Special Census Office Job Aid_Telephone Script

2025 NSC- SC-50.1a, Special Census Office Job Aids_Telephone Script Extract.pdf

Special Census Program

Special Census Office Job Aid_Telephone Script

OMB: 0607-0368

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Office Telephone Interview Job Aid
SC-50.1a, Special Census Office Job

The Special Census Supervisor may assign office clerks to complete Form
SC-Q, Special Census Questionnaires over the telephone. Office clerks
may complete questionnaires in instances where Field Representatives
left Form SC-NV(E/S), Notice of Visit, at a housing unit. Form SC-NV(E/S),
Notice of Visit, provides the SCO phone number so the respondent can
complete a questionnaire over the telephone. Office clerks may also need
to complete Form SC-Q, Special Census Questionnaire during
Reinterview, depending on the response to Question 2 on Form, SC-RQ,
Special Census Reinterview Questionnaire.
This job aid is designed to help the office clerk complete the interview
over the telephone using a script to ask the questions on Form SC-Q,
Special Census Questionnaire. This job aid provides instructions to ensure
that you ask the questions in a telephone interview appropriately. It also
ensures you provide the respondent with information about
confidentiality, as required by law.

Be sure to know the
Special Census Date
before you begin an

You will use a blank unlabeled Form SC-Q, Special Census Questionnaire,
to record the answers from the respondent calling the SCO. Use a black
ink ballpoint pen and capital letters when completing form SC-Q, Special
Census Questionnaire.
Because you are not in the presence of the respondent where you give
the respondent a copy of Form SC-CN(E/S), Confidentiality Notice, you
must read the information about confidentiality contained in this job aid.

Hello. I’m (Name) from the US Census Bureau.
After the greeting, provide a brief reason for your call. Ask the caller for
their telephone number so you can call them back if the call becomes

U.S. Census Bureau

Office Telephone Interview Job Aid
SC-50.1a, Special Census Office Job


Hello, I am (name) from the U.S. Census Bureau. Is this (address)?
If the respondent says no, then end the interview.
Report this situation immediately to your supervisor. The supervisor might
need to assign this case to a Field Representative to complete it in the


I will complete a Special Census questionnaire for this address. It should
take about 10 minutes to complete.
Before I begin, I will read the first part of the Confidentiality Notice that
explains your answers are confidential.
I need to let you know your answers are confidential and protected by
law. All U.S. Census Bureau employees have taken an oath and are
subject to a federal prison sentence, a fine, or both if they disclose ANY
information that could identify you or your household. Your answers will
only be used for statistical purposes, and no other purpose.
This project is authorized by Title 13, Section 196, of the United States
Code. Your local government has requested and paid for this special
census because of a specific need for up-to-date population and housing
data. Although there are no penalties for failure to answer any question
in this voluntary census, your cooperation is extremely important in
obtaining needed information to ensure the completeness and accuracy
of the results. As I mentioned earlier, it will take about 10 minutes to
complete this interview.
Did you or anyone in your household live or stay at (address) on (Special
Census Day)?
Yes – Mark X in this box and continue with question S3 below.
No – Mark X in this box and skip to question S4.


Does someone usually live at this address, or is it a vacation or seasonal
home where no one usually lives?
Usually lives here – Mark X in this box and skip to question S5.
Vacation or seasonal home or held for occasional use – Mark X in this
box and skip to the Respondent Information section on page 8 of the
questionnaire. See page 27 of this job aid.


(Only ask if the response to question S2 (did you or anyone in your
household live or stay here on (Special Census Day) was No.)
On (Special Census Day) was the housing unit at this address occupied
by a different household or vacant?
U.S. Census Bureau

Office Telephone Interview Job Aid
SC-50.1a, Special Census Office Job


Occupied by a different household – Mark X in this box and ask— Do
you have knowledge of the residents at this address on (Special
Census Day)? If the respondent has knowledge of the previous
household occupants, use this respondent as your proxy respondent.
Continue the interview using the labeled SC-Q, Special Census
Questionnaire, for this address for the Special Census Date
household. Remind the respondent that the information he or she
provides is for the Special Census Day household members.


Vacant – Mark X in this box and skip to the Respondent Information
section on page 8 of the questionnaire.


Not a housing unit - Mark X in this box and skip to the Respondent
Information section on page 8 of the questionnaire.

If the respondent is not knowledgeable about the previous occupants,
thank the respondent and end the interview. Report this situation
immediately to your supervisor. The supervisor might need to assign this
case to a Field Representative to complete it in the field.

Do you or does someone at this address:

Own it with a mortgage or loan, including home equity loans.
Own free and clear.
Rent it.
Occupy it without having to pay rent.

Mark x the appropriate box and continue with question S6.

We need to count people where they were living and sleeping most of
the time on the Special Census Day.
I am going to read a list which contains examples of people who should
and should not be counted at this address.
Do NOT include College students who live away from this address most
of the year, Armed Forces personnel who live away, people in a nursing
home, mental hospital, etc. on the (Special Census Day), people in jail,
prison, detention facility, etc. on (Special Census Day).
Do include babies and children living here, including foster children,
roommates, boarders, or people staying at this address on (Special
Census Day) who have no permanent place to live.
Based on these examples, how many people were living or staying at
this address on (Special Census Day)?

U.S. Census Bureau

Office Telephone Interview Job Aid
SC-50.1a, Special Census Office Job

Enter the number of people is the space provided and continue with
question S7.

Were there any additional people staying at this address on (Special
Census Day), that you did not include in the count in the previous
question? For example:

Children, related or unrelated, such as newborn babies,
grandchildren, foster children
Relatives, such as adult children, cousins, or in-laws
Nonrelatives, such as roommates or live-in babysitters
People staying there temporarily
No additional people

Mark X in all boxes that apply. If additional people were identified, then
correct the number of people in S7. If additional people were not
identified, then mark X in the “No additional people box.” Continue with
Question 1 for Person 1.
Person 1 Question 1: Now I am going to ask you questions about each person living at this
housing unit. If there is someone living here who pays the rent of owns
this housing unit, I would like to start by listing him or her as Person 1.
If the owner or the person who pays the rent does not live here, start
by listing any adult living here as Person 1. What is Person 1’s name?
Enter the names of the household residents in the spaces provided.
Remember to ask for the first name, middle initials, and last name(s) if
the respondent does not provide them. Continue with Question 2 for
Person 1.
Person 1 Question 2. If asking the respondent – Are you male or female?
If asking for the other household occupants – Is (name) male or female?
Mark X in the appropriate box (male or female) and continue with
Question 3 for Person 1.
Person 1 Question 3. If asking the respondent person about himself/herself – What was your
age on (Special Census Day)? What is your date of birth?
If asking for the other household occupants – What was (name) age on
(Special Census Date)? What is (his/her) date of birth?
Enter the age and date of birth in the spaces provided. Enter ‘0’ in the
‘Age on Special Census Day’ for babies less than 1-year old.
Continue with Question 4 for Person 1.
Person 1 Question 4. I’m now going to read you a list of possible Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish
U.S. Census Bureau

Office Telephone Interview Job Aid
SC-50.1a, Special Census Office Job

origins and ask you to tell me if (you or name) is—.

No, Not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin,
Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, or Chicano,
Yes, Puerto Rican,
Yes, Cuban,
Yes, Another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin – For example,
Salvadoran, Dominican, Colombian, Guatemalan, Spaniard,
Ecuadorian, etc.

Mark X the appropriate Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin category.
If respondent answers ‘Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin’
ask – What is that origin? Enter the origin in the space provided.
Continue with Question 5 for Person 1.
Person 1 Question 5. I’m going to read a list of races for you to choose from. You can choose
one or more races. For this Special Census, Hispanic origin is not a race.
Let me begin – is (your race or name’s race)…


White - for example, German, Irish, English, Italian, Lebanese,
Egyptian, etc.
Black or African American – for example, African American,
Jamaican, Haitian, Nigerian, Ethiopian, Somali, etc.
American Indian or Alaska Native – for example, Navajo Nation,
Blackfeet Tribe, Mayan, Aztec, Native Village of Barrow Inupiat
Traditional Government, Nome Eskimo Community, etc.,
Asian Indian,
Other Asian - for example, Pakistani, Cambodian, Hmong, etc.
Native Hawaiian,
Other Pacific Islander - for example, Tongan, Fijian, Marshallese, etc.
Some other race

Mark X the appropriate Race category.
U.S. Census Bureau

Office Telephone Interview Job Aid
SC-50.1a, Special Census Office Job

If the respondent answers ‘White’ ask – What is that group, for example,
German, Irish, English, Italian, Lebanese, Egyptian, etc.? Enter the
answer in the space provided.
If the respondent answers ‘Black or African American’ ask – What is that
group, for example, African American, Jamaican, Haitian, Nigerian,
Ethiopian, Somali, etc.? Enter the answer in the space provided.
If the respondent answers ‘American Indian or Alaska Native’ ask – What
is the name of the enrolled or principal tribe, for example Navajo
Nation, Blackfeet Tribe, Mayan, Aztec, Native Village of Barrow Inupiat
Traditional Government, Nome Eskimo Community, etc.? Enter the
answer in the space provided.
If the respondent answers ‘Other Asian,’ ask – What is that group for
example, Pakistani, Cambodian, Hmong, etc.)? Enter the answer in the
appropriate space provided.
If the respondent answers ‘Other Pacific Islander’ or ‘Some other race’
ask – What is that group for example, Tongan, Fijian, Marshallese)?
Enter the answer in the appropriate space provided.
If the respondent answers ‘Some other race’ ask – What is that group?
Enter the answer in the appropriate space provided.
If more people were counted in Question S6, continue with Person 2 on
the next page. Continue with additional Person pages as appropriate. For
Persons 2 through 6, questions 2 and 3 are new questions.
Person 2 Question 1: What is Person 2’s name?
Person 2 Question 2: Does (name) usually live or stay somewhere else? For example:

With a parent or other relative
For college
For a military assignment
For a job or business
In a nursing home
In a jail or prison
At a seasonal or second residence
For another reason

Mark X in the appropriate box for Question 2.
Person 2 Question 3: How is (name) related to Person 1?

Opposite-sex hand/wife/spouse
U.S. Census Bureau

Office Telephone Interview Job Aid
SC-50.1a, Special Census Office Job


Opposite-sec unmarried partner
Same-sex husband/wife/spouse
Same-sec unmarried partner
Biological son or daughter
Adopted son or daughter
Stepson or stepdaughter
Brother or sister
Father or mother
Son-in-law or daughter-in-law
Other relative
Roommate or housemate
Foster child
Other nonrelative

Mark X in the appropriate box for Question 3.
Person 2 Question 4. If asking the respondent – Are you male or female?
If asking for the other household occupants – Is (name) male or female?
Mark X in the appropriate box (male or female) and continue with
Question 5 for Person 2.
Person 2 Question 5. If asking the respondent person about himself/herself – What was your
age on (Special Census Day)? What is your date of birth?
If asking for the other household occupants – What was (name) age on
(Special Census Date)? What is (his/her) date of birth?
Enter the age and date of birth in the spaces provided. Enter 0 in the Age
on Special Census Day for babies less than 1-year old.
Continue with Question 6 for Person 2.
Person 2 Question 6. I’m now going to read you a list of possible Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish
origins and ask you to tell me if (you or name) is—.

No, Not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin,
Yes, Mexican, Mexican-American, or Chicano,
Yes, Puerto Rican,
Yes, Cuban,
Yes, Another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin – For example,
Salvadoran, Dominican, Colombian, Guatemalan, Spaniard,
U.S. Census Bureau

Office Telephone Interview Job Aid
SC-50.1a, Special Census Office Job

Ecuadorian, etc.
Mark X the appropriate Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin category.
If respondent answers ‘Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin’
ask – What is that origin? Enter the origin in the space provided.
Continue with Question 7 for Person 2.
Person 2 Question 7. I’m going to read a list of races for you to choose from. You can choose
one or more races. For this Special Census, Hispanic origin is not a race.
Let me begin – is (your race or name’s race) …


White - for example, German, Irish, English, Italian, Lebanese,
Egyptian, etc.
Black or African American – for example, African American,
Jamaican, Haitian, Nigerian, Ethiopian, Somali, etc.
American Indian or Alaska Native – for example, Navajo Nation,
Blackfeet Tribe, Mayan, Aztec, Native Village of Barrow Inupiat
Traditional Government, Nome Eskimo Community, etc.,
Asian Indian,
Other Asian - for example, Pakistani, Cambodian, Hmong,
Vietnamese, etc.
Native Hawaiian,
Other Pacific Islander - for example, Tongan, Fijian, Marshallese, etc.
Some other race

Mark X the appropriate Race category.
If the respondent answers ‘White’ ask – What is that group, for example,
German, Irish, English, Italian, Lebanese, Egyptian, etc.? Enter the
answer in the space provided.
If the respondent answers ‘Black or African American’ ask – What is that
group, for example, African American, Jamaican, Haitian, Nigerian,
Ethiopian, Somali, etc.? Enter the answer in the space provided.
If the respondent answers ‘American Indian or Alaska Native’ ask – What
is the name of the enrolled or principal tribe, for example Navajo
U.S. Census Bureau

Office Telephone Interview Job Aid
SC-50.1a, Special Census Office Job

Nation, Blackfeet Tribe, Mayan, Aztec, Native Village of Barrow Inupiat
Traditional Government, Nome Eskimo Community, etc.? Enter the
answer in the space provided.
If the respondent answers ‘Other Asian,’ ask – What is that group for
example, Pakistani, Cambodian, Hmong, etc.)? Enter the answer in the
appropriate space provided.
If the respondent answers ‘Other Pacific Islander’ or ‘Some other race’
ask – What is that group for example, Tongan, Fijian, Marshallese)?
Enter the answer in the appropriate space provided.
If the respondent answers ‘Some other race’ ask – What is that group?
Enter the answer in the appropriate space provided.
If there are additional persons living in the housing unit on (Special
Census Day), then continue the interview for Persons 3 through 6 using
Form, SC-Q, Special Census Questionnaire.
If there are more than 6 persons living in the housing unit on (Special
Census Day), then continue the interview using Form SC-CQ, Special
Census Questionnaire.
Otherwise, continue with the Respondent Information Section on the
back page of the SC-Q, Special Census Questionnaire.

Enter the name of the person you are talking to in the space provided or
ask And you said your name was (fill name)? to verify the respondent’s
name, if necessary.
Continue with R2.


Enter the respondent’s contact information (telephone number and
address) in the space provided, or ask In case we need to contact you,
what is your telephone number?
Continue with R3.


Complete R3 based on the person you used to complete the interview.
Continue with R4.


Are there any other living quarters either occupied or vacant at this
Yes - then Mark X in this box and ask—What is the address of this
additional living quarters? and Do you have the telephone number for
that address? If the respondent provides an address for the additional
unit and/or the telephone number for the address, write it down on a
U.S. Census Bureau

Office Telephone Interview Job Aid
SC-50.1a, Special Census Office Job

Then do the following:
Inform the Special Census Supervisor that the respondent provided an
additional address for a housing unit. The Special Census Supervisor will
check whether this additional housing unit is listed on Form SC-920,
Address List Page or on Form SC-921, Add Page and determine if a Field
Representative needs to visit the address in person.
No – Mark X in this box if the respondent responded “No” to question R.
If the housing unit was vacant, continue with item B in the Interview
Summary section. Otherwise, thank the respondent and end the
interview by saying, That’s all I need. Thank you for doing your interview
over the telephone.

Interview Summary
Complete Item B only for VACANT units.
Item B.

If the unit was vacant ask: Which category best describes this vacant
unit as of (Special Census Date)?

For rent,
Rented, not occupied,
For sale only,
Sold, not occupied,
For seasonal, recreational, or occasional use,
For migrant workers, or
Other vacant.

Mark X in the appropriate box, then say, That’s all I need. Thank you for
doing your interview over the telephone. End the interview and
complete Items A, C, D, E, and F in the Interview Summary section. Also
complete the Record of Contact and Certification sections.
Complete Items A (Unit Status), C (Number of People), D (Language
code), if other than English, and Item F.
Complete the Certification section of the SC-Q, Special Census
Questionnaire, by signing your name in the Field Representative’s
Signature box, entering your Employee ID, entering the month, day, and
year, and entering the FSA number for the assignment in the provided
Place the completed questionnaire in the appropriate bin box for check
This completes filling Form SC-Q Special Census Questionnaire.
U.S. Census Bureau

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleSC-50.1, Special Census Office Job Aids
SubjectOperations procedures for Field Representatives working the 2020 Special Census
AuthorJoe Ryan (CENSUS/FLD FED)
File Modified2025-01-13
File Created2025-01-13

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