NOFO DP22-2202 OMB
# 0920-1046 Expiration
Date: xx/xx/xxxx Version
National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP)
Breast Clinic Data Dictionary
Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 40 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D‐74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-1046).
NBCCEDP-Breast Clinic Data Dictionary (NOFO DP22-2202)
Part I: Partner and Record Identifiers
Part II: Baseline and Annual Record Data Items
Section 1. Baseline and Annual Clinic NBCCEDP Activity and Status
Section 2. Baseline and Annual Health System and Clinic Characteristics and Clinic Patient Population
Section 3. Baseline and Annual Breast Cancer Screening Rates
Screening Rate Status
Chart Review (CR) Screening Rates
Electronic Health Record (EHR) Screening Rates
Section 4. Baseline and Annual Monitoring and Quality Improvement Activities
Section 5. Baseline and Annual Evidence-based Interventions (EBIs) and Other Clinic Activities
5-1: EBI-Patient Reminder System
5-2: EBI-Provider Reminder System
5-3: EBI-Provider Assessment and Feedback
5-4: EBI-Reducing Structural Barriers
5-5: EBI-Small Media
5-6: Patient Education for Clinic Patients
5-7: EBI- Reducing out-of-pocket costs
5-8: Professional Development and Provider Education
5-9: EBI -Community Outreach, Education, and Support
5-10: EBI- Patient Navigation
Section 7. Other Baseline and Annual Breast Cancer Activities and Comments
Data Collection Notes:
For new clinics, baseline data are reported when new clinics are enrolled to participate in NBCCEDP-breast activities and reflect activities prior to NBCCEDP-breast activity implementation (Item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Breast Activities Start Date).
For clinics enrolled during the previous NBCCEDP funding period (NOFO DP17-1701) for breast activities and still active, continue data collection as usual- a new baseline record is not required.
Clinic partnerships are the preferred action. When reporting clinic-level data, the clinic/recipient must report clinic-specific screening rates and population counts (not health system rates and counts).
To report Health System-level data, you must have approval from CDC's Evaluation Team before enrolling the Health System. In addition, four criteria must be met:
All Clinics within the health system must be participating in NBCCEDP.
The same EBIs must be implemented uniformly across ALL clinics within the health system
The reported screening rate and population counts must be Health System-wide for ALL eligible patients at all clinics within the health system.
Data for any individual clinic within the health system must not be reported separately. Thus, you will have only one record reported for the entire health system in B&C-BARS. Within the record, information at the health system level will be reported for both the Health System and the individual Clinic fields. Contact CDC’s evaluation team for help with reporting these data.
Recipient: an award recipient of CDC cooperative agreement DP22-2202 (previously referred to as grantee).
Partner: the clinic and/or health system that a recipient is working with to implement EBIs to improve breast and/or cervical cancer screening. An individual clinic is the preferred partner, however in some cases the health system can be the partner.
Health System: a parent entity with an associated number of clinics.
Clinic: the point of patient care.
NBCCEDP Program Year: The 12-month period from July 1- June 30. For DP22-2022 these are:
Start Date |
end date |
PY 1 |
July 1, 2022 |
June 30, 2023 |
PY 2 |
July 1, 2023 |
June 30, 2024 |
PY 3 |
July 1, 2024 |
June 30, 2025 |
PY 4 |
July 1, 2025 |
June 30, 2026 |
PY 5 |
July 1, 2026 |
June 30, 2027 |
Screening Rate Measurement Period: The 12-month period used to calculate the baseline and annual clinic screening rates. This same 12-month period selected at baseline must be used for all subsequent annual screening rates
August 2024 Release Notes
Removed COVID questions. Beginning with DP20-2002 PY2, COVID-19 questions will no longer be collected.
Removed HEDIS and NQF options. Beginning with screening rate measurement periods for PY2 and going forward, the HEDIS and NQF options for screening rate measure used will be disabled. GPRA and UDS measures will remain. UDS measures align with the CMS eCQM measures
Part I. Partner and Record Identifiers |
Identifying information for the partner clinic and health system. |
Item # |
Item Type |
Collected |
NBCCEDP Data Item |
Indication/ Definition |
Field Type |
P1 |
R |
B |
Recipient code |
Baseline Record: Two-character Recipient Code (assigned by CDC/IMS)
Annual Record: N/A
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TBD- 2-character code |
P2 |
R |
B |
NBCCEDP partner entity |
Baseline Record: Indicates the organizational level of the partner entity working with the recipient to implement breast cancer screening EBIs and the associated population used for calculating screening rates.
Clinic partnerships are the preferred action. When reporting clinic-level data, the clinic/recipient must report clinic-specific screening rates and population counts (not health system rates and counts).
To report Health System-level data, you must have approval from CDC's Evaluation Team before enrolling the Health System.
In addition, four criteria must be met:
Annual Record: N/A
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P2a |
R |
B |
Other partner entity type specify |
Baseline Record: If other partner, provide description
Annual Record: N/A
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P3 |
R |
B, A |
Partner agreement |
Baseline Record: The initial type of formal agreement the recipient made with the clinic or health system for NBCCEDP activities.
Annual Record: The type of formal agreement the recipient had in place with the partner clinic or health system for NBCCEDP activities at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30). |
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P4 |
R |
B |
Date of partner agreement |
Baseline Record: The original date the formal agreement was finalized between the recipient and partner clinic or health system for NBCCEDP DP22-2202 activities.
Annual Record: N/A
Date |
Health System Identifiers |
HS1 |
R |
B-HS |
Health system name |
Health System Record: Name of the health system under which the clinic (partner site) operates.
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HS2 |
R |
B-HS |
Health system ID |
Health System Record: Unique three-digit identification code for the partner health system assigned by the recipient. Start with “001” and continue assigning numbers sequentially as health system partnerships are established.
Num |
001-999 |
HS2a |
R |
B-HS |
Health system NBCCEDP activities start date |
Health System Record: Indicates the date that a health system begins NBCCEDP activities. This date will be used to assign annual reporting periods to health system records.
Date |
HS3 |
R |
B-HS |
Health system street |
Health System Record: Street address for the partner health system. If the street address is more than two lines, use a comma for separation.
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HS4 |
R |
B-HS |
Health system city |
Health System Record: City of the partner health system.
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HS5 |
R |
B-HS |
Health system state or territory |
Health System Record: Two-letter state or territory postal code for the partner health system.
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Various |
HS6 |
R |
B-HS |
Health system zip code |
Health System Record: 5-digit zip code for the partner health system.
Num |
00001-99999 |
HS7 |
R |
B-HS |
Health system county |
Health System Record: County where the primary administrative office of the health system is located.
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HS8 |
O |
B |
Health system comments |
Optional comments for Health System. |
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Clinic Identifiers |
CL1 |
R |
B |
Clinic name |
Baseline Record: Name of the partner health clinic (intervention site).
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CL2 |
R |
B |
Clinic ID |
Baseline Record: Unique three-digit identification code for the partner clinic assigned by the recipient. Start with “001” and continue assigning numbers sequentially as health system partnerships are established.
Num |
001-999 |
CL3 |
R |
B |
Clinic street |
Baseline Record: Street address for the partner clinic.
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CL4 |
R |
B |
Clinic city |
Baseline Record: City of the partner clinic.
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CL5 |
R |
B |
Clinic state or territory |
Baseline Record: Two-letter state or territory postal code for the partner clinic.
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Various |
CL6 |
R |
B |
Clinic zip code |
Baseline Record: 5-digit zip code for the partner clinic.
Num |
00001-99999 |
CL7 |
R |
B |
Clinic county |
Baseline Record: County where the clinic is located
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CL8 |
O |
B |
Clinic comments |
Optional comments for Clinic. |
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Part II. Baseline and Annual Record Data Items |
All questions in Part II refer to the partner entity as a clinic. If the partner entity is a health system (P2= “Health System”), the data reported must represent the entire Health System, i.e. clinic=health system |
Section 1. Baseline and Annual Clinic NBCCEDP Activity and Status
Item # |
Item Type |
Collected |
NBCCEDP Data Item |
Indication/ Definition |
Field Type |
Response Options |
B1-1 |
Comp |
B |
Clinic enrollment NOFO, breast activities |
Baseline Record: Indicates the NOFO during which the clinic was first enrolled into NBCCEDP for EBI implementation.
Identifies the clinic as new to NBCCEDP and newly enrolled during NOFO DP22-2202 or if the clinic was recruited prior to this funding cycle and is continuing from DP17-1701 and if so, its status at the end of DP17-1701.
If the enrollment NOFO is DP17-1701 never terminated, skip to A1-1 |
List |
B1-2 |
R |
B |
Clinic NBCCEDP-breast activities start date |
Baseline Record: New clinics only. Indicates the date the clinic (or health system if reporting health system-level data) began actively implementing NBCCEDP [NOFO DP22-2202] breast activities.
Enter the date that the clinic started implementing NBCCEDP [NOFO DP22-2202] breast program activities to increase clinic-level breast cancer screening rates. Activities can include:
Date |
B1-3 |
Comp |
B |
Baseline PY |
Baseline Record: Baseline
PY (based on activities start date)
List |
B1-4 |
R |
B |
Clinic type |
Baseline Record: Organizational classification of the partner clinic (intervention site).
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A1-1 |
Comp |
A |
Annual report period |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates the reporting period represented in the data submission
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A1-2 |
R |
A |
Annual partner status |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates the status of NBCCEDP supported breast cancer EBI implementation and screening rate monitoring activities at this clinic or health system during the program year. Select only one response.
If active or monitoring, skip to Section 2 If suspended or ended, indicate date and reason in A1-2a through A1-2i *Full annual record required for active or monitoring |
A1-2a |
R |
A |
Suspension/end date |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates the date when the clinic partnership for NBCCEDP breast cancer EBI activities and screening rate monitoring activities were suspended or terminated. If the day is unknown use “15” |
Date |
A1-2b |
R |
A |
Suspension/end reason: Clinic implementation completed - no longer monitoring screening rates |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Reason for clinic end: Indicates if the awardee and clinic have completed NBCCEDP breast cancer EBI implementation and screening rate monitoring activities with no further activities planned. Only applicable for ended partnerships. * Do not use as a reason for suspended clinics |
List |
A1-2c |
R |
A |
Suspension/end reason: Clinic non-performance |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Reason for suspension or end of clinic partnership Indicates if NBCCEDP breast cancer EBI and screening rate monitoring activities have been suspended or ended at this clinic due to non-performance by the partner clinic. |
List |
A1-2d |
R |
A |
Suspension/end reason: Clinic does not have resources/capacity to participate |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Reason for suspension or end of clinic partnership: Indicates if NBCCEDP breast cancer EBI and screening rate monitoring activities have been suspended or ended at this clinic due to the clinic’s limited resources or capacity to participate. |
List |
A1-2e |
R |
A |
Suspension/end reason: Clinic EHR problems or unable to collect clinic data |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Reason for suspension or end of clinic partnership: Indicates if NBCCEDP breast cancer EBI and screening rate monitoring activities have been suspended or ended at this clinic due to the clinic’s inability to collect or provide data because of EHR or other data collection complications. |
List |
A1-2f |
R |
A |
Suspension/end reason: Clinic merged with another clinic |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Reason for suspension or end of clinic partnership: Indicates if NBCCEDP breast cancer EBI and screening rate monitoring activities have been suspended or ended because the clinic has merged with another clinic. |
List |
A1-2g |
R |
A |
Suspension/end reason: Clinic closed |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Reason for suspension or end of clinic partnership: Indicates if NBCCEDP breast cancer EBI and screening rate monitoring activities have been suspended or ended because the clinic has closed. |
List |
A1-2h |
R |
A |
Suspension/end reason: Other |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Reason for suspension or end of clinic partnership: Indicates if NBCCEDP breast cancer EBI and screening rate monitoring activities have been suspended or ended for a reason not stated above. |
List |
A1-2i |
R |
A |
Other reason for suspension or end |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If item A1-2h is other, please specify
*End of record for partnership status (item A1-2) = suspended or ended. |
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Section 2. Baseline and Annual Health System and Clinic Characteristics and Clinic Patient Population |
If the partner is a health system (P2=”Entire health system”) then clinic data reported must represent the entire Health System |
Section 3. Baseline and Annual Breast Cancer Screening Rates
If the partner is a health system (P2=”Health System”) then clinic data reported must represent the entire Health System ***This section should be skipped at baseline for clinics that are newly screening or newly opened*** |
Item # |
Item Type |
Collected |
NBCCEDP Data Item |
Indication/ Definition |
Field Type |
Response Options |
B3-1 |
R |
B, A |
Breast cancer screening rate status |
Baseline Record: Indicates the availability of baseline breast cancer screening rate data and associated information on data sources/approach for calculating the screening rates.
Annual Record: Indicates the availability of annual breast cancer screening rate data and associated information on data sources/approach for calculating the screening rates.
List |
B3-1a |
R |
B, A |
Breast cancer screening rate date available |
Baseline Record: If a baseline screening rate is not yet available, provide the approximate date that the screening rate will be available. skip to Section 4: Baseline and Annual Monitoring and Quality Improvement Activities
Annual Record: If an annual screening rate is not yet available when submitting the annual clinic data, provide the approximate date that the screening rate will be available. skip to Section 4: Baseline and Annual Monitoring and Quality Improvement Activities |
Date |
B3-2 |
R |
B, A |
Start date of 12-month breast cancer SR measurement period |
Baseline Record: The start date of the 12-month screening rate measurement period used to calculate the clinic’s baseline breast cancer screening rate. The 12-month measurement period does not need to coincide with the program year. Any 12-month period may be used as the measurement period.
Annual Record: The start date of the annual breast cancer screening rate 12-month measurement period.
The first annual screening rate measurement period (year 1 for the clinic) should include the date that implementation activities started (Item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Breast Activities Start Date). |
Date |
B3-3 |
comp |
B, A |
End date of 12-month breast cancer SR measurement period |
Baseline Record: This date will be automatically calculated from the 12-month start date.
Indicates the end date of the 12-month measurement period used to calculate the clinic’s baseline breast cancer screening rate.
Annual Record: Indicates the end date of the annual breast cancer screening rate 12-month measurement period.
Date |
Chart Review Screening Rates ***This section should be skipped at baseline for clinics that are newly screening or newly opened*** |
B3-4a |
comp |
B, A |
CR- Breast Cancer screening rate (%) |
Breast Cancer Screening Rate via Chart Review
Baseline and Annual Records: This rate will be automatically computed by the data system using the numerator and denominator reported below.
Num |
00-100 |
B3-4b |
R |
B, A |
CR- Breast Cancer SR numerator |
Breast Cancer Screening Rate Numerator via Chart Review
Baseline and Annual Records: The breast cancer screening rate numerator refers to number of patients who are up-to-date with screening according to the specific breast cancer screening measure definition used (e.g., UDS/CMS eCQM, or GPRA).
Please refer to the associated measure’s specifications for detailed definitions, inclusions, and exclusions.
Num |
0-9999999 |
B3-4c |
R |
B, A |
CR- Breast cancer SR denominator |
Breast Cancer Screening Rate Denominator via Chart Review
Baseline and Annual Records: The breast cancer screening rate denominator refers to the total number of patients eligible for breast cancer screening during the screening rate measurement period based on the specific screening measure definition used (e.g., UDS/ CMS eCQM, or GPRA). Please refer to the associated measure’s specifications for detailed definitions, inclusions, and exclusions.
Num |
1-9999999 |
B3-4d |
R |
B, A |
CR- Breast cancer SR measure type |
Quality Measure used to calculate the Breast Cancer Screening Rate via Chart Review
Baseline and Annual Records: Indicates the measure that was used to calculate the numerator and denominator for the clinic’s breast cancer screening rate.
Beginning with screening rates with a measurement period start date in 2023, select either UDS/ CMS eCQM, ,GPRA, or other. Please refer to the associated measure’s specifications for detailed definitions, inclusions, and exclusions.
The same measure reported at baseline must be used for reporting subsequent annual breast cancer screening rates for this clinic.
List |
B3-4e |
comp |
B, A |
% of charts reviewed |
Baseline and Annual Records: Indicates the percent of medical charts that were reviewed for the breast cancer screening rate. A minimum of 10% or 100 charts should be reviewed. THIS % WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY CALCULATED USING THE DENOMINATOR AND TOTAL # OF CLINIC PATIENTS, WOMEN AGED 50-74 (ITEM B2-5 & A2-5). |
Num |
auto-calculated |
B3-4f |
R |
B, A |
Sampling method used for CR |
Baseline and Annual Records: Indicates if records were selected through either a random or systematic sampling method to generate a representative sample of the entire population of patients who meet the inclusion/selection criteria for the measure used.
List |
B3-4g |
R |
B, A |
CR-breast cancer SR confidence |
Baseline and Annual Records: Indicates the recipient's confidence in the accuracy of the CR-calculated breast cancer screening rate.
Accuracy of CR-calculated screening rates can vary depending on how charts are sampled and the information available in the charts. |
List |
B3-4h |
R |
B, A |
CR-breast cancer SR problem |
Baseline and Annual Records: Indicates if there are known unresolved problems with the CR reported breast cancer screening rate or screening data quality.
List |
B3-4i |
R |
B, A |
Specify CR- SR problem |
Baseline Record: If B3-4h is YES, specify the problem and any activities conducted this program year to address it. Describe the issue and severity of known problems or rationale for low confidence in the accuracy of the CR-reported breast cancer screening rate.
Annual Record: If A3-4h is YES, specify the problem and any activities conducted this program year to address it. Describe the issue and severity of known problems or rationale for low confidence in the validity of the CR-reported breast cancer screening rate. |
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B3-4j |
N/A |
N/A for CR |
B3-4k |
O |
B, A |
Comments for CR rates |
Optional Comments for CR rates. |
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Free text 200 char limit |
EHR Screening Rates ***This section should be skipped at baseline for clinics that are newly screening or newly opened*** |
B3-5a |
comp |
B, A |
EHR- breast cancer SR (%) |
Breast Cancer Screening Rate via EHR
Baseline and Annual Record: This rate will be automatically computed by the data system using the numerator and denominator reported below.
Num |
00-100 |
B3-5b |
R |
B, A |
EHR- breast cancer SR numerator |
Breast Cancer Screening Rate Numerator via EHR
Baseline and Annual Records: The breast cancer screening rate numerator refers to the number of patients who are up-to-date with screening according to the specific breast cancer screening measure definition used (e.g., UDS/CMS eCQM, or GPRA).
Please refer to the associated measure’s specifications for detailed definitions, inclusions, and exclusions.
Num |
0-9999999 |
B3-5c |
R |
B, A |
EHR- breast cancer SR denominator |
Breast Cancer Screening Rate Denominator via EHR
Baseline and Annual Records: The breast cancer screening rate denominator refers to the total number of patients eligible for breast cancer screening during the screening rate measurement period based on the specific screening measure definition used (e.g., UDS/ CMS eCQM, or GPRA).
Please refer to the associated measure’s specifications for detailed definitions, inclusions, and exclusions.
Num |
1-9999999 |
B3-5d |
R |
B, A |
EHR- breast cancer SR measure type |
Quality Measure followed to calculate the breast cancer Screening Rate via EHR
Baseline and Annual Records: Indicates the measure that was used to calculate the numerator and denominator for the clinic’s breast cancer screening rate.
Beginning with screening rates with a measurement period start date in 2023, select either UDS/ CMS eCQM, ,GPRA, or other.
Please refer to the associated measure’s specifications for detailed definitions, inclusions, and exclusions.
The same measure reported at baseline must be used for reporting subsequent annual breast cancer screening rates for this clinic.
List |
B3-5e |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A for EHR |
N/A for EHR |
N/A for EHR |
N/A for EHR |
B3-5f |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A for EHR |
N/A for EHR |
N/A for EHR |
N/A for EHR |
B3-5g |
R |
B, A |
EHR-breast cancer SR confidence |
Baseline and Annual Records: Indicates the recipient's confidence in the accuracy of the EHR-calculated breast cancer screening rate.
Accuracy of EHR-calculated screening rates can vary depending on how data are documented and entered into the EHR. For additional information, see the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable’s summary report, “Use of Electronic Medical Records to Facilitate Colorectal Cancer Screening in Community Health Centers" and "CDC Guidance for Measuring Breast, Cervical, and Colorectal Cancer Screening Rates in Health System Clinics."
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B3-5h |
R |
B, A |
EHR- breast cancer SR problem |
Baseline and Annual Records: Indicates if there are known unresolved problems with the EHR reported breast cancer screening rate or screening data quality. |
List |
B3-5i |
R |
B, A |
EHR-breast cancer SR problem specify |
Baseline Record: If item B3-5h is YES, specify the problem and any activities conducted this program year to address it. Describe the issue and severity of known problems or rationale for low confidence in the accuracy of the EHR-reported screening rate. Specify any activities to address the problem(s) such as improvements made to data entry systems or to the screening rate measurement calculation.
Annual Record: If A3-5h is YES, specify the problem and any activities conducted this program year to address it. Describe the issue and severity of known problems or rationale for low confidence in the validity of the EHR-reported screening rate. Specify any activities such as improvements made to data entry systems or to the screening rate measurement calculation.
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B3-5j |
R |
B, A |
EHR- breast cancer SR reporting source |
Baseline and Annual Records: Indicates the source of the denominator and numerator data reported for the EHR breast cancer screening rate
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B3-5k |
O |
B, A |
Comments for EHR rates |
Optional comments for EHR rates |
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B3-6 |
R |
B, A |
Clinic breast cancer SR target for next year |
Baseline Record: Indicates the clinic-level breast cancer screening rate target established by the clinic for its first NBCCEDP annual clinic record.
Annual Record: Indicates the clinic-level breast cancer screening rate target established by the clinic for its next subsequent NBCCEDP annual clinic record.
Num |
1-100 999 (no target set) |
B3-7 |
O |
B, A |
Section 3 Comments |
Optional Comments for Section 3. |
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Section 4: Baseline and Annual Monitoring and Quality Improvement Activities |
Information on the clinic’s practices, policies, and support received to improve implementation of EBIs and/or monitoring of BREAST screening rates |
If the partner is a health system (P2=”Entire Health System”) then clinic data reported must represent the entire Health System |
Item # |
Item Type |
Collected |
NBCCEDP Data Item |
Indication/ Definition |
Field Type |
Response Options |
B4-1 |
R |
B, A |
Clinic breast cancer screening policy |
A credible policy should include a defined set of guidelines and procedures in place and in use at the clinic or parent health system to support breast cancer screening, a team responsible for implementing the policy, and a quality assurance structure (e.g., professional screening guideline followed such as USPSTF, process to assess patient screening history/risk/preference/insurance, process for scheduling screening or referral, steps/procedures/roles to implement the office policy).
Baseline Record: Indicates if the clinic had a written Breast cancer screening policy or protocol in use prior to NBCCEDP-breast activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Breast Activities Start Date).
Annual Record: Indicates if the clinic had a written breast cancer screening policy or protocol in use during the program year. |
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B4-2 |
R |
B, A |
Clinic breast cancer champion |
Baseline Record: Indicates if there was a known champion for breast cancer screening internal to this clinic or parent health system prior to NBCCEDP-breast activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Breast Activities Start Date)
Annual Record: Indicates if there was a known champion or champions for breast cancer screening internal to this clinic or parent health system for at least 6 months during this program year (July 1- June 30). |
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B4-3 |
R |
B, A |
Utilizing health IT to improve data collection and quality |
Baseline Record: Indicates if the clinic was using health information technology (health IT) to improve collection, accuracy, and validity of breast cancer screening data prior to NBCCEDP-breast activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Breast Activities Start Date).
Annual Record: Clinic used health information technology (health IT) to improve collection, accuracy, and validity of breast cancer screening data during the program year (July 1- June 30).
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B4-4 |
R |
B, A |
Utilizing health IT tools for monitoring program performance |
Baseline Record: Indicates if the clinic was using health-IT to perform data analytics and reporting to monitor and improve their breast cancer screening program and rates prior to NBCCEDP-breast activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Breast Activities Start Date).
Annual Record: Clinic used health information technology (health IT) tools to perform data analytics and reporting to monitor and improve their breast cancer screening program and rates during the program year (July 1- June 30).
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B4-5 |
R |
B, A |
QA/QI support |
Baseline Record: Indicates whether the clinic had a quality assurance/quality improvement specialist or team in place that addressed breast cancer screening prior to NBCCEDP-breast activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Breast Activities Start Date).
Annual Record: Indicates whether the clinic had a quality assurance/quality improvement specialist or team in place that addressed breast cancer screening during the program year (July 1- June 30).
List |
A4-6 |
R |
A |
Process improvements |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates whether process improvements were made at the clinic during the program year (July 1- June 30) to facilitate increased breast cancer screening of patients. Examples include process mapping to identify points to improve screening, daily huddles, or other daily processes to identify persons due for screening and use of QI processes to improve screening.
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A4-7 |
R |
A |
Frequency of monitoring breast cancer screening rate |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates how often the clinic breast cancer screening rate was monitored and reviewed by clinic personnel during the program year (July 1- June 30).
Select the response that best matches monitoring frequency during this program year. |
List |
A4-8 |
R |
A |
Validated screening rate |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates if the clinic-level breast cancer screening rate data were validated using chart review or other methods during this program year (July 1- June 30).
If yes, indicate all methods used to validate the screening rate in items A4-8a to A4-8d. If no, skip to A4-9. |
List |
A4-8a |
R |
A |
Validation method: Manual chart review |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Method of validating screening rate (if item A4-8=yes): Indicates whether screening rates were validated by a manual chart review. |
List |
A4-8b |
R |
A |
Validation method: EHR system or algorithm validation |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Method of validating screening rate (if item A4-8=yes): Indicates if screening rates were validated by a review and confirmation of EHR system algorithms. |
List |
A4-8c |
R |
A |
Validation method: Other |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Method of validating screening rate (if item A4-8=yes): Indicates whether screening rates were validated by a method other than manual chart review or review of EHR system algorithms. |
List |
A4-8d |
R |
A |
Other validation method specify |
Specify other method used to validate the clinic’s breast cancer screening rate during the PY. |
Char |
Free text 200 char limit |
A4-9 |
R |
A |
Health center controlled network |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: For Community Health Centers/FQHCs only, indicates whether the clinic received technical assistance from a Health Center Controlled Network to implement EBIs or improve use of the clinic’s EHR to better measure and monitor breast cancer screening rates during the program year (July 1- June 30). |
List |
A4-10 |
R |
A |
Frequency of implementation support to clinic |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates the frequency of on-site or direct contacts (e.g., telephone) with the clinic to support and improve implementation activities for EBIs/SAs and breast cancer screening data quality during this program year (PY).
List |
B4-11 A4-11 |
R |
B, A |
BCCEDP clinical services |
Baseline Record: Indicates if the recipient reimbursed for breast cancer screening, diagnostics, and/or patient navigation services at this clinic in the year prior to NBCCEDP-breast activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Breast Activities Start Date. Funding could come from CDC, your state, or other sources.
Annual Record: Indicates if the recipient reimbursed for breast cancer screening, diagnostics, and/or patient navigation services at this clinic during the program year. Funding could come from CDC, your state, or other sources. |
List |
A4-12 |
R |
A |
BCCEDP financial resources |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates whether the recipient or a subcontractor of the recipient provided financial resources to this clinic and/or its parent health system during the program year (July 1- June 30) to support NBCCEDP health system change activities. Funding could come from CDC, your state, or other sources.
Funds for screening and clinical services should not be included here. If yes, answer items A4-12a and A4-12b If no, skip to A4-13 |
List |
A4-12a |
R |
A |
Use of BCCEDP financial resources |
If BCCEDP financial resources were provided (item A4-12 is Yes), indicates whether the funds were for Breast Cancer activities only or for both Breast and Cervical Cancer activities. |
List |
A4-12b |
R |
A |
Amount of BCCEDP financial resources |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If BCCEDP financial resources were provided (item A4-12 is Yes), indicate the total amount of financial resources provided to the clinic during this program year (PY).
Num |
Dollar amount $1-900000 999999 (UNK) |
B4-13 A4-13 |
O |
B, A |
Section 4 Comments |
Optional comments for section 4. |
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Free text 200 char limit |
Section 5: Baseline and Annual Evidence-based Interventions (EBIs) and Other Clinic Activities |
Information on implementation status and sustainability of activities, put in place by the recipient or clinic, to improve breast cancer screening. |
If the partner is a health system (P2=”Health System”) then clinic data reported must represent the entire Health System |
Indicates the clinic’s use of system(s) to remind patients when they are due for breast cancer screening. Patient reminders can be written (letter, postcard, email, text) or telephone messages (including automated messages). |
Item # |
Item Type |
Collected |
NBCCEDP Data Item |
Indication/ Definition |
Field Type |
Response Options |
A5-1a |
R |
A |
NBCCEDP resources used toward a patient reminder system |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates whether NBCCEDP recipient resources (e.g. funds, staff time, materials, contract) were used during this program year (July 1- June 30) to contribute to planning, developing, implementing, monitoring/evaluating or improving a patient reminder system for breast cancer screening. |
List |
B5-1b |
R |
B, A |
Patient reminder system in place |
Baseline Record: Indicates whether a patient reminder system for breast cancer screening was in place and operational (in use) in this clinic prior to NBCCEDP-breast activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Breast Activities Start Date), regardless of the quality, reach, or level of functionality.
Annual Record: Indicates whether a patient reminder system for breast cancer screening was in place and operational (in use) in this clinic at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
If yes, newly in place skip to A5-1e If yes, continuing, skip to A5-1d If no, answer A5-1c and then skip to the next EBI, A5-2a
List |
Baseline Record:
Annual Record:
A5-1c |
R |
A |
Patient reminder system planning activities |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If a patient reminder system was not in place (A5-1b is No), indicates whether planning activities were conducted this program year (July 1- June 30) for future implementation of a breast cancer screening patient reminder system. Skip to the next EBI, A5-2a. |
List |
A5-1d |
R |
A |
Patient reminder system enhancements |
Baseline: N/A
Annual: If a patient reminder system was in place prior to this program year and continuing (A5-1b is Yes, continuing), indicates whether the clinic made changes to enhance or improve implementation of patient reminders during the program year (July 1- June 30). |
List |
A5-1e |
R |
A |
Patient reminders sent multiple ways |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If a patient reminder system was in place (A5-1b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether an average patient at this clinic received breast cancer screening reminders in more than one way (e.g., same patient received reminders in 3 different ways: one by letter, another by text message, and a third by telephone) during this program year (July 1- June 30). |
List |
A5-1f |
R |
A |
Maximum number and/or frequency of patient reminders |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If a patient reminder system was in place (A5-1b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates the maximum number of different ways and times (activity conducted more than one time during the year) that a given patient could have received breast cancer screening reminders during this program year (July 1- June 30) (e.g., same patient received a total of 4 reminders – 2 by phone, 1 by text, 1 by mail).
List |
A5-1g |
R |
A |
Patient reminder system sustainability |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If a patient reminder system was in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-1b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether the breast cancer screening patient reminder system is considered to be fully integrated into health system and/or clinic operations and is sustainable without NBCCEDP resources.
[The patient reminder system has become an institutionalized component of the health system and/or clinic operations.] |
List |
Section 5-2: EBI -Provider Reminder System |
Indicates the clinic’s use of system(s) to inform providers that a patient is due (or overdue) for screening. The reminders can be provided in different ways, such as placing reminders in patient charts, EHR alerts, e-mails to the provider, etc. |
Item # |
Item Type |
Collected |
NBCCEDP Data Item |
Indication/ Definition |
Field Type |
A5-2a |
R |
A |
NBCCEDP resources used toward a provider reminder system |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates whether NBCCEDP recipient resources (e.g. funds, staff time, materials, contract) were used during this program year (July 1- June 30) to contribute to planning, developing, implementing, monitoring/evaluating or improving a provider reminder system that addresses breast cancer screening. |
List |
B5-2b |
R |
B, A |
Provider reminder system in place |
Baseline Record: Indicates whether a provider reminder system that addresses breast cancer screening was in place and operational (in use) in this clinic prior to NBCCEDP-breast activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Breast Activities Start Date), regardless of the quality, reach, or level of functionality.
Annual Record: Indicates whether a provider reminder system that addresses breast cancer screening was in place and operational (in use) in this clinic at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
If yes, newly in place skip to A5-2e If yes, continuing, skip to A5-2d If no, answer A5-2c and then skip to the next EBI, item A5-3a
List |
Baseline Record:
Annual Record:
A5-2c |
R |
A |
Provider reminder system planning activities |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If a provider reminder system is not in place (A5-2b is No), indicates whether planning activities were conducted this program year (July 1- June 30) for future implementation of a provider reminder system for breast cancer screening. Skip to the next EBI, item A5-3a |
List |
A5-2d |
R |
A |
Provider reminder system enhancements |
Baseline: N/A
Annual: If a provider reminder system was in place prior to this program year and continuing (A5-2b is Yes, continuing), indicates whether the clinic made changes to enhance or improve implementation of provider reminders during the program year (July 1- June 30). |
List |
A5-2e |
R |
A |
Provider reminders sent multiple ways |
Baseline Record: N/A Annual Record: If a provider reminder system was in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-2b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether providers at this clinic typically received breast cancer screening reminders for a given patient in more than one way (e.g., provider receives both an EHR pop-up message and a flagged patient chart for the same patient) during this program year.
List |
A5-2f |
R |
A |
Maximum number and/or frequency of provider reminders |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If a provider reminder system was in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-2b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates the maximum number of different ways and times (activity conducted more than one time during the year) that a given provider could have received breast cancer screening reminders for an individual patient during this program year (e.g., the provider received a total of 3 reminders for a given patient – 1 pop-up reminder in the patients electronic medical record, 1 reminder flagged in the patient chart, and 1 reminder via a list each day of patients due for screening) . |
List |
A5-2g |
R |
A |
Provider reminder system sustainability |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If a provider reminder system was in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-2b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether the provider reminder system is considered to be fully integrated into health system and/or clinic operations and is sustainable without NBCCEDP resources.
[The provider reminder system has become an institutionalized component of the health system and/or clinic operations.]
List |
Section 5-3: EBI -Provider Assessment and Feedback |
Indicates the clinic’s use of system(s) to evaluate provider performance in delivering or offering screening to clients (assessment) and/or present providers, either individually or as a group, with information about their performance in providing screening services (feedback). |
Item # |
Item Type |
Collected |
NBCCEDP Data Item |
Indication/ Definition |
Field Type |
Response Options |
A5-3a |
R |
A |
NBCCEDP resources used toward provider assessment and feedback |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates whether NBCCEDP recipient resources (e.g. funds, staff time, materials, contract) were used during this program year (July 1- June 30) to contribute to planning, developing, implementing, monitoring/evaluating or improving provider assessment and feedback.
List |
B5-3b |
R |
B, A |
Provider assessment and feedback in place |
Baseline Record: Indicates whether provider assessment and feedback processes for breast cancer screening were in place and operational (in use) in this clinic prior to NBCCEDP-breast activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Breast Activities Start Date), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
Annual Record: Indicates whether provider assessment and feedback processes for breast cancer screening were in place and operational (in use) in this clinic at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
If yes, newly in place skip to A5-3e If yes, continuing, skip to A5-3d If no, answer A5-3c and then skip to the next EBI, A5-4a |
List |
Baseline Record:
Annual Record:
A5-3c |
R |
A |
Provider assessment and feedback planning activities |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If provider assessment and feedback were not in place and operational (A5-3b is No), indicates whether planning activities were conducted this program year for future implementation of provider assessment and feedback for breast cancer screening. Skip to the next EBI, A5-4a. |
List |
A5-3d |
R |
A |
Provider assessment and feedback enhancements |
Baseline: N/A
Annual: If a provider assessment and feedback system was in place prior to this program year and continuing (A5-3b is Yes, continuing), indicates whether the clinic made changes to enhance or improve implementation of provider assessment and feedback during the program year (July 1- June 30). |
List |
A5-3e |
R |
A |
Provider assessment and feedback frequency |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If provider assessment and feedback were in place and operational at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-3b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates, on average, how often providers, either individually or as a group, were given feedback on their performance in providing breast cancer screening services during this program year. |
A5-3f |
R |
A |
Provider assessment and feedback sustainability |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If provider assessment and feedback were in place and operational at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-3b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether provider assessment and feedback is considered to be fully integrated into health system and/or clinic operations and is sustainable without NBCCEDP resources.
[Provider assessment and feedback has become an institutionalized component of the health system and/or clinic operations.]
List |
Section 5-4: EBI -Reducing Structural Barriers |
Indicates the clinic’s use of one or more interventions to address structural barriers to breast cancer screening. Structural barriers are non-economic burdens or obstacles that make it difficult for people to access cancer screening. Do not include patient navigation or community health workers as "reducing structural barriers." |
Item # |
Item Type |
Collected |
NBCCEDP Data Item |
Indication/ Definition |
Field Type |
Response Options |
A5-4a |
R |
A |
NBCCEDP resources used toward reducing structural barriers |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates whether NBCCEDP recipient resources (e.g. funds, staff time, materials, contract) were used during this program year (July 1- June 30) to contribute to planning, developing, implementing, monitoring/evaluating or improving reducing structural barriers activities.
List |
B5-4b |
R |
B, A |
Reducing structural barriers in place |
Baseline Record: Indicates whether activities for reducing structural barriers to breast cancer screening were in place and operational (in use) in this clinic prior to NBCCEDP-breast activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Breast Activities Start Date), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
Annual Record: Indicates whether activities for reducing structural barriers to breast cancer screening were in place and operational (in use) in this clinic at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
If yes, newly in place skip to A5-4e If yes, continuing, skip to A5-4d If no, answer A5-4c and then skip to the next EBI, A5-5a |
List |
Baseline Record:
Annual Record:
A5-4c |
R |
A |
Reducing structural barriers planning activities |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If reducing structural barriers was not in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-4b is No), indicates whether planning activities were conducted this program year for future implementation of reducing structural barriers activities for breast cancer screening. Skip to the next EBI, A5-5a. |
List |
A5-4d |
R |
A |
Reducing structural barriers enhancements |
Baseline: N/A
Annual: If reducing structural barriers was in place prior to this program year and continuing (A5-4b is “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether the clinic made changes to enhance or improve implementation of reducing structural barriers during the program year (July 1- June 30). |
List |
A5-4e |
R |
A |
Reducing structural barriers more than one way |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If reducing structural barriers was in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-4b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether this clinic reduced structural barriers for patients in multiple ways (e.g., offered evening clinic hours, offered assistance in scheduling appointments, provided free screenings for some patients) during this program year. |
List |
A5-4f |
R |
A |
Maximum ways reducing structural barriers |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If reducing structural barriers was in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-4b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates the maximum number of different ways the clinic reduced structural barriers to breast cancer screening during this program year. |
A5-4g |
R |
A |
Reducing structural barriers sustainability |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If reducing structural barriers was in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-4b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether reducing structural barriers is considered to be fully integrated into health system and/or clinic operations and is sustainable without NBCCEDP resources.
[Reducing structural barriers has become an institutionalized component of the health system and/or clinic operations.] |
List |
Section 5-5: EBI- Small Media |
Indicates the clinic’s use of small media to improve breast cancer screening. Small media are materials used to inform and motivate people to be screened for cancer, including videos and printed materials (e.g., letters, brochures, and newsletters). |
Item # |
Item Type |
Collected |
NBCCEDP Data Item |
Indication/ Definition |
Field Type |
Response Options |
A5-5a |
R |
A |
NBCCEDP resources used toward small media |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates whether NBCCEDP recipient resources (e.g. funds, staff time, materials, contract) were used during this program year (July 1- June 30) to contribute to planning, developing, implementing, monitoring/evaluating or improving small media to improve breast cancer screening. |
List |
B5-5b |
R |
B, A |
Small media in place |
Baseline Record: Indicates whether use of small media to improve breast cancer screening was in place and operational (in use) in this clinic prior to NBCCEDP-breast activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Breast Activities Start Date), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
Annual Record: Indicates whether use of small media to improve breast cancer screening were in place and operational (in use) in this clinic at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
If yes, newly in place skip to A5-5e If yes, continuing, skip to A5-5d If no, answer A5-5c and then skip to the next EBI, A5-6a |
List |
Baseline Record:
Annual Record:
A5-5c |
R |
A |
Small media planning activities |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If small media to improve breast cancer screening was not in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-5b is No), indicates whether planning activities were conducted this year for future implementation of small media. Skip to the next EBI, A5-6a |
List |
A5-5d |
R |
A |
Small media enhancements |
Baseline: N/A
Annual: If small media was in place prior to this program year and continuing (A5-5b is “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether the clinic made changes to enhance or improve implementation of small media during the program year (July 1- June 30). |
List |
A5-5e |
R |
A |
Small media delivered in more than one way |
If small media was in place prior to this program year and continuing (A5-5b is “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether a given patient received multiple forms of small media related to breast cancer screening (e.g., the same patient received a postcard, was exposed to posters in the office setting, received a clinic newsletter or brochure) during this PY. |
List |
A5-5f |
R |
A |
Maximum number of ways and times small media delivered |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If small media was in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-5b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates the maximum number of different ways and times (activity conducted more than one time during the year) a given patient could have received small media about breast cancer screening during this PY. |
List |
A5-5g |
R |
A |
Small media sustainability |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If small media was in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-5b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether small media is considered to be fully integrated into health system and/or clinic operations and sustainable.
[Small media has become an institutionalized component of the health system and/or clinic operations.]
List |
Section 5-6: EBI - Patient education for clinic patients |
Indicates the clinic’s use of one or more interventions to provide group or individual education to clinic patients on indications for, benefits of, and ways to overcome barriers to breast cancer screening with the goal of informing, encouraging, and motivating participants to seek recommended screening. Patient education may include role modeling or other interactive learning formats |
Item # |
Item Type |
Collected |
NBCCEDP Data Item |
Indication/ Definition |
Field Type |
Response Options |
A5-6a |
R |
A |
NBCCEDP resources used toward patient education |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates whether NBCCEDP recipient resources (e.g. funds, staff time, materials, contract) were used during this program year (July 1- June 30) to contribute to planning, developing, implementing, monitoring/evaluating or improving patient education for breast cancer screening.
List |
B5-6b |
R |
B, A |
Patient education in place |
Baseline Record: Indicates whether patient education activities for breast cancer screening were in place and operational (in use) in this clinic prior to NBCCEDP-breast activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Breast Activities Start Date), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
Annual Record: Indicates whether patient education activities for breast cancer screening were in place and operational (in use) in this clinic at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
If yes, newly in place skip to A5-6e If yes, continuing, skip to A5-6d If no, answer A5-6c and then skip to the next EBI, A5-7a |
List |
Baseline Record:
Annual Record:
A5-6c |
R |
A |
Patient education planning activities |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If patient education activities were not in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-6b is No), indicates whether planning activities were conducted this program year for future implementation of patient education activities for breast cancer screening. Skip to the next EBI, A5-7a. |
List |
A5-6d |
R |
A |
Patient education enhancements |
Baseline: N/A
Annual: If patient education activities were in place prior to this program year and continuing (A5-6b is “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether the clinic made changes to enhance or improve implementation of patient education during the program year (July 1- June 30). |
List |
A5-6e |
R |
A |
Average amount of patient education |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If patient education activities were in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-6b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates, on average, the amount of breast cancer screening education received by a given patient during this PY. |
List |
A5-6f |
R |
A |
Patient education sustainability |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If patient education activities were in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-6b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether patient education activities are considered to be fully integrated into health system and/or clinic operations and is sustainable without NBCCEDP resources.
[Patient education activities have become an institutionalized component of the health system and/or clinic operations.] |
List |
Section 5-7: EBI- Reducing out-of-pocket costs |
Indicates the clinic’s use of one or more interventions to reduce patient out-of-pocket costs to minimize or remove economic barriers that make it difficult for patients to access breast cancer screening services. Reducing costs may include vouchers or reimbursements for transportation/parking, reduction in co-pays, reimbursing for breast cancer screening and/or diagnostics, or adjustments in federal or state insurance coverage. |
Item # |
Item Type |
Collected |
NBCCEDP Data Item |
Indication/ Definition |
Field Type |
Response Options |
A5-7a |
R |
A |
NBCCEDP resources used toward reducing out-of-pocket costs |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates whether NBCCEDP recipient resources (e.g. funds, staff time, materials, contract) were used during this program year (July 1- June 30) to contribute to planning, developing, implementing, monitoring/evaluating or improving interventions to reduce patient out-pocket costs to improve breast cancer screening. |
List |
B5-7b |
R |
B, A |
Reducing out-of-pocket costs in place |
Baseline Record: Indicates whether interventions to reduce patient out-of-pocket costs to improve breast cancer screening were in place and operational (in use) in this clinic prior to NBCCEDP-breast activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Breast Activities Start Date), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
Annual Record: Indicates whether interventions to reduce patient out-of-pocket costs to improve breast cancer screening were in place and operational (in use) in this clinic at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
If yes, newly in place skip to A5-7e If yes, continuing, skip to A5-7d If no, answer A5-7c and then skip to the next EBI, A5-8a |
List |
Baseline Record:
Annual Record:
A5-7c |
R |
A |
Reducing out-of-pocket costs planning activities |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If interventions to reduce patient out-of-pocket costs to improve breast cancer screening was not in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-7b is No), indicates whether planning activities were conducted this year for future implementation of interventions to reduce patient out-of-pocket costs. Skip to the next EBI, A5-8a. |
List |
A5-7d |
R |
A |
Reducing out-of-pocket costs enhancements |
Baseline: N/A
Annual: If interventions to reduce patient out-of-pocket costs were in place prior to this program year and continuing (A5-7b is “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether the clinic made changes to enhance or improve implementation of interventions to reduce patient out-of-pocket costs during the program year (July 1- June 30). |
List |
A5-7e |
R |
A |
Reducing out-of-pocket costs in more than one way |
If interventions to reduce patient out-of-pocket costs was in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-7b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether this clinic reduced out-of-pocket costs for patients in multiple ways during this PY. |
List |
A5-7f |
R |
A |
Maximum number of ways and times used to reduce out-of- pocket costs |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If interventions to reduce patient out-of-pocket costs were in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-7b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates the maximum number of different ways and times (activity conducted more than one time during the year) a given patient could have received these interventions for breast cancer screening during this PY. |
List |
A5-7g |
R |
A |
Reducing out-of-pocket costs sustainability |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If interventions to reduce patient out-of-pocket costs was in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-7b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether these interventions are considered to be fully integrated into health system and/or clinic operations and sustainable.
[Reducing patient out-of-pocket costs has become an institutionalized component of the health system and/or clinic operations.] |
List |
Indicates whether activities are in place to provide professional development/provider education to health care providers in this clinic on breast cancer screening. Activities may include distribution of provider education materials, including screening guidelines and recommendations, and/or continuing medical education (CMEs) opportunities. |
Item # |
Item Type |
Collected |
NBCCEDP Data Item |
Indication/ Definition |
Field Type |
Response Options |
A5-8a |
R |
A |
NBCCEDP resources used toward professional development/provider education |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates whether NBCCEDP recipient resources (e.g. funds, staff time, materials, contract) were used during this program year (July 1- June 30) to contribute to planning, developing, implementing, monitoring/evaluating or improving professional development/provider education.
List |
B5-8b |
R |
B, A |
Professional development/provider education in place |
Baseline Record: Indicates whether professional development/provider education for breast cancer screening was in place and operational (in use) in this clinic prior to NBCCEDP-breast activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Breast Activities Start Date), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
Annual Record: Indicates whether professional development/provider education for breast cancer screening were in place and operational (in use) in this clinic at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
If yes, newly in place skip to A5-8e If yes, continuing, skip to A5-8e If no, skip to the next EBI, A5-9a
List |
Baseline Record:
Annual Record:
A5-8e |
R |
A |
Average amount of professional development/provider education |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If in place (10a3 is Yes), indicates on average, the amount of breast cancer screening professional development training or education was received by a given provider during this PY. |
List |
Section 5-9: EBI -Community outreach, education, and support |
Indicates whether community outreach and education activities are in place with the goal of linking women in the community to breast cancer screening services at this clinic. An example is using community health workers (CHWs) for community outreach. CHWs are lay health educators with a deep understanding of the community and are often members of the community being served. CHWs work in community settings to educate people about cancer screening, promote cancer screening, and provide peer support to people referred to cancer screening. |
Item # |
Item Type |
Collected |
NBCCEDP Data Item |
Indication/ Definition |
Field Type |
Response Options |
A5-9a |
R |
A |
NBCCEDP resources used toward community outreach |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates whether NBCCEDP recipient resources (e.g. funds, staff time, materials, contract) were used during this program year (July 1- June 30) to contribute to planning, developing, implementing, monitoring/evaluating or improving community outreach activities.
List |
B5-9b |
R |
B, A |
Community outreach in place |
Baseline Record: Indicates whether community outreach activities for breast cancer screening were in place and operational (in use) in this clinic prior to NBCCEDP-breast activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Breast Activities Start Date), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
Annual Record: Indicates whether community outreach activities for breast cancer screening were in place and operational (in use) in this clinic at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
If yes, newly in place skip to A5-9e If yes, continuing, skip to A5-9d If no, answer A5-9c and then skip to the next EBI, A5-9h.
List |
Baseline Record:
Annual Record:
A5-9c |
R |
A |
Community outreach planning activities |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If community outreach activities to improve breast cancer screening were not in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-9b is No), indicates whether planning activities were conducted this program year for future implementation of community outreach. Skip to the next EBI, A5-9h. |
List |
A5-9d |
R |
A |
Community outreach activities enhancements |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If community outreach activities to improve breast cancer screening was in place prior to this program year and continuing (A5-9b is “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether the clinic made changes to enhance or improve implementation of community outreach activities during the program year (July 1- June 30). |
List |
A5-9e |
R |
A |
Average duration of community outreach activities |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If community outreach was in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-9b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), for persons in the clinic’s community who were exposed to outreach activities conducted by the clinic, indicates the average amount of time a given person received those activities during this PY. |
List |
A5-9f |
R |
A |
Community outreach sustainability |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If community outreach was in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-9b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether these interventions are considered to be fully integrated into health system and/or clinic operations and sustainable.
[ Community outreach has become an institutionalized component of the health system and/or clinic operations.]
List |
A5-9g |
R |
B, A |
Number of FTE CHWs |
Baseline Record: If community outreach was in place prior to NBCCEDP-breast activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Breast Activities Start Date), indicates the number of CHW full time equivalents (FTEs) employed at or by the clinic during the program year for breast cancer screening
Annual Record: If community outreach was in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-9b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates the number of CHW full time equivalents (FTEs) employed at or by the clinic during the program year for breast cancer screening. For this number, please provide the total sum of whole and partial FTEs to the nearest tenths decimal place. For example, if 2 CHWs work a total of 50% time, then enter 0.5. If no CHWs are being used for NBCCEDP-Breast activities then enter 0. |
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00.0-999.0 |
B5-9h-A5-9h |
R |
B, A |
Other community-clinical linkage (CCL) activities |
Community-clinical linkage (CCL) activities refer to activities in place at or employed by the clinic to link priority population members in the community to breast cancer screening services at this clinic.
Baseline Record: Describes any other CCL activities used by the clinic prior to NBCCEDP-breast activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Breast Activities Start Date), to link women in the community to breast cancer screening services at this clinic.
Annual Record: Describe any other CCL activities this clinic conducted during the program year (July 1-June 30) to link women in the community to breast cancer screening services at this clinic. |
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Section 5-10: Patient Navigation |
Indicates whether patient navigators (PNs) are in place at or employed by the clinic. PNs typically assist clients in overcoming individual barriers to cancer screening. Patient navigation includes assessment of client barriers, client education and support, resolution of client barriers, client tracking and follow-up. Patient navigation should involve multiple contacts with a client. |
Section 7: Other Baseline and Annual Breast Cancer Activities and Comments |
Indicates whether other/additional breast cancer -related strategies are used in the clinic to improve screening levels such as clinic workflow assessment and data driven optimization, other data driven quality improvement strategies, 5 rights of clinical decision support (5 R’s), etc. |
Item # |
Item Type |
Collected |
NBCCEDP Data Item |
Indication/ Definition |
Field Type |
Response Options |
B7-1 |
O |
B, A |
Other breast cancer activity 1 |
Baseline and Annual Records: Description of other BREAST activity or strategy #1. |
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A7-1a |
O |
A |
NBCCEDP resources used toward activity 1 |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates whether NBCCEDP resources were used during the program year to support activity #1 |
List |
B7-2 |
O |
B, A |
Other breast cancer activity 2 |
Baseline and Annual Records: Description of other BREAST activity or strategy #2. |
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A7-2a |
O |
A |
NBCCEDP resources used toward activity 2 |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates whether NBCCEDP resources were used during the program year to support activity #2. |
List |
B7-3 |
O |
B, A |
Other breast cancer activity 3 |
Baseline and Annual Records: Description of other BREAST activity or strategy #3.
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A7-3a |
O |
A |
NBCCEDP resources used toward activity 3 |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates whether NBCCEDP resources were used during the program year to support activity #3. |
List |
B7-4 |
O |
B, A |
Section 7 Comments |
Optional comments for Section 7. |
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NOFO DP22-2202 OMB
# 0920-1046 Expiration
Date: xx/xx/xxxx Version
National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP)
Cervical Clinic Data Dictionary
Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 40 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D‐74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-1046).
NBCCEDP-Cervical Clinic Data Dictionary (NOFO DP22-2202)
Part I: Partner and Record Identifiers
Part II: Baseline and Annual Record Data Items
Section 1. Baseline and Annual Clinic NBCCEDP Activity and Status
Section 2. Baseline and Annual Health System and Clinic Characteristics and Clinic Patient Population
Section 3. Baseline and Annual Cervical Cancer Screening Rates
Screening Rate Status
Chart Review (CR) Screening Rates
Electronic Health Record (EHR) Screening Rates
Section 4. Baseline and Annual Monitoring and Quality Improvement Activities
Section 5. Baseline and Annual Evidence-based Interventions (EBIs) and Other Clinic Activities
5-1: EBI-Patient Reminder System
5-2: EBI-Provider Reminder System
5-3: EBI-Provider Assessment and Feedback
5-4: EBI-Reducing Structural Barriers
5-5: EBI-Small Media
5-6: Patient Education for Clinic Patients
5-7: EBI- Reducing out-of-pocket costs
5-8: Professional Development and Provider Education
5-9: EBI -Community Outreach, Education, and Support
5-10: EBI- Patient Navigation
Section 7. Other Baseline and Annual Cervical Cancer Activities and Comments
Data Collection Notes:
For new clinics, baseline data are reported when new clinics are enrolled to participate in NBCCEDP-cervical activities and reflect activities prior to NBCCEDP-cervical activity implementation (Item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date).
For clinics enrolled during the previous NBCCEDP funding period (NOFO DP17-1701) for cervical activities and still active, continue data collection as usual- a new baseline record is not required.
Clinic partnerships are the preferred action. When reporting clinic-level data, the clinic/recipient must report clinic-specific screening rates and population counts (not health system rates and counts).
To report Health System-level data, you must have approval from CDC's Evaluation Team before enrolling the Health System. In addition, four criteria must be met:
All Clinics within the health system must be participating in NBCCEDP.
The same EBIs must be implemented uniformly across ALL clinics within the health system
The reported screening rate and population counts must be Health System-wide for ALL eligible patients at all clinics within the health system.
Data for any individual clinic within the health system must not be reported separately. Thus, you will have only one record reported for the entire health system in B&C-BARS. Within the record, information at the health system level will be reported for both the Health System and the individual Clinic fields. Contact CDC’s evaluation team for help with reporting these data.
Recipient: an award recipient of CDC cooperative agreement DP22-2202 (previously referred to as grantee).
Partner: the clinic and/or health system that a recipient is working with to implement EBIs to improve breast and/or cervical cancer screening. An individual clinic is the preferred partner, however in some cases the health system can be the partner.
Health System: a parent entity with an associated number of clinics.
Clinic: the point of patient care.
NBCCEDP Program Year: The 12-month period from July 1- June 30. For DP22-2022 these are:
Start Date |
end date |
PY 1 |
July 1, 2022 |
June 30, 2023 |
PY 2 |
July 1, 2023 |
June 30, 2024 |
PY 3 |
July 1, 2024 |
June 30, 2025 |
PY 4 |
July 1, 2025 |
June 30, 2026 |
PY 5 |
July 1, 2026 |
June 30, 2027 |
Screening Rate Measurement Period: The 12-month period used to calculate the baseline and annual clinic screening rates. This same 12-month period selected at baseline must be used for all subsequent annual screening rates
August Release Notes
Removed COVID questions. Beginning with DP20-2002 PY2, COVID-19 questions will no longer be collected.
Removed HEDIS and NQF options. Beginning with screening rate measurement periods for PY2 and going forward, the HEDIS and NQF options for screening rate measure used will be disabled. GPRA and UDS measures will remain. UDS measures align with the CMS eCQM measures
Part I. Partner and Record Identifiers |
Identifying information for the partner clinic and health system. |
Item # |
Item Type |
Collected |
NBCCEDP Data Item |
Indication/ Definition |
Field Type |
Response Options |
P1 |
R |
B |
Recipient code |
Baseline Record: Two-character Recipient Code (assigned by CDC/IMS)
Annual Record: N/A
List |
TBD- 2-character code |
P2 |
R |
B |
NBCCEDP partner entity |
Baseline Record: Indicates the organizational level of the partner entity working with the recipient to implement cervical cancer screening EBIs and the associated population used for calculating screening rates.
Clinic partnerships are the preferred action. When reporting clinic-level data, the clinic/recipient must report clinic-specific screening rates and population counts (not health system rates and counts).
To report Health System-level data, you must have approval from CDC's Evaluation Team before enrolling the Health System.
In addition, four criteria must be met:
Annual Record: N/A
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P2a |
R |
B |
Other partner entity type specify |
Baseline Record: If other partner, provide description
Annual Record: N/A
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P3 |
R |
B, A |
Partner agreement |
Baseline Record: The initial type of formal agreement the recipient made with the clinic or health system for NBCCEDP activities.
Annual Record: The type of formal agreement the recipient had in place with the partner clinic or health system for NBCCEDP activities at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30). |
List |
P4 |
R |
B |
Date of partner agreement |
Baseline Record: The original date the formal agreement was finalized between the recipient and partner clinic or health system for NBCCEDP DP22-2202 activities.
Annual Record: N/A
Date |
Health System Identifiers |
HS1 |
R |
B-HS |
Health system name |
Health System Record: Name of the health system under which the clinic (partner site) operates.
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HS2 |
R |
B-HS |
Health system ID |
Health System Record: Unique three-digit identification code for the partner health system assigned by the recipient. Start with “001” and continue assigning numbers sequentially as health system partnerships are established.
Num |
001-999 |
HS2a |
R |
B-HS |
Health system NBCCEDP activities start date |
Health System Record: Indicates the date that a health system begins NBCCEDP activities. This date will be used to assign annual reporting periods to health system records.
Date |
HS3 |
R |
B-HS |
Health system street |
Health System Record: Street address for the partner health system. If the street address is more than two lines, use a comma for separation.
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HS4 |
R |
B-HS |
Health system city |
Health System Record: City of the partner health system.
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HS5 |
R |
B-HS |
Health system state or territory |
Health System Record: Two-letter state or territory postal code for the partner health system.
List |
Various |
HS6 |
R |
B-HS |
Health system zip code |
Health System Record: 5-digit zip code for the partner health system.
Num |
00001-99999 |
HS7 |
R |
B-HS |
Health system county |
Health System Record: County where the primary administrative office of the health system is located.
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HS8 |
O |
B |
Health system comments |
Optional comments for Health System. |
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Clinic Identifiers |
CL1 |
R |
B |
Clinic name |
Baseline Record: Name of the partner health clinic (intervention site).
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CL2 |
R |
B |
Clinic ID |
Baseline Record: Unique three-digit identification code for the partner clinic assigned by the recipient. Start with “001” and continue assigning numbers sequentially as health system partnerships are established.
Num |
001-999 |
CL3 |
R |
B |
Clinic street |
Baseline Record: Street address for the partner clinic.
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CL4 |
R |
B |
Clinic city |
Baseline Record: City of the partner clinic.
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CL5 |
R |
B |
Clinic state or territory |
Baseline Record: Two-letter state or territory postal code for the partner clinic.
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Various |
CL6 |
R |
B |
Clinic zip code |
Baseline Record: 5-digit zip code for the partner clinic.
Num |
00001-99999 |
CL7 |
R |
B |
Clinic county |
Baseline Record: County where the clinic is located
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CL8 |
O |
B |
Clinic comments |
Optional comments for Clinic. |
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Part II. Baseline and Annual Record Data Items |
All questions in Part II refer to the partner entity as a clinic. If the partner entity is a health system (P2= “Health System”), the data reported must represent the entire Health System, i.e. clinic=health system |
Section 1. Baseline and Annual Clinic NBCCEDP Activity and Status
Item # |
Item Type |
Collected |
NBCCEDP Data Item |
Indication/ Definition |
Field Type |
Response Options |
B1-1 |
Comp |
B |
Clinic enrollment NOFO, cervical activities |
Baseline Record: Indicates the NOFO during which the clinic was first enrolled into NBCCEDP for EBI implementation.
Identifies the clinic as new to NBCCEDP and newly enrolled during NOFO DP22-2202 or if the clinic was recruited prior to this funding cycle and is continuing from DP17-1701 and if so, its status at the end of DP17-1701.
If the enrollment NOFO is DP17-1701 never terminated, skip to A1-1 |
List |
B1-2 |
R |
B |
Clinic NBCCEDP-cervical activities start date |
Baseline Record: New clinics only. Indicates the date the clinic (or health system if reporting health system-level data) began actively implementing NBCCEDP [NOFO DP22-2202] cervical activities.
Enter the date that the clinic started implementing NBCCEDP [NOFO DP22-2202] cervical program activities to increase clinic-level cervical cancer screening rates. Activities can include:
Date |
B1-3 |
Comp |
B |
Baseline PY |
Baseline Record: Baseline
PY (based on activities start date)
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B1-4 |
R |
B |
Clinic type |
Baseline Record: Organizational classification of the partner clinic (intervention site).
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A1-1 |
Comp |
A |
Annual report period |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates the reporting period represented in the data submission
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A1-2 |
R |
A |
Annual partner status |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates the status of NBCCEDP supported cervical cancer EBI implementation and screening rate monitoring activities at this clinic or health system during the program year. Select only one response.
If active or monitoring, skip to Section 2 If suspended or ended, indicate date and reason in A1-2a through A1-2i *Full annual record required for active or monitoring |
A1-2a |
R |
A |
Suspension/end date |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates the date when the clinic partnership for NBCCEDP cervical cancer EBI activities and screening rate monitoring activities were suspended or terminated. If the day is unknown use “15” |
Date |
A1-2b |
R |
A |
Suspension/end reason: Clinic implementation completed - no longer monitoring screening rates |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Reason for clinic end: Indicates if the awardee and clinic have completed NBCCEDP cervical cancer EBI implementation and screening rate monitoring activities with no further activities planned. Only applicable for ended partnerships. * Do not use as a reason for suspended clinics |
List |
A1-2c |
R |
A |
Suspension/end reason: Clinic non-performance |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Reason for suspension or end of clinic partnership Indicates if NBCCEDP cervical cancer EBI and screening rate monitoring activities have been suspended or ended at this clinic due to non-performance by the partner clinic. |
List |
A1-2d |
R |
A |
Suspension/end reason: Clinic does not have resources/capacity to participate |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Reason for suspension or end of clinic partnership: Indicates if NBCCEDP cervical cancer EBI and screening rate monitoring activities have been suspended or ended at this clinic due to the clinic’s limited resources or capacity to participate. |
List |
A1-2e |
R |
A |
Suspension/end reason: Clinic EHR problems or unable to collect clinic data |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Reason for suspension or end of clinic partnership: Indicates if NBCCEDP cervical cancer EBI and screening rate monitoring activities have been suspended or ended at this clinic due to the clinic’s inability to collect or provide data because of EHR or other data collection complications. |
List |
A1-2f |
R |
A |
Suspension/end reason: Clinic merged with another clinic |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Reason for suspension or end of clinic partnership: Indicates if NBCCEDP cervical cancer EBI and screening rate monitoring activities have been suspended or ended because the clinic has merged with another clinic. |
List |
A1-2g |
R |
A |
Suspension/end reason: Clinic closed |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Reason for suspension or end of clinic partnership: Indicates if NBCCEDP cervical cancer EBI and screening rate monitoring activities have been suspended or ended because the clinic has closed. |
List |
A1-2h |
R |
A |
Suspension/end reason: Other |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Reason for suspension or end of clinic partnership: Indicates if NBCCEDP cervical cancer EBI and screening rate monitoring activities have been suspended or ended for a reason not stated above. |
List |
A1-2i |
R |
A |
Other reason for suspension or end |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If item A1-2h is other, please specify
*End of record for partnership status (item A1-2) = suspended or ended. |
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Section 2. Baseline and Annual Health System and Clinic Characteristics and Clinic Patient Population |
If the partner is a health system (P2=”Entire health system”) then clinic data reported must represent the entire Health System |
Item # |
Item Type |
Collected |
NBCCEDP Data Item |
Indication/ Definition |
Field Type |
Response Options |
B2-1a |
R |
B |
Health system counts reporting period |
Baseline Record: Indicates the 12-month time-period for which the health system counts are being reported (items B2-2a through B2-2b).
List |
Calendar year NBCCEDP program year |
B2-1b |
R |
B |
Clinic counts reporting period |
Baseline Record: Indicates the 12-month time-period for which the clinic provider and patients counts are being reported (items B2-3 through B2-5j).
List |
NBCCEDP program year Clinic’s screening rate measurement period |
B2-2a |
R |
B, A |
Total # of primary care clinics in the parent health system |
Baseline Record: Indicates the total number of primary health care clinics that operated under the clinic’s parent health system at any time during the selected health system counts reporting period (item B2-1a) prior to the Health system NBCCEDP activities start date (item HS2a)
Annual Record: Indicates the total number of primary health care clinics that operated under the clinic’s parent health system, at any time during the selected health system counts reporting period (item B2-1a).
Num |
B2-2b |
R |
B, A |
Total # of primary care providers in parent health system |
Baseline Record: Indicates the total number of primary care providers who were delivering services for the clinic’s parent health system at any time during the selected health system counts reporting period (item B2-1a) prior to the Health system NBCCEDP activities start date (item HS2a)
Annual Record: Total number of unique primary care providers who were actively delivering services for the clinic’s parent health system at the end of the selected health system counts reporting period (item B2-1a). Notes:
Num |
B2-3 |
R |
B, A |
Total # of primary care providers at clinic |
Baseline Record: Indicates the total number of primary care providers who were delivering primary care services at the clinic at any time during the selected clinic counts reporting period (item B2-1b) just prior to NBCCEDP-cervical activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date).
Annual Record: Indicates the total number of primary care providers who were delivering primary care services at the clinic at the end of the selected clinic counts reporting period (item B2-1b).
Num |
B2-4 |
R |
B, A |
Total # of clinic patients |
Baseline Record: Indicates the total number of clinic patients who had at least one medical visit to the clinic during the last complete selected clinic counts reporting period (item B2-1b) prior to NBCCEDP-cervical activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date).
Annual Record: Indicates the total number of clinic patients who had at least one medical visit to the clinic during the selected clinic counts reporting period (item B2-1b).
Num |
1-9999999 |
B2-5 |
R |
B, A |
Total # of clinic patients, women age 21-64 |
Baseline Record: The total number of clinic patients who had at least one medical visit to the clinic during the last completed selected clinic counts reporting period (item B2-1b) prior to NBCCEDP-cervical activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date) AND were women aged 21-64.
Annual Record: The total number of clinic patients who had at least one medical visit to the clinic during the selected clinic counts reporting period (item B2-1b) AND were women aged 21-64.
Num |
1-9999999 |
B2-5a |
R |
B, A |
% of women patients age 21-64, uninsured |
Baseline Record: Indicates the percent of the total # of clinic patients, women aged 21-64, who had at least one medical visit to the clinic during the last complete selected clinic counts reporting period (item B2-1b) prior to NBCCEDP-cervical activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date) who did not have any form of public or private health insurance.
Annual Record: Indicates the percent of the total # of clinic patients, women aged 21-64, who had at least one medical visit to the clinic during the selected clinic counts reporting period (item B2-1b) who did not have any form of public or private health insurance.
Num |
00-100 |
B2-5b |
O |
B |
% of women patients age 21-64, Hispanic |
Baseline Record: Indicates the percent of the total number of clinic patients, women aged 21-64 who had at least one medical visit to the clinic during the last complete selected clinic counts reporting period (item B2-1b) prior to NBCCEDP-cervical activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date) who are of Hispanic or Latino ethnicity (i.e., persons of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race).
Annual Record: N/A |
Num |
00-100 |
B2-5c |
O |
B |
% of women patients age 21-64, White |
Baseline Record: Indicates the percent of the total number of clinic patients, women aged 21-64 who had at least one medical visit to the clinic during the last complete selected clinic counts reporting period (item B2-1b) prior to NBCCECP-cervical activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date) who are White/Caucasian (i.e., persons having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.)
Annual Record: N/A |
Num |
00-100 |
B2-5d |
O |
B |
% of women patients age 21-64, Black or African American |
Baseline Record: Indicates the percent of the total number of clinic patients, women aged 21-64 who had at least one medical visit to the clinic during the last complete selected clinic counts reporting period (item B2-1b) prior to starting NBCCECP (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date) who are Black or African American (i.e., persons having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa).
Annual Record: N/A |
Num |
00-100 |
B2-5e |
O |
B |
% of women patients age 21-64, Asian |
Baseline Record: Indicates the percent of the total number of clinic patients, women aged 21-64 who had at least one medical visit to the clinic during the last complete selected clinic counts reporting period (item B2-1b) prior to NBCCEDP-cervical activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date) who are Asian (i.e., persons having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam).
Annual Record: N/A |
Num |
00-100 |
B2-5f |
O |
B |
% of women patients age 21-64, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander |
Baseline Record: Indicates the percent of the total number of clinic patients, women aged 21-64 who had at least one medical visit to the clinic during the last complete selected clinic counts reporting period (item B2-1b) prior to NBCCEDP-cervical activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date) who are Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (i.e., persons having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands).
Annual Record: N/A |
Num |
00-100 |
B2-5g |
O |
B |
% of women patients age 21-64, American Indian or Alaskan Native |
Baseline Record: Indicates the percent of the total number of clinic patients, women aged 21-64 who had at least one medical visit to the clinic during the last complete selected clinic counts reporting period (item B2-1b) prior to NBCCEDP-cervical activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date) who are American Indian or Alaskan Native (i.e., persons having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America, including Central America, and who maintain tribal affiliation or community attachment).
Annual Record: N/A |
Num |
00-100 |
B2-5h |
O |
B |
% of women patients age 21-64, more than one race |
Baseline Record: Indicates the percent of the total number of clinic patients, women aged 21-64 who had at least one medical visit to the clinic during the last complete selected clinic counts reporting period (item B2-1b) prior to NBCCEDP-cervical activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date) who are of more than one race (i.e., persons having origins in two or more of the federally designated racial categories).
Annual Record: N/A |
Num |
00-100 |
B2-5i |
O |
B |
% of women patients, age 21-64, other race(s) |
Baseline Record: Indicates the percent of the total number of clinic patients, women aged 21-64 who had at least one medical visit to the clinic during the last complete selected clinic counts reporting period (item B2-1b) prior to NBCCEDP-cervical activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date) who are of a race not listed above.
Annual Record: N/A |
Num |
00-100 |
B2-5j |
O |
B |
Other race(s), specify |
Specify other race(s) |
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Free text 200 character limit |
B2-5k A2-5k |
O |
B, A |
Patient population comments |
Optional comments for patient population |
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B2-6 |
R |
B, A |
Name of primary EHR vendor at clinic |
Baseline Record: Indicates the primary EHR that was in use at the clinic prior to NBCCEDP-cervical activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date).
Annual Record: Indicates the primary EHR that was in use at the clinic during the program year (July 1-June 30). |
List |
B2-6a |
R |
B, A |
Other EHR, specify |
Baseline Record: If item B2-6 is “Other”, indicates the name of the 'Other' electronic health record vendor(s) used by the clinic prior to NBCCEDP-cervical activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date).
Annual Record: If item A2-6 is “Other”, indicates the name of the 'other' electronic health record vendor(s) used by the clinic during the program year (July 1-June 30). |
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B2-7 A2-7 |
R |
B, A |
Primary EHR home |
Level of EHR implementation and functionality: EHR system unique to the clinic versus health-system wide EHR system shared by all clinics.
Baseline Record: Indicates the breadth and functionality of the clinic EHR system that was in use prior to NBCCEDP-cervical activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date).
Annual Record: Indicates the breadth and functionality of the primary EHR system that was in use at the clinic during the program year (July 1-June 30). |
List |
B2-7a A2-7a |
R |
B, A |
Other EHR home specify |
Specify other EHR home |
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Free text 100 Char limit |
B2-8 |
R |
B |
Newly screening or opened |
Baseline Record: Identifies clinics that have recently started providing cervical cancer screening services and/or are newly opened prior to time of NBCCEDP-cervical activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date).
If yes (<1 year), do not report baseline screening rates or baseline screening practices and outcomes (Section 3)
Annual Record: N/A
List |
B2-9 |
O |
B, A |
Section 2 Comments |
Optional comments for section 2 |
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Free text 200 char limit |
Section 3. Baseline and Annual Cervical Cancer Screening Rates
If the partner is a health system (P2=”Health System”) then clinic data reported must represent the entire Health System ***This section should be skipped at baseline for clinics that are newly screening or newly opened*** |
Item # |
Item Type |
Collected |
NBCCEDP Data Item |
Indication/ Definition |
Field Type |
Response Options |
B3-1 |
R |
B, A |
Cervical cancer screening rate status |
Baseline Record: Indicates the availability of baseline cervical cancer screening rate data and associated information on data sources/approach for calculating the screening rates.
Annual Record: Indicates the availability of annual cervical cancer screening rate data and associated information on data sources/approach for calculating the screening rates.
List |
B3-1a |
R |
B, A |
Cervical cancer screening rate date available |
Baseline Record: If a baseline screening rate is not yet available, provide the approximate date that the screening rate will be available. skip to Section 4: Baseline and Annual Monitoring and Quality Improvement Activities
Annual Record: If an annual screening rate is not yet available when submitting the annual clinic data, provide the approximate date that the screening rate will be available. skip to Section 4: Baseline and Annual Monitoring and Quality Improvement Activities |
Date |
B3-2 |
R |
B, A |
Start date of 12-month cervical cancer SR measurement period |
Baseline Record: The start date of the 12-month screening rate measurement period used to calculate the clinic’s baseline cervical cancer screening rate. The 12-month measurement period does not need to coincide with the program year. Any 12-month period may be used as the measurement period.
Annual Record: The start date of the annual cervical cancer screening rate 12-month measurement period.
The first annual screening rate measurement period (year 1 for the clinic) should include the date that implementation activities started (Item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date). |
Date |
B3-3 |
comp |
B, A |
End date of 12-month cervical cancer SR measurement period |
Baseline Record: This date will be automatically calculated from the 12-month start date.
Indicates the end date of the 12-month measurement period used to calculate the clinic’s baseline cervical cancer screening rate.
Annual Record: Indicates the end date of the annual cervical cancer screening rate 12-month measurement period.
Date |
Chart Review Screening Rates ***This section should be skipped at baseline for clinics that are newly screening or newly opened*** |
B3-4a |
comp |
B, A |
CR- Cervical Cancer screening rate (%) |
Cervical Cancer Screening Rate via Chart Review
Baseline Record: This rate will be automatically computed by the data system using the numerator and denominator reported below.
Annual Record: This rate will be automatically computed by the data system using the numerator and denominator reported below. |
Num |
00-100 |
B3-4b |
R |
B, A |
CR- Cervical Cancer SR numerator |
Cervical Cancer Screening Rate Numerator via Chart Review
Baseline and Annual Records: The cervical cancer screening rate numerator refers to number of patients who are up-to-date with screening according to the specific cervical cancer screening measure definition used (e.g., UDS/CMS eCQM, or GPRA).
Please refer to the associated measure’s specifications for detailed definitions, inclusions, and exclusions.
Num |
0-9999999 |
B3-4c |
R |
B, A |
CR- Cervical cancer SR denominator |
Cervical Cancer Screening Rate Denominator via Chart Review
Baseline and Annual Records: The cervical cancer screening rate denominator refers to the total number of patients eligible for cervical cancer screening during the screening rate measurement period based on the specific screening measure definition used (e.g., UDS/ CMS eCQM, or GPRA).
Please refer to the associated measure’s specifications for detailed definitions, inclusions, and exclusions.
Num |
1-9999999 |
B3-4d |
R |
B, A |
CR- cervical cancer SR measure type |
Quality Measure used to calculate the Cervical Cancer Screening Rate via Chart Review
Baseline and Annual Records: Indicates the measure that was used to calculate the numerator and denominator for the clinic’s cervical cancer screening rate.
Beginning with screening rates with a measurement period start date in 2023, select either UDS/ CMS eCQM, ,GPRA, or other.
Please refer to the associated measure’s specifications for detailed definitions, inclusions, and exclusions.
The same measure reported at baseline must be used for reporting subsequent annual cervical cancer screening rates for this clinic.
List |
B3-4e |
comp |
B, A |
% of charts reviewed |
Baseline and Annual Records: Indicates the percent of medical charts that were reviewed for the cervical cancer screening rate. A minimum of 10% or 100 charts should be reviewed. THIS % WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY CALCULATED USING THE DENOMINATOR AND TOTAL # OF CLINIC PATIENTS, WOMEN AGED 21-64 (ITEM B2-5 & A2-5). |
Num |
auto-calculated |
B3-4f |
R |
B, A |
Sampling method used for CR |
Baseline and Annual Records: Indicates if records were selected through either a random or systematic sampling method to generate a representative sample of the entire population of patients who meet the inclusion/selection criteria for the measure used.
List |
B3-4g |
R |
B, A |
CR-cervical cancer SR confidence |
Baseline and Annual Records: Indicates the recipient's confidence in the accuracy of the CR-calculated cervical cancer screening rate.
Accuracy of CR-calculated screening rates can vary depending on how charts are sampled and the information available in the charts. |
List |
B3-4h |
R |
B, A |
CR-cervical cancer SR problem |
Baseline and Annual Records: Indicates if there are known unresolved problems with the CR reported cervical cancer screening rate or screening data quality.
List |
B3-4i |
R |
B, A |
Specify CR- SR problem |
Baseline Record: If B3-4h is YES, specify the problem and any activities conducted this program year to address it. Describe the issue and severity of known problems or rationale for low confidence in the accuracy of the CR-reported cervical cancer screening rate.
Annual Record: If A3-4h is YES, specify the problem and any activities conducted this program year to address it. Describe the issue and severity of known problems or rationale for low confidence in the validity of the CR-reported cervical cancer screening rate. |
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B3-4j |
N/A |
N/A for CR |
B3-4k |
O |
B, A |
Comments for CR rates |
Optional Comments for CR rates. |
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Free text 200 char limit |
EHR Screening Rates ***This section should be skipped at baseline for clinics that are newly screening or newly opened*** |
B3-5a |
comp |
B, A |
EHR- cervical cancer SR (%) |
Cervical Cancer Screening Rate via EHR
Baseline and Annual Records: This rate will be automatically computed by the data system using the numerator and denominator reported below.
Num |
00-100 |
B3-5b |
R |
B, A |
EHR- cervical cancer SR numerator |
Cervical Cancer Screening Rate Numerator via EHR
Baseline and Annual Records:
The cervical cancer screening rate numerator refers to the number of patients who are up-to-date with screening according to the specific cervical cancer screening measure definition used (e.g., UDS/CMS eCQM, or GPRA).
Please refer to the associated measure’s specifications for detailed definitions, inclusions, and exclusions. n |
Num |
0-9999999 |
B3-5c |
R |
B, A |
EHR- cervical cancer SR denominator |
Cervical Cancer Screening Rate Denominator via EHR
Baseline and Annual Records: The cervical cancer screening rate denominator refers to the total number of patients eligible for cervical cancer screening during the screening rate measurement period based on the specific screening measure definition used (e.g., UDS/ CMS eCQM, or GPRA).
Please refer to the associated measure’s specifications for detailed definitions, inclusions, and exclusions.
Num |
1-9999999 |
B3-5d |
R |
B, A |
EHR- cervical cancer SR measure type |
Quality Measure followed to calculate the cervical cancer Screening Rate via EHR
Baseline and Annual Records: Indicates the measure that was used to calculate the numerator and denominator for the clinic’s cervical cancer screening rate.
Please refer to the associated measure specifications for detailed definitions, inclusions, and exclusions. The same measure reported at baseline must be used for reporting subsequent annual cervical cancer screening rates for this clinic.
List |
B3-5e |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A for EHR |
N/A for EHR |
N/A for EHR |
N/A for EHR |
B3-5f |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A for EHR |
N/A for EHR |
N/A for EHR |
N/A for EHR |
B3-5g |
R |
B, A |
EHR-cervical cancer SR confidence |
Baseline and Annual Records: Indicates the recipient's confidence in the accuracy of the EHR-calculated cervical cancer screening rate.
Accuracy of EHR-calculated screening rates can vary depending on how data are documented and entered into the EHR. For additional information, see the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable’s summary report, “Use of Electronic Medical Records to Facilitate Colorectal Cancer Screening in Community Health Centers"
List |
B3-5h |
R |
B, A |
EHR- cervical cancer SR problem |
Baseline and Annual Records: Indicates if there are known unresolved problems with the EHR reported cervical cancer screening rate or screening data quality. |
List |
B3-5i |
R |
B, A |
EHR-cervical cancer SR problem specify |
Baseline Record: If item B3-5h is YES, specify the problem and any activities conducted this program year to address it. Describe the issue and severity of known problems or rationale for low confidence in the accuracy of the EHR-reported screening rate. Specify any activities to address the problem(s) such as improvements made to data entry systems or to the screening rate measurement calculation.
Annual Record: If A3-5h is YES, specify the problem and any activities conducted this program year to address it. Describe the issue and severity of known problems or rationale for low confidence in the validity of the EHR-reported screening rate. Specify any activities such as improvements made to data entry systems or to the screening rate measurement calculation.
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B3-5j |
R |
B, A |
EHR- cervical cancer SR reporting source |
Baseline and Annual Records: Indicates the source of the denominator and numerator data reported for the EHR cervical cancer screening rate
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B3-5k |
O |
B, A |
Comments for EHR rates |
Optional comments for EHR rates |
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Free text 200 char limit |
B3-6 |
R |
B, A |
Clinic cervical cancer SR target for next year |
Baseline Record: Indicates the clinic-level cervical cancer screening rate target established by the clinic for its first NBCCEDP annual clinic record.
Annual Record: Indicates the clinic-level cervical cancer screening rate target established by the clinic for its next subsequent NBCCEDP annual clinic record.
Num |
1-100 999 (no target set) |
B3-7 |
O |
B, A |
Section 3 Comments |
Optional Comments for Section 3. |
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Free text 200 char limit |
Section 4: Baseline and Annual Monitoring and Quality Improvement Activities |
Information on the clinic’s practices, policies, and support received to improve implementation of EBIs and/or monitoring of CERVICAL screening rates |
If the partner is a health system (P2=”Entire Health System”) then clinic data reported must represent the entire Health System |
Item # |
Item Type |
Collected |
NBCCEDP Data Item |
Indication/ Definition |
Field Type |
Response Options |
B4-1 |
R |
B, A |
Clinic cervical cancer screening policy |
A credible policy should include a defined set of guidelines and procedures in place and in use at the clinic or parent health system to support cervical cancer screening, a team responsible for implementing the policy, and a quality assurance structure (e.g., professional screening guideline followed such as USPSTF, process to assess patient screening history/risk/preference/insurance, process for scheduling screening or referral, steps/procedures/roles to implement the office policy).
Baseline Record: Indicates if the clinic had a written Cervical cancer screening policy or protocol in use prior to NBCCEDP-cervical activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date).
Annual Record: Indicates if the clinic had a written cervical cancer screening policy or protocol in use during the program year. |
List |
B4-2 |
R |
B, A |
Clinic cervical cancer champion |
Baseline Record: Indicates if there was a known champion for cervical cancer screening internal to this clinic or parent health system prior to NBCCEDP-cervical activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date)
Annual Record: Indicates if there was a known champion or champions for cervical cancer screening internal to this clinic or parent health system for at least 6 months during this program year (July 1- June 30). |
List |
B4-3 |
R |
B, A |
Utilizing health IT to improve data collection and quality |
Baseline Record: Indicates if the clinic was using health information technology (health IT) to improve collection, accuracy, and validity of cervical cancer screening data prior to NBCCEDP-cervical activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date).
Annual Record: Clinic used health information technology (health IT) to improve collection, accuracy, and validity of cervical cancer screening data during the program year (July 1- June 30).
List |
B4-4 |
R |
B, A |
Utilizing health IT tools for monitoring program performance |
Baseline Record: Indicates if the clinic was using health-IT to perform data analytics and reporting to monitor and improve their cervical cancer screening program and rates prior to NBCCEDP-cervical activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date).
Annual Record: Clinic used health information technology (health IT) tools to perform data analytics and reporting to monitor and improve their cervical cancer screening program and rates during the program year (July 1- June 30).
List |
B4-5 |
R |
B, A |
QA/QI support |
Baseline Record: Indicates whether the clinic had a quality assurance/quality improvement specialist or team in place that addressed cervical cancer screening prior to NBCCEDP-cervical activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date).
Annual Record: Indicates whether the clinic had a quality assurance/quality improvement specialist or team in place that addressed cervical cancer screening during the program year (July 1- June 30).
List |
A4-6 |
R |
A |
Process improvements |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates whether process improvements were made at the clinic during the program year (July 1- June 30) to facilitate increased cervical cancer screening of patients. Examples include process mapping to identify points to improve screening, daily huddles, or other daily processes to identify persons due for screening and use of QI processes to improve screening.
List |
A4-7 |
R |
A |
Frequency of monitoring cervical cancer screening rate |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates how often the clinic cervical cancer screening rate was monitored and reviewed by clinic personnel during the program year (July 1- June 30).
Select the response that best matches monitoring frequency during this program year. |
List |
A4-8 |
R |
A |
Validated screening rate |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates if the clinic-level cervical cancer screening rate data were validated using chart review or other methods during this program year (July 1- June 30).
If yes, indicate all methods used to validate the screening rate in items A4-8a to A4-8d. If no, skip to A4-9. |
List |
A4-8a |
R |
A |
Validation method: Manual chart review |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Method of validating screening rate (if item A4-8=yes): Indicates whether screening rates were validated by a manual chart review. |
List |
A4-8b |
R |
A |
Validation method: EHR system or algorithm validation |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Method of validating screening rate (if item A4-8=yes): Indicates if screening rates were validated by a review and confirmation of EHR system algorithms. |
List |
A4-8c |
R |
A |
Validation method: Other |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Method of validating screening rate (if item A4-8=yes): Indicates whether screening rates were validated by a method other than manual chart review or review of EHR system algorithms. |
List |
A4-8d |
R |
A |
Other validation method specify |
Specify other method used to validate the clinic’s cervical cancer screening rate during the PY. |
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Free text 200 char limit |
A4-9 |
R |
A |
Health center controlled network |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: For Community Health Centers/FQHCs only, indicates whether the clinic received technical assistance from a Health Center Controlled Network to implement EBIs or improve use of the clinic’s EHR to better measure and monitor cervical cancer screening rates during the program year (July 1- June 30). |
List |
A4-10 |
R |
A |
Frequency of implementation support to clinic |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates the frequency of on-site or direct contacts (e.g., telephone) with the clinic to support and improve implementation activities for EBIs/SAs and cervical cancer screening data quality during this program year (PY).
List |
B4-11 A4-11 |
R |
B, A |
BCCEDP clinical services |
Baseline Record: Indicates if the recipient reimbursed for cervical cancer screening, diagnostics, and/or patient navigation services at this clinic in the year prior to NBCCEDP-cervical activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date. Funding could come from CDC, your state, or other sources.
Annual Record: Indicates if the recipient reimbursed for cervical cancer screening, diagnostics, and/or patient navigation services at this clinic during the program year. Funding could come from CDC, your state, or other sources. |
List |
A4-12 |
R |
A |
BCCEDP financial resources |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates whether the recipient or a subcontractor of the recipient provided financial resources to this clinic and/or its parent health system during the program year (July 1- June 30) to support NBCCEDP health system change activities. Funding could come from CDC, your state, or other sources.
Funds for screening and clinical services should not be included here. If yes, answer items A4-12a and A4-12b If no, skip to A4-13 |
List |
A4-12a |
R |
A |
Use of BCCEDP financial resources |
If BCCEDP financial resources were provided (item A4-12 is Yes), indicates whether the funds were for Cervical Cancer activities only or for both Breast and Cervical Cancer activities. |
List |
A4-12b |
R |
A |
Amount of BCCEDP financial resources |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If BCCEDP financial resources were provided (item A4-12 is Yes), indicate the total amount of financial resources provided to the clinic during this program year (PY).
Num |
Dollar amount $1-900000 999999 (UNK) |
B4-13 A4-13 |
O |
B, A |
Section 4 Comments |
Optional comments for section 4. |
Char |
Free text 200 char limit |
Section 5: Baseline and Annual Evidence-based Interventions (EBIs) and Other Clinic Activities |
Information on implementation status and sustainability of activities, put in place by the recipient or clinic, to improve cervical cancer screening. |
If the partner is a health system (P2=”Health System”) then clinic data reported must represent the entire Health System |
Section 5-1: EBI-Patient Reminder System |
Indicates the clinic’s use of system(s) to remind patients when they are due for cervical cancer screening. Patient reminders can be written (letter, postcard, email, text) or telephone messages (including automated messages). |
Item # |
Item Type |
Collected |
NBCCEDP Data Item |
Indication/ Definition |
Field Type |
Response Options |
A5-1a |
R |
A |
NBCCEDP resources used toward a patient reminder system |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates whether NBCCEDP recipient resources (e.g. funds, staff time, materials, contract) were used during this program year (July 1- June 30) to contribute to planning, developing, implementing, monitoring/evaluating or improving a patient reminder system for cervical cancer screening. |
List |
B5-1b |
R |
B, A |
Patient reminder system in place |
Baseline Record: Indicates whether a patient reminder system for cervical cancer screening was in place and operational (in use) in this clinic prior to NBCCEDP-cervical activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date), regardless of the quality, reach, or level of functionality.
Annual Record: Indicates whether a patient reminder system for cervical cancer screening was in place and operational (in use) in this clinic at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
If yes, newly in place skip to A5-1e If yes, continuing, skip to A5-1d If no, answer A5-1c and then skip to the next EBI, A5-2a
List |
Baseline Record:
Annual Record:
A5-1c |
R |
A |
Patient reminder system planning activities |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If a patient reminder system was not in place (A5-1b is No), indicates whether planning activities were conducted this program year (July 1- June 30) for future implementation of a cervical cancer screening patient reminder system. Skip to the next EBI, A5-2a. |
List |
A5-1d |
R |
A |
Patient reminder system enhancements |
Baseline: N/A
Annual: If a patient reminder system was in place prior to this program year and continuing (A5-1b is Yes, continuing), indicates whether the clinic made changes to enhance or improve implementation of patient reminders during the program year (July 1- June 30). |
List |
A5-1e |
R |
A |
Patient reminders sent multiple ways |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If a patient reminder system was in place (A5-1b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether an average patient at this clinic received cervical cancer screening reminders in more than one way (e.g., same patient received reminders in 3 different ways: one by letter, another by text message, and a third by telephone) during this program year (July 1- June 30). |
List |
A5-1f |
R |
A |
Maximum number and/or frequency of patient reminders |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If a patient reminder system was in place (A5-1b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates the maximum number of different ways and times (activity conducted more than one time during the year) that a given patient could have received cervical cancer screening reminders during this program year (July 1- June 30) (e.g., same patient received a total of 4 reminders – 2 by phone, 1 by text, 1 by mail).
List |
A5-1g |
R |
A |
Patient reminder system sustainability |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If a patient reminder system was in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-1b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether the cervical cancer screening patient reminder system is considered to be fully integrated into health system and/or clinic operations and is sustainable without NBCCEDP resources.
[The patient reminder system has become an institutionalized component of the health system and/or clinic operations.] |
List |
Section 5-2: EBI -Provider Reminder System |
Indicates the clinic’s use of system(s) to inform providers that a patient is due (or overdue) for screening. The reminders can be provided in different ways, such as placing reminders in patient charts, EHR alerts, e-mails to the provider, etc. |
Item # |
Item Type |
Collected |
NBCCEDP Data Item |
Indication/ Definition |
Field Type |
Response Options |
A5-2a |
R |
A |
NBCCEDP resources used toward a provider reminder system |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates whether NBCCEDP recipient resources (e.g. funds, staff time, materials, contract) were used during this program year (July 1- June 30) to contribute to planning, developing, implementing, monitoring/evaluating or improving a provider reminder system that addresses cervical cancer screening. |
List |
B5-2b |
R |
B, A |
Provider reminder system in place |
Baseline Record: Indicates whether a provider reminder system that addresses cervical cancer screening was in place and operational (in use) in this clinic prior to NBCCEDP-cervical activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date), regardless of the quality, reach, or level of functionality.
Annual Record: Indicates whether a provider reminder system that addresses cervical cancer screening was in place and operational (in use) in this clinic at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
If yes, newly in place skip to A5-2e If yes, continuing, skip to A5-2d If no, answer A5-2c and then skip to the next EBI, item A5-3a
List |
Baseline Record:
Annual Record:
A5-2c |
R |
A |
Provider reminder system planning activities |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If a provider reminder system is not in place (A5-2b is No), indicates whether planning activities were conducted this program year (July 1- June 30) for future implementation of a provider reminder system for cervical cancer screening. Skip to the next EBI, item A5-3a |
List |
A5-2d |
R |
A |
Provider reminder system enhancements |
Baseline: N/A
Annual: If a provider reminder system was in place prior to this program year and continuing (A5-2b is Yes, continuing), indicates whether the clinic made changes to enhance or improve implementation of provider reminders during the program year (July 1- June 30). |
List |
A5-2e |
R |
A |
Provider reminders sent multiple ways |
Baseline Record: N/A Annual Record: If a provider reminder system was in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-2b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether providers at this clinic typically received cervical cancer screening reminders for a given patient in more than one way (e.g., provider receives both an EHR pop-up message and a flagged patient chart for the same patient) during this program year.
List |
A5-2f |
R |
A |
Maximum number and/or frequency of provider reminders |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If a provider reminder system was in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-2b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates the maximum number of different ways and times (activity conducted more than one time during the year) that a given provider could have received cervical cancer screening reminders for an individual patient during this program year (e.g., the provider received a total of 3 reminders for a given patient – 1 pop-up reminder in the patients electronic medical record, 1 reminder flagged in the patient chart, and 1 reminder via a list each day of patients due for screening) . |
List |
A5-2g |
R |
A |
Provider reminder system sustainability |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If a provider reminder system was in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-2b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether the provider reminder system is considered to be fully integrated into health system and/or clinic operations and is sustainable without NBCCEDP resources.
[The provider reminder system has become an institutionalized component of the health system and/or clinic operations.]
List |
Section 5-3: EBI -Provider Assessment and Feedback |
Indicates the clinic’s use of system(s) to evaluate provider performance in delivering or offering screening to clients (assessment) and/or present providers, either individually or as a group, with information about their performance in providing screening services (feedback). |
Item # |
Item Type |
Collected |
NBCCEDP Data Item |
Indication/ Definition |
Field Type |
Response Options |
A5-3a |
R |
A |
NBCCEDP resources used toward provider assessment and feedback |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates whether NBCCEDP recipient resources (e.g. funds, staff time, materials, contract) were used during this program year (July 1- June 30) to contribute to planning, developing, implementing, monitoring/evaluating or improving provider assessment and feedback.
List |
B5-3b |
R |
B, A |
Provider assessment and feedback in place |
Baseline Record: Indicates whether provider assessment and feedback processes for cervical cancer screening were in place and operational (in use) in this clinic prior to NBCCEDP-cervical activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
Annual Record: Indicates whether provider assessment and feedback processes for cervical cancer screening were in place and operational (in use) in this clinic at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
If yes, newly in place skip to A5-3e If yes, continuing, skip to A5-3d If no, answer A5-3c and then skip to the next EBI, A5-4a |
List |
Baseline Record:
Annual Record:
A5-3c |
R |
A |
Provider assessment and feedback planning activities |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If provider assessment and feedback were not in place and operational (A5-3b is No), indicates whether planning activities were conducted this program year for future implementation of provider assessment and feedback for cervical cancer screening. Skip to the next EBI, A5-4a. |
List |
A5-3d |
R |
A |
Provider assessment and feedback enhancements |
Baseline: N/A
Annual: If a provider assessment and feedback system was in place prior to this program year and continuing (A5-3b is Yes, continuing), indicates whether the clinic made changes to enhance or improve implementation of provider assessment and feedback during the program year (July 1- June 30). |
List |
A5-3e |
R |
A |
Provider assessment and feedback frequency |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If provider assessment and feedback were in place and operational at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-3b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates, on average, how often providers, either individually or as a group, were given feedback on their performance in providing cervical cancer screening services during this program year. |
A5-3f |
R |
A |
Provider assessment and feedback sustainability |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If provider assessment and feedback were in place and operational at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-3b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether provider assessment and feedback is considered to be fully integrated into health system and/or clinic operations and is sustainable without NBCCEDP resources.
[Provider assessment and feedback has become an institutionalized component of the health system and/or clinic operations.]
List |
Section 5-4: EBI -Reducing Structural Barriers |
Indicates the clinic’s use of one or more interventions to address structural barriers to cervical cancer screening. Structural barriers are non-economic burdens or obstacles that make it difficult for people to access cancer screening. Do not include patient navigation or community health workers as "reducing structural barriers." |
Item # |
Item Type |
Collected |
NBCCEDP Data Item |
Indication/ Definition |
Field Type |
Response Options |
A5-4a |
R |
A |
NBCCEDP resources used toward reducing structural barriers |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates whether NBCCEDP recipient resources (e.g. funds, staff time, materials, contract) were used during this program year (July 1- June 30) to contribute to planning, developing, implementing, monitoring/evaluating or improving reducing structural barriers activities.
List |
B5-4b |
R |
B, A |
Reducing structural barriers in place |
Baseline Record: Indicates whether activities for reducing structural barriers to cervical cancer screening were in place and operational (in use) in this clinic prior to NBCCEDP-cervical activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
Annual Record: Indicates whether activities for reducing structural barriers to cervical cancer screening were in place and operational (in use) in this clinic at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
If yes, newly in place skip to A5-4e If yes, continuing, skip to A5-4d If no, answer A5-4c and then skip to the next EBI, A5-5a |
List |
Baseline Record:
Annual Record:
A5-4c |
R |
A |
Reducing structural barriers planning activities |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If reducing structural barriers was not in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-4b is No), indicates whether planning activities were conducted this program year for future implementation of reducing structural barriers activities for cervical cancer screening. Skip to the next EBI, A5-5a. |
List |
A5-4d |
R |
A |
Reducing structural barriers enhancements |
Baseline: N/A
Annual: If reducing structural barriers was in place prior to this program year and continuing (A5-4b is “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether the clinic made changes to enhance or improve implementation of reducing structural barriers during the program year (July 1- June 30). |
List |
A5-4e |
R |
A |
Reducing structural barriers more than one way |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If reducing structural barriers was in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-4b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether this clinic reduced structural barriers for patients in multiple ways (e.g., offered evening clinic hours, offered assistance in scheduling appointments, provided free screenings for some patients) during this program year. |
List |
A5-4f |
R |
A |
Maximum ways reducing structural barriers |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If reducing structural barriers was in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-4b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates the maximum number of different ways the clinic reduced structural barriers to cervical cancer screening during this program year. |
A5-4g |
R |
A |
Reducing structural barriers sustainability |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If reducing structural barriers was in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-4b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether reducing structural barriers is considered to be fully integrated into health system and/or clinic operations and is sustainable without NBCCEDP resources.
[Reducing structural barriers has become an institutionalized component of the health system and/or clinic operations.] |
List |
Section 5-5: EBI- Small Media |
Indicates the clinic’s use of small media to improve cervical cancer screening. Small media are materials used to inform and motivate people to be screened for cancer, including videos and printed materials (e.g., letters, brochures, and newsletters). |
Item # |
Item Type |
Collected |
NBCCEDP Data Item |
Indication/ Definition |
Field Type |
Response Options |
A5-5a |
R |
A |
NBCCEDP resources used toward small media |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates whether NBCCEDP recipient resources (e.g. funds, staff time, materials, contract) were used during this program year (July 1- June 30) to contribute to planning, developing, implementing, monitoring/evaluating or improving small media to improve cervical cancer screening. |
List |
B5-5b |
R |
B, A |
Small media in place |
Baseline Record: Indicates whether use of small media to improve cervical cancer screening was in place and operational (in use) in this clinic prior to NBCCEDP-cervical activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
Annual Record: Indicates whether use of small media to improve cervical cancer screening were in place and operational (in use) in this clinic at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
If yes, newly in place skip to A5-5e If yes, continuing, skip to A5-5d If no, answer A5-5c and then skip to the next EBI, A5-6a |
List |
Baseline Record:
Annual Record:
A5-5c |
R |
A |
Small media planning activities |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If small media to improve cervical cancer screening was not in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-5b is No), indicates whether planning activities were conducted this year for future implementation of small media. Skip to the next EBI, A5-6a |
List |
A5-5d |
R |
A |
Small media enhancements |
Baseline: N/A
Annual: If small media was in place prior to this program year and continuing (A5-5b is “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether the clinic made changes to enhance or improve implementation of small media during the program year (July 1- June 30). |
List |
A5-5e |
R |
A |
Small media delivered in more than one way |
If small media was in place prior to this program year and continuing (A5-5b is “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether a given patient received multiple forms of small media related to cervical cancer screening (e.g., the same patient received a postcard, was exposed to posters in the office setting, received a clinic newsletter or brochure) during this PY. |
List |
A5-5f |
R |
A |
Maximum number of ways and times small media delivered |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If small media was in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-5b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates the maximum number of different ways and times (activity conducted more than one time during the year) a given patient could have received small media about cervical cancer screening during this PY. |
List |
A5-5g |
R |
A |
Small media sustainability |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If small media was in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-5b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether small media is considered to be fully integrated into health system and/or clinic operations and sustainable.
[Small media has become an institutionalized component of the health system and/or clinic operations.]
List |
Section 5-6: EBI - Patient education for clinic patients |
Indicates the clinic’s use of one or more interventions to provide group or individual education to clinic patients on indications for, benefits of, and ways to overcome barriers to cervical cancer screening with the goal of informing, encouraging, and motivating participants to seek recommended screening. Patient education may include role modeling or other interactive learning formats |
Item # |
Item Type |
Collected |
NBCCEDP Data Item |
Indication/ Definition |
Field Type |
Response Options |
A5-6a |
R |
A |
NBCCEDP resources used toward patient education |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates whether NBCCEDP recipient resources (e.g. funds, staff time, materials, contract) were used during this program year (July 1- June 30) to contribute to planning, developing, implementing, monitoring/evaluating or improving patient education for cervical cancer screening.
List |
B5-6b |
R |
B, A |
Patient education in place |
Baseline Record: Indicates whether patient education activities for cervical cancer screening were in place and operational (in use) in this clinic prior to NBCCEDP-cervical activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
Annual Record: Indicates whether patient education activities for cervical cancer screening were in place and operational (in use) in this clinic at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
If yes, newly in place skip to A5-6e If yes, continuing, skip to A5-6d If no, answer A5-6c and then skip to the next EBI, A5-7a |
List |
Baseline Record:
Annual Record:
A5-6c |
R |
A |
Patient education planning activities |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If patient education activities were not in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-6b is No), indicates whether planning activities were conducted this program year for future implementation of patient education activities for cervical cancer screening. Skip to the next EBI, A5-7a. |
List |
A5-6d |
R |
A |
Patient education enhancements |
Baseline: N/A
Annual: If patient education activities were in place prior to this program year and continuing (A5-6b is “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether the clinic made changes to enhance or improve implementation of patient education during the program year (July 1- June 30). |
List |
A5-6e |
R |
A |
Average amount of patient education |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If patient education activities were in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-6b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates, on average, the amount of cervical cancer screening education received by a given patient during this PY. |
List |
A5-6f |
R |
A |
Patient education sustainability |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If patient education activities were in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-6b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether patient education activities are considered to be fully integrated into health system and/or clinic operations and is sustainable without NBCCEDP resources.
[Patient education activities have become an institutionalized component of the health system and/or clinic operations.] |
List |
Section 5-7: EBI- Reducing out-of-pocket costs |
Indicates the clinic’s use of one or more interventions to reduce patient out-of-pocket costs to minimize or remove economic barriers that make it difficult for patients to access cervical cancer screening services. Reducing costs may include vouchers or reimbursements for transportation/parking, reduction in co-pays, reimbursing for cervical cancer screening and/or diagnostics, or adjustments in federal or state insurance coverage. |
Item # |
Item Type |
Collected |
NBCCEDP Data Item |
Indication/ Definition |
Field Type |
Response Options |
A5-7a |
R |
A |
NBCCEDP resources used toward reducing out-of-pocket costs |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates whether NBCCEDP recipient resources (e.g. funds, staff time, materials, contract) were used during this program year (July 1- June 30) to contribute to planning, developing, implementing, monitoring/evaluating or improving interventions to reduce patient out-pocket costs to improve cervical cancer screening. |
List |
B5-7b |
R |
B, A |
Reducing out-of-pocket costs in place |
Baseline Record: Indicates whether interventions to reduce patient out-of-pocket costs to improve cervical cancer screening were in place and operational (in use) in this clinic prior to NBCCEDP-cervical activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
Annual Record: Indicates whether interventions to reduce patient out-of-pocket costs to improve cervical cancer screening were in place and operational (in use) in this clinic at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
If yes, newly in place skip to A5-7e If yes, continuing, skip to A5-7d If no, answer A5-7c and then skip to the next EBI, A5-8a |
List |
Baseline Record:
Annual Record:
A5-7c |
R |
A |
Reducing out-of-pocket costs planning activities |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If interventions to reduce patient out-of-pocket costs to improve cervical cancer screening was not in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-7b is No), indicates whether planning activities were conducted this year for future implementation of interventions to reduce patient out-of-pocket costs. Skip to the next EBI, A5-8a. |
List |
A5-7d |
R |
A |
Reducing out-of-pocket costs enhancements |
Baseline: N/A
Annual: If interventions to reduce patient out-of-pocket costs were in place prior to this program year and continuing (A5-7b is “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether the clinic made changes to enhance or improve implementation of interventions to reduce patient out-of-pocket costs during the program year (July 1- June 30). |
List |
A5-7e |
R |
A |
Reducing out-of-pocket costs in more than one way |
If interventions to reduce patient out-of-pocket costs was in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-7b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether this clinic reduced out-of-pocket costs for patients in multiple ways during this PY. |
List |
A5-7f |
R |
A |
Maximum number of ways and times used to reduce out-of- pocket costs |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If interventions to reduce patient out-of-pocket costs were in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-7b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates the maximum number of different ways and times (activity conducted more than one time during the year) a given patient could have received these interventions for cervical cancer screening during this PY. |
List |
A5-7g |
R |
A |
Reducing out-of-pocket costs sustainability |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If interventions to reduce patient out-of-pocket costs was in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-7b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether these interventions are considered to be fully integrated into health system and/or clinic operations and sustainable.
[Reducing patient out-of-pocket costs has become an institutionalized component of the health system and/or clinic operations.] |
List |
Indicates whether activities are in place to provide professional development/provider education to health care providers in this clinic on cervical cancer screening. Activities may include distribution of provider education materials, including screening guidelines and recommendations, and/or continuing medical education (CMEs) opportunities. |
Item # |
Item Type |
Collected |
NBCCEDP Data Item |
Indication/ Definition |
Field Type |
Response Options |
A5-8a |
R |
A |
NBCCEDP resources used toward professional development/provider education |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates whether NBCCEDP recipient resources (e.g. funds, staff time, materials, contract) were used during this program year (July 1- June 30) to contribute to planning, developing, implementing, monitoring/evaluating or improving professional development/provider education.
List |
B5-8b |
R |
B, A |
Professional development/provider education in place |
Baseline Record: Indicates whether professional development/provider education for cervical cancer screening was in place and operational (in use) in this clinic prior to NBCCEDP-cervical activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
Annual Record: Indicates whether professional development/provider education for cervical cancer screening were in place and operational (in use) in this clinic at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
If yes, newly in place skip to A5-8e If yes, continuing, skip to A5-8e If no, skip to the next EBI, A5-9a
List |
Baseline Record:
Annual Record:
A5-8e |
R |
A |
Average amount of professional development/provider education |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If in place (10a3 is Yes), indicates on average, the amount of cervical cancer screening professional development training or education was received by a given provider during this PY. |
List |
Section 5-9: EBI -Community outreach, education, and support |
Indicates whether community outreach and education activities are in place with the goal of linking women in the community to cervical cancer screening services at this clinic. An example is using community health workers (CHWs) for community outreach. CHWs are lay health educators with a deep understanding of the community and are often members of the community being served. CHWs work in community settings to educate people about cancer screening, promote cancer screening, and provide peer support to people referred to cancer screening. |
Item # |
Item Type |
Collected |
NBCCEDP Data Item |
Indication/ Definition |
Field Type |
Response Options |
A5-9a |
R |
A |
NBCCEDP resources used toward community outreach |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates whether NBCCEDP recipient resources (e.g. funds, staff time, materials, contract) were used during this program year (July 1- June 30) to contribute to planning, developing, implementing, monitoring/evaluating or improving community outreach activities.
List |
B5-9b |
R |
B, A |
Community outreach in place |
Baseline Record: Indicates whether community outreach activities for cervical cancer screening were in place and operational (in use) in this clinic prior to NBCCEDP-cervical activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
Annual Record: Indicates whether community outreach activities for cervical cancer screening were in place and operational (in use) in this clinic at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
If yes, newly in place skip to A5-9e If yes, continuing, skip to A5-9d If no, answer A5-9c and then skip to the next EBI, A5-9h
List |
Baseline Record:
Annual Record:
A5-9c |
R |
A |
Community outreach planning activities |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If community outreach activities to improve cervical cancer screening were not in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-9b is No), indicates whether planning activities were conducted this program year for future implementation of community outreach. Skip to the next EBI, A5-9h. |
List |
A5-9d |
R |
A |
Community outreach activities enhancements |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If community outreach activities to improve cervical cancer screening was in place prior to this program year and continuing (A5-9b is “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether the clinic made changes to enhance or improve implementation of community outreach activities during the program year (July 1- June 30). |
List |
A5-9e |
R |
A |
Average duration of community outreach activities |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If community outreach was in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-9b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), for persons in the clinic’s community who were exposed to outreach activities conducted by the clinic, indicates the average amount of time a given person received those activities during this PY. |
List |
A5-9f |
R |
A |
Community outreach sustainability |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If community outreach was in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-9b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether these interventions are considered to be fully integrated into health system and/or clinic operations and sustainable.
[ Community outreach has become an institutionalized component of the health system and/or clinic operations.]
List |
A5-9g |
R |
B, A |
Number of FTE CHWs |
Baseline Record: If community outreach was in place prior to NBCCEDP-cervical activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date), indicates the number of CHW full time equivalents (FTEs) employed at or by the clinic during the program year for cervical cancer screening
Annual Record: If community outreach was in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-9b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates the number of CHW full time equivalents (FTEs) employed at or by the clinic during the program year for cervical cancer screening. For this number, please provide the total sum of whole and partial FTEs to the nearest tenths decimal place. For example, if 2 CHWs work a total of 50% time, then enter 0.5. If no CHWs are being used for NBCCEDP-Cervical activities then enter 0. |
Num |
00.0-999.0 |
B5-9h-A5-9h |
R |
B, A |
Other community-clinical linkage (CCL) activities |
Community-clinical linkage (CCL) activities refer to activities in place at or employed by the clinic to link priority population members in the community to cervical cancer screening services at this clinic.
Baseline Record: Describes any other CCL activities used by the clinic prior to NBCCEDP-cervical activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date), to link women in the community to cervical cancer screening services at this clinic.
Annual Record: Describe any other CCL activities this clinic conducted during the program year (July 1-June 30) to link women in the community to cervical cancer screening services at this clinic. |
Char |
Free text 256 Char limit |
Section 5-10: Patient Navigation |
Indicates whether patient navigators (PNs) are in place at or employed by the clinic. PNs typically assist clients in overcoming individual barriers to cancer screening. Patient navigation includes assessment of client barriers, client education and support, resolution of client barriers, client tracking and follow-up. Patient navigation should involve multiple contacts with a client. |
Item # |
Item Type |
Collected |
NBCCEDP Data Item |
Indication/ Definition |
Field Type |
Response Options |
A5-10a |
R |
A |
NBCCEDP resources used toward patient navigation |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates whether NBCCEDP recipient resources (e.g. funds, staff time, materials, contract) were used during this program year (July 1- June 30) to contribute to planning, developing, implementing, monitoring/evaluating or improving patient navigation to support cervical cancer screening (including completion of any diagnostic tests following an abnormal screening mammography result). |
List |
B5-10b |
R |
B, A |
Patient navigation in place |
Baseline Record: Indicates whether patient navigation to support cervical cancer screening was in place and operational (in use) in this clinic prior to NBCCEDP-cervical activity implementation (item B1-2: Clinic NBCCEDP-Cervical Activities Start Date), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
Annual Record: Indicates whether patient navigation to support cervical cancer screening (including completion of any diagnostic tests) was in place and operational (in use) in this clinic at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30), regardless of the quality, reach, or current level of functionality.
If yes, newly in place skip to A5-10d If yes, continuing, skip to A5-10d If no, answer A5-10c and then skip to the next section A6-1. |
List |
Baseline Record:
Annual Record:
A5-10c |
R |
A |
Patient navigation planning |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If patient navigation was not in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-10b is “No”), indicates whether planning activities were conducted this program year for future implementation of patient navigation for cervical cancer screening. skip to the next section, A6-1. |
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A5-10d |
R |
A |
Patient navigation purpose |
Baseline Record: Indicates the focus of patient navigation in this clinic before your NBCCEDP begins implementation (item B1-2).
Annual Record: Indicates whether patient navigation supported cervical cancer screening, follow-up diagnostic tests, or both in this clinic at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30).
If A5-10b is “yes, newly in place” then skip to A5-10f |
List |
A5-10e |
R |
A |
Patient navigation enhancements |
Baseline: N/A
Annual: If patient navigation was in place and continuing (A5-10b is “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether the clinic made changes to enhance or improve implementation of patient navigation during the program year (July 1- June 30). |
List |
A5-10f |
R |
A |
Average amount of patient navigation time |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If patient navigation was in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-10b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), for persons at this clinic who received navigation this program year (July 1- June 30), indicates the average amount of navigation time a patient received to overcome cervical cancer screening barriers during this PY.
If detailed monitoring data are not available, an estimate of the average time is sufficient. |
List |
A5-10g |
R |
A |
Patient navigators for EBIs |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If patient navigation was in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-10b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether patient navigator(s) at this clinic assisted or facilitated implementation of any of the clinic’s cervical cancer screening EBIs. |
List |
A5-10h |
R |
A |
Patient navigation sustainability |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If patient navigation was in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-10b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates whether patient navigation for cervical cancer screening is considered to be fully integrated into health system and/or clinic operations and is sustainable without NBCCEDP resources.
[Patient navigation has become an institutionalized component of the health system and/or clinic operations.] |
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B5-10i A5-10i |
R |
B, A |
Number of FTEs delivering patient navigation |
Baseline Record: If patient navigation was in place at baseline (item B5-10b=Yes), indicates the number of full-time equivalents (FTEs) conducting patient navigation (e.g., navigators, nurse navigators, nurses, peer health advisors, health navigators) for cervical cancer in this clinic during this program year.
Annual Record: If patient navigation was in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (item A5-10b is “Yes, newly in place” or “Yes, continuing”), indicates the number of full-time equivalents (FTEs) conducting patient navigation (e.g., navigators, nurse navigators, nurses, peer health advisors, health navigators) for cervical cancer in this clinic during this program year.
For this number, please provide the total sum of whole and partial FTEs to the nearest tenths decimal place. For example, if 2 patient navigators work a total of 50% time to deliver navigation for cervical cancer, then enter 0.5.
Num |
00.0-999.0 |
A5-10j |
R |
A |
Number of patients navigated |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: If patient navigation was in place at the end of the program year (July 1- June 30) (A5-10b is Yes), indicates the number of patients receiving navigation services for cervical cancer screening during this program year. |
Num |
1-99998 99999 (Unk) |
B5-11 A5-11 |
O |
B, A |
Section 5 Comments |
Optional comments for Section 5. |
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Section 7: Other Baseline and Annual Cervical Cancer Activities and Comments |
Indicates whether other/additional cervical cancer -related strategies are used in the clinic to improve screening levels such as clinic workflow assessment and data driven optimization, other data driven quality improvement strategies, 5 rights of clinical decision support (5 R’s), etc. |
Item # |
Item Type |
Collected |
NBCCEDP Data Item |
Indication/ Definition |
Field Type |
Response Options |
B7-1 |
O |
B, A |
Other cervical cancer activity 1 |
Baseline and Annual Records: Description of other CERVICAL activity or strategy #1. |
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Free text 200 Char limit |
A7-1a |
O |
A |
NBCCEDP resources used toward activity 1 |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates whether NBCCEDP resources were used during the program year to support activity #1 |
List |
B7-2 |
O |
B, A |
Other cervical cancer activity 2 |
Baseline and Annual Records: Description of other CERVICAL activity or strategy #2. |
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Free text 200 Char limit |
A7-2a |
O |
A |
NBCCEDP resources used toward activity 2 |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates whether NBCCEDP resources were used during the program year to support activity #2. |
List |
B7-3 |
O |
B, A |
Other cervical cancer activity 3 |
Baseline and Annual Records: Description of other CERVICAL activity or strategy #3.
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Free text 200 Char limit |
A7-3a |
O |
A |
NBCCEDP resources used toward activity 3 |
Baseline Record: N/A
Annual Record: Indicates whether NBCCEDP resources were used during the program year to support activity #3. |
List |
B7-4 |
O |
B, A |
Section 7 Comments |
Optional comments for Section 7. |
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Free text 200 Char limit |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Kammerer, Bill (IMS) |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2025-01-14 |