OMB Control Number: 0970-0558, Expiration Date: 11/23/2023
Individual Development Account Program
Pre-Monitoring Questionnaire
be completed and submitted to ORR no later than Close of Business,
Program Director and/or Program Coordinator
Authorized Representative
Site Monitoring Address
Telephone and Email for Monitoring Contact
Site Visit Date
PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13) STATEMENT OF PUBLIC BURDEN: Through this information collection, ACF is gathering information to monitor compliance with federal practice, guidelines and requirements, provide oversite of federal funds, and provide support as needed. Information collected will be used directly to guide site visits, identify areas for technical assistance, and support recommendations and corrective actions. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 3 hours per grantee, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and reviewing the collection of information. This is a mandatory collection of information under INA § 412(c)(1)(A), 8 U.S.C. 1522(c)(1)(A). [This collection of information is required to retain a benefit. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB # is 0970-0558 and the expiration date is 11/30/2023. If you have any comments on this collection of information, please contact Yimeem Vu at
Description of Local Service Provider Site
1. IDA Caseload Information
Separate responses should be provided for each column. |
Response for Budget Year of Monitoring Review |
Response for Project Period |
# |
# |
# |
# |
# |
# |
# |
# |
2. IDA Program Information |
Response for Budget Year of Monitoring Year |
Response for Project Period |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
# |
# |
$ |
$ |
Please list and briefly describe the services you provide under the IDA Program. Using the drop-down, select whether the service is provided in-house or through a partner. Expand as needed.
Service |
Service Description |
Select In-house or Partner |
Choose an item. |
Choose an item. |
Choose an item. |
Choose an item. |
Choose an item. |
Do you have contracts or MOUs with any of the above agencies/organizations? (If so, please provide with document submission.)
How do you receive information and/or feedback on client progress from the above mentioned agencies/organizations?
Please describe any regular consultations with sub-recipients, how feedback is provided to sub-recipients, and how follow-up is conducted on identified concerns.
ORR seeks to disseminate promising practices that are identified in the course of monitoring. Please describe any potentially unique or innovative IDA programmatic or operational activities you currently implement that could serve as a model to other IDA programs. (Responding to this question is optional.):
Please also answer these questions:
How has implementing this activity improved operations or contributed to positive outcomes for refugees?
What types of data do you have that show it is making a difference?
Do you believe this activity could be adapted at other agencies and in other contexts?
5a. Describe any external and/or internal conditions or factors (both positive and negative) that have impacted or may impact IDA Program performance.
5b. What measures have you taken to overcome any negative conditions or factors that have impacted or may impact IDA Program performance?
5c. What evidence do you have that any of these measures may have improved performance?
6a. Using the following table, list all paid staff members (including paid interns) supported with IDA Program funds. Include any vacant positions.
Name |
Position Title |
Hours/Week |
Languages |
# Years Worked on IDA Program |
Primary Functions |
6b. Please list the total IDA hours per week and FTEs in the table below.
Total Hours/Week: |
# |
Total FTE Paid with Program Funds: |
# |
7. Do you have an organizational chart or document establishing clear lines of responsibility and authority?
If yes, please attach a copy.
Answer the following if you utilize volunteers/interns to assist in delivering IDA services:
Questions |
Responses |
a. How are volunteers -
b. How do you document volunteer services? |
# |
Budget and Financial
How does your current (actual) spending compare to your projected spending for the program this budget year (of the monitoring review)?
What systems are in place to ensure that expenditure reports represent accurate, allowable costs spent according to the budget?
Please describe how interest accrued on the clients’ match accounts is tracked and utilized.
What system or software is in place to manage the clients’ match accounts? Please also describe the program and financial oversight process as a part of your response.
Describe how your organization manages any unspent funds should clients fail to meet their savings goal or stop contributing to their IDA.
Has an independent auditor examined your IDA Program in the last two years? (Attach report of findings, if yes.)
14a. If yes, were the findings in the audit addressed and resolved?
What other non-federal funding sources, if any, contribute to the IDA Program? Please note the source, purpose, and amount of these funds, expanding as needed.
Source of Funds |
Purpose of Funds |
Amount |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
Describe the process to ensure correct reporting of administrative staff time for each activity/grant (per 45. CFR 400.206-207).
Training and Technical Assistance
17. IDA Program Participant Training |
Response for Budget Year of Monitoring Review |
Response for Project Period |
# |
# |
# |
# |
Hours: # Clients # |
Hours: # Clients: # |
Describe your financial literacy training. Where applicable, provide the name of the curriculum, number of modules, major training topics, number of required hours, and pre- and post-test procedures.
Describe your asset specific training for each asset you offer. Include any modifications and justification you have had to make from your original grant application. If you require a specific number of hours of training per asset, how do you ensure those requirements are met?
Asset |
Required Hours |
Description of Training |
House |
Car |
Education |
Microenterprise |
Education |
Are you on target to reach your annual goals for asset workshops and individual asset training/counseling?
20a. If not, why?
20b. How do you track client completion of courses?
20c. Describe how you determine whether the training was successful.
21a. Describe your outreach strategy for client recruitment.
21b. Have you encountered any obstacles to your original plan? If so, how are you working through those obstacles?
Describe how you determine client eligibility for the IDA Program (e.g., income, time in country, value of assets, etc.)?
22a. Describe how you assess economic self-sufficiency at enrollment and at the completion of IDA services.
Describe your enrollment and orientation process. (Please include a copy of the client Savings Plan Agreement.)
23a.Do you have a waiting list for services?
23b. If so, how many people are on it?
23c. What criteria, if any, are used to enroll someone from the waiting list? (e.g., first-come first serve, demonstrated needs, etc.)
24. How do you ensure clients are meeting their savings plan goals?
Describe the nature of your program’s relationship with the following stakeholders, including descriptions of coordination, communication, and community outreach measures:
State Refugee Coordinator (SRC): (In addition to addressing the question above, please also include the date of your last interaction with the SRC and the nature of the interaction.)
Local refugee resettlement agencies:
Other local service providers:
List any partners (formal and/or informal), including any training partners, which contribute to your IDA Program. Expand as needed.
Name of Partner |
Type of Service Provider |
Nature of the Collaboration |
How do you ensure IDA Program services are culturally and linguistically appropriate for the target refugee population you serve?
How are you using an equity lens to review existing programming and develop any new programming?
What mechanisms do you use to receive feedback from clients and how often does this occur?
Please describe your organization’s process for handling client grievances.
How do you ensure the protection of any personally identifiable information (PII) collected?
Please describe your organization’s process for assessing program performance and effectiveness. Include the methods and tools used, types of data collected and analyzed, roles of key staff involved, and how often this process occurs.
33a. What have been the opportunities for your organization in implementing the project?
33b. Please describe any challenges or areas of technical assistance you would like to discuss with ORR during the monitoring review.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Laura Garcia |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2025-01-11 |