Tribal Child Care Capacity Building Center
Act Child Care Stabilization Grants
Guide to Implementation – Initial and Full Implementation
American Rescue Plan Act Child Care Stabilization Grants Guide to Implementation – Initial and Full Implementation
Purpose of this guide:
Internal framework for the Tribal Child Care Capacity Building Center (TCBC) team and the Office of Child Care (OCC) Regional Offices to use when assisting grantees in the initial and full implementation stage of their American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act child care stabilization grants.
PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13) STATEMENT OF PUBLIC BURDEN: The purpose of this information collection is to help the Office of Child Care (OCC) identify the technical assistance needs to support the implementation of American Rescue Plan funding. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average one hour per grantee response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and reviewing the collection of information. This is a voluntary collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB # is 0970-0531 and the expiration date is 07/31/2022. If you have any comments on this collection of information, please contact Stacy Cassell,
Review agenda for the call
Suggested agenda items for the initial implementing stage call:
Opportunity for Tribal CCDF Administrator to share updates
Status of ARP Act Child Care Stabilization Grants funds expenditures
Construction or major renovation project status [if applicable]
Discussion on internal processes using the guiding questions
Provide TA resources to assist in assessing internal processes as requested (TCBC TA Specialists, Subject Matter Expert Team, Stabilization Grants resources on the OCC TA website, etc.)
Wrap up and next steps
Ask the Tribal Lead Agency to provide an update of their status regarding the ARP Act Child Care Stabilization funds they received.
Now that you have released your ARP Act Child Care Stabilization Grants funds, have you identified any internal challenges with your processing systems? Are you considering any changes to your system?
Have your providers been able to submit the required documentation within the established timeline?
Do you feel your application is easily accessible for all qualified and eligible providers to apply?
Are any changes need to the application so that more providers will apply?
Are applications accepted on a rolling basis?
What TA supports do you feel providers need to be successful in completing your application and reporting requirements?
What challenges are you facing and what support do you need?
If applicable, ask the Tribal Lead Agency for an update on their construction or major renovation project using ARP Act Child Care Stabilization Grants funds.
What challenges are you facing to obligate and liquidate all your ARP Act Child Care Stabilization Grants funds by the required timelines? [this question does not apply to Public Law 102-477 grantees]
Use the Implementation Planning Tool to make note of goals for each area and identify action steps as indicated by the Tribal CCDF Administrator during discussion.
Share that the Tribal Child Care Capacity Building Center’s Tribal TA specialists and Tribal Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) are available to provide any additional TA as requested.
Answer any Tribal Lead Agency’s questions and provide relevant resources to support the responses.
What Tribal evaluation tools are currently available to measure the progress and effectiveness of your project?
What challenges did providers face in the completion of the application? Are you considering any updates to the application or process?
What positive impacts have you seen on the child care community based on the ARP Act Child Care Stabilization Grants funds awarded to date?
What positive impacts have you seen within your Tribally operated center based on the changes made using the ARP Act Child Care Stabilization Grants funds? Has your recruitment and retention of your staff improved? [for Tribes with a Tribally operated center]
Are revisions needed to your policies and procedures to effectively administer the ARP Act Child Care Stabilization Grants funds based on your assessment?
How will you ensure all funds are obligated in accordance with federal regulations? What budgeting methods are in place to support this process?
Key Topics
During your conversation with the grantee, you will likely want to review the key topic areas listed below, using the talking points, guiding questions, and examples provided in each section.
Programmatic Policies and Procedures
Set Aside for Administrative Expenses, Supply Building & Technical Assistance
Capacity is the method to plan and achieve organizational goals. Capacity building describes, to decision makers, how those methods can lead to sustained improvements over time. Capacity building is ultimately focused on empowering individuals, leaders, organizations, and systems to generate positive change for early learning opportunities and outcomes on behalf of communities, children, and families. Fortunately, the ARP Act allows grantees to use a portion of their funds to hire additional support staff, contract with intermediaries, and purchase supplies and equipment to better administer the ARP Act Child Care Stabilization Grants. We would love to hear how you utilized the funds to increase your internal capacity.
Which internal processes have been effective in awarding the ARP Child Care Stabilization Grants? What additional staff would have helped the process?
How have you used the ARP Child Care Stabilization Grants administrative costs to build internal capacity?
Have the Tribal leadership and the Tribal Lead Agency’s goals for child care services been met using the ARP Act Child Care Stabilization Subgrants?
Has the Tribal Lead Agency communicated on an ongoing basis with Tribal Leadership about the status of the ARP Act Child Care Stabilization Subgrants?
How will you adapt your provider reporting and monitoring strategies to lessen the burden on your Tribal Lead Agency?
Are you experiencing difficulties recruiting and retaining staff to administer the ARP Act Child Care Stabilization Grants funds? Is turnover an issue?
Have you considered contracting with intermediaries to lessen the burden on your agency, and are there any organizations/agencies you would be interested in contracting with?
Now that you have begun to implement your ARP Act Child Care Stabilization Grants, it’s important to assess any strategies you currently use in handling the financial and programmatic aspects of program administration and management. This may include your timeline or tools for developing budgets, any tracking mechanisms for obligations and liquidations, your audit history, or any other fiscal resources currently in use. Doing so will help you prepare for any future reporting.
I also encourage you to look at the COVID-19 Funding At-A-Glance for Tribal Lead Agencies; this resource will provide you with quick information about all of the COVID-19 supplemental funding, including CARES Act, CRRSA Act, ARP Act Stabilization Funds, and ARP Act Supplemental Discretionary funds.
Are your existing fiscal policies and procedures meeting your needs during the initial implementation stage, or should they be updated to ensure you are on track to spend all your funding?
If you have a construction project, will you be on track to spend all funding? Including multiple-year funding? If you need additional funding, how will you complete the project?
Do you have the internal financial controls in place to ensure funds are liquidated and obligated by the required dates? [this does not apply to Public Law 102-477 grantees]
Has your Tribal leadership been engaged in all aspects of financial management, and to what extent are they engaged?
How are your current internal controls and budget controls supporting fiscal management activities such as engaging in contracts with partners, data collection and evaluation, or procurement?
How are you continuously protecting program integrity from potential conflicts of interest, intellectual property theft, and fraud prevention?
Have you or your Finance Department been making consistent drawdowns in the Payment Management Systems (PMS)? Does your current process for drawing down funds still work for you?
Have you made any necessary amendments to your current CCDF Plan to avoid audit findings?
If you contracted with an intermediary to lessen the burden on your agency, has your working relationship been successful? Are any changes needed to ensure the intermediary meets all your CCDF requirements?
What types of updates have you made to your current internal infrastructure (i.e., accounting staff and software) to support the administration of the funds?
Have you noted required changes in your existing fiscal policies and procedures to ensure efficient administration of your stabilization grants? Have you updated the fiscal policies and procedures according to the required changes?
Have you reached out to your auditor to ensure the documents being collected from grant recipients will meet audit standards?
What percentage of ARP Act Child Care Stabilization subgrants have been awarded to qualified providers? Will you be able to meet the obligation and liquidation periods of these funds? [obligation and liquidation periods do not apply to Public Law 102-477 grantees]
Programmatic policies and procedures are essential to properly implementing and monitoring ARP Act Child Care Stabilization Grants funds. Consider whether policies and procedures have been effective and, if not, determine what new policies and procedures or revisions need to be developed. These guiding questions will serve as a starting point as you make those determinations.
Now that you are in the initial implementation stage of releasing your ARP Act Child Care Stabilization Grants funds, are there any gaps in your current policies and procedures that need to be addressed?
What is the process for policy and procedure approvals? Will they need to go to Tribal leadership for final approval?
Have you checked in with your in-home, family, or center-based child care providers in your service area to see if the application process was easy to complete? What did you do with the information gathered? If you have completed check-in, did you create a policy and procedure to track the responses from your providers?
Describe your policy and procedure for posting your ARP Act Child Care Stabilization Grants funds applications, OCC-related FAQs, or other resources on your CCDF or Tribal website.
What does your policy and procedure for collecting provider reporting and monitoring documentation involve? How does it include monitoring qualified providers to ensure they continue following health and safety requirements or that they are continuing to pay full compensation to staff?
How does your policies and procedures ensure effective for tracking whether subgrants are going to different types of providers?
How have you used your policies and procedures to ensure areas of high need are identified and to ensure the Stabilization Grants are being distributed in a way that is responsive to parental needs and preferences?
As you move towards full implementation with the ARP Act Child Care Stabilization Grants (The American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021 (Public Law 117-2)) funds, it is important for you to consider the allowable spending categories as you are completing your budgeting process, monitoring your budget, and preparing for reporting.
Reminder: Tribal Lead Agencies may set aside up to 20% of their stabilization funding award for administration, activities to support supply building, and technical assistance.
There are five allowable activities:
Administering stabilization subgrants
Activities to increase the supply of child care
Technical assistance and support for subgrant applications
Publicizing the availability of subgrants
Technical assistance to providers to meet requirements throughout the subgrant period.
Base amount funds are not subject to the administrative cap.
The remaining funds (at least 80% for Tribal Lead Agencies) must be used for subgrants to qualified child care providers. Providers receiving subgrants and Tribally operated centers must use the funds for at least one of the following activities:
Personnel costs, benefits, premium pay, and recruitment and retention.
Rent or mortgage payments, utilities, facilities maintenance and improvements, or insurance.
Personal protective equipment (PPE), cleaning, sanitization supplies, and services, or training and professional development related to health and safety practices.
Purchases of or updates to equipment and supplies to respond to COVID-19.
Goods and services necessary to maintain or resume child care services.
Mental health supports for children and employees.
Guiding questions and examples can be found in the following tables.
Topic |
Talking Points |
Guiding Questions |
Set Aside for Administering Child Stabilization Subgrants |
Carrying Out Activities to Increase the Supply of Child Care
Providing Technical Assistance & Support for Subgrant Applications |
Publicizing the Availability of Stabilization Subgrants |
Providing Technical Assistance to Providers Receiving Stabilization Subgrants |
Topic |
Talking Points Development |
Guiding Questions Review |
Resources Identification |
Personnel Costs |
Rent, Utilities, Facilities Maintenance, and Insurance
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), cleaning, and other health and safety practices |
Equipment and Supplies |
Goods and Services |
Mental Health Services |
Paying for Past Expenses |
How will the Tribal Lead Agency prepare for reporting of the ARP Act Child Care Stabilization Grants distributed?
will the Tribal Lead Agency use the information associated with the
stabilization grants as a measure of quality services?
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Mora, Violeta |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-12-24 |