Change Request
Control Number 0920-0765
Management System
Date Submitted: [12/16/2024]
Summary of Request
CDC requests OMB approval for non-substantive changes to the electronic Fellowship Management System (FMS). Changes are proposed to improve question clarity, improve relevance of response options, and streamline question logic. There are no changes to the currently approved estimates for the number of responses, burden per response, or total burden hours.
Purpose and Organization of the FMS
CDC uses FMS to collect, process, and manage data for 11 CDC fellowship programs (Table A). Information is collected from applicants who seek training or public health support services through CDC fellowships, individuals who provide references for applicants, sites that host fellows, and fellowship alumni. The FMS is comprised of 4 modules with specialized functionality: the Fellowship Application module, the Host Site Application module, the Activity Tracking module, and the Alumni Directory. Through Revisions and Change Requests, CDC adapts the FMS to changes in fellowship opportunities and content, to improve alignment and tailoring of questions for each fellowship program's eligibility criteria, and to clarify questions and instructions according to user feedback.
Table A: Current CDC Fellowships using FMS |
Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) |
Epidemiology Elective Program (EEP) |
CDC Steven M. Teutsch Prevention Effectiveness (PE) Fellowship |
CDC E-learning Institute (ELI) |
Future Leaders in Infectious and Global health Threats (FLIGHT) |
Laboratory Leadership Service (LLS) |
Public Health Informatics Fellowship Program (PHIFP) |
Public Health Associates Program (PHAP) |
Presidential Management Fellowship (PMF) |
Evaluation Fellowship Program (EFP) |
Science Ambassador Fellowship (SAF) |
Summary of Changes for the Following Modules & Fellowships
Application Module:
Streamlining of PHAP content through removal and revision of questions
Removal of recruitment questions from Applicant Survey (all fellowship programs)
Removal of emergency contact solicitation questions from all Fellowship Application modules
Host Site Module:
Streamlining of PHAP content through removal and revision of questions, particularly to align with updated program goals for 2025 and onward
Net changes to module by # of question
Application Module:
-11 questions for all fellowships
-19 questions for PHAP
+1 Question for EEP
Host Site Module
-7 questions for PHAP
The primary purpose of these changes is to increase alignment of collection materials with program goals that have changed over the course of the transition from the FMS 2.0 software to the 3.0 Microsoft Power Platform. Some adjustments are also made in preparation for new cohorts and application cycles. Previous requests are summarized in Table B.
Detailed changes to each module are listed and described in Table D (Fellowship Application module), and Table E (Host Site Application module). These tables are provided at the end of this narrative. There are no changes to the Letters of Recommendation section in this change request.
Rationale for Change
During the transition from FMS 2.0 to 3.0 software, programs were asked to review the content of Fellowship and Host Site application modules to ensure program goals and needs were being met, and that content was ported from 2.0 to 3.0 without errors. During this review process programs also identified potential improvements to the modules.
Table B: Summary of Recent Changes Requested for this ICR
Submission |
Approval Date |
Content of Change |
June 2022 Revision Request |
3/13/2023 |
Moved to Microsoft Power Platform software, increase in number of respondents and total burden to reflect growth of fellowship programs. |
August 2023 Change Request |
8/24/2023 |
Added Evaluation Fellowship Program to FMS, removal of PMR/F and PH-TIPP from FMS, update to relevant SORN. Net increase in respondents and increase in burden due to EFP size. |
November 2023 Change Request |
11/8/2023 |
Adjustments to Application and Host Site module content to improve question clarity, improve relevance of response options, and streamline question logic. |
December 2023 Change Request |
1/05/2024 |
Adjustments to Application and Host Site module content to improve question clarity, improve relevance of response options, and streamline question logic. Removal of student loan repayment content. |
July 2024 Change Request |
8/12/2024 |
Refinement of Self Assessment of Skills content for PE and PHIFP, modification of Address/Location questions to streamline geographical data, |
September 2024 Change Request |
09/27/2024 |
Addition of updated Gender Identity and Race/Ethnicity questions as recently ratified by OMB. Minor changes to Application and Letters of Recommendation modules |
November 2024 (Current) Change Request |
Modifications to PHAP modules, removal of emergency contact and recruitment related questions from Fellowship Application module. |
Description of Changes to Burden
PHAP makes up a considerable portion of respondents for both the Applicant and Host Site modules’ total responses. However, in both modules PHAP’s unique forms already fall well below the overall average time estimated for completion. As a result, the burden estimate intended to represent the upper limit of time required to complete a Fellowship or Host Site application remains unchanged.
Table C: Estimated Annualized Burden Hours (approved 8/24/2023)
Type of respondents (Information Collection “IC” title) |
Form |
Number of Respondents
Number of Responses per Respondent |
Average Burden per Response (in hours) |
Total Burden (in hours) |
Fellowship Applicants (Fellowship Applications) |
FMS Application Module |
5286 |
1 |
87/60 |
7665 |
Reference Letter Writers (Reference Letters for Fellowship Applicants) |
FMS Application Module |
7142 |
1 |
15/60 |
1786 |
Subset of FMS Fellowship Applicants** (FMS Application Writing Samples (Subset Applicants)) |
FMS Application Module (13.6) |
220 |
1 |
30/60 |
110 |
Public Health Agency or Organization Staff (FMS Host Site Module) |
FMS Host Site Module |
970 |
1 |
75/60 |
1213 |
Public Health Agency or Organization Staff (Activity Tracking) |
FMS Activity Tracking Module |
555 |
2 |
30/60 |
555 |
Fellowship alumni* (FMS Alumni Directory) |
FMS Alumni Directory |
3484 |
1 |
37/60 |
2148 |
Total |
18212 |
13477 |
Program |
Type of Change |
Sec. |
Current Question/Item |
Requested Change |
Question Deactivation |
Eligibility |
Country of Birth |
Deactivate Question for PHAP |
Question Deactivation |
Eligibility |
Country of Citizenship |
Deactivate Question for PHAP |
Question Deactivation |
Eligibility |
Are you a U.S. permanent resident? |
Deactivate Question for PHAP |
Question Revision |
Assignment Preferences |
Would you be willing to work on an Indian reservation? |
Would you be willing to work on Tribal Lands (including reservation and trust lands)? This assignment may or may not be in a rural area. |
Question Revision |
Assignment Preferences |
Would you be willing to work in a rural setting? |
Would you be willing to work in a rural setting? Rural is defined as a remote geographic area with low population density. |
Question Revision |
Assignment Preferences |
Do you have a preference in the subject area you would like to work on? |
Do you have a preference in the subject area in which you would like to work? |
Question Revision |
Personal Statement |
What influenced you to consider a career in public health service? |
What influenced you to consider a career in public health? What attributes make you a good candidate for PHAP as an entry-level training program, and how will PHAP help achieve your career goals? (500 word limit) |
Question Deactivation |
Personal Statement |
Describe how this fellowship/program will help you achieve your goals |
Deactivate question for PHAP |
Question Deactivation |
Personal Statement |
Why are you interested in this fellowship/program? |
Deactivate question for PHAP |
Question Deactivation |
Personal Statement |
What makes you a good candidate for this fellowship/program? |
Deactivate question for PHAP |
Question Deactivation |
Personal Statement |
How do your values algin with the core CDC values? |
Deactivate question for PHAP |
Question Revision |
Assignment Preferences |
What is the highest degree you will have attained by the start of the program? |
What is the highest degree you will have obtained by July 1 of this year? |
Question Deletion |
Assignment Preferences |
Actual or anticipated date of attained degree: |
Delete question |
Question Deletion |
Assignment Preferences |
What is/was your overall GPA on a 4.0 scale for your highest degree attained by the start of the program? |
Delete question |
Question Deactivation |
Education |
Major 1: |
Deactivate question for PHAP |
Question Deactivation |
Education |
Major 1 classification: |
Deactivate question for PHAP |
Question Deactivation |
Education |
Is this degree a double major? |
Deactivate question for PHAP |
Question Deactivation |
Education |
Major 2: |
Deactivate question for PHAP |
Question Deactivation |
Education |
Major 2 classification: |
Deactivate question for PHAP |
Question Deactivation |
Education |
Minor/Certificate/Specialty |
Deactivate question for PHAP |
Question Deactivation |
Education |
Deactivate question for PHAP |
Question Deactivation |
Education |
Did you receive academic honors? |
Deactivate question for PHAP |
Question Deactivation |
Education |
Honor types: |
Deactivate question for PHAP |
Question Deactivation |
Applicant Survey |
What other opportunities are you considering? |
Deactivate question for PHAP |
Response Option Revision |
Training & Languages |
Add American Sign Language (ASL) to picklist for language selection |
Question Deletion |
Emergency Contact |
Emergency Contact Full Names |
Delete this question for all fellowships |
Question Deletion |
Emergency Contact |
Emergency Contact Relationships |
Delete this question for all fellowships |
Question Deletion |
Emergency Contact |
Emergency Contact Phone Numbers |
Delete this question for all fellowships |
Question Deletion |
Emergency Contact |
Emergency Contact Emails |
Delete this question for all fellowships |
Question Deletion |
Applicant Survey |
How did you find out about the Fellowship? (Select all that apply) *Include an open-ended box that asks to please specify
1.Word of Mouth (e.g., professor, mentor, supervisor, fellow, alumni) 2.Social Media (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube) 3.Internet search for job or fellowship opportunities 4.Job search platform (e.g., Handshake, Indeed, JOE, USAJobs, INFORMS) 5.Digital media advertisement (online ad clicked on for more information) 6.Newsletter or Email Listserv 7.Print or News Media (e.g. news sources, books, journals) 8.Other (specify) |
Delete question for all fellowships |
Question Deletion |
Applicant Survey |
How did you connect with the person who told you about the fellowship by word of mouth? (Select all that apply)
1.Handshake (e.g., webinar, email, fellowship ambassador) 2.University event, webinar, presentation 3.CDC event, webinar, presentation, booth 4.Other event, webinar, presentation (specify) 5.Professional or academic setting (e.g., professor, mentor/supervisor, colleague) 6.Other (specify) |
Delete question for all fellowships |
Question Deletion |
Applicant Survey |
Specify: Open text response |
Delete question for all fellowships |
Question Deletion |
Applicant Survey |
On what job search platform did you find out about the fellowships? 1..Handshake 2.Indeed 3.JOE (Job Openings for Economists 4.USAJobs 5.INFORMS 6.Other (specify) |
Delete question for all fellowships |
Question Deletion |
Applicant Survey |
Specify: Open text response |
Delete question for all fellowships |
Question Deletion |
Applicant Survey |
Which of the following most influenced you to apply to this fellowship? (select up to 3)
Which of the following most influenced you to apply to this fellowship? (select up to 3) Handshake (e.g., job posting, fellow/alumni ambassador) Other job search platform (e.g., Indeed, ZipRecruiter, Job Openings for Economists) In-person event (e.g., conference booth) News advertising (e.g., online ad, news media) Newsletter or email listserv (e.g., from CDC, your university, professional organization) Social Media (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube) Webinar or other virtual event (e.g., information session, alumni panel) Word of mouth (e.g., from current or former fellow, professor, supervisor) Other (please specify) |
Delete question for all fellowships |
Question Deletion |
Applicant Survey |
Specify: Open text response |
Delete question for all fellowships |
Question Addition |
Personal Statement |
n/a |
Add question for EEP:
(400 word limit) Describe a time you worked with an individual or community different from your own and the insight it gave you about others’ perspectives. Reflect on how this shifted your own thinking. |
TABLE E: Host Site Application
Program |
Type of Change |
Page/ |
Current Question/Item |
Requested Change |
Question deletion |
Position Assignment Description |
Please briefly describe the proposed assignment for the associate (this will be shared with the associate after selection) |
Delete question |
Question revision |
Position Assignment Description |
Please describe in detail your need for a Public Health Associate. |
Please briefly describe the need and proposed assignment for the associate (this will be shared with the associate after selection) |
Question deletion |
Position Assignment Description |
How will this address the need identified in the previous question? |
Delete question |
Question deletion |
Position Assignment Description |
What will you host site offer candidates that similar host sites may not? |
Delete question |
Question Revision |
Position Assignment Environment |
Please describe any additional administrative requirements for accepting a federal assignee (i.e. background check, immunization requirements) |
Please describe any additional Administrative Requirements (i.e. background check) for accepting a federal assignee |
Question Revision |
Public Health Agency Details |
Is the location of the public health agency on an Indian Reservation? |
Is the public health agency located on tribal lands? |
Question Deletion |
Population Information |
Estimated population impacted by the Public Health Associate’s work: |
Delete question |
Response Option Revision |
Population Information |
Level of population served: -State -County/Parish/Borough -Local -Other |
Level of population served: -State -County/Parish/Borough -Local/municipal -Tribal -National -Other |
Question Deactivation |
Position Assignment Environment |
Describe the program area, department, or organizational unit within the public health agency where the position assignment will be based. Include information on the number of employees/departments/divisions/branches/teams: |
Deactivate question for PHAP |
Question Deactivation |
Position Assignment Environment |
Describe the staff and other resources available: |
Deactivate question for PHAP |
Question Deactivation |
Position Assignment Environment |
Describe in detail the workplace support that will be provided (eg office setting, computer equipment, clerical and administrative support, peer support, dedicated resources): |
Deactivate question for PHAP |
Question Deactivation |
Position Assignment Environment |
Please describe the size of the community, university affiliations, living environment, cultural and recreational assets, and opportunities for the candidate's partner's employment: |
Deactivate question for PHAP |
Question Addition |
Position Assignment Environment |
Describe the program area, department, organization unit with the host agency where the position assignment will be based. Include information/description of number of employees and the resources available to support the associate: |
Add question for PHAP |
Question Addition |
Position Assignment Environment |
Describe the workplace setting and equipment provided for Associate to perform the work: |
Add question for PHAP |
Question Addition |
Position Assignment Environment |
Host site can provide access around host agency IT firewall or provide alternate means of access to CDC intranet systems and administrative services at least twice during the business day? |
Add question for PHAP |
Question Revision |
Position Assignment Environment |
Please describe the availability of safe and affordable housing in a commutable distance (including any special arrangements provided for other staff or previous associates) |
Please describe the availability of safe and affordable housing in a commutable distance (ie <50 miles). Please include any special arrangements for staff or previous Associates. |
Question Revision |
Position Assignment Environment |
Please describe any additional administrative requirements for accepting a federal assignee (ie, background check, immunization requirements) |
Please describe any additional administrative requirements (ie, background check) for accepting a federal assignee. |
Question Deletion |
Travel Opportunities |
Local Travel (outside of 100 miles from the host site assignment location) |
Will the Associate be expected to travel over 100 miles from Host Site jurisdiction for Host Site related work or training? (Please note that, regardless of travel distance, the host agency will not use federally sourced funds for any aspect of the Associate's travel or training.) |
Question Deletion |
Orientation |
Is there a standard process at your agency to orient new employees? |
Delete question |
Question Revision |
Orientation |
Describe the associate’s orientation to the host site and assignment (250 word limit) |
Describe the associate's orientation to the host site and assignment, including any standard orientation for new employees that would be relevant to the Associate
Question Addition |
Activity/Project details |
Please select the years of the activity: -Year 1 -Year 2 -Both year 1 and year 2 |
Add question for PHAP |
Response Option Revision |
Activity/Project details |
Level of responsibility/role: -Team member -Coordinator -Lead -Other |
Level of responsibility/role: -Team member -Coordinator -Project Coordinator -Lead |
Question Revision |
Activities & Deliverables |
Activities & Deliverables: Open Text Response |
Make two separate questions:
Activities and tasks: Open Text Response
Deliverables/products/outcomes: Open Text Response |
Question Deactivation |
Activity/project details |
Describe the public health problems to be addressed by the fellow/associate: |
Deactivate question for PHAP |
Question Deactivation |
Supervisor Information |
How much time per week (hours) can the supervisor devote to supervise? |
Deactivate question for PHAP |
Question Addition |
Supervisor information |
Can the primary host supervisor devote a minimum of 10% of time (i.e. 4 hours), in person, each week to supervise the associate |
Add question for PHAP |
Question Deactivation |
Supervisor Information |
List the class year for each alumnus fellowship/program |
Deactivate question for PHAP |
Question Revision |
Supervisor Information |
Please provide the full name, class year, and email address of fellows/associates from this fellowship/program supervised over the past 5 years: |
Please provide the full name and class year of fellows/associates from this fellowship/program supervised over the past 5 years: |
Question Deactivation |
Supervisor Experience |
Last year supervised a fellow/associate from this fellowship/program? |
Deactivate question for PHAP |
Question Deactivation |
Supervisor Experience |
Describe how the primary supervisor will provide direct supervision, foster growth, and on-the-job training |
Deactivate question for PHAP |
Question Deletion |
Supervisor Experience |
Describe a situation in which you had to juggle several challenging projects at the same time. Please describe your approach as a supervisor to managing priorities, delegating tasks, communicating expectations, and addressing any changes in directives: |
Delete question |
Question Deletion |
Supervisor Experience |
Describe how you would handle staff issues with poor performance or conduct: |
Delete question |
Question Deactivation |
Supervisor Experience |
Describe your experience with managing and supervising staff from cultures different than yours: |
Deactivate question for PHAP |
Question Deactivation |
Supervisor Experience |
Does the supervisor have mentoring experience? |
Deactivate question for PHAP |
Question Deactivation |
Supervisor Experience |
Years of mentoring experience: |
Deactivate question for PHAP |
Question Deactivation |
Supervisor Experience |
Mentorship Experience (Select all that apply): 1) Supervisor has mentored staff within the organization. 2) Supervisor has mentored fellows/associates in this fellowship/program. 3) Supervisor has mentored fellows/associates in other fellowships/programs. |
Deactivate question for PHAP |
Question Deactivation |
Supervisor Experience |
Has the supervisor had formal mentoring training? |
Deactivate question for PHAP |
Question Deactivation |
Supervisor Experience |
Describe the supervisor’s mentoring experience: |
Deactivate question for PHAP |
Question Deactivation |
Supervisor Experience |
Describe why the supervisor/mentor would be a good mentor/coach for a fellow and how the supervisor/mentor will foster growth and development: |
Deactivate question for PHAP |
Question Revision |
Rotation Preferences |
Student Position Rotation Preference: |
Rotation preference(s) for this student: |
Response Option Revision |
Training & Languages |
Add American Sign Language (ASL) to picklist for language selection |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Clinebell, Carter (CDC/DDPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) (CTR) |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-12-22 |