yes, statutorily required
    Yes, submission required by policy, administrative rule or regulation

    (b) Is there a legal requirement that arresting agencies submit fingerprints and arrest data for all non-felony arrests to the repository?

    Yes, statutorily required
    Yes, submission required by policy, administrative rule or regulation

  2. What biometric information does your repository accept? Check all that apply.

    Rolled ten-prints
    Latent fingerprints
    Flat prints
    2-Finger prints for identification purposes
    2-Finger prints for updating incarceration or release identification
    Palm prints
    Facial images / mug shots

 Scars, Marks, and Tattoo images
Facial Recognition Data
1- or 2-Finger prints for updating disposition information

  1. (a) As of December 31, 2006, how many images of scars, marks, and tattoos did you have in

your repository database?


(b) As of December 31, 2006, how many facial images or booking photos did you have in your repository database?


(c) As of December 31, 2006, how many palm print images did you have in your repository database?




This section completed by

Name ___________________________ Title ____________________________

Agency ____________________________________________________________

Phone __________________________ Email ____________________________

Date Completed _____________________________________________________

1. (a) Does the repository or some other agency perform random sample audits of contributing

agencies to ensure accuracy and completeness of repository records, and to ensure that the

agencies comply with applicable laws and regulations? Check all that apply:

Number of Law Enforcement / Criminal Justice agencies audited in 2006 ____________
Number of Courts audited in 2006 ____________
Number of Non-criminal justice entities audited in 2006 ____________
Number of Others audited ____________

Please identify: _____________________________________________________________

No audits performed

(b) By whom / what agency were the audits conducted?

Repository Function
State Police
Judicial Agency
State Accounting Office
Other State Agency __________________________________________________________
Other _____________________________________________________________________

2. (a) Has an audit of the repository’s computerized criminal history database (other than ongoing

systematic sampling) been conducted within the past five years to determine the level of accuracy and completeness of the criminal history record file?


(b) If such an audit has been conducted, what was the date of the last audit?


(c) What period of time was covered by that audit?

____________ to ____________

(d) By whom / what agency was that audit conducted?

Internal Repository Function
State Police
Judicial Agency
State Accounting Office
Other State Agency __________________________________________________________
Other _____________________________________________________________________

(e) Were any changes made as a result of the audit to improve data quality? Check all that apply.

Audit functions / procedures
Automation conversion / redesign / enhancements
Disposition / arrest reporting procedures / enhancements
Felony flagging
Fingerprint card / system conversion / enhancements
Inter-agency / local agency interface
Plan / strategy development
Task force / advisory group establishment
Training seminars / policy and procedures manuals
Other _____________________________________________________________________

(f) If there is a URL or other source that may be accessed to view the results of your audit, please provide: ________________________________________________________________

  1. What procedures does the repository employ to prevent the entry and storage of inaccurate data, and to detect and correct inaccurate entries? Check all that apply.

    Manual review of incoming source documents or reports
    Computer edit and verification programs
    Manual review of the criminal history record before dissemination
    Random sample comparisons of repository files with stored source documents
    Error lists returned to reporting agencies
    Other _____________________________________________________________________

  2. (a) What back-up recovery practices or technologies are used for computerized criminal history database?

    Mirroring System
    Routine back-up every ______________________ Days Weeks Months (circle one)

 Other _____________________________________________________________________

(b) What back-up recovery practices or technologies are used for the AFIS database?

Mirroring system
Routine back-up every _____________________ Days Weeks Months (circle one)
Other _____________________________________________________________________

  1. Are any initiatives to improve data quality currently under way?

    Automation conversion / redesign / enhancements
    Disposition / arrest reporting procedures / enhancements
    Felony flagging
    Fingerprint card / system conversion / enhancements
    Inter-agency / local agency interface
    Plan / strategy development
    Task force / advisory group establishment
    Training seminars / policy and procedures manuals

 None at this time
Other _____________________________________________________________________



This section completed by

Name ___________________________ Title ____________________________

Agency ____________________________________________________________

Phone __________________________ Email ____________________________

Date Completed _____________________________________________________

  1. Is your state an AFIS partner with one or more states?


    Is so, please list the names of your partner states: ____________________________________

  2. As of December 31, 2006 was your state enhancing, upgrading or redesigning its computerized criminal history database system?


  3. As of December 31, 2006 was your state enhancing, upgrading or redesigning its AFIS database system?


  1. As of December 31, 2006 in what phase was your enhancement / upgrade?

Planning phase / securing funding
Drafting or finalizing specifications / RFP
Reviewing bids or proposals
Implementation and testing phase

  1. Who was your AFIS vendor as of December 31, 2006?

    Lockheed –Martin
    Sagem Morpho
    Other _____________________________________________________________________



This section completed by

Name ___________________________ Title ____________________________

Agency ____________________________________________________________

Phone __________________________ Email ____________________________

Date Completed _____________________________________________________

The following questions seek to determine to what extent the records in your criminal history record database contain final disposition information. (Final Disposition is defined as release by police after charging, decline to proceed by prosecutor, or final trial court disposition)

  1. (a) How many final case dispositions were received by the repository during 2006?

    ____________ dispositions

    (b) Of those, how many were sent to the FBI?

    ____________ dispositions sent to the FBI

    (c) Of the dispositions forwarded to the FBI, what percent were sent by Machine Readable Data (MRD)?

    ____________ %

    (d) What percent were sent via hard copy / paper?

    ____________ %

    (e) What percent were sent by other than MRD or hard copy?

    ____________ %

  2. What percentage of all arrests in the criminal history database have had final dispositions recorded?

    __________% Arrests entered within past five years

    __________% Arrests in entire database

  3. (a) In 2006, what percentage of dispositions were submitted to the state criminal history repository?

    ___________ % by local agencies

    ___________ % by state court administrators office or other state entity

    (b) Of those in 3(a) above, what percent were submitted electronically?

    ____________ % from local agencies

    ____________ % from state court administrators office or other state entity

  4. Of the dispositions received at the repository during the year 2006, what percentage could not be linked to a specific arrest record?

    ____________ %

  5. What procedures does your repository employ to encourage complete disposition reporting?

    Periodic generation of lists of arrests in the criminal history database for which final

dispositions have not been reported
Notices to criminal justice agencies
Field visits to courts
Field visits to arresting agencies
Field visits to prosecutors
Form letters
Telephone calls
Conferences / workshops / meetings
Other _____________________________________________________________________

  1. Please provide a list of any other procedures that your repository used to track missing disposition information during 2006.

    ______________________________________ __________________________________
    ______________________________________ __________________________________
    ______________________________________ __________________________________
    ______________________________________ __________________________________
    ______________________________________ __________________________________

  1. How is disposition information associated with arrest / charge information in your state’s criminal history record database? Check all that apply to each system shown.

    Automated Manual System By: System

    Unique tracking number for individual subject
    Unique arrest event identifier
    Unique charge identifier
    Arrest date
    Subject name
    Date of birth
    Social Security Number
    Reporting agency ORI
    Unique state case number
    FBI number
    Name and reporting agency case number
    Other means (please specify)
    ________________________________ ______________________________

  1. Do the methods utilized by your repository for linking disposition information and arrest / charge information permit the linking of dispositions to particular charges?




This section completed by

Name ___________________________ Title ____________________________

Agency ____________________________________________________________

Phone __________________________ Email ____________________________

Date Completed _____________________________________________________

  1. (a) Is there a legal requirement that the repository be notified when a prosecutor declines to prosecute a case?


    (b) How many such notifications did the repository receive during calendar year 2006? ____________

  2. (a) During the period January 1, 2006 through December 31, 2006, did the repository receive final prosecutor disposition information that could not be linked to arrest information in the criminal history record database?


    (b) If yes, how many final prosecutor dispositions did you receive that could not be linked?

    ____________ final prosecutor dispositions

(c) What procedure(s) do you follow to obtain missing prosecutorial dispositions? Check all that apply.

Automated inquiry to the prosecutor upon a pre-determined period of time

Indicate time period ________________

 Automated inquiry to the prosecutor
Manual inquiry to the prosecutor



This section completed by

Name ___________________________ Title ____________________________

Agency ____________________________________________________________

Phone __________________________ Email ____________________________

Date Completed _____________________________________________________

  1. What percent of dispositions received at your repository come from a centralized entity?

    ____________ %

  2. (a) As of December 31, 2006 was any court disposition data reported directly to the repository by automated means?


    (b) If yes, indicate how transmitted:

    Other _____________________________________________________________________

    (c) As of December 31, 2006, what percent of dispositions were received directly from local courts?

    ____________ %

  1. (a) As of December 31, 2006 was any court disposition data reported to the repository via centralized administrative offices (e.g. Administrative Office of the Courts) by automated means?


(b) If yes, indicate how transmitted:

Other _____________________________________________________________________

  1. (a) Courts with felony jurisdiction are legally required to report final trial court dispositions to:

 State repository

 Administrative offices (e.g. Administrative Office of the Courts) which then forward to the

state repository

 No legal reporting requirement exists

(b) In 2006, for what percent of felony cases did the repository receive final trial court dispositions? ___________ %

  1. In 2006, what was the average time elapsed between the occurrence of final felony trial court dispositions and receipt of information concerning such dispositions by the repository?

    ____________ days

  2. In 2006, what was the average time elapsed between receipt of final felony trial court disposition information by the repository and entry of that information into the criminal history record database?

    ____________ days

  1. As of December 31, 2006, was your state using LiveScan devices in the courtroom to link positive identifications with dispositions?


  2. (a) As of December 31, 2006, was there a backlog of court disposition data to be entered into the criminal history database?


    (b) If yes, how many unprocessed or partially processed court disposition forms (work backlog) did you have?

    ____________ forms

    (c) How many person-days would it take to eliminate the backlog?

    ____________ person-days

  1. (a) During the calendar year 2006, did the repository receive final court dispositions that could not be linked to arrest information in the criminal history record database?


(b) If yes, how many final court dispositions did you receive that could not be linked?

____________ final court dispositions

(c) What procedures do you follow when a link cannot be made? Check all that apply.

Create a “dummy” arrest segment with information from the court disposition record
Create a “dummy” court segment with information from the correctional data
Enter the court information into the database without any linkage to a prior arrest
Do not enter the unlinked court information

 Return to arresting agency to obtain arrest fingerprint cards or arrest information
Other __________________________________________________________________

(d) What procedure(s) do you follow to obtain missing dispositions? Check all that apply.

Automated inquiry to a specific court or statewide court administrator upon a
pre-determined period of time. Indicate that time period: _________________________
Automated inquiry to a specific court or statewide court administrator
Manual inquiry to a specific court or statewide court administrator

  1. (a) With regard to felony convictions, which of the following does your state law provide for?

    Expungement of the conviction
    Setting aside of the conviction
    Granting a pardon
    Restoration of offender’s civil rights
    Sealing of conviction record

(b) If you checked any of the above, how is each such conviction record treated by the repository?

Destroyed by Retained with Record is No action

Repository action noted sealed taken Other


Set asides


Restoration Orders

Sealing of records



This section completed by

Name ___________________________ Title ____________________________

Agency ____________________________________________________________

Phone __________________________ Email ____________________________

Date Completed _____________________________________________________

  1. In 2006, what was the average time elapsed between admission or release of offenders by correctional facilities and receipt of information concerning such admissions or releases by the repository?

    State prison system admissions ________ days
    State prison system releases ________ days
    Local detention center releases ________ days

  2. In 2006, what was the average time elapsed between receipt of correctional data by the repository and entry of that information into the criminal history database?

    ____________ days

  3. (a) Do any correctional agencies currently report admission / release / status change information to the repository by automated means?


    (b) If yes, how many correctional agencies currently report by automated means?

    ____________ Agencies representing ______% of the admission/release/status change activity

  4. (a) As of December 31, 2006, was there a backlog of correctional data to be entered into the criminal history database?


(b) If yes, how many unprocessed or partially processed correctional reports (work backlog) did you have?

____________ reports

(c) How many person-days would it take to eliminate that backlog?

__________ days

  1. Is there a legal requirement that the state prison system or local detention centers report to the repository concerning the admission or release of sentenced felony offenders?

    State prison system admissions Yes No
    State prison system releases Yes No
    Local detention center releases Yes No

  2. Is there a legal requirement that persons committed to correctional facilities following conviction on felony charges be fingerprinted upon reception, and those fingerprints forwarded to the repository? Check all that apply.

    State Prison System
    Local Detention Centers

  3. Is there a legal requirement that probation/parole information be reported to the repository?

Probation information Yes No

Parole information Yes No



This section completed by

Name ___________________________ Title ____________________________

Agency ____________________________________________________________

Phone __________________________ Email ____________________________

Date Completed _____________________________________________________

  1. (a) Does your state charge a fee for conducting a search of the criminal history record database for non-criminal justice purposes?


    (b) If yes, what fees are charged for the state record search?

Fingerprint-supported search: $_______ retained

$_______ non-retained

$_______ volunteer (retained)
$_______ volunteer (not retained)

Name search: via Internet $_______ non-profit

$_______ government

$_______ volunteer (retained)
$_______ volunteer (not retained)

$_______ others
URL for citizen access to purchase criminal history information, if
available: ______________________________________________

via Mail $_______ non-profit

$_______ government

$_______ volunteer (retained)
$_______ volunteer (not retained)

$_______ others

Additional service fees: $_______ mailed finger-print cards / forms

$_______ ”no resubmission of prints” for repeat applicant

$_______ retained service

$_______ “rapback” service

  1. How are fees allocated?

    All fees go to the state general fund, with repository funded by general fund allotment
    A percentage of fees goes to support repository operations: __________ %
    All fees go to support repository operations
    Other ________________________________________________________________

  2. Does your current system allow for electronic submissions to IAFIS?

    Yes Criminal % ________ Non-Criminal % ________

  3. (a) As of December 31, 2006, does your repository conduct “lights out” processing of fingerprints (an identification decision is made without fingerprint technician intervention)?


(b) If yes, what percentage of submitted criminal fingerprints are handled with “lights out” processing? ______%

(c) If yes, what percentage of submitted non-criminal applicant fingerprints are handled with “lights out” processing? ______%

(d) If yes, what is the total percentage of fingerprints handled with “lights out” processing?


  1. (a) As of December 31, 2006, does your repository receive mental health information to facilitate firearm suitability determinations?


    (b) If yes, how many records are in the mental health record database?

    ____________ records

    (c) Name of agency providing mental health information: _____________________________

  1. (a) Has your repository provided state mental health records to the FBI to facilitate firearm suitability determinations through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS)?


    (b) If yes, how many records have been provided to the FBI for NICS?

    ____________ records

  2. (a) Does your repository receive protection order information?


    (b) If yes, how many records are in the state protection order record database as of December 31, 2006?

    ____________ records

    (c) Of those in 7(b), how many are also in the FBI-NCIC Protective Order File?

    ____________ records

  3. (a) As of December 31, 2006, what were the operating hours at your state repository?

Hours Per Day for Fingerprint Technicians

Monday – Friday 8 10 r 12 r 14 r 16 r 24

Saturday 8 10 r 12 r 14 r 16 r 24

Sunday 8 10 r 12 r 14 r 16 r 24

(b) Hours per day with fingerprint technicians on site?

Monday – Friday 8 10 r 12 r 14 r 16 r 24

Saturday 8 10 r 12 r 14 r 16 r 24

Sunday 8 10 r 12 r 14 r 16 r 24

(c) To describe how the following submissions are processed at your repository, please check
one box for each submission type shown:

Criminal justice submissions: only when fingerprint technicians available

fully automated when technicians no available

partial processing when technicians not available

Non-Criminal justice submissions only when fingerprint technicians available

fully automated when technicians no available

partial processing when technicians not available

Latent fingerprint submissions only when fingerprint technicians available

fully automated when technicians no available

partial processing when technicians not available

Internet-based name queries only when fingerprint technicians available

fully automated when technicians no available

partial processing when technicians not available

not applicable

Other _____________________ only when fingerprint technicians available

fully automated when technicians no available

partial processing when technicians not available

  1. In addition to criminal history information, to what records does your state’s repository provide access?

    Sex Offender Registry
    Orders of Protection
    Wants & Warrants

 Retained Applicant Prints
Other _____________________________________________________________________

  1. What other types of information services are provided?

    Wanted persons
    Protection order
    Firearm registration
    Community notification (please list types provided) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Rapback services
    Other _____________________________________________________________________

  2. (a) Does your state provide bulk data to commercial third parties for redissemination”


(b) What fee(s) does your state charge to those commercial entities?

$ ____________________ per ____________________



This section completed by

Name ___________________________ Title ____________________________

Agency ____________________________________________________________

Phone __________________________ Email ____________________________

Date Completed _____________________________________________________


  1. Is there a state legal requirement to perform background checks for any of the following?

Check all that apply.

Nurses / elderly caregivers
Daycare providers
Residents of home daycare providers’ homes
School teachers
Non-teaching school employees
Volunteers with children
Prospective foster care parents
Prospective adoptive parents
Relative caregivers

 Non-teaching school personnel

  1. Does your state offer a “rapback” service to provide automatic updates or notifications of results when changes to records occur?

    Yes, always
    Yes, but only for the following _________________________________________________


  1. What percentage of non-criminal fingerprints were captured electronically in 2006?


  1. (a) What is the average processing time from receipt at the repository to dissemination of

criminal history record when a positive identification is made?

For electronic requests: ____________ days

For mail requests ____________ days

(b) Has a goal been established for maximum processing time?

Yes, ____________ days

  1. Does your state retain fingerprints submitted for any of the following non-criminal justice purposes?

    Private sector employment
    Employment by justice agencies
    Employment by non-criminal justice government agencies
    Retention limited to private sector employment involving vulnerable populations, e.g.,
    children, the elderly and the disabled
    Other _____________________________________________________________________
    No. This state does not retain non-criminal justice fingerprints for any reason.

  1. If your state does retain non-criminal justice fingerprints for any purpose, how are the fingerprints utilized? Check all that apply.

    Matched against existing criminal history database
    Matched against latent fingerprint database
    Flagged and matched against subsequent criminal fingerprint submissions
    Other _____________________________________________________________________

  1. What information is contained in the results for fingerprint-based non-criminal justice background checks?

    Full record
    Convictions only
    Juvenile records
    Arrests without disposition-over 1 year old
    Other _____________________________________________________________________

  2. What is the identification rate of fingerprint-based non-criminal background checks?

    ____________ %


  1. How many name-based non-criminal background checks were performed in 2006?

    Received via internet ____________
    Received via mail ____________
    Received via telephone ____________

    Total received ____________

  2. (a) What identifiers are required for a name-based search? Check all that apply.

    First name

 Last name
Date of birth

 Year of birth
Social Security Number
Hair color
Eye color

(b) What are the minimum identifiers that have to “hit” before a response is returned? Check

all that apply.

First name

 Last name
Date of birth

 Year of birth
Social Security Number
Hair color
Eye color

(c) Does your name-based background check offer either of the following?

Phonetic-assisted spelling features
“Loose” spelling features (first name abbreviations, jr / sr assistance, etc)

  1. What information is contained in the results for a name-based non-criminal background check? Check all that apply.

    Full record
    Convictions only
    Juvenile records
    Arrests without disposition-over 1 year old
    Other _____________________________________________________________________

  2. What is the identification rate for name-based non-criminal background checks performed?

    ____________ %


  1. (a) Does your state provide web-based non-criminal background checks?


      1. Which agency maintains the website? ___________________________________________

      1. If yes, what is required for internet access for the general public?

        Registration / account information only
        Credit card payment information only

      1. Are fees involved for internet access for the general public (not including any registration or account fees)?

        Yes, $____________ per ____________________

  1. (a) If a private agency maintains the website, how much does it collect per transaction?

    $___________________ per ____________________

    (b) Of that amount, what how much is returned to the repository?

    $ ___________________ per ____________________



This section completed by

Name ___________________________ Title ____________________________

Agency ____________________________________________________________

Phone __________________________ Email ____________________________

Date Completed _____________________________________________________

  1. Please indicate the number of LiveScan devices in use as of December 31, 2006:

(a) Total number of LiveScan devices in use: __________

(b) Total number of LiveScan devices available for
criminal justice purposes only: __________

(c) Total number of LiveScan devices available for
non-criminal justice purposes only: __________

(d) Total number of LiveScan devices used for both
criminal and non-criminal justice purposes: __________

  1. Please indicate:

    (a) Total number of agencies that submit criminal prints via LiveScan: ____________

    (b) Total number of agencies that submit non-criminal prints via LiveScan: ____________

    (c) Total number of agencies without LiveScan devices that receive
    LiveScan services from agencies that do have that equipment
    (e.g. a sheriff might submit arrest prints on behalf of 20 agencies): ____________

  2. Does your state repository process fingerprints for non-criminal justice purposes?



  1. Does your state repository forward fingerprints for non-criminal justice (92-544) purposes to the FBI (without regard to whether any processing of these prints occurred at the repository)?



  1. Are any LiveScan devices used to capture non-criminal justice purpose fingerprints in your state?



  1. (a) Does your state have a certification program for persons taking fingerprints?


    (b) If yes, was this program established through legislation?

    Yes; Authority Citation: ____________________________________________________

  2. (a) Has your state privatized the taking of non-criminal justice purposes fingerprints?



(b) If yes, how was this accomplished?_____________________________________________

  1. If LiveScan devices are used for non-criminal justice purposes, do any of these devices print a fingerprint card that is then mailed to the repository?



  1. If LiveScan devices are used for non-criminal justice purposes, does a data communications network also enable direct transmission to the repository?



  1. Has your state funded or provided any LiveScan devices for non-criminal justice purposes?



  1. Have any non-state sources (e.g. private sector, volunteer organizations, tribal gaming) funded or provided LiveScan devices for non-criminal justice use?





This section completed by

Name ___________________________ Title ____________________________

Agency ____________________________________________________________

Phone __________________________ Email ____________________________

Date Completed _____________________________________________________

  1. Total number of registered sex offenders in your state as of December 31, 2006? ________

  1. Number of registered sex offenders on publicly available state registry? ________

  1. What percentage of registered sex offenders are on publicly available
    state registry? ________ %

  2. Is there a flag on your state’s computerized criminal history for sex offenders?



  1. Is there a flag on your state’s computerized criminal history for protective orders?




File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleSurvey of State Criminal History Information Systems,
AuthorNina Byrom
Last Modified Byadamsd
File Modified2006-08-18
File Created2006-08-18

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