CDFI Program and NACA Program FY 2023-2025 PRA Technical Assistance Application
Encompassing Public Comments under the Paperwork Reduction Act
September 7, 2023
U.S. Department of the Treasury
Part I Questions: Uncertified Applicants Only: Statement of Certification Qualification Questions 2
Part II: Business Strategy Narrative Questions 6
Appendix A: AAT Compliance Risk Evaluation Questions 11
Appendix B(i): Required Application Financial Data Inputs: Unregulated Applicants 15
Appendix B(ii): Required Application Financial Data Inputs: Credit Union Applicants 18
Appendix B(iv): Required Application Financial Data Inputs: Cooperativa Applicants 33
This document contains the Application questions for the Technical Assistance (TA) Application.
There are 16 questions in the TA Application, organized into two main parts:
Part I. Statement of Certification Qualifications (Questions 1-5), required for uncertified Applicants only
Part II. Business Strategy (Questions 1-11), required for all Applicants
Certification Criteria: A Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) shall have a primary mission of promoting community development.
Applicant type(s): Emerging CDFI and Sponsoring Entity Applicants
In order to become a Certified CDFI, an organization must demonstrate that it has a primary mission of community development by providing activities directed toward improving the social or economic conditions of underserved people or residents of distressed communities. Furthermore, its primary mission should clearly evidence a mission of serving Low-Income individuals; individuals that lack adequate access to capital and/or Financial Services; distressed communities; or underserved people or communities. Organizations must have a strategic plan approved by the appropriate entity evidencing a community development strategy to become a Certified CDFI.
1(a). Applicants must include the following in their discussion of how they meet or will meet
the primary mission requirement: (Narrative Response: 3,000 character limit)
Explanation of how the Applicant’s current or proposed Financial Products (e.g. Loans, Equity Investments, purchase of loans, and the provision of loan guarantees), other similar financing activities, Financial Services (e.g. checking, savings accounts, certified checks, automated teller machines, and other similar services), and Development Services in conjunction with its Financial Products (e.g. financial or credit counseling to facilitate home ownership, promoting self-employment, or enhancing consumer financial management skills) support the stated primary mission;
Explanation of how the Applicant’s current or proposed activities are purposefully directed toward improving the social and/or economic conditions of Low-Income, distressed, and/or underserved people or communities; and
Explanation of how the Applicant ensures or will ensure that it engages in responsible financing practices. Please see TA Guidance document for more detailed information on responsible financing practices requirements for Certified CDFIs.
1(b). Any parent entities of the Applicant (regardless of whether the parent entity provides Financial Products and/or Financial Services) and Affiliates that provide Financial Products and/or Financial Services must demonstrate that their activities support and/or are consistent with the community development mission of the Applicant. Applicants with a parent entity or an Affiliate(s) that provide Financial Products and/or Financial Services must explain how the parent entity and/or Affiliate’s activities support the community development mission of the Applicant. Enter N/A if you do not have any parent entity or Affiliates to discuss. (Narrative Response: 1,000 character limit)
Certification Criteria: A CDFI shall be an entity whose predominant business activity is the provision, in arms-length transactions, of Financial Products, Development Services, and/or other similar financing.
Applicant type(s): Emerging CDFI and Sponsoring Entity Applicants
2. Applicants must include the following in their discussion of how they meet or will meet the financing activity requirement: (Narrative Response: 3,000 character limit)
Description of how the Applicant’s current or intended organizational structure supports their current or proposed financing activities and Development Services. The discussion should address employees, significant volunteer positions, consultants, and Affiliate staff as applicable;
If the Applicant is already a financing entity, it should discuss its lending track record and current pipeline; and
If the Applicant is not yet a financing entity, it should discuss its timeline and plan for commencing financing activities, including how it has determined or will determine that there is sufficient demand for such activities. If the provision of Financial Products or staff time is not currently its predominant business activity, explain the current business activity and how it plans to shift.
Certification Criteria: A CDFI may be found to serve a Target Market by virtue of serving one or more Investment Areas and/or Targeted Populations.
Applicant type(s): Emerging CDFI and Sponsoring Entity Applicants
Narrative Response: 3,000 character limit
3. Applicants must include the following in their discussion of how they meet or will meet the Target Market requirement:
Brief description of the full geographic areas and/or populations that the Applicant serves or will serve;
Indicate which Target Market type(s) (e.g., Investment Area, Low-Income Targeted Population, or Other Targeted Population) for which they intend to become Certified to serve;
Brief description of the Target Market assessment methodologies, as approved by the CDFI Fund, that the Applicant is using to ensure borrowers/clients are from or of the Target Market(s);
Description of the major needs and challenges of the Applicant’s current or proposed Target Market(s); and
Explanation of how becoming a Certified CDFI will increase the Applicant’s capacity to address the identified needs and challenges of its current or proposed Target Market(s).
Certification Criteria: A CDFI must maintain accountability to residents of its Investment Area(s) or Targeted Population(s) through representation on its governing board or otherwise.
Applicant type(s): Emerging CDFI and Sponsoring Entity Applicants
Narrative Response: 2,000 character limit
4. Applicants must include the following in their discussion of how they meet or will meet the accountability requirement:
Description of how the Applicant maintains or intends to maintain accountability to its Target Market (identified above) through representation on its governing board and/or advisory board. If the Applicant intends to use an advisory board, describe the inclusion of an advisory board policy; and
Explanation of the Applicant’s current or proposed process for selecting governing board or advisory board members.
If the Applicant does not yet have a governing board and/or advisory board in place, it should discuss its timeline and plan for selecting board members that demonstrate accountability to its Target Market.
If the Applicant’s existing governing board and/or advisory board does not currently demonstrate accountability to its Target Market, it should discuss its timeline and plan for meeting the representation requirements.
Certification Criteria: A CDFI directly, through an Affiliate, or through a contract with another provider, shall provide Development Services in conjunction with its Financial Products and/or Financial Services.
Applicant type(s): Emerging CDFI and Sponsoring Entity Applicants
Narrative Response: 2,500 character limit
5. Applicants must describe their Development Services, as well as describe how they meet or will meet the Development Services requirement by:
Providing Development Services, that are directly linked to its Financial Product(s) and/or Financial Service(s), directly or through another provider that are connected to Financial Products;
Maintaining oversight and ensuring the quality of Development Services if offered through another provider; and
If the Applicant is not yet providing Development Services, it should discuss its timeline and plan for commencing Development Services activities, including how it has determined or will determine that there is sufficient demand for such activities.
6(a). By selecting ‘Yes’, I affirm that my organization will submit its CDFI Certification Application by the following schedule.
6(b). The following table displays all Certification Applications received from your organization. If your organization has ever submitted an Application for CDFI Certification that has a status of “Declined,” please comment below on why your CDFI Certification Application was declined, and the efforts your organization is making to address those factors. Otherwise, type “N/A”, or leave the textbox blank.
Applicant type(s): All Applicants
Narrative Response: 1,500 character limit
Applicant type(s): All Applicants
Narrative Response: 1,500 character limit
Applicant type(s): All Applicants with prior TA awards
Narrative Response: 2,500 character limit
Applicant type(s): All Applicants
Narrative Response: 3,000 character limit
Applicant type(s): Sponsoring Entity Applicants
Narrative Response: 2,500 character limit
Applicant type(s): Certified CDFI Applicants
Narrative Response: 3,000 character limit
Applicant type(s): All Applicants
Narrative Response: 3,000 character limit
Applicant type(s): All Applicants
Narrative Response: 2,000 character limit
Applicant type(s): All Applicants
Narrative Response: 2,000 character limit
Applicant type(s): All Applicants
Narrative Response: 2,000 character limit
Applicant type(s): All Applicants
Narrative Response: 3,000 character limit
Applicant type(s): All Applicants
Narrative Response: 2,500 character limit
Current Financial Product Type |
Amount of Portfolio Outstanding |
Product Description |
Affordable Housing |
Climate-Centered Financing |
Commercial Real Estate |
Community Facilities |
Consumer Financial Products |
Intermediary Lending to Non-Profits and CDFIs |
Microenterprise |
Small Business |
Other (please describe) |
Total |
$ |
Current Development Service Type |
Select if Applicable |
Business Technical Assistance |
Credit Counseling |
Financial Education |
Homeownership Counseling |
Real Estate Technical Assistance |
Other - Please enter description here |
Table 3: Key Staff |
Name |
Title |
# of Years on Staff |
# of Years’ Experience |
Role in Implementing Organization’s Strategic Goals |
Resume |
Applicants may provide information on up to ten (10) Key Staff. Applicants must attach associated key staff resumes in this section |
[Provide a brief (700 character paragraph) description of this individual’s capacity, skills, and experience as it relates to his or her role in expending the requested TA Award.] |
Table 4: Board Members |
Name |
Title |
# of Years on Board |
# of Years’ Experience |
Accountability to Target Market(s) and/or expertise represented on Board |
Applicants can provide information on up to seven (7) board members. |
[Provide a brief (700 character paragraph). Describe the accountability of the board member to the CDFI’s Target Market, the role of the board member, current source of accountability and the expertise the board member provides to the CDFI.] |
Table 5: Committees
Name |
# of Board Members Serving on Committee |
# of Key Staff Serving on Committee |
Describe the Committee’s Relationship to your CDFI’s Performance and Impact |
Applicants can provide information on up to 5 committees |
[Provide a brief (700 character paragraph) description of this Committee's purpose and how it relates to the performance of your CDFI.] For each committee, describe the committee’s purpose and how it relates to the performance of the CDFI. |
Applicant Question |
Answers |
all written justifications for Compliance Questions have a 1,500
character limit, with the following exception. If applicable,
justifications for Questions C5.1, C5.2, C6.1, C7.1, and/or
C.16.1 are all to be provided in the “Conditionally
Required Responses” text box, which has a 5,000 character
limit. |
C1 |
Does the CDFI generate externally reviewed, regulator reviewed, or audited financial statements annually?
C2 |
Identify the number and describe (if prompted) any audit findings or regulatory findings for your CDFI or any of its Affiliates or parent company from the last three fiscal years and how your CDFI addressed them). Regulated Institutions should include all (a) Matters Requiring Attention (MRA), (b) Documents of Resolution (DOR), (c) Enforcement Actions (EA), (d) Letters of Understanding and Agreement (LUA), and (e) similar Regulator cited matters and actions. Applicants that do not identify qualified audit opinions or regulatory findings at the time of Application and are later determined to have withheld this information from the CDFI Fund either intentionally or inadvertently will be evaluated negatively.
C3 |
What kind of accounting system does this CDFI use to manage its portfolio?
C4 |
Are externally reviewed financial statements or audited financial statements completed annually within 180 days of the fiscal year end? |
C5 |
Has the CDFI received any federal, state, or local government financial assistance in the last ten fiscal years? |
C5.1 |
[Conditionally Required] If this CDFI has received federal, state, or local government assistance in the last ten fiscal years, does this CDFI maintain a record of all federal, state, or local government assistance received? |
C5.2 |
[Conditionally Required] If this CDFI has received federal government assistance that required a Single Audit (A-133) report in the last ten fiscal years, has this CDFI submitted a Single Audit (A-133) to the federal agencies from which it has received financial assistance in the last ten fiscal years? |
C6 |
Does this CDFI have formal and written policies and procedures for complying with and completing federal, state, or local government financial assistance agreement requirements? |
C6.1 |
[Conditionally required] If the CDFI has not yet established policies and procedures to comply with federal, state, or local government financial assistance reporting requirements, how long will this CDFI need to do so?
C7 |
Does this CDFI maintain staff whose roles and responsibilities include complying with and completing federal, state, or local government financial assistance requirements? |
C7.1 |
[Conditionally required] If this CDFI does not maintain staff, is the CDFI prepared to designate these responsibilities to specific staff members, should it receive an award? |
C8 |
Has this CDFI defaulted on any federal credit instrument in the last ten fiscal years? |
C9 |
Has the CDFI failed to expend any award funds in a timely manner as required by any of federal, state, or local government agreements, or contracts? |
C10 |
Has the CDFI developed formal and written policies and procedures to oversee the quality of its investments and loan portfolio? |
C11 |
Has the CDFI had a tax lien imposed in the last ten fiscal years, due to delinquent taxes or failure to pay taxes owed by the entity? |
C12 |
Has your CDFI or any of its Affiliates or parent company filed bankruptcy over the last ten fiscal years? If so, please describe the circumstances and current status. |
C13 |
[Conditionally required if prior or current CDFI Recipient] Does the CDFI have policies and procedures in place to notify its Board of Directors or governing body of new and existing federal, state, or local government requirements? If no, please describe. |
C14 |
[Conditionally Required if prior or current CDFI Recipient] Is the CDFI required to measure and report on progress toward its Performance Goals and Measures (PG&Ms) to the CDFI’s Board of Directors or governing body at least annually? |
C15 |
[Conditionally Required if prior or current CDFI Recipient] How frequently is the CDFI required by its policies and procedures to self-evaluate and track performance on PG&Ms? |
C16 |
Does the CDFI have financial covenants or other performance requirements with third-party funders? |
C16.1 |
[Conditionally Required] If the CDFI has financial covenants or requirements with third-party funders, how frequently does the CDFI internally measure and report compliance? |
C17 |
Indicate if your CDFI has ever formally defaulted on any outstanding debt. Applicants must verify this information correctly in this Application question. Applicants that do not identify defaulted debt at the time of Application and are later determined to have withheld this information from the CDFI Fund either intentionally or inadvertently will be evaluated negatively. If yes, provide a narrative explaining the situation and how it was remedied. Identify when the default occurred. |
C18 |
Does the CDFI’s information technology infrastructure support an accounting system? |
C19 |
Does the CDFI have a delinquent loan management policy? |
C20 |
In the last fiscal year, has the CDFI had one or more missed or overdue payments to any of its funders? |
Required Responses: If your answers to Compliance Questions C5.1,
C5.2, C6.1, C7.1 and/or C16.1 above require additional
explanation or context, please provide response(s) below. (5,000
character limit) |
Applicants will enter data for the three most recent historic fiscal years, the current year, and the projected three years.
# |
Field Name |
Data Type |
Section |
Unrestricted Cash & Cash Equivalents ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Assets |
Cash Restricted for Operations ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Assets |
Other Real Estate Owned (OREO) ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Assets |
Current Assets ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Assets |
Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Assets |
Total Assets ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Assets |
Total Current Liabilities ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Liabilities |
Unrestricted Net Assets ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Net Assets |
Available Financing Capital ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Net Assets |
Total Financing Capital ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Net Assets |
Total Net Assets or Equity ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Net Assets |
Interest Revenue ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Income |
Earned Revenue ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Income |
Operating Revenue ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Income |
Government Grants ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Income |
Total Revenue ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Income |
Interest Expense ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Expenses |
Operating Expenses ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Expenses |
Non-cash Expenses ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Expenses |
Total Expenses ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Expenses |
Total On-Balance Sheet Loan Portfolio ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Loan Portfolio |
Total On-Balance Sheet Loan Portfolio (#) |
Number Amount (#) |
Loan Portfolio |
Total On-Balance Sheet Loan Portfolio in an Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Loan Portfolio |
Commitments ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Loan Portfolio |
On-Balance Sheet Loans Closed ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Loan Portfolio |
On-Balance Sheet Loans Closed (#) |
Number Amount (#) |
Loan Portfolio |
On-Balance Sheet Loans Closed in Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Loan Portfolio |
% of Financial Products closed in an Eligible Market or Target Market (% - calculated value, no data input) |
Percent (%) |
N/A |
Charge-offs ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Loan Portfolio |
Charge-offs (#) |
Number Amount (#) |
Loan Portfolio |
Troubled Debt Restructuring ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Loan Portfolio |
Recoveries ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Loan Portfolio |
Recoveries (#) |
Number Amount (#) |
Loan Portfolio |
Loans 90 Days (or more) Past Due ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Loan Portfolio |
Loans 90 Days (or more) Past Due (#) |
Number Amount (#) |
Loan Portfolio |
Loans Delinquent 61 to 90 days ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Loan Portfolio |
Loans Delinquent 61 to 90 days (#) |
Number Amount (#) |
Loan Portfolio |
On-Balance Sheet Loan Guarantees Made ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Loan Portfolio |
On-Balance Sheet Loan Guarantees Made in Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Loan Portfolio |
Total On-Balance Sheet Loan Guarantees Outstanding ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Loan Portfolio |
Total On-Balance Sheet Loan Guarantees Outstanding in an Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Loan Portfolio |
Equity Investments Exited this Year ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Equity Portfolio |
Equity Investments Exited this Year (#) |
Number Amount (#) |
Equity Portfolio |
Investments Written-Off this Year ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Equity Portfolio |
Investments Written-Off this Year (#) |
Number Amount (#) |
Equity Portfolio |
Total Equity Investments Portfolio ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Equity Portfolio |
Total Equity Investments Portfolio (#) |
Number Amount (#) |
Equity Portfolio |
Total Equity Investments Portfolio in an Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Equity Portfolio |
Total Equity Investments Closed ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Equity Portfolio |
Total Equity Investments Closed in Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
Equity Portfolio |
Total On-Balance Sheet Financial Products closed in Persistent Poverty Counties serving Eligible Markets and/or Target Market (Includes On-Balance Sheet Loans, Equity Investments and Loan Guarantees) ($ - calculated value, no data input) |
Dollar Amount ($) |
On-balance sheet financial products closed in PPCs |
Dollar Amount ($) |
On-balance sheet financial products closed in PPCs |
Dollar Amount ($) |
On-balance sheet financial products closed in PPCs |
Dollar Amount ($) |
On-balance sheet financial products closed in PPCs |
Note for Credit Union Applicants: Regulated Applicants should not use information from audited financial statements. Instead, Regulated Applicants should use information from their respective call reports to complete the historic year financial data records. The crosswalk below matches fields required in AMIS to inputs in the National Credit Union Administration’s Call Report Form 5300 (5300) and the Financial Performance Report (FPR).
AMIS Inputs |
Equivalent 5300 or FPR Data Location |
Assets |
5300 Account Number |
FPR Reference |
5300 Table Number |
Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses ($) |
719 or AS0048; Page 2 item 17 or 18 |
Page 1 (Allowance for Loans & Leases) |
FS220 |
Total Assets ($) |
010; Page 2 item 25 |
Page 1 (Total Assets) |
FS220 |
Liabilities |
5300 Account Number |
FPR Reference |
5300 Table Number |
Total Borrowings ($) |
860C; Page 3 item 6 |
Page 6 (Other Borrowings + Other Notes, Promissory Notes, Interest Payable, and Draws Against Lines of Credit + Borrowing Repurchase Transactions + Subordinated Debt + Uninsured Secondary Capital and Subordinated Debt included in NW) |
FS220 |
Shares/Deposits |
5300 Account Number |
FPR Reference |
5300 Table Number |
Total Shares and Deposits ($) |
018; Page 3 item 19 |
Page 1 (Total Shares & Deposits) |
FS220 |
Net Worth |
5300 Account Number |
FPR Reference |
5300 Table Number |
Total Net Worth ($) |
997; Page 12 item 8 |
Page 6 (Total Net Worth) |
FS220A |
Income/Revenue |
5300 Account Number |
FPR Reference |
5300 Table Number |
Total Interest Income ($) |
115; Page 5 Item 5 |
Page 7 (Total Interest Income) |
FS220A |
Net Income ($) |
661A; Page 5 item 33 |
Page 7 (Net Income) |
FS220A |
Expenses |
5300 Account Number |
FPR Reference |
5300 Table Number |
Total Interest Expense ($) |
350; Page 5 item 9 |
Page 7 (Total Interest Expense) |
FS220A |
Loan Portfolio |
5300 Account Number |
FPR Reference |
5300 Table Number |
Total On-Balance Sheet Loan Portfolio ($) |
025B; Page 2 item 16 |
Page 5 (Total Loans & Leases) |
FS220 |
Total On-Balance Sheet Loan Portfolio (#) |
025A; Page 2 item 16 |
There is no corresponding FPR reference.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
FS220 |
Total On-Balance Sheet Loan Portfolio in an Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) |
There is no corresponding FPR reference.
This exact classification not directly defined in 5300 accounts.
On-Balance Sheet Loans Closed ($) |
031B; Page 6 item 15 |
Page 18 (Total Amount of Loans Granted YTD) |
FS220 |
On-Balance Sheet Loans Closed (#) |
031A; Page 6 item 15 |
There is no corresponding FPR reference.
FS220 |
On-Balance Sheet Loans Closed in an Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) |
There is no corresponding FPR reference.
This exact classification not directly defined in 5300 accounts.
% of On-Balance Sheet Loans Closed in an Eligible Market |
There is no corresponding FPR reference.
This exact classification not directly defined in 5300 accounts.
Calculated value (no data entry): On-Balance Sheet Loans Closed in an Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) divided by On-Balance Sheet Loans Closed ($) |
Charge-offs ($) |
550; Page 10 item 10 |
Page 10 (Total Loans Charged Off) |
FS220 |
Troubled Debt Restructuring ($) |
1001F; Page 17 item 1.F |
Page 10 (Total TDR First RE, Other RE, Consumer, and Commercial Loans) |
FS220H |
Recoveries ($) |
551; Page 10 item 10 |
Page 10 (Total Loans Recovered) |
FS220 |
Loans 60 Days (or more) Past Due ($) |
041B; Page 8 item 10b (Total Amount of Reportable Delinquent Loans) |
Page 8 (Total Del Loans - All Types (> = 60 Days)) |
FS220 |
Loans 60 Days (or more) Past Due (#) |
041A; Page 8 item 10a (Total Number of Reportable Delinquent Loans) |
There is no corresponding FPR reference.
CDFI Fund Staff Program Staff Comments: The total number (#) of loans 60 or more days past due. Loans should be considered past due if any part of the payment is past due. |
FS220A |
Total Loans Delinquent 31 to 60 Days ($) |
020B ; Page 8 item 10b (30-59 days) |
Page 9 (30 to 59 Days Delinquent) |
FS220 |
Total Loans Delinquent 31 to 60 Days (#) |
020A; Page 8 item 10a (30-59 days) |
There is no corresponding FPR reference.
Fund Staff Program Staff Comments: |
FS220 |
On-Balance Sheet Loan Guarantees Made ($) |
There is no corresponding FPR reference.
This exact classification not directly defined in 5300 accounts.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
On-Balance Sheet Loan Guarantees Made in an Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) |
There is no corresponding FPR reference.
This exact classification not directly defined in 5300 accounts.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
On-Balance Sheet Loan Guarantees Outstanding ($) |
There is no corresponding FPR reference.
This exact classification not directly defined in 5300 accounts.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Total On-Balance Sheet Loan Guarantees Outstanding in an Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) |
There is no corresponding FPR reference.
This exact classification not directly defined in 5300 accounts.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Equity Portfolio |
5300 Account Number |
FPR Reference |
5300 Table Number |
Equity Investments Exited this Year ($) |
There is no corresponding FPR reference.
This exact classification not directly defined in 5300 accounts.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Equity Investments Exited this Year (#) |
There is no corresponding FPR reference.
This exact classification not directly defined in 5300 accounts.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Investments Written-Off this Year ($) |
There is no corresponding FPR reference.
This exact classification not directly defined in 5300 accounts.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Investments Written-Off this Year (#) |
There is no corresponding FPR reference.
This exact classification not directly defined in 5300 accounts.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Total Equity Investments Portfolio ($) |
There is no corresponding FPR reference.
This exact classification not directly defined in 5300 accounts.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Total Equity Investments Portfolio (#) |
There is no corresponding FPR reference.
This exact classification not directly defined in 5300 accounts.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Total Equity Investments Portfolio in an Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) |
There is no corresponding FPR reference.
This exact classification not directly defined in 5300 accounts.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Total Equity Investments Closed ($) |
There is no corresponding FPR reference.
This exact classification not directly defined in 5300 accounts.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Total Equity Investments Closed in an Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) |
There is no corresponding FPR reference.
This exact classification not directly defined in 5300 accounts.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Membership |
5300 Account Number |
FPR Reference |
5300 Table Number |
Total Membership (#) |
083; Page 7 item 2 |
Page 18 (Num Current Members) |
FS220 |
Total Field of Membership (#) |
084; Page 7 item 3 |
Page 18 (Num Potential Members) |
FS220 |
Total Members (%) |
(083÷084); Page 7 item 2 ÷ Page 7 item 3 |
Page 18 ( % Current Members to Potential Members) |
FS220 |
Total Financial Services Provided in an Eligible Market and/or Target Market (#) |
There is no corresponding FPR reference.
This exact classification not directly defined in 5300 accounts.
Aggregate number of Financial Services provided in an Eligible Market and/or Target Market including number of checking, savings accounts, check cashing, money orders, certified checks, automated teller machines, deposit taking, safe deposit box services, and other similar services, over the 12-month reporting period. |
On-Balance Sheet Financial Products Closed in Persistent Poverty Counties |
5300 Account Number |
FPR Reference |
5300 Table Number |
On-Balance Sheet Loans closed in PPCs serving an Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) |
There is no corresponding FPR reference.
This exact classification not directly defined in 5300 accounts.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Total Equity Investments closed in PPCs serving an Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) |
There is no corresponding FPR reference.
This exact classification not directly defined in 5300 accounts.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Loan Guarantees made in PPCs serving an Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) |
There is no corresponding FPR reference.
This exact classification not directly defined in 5300 accounts.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Total On-Balance Sheet Financial Products closed in Persistent Poverty Counties serving an Eligible Market and/or Target Market (Includes On-Balance Sheet Loans, Equity Investments and Loan Guarantees) ($) |
There is no corresponding FPR reference.
This exact classification not directly defined in 5300 accounts.
Calculated value - no data entry. |
Note for Bank and Bank Holding Company Applicants: Regulated Applicants should not use information from audited financial statements. Instead, Regulated Applicants should use information from their respective call reports to complete the historic year financial data records. The crosswalk below provides guidance for completing required data fields in AMIS that are not directly linked to inputs in the UBPR call report.
Note for Bank Holding Company Applicants: Bank Holding Company Applicants with a Subsidiary bank entity that will make use of the FA Award funds should use financial information of the Subsidiary bank entity when completing the Application Financial Data section.
AMIS Inputs |
Equivalent UBPR Data Location |
Assets |
UBPR Concept |
UBPR Page No. & UBPR Concept Description |
Call Report Item |
UBPR Concept Description |
Unrestricted Cash & Cash Equivalents ($) |
UBPR0081 |
Page 4 - Noninterest-Bearing Cash and Due From Bank |
Schedule RC items 1a (RCFD 0081 = Non-Interest Bearing Balances and Coin and Currency) plus RC item 1b (RCFD 0071 = Interest-bearing balances) |
DESCRIPTION: Noninterest-Bearing Cash and Due From Banks
NARRATIVE: Total currency, coin, and noninterest-bearing balances due from depository institutions.
FORMULA: ExistingOf(cc:RCFD0081[P0], cc:RCON0081[P0]) |
Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses ($) |
UBPR3123 |
Page 4 - Loans and Leases Allowance |
Schedule RC item 4c (RCFD 3123) |
DESCRIPTION: Loan and Lease Allowance
NARRATIVE: The allowance for loan and lease losses.
FORMULA: IF(uc:UBPRC752[P0] = 31,cc:RCFD3123[P0],IF(uc:UBPRC752[P0] = 41,cc:RCON3123[P0], NULL)) |
Average Assets ($) |
UBPRE878 |
Page 4 - Average Assets During Quarter |
Schedule RC-K item 9 (RCFD 3368) |
UBPRE878 DESCRIPTION: Average Assets During Quarter
NARRATIVE: Average assets for one quarter from Call Report Schedule RC-K.
FORMULA: IF(uc:UBPR3368[P0] > 0,uc:UBPR3368[P0],IF(uc:UBPR3368[P0] < 1,uc:UBPR2170[P0], NULL)) |
Earning Assets ($) |
UBPRE123 |
Page 4 - Total Earning Assets |
Schedule RC items 2a, plus 2b, plus 4d (a. Held-to-maturity securities (from Schedule RC-B, column A) RCFD 1754 -- b. Available-for-sale securities (from Schedule RC-B, column D) RCFD 1773) -- plus d. Loans and leases held for investment, net of allowance (item 4.b minus 4.c) RCFD B529 |
DESCRIPTION: Total Earning Assets
NARRATIVE: Sum of Net Loans and Leases and Total Investments. RCK item 9 (Average Total Asset) can be used when UBPRE123 (Average Earning Assets) is not available.
FORMULA: uc:UBPRE119[P0] + uc:UBPRE122[P0] |
Total Assets ($) |
UBPR2170 |
Page 4 - Total Assets |
Schedule RC item 12 -RCFD 2170 |
NARRATIVE: Total Assets from Call Report Schedule RC.
FORMULA: IF(uc:UBPRC752[P0] = 31,cc:RCFD2170[P0], IF(uc:UBPRC752[P0] = 41,cc:RCON2170[P0], NULL)) |
Liabilities |
UBPR Concept |
UBPR Page No. & UBPR Concept Description |
Call Report Item |
UBPR Concept Description |
Total Liabilities ($) |
UBPRD662 |
Page 4 - Total Liabilities (Including Mortgages) |
21. Total liabilities (sum of items 13 through 20) RCFD 2948 |
DESCRIPTION: Total Liabilities (Including Mortgages)
NARRATIVE: Total Liabilities (excluding notes and debentures subordinated to deposits).
FORMULA: uc:UBPR2948[P0] |
Net Assets |
UBPR Concept |
UBPR Page No. & UBPR Concept Description |
Call Report Item |
UBPR Concept Description |
Tier 1 Capital ($) |
UBPR8274 |
Page 11A - Tier 1 Capital Allowable Under the Risk-Based Capital Guidelines |
Schedule RC-R item 26. (sum of items 19 and 25) RCFA 8274 |
NARRATIVE: Tier 1 Capital Allowable Under the Risk-Based Capital Guidelines
Income/ Revenue |
UBPR Concept |
UBPR Page No. & UBPR Concept Description |
Call Report Item |
UBPR Concept Description |
Total Interest Income ($) |
UBPR4107 |
Page 2 - Total Interest Income (TE) |
Schedule RI item 1h. = Total interest income (sum of items 1.a.(3) through 1.g) RIAD 4107 |
DESCRIPTION: Total Interest Income (TE)
NARRATIVE: Sum of income on loans and leases on a tax equivalent basis + investment income on a tax equivalent basis + interest on interest bearing bank balances + interest on federal funds sold and security resales + interest on trading account assets.
FORMULA: uc:UBPR4010[P0] + cc:RIAD4065[P0] + cc:RIAD4115[P0] + uc:UBPRD398[P0] + ExistingOf(cc:RIAD4069[P0], '0') + cc:RIAD4020[P0] + cc:RIAD4518[P0] + uc:UBPRD405[P0] |
Net Income ($) |
UBPR4340 |
Page 2 - Net Income |
Net income (loss) attributable to bank, RIAD 4340, NETINC |
NARRATIVE: Net Income from Call Report Schedule RI.
FORMULA: cc:RIAD4340[P0]
Expenses |
UBPR Concept |
UBPR Page No. & UBPR Concept Description |
Call Report Item |
UBPR Concept Description |
Interest Expense ($) |
RIAD4073 |
Page 2 - Total Interest Expense |
Schedule RI item 2 e. Total interest expense (sum of items 2.a through 2.d) RIAD 4073 |
23 Total Interest Expense 23.1 RIAD4073 |
Loan Portfolio |
UBPR Concept |
UBPR Page No. & UBPR Concept Description |
Call Report Item |
UBPR Concept Description |
Total On-Balance Sheet Loan Portfolio ($) |
UBPRE386 |
Page 7 - Average Total Loans and Leases |
items 6.a.1. Thru b. (RCON 3360) (2) Loans secured by real
estate: |
DESCRIPTION: Average Total Loans & Leases
FORMULA: uc:UBPRD151[P0] + uc: UBPRD272[P0] |
Total On-Balance Sheet Loan Portfolio (#) |
There is no corresponding UBPR concept. Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above.
Total On-Balance Sheet Loan Portfolio in Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) |
There is no corresponding UBPR concept. Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above.
On-Balance Sheet Loans Closed ($) |
There is no corresponding UBPR concept. Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above.
On-Balance Sheet Loans Closed (#) |
There is no corresponding UBPR concept. Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above.
On-Balance Sheet Loans Closed in Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) |
There is no corresponding UBPR concept.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
% of On-Balance Sheet Loans Closed in an Eligible Market |
Calculated value - no data entry. |
Charge-offs ($) |
UBPR4635 |
Page 7 - Gross Credit Losses |
Schedule RI-B Charge-offs and Recoveries and Changes in Allowances for Credit Losses |
DESCRIPTION: Gross Loan Losses
NARRATIVE: Gross amount of loan and lease losses year-to-date. Note that gross loan losses includes the write-down taken on loans held for sale. This item is added back to allow reconcilement with loan loss data by type of loan as reported on Call Report Schedule RI-B, Section a.
FORMULA: IF(uc:UBPR9999[P0] > '2002- 01-01',cc:RIADC079[P0] + cc:RIAD5523[P0],IF(uc:UBPR9999[P0] < '2002-01-01' AND uc:UBPR9999[P0] > '2001-04- 01',cc:RIADC079[P0] + uc:UBPRD582[P0],IF(uc:UBPR9999[P0] < '2001-04-01' AND uc:UBPR9999[P0] > '2001-01- 01',cc:RIAD4635[P0],NULL)))
Recoveries ($) |
RIAD4605 |
Page 7 – Line 9 of Schedule RI-B, Part I. Charge-offs and Recoveries on Loans and Leases |
Schedule RI-B Charge-offs and Recoveries and Changes in Allowances for Credit Losses |
Refer to Call Report RIAD4605 |
Loans 90 Days (or more) Past Due ($) |
UBPR1400 |
Page 8 - Total Non-Current LN&LS |
Schedule RC-N item 9. Total loans and leases (sum of items 1 through 8.b) Column B RCFD 1407 |
DESCRIPTION: Total Non-Current LN&LS
NARRATIVE: The sum of loans and leases past due over 90 days and still accruing interest and loans on nonaccrual.
FORMULA: uc:UBPRD667[P0] + uc:UBPRD669[P0] |
Loans 90 Days (or more) Past Due (#) |
There is no corresponding UBPR concept.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Loans Delinquent 61 to 90 days ($) |
UBPRD668 |
Page 8 – Past Due, Nonaccrual & Restructured |
Schedule RC-N item 9 Column A (30 to 89 days and still accruing…). Total loans and leases (sum of items 1 through 8.b).... RCFD 1406 |
DESCRIPTION: LN & LS 30-89 Days Past Due.
NARRATIVE: Loans and leases past due 30 through 89 days and still accruing interest. |
Loans Delinquent 61 to 90 days (#) |
NA |
There is no corresponding UBPR concept. |
NA |
NA |
On-Balance Sheet Loan Guarantees Made ($) |
There is no corresponding UBPR concept.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
On-Balance Sheet Loan Guarantees Made in Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) |
There is no corresponding UBPR concept.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Total On-Balance Sheet Loan Guarantees Outstanding ($) |
There is no corresponding UBPR concept.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Total On-Balance Sheet Loan Guarantees Outstanding in Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) |
There is no corresponding UBPR concept.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Equity Portfolio |
UBPR Concept |
UBPR Page No. & UBPR Concept Description |
Call Report Item |
UBPR Concept Description |
Total Equity Investments Portfolio ($) |
There is no corresponding UBPR concept.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Total Equity Investments Portfolio (#) |
There is no corresponding UBPR concept.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Total Equity Investments Portfolio in Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) |
There is no corresponding UBPR concept.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Equity Investments Exited this Year ($) |
There is no corresponding UBPR concept.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Equity Investments Exited this Year (#) |
There is no corresponding UBPR concept.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Total Equity Investments Closed ($) |
There is no corresponding UBPR concept.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Total Equity Investments Closed in Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) |
There is no corresponding UBPR concept.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Investments Written-Off this Year ($) |
There is no corresponding UBPR concept.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Investments Written-Off this Year (#) |
There is no corresponding UBPR concept.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Total Financial Services Provided in Eligible Markets (#) |
There is no corresponding UBPR concept.
Aggregate number of Financial Services provided in an Eligible Market and/or Target Market including number of checking, savings accounts, check cashing, money orders, certified checks, automated teller machines, deposit taking, safe deposit box services, and other similar services, over the 12-month reporting period.
On-Balance Sheet Financial Products Closed in Persistent Poverty Counties |
UBPR Concept |
UBPR Page No. & UBPR Concept Description |
Call Report Item |
UBPR Concept Description |
On-Balance Sheet loans closed in PPCs serving an Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) |
There is no corresponding UBPR concept.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Total Equity Investments closed in PPCs serving an Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) |
There is no corresponding UBPR concept.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Loan Guarantees made in PPCs serving an Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) |
There is no corresponding UBPR concept.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Total On-Balance Sheet Financial Products closed in Persistent Poverty Counties serving an Eligible Market and/or Target Market (Includes On-Balance Sheet Loans, Equity Investments and Loan Guarantees) ($) |
Calculated value - no data entry. |
applicants should use information from their audited financial
statements and Automatización de Informe Trimestral y Sistema
Actuarial (AITSA) to complete the Application Financial Data
subsection in AMIS. Cooperativa applicants are advised to use their
best efforts to provide data for the financial inputs that have no
corresponding references by using the guidance provided below. Note
that a cooperativa Applicant will not be penalized if it is unable to
provide the data requested. The CDFI Fund will continue to work
directly with cooperativas and COSSEC to refine financial data points
and improve the application process.
For any item that is listed where
your organization has no data, you must enter the number zero (“0”).
AMIS will return a red error message if the required response to a
field is not provided.
AMIS Inputs |
Equivalent Financial Statement Field |
Assets |
Audited Financial Statements in Spanish |
Reference |
Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses ($) |
Provisión para Préstamos Incobrables |
Loans and Provision for Possible Loan Losses |
11000 |
Total Assets ($) |
Total de Activos |
Total Assets |
10000 |
Liabilities |
Audited Financial Statements in Spanish |
Reference |
Total Borrowings ($) |
Obligaciones por Pagar |
Liabilities-Accounts Payable |
21000 |
Shares/Deposits |
Audited Financial Statements in Spanish |
Reference |
Total Shares and Deposits ($) |
Total de Acciones y Depósitos ($) |
Total Shares & Deposits |
30500 + 20500 |
Net Worth |
Audited Financial Statements in Spanish |
Reference |
Total Net Worth ($) |
Total de Capital Indivisible |
Elements of Undistributed Capital |
16530 |
Income/Revenue |
Audited Financial Statements in Spanish |
Reference |
Total Interest Income ($) |
Ingresos de Intereses |
Total Interest Income (Interest on Loans+Interest on Savings Accounts & CD+Interest on Investment) |
40500 + 41000 + 41500 |
Net Income ($) |
Economía Neta |
Net Income |
80000 |
Expenses |
Audited Financial Statements in Spanish |
Reference |
Total Interest Expense ($) |
Total Gasto de Intereses |
Total Interest Expense (Interest on Deposits & Borrowed Money) |
50500 + 51000 |
Loan Portfolio |
Audited Financial Statements in Spanish |
Reference |
Total On-Balance Sheet Loan Portfolio ($) |
Total ($) de Préstamos en Cartera |
Total Loans & Leases
10500 |
Total On-Balance Sheet Loan Portfolio (#) |
Número de Préstamos en Cartera |
Not Available in Audit Financial Statement. Available in Quarterly Call Reports.
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Number of total Loans (Loans Schedule Section on Call Report)
AITSA 10500 |
Total On-Balance Sheet Loan Portfolio in an Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) |
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
On-Balance Sheet Loans Closed ($) |
Total ($) de Préstamos Originados |
Not Available in Audit Financial Statement. Available in Quarterly Call Report Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Dollar amount of total loans granted quarterly and in the fiscal year.
AITSA 17000 |
On-Balance Sheet Loans Closed (#) |
Número de Préstamos Originados |
Not Available in Audit Financial Statement. Available in Quarterly Call Report Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Number of total loans granted quarterly and in the fiscal year.
AITSA 17000 |
On-Balance Sheet Loans Closed in an Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) |
Not Available
Loan Portfolio |
Audited Financial Statements in Spanish |
Reference |
Charge-offs ($) |
Préstamos Cargados Contra la Reserva |
Total Loans Charged Off (Loans and Accounts Charged-off) |
00060 |
Troubled Debt Restructuring ($) |
Préstamos Restructurados |
Restructured Loans (Total TDR First RE, Other RE, Consumer, and Commercial Loans) |
10570 |
Recoveries ($) |
Recobro de Préstamos Previamente Cargados a Reserva |
Net Recoveries (Total Loans Recovered) |
Loans 60 Days (or more) Past Due ($) |
Préstamos Morosos ($) con más de 60 días de atraso |
Total Loans - All Types (>60 Days) past due |
15000 |
Loans 60 Days (or more) Past Due (#) |
Préstamos Morosos (#)con más de 60 días de atraso |
Not Available
CDFI Fund Staff Comments: The total number (#) of loans 60 or more days past due. Loans should be considered past due if any part of the payment is past due. |
Total Number Delinquent Loans Schedule
AITSA 15000 |
Total Loans Delinquent 31 to 60 Days ($) |
Préstamos Morosos ($) a 31 a 60 días de atraso |
Not Available
Fund Staff Comments:
Total Loans Delinquent 31 to 60 Days (#) |
Préstamos Morosos (#) con 31 a 60 días de atraso |
Not Available
Fund Staff Comments:
On-Balance Sheet Loan Guarantees Made ($) |
Not Available
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
On-Balance Sheet Loan Guarantees Made in an Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) |
Not Available
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
On-Balance Sheet Loan Guarantees Outstanding ($) |
Not Available
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Total On-Balance Sheet Loan Guarantees Outstanding in an Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) |
Not Available
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Equity Portfolio |
Audited Financial Statements in Spanish |
Reference |
Equity Investments Exited this Year ($) |
Not Available
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Equity Investments Exited this Year (#) |
Not Available
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Investments Written-Off this Year ($) |
Not Available
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Investments Written-Off this Year (#) |
Not Available
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Total Equity Investments Portfolio ($) |
Not Available
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Total Equity Investments Portfolio (#) |
Not Available
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Total Equity Investments Portfolio in an Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) |
Not Available
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Total Equity Investments Closed ($) |
Not Available
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Total Equity Investments Closed in an Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) |
Not Available
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
% of Financial Products Closed in an Eligible Market and/or Target Market |
Not Available
Calculated value (no data entry): On-Balance Sheet Loans Closed in an Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) + On-Balance Sheet Loan Guarantees Made in an Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) + Total Equity Investments Closed in an Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($)) /(On-Balance Sheet Loans Closed + On-Balance Sheet Loan Guarantees Made + Total Equity Investments Closed |
Membership |
Audited Financial Statements in Spanish |
Reference |
Total Membership (#) |
Socios de la Cooperativa |
(Num Current Members) |
00115 |
Total Field of Membership (#) |
Not Available |
Island’s Total Population per Census
(Num Potential Members) |
Total Members (%) |
Not Available |
Not Available
( % Current Members to Potential Members) |
Total Financial Services Provided in an Eligible Market and/or Target Market (#) |
Not Available
Fund Staff Comments:
On-Balance Sheet Financial Products Closed in Persistent Poverty Counties |
Audited Financial Statements in Spanish |
Reference |
On-Balance Sheet Loans closed in PPCs serving an Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) |
Not Available
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Total Equity Investments closed in PPCs serving an Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) |
Not Available
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Loan Guarantees made in PPCs serving an Eligible Market and/or Target Market ($) |
Not Available
Use corresponding term defined for Unregulated Applicants above. |
Total On-Balance Sheet Financial Products closed in Persistent Poverty Counties serving an Eligible Market and/or Target Market (Includes On-Balance Sheet Loans, Equity Investments and Loan Guarantees) ($) |
Not Available
Calculated value - no data entry. |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | CDFI Program and NACA Program FY 2023-2025 PRA Technical Assistance Application |
Author | Herring, Candace |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-12-30 |