CDC Worksite Health Scorecard

OMB 0920-1014

OMB 0920-1014

CDC will continue to provide for the ongoing usage of an updated version of the CDC Worksite Health Scorecard, web-based organizational assessment, by the employer community. The resulting data will be used to support research and increase understanding of the organizational programs, policies, and practices that employers of various sizes and industry sectors have implemented to support health lifestyle behaviors. It will also document changes in organizational practices over time and allow CDC to provide better technical assistance to employers seeking guidance on building or maintaining workplace health promotion programs.

The latest form for CDC Worksite Health Scorecard expires 2022-03-31 and can be found here.

OMB Details

CDC Worksite Health Scorecard- Registration Application

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Health - Consumer Health and Safety

Form 0920-1014Attachment C-1_CDC Worksite Health Scorecard Registration Screenshots_6.26.17Fillable PrintableForm and instruction

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