One Protection and Advocacy Annual Program Performance Report

OMB 0985-0063

OMB 0985-0063

The Department is proposing to replace four existing Protection and Advocacy Program Performance Reports and other revisions. The four annual reports include the following: (1) Developmental Disabilities Protection and Advocacy Systems Program Performance Report (0985-0027), (2) Protection and Advocacy for Assistive Technology (PAAT) Program Performance Report (0985-0046); (3) Protection and Advocacy Voting Access Annual Report (Help America Vote Act) (HAVA) (0985-0028); and (4) Protection and Advocacy for Traumatic Brain Injury (PATBI) Program Performance Report (0985-0058). State Protection and Advocacy (P&A) Systems in each State and Territory provide individual legal advocacy, systemic advocacy, monitoring and investigations to protect and advance the rights of people with developmental disabilities, using funding administered by the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AIDD), Administration on Disabilities, Administration for Community Living, HHS. To meet statutory reporting requirements, P&As have used four separate forms for submitting annual reports. It is proposed that the four forms be combined by creating the One Protection and Advocacy Annual Program Performance Report form. Once the four program performance reports are combined, the current OMB approval numbers for each report will be retired, and a new approval number will be created for the One Protection and Advocacy Program Performance Report. By combining the forms, P&As will have a reduced burden because they will be submitting only one report annually. Duplicative background and other data that appear in multiple reports will only need to be entered once. This also will promote accuracy and consistency because this data will not need to be entered multiple times. The PPRs are reviewed by federal staff for compliance and outcomes. Information in the reports is analyzed to create a national profile of programmatic compliance, outcomes, and goals and priorities for P&A Systems for tracking accomplishments against goals and to formulate areas of technical assistance related to compliance with Federal requirements. Information collected in the unified report will inform AIDD of trends in P&A advocacy, facilitate collaboration with other federally-funded entities, and identify best practices for the efficient use of federal funds.

The latest form for One Protection and Advocacy Annual Program Performance Report expires 2022-04-30 and can be found here.

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