Safer Choice Label Consultations

OMB 2070-0189

OMB 2070-0189

This information collection supports the consultation process by which the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will refine and enhance its logo redesign and education approach for the Safer Choice Product Recognition Program (Safer Choice program), formerly known as the Design for the Environment Program. The Safer Choice program recognizes products where all ingredients meet EPA’s stringent requirements for human health and the environment as found in the Safer Choice Standard. Under the encouragement of the current program, leading companies have already made great progress in developing safer, highly effective chemical products. Since the program’s inception in 1997, formulators have been using the program as a portal to OPPT’s unique chemical expertise, information resources, and guidance on greener chemistry. Safer Choice partners enjoy Agency recognition, including the use of the Safer Choice label on qualifying products. The Safer Choice program adopted a new logo in March 2015 in response to stakeholder feedback. Following the launch of the new logo, EPA will conduct consumer surveys to gauge consumer recognition of the new logo and understand how the new logo and educational activities are diffusing over time and changing purchasing decisions. This ICR will enable Safer Choice to collect feedback from consumers through focus groups and online surveys and integrate it into the program, which will help to strengthen the visibility of the logo and program, improve product recognition among formulators and partners, and further promote chemical safety.

The latest form for Safer Choice Label Consultations expires 2022-11-30 and can be found here.

OMB Details

Screening for Consumer Focus Groups

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Environmental Management - Pollution Prevention and Control

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