Peace Corps Returned Volunteer Impact Survey

OMB 0420-0569

OMB 0420-0569

The Peace Corps Returned Volunteer Impact Survey is designed to collect information from Returned Peace Corps Volunteers whose first service ended in 2017, 2014, 2009, or 1999, corresponding to 2, 5, 10, and 20 years post-service. The survey will assess the impact of the Peace Corps on the former Volunteer, including the Volunteers’ well-being, career, civic engagement, and commitment to public service. Additionally, by documenting the career paths chosen by RPCVs at different life stages post-service and engagement they have with their communities, the agency will have data relating to the continuing impact of the Peace Corps on American society, through the lives and careers that Peace Corps Volunteers build after they return to the United States after service.

The latest form for Peace Corps Returned Volunteer Impact Survey expires 2023-04-30 and can be found here.

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