Sudden Death in the Young Registry

OMB 0920-1092

OMB 0920-1092

The goal of the Sudden Death in the Young (SDY) Case Registry is to improve and standardize case ascertainment so funded jurisdictions can better their understanding of the incidence and risk factors for sudden death in youth. Data will be used to inform the descriptive epidemiology of SDY, including the incidence, and risk factors. These data will be used to inform prevention strategies as well as best practices for national surveillance of SDY. The changes proposed with this reinstatement include a decrease in burden due to more accurate estimates of time needed to complete modules and better estimates of the number of respondents and the number requiring advanced review.

The latest form for Sudden Death in the Young Registry expires 2022-04-30 and can be found here.

OMB Details

SDY Module - State Health Personnel

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Health - Public Health Monitoring

Form noneNCFRP Cases Reporting System SDY Module 1Fillable FileableForm

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