Form Approved
OMB No. 0920-0765
Exp. Date 03/31/2026
Fellowship Management System (FMS)
FMS Host Site Module Draft
Privacy Act and Public Burden Information |
Privacy Act Information The Privacy Act applies to this information collection. Information collected will be kept private as noted in the System of Records Notice is 09-90-2301, Fellowship Program and Guest Researcher Records.
Public Burden Information Form Approved OMB No. 0920-0765 Exp. Date 03/31/2026
Public reporting burden of this collection of information is an estimated average of 75 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS H21-8, Atlanta, Georgia 30329; ATTN: PRA (0920-0765). |
2.2 Sign-Up Page (For New Users) 10
3. eFMS System Help Desk Ticket 11
4. Application Welcome Page 12
5.1 Create a Profile to Get Started 13
5.2 Primary Application Contact 14
5.3 Public Health Agency Details 15
6. Position Assignment Details 16
6.2 Position Assignment Details 17
6.3 Position Assignment Environment 19
6.5 Position Assignment Location 21
6.6 Consultants & Officer/Fellow Details 22
6.7.2 Other Position Assignment Details 25
6.8.1 Position Assignment Details 26
6.9.1 Position Assignment Details 27
6.10.1 Host Site Information 30
6.11.1 Long-Term Trainee Support & Projects 32
6.12.1 Position Assignment Details 34
6.13.1 Position Assignment Details 35
6.14.1 Position Assignment Description 36
6.14.2 Subject Area Proposed Assignment 37
6.14.4 Other Public Health Agency Details 41
6.14.6 Population Information 43
8.1 Activity/Project Details 54
8.2 Activity/Project Location 57
8.3 Activity & Deliverable Details 58
10. Student Rotation Preferences 65
11.1 Match or Prematch Rank/Rating Form 66
The purpose of this document is to list all the data elements of the host site application collected online through the Fellowship Management System (FMS). The FMS online host site assignment module is a streamlined mechanism for agencies, who are interested in hosting fellows of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) fellowships to submit their assignment proposals online and track statuses of the application processes. The FMS is a robust flexible framework and is successfully tailored for various CDC fellowships. The following fellowships use the FMS Host Site Application module to collect applications from federal and non-federal public health agencies and organizations:
CDC E-learning Institute (ELI)
Epidemiology Elective Program (EEP)
Future Leaders in Infections and Global Health Threats (FLIGHT)
Laboratory Leadership Service (LLS)
CDC Steven M. Teutsch Prevention Effectiveness (PE) Fellowship
Public Health Associate Program (PHAP)
Public Health Informatics Fellowship Program (PHIFP)
Preventive Medicine Residency and Fellowship (PMR/F)
Population Health Training in Place Program (PH-TIPP)
This document is broken down by the major pages of the FMS Host Site Application. In this document, each page of the FMS Host Site Application has sections and some sub-sections. In addition, application instructions, login, and registration pages are included.
Following the screenshots in each section is a table that shows the status of the collection of data elements by each CDC fellowships. The following labels indicate the status of the collection:
“Yes” indicates that the fellowship collects the information and that alumni are required to submit this information.
“No” indicates that the fellowship does not collect this information.
Open Text Response indicates an open text field for responding to the prompt
In addition, the table shows the data values of each data element, and for ones that have a list of dropdown values, the data value category is hyperlinked to its list located in the Appendix.
[Program] Host Site Application Portal
Instructional Text:
Technical Support: For technical support to address a system issue or to withdraw your application please submit a System Help Desk Ticket
Government Warning: This warning banner provides privacy and security notices consistent with applicable federal laws, directives, and other federal guidance for accessing this Government system, which includes all devices/storage media attached to this system. This system is provided for Government-authorized use only. Unauthorized or improper use of this system is prohibited and may result in disciplinary action and/pr criminal penalties. At any time, and for any lawful Government purpose, the government may monitor, record, and audit your system usage and/or intercept, search and seize any communication or data transiting or stored on this system. Therefore, you have no reasonable expectation of privacy. Any communication or data transiting or stored on this system may be disclosed or used for any lawful government purpose.
Instructional Text:
The Privacy Act Applies to this information collection. Information collected will be kept private as noted in the System of Records Notice is 09-20-0112. Fellowship Program and Guest Researcher Records.
Host Site Application Module:
Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 73 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74 Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-0765). The Privacy Act applies to this information collection.
Table 2.1-a. Sign-In Fields
Field |
Values |
PE |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Password |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Table 2.2-a. Sign-Up Fields
Field |
Values |
PE |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Password |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Confirm Password |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Instructional Text:
Enter an email address and choose a password to create a new account. Please Submit help desk tickets for system related (technical) issues or needs only. If you have a fellowship program related question or need, please contact the fellowship program directly.
Field |
Values |
PE |
Your Name: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Email: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Contact Phone Number: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Fellowship: |
See list in Appendix p.66 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
What type of issue or need do you have? |
System Error Message |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
URL where the issue is occurring: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Error code message: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Please describe your issue or need: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Screenshot of error or issue (optional): |
File Upload Field |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Instructional Text:
Welcome to the [Program] Host Site Application Portal!
Please contact the [program] program at [program]
Privacy act and Public Burden Information
TECHNICAL SUPPORT: For technical support to address a system issue, please submit a System Help Desk Ticket
INSTRUCTIONAL TEXT: “Create a profile to get started”
INSTRUCTIONAL TEXT: The fellowship program will communicate with the primary application contact concerning program updates and information or questions related to the Host Site application. The primary applications contact can be any individual from your agency including but not limited to the Host Site Supervisor and Agency Director.
Table 5.2-a. Primary Application Contact Fields
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
Primary Contact Name: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Primary Contact Email: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Primary Contact Role/Position: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Office Phone Number: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Alternate Email: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Mobile Number: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Figure 5.3-a. Public Health Agency Details Fields
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
Public Health Agency Type: |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Type of fellow requested |
CDC Steven M. Teutsch Prevention Effectiveness (Traditional)
CDC Public Health Analytics and Modeling |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Center/Division/Branch: |
See list in Appendix p. 78 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Public Health Agency: |
See list in Appendix p.66 |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Agency Name: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Agency Center: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Agency Division: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Agency Branch: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Organization Name: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
CDC Campus: |
See list in Appendix p.66 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Building: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Street Address: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Street Address Line 2: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Street Address Line 3: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Suite, Room: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Country: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
State/Territory: |
See list in Appendix p.66 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
State/Province: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
City: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Zip Code: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
COVID-19 Operations: Is your organization’s physical office open, closed (100% telework), hybrid model of the two, or other arrangements due to COVID-19 public health measures? |
1. Open (No telework) 2. Closed (100% telework) 3. Hybrid (Alternating open & telework) 4. Other |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
is the anticipated work status for this position? |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Host Site Profile: Complete
[Program Host Site Application]
Position Assignment Details: Action Requested
Table 6.2-a. Position Assignment Detail Fields
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
PREMATCH: Are you applying to recruit in the pre-match? |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Describe why this position should be considered for pre-match. |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Background: Instructional Text: Describe the mission, goals, and focus of the work where the position is based. |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Background information about your site:
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Proposed Initial Project(s): Instructional Text: Thinking about the proposed analytic, surveillance, and field investigation projects listed above, list the project(s) that the officer can expect to start within the first month in the assignment. |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Short title for the position: Help Text: Field positions, please input the short title provided to you by EWB |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Leadership opportunities: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Describe the breadth of work that the candidate will experience with a focus on professional enrichment opportunities |
Open Text Response |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
PROPOSED REVISION FOR LLS Please describe other experiences and training opportunities that will help a fellow build professional skills and applied public health experience. Applicants are encouraged to indicate whether they will support a fellow’s participation in emergency response and/or conference travel to present their work. |
Open Text Response |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Describe the types of activities the candidate would work on in this position |
Open text response |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Position Assignment Strengths: |
Open Text Response |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
Position Strengths |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Describe the data that the position owns and has readily available for the candidate: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
Special skills useful for this position: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Open text response |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Selected Recent Host Site Publications: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Fellow/Officer/Student Publications: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Optional Question:
Together with our public health partners, CDC is working to reduce, and ultimately, eliminate racial and ethnic inequities in health by addressing the structural and social conditions that give rise to them. In consideration of this, describe how project(s) in this position may help address health equity, racism, or social determinants of health. |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Table 6.3-a. Position Assignment Environment Fields
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
Describe the program area, department, or organizational unit within the public health agency where the position assignment will be based. Include information on the number of employees/departments/divisions/branches/teams: |
Open Text Response |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Describe the staff and other resources available: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Describe in detail the workplace support that will be provided (e.g., office setting, computer equipment, clerical and administrative support, peer support, dedicated resources): |
Open Text Response |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
What recent changes or upcoming reorganizations may impact the assignment(s) or supervisor assigned to the candidate? |
Open Text Response |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
PROPOSED INSTRUCTIONAL TEXT ADDITION FOR LLS for above question: Response should also indicate if remote work schedule applies to the assigned supervisor(s). |
No |
Please attach a PDF of the current organizational chart for the public health agency: |
File Upload |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Please describe the size of the community, university affiliations, living environment, cultural and recreational assets, and opportunities for the candidate's partner's employment: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Please describe the availability of safe and affordable housing in a commutable distance (including any special arrangements provided for other staff or previous associates). |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Please describe any additional administrative requirements for accepting a federal assignee (i.e. background check, immunization requirements). |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Which type of work settings are you open to for your EEP student? (select all that apply):
- In person at least one day per week with telework option - Fully remote - Hybrid (at least 3 consecutive weeks in person with telework option, remaining time remote) |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Select the following to confirm that you have: (required)
1.Scheduled Meeting with LLS Program 2.Position Description Approved by CIO Authority
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Table 6.4-a. Travel Opportunities Fields
Specify the percentage of travel that your position assignment will provide for the candidate. Do not include travel that the program might provide through deployments, etc.
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
Domestic Travel: |
0% - 100% in increments of 10 (10, 20, 30 etc) |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
International Travel: |
0% - 100% in increments of 10 (10, 20, 30 etc) |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Local Travel (outside of 100 miles from host site assignment location): |
0% - 100% in increments of 10 (10, 20, 30 etc) |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Table 6.5-a. Position Assignment Location Fields
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
Is the Position Assignment Location the same as the Public Health Agency Location? |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Street Address: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Address Line 2: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Address Line 3: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Suite, Room: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Country: |
See list in Appendix p.66Appendix p.66 |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
State/Territory: |
See list in Appendix p.66 |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
State/Province: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
City: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Zip Code: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Is mailing address different? |
1. Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Mailing Address: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Mailing Address Line 2: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Mailing Address Line 3: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Suite, Room: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Country: |
See list in Appendix p.66 |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
State/Territory: |
See list in Appendix p.66 |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
State/Province: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
City: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Zip Code: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Table 6.6-a. Consultants & Officer/Fellow Details Fields
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
include the following information for consultants and
officers/fellows in the text boxes below:
PROPOSED LLS INSTRUCTIONAL TEXT ADDITION: Host sites with extensive fellow mentoring experience may provide a summary of the number of different fellows and provide specific names and fellowship details to highlight a select few. |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Consultants: Consultants: Please include the following information for consultants in the text boxes below: Name- Current Titles- Degrees
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Officers/Fellows: Officers/Fellows: Please include the following information for officers/fellows in the text boxes below: Full Name- Degrees- Fellowship Year EIS ONLY: Previous EIS Officers (in past 4-6 years)
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Briefly describe the current/recent EIS officer projects |
Open text response |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Figure 6.7.1-a. Proposed Projects Fields
Briefly describe the types of analytic project(s) that the officer can expect to conduct. Describe how the project will move beyond descriptive epidemiology and into analytic epidemiology (eg., multivariate modeling, time-series modeling, analyses of effect modification), and if the protocols have been developed (EISOs should not spend a substantial amount of time developing protocols).
Describe how health equity, racism, or social determinants of health will be incorporated into the project(s).
In the last sentence of the Proposed Analytic Projects instructions
After the first sentence in the Field Investigation CAL instructions
In the last sentence of the Proposed Surveillance Project instructions
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
Briefly describe the host site proposed projects: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Proposed Analytic Project(s): |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Proposed Analytic Project(s) INSTRUCTIONAL TEXT: Please describe projects of investigations with primary data collection opportunities that will fulfill the field investigation CAL. Asa reminder, these are the requirements of the field investigation CAL:
If There are not opportunities within the assignment to fulfill the CAL, state that you support EISOs participating in Epi-Aids and emergency response deployments and give examples of how previous EISOs in your group have fulfilled the Field Investigation CAL.
Opportunities for primary data collection to fulfill the Field Investigation CAL: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
INSTRUCTIONAL TEXT: Please describe opportunities for activities, projects, or investigations that involve collaboration with public health partners (eg., local, state, or international partners, universities, NGOs). Include a description of the nature of the collaboration, the EISO’s potential role, and the potential for the EISO to travel to inte3ract on-site with public health department, serving on a multi-agency committee, or providing technical assistance to grantees. If officers will primarily interact with public health partners through field investigations, you can just state that here. |
Opportunities to collaborate with public health partners: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
INSTRUCTIONAL TEXT: Briefly describe the surveillance evaluation that contributes to the assessment of a surveillance system of a local, state, national, nongovernmental organization (NGO), or international significance in order to meet the surveillance evaluation CAL. The description should include information on how the surveillance evaluation project will involve secondary) desk-based) and site visits/field evaluation of a surveillance system. |
Proposed Surveillance Project: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Table 6.7.2-a. Other Position Assignment Details Fields
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
Are you applying to recruit in the pre-match? |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
[If Yes to #1] Describe why this position should be considered for pre-match. |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
[If yes to #1] Will the fellow’s salary and benefits be funded by the Host Site or the EIS Program? All non-federal host sites (e.g., state and local health departments) should select “EIS/LLS Program”. |
Host Site
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
[if yes to #1 and “EIS Program” to #3]: If this position is not selected to be funded by the EIS/LLS program, would the host site be willing to pay for the fellow’s salary and benefits? All non-federal host sites (e.g., state and local health departments) should select “No”
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
you applying to recruit as a [CDC PRIORITY PROCESS] position?
1. Yes 2. No Describe why this position should be considered for a pre-match/[OR OTHER CDC PRIORITY PROCESS]. |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Table 6.8.1-a. Position Assignment Details Fields
Applicants are encouraged to include a brief statement of various laboratory or other activities (at the bench or in the field) that a fellow could be exposed to beyond the proposed projects.
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
Routine Lab Work: |
Open Text Response |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Table 6.9.1-a. Position Assignment Details Fields
Please provide tentative information on the types of projects that may be available, a title for your position, and any additional information that would be helpful with matching a student to your site. Please note that specific project details do not need to be identified until approximately 30 days in advance of the rotation dates.
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
EF{ |
Provide a title for the rotation that we can share with finalists. The title should include information on the types of projects that may be available and the public health topic area (eg., assisting with projects related to measles surveillance and vaccination, possibly including conducting a literature review and developing a factsheet)
Rotation Title: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
How would you best describe the subject area covered in this position? Please select all subject areas that are covered by your work. |
1. Obesity, nutrition, and physical activity 2. Cancer prevention and control 3. Diabetes 4. Heart disease and stroke prevention 5. Tobacco prevention and cessation 6. Other chronic disease 7. Emergency preparedness and response 8. Asthma and air pollution 9. Environmental health 10. Immunizations/vaccine preventable disease 11. Influenza 12. HIV/AIDS, or Tuberculosis 13. STD prevention 14. Viral hepatitis 15. Foodborne diseases 16. Waterborne diseases 17. Vectorborne diseases 18. Fungal Diseases 19. One Health and zoonotic disease 20. Arctic Investigations (Alaska) 21. Healthcare-associated infections 22. Quarantine and border health services 23. Unintentional injury 24. Opioid/prescription drug overdose prevention 25. Occupational health and safety 26. Violence Prevention 27. Reproductive Health 28. Maternal and infant health 29. Blood Disorders 30. Health statistics 31. State, local, and territorial health 32. Global health 33. COVID-19 34. Other (specify) |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Specify: |
- |
No |
Table 6.9.1-b. Position Assignment Details Fields
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
What type of project(s) will the student(s) likely be assisting with? (Select all that may apply) |
Data collection |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Specify: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Do you prefer a language skill? [select one]
- Yes - No
If select Yes, please select language [drop-down]:
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
What level of profieciency do you prefer? |
Read: At least Poor At least Fair At least Good At least Excellent
Write: At least Poor At least Fair At least Good At least Excellent
Speak At least Poor At least Fair At least Good At least Excellent |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Does the host site prefer a student who has statistical software experience? [select one]
- Yes - No If yes, please select the statistical software package(s) [select all that apply]:
Statistical Software Skills
Other: [open-ended] [If select other, open-ended]
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Additional Details: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
EEP Host Site Network Participation
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
INSTRUCTIONAL TEXT: All EEP primary supervisors can participate in this opportunity by filling out the Host Site Network survey. Note: If you work within a STLT or other federal agency, you cannot be added to the MS Teams channel since it will be created through the CDC network. However, we will send routine emails to all host sites with resources and can share information on the behalf of non-CDC host sites. If any non-CDC host site is interested in participating in the Host Site Network, we encourage you to fill out this section
Would the primary supervisor like to participate in the EEP Host Site Network? |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Can EEP share the primary supervisor's contact information (as provided on your host site application) with other primary host site supervisors participating in the Host Site Network? Note: All contact information will be shared through a spreadsheet.* |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
What contact information would the primary supervisor like to be included in the spreadsheet? [Select all that apply]?*
- Work phone (please confirm work phone number is entered in the supervisor list) - Other (please specify)
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
What is the primary supervisor's preferred contact method(s) for networking-related meetings (e.g., phone call, Teams/Zoom meeting, email, etc.)? The following information is optional and can be included in the spreadsheet to provide more information to primary supervisors. [Select all that apply]
- Video conference (e.g., MS Teams, Zoom) - Phone - Other (please specify)
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
What is the primary supervisor's regular work schedule (Please include time zones, e.g., “M-F 8am – 4:30pm ET”)? The following information is optional and can be included in the spreadsheet to provide more information to primary supervisors.
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Are you part of a CDC, STLT, or other federal agency host site?
- CDC host site - STLT or other federal agency host site |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Would you like the primary supervisor to be added to the MS Teams channel (a part of the Host Site Network) to connect with other EEP host sites?
- Yes - No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Table 6.10.1-a. Host Site Information Fields
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
Please describe the types of public health science or research projects that the candidate can expect to conduct and describe how the project will advance the candidate’s competencies. Ideally these projects should be multi-year, involve the candidate from planning to execution, and allow the candidate opportunities to develop scientific and leadership skills.
Public health science or research projects: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Please describe opportunities for activities, projects, or investigations that involve collaboration with external public health partners (eg., local, state, or international partners, universities, NGOs). Include a description of the nature of the collaboration, the candidates potential role, and the potential for the candidate to travel to interact on-site with the external public health partners.
Opportunities to collaborate with public health partners: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Host site strengths: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Describe other staff and resources available at the host site: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Special skills in a candidate that are useful for this host site: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Table 6.12.1-a. Position Assignment Details
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
How many candidates will be requested for this assignment? |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Will any of these positions be prematched? A prematched position is when an applicant is already known to your host site and you request them by name.
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Name(s) of applicant(s) considered for prematch: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Describe training opportunities for the candidate: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Table 6.13.1-a. Position Assignment Details
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
Describe the assignment setting, including information about how often and which days staff is on site, routine all-staff meeting days, etc.: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Table 6.14.1-a. Position Assignment Description Fields
Please remember that Associates are NOT students, interns, or fellows. Associates should not participate in the conduct of research at their host site.
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
Please describe in detail your need for a Public Health Associate: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Position Description: Please briefly describe the proposed assignment for the associate (this will be shared with the associate after selection). |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
How will this address the need identified in the previous question? |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Describe how the associate will primarily work with others as part of a team, independently, coordinating or leading activities, or with external stakeholders. |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
What will your host site offer candidates that similar host sites may not? |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
If the associate was not a CDC employee, but was an employee of your organization, their position title would be: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Using the radio button options below please select from one of the main subject areas provided in this list that the associate will be working in for the majority of their assignment:
Adolescent & School Health (non-STI)
Community Health Improvement Planning (CHIP)/Community Health Assessments (CHA)
Chronic Disease
Cancer prevention and control
Heart disease and stroke prevention
Nutrition/obesity prevention/physical activity promotion
Tobacco prevention and cessation
Emergency/disaster preparedness and response
Environmental health
Asthma and air pollution
Vector borne disease
Healthy homes/air quality
Foodborne or waterborne diseases (environmental controls, HACCP, food/water safety)
Lead poisoning prevention
Radiation and chemical exposure
Health equity/access to care
Health department improvement/accreditation
Health department improvement/quality improvrement
Immunizations/Vaccine preventable disease investigation
Vaccine preventable diseases (surveillance or investigation)
Sexually transmitted disease prevention
HIV/AIDS prevention
Tuberculosis prevention
Viral hepatitis prevention
Adolescent/school-based sexually transmitted disease prevention
Other infectious diseases
Foodborne or waterborne disease (human illness surveillance, investigation, prevention)
Vector-borne disease (human illness surveillance, investigation, prevention)
Healthcare associated infections
Notable disease surveillance and reporting
Injury Prevention
Unintentional injury prevention (falls, water safety)
Transportation injury prevention (automobile safety, bike safety)
Opioid/Prescription drug overdose prevention
Violence prevention
Occupational health/safety
Maternal & Infant health
Reproductive health
Birth defects
Early childhood development
Public health policy & law
Public health surveillance
General epidemiology and disease surveillance
Oral health
Table 6.14.2-a. Subject Area Proposed Assignment Fields
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
Select the subject area the associate will be working in for the majority of their assignment: |
1. Obesity, nutrition, and physical activity 2. Cancer prevention and control 3. Diabetes 4. Heart disease and stroke prevention 5. Tobacco prevention and cessation 6. Other chronic disease 7. Emergency preparedness and response 8. Asthma and air pollution 9. Environmental health 10. Immunizations/vaccine preventable disease 11. Influenza 12. HIV/AIDS, or Tuberculosis 13. STD prevention 14. Viral hepatitis 15. Foodborne diseases 16. Waterborne diseases 17. Vectorborne diseases 18. Fungal Diseases 19. One Health and zoonotic disease 20. Arctic Investigations (Alaska) 21. Healthcare-associated infections 22. Quarantine and border health services 23. Unintentional injury 24. Opioid/prescription drug overdose prevention 25. Occupational health and safety 26. Violence Prevention 27. Reproductive Health 28. Maternal and infant health 29. Blood Disorders 30. Health statistics 31. State, local, and territorial health 32. Global health 33. COVID-19 34. Other (specify) |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Is health equity a component of this assignment focused on addressing health disparities? (ex: serving rural populations, Indigenous and Native American persons, LGBTQ+ persons, persons with disabilities, racial and ethnic minority populations, and persons otherwise adversely affected by persistent poverty or inequality such as persons who are incarcerated, persons experiencing homelessness, etc.) |
Open text response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
PHAP cannot guarantee associates they will be matched with any of the following criteria, but will attempt to match based on the below requests:
Table 6.14.3-a. Assignment Request Fields
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
Driver’s License required: |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Personal vehicle required: |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Table 6.14.4-a. Other Public Health Agency Detail Fields
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
Does the building in which the associate will be working meet the requirements under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)? |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Is the location of the public health agency considered rural? |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Is the location of the public health agency on an Indian Reservation? |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Please provide your normal business hours and expected scheduling?
Open text response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Table 6.14.5-a. Letter of Support Fields
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
Please attach a pdf of a letter of support on your agency’s letterhead. The letter must be written and signed by the agency Director or a senior leader. |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Director or Leader Name: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Director or Leader Email: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Director or Leader Phone: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Director or Leader Phone Ext: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Table 6.14.6-a. Population Information Fields
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
Level of Population Served: |
State |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Specify: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Is this a tribal-focused assignment or does is serve a predominately tribal population? |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Estimated population impacted by the Public Health Associate’s work: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Racial Category: |
American Indian or Alaska |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Ethnicity: |
1. Hispanic or Latino |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Age: |
Under 5 years |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Sex: |
Male |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Using the radio button options below, please select from one of the following mutually-exclusive criteria to classify this assignment as a tribal or tribally-focused assignment. An assignment would be considered “tribal” or “tribally focused PHAP assignment” if any one (1) of the following criteria are met:
1. Tribe: An Indian or Alaska Native tribe, band, pueblo, village, or community that the Secretary of the Interior acknowledges to exist as an Indian tribe pursuant to the Federally Recognized Indian Tribe List Act of 1994, 25 USC 5130 reclassified. 2. Tribal organizations include the following: a. Regional Intertribal Organizations such as All Indian Pueblo Council, Great Lakes Intertribal Council, and United South and Eastern Tribes b. National Indian Organizations such as National Indian Health Board, National Native American AIDS Prevention Center, etc. c. Tribal Epidemiology Centers (TECs) 1.Federal agency with a tribal focus: Any agency within the federal government that is responsible for providing services to American Indians and Alaska Natives including but not limited to the following: a.Indian Health Service (IHS) b.Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) c.Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) 2.Assignment working with elected American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) tribal leaders: This includes any PHAP assignment in a state health department, local health department, nongovernmental organization (NGO), university, or non-federally recognized state tribal organization with associate work activities actively engaged with elected American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) tribal leaders.
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Select the best option to classify this assignment using the above criteria as tribal or tribally-focused serving a predominately tribal population:
1. Tribe 2. Tribal Organization 3. Federal agency with a tribal focus 4. Assignment working with AI/AN tribal leaders |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Table 6.14.7-a. Orientation Fields
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
Is there a standard process at your agency to orient new employees? |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Describe the associate’s orientation to the host site and assignment (250 word limit). |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Signed Agreement to Participate Upload: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Table 6.15. Position Assignment Details
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
How would you describe your program’s current evaluation capacity?
None – No dedicated evaluation staff Some – We have some staff dedicated to evaluation Substantial – We have substantial number of staff dedicated to evaluation |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Describe the evaluation staff and other evaluation resources available |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
How would hosting a Fellow improve your program's evaluation capacity and/or quality of evaluation? In this description, it would be helpful to share how your program may be impacted if you do not get an Evaluation Fellow and how your program may sustain evaluation beyond the fellowship if you do get a fellow.
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
The Fellowship is a training program and accepts candidates with varying levels of program evaluation experience. Indicate the level of program evaluation experience required for your program’s project(s). |
O Very experienced (Has experience leading small and medium sized evaluations)
O Moderately experienced (Has experience working independently on small and medium sized evaluations)
O Slightly experienced (Has experience working with considerable support on small and medium sized evaluations) |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Fellows come in with either master’s or doctoral degree(s). Which degree level is your program seeking to hire? This will help us focus our recruiting and finalist selection.
O Master’s O Doctoral O Master’s or Doctoral |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
How many fellows is your program hoping to host? |
Number Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Table 6.15b EFP Program Funding
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
Fellow stipends vary based on education and experience. Please let us know the highest level of funding your program is budgeting for.
O GS-9 (Master’s degree only, no relevant work experience)
O GS-11 (Master’s degree with at least 1 year of relevant work experience)
O GS-12 (Doctoral degree)
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Specify |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Please affirm that your program will also be able to… These are expectations of host programs and will be in the MOA (check all that apply)
1. Provide funding for the Fellow’s salary & benefit 2. Provide $5,000 each fellowship year for professional development funds 3. Provide day-to-day administrative and personnel management as the Fellow’s administrative home and duty station 4. Assign a mentor with program content experience AND a mentor with program evaluation experience (these may be the same person) 5. Assign the Fellow with substantive program evaluation projects and activities that support their professional development and completion of the fellowship requirements 6. Allow limited time (up to 20%) for the Fellow to participate in training, professional development, and other special evaluation projects or EFP assignments 7. Provide any other essential equipment, supply, or funding for the Fellow perform their duties (e.g., laptop, travel for site visit, working capital) 8. Complete and sign an MOA by the deadline to receive finalists’ packets |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Who is the administrative/management person who can certify funds, sign MOA, and work with EFP and HR on hiring and onboarding? Please provide first and last name and CDC user ID
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Table 7.1-a. Adding New Supervisors Fields
Supervisor/Mentor - Please provide information for each person at your host site who will serve as a supervisor or mentor to the fellow who is assigned to you
Add Missing Individual:
If you cannot find your individual in the “Search and Select” lookup field above, add them to the Host Site Staff list by clicking here: HYPERLINK
After you have added your individual, they will appear in the lookup field above
Incorrect Information:
If the individual you selected has information that is incorrect or outdated, please let us know the correct information by submitting a System Help Desk Ticket.
FOR PHIFP Each PHIFP fellow should ideally be supported by one supervisor and one or more mentors. One individual may serve as both supervisor and mentor. A supervisor is directly responsible for official supervision of the fellow, including all tasks mandated by the Office of Human Resources. This individual is responsible for interfacing with the fellowship to facilitate the fellow’s completion of program requirements. A secondary supervisor may also be named who can act as the supervisor in absence of a primary supervisor. The mentors are expected to provide formal or informal guidance and support to the fellow throughout their fellowship. Mentors should be able to commit at least one hour per two weeks to spend with the fellow through the fellowship.
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
Do you want to proceed? |
1. Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Search and Select Individual: (By Name or Email) |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Role: |
1. Primary Supervisor 2. Secondary Supervisor 3. Reviewer/Interviewer/Administrator 4. Mentor |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
Role: |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Full Name: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
CDC Employee?: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Job Title |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Job Title: |
Team Lead 5. Epidemiologist 6. Medical Epidemiologist 7. Medical Officer 8. Health Scientist 9. Public Health Advisor 10.
Public Health Associate |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Specify Job Title: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Street Address: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Address Line 2 |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Address Line 3 |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Suite/Room: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
City: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
State/Territory: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Zip code |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Unit: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Degrees: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Primary Email (CDC Staff Must Use CDC Email): |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Primary Phone Number: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Alternate Phone Number: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Mobile/Cell Phone Number: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Ext: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Table 7.2-a. Supervisor Information Fields
The Primary Host Site Supervisor should be a front-line public health professional. They must be a full-time employee (at least 35 hours per week), willing to devote at least 10% (3.5-4 hours) of their time per week to the associate, and be located in the same building as the associate. Supervisors should have two or more years of experience as a supervisor.
The secondary host site supervisor should be available during the times the primary supervisor is out (eg., vacation/illness). The secondary host site supervisor should not be directing the associate except in the absence of the primary supervisor to avoid conflicting priorities.
Please list the name and contact information of the primary and secondary supervisors for this application.
Select “primary” to indicate which contact will serve as the primary supervisor.
Other contacts will be considered secondary supervisors.
Please do not list consultants. Only members of the supervisory team should be listed.
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
Is the supervisor a full-time employee at the organization where the fellow/associate will spend most of their time? |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Is the supervisor/mentor a full-time employee at the organization where the fellow/associate will spend most of their time? |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Supervisor/mentor Employed By: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
How much time per week (hours) can the supervisor devote to supervise? |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
How much time per week (hours) can the supervisor/mentor devote to supervise? |
Numeric Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
If the Primary Supervisor is unable to continue supervision, can the Secondary Supervisor step in? |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Supervisor list of 3 most relevant authored publications: |
Open Text Response |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
In what year did the supervisor start the fellowship program(s): |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Is the supervisor an alumnus of any CDC fellowship or training program? |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Is the supervisor/mentor an alumnus of any CDC fellowship or training program?
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Which of the following CDC fellowship(s)/program(s) is the Supervisor an alumnus of: |
See List in Appendix p.66 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Which of the following CDC fellowship(s)/program(s) is the supervisor/mentor an alumnus of:
See List in Appendix p.66 |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Specify: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
List the class year for each alumnus fellowship/program: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
In what years did the supervisor/mentor participate in the fellowship/program?
Numeric response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Select the following to confirm that you have: (required)
1. Scheduled Meeting with LLS Program 2. PD Approved by CIO Authority |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Please provide the following information for this supervisor/mentor. In describing their public health experiences, please include information about their public health knowledge and technical skill sets (e.g. informatics, data science, etc) that may be applicable to supporting the PHIFP fellow.
Table 7.3-a. Supervisor Experience Fields
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
Years of public health experience: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Describe the public health experience of the supervisor (or additional staff) relevant to the associate’s assignment: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Describe the public health experience of the supervisor/mentor relevant to the associate’s assignment:
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Does the Supervisor have supervisory experience? |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Supervisory Experience (Select all that apply): |
I have supervised staff within my organization. |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Supervisory Experience (Select all that apply): |
I have supervised staff within my organization. |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Other (Specify) if selecting 4. Other in previous question |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
How many years as a Primary Supervisor for this fellowship/program? |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
How many years as a Secondary Supervisor for this fellowship/program? |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
How many years as a Supervisor overall? |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Table 7.3-b. Supervisor Experience Fields
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
Has the Supervisor had formal supervisor training? |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Current number of total staff supervised: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Please provide the full name, class year, and email address of fellows/associates from this fellowship/program supervised over the past 5 years: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Please provide the fellowship, fellow name, class year, and email address of fellows supervised from other fellowships. |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
“Please summarize past supervisory experience of fellows from other fellowships. Include experience supervising or mentoring Ph.D. scientists. “ |
Open Text Response |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Please provide the full name(s) of fellows from this program supervised over the past 5 years.” |
Open Text Response |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Last year supervised a fellow/associate from this fellowship/program? |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Table 7.3-c. Supervisor Experience Fields
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
Describe the Supervisor's supervisory experience and style: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Describe this individual's supervisory/mentorship experience and style:
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Describe how the primary supervisor will provide direct supervision, foster growth, and on-the-job training |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Supervisory/mentorship plan: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Describe how this individual will provide guidance, foster growth, and facilitate on-the-job training:
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Please outline a brief supervision plan that will ensure appropriate on-the-job training, management of the officer’s workload and performance, and support for the officer’s professional and personal growth. This plan should include 1) each supervisor’s role on the team; 2) communication methods and meeting frequency with the officer, and 3) how the team will facilitate engagement of the officer with others in the host site.
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Please outline a brief supervision plan that will ensure appropriate on-the-job training, management of the associate’s workload and performance, and support for the associate’s professional and personal growth. “In this description, include any efforts or practices in your program/team that promote diversity, equity, belonging, inclusion, and accessibility (DEBIA).Is the mentor(s) and/or team mostly remote, in person, hybrid? Please describe how this may play into mentorship and work culture.” |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Please outline a brief supervision plan that will ensure appropriate on-the-job training, management of the officer’s workload and performance, and support for the officer’s professional and personal growth. This plan should include 1) each supervisor’s role on the team; 2) communication methods and meeting frequency with the officer; 3) anticipated percentage of time each supervisor works in the office (vs. remote or telework); 4) anticipated supervisor expectations for the percentage of time the EIS officer will work in the office; and 5) how the team will facilitate engagement of the officer with others in the host site. |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Please outline a brief supervision plan that will ensure appropriate on-the-job training, management of the fellow’s workload and performance, and support for the officer’s professional and personal growth. This plan should include 1) each supervisor’s role on the team; 2) communication methods and meeting frequency with the fellow, and 3) how the team will facilitate engagement of the officer with others, including senior leadership, in the host site. |
Open Text Response |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
The associate langauge is for PHAP, not EIS for the supervisory plan question: "Please outline a brief supervision plan that will ensure appropriate on-the-job training, management of the associate’s workload and performance, and support for the associate’s professional and personal growth. This plan should include 1) each supervisor’s role on the team; 2) communication methods and meeting frequency with the associate, and 3) how the team will facilitate the engagement of the associate with others in the host site" |
Describe a situation in which you had to juggle several challenging projects at the same time. Please describe your approach as a supervisor to managing priorities, delegating tasks, communicating expectations, and addressing any changes in directives. |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Describe how you would handle staff issues with poor performance or conduct: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Describe your experience with managing and supervising staff from cultures different than yours: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Table 7.4-a. Mentoring Experience Fields
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
Does the Supervisor have mentoring experience? |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Years of Mentoring Experience: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Mentorship Experience (Select all that apply): |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Mentorship Experience (Select all that apply) |
I have mentored staff within my organization. |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Has the Supervisor had formal mentoring training? |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Describe the Supervisor's mentoring experience: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Describe why the Supervisor would be a good mentor/coach for a fellow/associate and how the primary supervisor will foster growth and development: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Describe why the supervisor/mentor would be a good mentor/coach for a fellow and how the supervisor/mentor will foster growth and development:
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
PE Project Details:
Provide a project description for the fellow assigned to your organization. The proposed project might include; a literuatre or systematic review, a cost analysis, a cost effectiveness analysis, or some sort of modeling activity.
Two year time frame. The project and activities can be accomplished in two years
Meet fellowship goals: The project/activity mus evaluate cost, effectiveness, and/or overall impact of a public health program or activity.
Project detail: Each project must have enough detail to inform fellow decision-making during the application and match process. Assignment summaries will be shared with chosen applicants prior to interviews.
Meet fellowship performance requirements: the proposal must allow for fellows to complete the required activities:
Develop two manuscrips suitable for publication
Deliver two scientific presentations
Develop one policy brief,
Deliver two methods-based educational sessions
Allow for training: The proposal must allow for required training which will take up to 8% of the fellow’s time.
PHAP Activity Details
Please list each activity that the associate will be performing related to the statement of need for the proposed assignment. There is no limit to the number of activities that can be entered, however, most successful applications contain between 6 and 10 activities. Keep in mind that the associate’s level of responsibility and skills should build over time and increase from year 1 to year 2 of the program, and their activities should reflect this progression.
Please describe the activities and projects that will be available to your fellow during their 2 years at your host site. It is recommended that you provide fellows with a minimum of 2 projects/activities to increase the chances that their skills, aptitudes, and interests will align with the projects available to them.
Table 8.1-a. Activity/Project Details Fields
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
Do you want to proceed? |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Activity/Project Name: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Activity/Project Description: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Describe the data to be used: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Describe the methods: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Activity/Project Phase: |
Conception |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Topic Domains: |
Informatics Evaluation |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Specify Topic Domain: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Table 8.1-b. Activity/Project Details Fields
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
Level of Responsibility / Role: |
Team Member |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Fellow's Level of Responsibility / Role:
Team Member |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Specify Fellow’s Responsibility / Role: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Project Start Date: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Project End Date: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Describe the Public Health problems to be addressed by the fellow/associate: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Describe the required skills the fellow must have/contribute: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
Table 8.2-a. Activity/Project Location Fields
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
Is the Project/Activity address different from the assignment address? |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Activity/Project Address: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Table 8.3-a. Activity & Deliverable Details Fields
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
Activities & Deliverables: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
What are the expected products or deliverables of the project? (Select all that apply): |
Manuscript |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
What is the anticipated role of the fellow? |
Lead Support Other |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Specify role: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Competencies: Select all competencies that apply
Domain 1: Analysis, Assessment, Evaluation
1.1 Formulate a public health informatics problem to enable design of effective solutions
1.2 Assess data, information, knowledge needs and resources to support decision making and problem solving.
1.3 Apply the scientific method to PHI problem solving
Domain 2: Communication
2.1 Implement a communication plan to engage stakeholders
2.2 Synthesize information for dissemination to technical and non-technical audiences
2.3 Apply team management strategies, such as conflict resolution, active listening, and negotiation skills, with individuals and groups
2.4 Develop strategies for interacting with persons from diverse cultural, socioeconomic, educational, racial, ethnic, and professional backgrounds
Domain 3: Public Health Informatics Science
3.1 Apply software engineering models and methods to software development life cycle
3.2 Recommend solutions that assure confidentiality , security, and integrity while maximizing availability of information for public health.
3.3 Formulate models for acquisition, representation, processing, display, or transmission of public health information.
3.4 Apply information standards in developing public health information systems projects and interoperable public health information systems
Domain 4: Health Systems Change
4.1 Develops a vision for system change
4.2 Demonstrates self-awareness and one’s impact on others
4.3 Plan with community partners to solve an informatics problem
Table 8.4.1-a. PHIFP Competencies Fields
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
Select Domain 1 Competencies (See list above): |
1.1 |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
****** |
1. None of the above |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Select Domain 2 Competencies (See list above): |
2.1 |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
****** |
1. None of the above |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Select Domain 3 Competencies (See list above): |
3.1 |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
****** |
1. None of the above |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Select Domain 4 Competencies (See list above): |
4.1 |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
****** |
1. None of the above |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
PHAP Competencies
Analytic and Assessment
Monitors health risks and factors affecting the community
Uses data that are valid and reliable for assessing the health of a community
Synthesizes public health information to accurately assess problems
Applies ethical principles in using (eg., accessing, analyzing, using, maintaining, and disseminating) public health data and information
Uses information technology in accessing, collecting, analyzing, using, maintaining, and disseminating data and information
Defends decisions using logic as well as qualitative and quantitative data
Public Health Sciences
Applies knowledge of various approaches to improving population-based health
Desccibes the basic public health sciences (i.e. laboratory, epidemiology, surveillance, and informatics)
Describes how public health sciences are used in the delivery of the 10 essential public health services
Incorporates public health informatics practices and procedures
Defines the roles, responsibilities, and contributions of various organizations and agencies to specific federal, state, tribal, local, national, and global levels
Describes public health as part of a larger inter-related system of organizations that influence the health of populations at local, national, and global levels
Program Planning, Management, and Improvement
Identifies information required in the program planning process
Gathers information for evaluating policies, programs, and services
Contributes to the implementation of an organizational strategic plan
Contributes to state/tribal/community health improvement planning
Public Health Policy and Law
Describes the public health laws and regulations governing public health programs
Adheres to laws, regulations, policies, and procedures for ethical public health practice
Analyzes public health legislation, policy, and regulation issuances that impact public health
Table 8.4.2-a. PHAP Competencies Fields
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
1.0 Analytic and Assessment (See list above): |
1.1 |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
****** |
1. None of the above |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
2.0 Public Health Science (See list above): |
2.1 |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
****** |
1. None of the above |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
3.0 Program Planning, Management, and Improvement (See list above): |
3.1 |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
****** |
1. None of the above |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
4.0 Public Health Policy and Law (See list above): |
4.1 |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
****** |
1. None of the above |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Treats others courteously and respectfully
Exercises initiative, persistence, tact, and resourcefulness in establishing and continuing working relationships
Elicits and applies feedback to build professional skills and competencies
Makes decisions that are focused on desired results
Uses the chain of command to address risks, issues, or concerns
Communicates in writing and orally with linguistic and cultural proficiency to target audience
Communicates information that is clear, timely, accurate, and uses plain language
Conveys data and information to professionals and the public using a variety of approaches
Applies communication and group dynamic strategies in interactions with individuals and groups
Demonstrates active listening skills
Cultural Competency
Incorporates strategies for interacting with people from diverse backgrounds
Recognizes the ways in which diversity influences policies, program, and the overall health of a community
Recognizes the benefit of using a diverse workforce to better srve target populations
Uses cultural and social aspects to increase an interventions effectiveness
Develops and maintains relationships with diverse partners to improve population-based health
Community Dimensions of Public Health
Establishes relationships to improve health in a community (eg., partnerships, academic, colleagues, customers, others)
Collaborates with community partners to improve health in a community
Serves as a public health ambassador
Identifies policies, programs, and resources that improve health in a community (eg., using evidence to demonstrate the need for a program, communicating the impact of a program)
Table 8.4.2-b. PHAP Competencies Fields
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
5.0 Professionalism (See list above): |
5.1 |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
****** |
1. None of the above |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
6.0 Communication (See list above): |
6.1 |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
****** |
1. None of the above |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
7.0 Cultural Competency (See list above): |
7.1 |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
****** |
1. None of the above |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
8.0 Community Dimensions of Public Health (See list above): |
8.1 |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
****** |
1. None of the above |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Financial Planning and Management
Describes public health funding mechanisms
Provides assistance on grants, cooperative agreements, contracts, and other awards
Describes components of a budget
Tracks program spending to current and forecasted budget constraints
Table 8.4.2-c. PHAP Competencies Fields
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
9.0 Financial Planning and Management (See list above): |
9.1 |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
****** |
1. None of the above |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Please list proposed trainings for the associate related to the assignment or host site orientation.
Table 9.-a. Training & Language Fields
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
Training Name/Subject: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Training Type: |
One-on-One |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Specify: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Brief Description: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Relation to proposed activity: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Date of Training: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Target Completion Date: |
Open Text Response |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Language: |
See Appendix p.66 |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Fluency: |
Fluent (proficient in speaking, reading and writing) |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
For each student you would like to host, please add a student rotation preference row (eg., if you are willing to host two students, add two rows). For each student, indicate the type of student you are willing to host (medical, veterinary, no preference) and rotation preference (A, B, C, D)
Table 10.-a. Student Rotation Preference Fields
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
Which type of student would you like to host? |
Medical Student |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Student Position Rotation Preference: |
Rotation A: DD/MM/YY – DD/MM/YY Rotation B: DD/MM/YY – DD/MM/YY Rotation C: DD/MM/YY – DD/MM/YY Rotation D: DD/MM/YY – DD/MM/YY |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Table 11.-a. Match or Prematch Rank/Rating Fields
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
Rank: |
First Choice - Tenth Choice |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
Post Match Rank: |
First Choice - Tenth Choice |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
Rating: |
First Choice - Tenth Choice |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
Comments: |
Open Text Response |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
This EEP Host Site: |
Approves Student |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Table 11.2 Deferment
Field Name |
Values |
PE |
I can no longer participate. Please explain or specify.
Open text response |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Appendix of Field Value Tables
Field Name |
Application Locations |
Values 1 |
Values 2 |
Values 3 |
Values 4 |
Approved Country List |
United States Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa (U.S.) Andorra Angola Anguilla (U.K.) Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Azores Bahamas, The Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda (U.K.) Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory (U.K.) British Virgin Islands Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burma (Myanmar) Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Canary Islands (Spain) Cape Verde Cayman Islands (U.K.) Central African Republic Chad Chile China Christmas Island (Australia) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (Australia) Colombia Comoros Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Cook Islands (New Zealand) Costa Rica Cote d'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Easter Island (Chile) Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Falkland Islands (U.K.) Faroe Islands (Denmark) Fiji Finland France French Guiana (France) French Polynesia (France) Gabon Gambia, The Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar (U.K.) Greece Greenland (Denmark) Grenada Guadeloupe Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Guam Haiti Honduras Hong Kong SAR (China) Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Korea, North Korea, South Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macau SAR (China) Macedonia Madagascar Madeira Islands (Portugal) Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Martinique (France) Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte (France) Mexico Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Montserrat (U.K.) Morocco Mozambique Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands Antilles Netherlands, The New Caledonia (France) New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue (New Zealand) Northern Mariana Islands (U.S. National) Northfolk Island (Australia) Norway Oman Other Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Pitcairn Islands (U.K.) Poland Portugal Qatar Reunion (France) Romania Russia Rwanda Saint Helena (U.K.) Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Pierre and Miquelon (France) Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Timor-Leste (East Timor) Togo Tokelau (New Zealand) Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands (U.K.) Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam Western Sahara Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe |
State/Territory List |
Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Washington, DC Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska |
Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Puerto Rico Pacific Islands U.S. Virgin Islands American Samoa
CDC Fellowship List |
NEW FELLOWSHIP LIST: APHL-CDC Antimicrobial Laboratory Resistance Fellowship APHL-CDC Career Pathways in Public Health Laboratory Science: Public Health Laboratory Fellowship APHL-CDC Environmental Public Health Fellowship APHL-CDC Infectious Diseases Bioinformatics Fellowship Program APHL-CDC Infectious Diseases Laboratory Fellowship APHL-CDC Newborn Screening Bioinformatics and Data Analytics Fellowship Applied Public Health Informatics Fellowship (APHIF) ASA/NCHS Research Fellowship Program ASPPH/CDC Public Health Fellowship Program ASPPH/CDC--Health Education Track Biochemical Markers Fellowship CDC Data Science Upskilling (DSU) Program CDC eLearning Institute (ELI) Fellowship CDC Evaluation Fellowship Program CDC John R. Lewis Undergraduate Public Health Scholars (formerly CUPS) CDC Steven M. Teutsch Prevention Effectiveness Fellowship CDC Summer Graduate Environmental Health (GEH) Internship CDC/ATSDR Branch of OGC Internship and Externship Opportunities CDC/CSTE Applied Epidemiology Fellowship Program CDC-Hubert Global Health Award CDC-Tuskegee University Public Health Ethics Program CSTE Applied Public Health Informatics Fellowship CSTE Data Science Team Training (DSTT) program Dental Public Health Residency DHAP Division of HIV Prevention's Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in HIV Prevention for Communities of Color Directors of Health Promotion and Education (DHPE) Health Equity Fellowship Program Diverse Executives Leading in Public Health (DELPH) Program Emerging Leaders Certificate Program (ILead) Emory Rollins Earn and Learn (REAL) Program Emory/CDC Medical Toxicology Fellowship Program Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) Epidemiology Elective Program (EEP) Future Leaders in Infections and Global Health Threats (FLIGHT) Gilstrap OBGYN Fellowship in Sexually Transmitted, Emerging, and Remerging Infectious Disease and Congenital Infections Headquarters Experience and Technical Exchange (HETA) Program Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) National Internship Program (HNIP) Improving Public Health Management in Action (IMPACT) Incident Manager Training and Development Program (IMTDP) Indigenous Public Health Leaders Program Initiative for Leadership Enhancement and Development (ILEAD) International Experience and Technical Assistance (IETA Program) James A. Ferguson Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID) RISE Fellowship Junior Commissioned Officer Student Training and Extern Program (JRCOSTEP) Laboratory Animal Medicine Residency Program (LAMRP) Laboratory Leadership Service (LLS) Leadership Academy Maternal Child Health Careers/Research Initiatives for Student Enhancement – Undergraduate Program (MCHC/RISE-UP) Molecular Epidemiology Fellowship (MEF) Morehouse College Lewis Scholars' IMHOTEP Project National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) Heath and Disability Program National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) / AcademyHealth (AH) Health Policy Fellowship National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Postdoctoral Research Program National Environmental Public Health Internship Program (NEPHIP) National Leadership Academy for the Public's Health NIOSH Occupational Medicine Rotation Oak Ridge Institute for Scientific Education (ORISE) fellowship Pacific Public Health Fellows Program (PPHFP) Persons with Disabilities Career Development Internship Program PHI/CDC Global Health Fellowship Program Population Health Training in Place Program (PH-TIPP) Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Preventive Medicine Residency and Fellowship (PMR/F) Professional Performance Program (P3) Public Health AmeriCorps Public Health Associate Program (PHAP) Public Health Emergency Management Fellowship (PHEM) Public Health Entomology for All (PHEFA) Public Health Informatics Fellowship Program (PHIFP) Public Health Law Fellowship Science Ambassador Fellowship (SAF) Senior Commissioned Officer Student Training and Extern Program (SRCOSTEP) Skill Enhancement and Employee Development (SEED) Skills, Talents, Abilities and Results Training (START) SOAR Mentorship Program SOPHE/CDC Student Fellowship in Injury Prevention and Control Thurgood Marshall College Foundation Student Ambassador Program Tribal Public Health Law Internships and Externships |
Appendix of Lookup Tables
Lookup Table Name |
Application Locations |
Values 1 |
Values 2 |
Values 3 |
Values 4 |
Values 5 |
Fellowship Lookup |
NEW FELLOWSHIP LIST: APHL-CDC Antimicrobial Laboratory Resistance Fellowship APHL-CDC Career Pathways in Public Health Laboratory Science: Public Health Laboratory Fellowship APHL-CDC Environmental Public Health Fellowship APHL-CDC Infectious Diseases Bioinformatics Fellowship Program APHL-CDC Infectious Diseases Laboratory Fellowship APHL-CDC Newborn Screening Bioinformatics and Data Analytics Fellowship Applied Public Health Informatics Fellowship (APHIF) ASA/NCHS Research Fellowship Program ASPPH/CDC Public Health Fellowship Program ASPPH/CDC--Health Education Track Biochemical Markers Fellowship CDC Data Science Upskilling (DSU) Program CDC eLearning Institute (ELI) Fellowship CDC Evaluation Fellowship Program CDC John R. Lewis Undergraduate Public Health Scholars (formerly CUPS) CDC Steven M. Teutsch Prevention Effectiveness Fellowship CDC Summer Graduate Environmental Health (GEH) Internship CDC/ATSDR Branch of OGC Internship and Externship Opportunities CDC/CSTE Applied Epidemiology Fellowship Program CDC-Hubert Global Health Award CDC-Tuskegee University Public Health Ethics Program CSTE Applied Public Health Informatics Fellowship CSTE Data Science Team Training (DSTT) program Dental Public Health Residency DHAP Division of HIV Prevention's Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in HIV Prevention for Communities of Color Directors of Health Promotion and Education (DHPE) Health Equity Fellowship Program Diverse Executives Leading in Public Health (DELPH) Program Emerging Leaders Certificate Program (ILead) Emory Rollins Earn and Learn (REAL) Program Emory/CDC Medical Toxicology Fellowship Program Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) Epidemiology Elective Program (EEP) Future Leaders in Infections and Global Health Threats (FLIGHT) Gilstrap OBGYN Fellowship in Sexually Transmitted, Emerging, and Remerging Infectious Disease and Congenital Infections Headquarters Experience and Technical Exchange (HETA) Program Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) National Internship Program (HNIP) Improving Public Health Management in Action (IMPACT) Incident Manager Training and Development Program (IMTDP) Indigenous Public Health Leaders Program Initiative for Leadership Enhancement and Development (ILEAD) International Experience and Technical Assistance (IETA Program) James A. Ferguson Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID) RISE Fellowship Junior Commissioned Officer Student Training and Extern Program (JRCOSTEP) Laboratory Animal Medicine Residency Program (LAMRP) Laboratory Leadership Service (LLS) Leadership Academy Maternal Child Health Careers/Research Initiatives for Student Enhancement – Undergraduate Program (MCHC/RISE-UP) Molecular Epidemiology Fellowship (MEF) Morehouse College Lewis Scholars' IMHOTEP Project National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) Heath and Disability Program National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) / AcademyHealth (AH) Health Policy Fellowship National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Postdoctoral Research Program National Environmental Public Health Internship Program (NEPHIP) National Leadership Academy for the Public's Health NIOSH Occupational Medicine Rotation Oak Ridge Institute for Scientific Education (ORISE) fellowship Pacific Public Health Fellows Program (PPHFP) Persons with Disabilities Career Development Internship Program PHI/CDC Global Health Fellowship Program Population Health Training in Place Program (PH-TIPP) Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Preventive Medicine Residency and Fellowship (PMR/F) Professional Performance Program (P3) Public Health AmeriCorps Public Health Associate Program (PHAP) Public Health Emergency Management Fellowship (PHEM) Public Health Entomology for All (PHEFA) Public Health Informatics Fellowship Program (PHIFP) Public Health Law Fellowship Science Ambassador Fellowship (SAF) Senior Commissioned Officer Student Training and Extern Program (SRCOSTEP) Skill Enhancement and Employee Development (SEED) Skills, Talents, Abilities and Results Training (START) SOAR Mentorship Program SOPHE/CDC Student Fellowship in Injury Prevention and Control Thurgood Marshall College Foundation Student Ambassador Program Tribal Public Health Law Internships and Externships |
State/Territory Lookup |
Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Washington, DC Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska
Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Puerto Rico Pacific Islands U.S. Virgin Islands Guam Northern Mariana Islands |
American Samoa Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands
Center/Division/Branch Lookup |
5.3 Public Health Agency Details |
ATSDR Office of the Associate Director Office of the Associate Director GHC Division of Global Health Protection Emergency Response and Recovery Branch GHC Division of Global Health Protection Workforce and Institute Development Branch GHC Division of Global Health Protection Global Epidemiology, Laboratory, and Surveillance Branch GHC Division of Global Health Protection Global Operations and Strategic Management Branch GHC Division of Global HIV and TB Economics and Health Services Research Branch GHC Division of Global HIV and TB HIV Prevention Branch GHC Division of Global HIV and TB Special Initiatives Branch GHC Division of Global HIV and TB HIV Care and Treatment Branch GHC Division of Global HIV and TB Management and Operations Branch GHC Division of Global HIV and TB Monitoring, Evaluation, and Data Analysis Branch GHC Division of Global HIV and TB Strategy, Policy, and Communications Branch GHC Division of Global HIV and TB Overseas Strategy and Management Branch GHC Division of Global HIV and TB Health Informatics, Data Management, and Statistics Branch GHC Division of Global HIV and TB Maternal and Child Health Branch GHC Division of Global HIV and TB Global Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Branch GHC Division of Global HIV and TB International Laboratory Branch GHC Division of Global HIV and TB Epidemiology and Surveillance Branch GHC Division of Global HIV and TB Program Budget and Extramural Management Branch GHC Division of Global HIV and TB Science Integrity Branch GHC Division of Parasitic Diseases and Malaria Parasitic Diseases Branch GHC Division of Parasitic Diseases and Malaria Entomology Branch GHC Division of Parasitic Diseases and Malaria Malaria Branch GHC Global Immunization Division Strategic Information and Workforce Development Branch GHC Global Immunization Division Accelerated Disease Control and VPD Surveillance Branch GHC Global Immunization Division Immunization System Branch GHC Global Immunization Division Polio Eradication Branch NCBDDD Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders Infant Outcomes Monitoring, Research & Prevention Branch NCBDDD Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders Birth Defects Monitoring Branch NCBDDD Division of Blood Disorders Hemostasis Laboratory Branch NCBDDD Division of Blood Disorders Epidemiology & Applied Research Branch NCBDDD Division of Human Development and Disability Disability and Health Promotion Branch NCBDDD Division of Human Development and Disability Child Development and Disability Branch NCCDPHP Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Program Development and Services Branch NCCDPHP Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Applied Research and Evaluation Branch NCCDPHP Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Epidemiology & Surveillance Branch NCCDPHP Division of Cancer Prevention and Control Program Services Branch NCCDPHP Division of Cancer Prevention and Control Cancer Surveillance Branch NCCDPHP Division of Cancer Prevention and Control Epidemiology and Applied Research Branch NCCDPHP Division of Cancer Prevention and Control Program Services Branch NCCDPHP Division of Cancer Prevention and Control Comprehensive Cancer Control Branch NCCDPHP Division of Cancer Prevention and Control Epidemiology and Applied Research Branch NCCDPHP Division of Diabetes Translation Translation, Health Education and Evaluation Branch NCCDPHP Division of Diabetes Translation Program Implementation Branch NCCDPHP Division of Diabetes Translation Surveillance, Epidemiology, Economics, and Statistics Branch NCCDPHP Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity Program Development & Evaluation Branch NCCDPHP Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity Obesity Prevention and Control Branch NCCDPHP Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity Nutrition Branch NCCDPHP Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity Physical Activity and Health Branch NCCDPHP Division of Population Health Population Health Surveillance Branch NCCDPHP Division of Population Health Healthy Schools Branch NCCDPHP Division of Population Health Epidemiology and Surveillance Branch NCCDPHP Division of Population Health Prevention Research and Translation Branch NCCDPHP Division of Reproductive Health Field Support Branch NCCDPHP Division of Reproductive Health Women's Health and Fertility Branch NCCDPHP Division of Reproductive Health Maternal & Infant Health Branch NCCDPHP Office on Smoking and Health Global Tobacco Control Branch NCCDPHP Office on Smoking and Health Program Services Branch NCCDPHP Office on Smoking and Health Health Communications Branch NCCDPHP Office on Smoking and Health Epidemiology Branch NCEH Division of Environmental Health Science and Practice Emergency Management, Radiation and Chemical Branch NCEH Division of Environmental Health Science and Practice Water, Food and Environmental Health Services Branch NCEH Division of Environmental Health Science and Practice Lead Poisoning Prevention and Environmental Health Tracking Branch NCEH Division of Environmental Health Science and Practice Asthma and Community Health Branch NCEH Division of Laboratory Sciences Emergency Response Branch NCEH Division of Laboratory Sciences Inorganic & Radiation Analytical Toxicology Branch NCEH Division of Laboratory Sciences Tobacco and Volatiles Branch NCEH Division of Laboratory Sciences Nutritional Biomarkers Branch NCEH Division of Laboratory Sciences Newborn Screening and Molecular Biology Branch NCEH Division of Laboratory Sciences Organic Analytical Toxicology Branch NCEH Division of Laboratory Sciences Clinical Chemistry Branch NCEZID Division of Foodborne, Waterborn & Environmental Diseases Outbreak Response & Prevention Branch NCEZID Division of Foodborne, Waterborn & Environmental Diseases Enteric Diseases Laboratory Branch NCEZID Division of Foodborne, Waterborne & Environmental Diseases Mycotic Diseases Branch NCEZID Division of Foodborne, Waterborne & Environmental Diseases Waterborne Disease Prevention Branch NCEZID Division of Foodborne, Waterborne & Environmental Diseases Enteric Diseases Epidemiology Branch NCEZID Division of Global Migration & Quarantine Quarantine & Border Health Services Branch NCEZID Division of Global Migration & Quarantine Geographic Medicine & Health Promotion Branch NCEZID Division of Global Migration & Quarantine Immigrant, Refugee, and Migrant Health Branch NCEZID Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion Surveillance Branch NCEZID Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion Epidemiology Research & Innovations Branch NCEZID Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion Immunization Safety Office NCEZID Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion Prevention & Response Branch NCEZID Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion Clinical & Environmental Microbiology Branch NCEZID Division of High Consequence Pathogens & Pathology Poxvirus and Rabies Branch NCEZID Division of High-Consequence Pathogens & Pathology Bacterial Special Pathogens Branch NCEZID Division of High-Consequence Pathogens & Pathology Chronic Viral Diseases Branch NCEZID Division of High-Consequence Pathogens & Pathology Viral Special Pathogens Branch NCEZID Division of Preparedness & Emerging Infections Laboratory Preparedness & Response Branch NCEZID Division of Preparedness & Emerging Infections Scientific and Program Services Branch NCEZID Division of Preparedness & Emerging Infections Artic Investigations Program NCEZID Division of Preparedness & Emerging Infections Emergency Preparedness & Response Branch NCEZID Division of Scientific Resources Reagent and Diagnostic Services Branch NCEZID Division of Scientific Resources Biotechnology Core Facility Branch NCEZID Division of Scientific Resources Comparative Medicine Branch NCEZID Division of Vector-Borne Diseases Rickettsial Zoonoses Branch NCEZID Division of Vector-Borne Diseases Bacterial Diseases Branch NCEZID Division of Vector-Borne Diseases Dengue Branch NCEZID Division of Vector-Borne Diseases Arboviral Diseases Branch NCHHSTP Division of Adolescent & School Health Research Application & Evaluation Branch NCHHSTP Division of Adolescent & School Health School-Based Surveillance Branch NCHHSTP Division of Adolescent & School Health Program Development & Services Branch NCHHSTP Division of HIV Prevention Laboratory Branch NCHHSTP Division of HIV Prevention HIV Surveillance Branch NCHHSTP Division of HIV Prevention Behavioral & Clinical Surveillance Branch NCHHSTP Division of HIV Prevention Prevention Communications Branch NCHHSTP Division of HIV Prevention HIV Prevention Capacity Development Branch NCHHSTP Division of HIV Prevention Program Development and Implementation Branch NCHHSTP Division of HIV Prevention Detection & Response Branch NCHHSTP Division of HIV Prevention Qualitative Sciences Branch NCHHSTP Division of HIV Prevention HIV Research Branch NCHHSTP Division of HIV Prevention Translation & Evaluation Branch NCHHSTP Division of Sexually Transmitted Disease Prevention Program Development and Implementation Branch NCHHSTP Division of Sexually Transmitted Disease Prevention Surveillance & Data Science Branch NCHHSTP Division of Sexually Transmitted Disease Prevention Behavioral Science and Epidemiology Branch NCHHSTP Division of Sexually Transmitted Disease Prevention Laboratory Reference & Research Branch NCHHSTP Division of Sexually Transmitted Disease Prevention Clinical Economic and Health Services Research Branch NCHHSTP Division of Tuberculosis Elimination Laboratory Branch NCHHSTP Division of Tuberculosis Elimination Field Services Branch NCHHSTP Division of Tuberculosis Elimination Data Management, Statistics & Evaluation Branch NCHHSTP Division of Tuberculosis Elimination Communication, Education & Behavioral Studies Branch NCHHSTP Division of Tuberculosis Elimination Clinical Research Branch NCHHSTP Division of Tuberculous Elimination Surveillance, Epidemiology and Outbreak Investigations Branch NCHHSTP Division of Viral Hepatitis Laboratory Branch NCHHSTP Division of Viral Hepatitis Epidemiology & Surveillance Branch NCHHSTP Division of Viral Hepatitis Prevention Branch NCHS Division Of Analysis & Epidemiology Population Health Reporting & Dissemination Branch NCHS Division of Analysis and Epidemiology Health Promotion Statistics Branch NCHS Division of Analysis and Epidemiology Measures Research Evaluation Branch NCHS Division of Analysis and Epidemiology Data Linkage Methodology & Analysis Branch NCHS Division of Health & Nutrition Examination Surveys Planning Branch NCHS Division of Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys Analysis Branch NCHS Division Of Health And Nutrition Examination Surveys Operations Branch NCHS Division of Health Care Statistics Ambulatory & Hospital Care Statistics Branch NCHS Division of Health Care Statistics Technical Services Branch NCHS Division of Health Interview Statistics Survey Planning and Special Surveys Branch NCHS Division of Health Interview Statistics Data Production and Systems Branch NCHS Division of Health Statistics Long-Term Care Statistics Branch NCHS Division of Research and Methodology Collaborating Center for Statistical Research and Survey Design Branch NCHS Division of Research and Methodology Collaborating Center for Questionnaire Design & Evaluation Research NCHS Division of Research and Methodology Research Data Center NCHS Division of Vital Statistics Mortality Statistics Branch NCHS Division of Vital Statistics Information Technology Branch NCHS Division Of Vital Statistics Reproductive Statistics Branch NCHS Division of Vital Statistics Data Acquisition, Classification & Evaluation Branch NCIPC Division of Injury Prevention Applied Sciences Branch NCIPC Division of Injury Prevention Data Analytics Branch NCIPC Division of Injury Prevention Program Implementation & Evaluation Branch NCIPC Division of Overdose Preventiom Epidemiology and Surveillance Branch NCIPC Division of Overdose Prevention Epidemiology and Surveillance Branch NCIPC Division of Overdose Prevention Communication Branch NCIPC Division of Overdose Prevention State Program Implementation Branch NCIPC Division of Overdose Prevention Prevention Programs & Evaluation Branch NCIPC Division of Overdose Prevention Health Systems & Research Branch NCIPC Division of Overdose Prevention Drug Free Communities Branch NCIPC Division of Violence Prevention Field Epidemiology & Prevention Branch NCIPC Division of Violence Prevention Prevention Practice & Translation Branch NCIPC Division of Violence Prevention Research & Evaluation Branch NCIPC Division of Violence Prevention Surveillance Branch NCIPC Division of Violence Prevention Violence Prevention Practice and Transition Branch NCIRD Coronavirus and Other Respiratory Viruses Division Global Branch NCIRD Coronavirus and Other Respiratory Viruses Division Surveillance and Prevention Branch NCIRD Coronavirus and Other Respiratory Viruses Division Lab Branch NCIRD Coronavirus and Other Respiratory Viruses Division Epidemiology Branch NCIRD Division of Bacterial Diseases Respiratory Diseases Branch NCIRD Division of Bacterial Diseases Meningitis and Vaccine Viral Preventable Diseases Branch NCIRD Division of Viral Diseases Polio and Picornavirus Laboratory Branch NCIRD Division of Viral Diseases Viral Gastroenteritis Branch NCIRD Division of Viral Diseases Viral Vaccine Preventable Disease Branch NCIRD Immunization Services Division Surveillance and Epidemiology Branch NCIRD Immunization Services Division Information and Data Analytics Branch NCIRD Immunization Services Division Vaccine Supply & Assurance Branch NCIRD Immunization Services Division Immunization Operations and Services Branch NCIRD Immunization Services Division Health Education and Communications Branch NCIRD Immunization Services Division Partnerships and Health Equity Branch NCIRD Immunization Services Division Field Services Branch NCIRD Immunization Services Division Applied Research, Implementation Science and Evaluation Branch NCIRD Influenza Division Virology, Surveillance & Diagnosis Branch NCIRD Influenza Division Epidemiology & Prevention Branch NCIRD Influenza Division Immunology & Pathogenesis Branch NCSTLTPHIW Division of Jurisdictional Support Program Services & Innovation Branch NCSTLTPHIW Division of Jurisdictional Support PHI Capacity Building & Implementation Branch NCSTLTPHIW Division of Jurisdictional Support Capacity Building & Strategic Resources Management Branch NCSTLTPHIW Division of Partnership Support Partnership Resources Management Branch NCSTLTPHIW Division of Partnership Support Partnerships & Systems Improvement Branch NCSTLTPHIW Division of Partnership Support Office of Public Health Law Services NCSTLTPHIW Division of Partnership Support Office of Island Affairs NCSTLTPHIW Division of Partnership Support Education & Training Services Branch NCSTLTPHIW Division of Program and Partnership Services National Partnership Branch NCSTLTPHIW Division of Workforce Development Field Services Workforce Branch NCSTLTPHIW Division of Workforce Development Epidemiology & Laboratory Workforce Branch NCSTLTPHIW Division of Workforce Development Population Health Workforce Branch NIOSH Division of Field Studies and Engineering Hazard Evaluation & Technical Assistance Branch NIOSH Division of Field Studies and Engineering Field Research Branch NIOSH Division of Field Studies and Engineering Engineering and Physical Hazards Branch NIOSH Division of Field Studies and Engineering Health Informatics Branch NIOSH Division of Safety Research Analysis and Field Evaluations Branch NIOSH Division of Safety Research Surveillance & Field Investigation Branch NIOSH Division of Safety Research Protective Technology Branch NIOSH Division of Science Integration Risk Evaluation Branch NIOSH Division of Science Integration Social Science and Translation Research Branch NIOSH Division of Science Integration Emerging Technologies Branch NIOSH Division of Science Integration Science Application Branch NIOSH Health Effects Laboratory Division Physical Effects Research Branch NIOSH Health Effects Laboratory Division Allergy and Clinical Immunology Branch NIOSH Health Effects Laboratory Division Chemical and Biological Monitoring Branch NIOSH Health Effects Laboratory Division Pathology and Physiology Research Branch NIOSH Health Effects Laboratory Division Toxicology and Molecular Biology Branch NIOSH National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory Research Branch NIOSH National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory Conformity Verification and Standards Branch NIOSH National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory Evaluation and Testing Branch NIOSH Pittsburgh Mining Research Division Health Hazards Prevention Branch NIOSH Pittsburgh Mining Research Division Health Hazards Prevention Branch NIOSH Pittsburgh Mining Research Division Human Systems Integration Branch NIOSH Pittsburgh Mining Research Division Mining Systems Safety Branch NIOSH Respiratory Health Division Field Studies Branch NIOSH Respiratory Health Division Surveillance Branch NIOSH Spokane Mining Research Division Miner Health Branch NIOSH Spokane Mining Research Division Miner Safety Branch OCOO / OCIO Office of the Chief Information Officer Customer Engagement Office OCOO / OCIO Office of the Chief Information Officer Digital Services Office OCOO / OCIO Office of the Chief Information Officer Cybersecurity Program Office OCOO / OFR Office of Financial Resources Office of Acquisition Services OCOO / OFR Office of Financial Resources Office of Budget Services OCOO / OFR Office of Financial Resources Office of Finance and Accounting Services OCOO / OFR Office of Financial Resources Office of Grants Services OCOO / OHR Office of Human Resources CDC University OCOO / OHR Office of Human Resources Executive and Scientific Resources Office OCOO / OHR Office of Human Resources Enterprise, Integration, Tiers Management Office OCOO / OHR Office of Human Resources Client Services Office OCOO / OHR Office of Human Resources Commissioned Corp Liaison Office OCOO / OHR Office of Human Resources Ethic and Integrity Office OCOO / OHR Office of Human Resources Human Capital Workforce Solutions Office OCOO / OHR Office of Human Resources Benefits and Employee Services Office OCOO / OHR Office of Human Resources Workforce Relations Office OCOO / OSSAM Office of Safety, Security, and Asset Management Occupational Health and Safety Office OCOO / OSSAM Office of Safety, Security, and Asset Management Asset Management Services Office OCOO / OSSAM Office of Safety, Security, and Asset Management WorkLife Wellness Office OCOO / OSSAM Office of Safety, Security, and Asset Management Security Services Office OCOO / OSSAM Office of Safety, Security, and Asset Management Transportation Services Office OCOO / SBI Office of Business Integrity & Strategic Management Office of Strategic Business Initiatives OCOO / SBI Office of Strategic Business Initiatives Office of Federal Advisory Committee Act Program OCOO / SBI Office of Strategic Business Initiatives Office of Management Analysis OCOO / SBI Office of Strategic Business Initiatives Office of Strategic Business Initiatives OPHDST Data Policy and Standards Division Data Standards Branch OPHDST Data Policy and Standards Division Data Policy Branch OPHDST Detect and Monitor Division Public Health Data Transmission Branch OPHDST Detect and Monitor Division Integrated Monitoring Branch OPHDST Inform and Disseminate Division Actionable Data Branch ORR Division of Emergency Operations Emergency Risk Communication Branch ORR Division of Emergency Operations Logistics Support Branch ORR Division of Emergency Operations Operations Branch ORR Division of Emergency Operations Plans, Training, Exercise, & Evaluation Branch ORR Division of Select Agents and Toxins Program Services Branch ORR Division of Select Agents and Toxins Operations Branch ORR Division of Select Agents and Toxins Program Management and Operations Branch ORR Division of State and Local Readiness Program Implementation Branch ORR Division of State and Local Readiness Evaluation and Analysis Branch ORR Division of State and Local Readiness Field Assignee Services Branch
Public Health Agency Lookup |
Anchorage Quarantine Station - Alaska CDC Atlanta Quarantine Station - Georgia CDC Boston Quarantine Station - Massachusetts CDC Dallas/Ft. Worth Quarantine Station - Texas CDC Detroit Quarantine Station - Michigan CDC El Paso Quarantine Station - Texas CDC Honolulu Quarantine Station - Hawaii CDC Houston Quarantine Station - Texas CDC Los Angeles Quarantine Station - California CDC Miami Quarantine Station - Florida CDC Minneapolis Quarantine Station - Minnesota CDC Newark Quarantine Station - New Jersey CDC New York Quarantine Station - New York CDC Philadelphia Quarantine Station - Pennsylvania CDC San Diego Quarantine Station - Florida CDC San Francisco Quarantine Station - California CDC San Juan Quarantine Station - Puerto Rico CDC Seattle Quarantine Station - Washington CDCWashington Quarantine Station - Washington, DC Shoalwater Bay Health Clinic - Washington Marion County Health Department - Oregon Michigan Department of Community Health - Michigan Linn County Public Health Department - Iowa Prince William Health District - Virginia District 2: North Health District - Georgia Hillsborough County Health Department - Florida Palm Beach County Health Department - Florida American Samoa Dept of Health - American Samoa Guam Dept Pub Health & Soc Serv - Guam Puerto Rico Departamento de Salud - Puerto Rico Virgin Islands Department of Health - U.S. Virgin Islands Rosebud Sioux Tribe - South Dakota Three Affiliated Tribes - North Dakota Lower Brule Sioux Tribe - South Dakota Spirit Lake Tribe - North Dakota Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate of the Lake Traverse Reservation - South Dakota Trenton Indian Service Area - North Dakota Standing Rock Sioux Tribe - North Dakota Crow Creek Sioux Tribe - South Dakota Santee Sioux Nation - Nebraska Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe - South Dakota Ponca Tribe of Nebraska - Nebraska Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa - North Dakota Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe - South Dakota Yankton Sioux Tribe - South Dakota Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa - Iowa Oglala Sioux Tribe - South Dakota Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska - Nebraska Omaha Tribe of Nebraska - Nebraska Native Village of Tyonek - Alaska Searhc Mt. Edgecumbe Hospital - Alaska Metlakatla Indian Community - Alaska Fairbanks Native Association - Alaska Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium - Alaska Mount Sanford Tribal Consortium - Alaska Arctic Slope Native Association - Alaska Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation - Alaska Ukpeagvik Inupiat Corporation - Alaska Maniilaq Association - Alaska Searhc Juneau Medical Center - Alaska Akiachak Native Community - Alaska Southcentral Foundation - Alaska Chickaloon Native Village - Alaska SouthEast Alaska Regional Health Consortium - Alaska Valdez Native Tribe - Alaska Alaska Native Medical Center - Alaska Tanana Chiefs Conference - Alaska North Slope Borough Health Corp - Alaska Chief Andrew Isaac Health Center - Alaska Ninilchik Traditional Council - Alaska Ketchikan Indian Corporation - Alaska Eastern Aleutian Tribes, Inc - Alaska Native Village of Kwinhagak - Alaska St. George Community Council - Alaska Cook Inlet Tribal Council, Inc. - Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Regional Health Corporation - Alaska Kenaitze Indian Tribe - Alaska Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association, Inc. - Alaska Norton Sound Health Corporation - Alaska Copper River Native Association - Alaska Council of Athabascan Tribal Governments - Alaska Tanana Tribal Council - Alaska Kodiak Area Native Association - Alaska Towaoc PHS Indian Health Center - Colorado Santa Fe PHS Indian Hospital - New Mexico Isleta Health Center - New Mexico Santa Clara PHS Indian Hlth Ctr - New Mexico Tribal Human Services - New Mexico Zuni Health Program - New Mexico San Ildefonso Pueblo Health Program - New Mexico Alamo Navajo School Board - New Mexico Ysleta del Sur Pueblo - Texas Zia Pueblo Health Program - New Mexico Ramah Navajo School Board, Inc. - New Mexico Kewa Pueblo Health Program - New Mexico Ignacio PHS Indian Health Center - Colorado Pine Hill Indian Health Center - New Mexico Alamo Navajo Health Station - New Mexico Jicarilla Apache Tribe - New Mexico San Juan Pueblo Health Program - New Mexico Santa Ana Pueblo Health Program - New Mexico Five Sandoval Indian Pueblos, Inc. - New Mexico Eight Northern Indian Pueblos, Inc. Hlth Prog. - New Mexico Southern Ute Health Program - Colorado Jemez Dept of Health & Human Svcs - New Mexico San Felipe Health Program - New Mexico Santa Ana Health Clinic - New Mexico Zia Health Clinic - New Mexico Santa Clara Pueblo Health Program - New Mexico Taos CHR Program - New Mexico Tesuque Pueblo Health Program - New Mexico Ute Mountain Ute Health Program - Colorado Sandia Health Program - New Mexico Red Lake Comprehensive Hlth Svc - Minnesota Bad River Health Services - Wisconsin Ho-Chunk Nation Health Dept - Wisconsin Little River Band of Ottawa Indians - Michigan Grand Traverse Ottawa & Chippewa - Michigan Sault Ste. Marie HHS - Michigan Oneida Community Health Center - Wisconsin Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish Pottawatomi - Michigan Red Cliff Health Services - Wisconsin Lac Courte Oreilles Comm Hlth Ctr - Wisconsin White Earth Band Health Division - Minnesota Lac Vieux Desert Band - Michigan Minnesota Chippewa Tribe - Minnesota Bois Forte Tribal Clinic - Minnesota Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan, Inc. - Michigan Potawatomi Health & Wellness Center - Wisconsin Leech Lake Band of Chippewa Indians - Minnesota Ellen Marshall Memorial Center - Michigan Keweenaw Bay Indian Community - Michigan Shakopee Mdewakanton Business Council - Minnesota Huron Potawatomi, Inc. - Michigan Prairie Island Family Health Clinic - Minnesota Hannahville Health Center - Michigan Stockbridge-Munsee Tribal Health Center - Wisconsin St. Croix Tribal Health Dept. - Wisconsin Fond du Lac Min-No-Aya-Win Clinic - Minnesota Nimkee Memorial Wellness Center - Michigan Pokagon Potawatomi Health Services - Michigan Grand Portage Band Tribal Office - Minnesota Mille Lacs Band Ne-Ia-Shing Clinic - Minnesota Great Lake Inter-Tribal Council - Wisconsin Lac du Flambeau - Pete Christensen Hlth Ctr - Wisconsin Lower Sioux Community Council - Minnesota Little Traverse Bay Band of Odawa - Michigan Upper Sioux Community - Minnesota Sokaogon Chippewa Indian Community - Wisconsin Menominee Tribal Clinic - Wisconsin Arapaho Clinic - Wyoming Wolf Point Clinic - Montana Lodge Grass Clinic - Montana Heart Butte Clinic - Montana Hays Clinic - Montana Fort Belknap Tribal Health Dept. - Montana Flathead Tribal Hlth & Human Svcs Dept. - Montana Crow Tribal Health Department - Montana Fort Peck Tribal Health Project - Montana Northern Cheyenne Tribal Health Dept. - Montana Northern Arapaho Tribal Health Dept. - Wyoming Shoshone Tribal Health Department - Wyoming Rocky Boy Tribal Health Dept. - Montana Blackfeet Tribal Health Department - Montana Lone Pine Indian Health Clinic - California Table Mountain Rancheria - California Cabazon Band of Mission Indians - California Colusa Indian Community Council - California Greenville Rancheria of Maidu Indians - California Tule River Indian Health Center, Inc. - California Cold Springs Rancheria of Mono Indians - California Shingle Springs Tribal Health Programs - California Hopland Band of Pomo Indians - California Susanville Indian Health Center - California Chapa-De Indian Health Program, Inc. - California Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation - California Sherwood Valley Band of Pomo Indians - California Central Valley Indian Health, Inc. - California Santa Rosa Rancheria - California Consolidated Tribal Health Project, Inc. - California Guidiville Indian Rancheria - California Soboba Indian Health Clinic - California Indian Health Center of Santa Clara Valley - California Feather River Tribal Health Inc. - California Southern Indian Health Council - California Tuolumne Me-Wuk Indian Hlth Ctr - California Northern Valley Indian Health - California Toiyabe Indian Health Project - California Indian Health Council, Inc. - California Sonoma County Indian Health (CRIHB) - California Coyote Valley Tribal Council - California Lytton Rancheria - California Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Mission Indians - California Lake County Tribal Health Consortium - California Quartz Valley Indian Reservation - California Sierra Tribal Consortium - California M.A.C.T. Health Board, Inc. - California Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe - Massachusetts Round Valley Indian Health Center - California Warner Mountain Indian Hlth Project - California Oneida Nation of NY Health Program - New York Tunica-Biloxi Indian Tribe of Louisiana - Louisiana Karuk Tribe - California Mohegan Tribe of Indians of CT - Connecticut United Indian Health Services - California Penobscot Nation Health Department - Maine Redding Rancheria Health Clinic - California St. Regis Mohawk Health Services - New York Hoopa Valley Tribe - California Narragansett Indian Tribe Health Program - Rhode Island Pinoleville Band of Pomo Indians - California Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians Hlth Dept - Maine Pit River Health Services, Inc. - California Lionel R. John Health Center - New York Scotts Valley Band of Pomo Indians - California Passamaquoddy Indian Township Hlth Ctr - Maine National Indian Education Association - Washington, DC Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida - Florida Cattaraugus Indian Reservation Hlth Ctr - New York Aroostook Band of Micmac Indians - Maine Miami Nation of Indiana - Indiana Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana - Louisiana Catawba Indian Nation - South Carolina Poarch Band of Creek Indians - Alabama Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head - Massachusetts UNITY Healing Center - North Carolina Tohatchi PHS Indian Health Center - New Mexico Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas - Texas Mashantucket Pequot Health Dept - Connecticut Winslow Indian Hlth. Care Ctr., Inc. - Arizona Jena Band of Choctaw Indians - Louisiana Navajo Division of Social Services - Arizona Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana - Louisiana Navajo Division of Health - Arizona Choctaw Health Center - Mississippi Utah Navajo Hlth System, Inc. - Utah Big Cypress IHS Center - Florida Navajo Division of EMS - Arizona Brighton Health Center - Florida Inscription House Health Center - Arizona Seminole Tribe of FL - Hth. Admin. - Florida Passamaquoddy Pleasant Point Hlth Center - Maine Pawhuska PHS Indian Hlth Ctr - Oklahoma Dzilth-Na-O-Dith-Hle-PHS Indian Hlth Ctr - New Mexico Sapulpa Health Center - Oklahoma San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe - Arizona Carnegie Indian Health Center - Oklahoma Health & Social Svcs Committee - Arizona Fort Sill Apache Tribe - Oklahoma Tsaile PHS Indian Health Center - Arizona Sac & Fox Nation of Missouri - Kansas Tuba City Regional Hlth Care Corp. - Arizona Eufaula Health Center - Oklahoma Osage Nation - Oklahoma Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma - Oklahoma Ardmore Chickasaw Health Clinic - Oklahoma Choctaw Nation Health Care Center - Oklahoma Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas - Texas Kickapoo Tribe in Kansas - Kansas Otoe-Missouria Tribe - Oklahoma Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma - Oklahoma El Reno PHS Indian Hlth Clinic - Oklahoma Citizen Potawatomi Nation Hlth Clinic - Oklahoma Kanza Health Clinic - Oklahoma Anadarko PHS Indian Hlth Ctr - Oklahoma Muskogee Indian Health Center - Oklahoma Prairie Band Potawatomi Tribe - Kansas Seminole Nation of Oklahoma - Oklahoma Delaware Nation - Oklahoma Wyandotte Tribe of Oklahoma - Oklahoma Choctaw Nation Indian Health Clinic - Oklahoma Northeastern Tribal Health System - Oklahoma Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma - Oklahoma Modoc Tribal Council - Oklahoma Kickapoo Health Center - Kansas Redbird Smith Health Center - Oklahoma Carl Albert Indian Hospital - Oklahoma Tishomingo Chickasaw Health Center - Oklahoma Sam Hider Jay Community Clinic - Oklahoma Bearskin Health Center - Oklahoma Iowa Tribe of Kansas & Nebraska - Kansas Miami Tribe of Oklahoma - Oklahoma Choctaw Nation Indian Health Clinic - Oklahoma Apache Tribe of Oklahoma - Oklahoma Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma - Oklahoma Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma - Oklahoma Choctaw Nation Health Clinic - Oklahoma Cheyenne & Arapaho Tribes - Oklahoma Kickapoo Tribal Health Center - Oklahoma Choctaw Nation Indian Hlth Clinic - Oklahoma Okemah Indian Health Center - Oklahoma Muscogee (Creek) Nation Div. of Hlth. Adm. - Oklahoma Tonkawa Tribe of Oklahoma - Oklahoma Diabetes Treatment Center - Oklahoma White Eagle Indian Health Center - Oklahoma Cherokee Nation Health Clinic - Oklahoma Eastern Shawnee Tribe - Missouri Delaware Tribe of Indians (Eastern Oklahoma) - Oklahoma Absentee Shawnee Tribal Clinic - Oklahoma Durant Health Center - Oklahoma Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma - Oklahoma Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma - Oklahoma Watonga IHS Clinic - Oklahoma Seneca-Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma - Oklahoma Black Hawk Health Center - Oklahoma Comanche Tribe of Oklahoma - Oklahoma Peoria Tribe of Oklahoma - Oklahoma Cibecue PHS Indian Health Ctr - Arizona Caddo Nation of Oklahoma - Oklahoma Bylas Health Center - Arizona Salina Community Clinic - Oklahoma AZ Assoc. of Community Hlth Ctr - Arizona Fort McDowell - Wassaja Memorial Health Center - Arizona Gila River Indian Community - Arizona Yavapai-Prescott Tribe - Arizona Yomba Shoshone Tribe - Nevada Tonto Apache Tribe - Arizona Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah - Utah Fort Mojave Indian Tribe - Arizona Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe - Nevada Washoe Tribal Health Center - Nevada Havasupai Tribe - Arizona Quechan Tribal Council - Arizona Fallon Health Center - Nevada Fort McDermitt Tribe - Nevada Lovelock Paiute Tribe - Nevada Chemehuevi Tribe - California Ak-Chin Indian Community - Arizona White Mountain Apache Tribe - Arizona Cocopah Tribe - Arizona Las Vegas Paiute Tribe - Nevada Colorado River Indian Community - Arizona Phoenix Indian Center - Arizona Salt River Indian Community - Arizona Duck Valley Shoshone Tribe - Nevada Salt River Indian Community - Arizona Hualapai Tribe - Arizona Wells Band Council - Nevada Ute Indian Tribe - Utah Yavapai-Apache Nation - Arizona Battle Mountain Band - Nevada Ely Shoshone Tribe - Nevada Reno-Sparks Tribal Health Center - Nevada Hopi Health Care Center - Arizona Tohono O'odham, San Lucy District - Arizona Desert Visions Youth Wellness Center - Arizona South Fork Band Council - Nevada Las Vegas Indian Center - Nevada Moapa Band of Paiutes - Nevada Walker River Paiute Tribe - Nevada Omak Clinic - Washington Yerington Paiute Tribe - Nevada Kaibab-Paiute Tribe - Arizona Chehalis Tribal Clinic - Washington Moapa Health Clinic - Nevada Makah Health Center - Washington Goshute Tribe - Utah Nimiipuu Health - Idaho Elko Band Council - Nevada Burns-Paiute Health Clinic - Oregon Te-Moak Tribe of Western Shoshone - Nevada Lummi Indian Health Center - Washington Duckwater Shoshone Tribe - Nevada Nooksack Tribal Health Center - Washington Peach Springs Health Center - Arizona Tulalip Clinic - Washington San Carlos Apache Tribe - Arizona Kootenai Tribal Health Clinic - Idaho Inchelium Health Clinic - Washington Puyallup Tribal Health Authority - Washington Stillaguamish Tribal Clinic - Washington Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribal Clinic - Washington Klamath Tribal Health Center - Oregon Muckleshoot Health & Wellness Center - Washington Roger Saux Health Center - Washington Spokane Tribe - Washington Sauk-Suiattle Health Clinic - Washington Upper Skagit Tribal Clinic - Washington Healing Lodge of Seven Nations - Washington Coquille Tribal Health Center - Oregon Cow Creek Tribal Clinic - Oregon Niimiipuu Health Center - Idaho Hoh Tribe - Washington Swinomish Health Clinic - Washington Siletz Community Health Clinic - Oregon Quileute Clinic - Washington Shoshone-Bannock Tribe - Idaho Yellowhawk Tribal Hlth Ctr - Oregon White Swan Clinic - Washington Quinault Indian Nation - Washington Wadatika Health Center - Oregon Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe - Washington Indian Tribal Consortium - Washington Kalispel Tribe - Washington Squaxin Island Health Center - Washington Cowlitz Tribe - Washington Samish Tribal Health - Washington Skokomish Health Clinic - Washington Grand Ronde Health & Wellness Center - Oregon Suquamish Tribe - Washington Nisqually Health Clinic - Washington Lower Elwha Health Clinic - Washington Santa Rosa Clinic - Arizona San Xavier PHS Indian Hlth Ctr - Arizona Pascua Yaqui Tribe Health Services Division - Arizona Municipality of Anchorage/Department of Health and Human Services - Alaska Tohono O'odham Nation - Arizona Nome Health Center, Norton-Sound Health Corporation - Alaska Juneau Public Health Center - Alaska North Slope Borough Health and Social Services Agency - Alaska Maniilaq Association - Alaska Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association - Alaska Arctic Slope Native Association - Alaska Chickaloon Native Village - Alaska Kodiak Area Native Association - Alaska Bethel Center and Itinerant Nursing Services - Alaska Native Village of Eklutna - Alaska Southcentral Foundation - Alaska Cordova Public Health Center South Central Region - Alaska Tanana Chiefs Conference - Alaska Craig Public Health Center - Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwin Health - Alaska Delta Junction Public Health Center - Alaska Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium - Alaska Dillingham Public Health Center - Alaska Fairbanks Regional Public Health Center Interior Region - Alaska Fort Yukon Public Health Center - Alaska Galena Public Health Center Interior Region - Alaska Haines Public Health Center - Alaska Homer Public Health Center - Alaska Kenai Public Health Center - Alaska Ketchikan Public Health Center - Alaska Kodiak Public Health Center - Alaska Seward Public Health Center - Alaska Matanuska-Susitna (Mat-Su) Public Health Center - Alaska Petersburg Public Health Center - Alaska Sitka Public Helath Center - Alaska Tok Public Health Center - Alaska Valdez Public Health Center - Alaska Wrangell Public Health Center - Alaska South Central Region - Alaska Southwest Region - Alaska Interior Region - Alaska Butler County Health Department - Alabama Southeast Region - Alaska Autauga County Health Department - Alabama Calhoun County Health Department - Alabama Baldwin County Health Department - Alabama Chambers County Health Department - Alabama Barbour County Health Department - Alabama Cherokee County Health Department - Alabama Bibb County Health Department - Alabama Chilton County Health Department - Alabama Blount County Health Department - Alabama Bullock County Health Department - Alabama Choctaw County Health Department - Alabama Clarke County Health Department - Alabama Clay County Health Department - Alabama Cleburne County Health Department - Alabama Coffee County Health Department - Alabama Colbert County Health Department - Alabama Conecuh County Health Department - Alabama Coosa County Health Department - Alabama Cullman County Health Department - Alabama Covington Health Department - Alabama Dale County Health Department - Alabama Crenshaw County Health Department - Alabama Dallas County Health Department - Alabama DeKalb County Health Department - Alabama Alabama Public Health Area 3 - Alabama Elmore County Health Department - Alabama Escambia County Health Department - Alabama Etowah County Health Department - Alabama Fayette County Health Department - Alabama Franklin County Health Department - Alabama Jackson County Health Department - Alabama Geneva County Health Department - Alabama Greene County Health Department - Alabama Jefferson County Department of Health/Alabama Public Health Area 4 - Alabama Hale County Health Department - Alabama Lamar County Health Department - Alabama Henry County Health Department - Alabama Lauderdale County Health Department - Alabama Houston County Health Department - Alabama Lawrence County Health Department - Alabama Lee County Health Department - Alabama Limestone County Health Department - Alabama Lowndes County Health Department - Alabama Macon County Health Department - Alabama Madison County Health Department - Alabama Marengo County Health Department - Alabama Marion County Health Department - Alabama Montgomery County Health Department - Alabama Marshall County Health Department - Alabama Mobile County Health Department/Alabama Public Health Area 11 - Alabama Alabama Public Health Area 2 - Alabama Monroe County Health Department - Alabama Alabama Public Health Area 5 - Alabama Perry County Health Department - Alabama Pickens County Health Department - Alabama Pike County Health Department - Alabama Randolph County Health Department - Alabama Russell County Health Department - Alabama Shelby County Department of Health - Alabama St. Clair County Health Department - Alabama Sumter County Health Department - Alabama Washington County Health Department - Alabama Talladega County Health Department - Alabama Tallapoosa County Health Department - Alabama Wilcox County Health Department - Alabama Tuscaloosa County Health Department - Alabama Winston County Health Department - Alabama Alabama Public Health Area 8 - Alabama Walker County Health Department - Alabama Alabama Public Health Area 1 - Alabama Alabama Public Health Area 6 - Alabama Alabama Public Health Area 7 - Alabama Alabama Public Health Area 9 - Alabama Alabama Public Health Area 10 - Alabama Morgan County Health Department - Alabama Arkansas County Health Unit - Stuttgart - Arkansas Ashley County Health Unit - Crossett - Arkansas Baxter County Health Unit - Arkansas Bradley County Health Unit - Arkansas Benton County Health Unit - Bentonville - Arkansas Boone County Health Department - Arkansas Calhoun County Health Unit - Arkansas Carroll County Health Unit - Arkansas Chicot County Health Unit - Lake Village - Arkansas Clark County Health Unit - Arkansas Clay County Health Unit - Piggott - Arkansas Cleburne County Health Unit - Arkansas Cleveland County Health Unit - Arkansas Columbia County Health Unit - Arkansas Desha County Health Unit - McGehee - Arkansas Conway County Health Unit - Arkansas Craighead County Health Unit - Arkansas Drew County Health Unit - Arkansas Crawford County Health Unit - Arkansas Faulkner County Health Unit - Arkansas Crittenden County Health Unit - West Memphis - Arkansas Fulton County Health Unit - Arkansas Cross County Health Unit - Arkansas Garland County Health Unit - Arkansas Dallas County Health Unit - Arkansas Grant County Health Unit - Arkansas Greene County Health Unit - Arkansas Hempstead County Health Unit - Arkansas Hot Spring County Health Unit - Arkansas Howard County Health Unit - Arkansas Independence County Health Unit - Arkansas Izard County Health Unit - Arkansas Jackson County Health Unit - Arkansas Jefferson County Health Unit - Arkansas Lafayette County Health Unit - Arkansas Johnson County Health Unit - Arkansas Lawrence County Health Unit - Arkansas Lee County Health Unit - Arkansas Lincoln County Health Unit - Arkansas Little River County Health Unit - Arkansas Logan County Health Unit - Paris - Arkansas Lonoke County Health Unit - Lonoke - Arkansas Madison County Health Unit - Arkansas Ouachita County Health Unit - Arkansas Marion County Health Unit - Arkansas Perry County Health Unit - Arkansas Miller County Health Unit - Arkansas Phillips County Health Unit - Arkansas Mississippi County Health Unit - Blytheville - Arkansas Pike County Health Unit - Arkansas Monroe County Health Unit - Arkansas Poinsett County Health Unit - Harrisburg - Arkansas Montgomery County Health Unit - Arkansas Polk County Health Unit - Arkansas Nevada County Health Unit - Arkansas Pope County Health Unit - Arkansas Newton County Health Unit - Arkansas Prairie County Health Unit - Arkansas Pulaski Health Unit - Central Little Rock - Arkansas Randolph County Health Unit - Arkansas Saline County Health Unit - Arkansas Scott County Health Unit - Arkansas Searcy County Health Unit - Arkansas Sebastian County Health Unit - Arkansas Sevier County Health Unit - Arkansas Sharp County Health Unit - Arkansas St. Francis County Health Unit - Forrest City - Arkansas Stone County Health Unit - Arkansas Union County Health Unit - Arkansas Van Buren County Health Unit - Arkansas Washington County Health Unit - Arkansas White County Health Unit - Searcy - Arkansas Pulaski County Health Unit - Southwest Little Rock - Arkansas Woodruff County Health Unit - Arkansas Yell County Health Unit - Dardanelle - Arkansas Pulaski County Health Unit - North Little Rock - Arkansas Franklin County Health Unit - Arkansas Pulaski County Health Unit - Jacksonville - Arkansas Central Public Health Region - Arkansas Apache County Health Department - Arizona Northeast Region Office - Arkansas Cochise County Health Department - Arizona Northwest Region Office - Arkansas Coconino County Public Health Services District - Arizona Southeast Region Office - Arkansas Gila River Indian Community Department of Public Health - Arizona SouthWest Region Office - Arkansas Graham County Health Department - Arizona Greenlee County Health Department - Arizona La Paz County Health Department - Arizona Maricopa County Department of Public Health - Arizona Mohave County Department of Public Health - Arizona Navajo County Public Health Services District - Arizona Pima County Health Department - Arizona Pinal County Health Department - Arizona Santa Cruz County Health Department - Arizona Yavapai County Community Health Services - Arizona Yuma County Health Department - Arizona Gila County Health Department - Arizona White Mountain Apache Health Authority - Arizona Fort McDowell Indian Community/Wassaja Memorial Health Center - Arizona Inter-Tribal Health Care Center - Arizona Calaveras County Public Health Department - California Pascua Yaqui Health Department - Arizona San Carlos Apache Tribe - Arizona Colusa County Health Department - California Tohono O'Odham Health Department - Arizona Contra Costa Health Services - California Alameda County Public Health Department - California Del Norte County Public Health - California Alpine County Health and Human Services - California Amador County, Health and Human Services Agency - California El Dorado County Health Department - California Berkeley City Public Health Department - California Fresno County Department of Public Health - California Butte County Department of Public Health - California Glenn County Health Department - California Humboldt County Department of Health and Human Services - California Imperial County Health Department - California Inyo County Health Department - California Kern County Health Department - California Kings County Health Department - California Lake County Department of Health Services - California Lassen County Department of Health and Social Services - California Long Beach City Department of Health and Human Services - California Madera County Public Health - California Marin County Health and Human Services - California Mariposa County Health Department - California Mendocino County Dept of Public Health - California Merced County Department of Public Health - California Modoc County Public Health Department - California Mono County Health Department - California Monterey County Health Department - California Sacramento Department of Health and Human Services - California Napa County Health and Human Services Agency - California Nevada County Public Health Department - California San Benito County Health and Human Services - California Orange County Health Care Agency/Public Health - California San Bernardino County Department of Public Health - California City of Pasadena Public Health Department - California County of San Diego HHS and Public Health Services - California Placer County Health and Human Services - California San Francisco Department of Public Health - California Plumas County Public Health Agency - California San Joaquin County Public Health Services - California Riverside County Department of Health - California San Luis Obispo County Health Department - California San Mateo County Health Service Department - California Los Angeles County Public Health Department - California Santa Clara County Public Health Department - California Santa Cruz County Health Services Agency - California Shasta County Public Health - California Sierra County Health Department - California Sonoma County Department of Health Services - California Siskiyou County Public Health Department - California Solano County Health and Social Services Dept. - Public Health - California Stanislaus County Public Health Department - California Sutter County Health Department - California Tehama County Health Services Agency - California Trinity County Health and Human Services - California Tulare County Health and Human Services - California Tuolumne County Health Department - California Ventura County Health Department - California Vernon City Health Department - California Indian Health Council, Inc. - California Yolo County Health Department - California Yuba County Health Department - California Scotts Valley Health and Social Services - California Santa Barbara County Public Health Department - California Southern Indian Health Council, Inc. - California San Diego Department of Environmental Health - California Toiyabe Indian Health - California Cold Springs Rancheria Health Services - California United Indian Health Services - California Hoopa Valley Tribe - Kima Medical Center - California El Dorado County Environmental Management - California Alamosa County Public Health Department - Colorado Community Health Services, Inc. - Colorado Pitkin County Environmental Health Department - Colorado City and County of Broomfield Department of Health and Human Services - Colorado Bent County Public Health Agency - Colorado Boulder County Public Health - Colorado Chaffee County Public Health Department - Colorado Cheyenne County Public Health - Colorado Clear Creek County Public & Environmental Health - Colorado Conejos County Public Health and Nursing Service - Colorado Costilla County Public Health Agency - Colorado Hinsdale County Public Health Agency - Colorado Custer County Public Health Agency - Colorado Delta County Department of Health and Human Services - Colorado Denver Department of Environmental Health - Colorado Dolores County Public Health Agency - Colorado Eagle County Health and Human Services Department - Colorado El Paso County Public Health - Colorado Elbert County Public Health Nursing Service - Colorado Gunnison County Public Health - Colorado Fremont County Public Health Agency - Colorado Fremont County Environmental Health Department - Colorado Jackson County Public Health Agency - Colorado Garfield County Public Health Nursing Service - Colorado Jefferson County Public Health - Colorado Gilpin County Public Health Agency - Colorado Kiowa County Public Health Agency - Colorado Grand County Public Health - Colorado Kit Carson County Public Health Nursing Service - Colorado Larimer County Department of Health and Environment - Colorado Las Animas-Huerfano County Health and Environment - Colorado Lincoln County Public Health Nursing Service - Colorado Mesa County Health Department - Colorado Mineral County Public Health Nursing Service - Colorado Montezuma County Health Department - Colorado Montrose County Health & Human Services - Colorado Ouray County Public Health Nursing Service - Colorado Northeast Colorado Health Department - Colorado Northwest Colorado Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice - Colorado Park County Environmental Health Department - Colorado Otero County Department of Health - Colorado Prowers County Public Health - Colorado Pueblo City-County Health Department - Colorado Rio Grande County Public Health Nursing Service - Colorado Routt County Environmental Health Department - Colorado Saguache County Public Health Nursing Service - Colorado San Juan Basin Health Department - Colorado San Juan County Public Health Nursing Service - Colorado San Miguel County Public Health Nursing Service - Colorado Weld County Health Department of Public Health and Environment - Colorado Summit County Public Health Nursing Service - Colorado Summit County Environmental Health Department - Colorado Rio Blanco County Public Health Nursing Service - Colorado Teller County Public Health - Colorado Clear Creek County Environmental Health Department - Colorado Teller County Environmental Health Department - Colorado Eagle County Environmental Health Department - Colorado Tri-County Health Department - Colorado Kit Carson County Environmental Health Department - Colorado Park County Public Health Nursing Service - Colorado Southeastern Land and Environment - Colorado San Miguel County Environmental Health Department - Colorado Town of Vail Environmental Health - Colorado Baca County Public Health Nursing Service - Colorado Aspen City Environmental Health Department - Colorado Bethel Health Department - Connecticut Crowley County Public Health Nursing Service - Colorado Denver Health and Hospital Authority - Colorado West Hartford-Bloomfield Health District - Connecticut Lake County Public Health Nursing Service - Colorado Bridgeport Health Department - Connecticut Chatham Health District - Connecticut Bristol-Burlington Health District - Connecticut Brookfield Town Health Department - Connecticut Chesprocott Health District - Connecticut Colchester Health Department - Connecticut Lebanon Health Department - Connecticut Cromwell Health Department - Connecticut Danbury Health Department - Connecticut Darien Health Department - Connecticut Essex Health Department - Connecticut Durham Health Department - Connecticut East Hartford Health Department - Connecticut Fairfield Health Department - Connecticut East Shore District Health Department - Connecticut Farmington Valley Health District - Connecticut Easton Health Department - Connecticut Franklin Health Department - Connecticut Glastonbury Health Department - Connecticut Greenwich Department of Health - Connecticut Griswold Health Department - Connecticut Guilford Health Department - Connecticut Haddam Health Department - Connecticut Hartford Health Department - Connecticut Meriden Department of Health and Human Services - Connecticut Killingworth Health Department - Connecticut Ledge Light Health District - Connecticut Middlebury Department of Health - Connecticut Madison Health Department - Connecticut Middlefield Health Department - Connecticut Manchester Health Department - Connecticut Eastern Highlands Health District - Connecticut Middletown Health Department - Connecticut Milford Health Department - Connecticut Trumbull-Monroe Health District - Connecticut Naugatuck Valley Health District - Connecticut New Britain Health Department - Connecticut New Canaan Health Department - Connecticut New Fairfield Health Department - Connecticut New Haven Health Department - Connecticut Norwalk Health Department - Connecticut New Milford Department of Health - Connecticut Newtown Health District - Connecticut Old Lyme Health Department - Connecticut North Central Health District - Connecticut Connecticut River Area Health District - Connecticut Northeast District Department of Health - Connecticut Orange Health Department - Connecticut Pomperaug Health District - Connecticut Preston Health Department - Connecticut Quinnipiack Valley Health District - Connecticut Redding Health Department - Connecticut Ridgefield Health Department - Connecticut Salem Health Department - Connecticut Sharon Health Department - Connecticut Stonington Health Department - Connecticut Sherman Health Department - Connecticut Somers Health Department - Connecticut Stratford Health Department - Connecticut South Windsor Health Department - Connecticut Torrington Area Health District - Connecticut Uncas Health District - Connecticut Stamford City Health Department - Connecticut Wallingford Health Department - Connecticut Washington Health Department - Connecticut Waterbury Department of Public Health - Connecticut West Haven Health Department - Connecticut Westbrook Health Department - Connecticut Westport-Weston Health District - Connecticut Central Connecticut Health District - Connecticut Wilton Health Department - Connecticut Chester Health Department - Connecticut Windsor Health Department - Connecticut Mohegan Tribal Health Department - Connecticut Lisbon Health Department - Connecticut North Stonington Health Office - Connecticut Lyme Health Department - Connecticut Voluntown Health Department - Connecticut Mashantucket Pequot Health Department - Connecticut Plainville-Southington Regional Health District - Connecticut Government of the District of Columbia Department of Health - Washington, DC Delaware Department of Health, Northern Health Services - Delaware Delaware Department of Health, Southern Health Services - Delaware Duval County Health Department - Florida Broward County Health Department - Florida Alachua County Health Department - Florida Baker County Public Health Department - Florida Calhoun County Public Health Department - Florida Bay County Health Department - Florida Charlotte County Health Department - Florida Bradford County Health Department - Florida Citrus County Health Department - Florida Brevard County Health Department - Florida Clay County Health Department - Florida Collier County Health Department - Florida Columbia County Public Health Department - Florida Miami-Dade County Health Department - Florida DeSoto County Health Department - Florida Dixie County Health Department - Florida Escambia County Health Department - Florida Flagler County Health Department - Florida Hamilton County Health Department - Florida Gadsden County Health Department - Florida Gilchrist County Health Department - Florida Hardee County Health Department - Florida Gulf County Health Department - Florida Hendry County Health Department - Florida Hernando County Health Department - Florida Highlands County Health Department - Florida Holmes County Health Department - Florida Indian River County Health Department - Florida Jackson County Health Department - Florida Jefferson County Health Department - Florida Lafayette County Health Department - Florida Lake County Health Department - Florida Madison County Health Department - Florida Lee County Health Department - Florida Leon County Health Department - Florida Manatee County Health Department - Florida Levy County Health Department - Florida Marion County Health Department - Florida Martin County Health Department - Florida Liberty County Health Department - Florida Monroe County Health Department - Florida Nassau County Health Department - Florida Okaloosa County Health Department - Florida Okeechobee County Health Department - Florida Orange County Health Department - Florida Osceola County Health Department - Florida Pasco County Health Department - Florida Pinellas County Health Department - Florida Polk County Health Department - Florida Sarasota County Health Department - Florida Putnam County Health Department - Florida Santa Rosa County Health Department - Florida Seminole County Health Department - Florida St. Johns County Public Health Department - Florida St. Lucie County Health Department - Florida Sumter County Health Department - Florida Suwannee County Health Department - Florida Taylor County Health Department - Florida Union County Health Department - Florida Volusia County Department of Health - Florida Wakulla County Health Department - Florida Bacon County Health Department - Georgia Walton County Health Department - Florida Washington County Health Department - Florida Baker County Health Department - Georgia Glades County Health Department - Florida Baldwin County Health Department - Georgia Appling County Health Department - Georgia Banks County Health Department - Georgia Atkinson County Health Department - Georgia Barrow County Health Department - Georgia Bartow County Health Department - Georgia Ben Hill County Health Department - Georgia Berrien County Health Department - Georgia Bibb County Health Department - Georgia Bleckley County Health Department - Georgia Brantley County Health Department - Georgia Brooks County Health Department - Georgia Bryan County Health Department - Georgia Bulloch County Health Department - Georgia Butts County Health Department - Georgia Burke County Health Department - Georgia Calhoun County Health Department - Georgia Camden County Health Department - Georgia Candler County Health Department - Georgia Carroll County Health Department - Georgia Catoosa County Health Department - Georgia Charlton County Health Department - Georgia Chatham County Health Department - Georgia Coffee County Health Department - Georgia Chattahoochee County Health Department - Georgia Chattooga County Health Department - Georgia Cherokee County Health Department - Georgia Colquitt County Health Department - Georgia Clarke County Health Department - Georgia Columbia County Health Department - Georgia Clay County Health Department - Georgia Cook County Health Department - Georgia Clinch County Health Department - Georgia Coweta County Health Department - Georgia Cobb County Board of Health - Georgia Crawford County Health Department - Georgia Crisp County Health Department - Georgia Dade County Health Department - Georgia Dawson County Health Department - Georgia District 3, Unit 5: DeKalb Health District - Georgia Decatur County Health Department - Georgia Floyd County Health Department - Georgia District 1, Unit 1: Northwest District - Georgia Dooly County Health Department - Georgia Gwinnett County Health Department - Georgia Dodge County Health Department - Georgia Dougherty County Health Department - Georgia Douglas County Board of Health - Georgia Early County Health Department - Georgia Echols County Health Department - Georgia Effingham County Health Department - Georgia Elbert County Health Department - Georgia Emanuel County Health Department - Georgia Evans County Health Department - Georgia Glascock County Health Department - Georgia Fannin County Health Center - Georgia Fayette County Health Department - Georgia Glynn County Health Department - Georgia Forsyth County Health Department - Georgia Gordon County Health Department - Georgia Franklin County Health Department - Georgia Grady County Health Department - Georgia District 3, Unit 2: Fulton County Health District - Georgia Greene County Health Department - Georgia Gilmer County Health Department - Georgia District 3, Unit 4: East Metro Health District - Georgia Habersham County Health Department - Georgia Hall County Health Department - Georgia Hancock County Health Department - Georgia Haralson Community Health Services - Georgia Harris County Health Department - Georgia Hart County Health Department - Georgia District 8, Unit 2, Southwest Health District - Georgia Houston County Health Department - Georgia Heard County Health Department - Georgia Henry County Health Department - Georgia Irwin County Health Department - Georgia Jackson County Health Department - Georgia Jasper County Health Department - Georgia Jeff Davis County Health Department - Georgia Jefferson County Board of Health - Georgia Jenkins County Health Department - Georgia Johnson County Health Department - Georgia Jones County Health Department - Georgia Lamar County Health Department - Georgia Lanier County Health Department - Georgia Laurens County Health Department - Georgia Lee County Health Department - Georgia Liberty County Health Department - Georgia Lincoln County Health Department - Georgia Long County Health Department - Georgia Lowndes County Health Department - Georgia Lumpkin County Health Department - Georgia Macon County Health Department - Georgia Madison County Health Department - Georgia Marion County Health Department - Georgia McDuffie County Health Department - Georgia McIntosh County Health Department - Georgia Meriwether County Health Department - Georgia Miller County Health Department - Georgia Mitchell County Health Department - Georgia Monroe County Health Department - Georgia Montgomery County Health Department - Georgia Morgan County Health Department - Georgia Murray County Health Department - Georgia Newton County Health Department - Georgia Oconee County Health Department - Georgia Oglethorpe County Health Department - Georgia Paulding County Health Department - Georgia Peach County Health Department - Georgia Pickens County Health Department - Georgia Pierce County Health Department - Georgia Pike County Health Department - Georgia Polk County Health Department - Georgia Pulaski County Health Department - Georgia Putnam County Health Department - Georgia Quitman County Health Department; District 7-0 - Georgia Rabun County Health Department - Georgia Randolph County Health Department - Georgia Richmond County Health Department - Georgia Rockdale County Health Department - Georgia Schley County Health Department - Georgia Seminole County Health Department - Georgia District 5, Unit 1: South Central District - Georgia Spalding County Health Department - Georgia Stephens County Health Department - Georgia Stewart County Health Department - Georgia Sumter County Health Department - Georgia Talbot County Health Department - Georgia Taliaferro County Health Department - Georgia Tattnall County Health Department - Georgia Taylor County Health Department - Georgia Telfair County Health Department - Georgia Terrell County Health Department - Georgia Thomas County Health Department - Georgia Tift County Health Department - Georgia Toombs County Health Department - Georgia Towns County Health Department - Georgia Treutlen County Health Department - Georgia Troup County Health Department - Georgia Turner County Health Department - Georgia Twiggs County Health Department - Georgia Union County Health Department - Georgia Upson County Health Department - Georgia Walker County Health Department - Georgia Walton County Health Department - Georgia Ware County Health Department - Georgia Warren County Health Department - Georgia Washington County Health Department - Georgia Wayne County Health Department - Georgia Webster County Health Department - Georgia Wheeler County Health Department - Georgia White County Health Department - Georgia Whitfield County Health Department - Georgia Wilcox County Health Department - Georgia Wilkes County Health Department - Georgia Wilkinson County Health Department - Georgia Worth County Health Department - Georgia Screven County Health Department - Georgia District 4: LaGrange Health District - Georgia District 1, Unit 2: North Georgia Health District - Georgia District 3, Unit 1: Cobb-Douglas Health District - Georgia District 3, Unit 3: Clayton County Health District - Georgia District 5, Unit 2: North Central District - Georgia District 6: East Central Health District - Georgia District 7: West Central District - Georgia District 8, Unit 1: South Health District - Georgia District 9, Unit 1: Coastal Health District - Georgia District 9, Unit 2: Southeast Health District - Georgia District 10: Northeast Health District - Georgia Hawaii District Health Office - Hawaii Kauai District Health Office - Hawaii Maui District Health Office - Hawaii Honolulu Department of Health - Hawaii Kalawao District Health Office - Hawaii Adair County Home Care - Iowa Adams County/Alegent Health Family Home Care - Iowa Allamakee County / Veterans Memorial Hospital Community and Home Care - Iowa Appanoose County Public Health Nursing Service - Iowa Audubon County Public Health Nursing Service - Iowa Benton County / Virginia Gay Hospital Home Health Agency - Iowa Black Hawk County Health Department - Iowa Boone County / Hospital Home Care Services - Iowa Henry County Public Health/Health Center - Iowa Buchanan County Public Health Department - Iowa Buena Vista County Public Health and Home Care - Iowa Butler County Public Health - Iowa Calhoun County Public Health - Iowa Cass County / CCMH Home Care/Hospice - Iowa Cedar County Public Health Nursing Service - Iowa Cerro Gordo County Public Health Department - Iowa Cherokee County Home Choice/Hospice/Public Health - Iowa Chickasaw County Public Health - Iowa Clarke County Public Health Department - Iowa Clay County / Spencer Hospital Public Health - Iowa Clayton County Visiting Nurses Association - Iowa Clinton County / Genesis Visiting Nurses Association & Hospice - Iowa Council Bluffs City Health Department - Iowa Jones County / Community Health of Jones County - Iowa Crawford County Home Health and Hospice Agency - Iowa Dallas County Public Health Nursing Service - Iowa Davis County Hospital Home and Community Health - Iowa Decatur County Public Health and Home Care - Iowa Delaware County Public Health - Iowa Des Moines County Public Health - Iowa Dickinson County / Lakes Regional Healthcare - Iowa City of Dubuque Health Services Department - Iowa Dubuque County Health Department - Iowa Madison County Public Health - Iowa Emmet County Public Health - Iowa Fayette County / Palmer Home Agency - Iowa Webster County Public Health Agency - Iowa Franklin County Public Health Nursing Service - Iowa Greene County Medical Center Public Health - Iowa Grundy County Public Health - Iowa Guthrie County Public Health Nursing Service - Iowa Hancock County Public Health Services - Iowa Hardin County / Greenbelt Home Care - Iowa Howard County / Regional Health Service of Howard County - Iowa Ida County / Horn Memorial Hospital Community Health Services - Iowa Iowa County Health Department - Iowa Jefferson County Public Health - Iowa Johnson County Public Health - Iowa Keokuk County Public Health - Iowa Kossuth County Regional Health Center/Community Health - Iowa Lee County Health Department, Community Nursing and EH Services - Iowa Louisa County Public Health - Iowa Lucas County Public Health Nursing Service - Iowa Lyon County Health Services - Iowa Mahaska County Partnership Community Health - Iowa Marion County / Community Health Services of Marion County - Iowa Mills County Public Health Department - Iowa Monona County Public Health Nursing Service - Iowa Monroe County Public Health - Iowa Muscatine County/Unity Health Care - Iowa O'Brien County Public Health - Iowa Osceola County Health Service - Iowa City of Ottumwa Health Department - Iowa Page County Public Health Service - Iowa Palo Alto County Community Health Service - Iowa Pocahontas County Nursing and Health Service - Iowa Polk County Health Department - Iowa Pottawattamie County/Visiting Nurse Association - Iowa Ringgold County Public Health Nursing Agency - Iowa Sac County Public Health Nursing - Iowa Scott County Health Department - Iowa Sioux County/Community Health Partners - Iowa Woodbury County/Siouxland District Health Department - Iowa HOMEWARD, Story County - Mary Greely Medical Center - Iowa Tama County Public Health and Home Care - Iowa Taylor County Public Health Agency - Iowa Van Buren County Public Health Nursing Service - Iowa Wapello County Public Health - Iowa Washington County Public Health and Home Care - Iowa Wayne County Public Health - Iowa Winnebago County Public Health Nursing Service - Iowa Winneshiek County Public Health Nursing Service - Iowa Worth County Public Health - Iowa Wright County Public Health Nursing Service/Hospice for Wright County - Iowa Hamilton County Public Health - Iowa Jackson County Regional Health Center - Iowa Floyd County Public Health/Home Health Care - Iowa Union County/Greater Community Hospital Outreach Services - Iowa Harrison County Public Health - Iowa Mitchell County Home Health Care - Iowa Southwest Iowa Home Health - Iowa Carroll County / St. Anthony Home Health Agency - Iowa Bremer County Home Care - Iowa Marshall Medical and Surgical Center Home Care Plus - Iowa Montgomery County Public Health Nursing Service - Iowa Floyd Valley Community Health Service - Iowa Poweshiek County/Grinnell Regional Home Care - Iowa Shelby County/Myrtue Memorial Hospital Home and Public Health - Iowa Warren County Health Services - Iowa Region 6/Iowa Department of Public Health - Iowa Region 4/Iowa Department of Public Health - Iowa Region 5/Iowa Department of Public Health - Iowa Region 3/Iowa Department of Public Health - Iowa Region 2/Iowa Department of Public Health - Iowa Region 1/Iowa Department of Public Health - Iowa Jasper County Home Care Aides - Iowa Brown County Health Department - Illinois Unity Public Health - Iowa Bureau County Health Department - Illinois Central District Health Department (Region 4) - Idaho Calhoun County Health Department - Illinois Eastern Idaho Public Health District (Region 7) - Idaho Cass County Health Department - Illinois North Central District Health Department (Region 2) - Idaho Champaign-Urbana Public Health District - Illinois Panhandle Health District (Region 1) - Idaho Southwest District Health Department (Region 3) - Idaho Chicago Department of Public Health - Illinois South Central Public Health District (PHD 5) - Idaho Christian County Health Department - Illinois Clay County Health Department - Illinois Southeastern District Health Department (Region 6) - Idaho Coles County Health Department - Illinois Adams County Health Department - Illinois Cook County Department of Public Health - Illinois Bond County Health Department - Illinois Cumberland County Health Department - Illinois Boone County Department of Public Health - Illinois DeKalb County Health Department - Illinois DeWitt-Piatt Bi County Health Department - Illinois Douglas County Health Department - Illinois DuPage County Health Department - Illinois East Side Health District - Illinois Effingham County Health Department - Illinois Egyptian Health Department - Illinois Evanston Department of Health and Human Services - Illinois Jasper County Health Department - Illinois Fayette County Health Department - Illinois Jefferson County Health Department - Illinois Jersey County Health Department - Illinois Jo Daviess County Health Department - Illinois Kane County Health Department - Illinois Kankakee County Health Department - Illinois Kendall County Health Department - Illinois Knox County Health Department - Illinois LaSalle County Health Department - Illinois Ford-Iroquois Public Health Department - Illinois Lake County Health Department - Illinois Franklin-Williamson Bi-County Health Department - Illinois Lawrence County Health Department - Illinois Fulton County Health Department - Illinois Lee County Health Department - Illinois Greene County Health Department - Illinois Livingston County Health Department - Illinois Grundy County Health Department - Illinois Logan County Department of Public Health - Illinois Hamilton County Health Department - Illinois Macon County Health Department - Illinois Hancock County Health Department - Illinois Henderson County Health Department - Illinois Henry and Stark County Health Department - Illinois Jackson County Health Department - Illinois Macoupin County Health Department - Illinois Peoria City/County Health Department - Illinois Mason County Health Department - Illinois Carroll County Health Department - Illinois McDonough County Health Department - Illinois McHenry County Department of Health - Illinois Pike County Health Department - Illinois McLean County Health Department - Illinois Putnam County Health Department - Illinois Menard County Health Department - Illinois Rock Island County Health Department - Illinois Mercer County Health Department - Illinois Sangamon County Health Department - Illinois Randolph County Health Department - Illinois Schuyler County Health Department - Illinois Montgomery County Health Department - Illinois Shelby County Health Department - Illinois Morgan County Health Department - Illinois Skokie Health Department - Illinois Oak Park Department of Public Health - Illinois Southern Seven Health Department - Illinois St. Clair County Health Department - Illinois Ogle County Health Department - Illinois Clark County Health Department - Illinois Stephenson County Health Department - Illinois Perry County Health Department - Illinois Stickney Public Health District - Illinois Tazewell County Health Department - Illinois Vermilion County Health Department - Illinois Wabash County Health Department - Illinois Wayne County Health Department - Illinois Whiteside County Health Department - Illinois Will County Health Department - Illinois Marion Regional Office/Illinois Department of Public Health - Illinois Winnebago County Health Department - Illinois Woodford County Health Department - Illinois Clinton County Health Department - Illinois Peoria Regional Office/Illinois Department of Public Health - Illinois Crawford County Health Department - Illinois Rockford Regional Office/Illinois Department of Public Health - Illinois Edgar County Public Health Department - Illinois West Chicago Regional Office/Illinois Dept. of Public Health - Illinois Madison County Health Department - Illinois Warren County Health Department - Illinois Marion County Health Department - Illinois Stark County Health Department - Illinois Washington County Health Department - Illinois Monroe County Health Department - Illinois Moultrie County Health Department - Illinois Adams County Health Department - Indiana Scott County Health Department - Illinois Fort Wayne - Allen County Health Department - Indiana Bartholomew County Health Department - Indiana Chicago Regional Office/Illinois Department of Health - Illinois Benton County Health Department - Indiana
Edwardsville Regional Office/Illinois Department of Public Health - Illinois Blackford County Health Department - Indiana Boone County Health Department - Indiana Brown County Health Department - Indiana Carroll County Health Department - Indiana Cass County Health Department - Indiana Clark County Health Department - Indiana Clay County Health Department - Indiana Fountain-Warren County Health Department - Indiana Clinton County Health Department - Indiana Crawford County Health Department - Indiana Franklin County Health Department - Indiana Daviess County Health Department - Indiana Fulton County Health Department - Indiana DeKalb County Health Department - Indiana Gary City Health Department - Indiana Dearborn County Health Department - Indiana Gibson County Health Department - Indiana Decatur County Health Department - Indiana Grant County Health Department - Indiana Delaware County Health Department - Indiana Greene County Health Department - Indiana Hamilton County Health Department - Indiana Dubois County Health Department - Indiana Lake County Health Department - Indiana East Chicago City Health Department - Indiana Hancock County Health Department - Indiana Elkhart County Health Department - Indiana Harrison County Health Department - Indiana Fayette County Health Department - Indiana Hendricks County Health Department - Indiana Floyd County Health Department - Indiana Henry County Health Department - Indiana Howard County Health Department - Indiana Huntington County Health Department - Indiana Jackson County Health Department - Indiana Jasper County Health Department - Indiana Jay County Health Center - Indiana Miami County Health Department - Indiana Jefferson County Health Department - Indiana Jennings County Health Department - Indiana Monroe County Health Department - Indiana Johnson County Health Department - Indiana Montgomery County Health Department - Indiana Knox County Health Department - Indiana Morgan County Health Department - Indiana Kosciusko County Health Department - Indiana LaGrange County Health Department - Indiana Newton County Health Department - Indiana LaPorte County Health Department - Indiana Noble County Health Department - Indiana Lawrence County Health Department - Indiana Ohio County Health Department - Indiana Madison County Health Department - Indiana Orange County Health Department - Indiana Marion County Public Health Department - Indiana Owen County Health Department - Indiana Marshall County Health Department - Indiana Parke County Health Department - Indiana Perry County Health Department - Indiana Martin County Health Department - Indiana Pike County Health Department - Indiana Porter County Health Department - Indiana Posey County Health Department - Indiana Pulaski County Health Department - Indiana Putnam County Health Department - Indiana Randolph County Health Department - Indiana Vanderburgh County Health Department - Indiana Ripley County Health Department - Indiana Rush County Health Department - Indiana Vermillion County Health Department - Indiana Scott County Health Department - Indiana Vigo County Health Department - Indiana Wabash County Health Department - Indiana Shelby County Health Department - Indiana Warrick County Health Department - Indiana Spencer County Health Department - Indiana Washington County Health Department - Indiana St. Joseph County Health Department - Indiana Wayne County Health Department - Indiana Starke County Health Department - Indiana Wells County Health Department - Indiana Steuben County Health Department - Indiana Sullivan County Health Department - Indiana White County Health Department - Indiana Whitley County Health Department - Indiana Switzerland County Health Department - Indiana Barber County Public Health Department - Kansas Tippecanoe County Health Department - Indiana Barton County Health Department - Kansas Tipton County Health Department - Indiana Butler County Health Department - Kansas Union County Health Department - Indiana Chase County Health Department - Kansas Chautauqua Health Department - Kansas Cherokee County Health Department - Kansas Ellsworth County Health Department - Kansas Cheyenne County Health Department - Kansas Clark County Health Department - Kansas Finney County Health Department - Kansas Clay County Health Department - Kansas Ford County Health Department - Kansas Cloud County Health Department - Kansas Franklin County Health Department - Kansas Coffey County Health Department - Kansas Gove County Health Department - Kansas Comanche County Health Department - Kansas Graham County Health Department - Kansas City-Cowley County Health Department - Kansas Grant County Health Department - Kansas Crawford County Health Department - Kansas Gray County Health Department - Kansas Decatur Health Department - Kansas Greeley County Health Department - Kansas Dickinson County Health Department - Kansas Hamilton County Health Department - Kansas Doniphan County Health Department - Kansas Harper County Health Department and Home Health Agency - Kansas Edwards County Health Department - Kansas Harvey County Health Department - Kansas Elk County Health Department - Kansas Hodgeman County Health Department - Kansas Ellis County Health Department - Kansas Jefferson County Health Department - Kansas Jewell County Health Department - Kansas Johnson County Public Health - Kansas McPherson County Health Department - Kansas Junction City Geary County Health Department - Kansas Meade County Health Department - Kansas Kearny County Health Department - Kansas Kingman County Health Department - Kansas Miami County Health Department - Kansas Kiowa County Health Department - Kansas Mitchell County Health Department - Kansas Labette County Health Department - Kansas Montgomery County Health Department - Kansas Lane County Health Department - Kansas Morris County Health Department - Kansas Lawrence-Douglas County Health Department - Kansas Morton County Health Department - Kansas Leavenworth County Health Department - Kansas NEK Multi-County Health Department - Kansas Seward County Health Department - Kansas Nemaha County Community Health Services - Kansas Lincoln County Health Department - Kansas Neosho County Health Department - Kansas Logan County Health Department - Kansas Ness County Health Department - Kansas Lyon County Health Dept./Flint Hills Community Health Center - Kansas Norton County Health Department - Kansas Marion County Health Department - Kansas Osage County Health Department - Kansas Marshall County Health Department - Kansas Osborne County Health Department - Kansas Ottawa County Health Department/Hospice - Kansas Pawnee County Health Department - Kansas Sheridan County Public Health Department - Kansas Phillips County Health Department - Kansas Pottawatomie County Health Department - Kansas Sherman County Health Department - Kansas Pratt County Health Department - Kansas Rawlins County Health Department - Kansas Smith County Health Department - Kansas Reno County Health Department - Kansas Stafford County Health Department - Kansas Republic County Health Department - Kansas Stanton County Health Department - Kansas Rice County Health Department - Kansas Riley County-Manhattan Health Department - Kansas Sumner County Health Department - Kansas Rooks County Health Department - Kansas Thomas County Health Department - Kansas Rush County Health Department - Kansas Shawnee County Health Agency - Kansas Russell County Health Department - Kansas Trego County Health Department - Kansas Allen SEK Multi-County Health Department - Kansas Wabaunsee County Health Department - Kansas Salina-Saline County Health Department - Kansas Wallace County Health Department - Kansas Scott County Health Department - Kansas Washington County Health Department - Kansas Wichita County Health Department - Kansas Sedgwick County Health Department - Kansas Wilson County Health Department - Kansas Unified Government of Wyandotte County Public Health Department - Kansas Haskell County Health Department - Kansas Anderson SEK-Multi County Health Department - Kansas West Central Public Health Initiative - Kansas Atchison NEK-Multi County Health Department - Kansas Bourbon SEK-Multi County Health Department - Kansas Sumner County Planning-Zoning-Environmental Health - Kansas Jackson NEK-Multi County Health Department - Kansas Anderson County Health Department - Kentucky Linn County Health Department - Kansas Barren River District Health Department - Kentucky Woodson SEK-Multi County Health Department - Kansas Bourbon County Health Department - Kentucky Stevens County Health Department - Kansas Boyle County Health Department - Kentucky Northwest District Office/KDHE - Kansas Breathitt County Health Department - Kentucky Southwest District Office/KDHE - Kansas Buffalo Trace District Health Department - Kentucky North Central District Office/KDHE - Kansas Bullitt County Health Department - Kentucky South Central District Office/KDHE - Kansas Christian County Health Department - Kentucky Northeast District Office/KDHE - Kansas Clark County Health Department - Kentucky Southeast District Office/KDHE - Kansas Cumberland Valley District Health Department - Kentucky Estill County Health Department - Kentucky Ashland-Boyd County Health Department - Kentucky Fleming County Health Department - Kentucky Floyd County Health Department - Kentucky Franklin County Health Department - Kentucky Lincoln Trail District Health Department - Kentucky Gateway District Health Department - Kentucky Green River District Health Department - Kentucky Little Sandy District Health Department - Kentucky Greenup County Health Department - Kentucky Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness - Kentucky Hopkins County Health Department - Kentucky Madison County Health Department - Kentucky Jessamine County Health Department - Kentucky Magoffin County Health Department - Kentucky Johnson County Health Department - Kentucky Marshall County Health Department - Kentucky Kentucky River District Health Department - Kentucky Martin County Health Department - Kentucky Knox County Health Department - Kentucky Monroe County Health Department - Kentucky Lake Cumberland District Health Department - Kentucky Muhlenberg County Health Department - Kentucky Laurel County Health Department - Kentucky North Central District Health Department - Kentucky Lewis County Health Department - Kentucky Northern Kentucky Independent District Health Department - Kentucky Lexington-Fayette County Health Department - Kentucky Oldham County Health Department - Kentucky Lincoln County Health Department - Kentucky Pennyrile District Health Department - Kentucky Pike County Health Department - Kentucky Powell County Health Department - Kentucky Purchase District Health Department - Kentucky Hart County Center - Kentucky Three Rivers District Health Department - Kentucky Todd County Health Department - Kentucky Logan County Center - Kentucky Wedco District Health Department - Kentucky Metcalfe County Center - Kentucky Whitley County Health Department - Kentucky Simpson County Center - Kentucky Woodford County Health Department - Kentucky Bowling Green - Warren County Center - Kentucky Montgomery County Health Department - Kentucky Mason County Center - Kentucky Allen County Health Department - Kentucky Robertson County Center - Kentucky Bracken County Health Department - Kentucky Bell County Center - Kentucky Mercer County Health Department - Kentucky Clay County Center - Kentucky Garrard County Health Department - Kentucky Harlan County Center - Kentucky Breckinridge County Health Department - Kentucky Jackson County Center - Kentucky Barren County Center - Kentucky Butler County Center - Kentucky Rockcastle County Center - Kentucky Edmonson County Center - Kentucky Lawrence County Health Department - Kentucky Bath County Center - Kentucky Menifee County Center - Kentucky Morgan County Center - Kentucky Rowan County Center - Kentucky Wolfe County Center - Kentucky Daviess County Center - Owensboro - Kentucky Hancock County Center - Kentucky Adair County Center - Kentucky Henderson County Center - Kentucky Casey County Center - Kentucky McLean County Center - Kentucky Clinton County Center - Kentucky Ohio County Center - Kentucky Cumberland County Center - Kentucky Union County Center - Kentucky Green County Center - Kentucky Webster County Center - Kentucky Knott County Center - Kentucky McCreary County Center - Kentucky Lee County Health Center - Kentucky Pulaski County Center - Kentucky Leslie County Center - Kentucky Russell County Center - Kentucky Letcher County Center - Kentucky Taylor County Center - Kentucky Owsley County Center - Kentucky Wayne County Center - Kentucky Perry County Health Center - Kentucky Breckinridge County Home Health - Kentucky Grayson County Center - Kentucky Hardin County Center - Kentucky Larue County Center - Kentucky Marion County Center - Kentucky Meade County Health Department - Kentucky Nelson County Center - Kentucky Washington County Center - Kentucky Ballard County Center - Kentucky Carter County Center - Kentucky Calloway County Center - Kentucky Elliott County Center - Kentucky Carlisle County Center - Kentucky Henry County Center - Kentucky Shelby County Center - Kentucky Fulton County Center - West - Kentucky Spencer County Center - Kentucky Graves County Health Department - Kentucky Trimble County Center - Kentucky Hickman County Center - Kentucky Caldwell County Health Department - Kentucky Paducah - McCracken County Center - Kentucky Crittenden County Health Department - Kentucky Carroll County Center - Kentucky Livingston County Health Department - Kentucky Gallatin County Center - Kentucky Lyon County Health Department - Kentucky Owen County Center - Kentucky Trigg County Health Department - Kentucky Pendleton County Center - Kentucky Harrison County Center - Kentucky Nicholas County Center - Kentucky Scott County Center - Kentucky Acadia Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Allen Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Ascension Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Assumption Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Avoyelles Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Region 2 (Capitol Regional Office) - Louisiana Beauregard Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Region 6 (Central Regional Office) - Louisiana Bienville Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Region 9 (Southeast Regional Office) - Louisiana Bossier Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Region 1 (Metro Regional Office) - Louisiana Caddo Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Region 8 (Northeast Regional Office) - Louisiana Calcasieu Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Region 7 (Northwest Regional Office) - Louisiana Caldwell Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Region 5 (Southwest Regional Office) - Louisiana Cameron Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Desoto Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Catahoula Parish Health Unit - Louisiana East Baton Rouge Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Claiborne Parish Health Unit - Louisiana East Carroll Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Concordia Parish Health Unit - Louisiana East Feliciana Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Region 4 (Acadian Regional Office) - Louisiana Evangeline Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Franklin Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Grant Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Iberia Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Iberville Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Jackson Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Jefferson Davis Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Red River Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Lafayette Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Region 3 (Office of Public Health) - Louisiana Richland Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Lasalle Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Sabine Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Lincoln Parish Health Unit - Louisiana St. Bernard Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Livingston Parish Health Unit - Louisiana St. Charles Parish Community Health Center - Louisiana Madison Parish Health Unit - Louisiana St. Helena Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Natchitoches Parish Health Unit - Louisiana St. James Parish Health Unit - Louisiana City of New Orleans Department of Health - Louisiana St. John Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Ouachita Parish Health Unit - Louisiana St. Landry Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Plaquemines Parish Health Department - Louisiana St. Martin Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Pointe Coupee Parish Health Unit - Louisiana St. Mary Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Rapides Parish Health Unit - Louisiana St. Tammany Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Tangipahoa Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Tensas Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Terrebonne Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Union Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Vermilion Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Vernon Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Alford Board of Health - Massachusetts Washington Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Amesbury Health Department - Massachusetts Webster Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Amherst Health Department - Massachusetts West Baton Rouge Parish Health Unit - Louisiana West Carroll Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Andover Health Department - Massachusetts West Feliciana Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Arlington Board of Health - Massachusetts Winn Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Athol Board of Health - Massachusetts Jefferson Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Attleboro Health Department - Massachusetts Lafourche Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Auburn Health Department - Massachusetts Morehouse Parish Health Unit - Louisiana Avon Board of Health - Massachusetts Abington Board of Health - Massachusetts Barnstable County Health/Environmental Department - Massachusetts Acton Health Department - Massachusetts Barnstable Town Health Department - Massachusetts Agawam Health Department - Massachusetts Barre Board of Health/Health Department - Massachusetts Becket Board of Health - Massachusetts Bedford Board of Health - Massachusetts Bellingham Board of Health - Massachusetts Belmont Health Department - Massachusetts Berkley Health Department - Massachusetts Bernardston Health Department - Massachusetts Buckland Health Department - Massachusetts Billerica Health Department - Massachusetts Boston Public Health Commission - Massachusetts Burlington Board of Health - Massachusetts Bourne Health Department - Massachusetts Cambridge Public Health Department - Massachusetts Boxford Health Department - Massachusetts Canton Board of Health - Massachusetts Boylston Board of Health - Massachusetts Carlisle Health Department - Massachusetts Braintree Board of Health - Massachusetts Carver Health Department - Massachusetts Brewster Health Department - Massachusetts Charlemont Board of Health - Massachusetts Bridgewater Board of Health - Massachusetts Charlton Board of Health - Massachusetts Brimfield Health Department - Massachusetts Chatham Board of Health - Massachusetts Chelmsford Board of Health - Massachusetts Brockton Health Department - Massachusetts Chelsea Department of Health and Human Services - Massachusetts Brookfield Health Department - Massachusetts Cheshire Board of Health - Massachusetts Brookline Department of Public Health - Massachusetts Chester Health Department - Massachusetts Chicopee Health Department - Massachusetts Chilmark Board of Health - Massachusetts Everett Board of Health - Massachusetts Newburyport Health Department - Massachusetts Dover Board of Health - Massachusetts Holden Board of Health - Massachusetts Cohasset Board of Health - Massachusetts Dracut Health Department - Massachusetts Colrain Board of Health - Massachusetts Dudley Board of Health - Massachusetts Concord Board of Health - Massachusetts Duxbury Board of Health - Massachusetts Cummington Health Department - Massachusetts East Bridgewater Board of Health - Massachusetts Dalton Health Department - Massachusetts East Brookfield Health Department - Massachusetts Danvers Board of Health - Massachusetts East Longmeadow Health Department - Massachusetts Dartmouth Board of Health - Massachusetts Eastern Franklin County Health District - Massachusetts Dedham Board of Health - Massachusetts Eastham Board of Health - Massachusetts Deerfield Health Department - Massachusetts Easthampton Health Department - Massachusetts Town of Dennis - Massachusetts Easton Board of Health - Massachusetts Dighton Health Department - Massachusetts Edgartown Board of Health - Massachusetts Douglas Board of Health - Massachusetts Egremont Health Department - Massachusetts Essex Board of Health - Massachusetts Fairhaven Board of Health - Massachusetts Fall River Health Department - Massachusetts Falmouth Health Department - Massachusetts Fitchburg Health Department - Massachusetts Florida Health Department - Massachusetts Granby Board of Health - Massachusetts Foothills Health District - Massachusetts Foxborough Health Department - Massachusetts Granville Health Department - Massachusetts Framingham Health Department - Massachusetts Great Barrington Health Department - Massachusetts Freetown Health Department - Massachusetts Greenfield Health Department - Massachusetts Gardner Health Department/Board of Health - Massachusetts Groveland Health Department - Massachusetts Aquinnah Board of Health - Massachusetts Hadley Board of Health - Massachusetts Georgetown Board of Health - Massachusetts Halifax Board of Health - Massachusetts Gill Board of Health - Massachusetts Gloucester Health Department - Massachusetts Hamilton Health Department - Massachusetts Gosnold Health Department - Massachusetts Hampden Health Department - Massachusetts Grafton Health Department - Massachusetts Hancock Health Department - Massachusetts Hanover Board of Health - Massachusetts Hanson Health Department/Board of Health - Massachusetts Hardwick Board of Health - Massachusetts Harwich Health Department - Massachusetts Hatfield Health Department - Massachusetts Haverhill Health and Inspectional Services - Massachusetts Winchester Board of Health - Massachusetts Hawley Board of Health - Massachusetts Windsor Health Department - Massachusetts Heath Health Department - Massachusetts Winthrop Health Department - Massachusetts Hingham Health Department - Massachusetts Holyoke Health Department - Massachusetts Woburn Health Department - Massachusetts Hinsdale Board of Health - Massachusetts Hopedale Board of Health - Massachusetts Worthington Health Department - Massachusetts Hopkinton Health Department - Massachusetts Holbrook Board of Health - Massachusetts Hubbardston Health Department - Massachusetts Wrentham Board of Health - Massachusetts Hudson Board of Health - Massachusetts Holland Board of Health - Massachusetts Hull Board of Health - Massachusetts Yarmouth Health Department - Massachusetts Huntington Health Department - Massachusetts Holliston Board of Health - Massachusetts Ipswich Board of Health - Massachusetts Kingston Health Department - Massachusetts Lakeville Board of Health - Massachusetts Lanesborough Health Department - Massachusetts Lawrence Health Department - Massachusetts Leicester Health Department - Massachusetts Leominster Health Department - Massachusetts Lexington Board of Health - Massachusetts Lincoln Health Department - Massachusetts Longmeadow Board of Health - Massachusetts City of Lowell Health Department - Massachusetts Ludlow Board of Health - Massachusetts Lynn Health Department - Massachusetts Lynnfield Board of Health - Massachusetts Malden Board of Health - Massachusetts Manchester-by-the-Sea Board of Health - Massachusetts Medfield Board of Health - Massachusetts Mansfield Board of Health - Massachusetts Marblehead Health Department - Massachusetts Medford Department of Public Health - Massachusetts Marlborough Health Department - Massachusetts Medway Board of Health - Massachusetts Marshfield Health Department - Massachusetts Melrose Health Department - Massachusetts Mashpee Health Department - Massachusetts Mendon Board of Health - Massachusetts Mattapoisett Health Department - Massachusetts Merrimac Board of Health - Massachusetts Maynard Board of Health - Massachusetts Methuen Health Department - Massachusetts Middleborough Health Department - Massachusetts Middlefield Health Department - Massachusetts Middleton Board of Health - Massachusetts Milford Board of Health - Massachusetts Millbury Health Department - Massachusetts Millis Board of Health - Massachusetts Millville Board of Health - Massachusetts Milton Health Department - Massachusetts Monroe Board of Health - Massachusetts Monson Board of Health - Massachusetts Monterey Board of Health - Massachusetts Montgomery Health Department - Massachusetts Mount Washington Health Department - Massachusetts Nahant Board of Health - Massachusetts Nantucket Health Department - Massachusetts Nashoba Associated Boards of Health - Massachusetts Natick Board of Health - Massachusetts Needham Health Department - Massachusetts Newton Health Department - Massachusetts New Ashford Health Department - Massachusetts New Bedford Health Department - Massachusetts Norfolk Health Department - Massachusetts New Braintree Health Department - Massachusetts North Adams Health Department - Massachusetts New Marlborough Board of Health - Massachusetts North Andover Board of Health - Massachusetts Newbury Board of Health - Massachusetts North Attleboro Health Department - Massachusetts North Brookfield Health Department - Massachusetts North Reading Board of Health - Massachusetts Northborough Health Department - Massachusetts Northbridge Health Department - Massachusetts Northampton Board of Health - Massachusetts Norton Health Department - Massachusetts Norwell Health Department - Massachusetts Norwood Board of Health - Massachusetts Orange Board of Health - Massachusetts Oak Bluffs Board of Health - Massachusetts Oakham Board of Health - Massachusetts Orleans Health Department - Massachusetts Otis Health Department - Massachusetts Oxford Board of Health - Massachusetts Palmer Health Department - Massachusetts Paxton Health Department - Massachusetts City of Peabody - Massachusetts Pembroke Board of Health - Massachusetts Pepperell Health Department - Massachusetts Peru Health Department - Massachusetts Plympton Board of Health - Massachusetts Petersham Health Department - Massachusetts Phillipston Board of Health - Massachusetts Princeton Health Department - Massachusetts Pittsfield Health Department - Massachusetts Provincetown Health Department - Massachusetts Plainville Health Department - Massachusetts Quabbin Health District - Massachusetts Plymouth Health Department - Massachusetts Quincy Health Department - Massachusetts Randolph Health Department - Massachusetts Raynham Health Department - Massachusetts Reading Health Department - Massachusetts Rehoboth Health Department - Massachusetts Revere Health Department - Massachusetts Richmond Health Department - Massachusetts Rockland Board of Health - Massachusetts Royalston Board Health Department - Massachusetts Rockport Health Department - Massachusetts Rowe Board of Health - Massachusetts Russell Health Department - Massachusetts Rowley Health Department - Massachusetts Rutland Board of Health - Massachusetts Salem Board of Health - Massachusetts Salisbury Health Department - Massachusetts Sandisfield Health Department - Massachusetts Sandwich Health Department - Massachusetts Saugus Health Department - Massachusetts Savoy Health Department - Massachusetts Scituate Health Department - Massachusetts Somerset Board of Health - Massachusetts Seekonk Health Department - Massachusetts Sharon Health Department - Massachusetts Somerville Health Department - Massachusetts Sheffield Health Department - Massachusetts South Hadley Health Department - Massachusetts Sherborn Health Department - Massachusetts Southborough Health Department - Massachusetts Shrewsbury Health Department - Massachusetts Southbridge Health Department - Massachusetts Southampton Health Department - Massachusetts Southwick Board of Health - Massachusetts Spencer Board of Health - Massachusetts Springfield Department of Health and Human Services - Massachusetts Sterling Board of Health - Massachusetts Stoughton Health Department and Visiting Nurses Association - Massachusetts Stow Health Department - Massachusetts Sturbridge Board of Health - Massachusetts Sudbury Health Department - Massachusetts Sunderland Board of Health - Massachusetts Sutton Health Department - Massachusetts Swampscott Health Department - Massachusetts Swansea Board of Health - Massachusetts Taunton Board of Health - Massachusetts Templeton Health Department - Massachusetts Tewksbury Board of Health - Massachusetts Tisbury Board of Health - Massachusetts Tolland Health Department - Massachusetts Topsfield Board of Health - Massachusetts Tri-Town Health District - Massachusetts Truro Health Department - Massachusetts Tyngsborough Board of Health - Massachusetts Tyringham Board of Health - Massachusetts Upton Health Department - Massachusetts Uxbridge Health Department - Massachusetts Wakefield Health Department - Massachusetts Walpole Health Department - Massachusetts Waltham Department of Health - Massachusetts Wareham Health Department - Massachusetts Warren Health Department - Massachusetts Warwick Board of Health - Massachusetts Washington Health Department - Massachusetts Watertown Health Department - Massachusetts Wayland Health Department - Massachusetts Webster Health Department - Massachusetts Weston Health Department - Massachusetts Wellfleet Health Department - Massachusetts Wendell Health Department - Massachusetts West Boylston Board of Health - Massachusetts West Bridgewater Health Department - Massachusetts West Brookfield Health Department - Massachusetts West Newbury Board of Health - Massachusetts West Springfield Health Department - Massachusetts West Stockbridge Board of Health - Massachusetts West Tisbury Board of Health - Massachusetts Westborough Health Department - Massachusetts Westfield Health Department - Massachusetts Westford Board of Health - Massachusetts Westhampton Health Department - Massachusetts Westminster Board of Health - Massachusetts Westport Health Department - Massachusetts Westwood Board of Health/Health Department - Massachusetts Weymouth Health Department - Massachusetts Whitman Health Department - Massachusetts Wilbraham Board of Health - Massachusetts Williamstown Board of Health - Massachusetts Wilmington Board of Health - Massachusetts Winchendon Health Department - Massachusetts Worcester Department of Health - Massachusetts Leyden Board of Health - Massachusetts Montague Health Department - Massachusetts Wellesley Health Department - Massachusetts Adams Board of Health - Massachusetts Blandford Board of Health - Massachusetts Clinton Board of Health - Massachusetts Conway Board of Health - Massachusetts Franklin Board of Health - Massachusetts New Salem Health Department - Massachusetts Plainfield Board of Health - Massachusetts Shelburne Board of Health - Massachusetts Franklin Regional Council of Governments - Massachusetts Acushnet Health Department - Massachusetts City of Beverly Health Department - Massachusetts County of Dukes County - Massachusetts Ashland Board of Health - Massachusetts Blackstone Board of Health - Massachusetts Lancaster Board of Health - Massachusetts Chesterfield Board of Health - Massachusetts Marion Township Health Department - Massachusetts Townsend Board of Health - Massachusetts Wenham Health Department - Massachusetts Dunstable Board of Health - Massachusetts Groton Township Board of Health - Massachusetts Harvard Township Board of Health - Massachusetts Littleton Township Board of Health - Massachusetts Rochester Township Board of Health - Massachusetts Shirley Township Board of Health - Massachusetts Ashburn Board of Health - Massachusetts Ashby Board of Health - Massachusetts Ayer Board of Health - Massachusetts Berlin Board of Health - Massachusetts Bolton Board of Health - Massachusetts Boxborough Board of Health - Massachusetts Erving Board of Health - Massachusetts Lenox Board of Health - Massachusetts Leverett Town Board of Health - Massachusetts Lunenburg Board of Health - Massachusetts Northfield Board of Health - Massachusetts Pelham Board of Health - Massachusetts Shutesbury Board of Health - Massachusetts Stockbridge Board of Health - Massachusetts Ware Board of Health - Massachusetts Allegany County Health Department - Maryland Anne Arundel County Department of Health - Maryland Baltimore City Health Department - Maryland Baltimore County Department of Health - Maryland Calvert County Health Department - Maryland Caroline County Health Department - Maryland Carroll County Health Department - Maryland Cecil County Health Department - Maryland Charles County Health Department - Maryland Dorchester County Health Department - Maryland Frederick County Health Department - Maryland Garrett County Health Department - Maryland Harford County Health Department - Maryland Howard County Health Department - Maryland Kent County Health Department - Maryland Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services - Maryland Prince George's County Health Department - Maryland Queen Anne's County Health Department - Maryland Somerset County Health Department - Maryland St. Mary's County Health Department - Maryland Talbot County Health Department - Maryland Washington County Health Department - Maryland Wicomico County Health Department - Maryland Worcester County Health Department - Maryland Maine DHS/Augusta - Maine Bangor City Health Department - Maine Maine DHS/Bangor - Maine Downeast District PublicHealth - Maine City of Portland Public Health Division - Maine Maine DHS/Rockland - Maine Maine DHS/Biddeford - Maine Maine DHS/Calais - Maine Maine DHS/Ellsworth - Maine Maine DHS/Farmington - Maine Maine DHS/Fort Kent - Maine Maine DHS/Portland - Maine Maine DHS/Sanford - Maine Maine DHS/Skowhegan - Maine Maine DHS/Caribou - Maine Maine DHS/South Paris - Maine Aroostook Band of MICMAC - Maine Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians of Maine - Maine Passamaquoddy Indian Township of Maine Health Center - Maine Passamaquoddy Pleasant Point - Maine Penobscot Indian Health - Maine Maine DHS/Dover Foxcroft - Maine Maine DHS/Lewiston - Maine Town of Lubec - Maine Penquis District Public Health Unit - Maine Allegan County Health Department - Michigan Barry-Eaton District Health Department - Michigan Bay County Health Department - Michigan Benzie-Leelanau District Health Department - Michigan Berrien County Health Department - Michigan Branch-Hillsdale-St. Joseph Community Health Agency - Michigan Calhoun County Health Department - Michigan Huron County Health Department - Michigan Central Michigan District Health Department - Michigan Chippewa County Health Department - Michigan Public Health Delta-Menominee Counties - Michigan Detroit Health Department - Michigan Dickinson-Iron District Health Department - Michigan Health Department of Northwest Michigan - Michigan District Health Department 4 - Michigan District Health Department 10 - Michigan District Health Department #2 - Michigan Genesee County Health Department - Michigan Grand Traverse County Health Department - Michigan Ingham County Health Department - Michigan Ionia County Health Department - Michigan Jackson County Health Department - Michigan Kalamazoo County Health and Community Services - Michigan Kent County Health Department - Michigan LMAS District Health Department - Michigan Lapeer County Health Department - Michigan Lenawee County Health Department - Michigan Livingston County Department of Public Health - Michigan Macomb County Health Department - Michigan Marquette County Health Department - Michigan Mid-Michigan District Health Department - Michigan Midland County Department of Public Health - Michigan Monroe County Health Department - Michigan Public Health Muskegon County - Michigan Oakland County Health Division - Michigan Ottawa County Health Department - Michigan Saginaw County Department of Public Health - Michigan Sanilac County Health Department - Michigan Shiawassee County Health Department - Michigan St. Clair County Health Department - Michigan Tuscola County Health Department - Michigan Van Buren/Cass District Health Department - Michigan Washtenaw County Public Health Department - Michigan Wayne County Health Department - Michigan Western U.P. District Health Department - Michigan Dearborn Health Department - Michigan Bay Mills Indian Community - Michigan Keweenaw Bay Indian Community/Environmental Services - Michigan Sault Ste. Marie Health and Human Services - Michigan Aitkin-Itasca-Koochiching Community Health Board - Minnesota Wilkin County Public Health - Minnesota City of Bloomington Division of Public Health - Minnesota Blue Earth County Public Health Nursing Service - Minnesota Brown County Public Health - Minnesota Carver County Public Health - Minnesota Carlton County Public Health - Minnesota Chisago County Health and Human Service Departments - Minnesota Clay County Public Health Department - Minnesota St. Louis County Health Department - Minnesota Cottonwood-Jackson CHS - Minnesota Countryside Public Health - Minnesota Crow Wing County Health Services - Minnesota Dakota County Public Health Department - Minnesota Steele Community Health Services/Public Health Nursing - Minnesota Douglas County Public Health - Minnesota Edina Health Department - Minnesota Human Services of Faribault and Martin County - Minnesota Fillmore County Public Health - Minnesota Freeborn County Public Health - Minnesota Goodhue County Public Health Services - Minnesota Stevens-Traverse-Grant Public Health - Minnesota Hennepin County Human Services and Public Health - Minnesota Cook County Public Health - Minnesota Isanti County Public Health Services - Minnesota Kandiyohi County Public Health - Minnesota Lincoln-Lyon-Murray-Pipestone Public Services - Minnesota Meeker-McLeod-Sibley Community Health Services Board - Minnesota Mille Lacs County Public Health - Minnesota Minneapolis Department, Health and Family Support - Minnesota Becker County Human Services - Minnesota Mower County Public Health Nursing Service - Minnesota Dodge County Public Health - Minnesota Nobles-Rock Community Health Service - Minnesota Olmsted County Public Health Services - Minnesota Otter Tail County Public Health - Minnesota Houston County Public Health - Minnesota Polk County Public Health - Minnesota Washington County Department of Public Health and Environment - Minnesota Pope County Health Department - Minnesota Quin County Board of Health - Minnesota Watonwan County Community Health Services - Minnesota St. Paul-Ramsey County Public Health Department - Minnesota Winona Community Health Services Agency - Minnesota Redwood-Renville Public Health Services - Minnesota Wright County Human Services - Minnesota Rice County Community Health Service - Minnesota Norman/Mahnomen Public Health - Minnesota Scott County Public Health - Minnesota Sibley County Public Health - Minnesota Sherburne County HHS/Public Health Unit - Minnesota Kanabec County Public Health - Minnesota Le Sueur County Public Health Nursing Service - Minnesota Lake County Health Department - Minnesota Stearns County Public Health Division - Minnesota Carlton-Cook-Lake-St. Louis Community Health Board - Minnesota LakeWood Nursing Service - Minnesota Nicollet County Public Health Nursing Service - Minnesota Todd County Public Health - Minnesota Wabasha Community Health Service - Minnesota Red Lake Comprehensive Health Services - Minnesota Waseca County Public Health Services - Minnesota McLeod County Public Health Nursing Service - Minnesota Meeker County Public Health Department - Minnesota Kittson Memorial Home Healthcare - Minnesota Marshall County Public Health Nursing Service - Minnesota Roseau County Home Health Care/LifeCare Public Health - Minnesota Inter-County Public Health Nursing - Minnesota Redwood County Public Health Services - Minnesota Aitkin County Health and Human Services - Minnesota Benton County Human Services - Minnesota Pine County Public Health - Minnesota Itasca County Health and Human Services - Minnesota Beltrami County Public Health Nursing Service - Minnesota Koochiching County Community Health - Minnesota Clearwater County Nursing Service - Minnesota Brown-Nicollet Community Health Services - Minnesota St. Joseph's Area Health Services - Minnesota Morrison-Todd-Wadena Community Health Board - Minnesota Morrison County Public Health - Minnesota Adair County Health Department/Home Health Agency - Missouri Wadena County Public Health - Minnesota Andrew County Health Department - Missouri Cass County Health Services - Minnesota Atchison County Health Department - Missouri Audrain City-County Health Unit - Missouri Barry County Health Department - Missouri Barton County Health Department - Missouri Bates County Health Center - Missouri Benton County Health Department - Missouri Bollinger County Health Department - Missouri Butler County Health Department - Missouri Caldwell County Health Department - Missouri Callaway County Health Department - Missouri Camden County Health Department - Missouri Cape Girardeau County Public Health Center - Missouri Carroll County Health Department - Missouri Carter County Health Center - Missouri Crawford County Nursing Service/Health Department - Missouri Cass County Health Department - Missouri Chariton County Health Center - Missouri Dade County Health Department - Missouri Christian County Health Department - Missouri Dallas County Health Department - Missouri Clark County Health Department - Missouri Daviess County Health Department - Missouri Clay County Public Health Center - Missouri Dent County Health Center - Missouri Clinton County Health Department - Missouri Douglas County Health Department - Missouri Cole County Health Department - Missouri Dunklin County Health Department - Missouri Columbia/Boone County Health Department - Missouri Franklin County Department of Health - Missouri Cooper County Public Health Center - Missouri Gasconade County Health Department - Missouri Grundy County Health Department - Missouri Harrison County Health Department - Missouri Henry County Health Center - Missouri Hickory County Health Department - Missouri Holt County Health Department - Missouri Howard County Health Department - Missouri Independence City Health Department - Missouri Iron County Health Department - Missouri Jackson County Health Department - Missouri Jasper County Health Department - Missouri Jefferson County Health Department - Missouri Johnson County Community Health Services - Missouri Livingston County Health Center - Missouri Joplin City Health Department - Missouri Kansas City Health Department - Missouri Macon County Health Department - Missouri Knox County Health Department - Missouri Madison County Health Department - Missouri Laclede County Health Department - Missouri Marion County Health Department and Home Health Agency - Missouri Lafayette County Health Department - Missouri McDonald County Health Department - Missouri Mercer County Health Department - Missouri Lawrence County Health Department - Missouri Miller County Health Department - Missouri Lewis County Home Health Agency - Missouri Mississippi County Health Department - Missouri Lincoln County Health Department - Missouri Moniteau County Health Center - Missouri Linn County Health Center - Missouri Monroe County Health Department - Missouri Montgomery County Health Department - Missouri Morgan County Health Department - Missouri New Madrid County Health Department - Missouri Newton County Health Department - Missouri Nodaway County Health Department - Missouri Oregon County Health Department - Missouri Ozark County Health Center - Missouri Pemiscot County Health Department - Missouri Perry County Health Department - Missouri Pettis County Health Center - Missouri Phelps/Maries County Health Department - Missouri Ripley County Public Health Center - Missouri Pike County Nursing Service - Missouri Platte County Health Department - Missouri Saline County Health Department - Missouri Polk County Health Center - Missouri Schuyler County Health Department - Missouri Pulaski County Health Department - Missouri Scotland County Health Department - Missouri Putnam County Health Department - Missouri Shannon County Health Department - Missouri Ralls County Health Department and Home Health Agency - Missouri Shelby County Health Department - Missouri Randolph County Health Department - Missouri Springfield-Greene County Health Department - Missouri Ray County Health Department - Missouri St. Charles County Health Department - Missouri Reynolds County Health Center - Missouri Scott County Health Department - Missouri Ste. Genevieve County Health Department - Missouri St. Joseph-Buchanan County Health Department - Missouri St. Louis City Department of Health - Missouri St. Louis County Department of Health - Missouri Stoddard County Public Health Center - Missouri Stone County Health Department - Missouri Sullivan County Health Department - Missouri Taney County Health Department - Missouri Texas County Health Department - Missouri Tri-County Health Department - Missouri Vernon County Health Department - Missouri Washington County Health Department - Missouri Wayne County Health Center - Missouri Eastern District Health Office/Missouri Department of Health - Missouri St. Francois County Health Center - Missouri Webster County Health Unit - Missouri Northeastern District Health Office/Missouri Department of Health - Missouri Wright County Health Department - Missouri Northwestern District Health Office/Missouri Dept. of Health - Missouri Cedar County Health Department - Missouri Southeastern District Health Office/Missouri Dept. of Health - Missouri Southwestern District Health Office/Missouri Dept. of Health - Missouri Warren County Health Department - Missouri Howell County Health Department - Missouri St. Clair County Health Department - Missouri Cameron Area Health Office/Missouri Department of Health - Missouri Columbia Area Health Office - Missouri Cape Girardeau Area Health Office/Missouri Department of Health - Missouri Osage County Health Department - Missouri Adams County Health Department - Mississippi Alcorn County Health Department - Mississippi Amite County Health Department - Mississippi Benton County Health Department - Mississippi Bolivar County Health Department - Mississippi Calhoun County Health Department - Mississippi Carroll County Health Department - Mississippi Chickasaw County Health Department - Mississippi Choctaw County Health Department - Mississippi Claiborne County Health Department - Mississippi Clarke County Health Department - Mississippi Clay County Health Department - Mississippi Coahoma County Health Department - Mississippi Hancock County Health Department - Mississippi Public Health District 9 - Coastal/Plains / Mississippi Department of Health - Mississippi Copiah County Health Department - Mississippi Harrison County Health Department - Mississippi Covington County Health Department - Mississippi Public Health District 3 - Delta/Hills / Mississippi Department of Health - Mississippi DeSoto County Health Department - Mississippi Hinds County Health Department - Mississippi Forrest County Health Department - Mississippi Holmes County Health Department - Mississippi Franklin County Health Department - Mississippi Humphreys County Health Department - Mississippi George County Health Department - Mississippi Sharkey/Issaquena County Health Department - Mississippi Itawamba County Health Department - Mississippi Greene County Health Department - Mississippi Jackson County Health Department - Mississippi Grenada County Health Department - Mississippi Jasper County Health Department - Mississippi Jefferson Davis County Health Department - Mississippi Jefferson County Health Department - Mississippi Jones County Health Department - Mississippi Kemper County Health Department - Mississippi Lafayette County Health Department - Mississippi Lamar County Health Department - Mississippi Lawrence County Health Department - Mississippi Leake County Health Department - Mississippi Lee County Health Department - Mississippi Leflore County Health Department - Mississippi Oktibbeha County Health Department - Mississippi Lincoln County Health Department - Mississippi Lowndes County Health Department - Mississippi Panola County Health Department - Mississippi Madison County Health Department - Mississippi Pearl River County Health Department - Mississippi Marion County Health Department - Mississippi Perry County Health Department - Mississippi Marshall County Health Department - Mississippi Pike County Health Department - Mississippi Monroe County Health Department - Mississippi Pontotoc County Health Department - Mississippi Montgomery County Health Department - Mississippi Prentiss County Health Department - Mississippi Neshoba County Health Department - Mississippi Quitman County Health Department - Mississippi Newton County Health Department - Mississippi Rankin County Health Department - Mississippi Noxubee County Health Department - Mississippi Scott County Health Department - Mississippi Simpson County Health Department - Mississippi Smith County Health Department - Mississippi Stone County Health Department - Mississippi Sunflower County Health Department - Mississippi Tallahatchie County Health Department - Mississippi Tate County Health Department - Mississippi Tippah County Health Department - Mississippi Tishomingo County Health Department - Mississippi Tunica County Health Department - Mississippi Lauderdale County Health Department - Mississippi Union County Health Department - Mississippi Walthall County Health Department - Mississippi Public Health District 6 - East Central/Mississippi Department of Health - Mississippi Warren County Health Department - Mississippi Public Health District 2 - Northeast/Mississippi Department of Health - Mississippi Washington County Health Department - Mississippi Public Health District 1 - Northwest/Mississippi Department of Health - Mississippi Wayne County Health Department - Mississippi Public Health District 8 - Southeast/Mississippi Department of Health - Mississippi Webster County Health Department - Mississippi Wilkinson County Health Department - Mississippi Public Health District 7 - Southwest/Mississippi Department of Health - Mississippi Winston County Health Department - Mississippi Public Health District 4 - Tombigbee/Mississippi Department of Health - Mississippi Yalobusha County Health Department - Mississippi Public Health District 5 - West Central/Mississippi Department of Health - Mississippi Beaverhead County Public Health Department - Montana Yazoo County Health Department - Mississippi Big Horn County Health Department - Montana Attala County Health Department - Mississippi Blaine County Health Department - Montana Broadwater County Health Department - Montana Silver Bow-Butte City-County Health Department - Montana Carbon County Health Department - Montana Carter County Health Department - Montana Cascade City-County Health Department - Montana Chouteau County Health Department - Montana Custer County Health Department - Montana Daniels County - Montana Dawson County Health Department - Montana Deer Lodge County Health Department - Montana Lake County Health Department - Montana Fallon County Health Department - Montana Lewis and Clark City-County Health Department - Montana Central Montana Health District/Fergus County Health Department - Montana Liberty County Health Department - Montana Flathead City-County Health Department - Montana Lincoln County Health Department - Montana Gallatin City-County Health Department - Montana Madison County Health Department - Montana Garfield County Health Department - Montana McCone County Health Department - Montana Glacier County Health Department - Montana Meagher County Health Department - Montana Granite County Health Department - Montana Hill County Health Department - Montana Mineral County Health Department - Montana Missoula City-County Health Department - Montana Jefferson County Health Department - Montana Park County Health Department - Montana Phillips County Health Department - Montana Pondera County Health Department - Montana Powder River County Health Department - Montana Powell County Health Department - Montana Prairie County Health Department - Montana Ravalli County Public Health Nursing Department - Montana Richland County Health Department - Montana Roosevelt County Health Department - Montana Rosebud County Health Department - Montana Sanders County Health Department - Montana Sheridan County Health Department - Montana Crow Tribal Health Department - Montana Stillwater County Health Department - Columbus Clinic - Montana Sweet Grass County Health Department - Montana Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribal Health - Montana Teton County Health Department - Montana Fort Belknap Tribal Health Department - Montana Toole County Health Department - Montana Fort Peck Tribal Health - Montana Valley County Health Department - Montana Northern Cheyenne Tribal Health Department - Montana Wibaux County Health Department - Montana Rocky Boy Tribal Health Department - Montana RiverStone Health - Montana Alamance County Health Department - North Carolina Treasure County Health Department - Montana Alexander County Health Department - North Carolina Blackfeet Tribal Health Department - Montana Anson County Health Department - North Carolina Appalachian District Health Department - North Carolina Beaufort County Health Department - North Carolina Bladen County Health Department - North Carolina Brunswick County Health Department - North Carolina Buncombe County Health Department - North Carolina Burke County Health Department - North Carolina Public Health Authority of Cabarrus County - North Carolina Caldwell County Health Department - North Carolina Carteret County Health Department - North Carolina Catawba County Health Department - North Carolina Chatham County Public Health Department - North Carolina Cherokee County Health Department - North Carolina
Edgecombe County Health Department - North Carolina Clay County Health Department - North Carolina Cleveland County Health Department - North Carolina Forsyth County Department of Public Health - North Carolina Columbus County Health Department - North Carolina Franklin County Health Department - North Carolina Craven County Health Department - North Carolina Gaston County Health Department - North Carolina Cumberland County Health Department - North Carolina Dare County Health Department - North Carolina Davidson County Health Department - North Carolina Granville-Vance District Health Department - North Carolina Davie County Health Department - North Carolina Greene County Health Department - North Carolina Duplin County Health Department - North Carolina Guilford County Department of Public Health - North Carolina Durham County Health Department - North Carolina Halifax County Department of Health - North Carolina Harnett County Health Department - North Carolina Haywood County Health Department - North Carolina Henderson County Health Department - North Carolina Hertford Health Department - North Carolina Hoke County Health Center - North Carolina Hyde County Health Department - North Carolina Iredell County Health Department - North Carolina Jackson County Department of Public Health - North Carolina Johnston County Health Department - North Carolina Jones County Health Department - North Carolina Lee County Health Department - North Carolina Lenoir County Health Department - North Carolina Northampton County Health Department - North Carolina Lincoln County Health Department - North Carolina Macon County Public Health Center - North Carolina Onslow County Health Department - North Carolina Madison County Health Department - North Carolina Orange County Health Department - North Carolina Martin Tyrrell Washington District - North Carolina Pamlico County Health Department - North Carolina Mecklenburg County Health Department - North Carolina Pender County Health Department - North Carolina Montgomery County Health Department - North Carolina Person County Health Department - North Carolina Moore County Health Department - North Carolina Pitt County Public Health Center - North Carolina Nash County Health Department - North Carolina Randolph County Health Department - North Carolina New Hanover County Health Department - North Carolina Richmond County Health Department - North Carolina Robeson County Health Department - North Carolina Rockingham County Health Department - North Carolina Rowan County Health Department - North Carolina Rutherford-Polk-McDowell District - North Carolina Sampson County Health Department - North Carolina Scotland County Health Department - North Carolina Stanly County Health Department - North Carolina Stokes Family Health Center - North Carolina Surry County Health and Nutrition Center - North Carolina Toe River District - North Carolina Transylvania County Health Department - North Carolina Union County Health Department - North Carolina Bismarck-Burleigh Public Health - North Dakota Wake County Human Services - North Carolina Warren County Health Department - North Carolina Central Valley Health District - North Dakota Wayne County Health Department - North Carolina City-County Health District - North Dakota Wilson County Department of Pubic Health - North Carolina Custer District Health Unit - North Dakota Yadkin County Health Department - North Carolina Emmons County Public Health - North Dakota Caswell County Health Department - North Carolina Fargo/Cass Public Health - North Dakota Swain County Health Department - North Carolina First District Health Unit - North Dakota Graham County Health Department - North Carolina Foster County Community Health Department - North Dakota Albemarle Regional Health Services - North Carolina Grand Forks City County Public Health Department - North Dakota Kidder District Health Unit - North Dakota Lake Region District Health Unit - North Dakota McIntosh District Health Unit - North Dakota Nelson-Griggs District Health Unit - North Dakota Pembina County Health Department - North Dakota Ransom County Public Health - North Dakota Richland County Health Department - North Dakota Sargent County District Health Unit - North Dakota Southwestern District Health Unit - North Dakota Steele County Public Health - North Dakota Traill District Health Unit - North Dakota Upper Missouri District Health Unit - North Dakota Three Affiliated Tribes - Minne Tohe Health Center - North Dakota Walsh County Health Department - North Dakota Wells County District Health Unit - North Dakota Trenton Indian Service Area - Trenton Community Clinic - North Dakota Cavalier County Health District - North Dakota Turtle Mountain Chippewa - North Dakota Dickey County Health District - North Dakota Clay County Health Department - Nebraska Rolette County Public Health District - North Dakota Dakota County Health Department - Nebraska Towner County Public Health District - North Dakota Douglas County Health Department - Nebraska LaMoure County Public Health Department - North Dakota Central District Health Department - Nebraska Spirit Lake Tribal Health Program - North Dakota Elkhorn Logan Valley Health Department - Nebraska Standing Rock Tribal Health - North Dakota Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department - Nebraska Southeast District Health Department - Nebraska Four Corners Health Department - Nebraska Polk County Health Department - Nebraska Red Willow County Health Department - Nebraska Sandhills District Health Department - Nebraska Three Rivers District Health Department - Nebraska Scotts Bluff County Health Department - Nebraska South Heartland District Health Department - Nebraska East Central District Health Department - Nebraska Northeast Nebraska Public Health Department - Nebraska Loup Basin Public Health Department - Nebraska North Central District Health Department (NCDHD) - Nebraska Claremont Health Department - New Hampshire Panhandle Public Health District - Nebraska Public Health Solutions District Health Department - Nebraska Concord Health Department - New Hampshire Sarpy/Cass Department of Health and Wellness - Nebraska Derry Health Department - New Hampshire Southwest Nebraska Public Health Department - Nebraska Dover Health Department - New Hampshire Two Rivers Public Health Department - Nebraska Keene Health Department - New Hampshire West Central District Health Department - Nebraska Manchester Health Department - New Hampshire Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska Health Dept - Nebraska Merrimack Health Department - New Hampshire Amherst Health Department - New Hampshire Nashua Division of Public Health and Community Services - New Hampshire Berlin Health Department - New Hampshire Plaistow Health Department - New Hampshire Portsmouth Health Department - New Hampshire Salem Health Department - New Hampshire Somersworth Health Department - New Hampshire Lebanon Health Department - New Hampshire Acworth Health Department - New Hampshire Albany Health Department - New Hampshire Alexandria Health Department - New Hampshire Allenstown Health Department - New Hampshire Alstead Health Department - New Hampshire Alton Health Department - New Hampshire Andover Health Department - New Hampshire Bethlehem Health Department - New Hampshire Antrim Health Department - New Hampshire Ashland Health Department - New Hampshire Bow Health Department - New Hampshire Atkinson Health Department - New Hampshire Bradford Health Department - New Hampshire Auburn Health Department - New Hampshire Brentwood Health Department - New Hampshire Barnstead Health Department - New Hampshire Bridgewater Health Department - New Hampshire Barrington Health Department - New Hampshire Bristol Health Department - New Hampshire Bartlett Health Department - New Hampshire Brookfield Health Department - New Hampshire Belmont Health Department - New Hampshire Brookline Health Department - New Hampshire Bennington Health Department - New Hampshire Campton Health Department - New Hampshire Benton Health Department - New Hampshire Canaan Health Department - New Hampshire Candia Health Department - New Hampshire Canterbury Health Department - New Hampshire Carroll Health Department - New Hampshire Center Harbor Health Department - New Hampshire Charlestown Health Department - New Hampshire Chatham Health Department - New Hampshire Chester Health Department - New Hampshire Chesterfield Health Department - New Hampshire Chichester Health Department - New Hampshire Clarksville Health Department - New Hampshire Colebrook Health Department - New Hampshire Columbia Health Department - New Hampshire Dorchester Health Department - New Hampshire Conway Health Department - New Hampshire Cornish Health Department - New Hampshire Dublin Health Department - New Hampshire Croydon Health Department - New Hampshire Dummer Health Department - New Hampshire Dunbarton Health Department - New Hampshire Dalton Health Department - New Hampshire Durham Health Department - New Hampshire Danbury Health Department - New Hampshire East Kingston Health Department - New Hampshire Danville Health Department - New Hampshire Easton Health Department - New Hampshire Deerfield Health Department - New Hampshire Eaton Health Department - New Hampshire Deering Health Department - New Hampshire Effingham Health Department - New Hampshire Ellsworth Health Department - New Hampshire Enfield Health Department - New Hampshire Epping Health Department - New Hampshire Epsom Health Department - New Hampshire Errol Health Department - New Hampshire Exeter Health Department - New Hampshire Farmington Health Department - New Hampshire Fitzwilliam Health Department - New Hampshire Francestown Health Department - New Hampshire Franconia Health Department - New Hampshire Franklin Health Department - New Hampshire Freedom Health Department - New Hampshire Greenfield Health Department - New Hampshire Fremont Health Department - New Hampshire Greenland Health Department - New Hampshire Gilford Health Department - New Hampshire Greenville Health Department - New Hampshire Gilmanton Health Department - New Hampshire Groton Health Department - New Hampshire Gilsum Health Department - New Hampshire Hampstead Health Department - New Hampshire Goffstown Health Department - New Hampshire Hampton Health Department - New Hampshire Gorham Health Department - New Hampshire Hampton Falls - New Hampshire Goshen Health Department - New Hampshire Hancock Health Department - New Hampshire Grafton Health Department - New Hampshire Hanover Health Department - New Hampshire Grantham Health Department - New Hampshire Harrisville Health Department - New Hampshire Haverhill Health Department - New Hampshire Hebron Health Department - New Hampshire Henniker Health Department - New Hampshire Hill Health Department - New Hampshire Hillsborough Health Department - New Hampshire Hinsdale Health Department - New Hampshire Holderness Health Department - New Hampshire Hollis Health Department - New Hampshire Hooksett Health Department - New Hampshire Hopkinton Health Department - New Hampshire Lee Health Department - New Hampshire Hudson Health Department - New Hampshire Jackson Health Department - New Hampshire Lempster Health Department - New Hampshire Jaffrey Health Department - New Hampshire Lincoln Health Department - New Hampshire Jefferson Health Department - New Hampshire Lisbon Health Department - New Hampshire Kensington Health Department - New Hampshire Litchfield Health Department - New Hampshire Kingston Health Department - New Hampshire Littleton Health Department - New Hampshire Laconia Health Department - New Hampshire Londonderry Health Department - New Hampshire Lancaster Health Department - New Hampshire Loudon Health Department - New Hampshire Landaff Health Department - New Hampshire Lyman Health Department - New Hampshire Langdon Health Department - New Hampshire Lyme Health Department - New Hampshire Lyndeborough Health Department - New Hampshire Madbury Health Department - New Hampshire Madison Health Department - New Hampshire Marlborough Health Department - New Hampshire Marlow Health Department - New Hampshire Mason Health Department - New Hampshire Meredith Health Department - New Hampshire Middleton Health Department - New Hampshire Milan Health Department - New Hampshire Milford Health Department - New Hampshire Milton Health Department - New Hampshire New London Health Department - New Hampshire Monroe Health Department - New Hampshire Mont Vernon Health Department - New Hampshire Newbury Health Department - New Hampshire Moultonborough Health Department - New Hampshire Newfields Health Department - New Hampshire Nelson Health Department - New Hampshire Newington Health Department - New Hampshire New Boston Health Department - New Hampshire Newmarket Health Department - New Hampshire New Castle Health Department - New Hampshire Newport Health Department - New Hampshire New Durham Health Department - New Hampshire Newton Health Department - New Hampshire New Hampton Health Department - New Hampshire North Hampton Health Department - New Hampshire New Ipswich Health Department - New Hampshire Northfield Health Department - New Hampshire Northumberland Health Department - New Hampshire Northwood Health Department - New Hampshire Nottingham Health Department - New Hampshire Orange Health Department - New Hampshire Orford Health Department - New Hampshire Ossipee Health Department - New Hampshire Pelham Health Department - New Hampshire Pembroke Health Department - New Hampshire Peterborough Health Department - New Hampshire Piermont Health Department - New Hampshire Pittsburg Health Department - New Hampshire Pittsfield Health Department - New Hampshire Plainfield Health Department - New Hampshire Plymouth Health Department - New Hampshire Rye Health Department - New Hampshire Randolph Health Department - New Hampshire Raymond Health Department - New Hampshire Salisbury Health Department - New Hampshire Richmond Health Department - New Hampshire Sanbornton Health Department - New Hampshire Rindge Health Department - New Hampshire Sandown Health Department - New Hampshire Rollinsford Health Department - New Hampshire Sandwich Health Department - New Hampshire Roxbury Health Department - New Hampshire Seabrook Health Department - New Hampshire Rumney Health Department - New Hampshire Sharon Health Department - New Hampshire Shelburne Health Department - New Hampshire South Hampton Health Department - New Hampshire Springfield Health Department - New Hampshire Stark Health Department - New Hampshire Stewartstown Health Department - New Hampshire Stoddard Health Department - New Hampshire Strafford Health Department - New Hampshire Stratford Health Department - New Hampshire Stratham Health Department - New Hampshire Sugar Hill Health Department - New Hampshire Sullivan Health Department - New Hampshire Sunapee Health Department - New Hampshire Surry Health Department - New Hampshire Sutton Health Department - New Hampshire Swanzey Health Department - New Hampshire Tamworth Health Department - New Hampshire Walpole Health Department - New Hampshire Temple Health Department - New Hampshire Thornton Health Department - New Hampshire Warner Health Department - New Hampshire Tilton Health Department - New Hampshire Warren Health Department - New Hampshire Troy Health Department - New Hampshire Washington Health Department - New Hampshire Tuftonboro Health Department - New Hampshire Waterville Valley Health Department - New Hampshire Unity Health Department - New Hampshire Weare Health Department - New Hampshire Wakefield Health Department - New Hampshire Webster Health Department - New Hampshire Wentworth Health Department - New Hampshire Westmoreland Health Department - New Hampshire Whitefield Health Department - New Hampshire Wilmot Health Department - New Hampshire Wilton Health Department - New Hampshire Winchester Health Department - New Hampshire Windham Health Department - New Hampshire Wolfeboro Health Department - New Hampshire Windsor Health Department - New Hampshire Woodstock Health Department - New Hampshire Bedford Health Department - New Hampshire Boscawen Health Department - New Hampshire Bath City Health Department - New Hampshire Mercer County Division of Public Health - New Jersey Atlantic County Division of Public Health - New Jersey Bayonne Health Department - New Jersey Burlington County Health Department - New Jersey Morris County Office of Health Management - New Jersey Bergen County Department of Health Services - New Jersey Camden County Department of Health and Human Services - New Jersey Bergenfield Health Department - New Jersey Cape May County Health Department - New Jersey Bernards Township Health Department - New Jersey Clifton Health Department - New Jersey Bloomfield Health Department - New Jersey Closter Boro Board of Health - New Jersey Branchburg Township Health Department - New Jersey Colts Neck Township Health Department - New Jersey Bridgewater Township Division of Health - New Jersey Cranford Board of Health - New Jersey South Orange Health Department - New Jersey Denville Township Health Department - New Jersey Dover Health Department - New Jersey Union County Office of Health Management - New Jersey East Hanover Township Health Department - New Jersey East Orange Health Department - New Jersey Borough of Roselle - New Jersey Elizabeth Department of Health and Human Services - New Jersey Edison Department of Health and Human Resources - New Jersey Elmwood Park Department of Health - New Jersey City of Englewood Department of Health - New Jersey Ewing Township Health Department - New Jersey Fair Lawn Health Department - New Jersey Essex County Health Department - New Jersey Fort Lee Department of Health - New Jersey Freehold Township Health Department - New Jersey Gloucester County Department of Health - New Jersey Hopatcong Board of Health - New Jersey Hackensack Department of Health - New Jersey Hamilton Township Department of Health - New Jersey Hanover Township Health Department - New Jersey Hunterdon County Health Department - New Jersey Harrison Health Department - New Jersey Irvington Health Department - New Jersey Hillsborough Township Board of Health - New Jersey Jefferson Township Health Department - New Jersey Hoboken Health Department - New Jersey Jersey City Division of Health - New Jersey Kearny Health Department - New Jersey Lincoln Park Health Department - New Jersey Linden Board of Health - New Jersey Livingston Health Department - New Jersey Long Beach Island Health Department - New Jersey Long Branch Department of Health - New Jersey Madison Boro Board of Health - New Jersey Manalapan Township Board of Health - New Jersey Middle-Brook Regional Health Commission - New Jersey Township of Maplewood Health Department - New Jersey Mid-Bergen Regional Health Commission - New Jersey Middlesex County Public Health Department - New Jersey Middletown Township Health Department - New Jersey Monmouth County Regional Health Commission #1 - New Jersey Montclair Department of Health and Human Services - New Jersey Montgomery Township Health Department - New Jersey Montville Township Health Department - New Jersey Morristown Division of Health - New Jersey Mount Olive Township Health Department - New Jersey City of Passaic Health Department - New Jersey North West Bergen Regional Health Commission - New Jersey City of Newark Department of Child & Family Well-Being - New Jersey Passaic County Health Department - New Jersey Ocean County Board of Health - New Jersey Paterson Division of Health - New Jersey Palisades Park Health Department - New Jersey Lawrence Township Health Department - New Jersey Paramus Board of Health - New Jersey Pequannock Township Board of Health - New Jersey Parsippany Health Department - New Jersey Princeton Regional Health Commission - New Jersey Rahway Health Department - New Jersey Randolph Township Board of Health - New Jersey Ringwood Health Department - New Jersey Rockaway Township Health Department - New Jersey Roxbury Township Health Department - New Jersey Cumberland/Salem County Department of Health - New Jersey South Brunswick Township Health Department - New Jersey City of Trenton Department of Health - New Jersey Sussex County Department of Environmental and Public Health - New Jersey Teaneck Department of Health and Human Services - New Jersey Township of Union Department of Health - New Jersey Vineland Department of Health - New Jersey Warren County Health Department - New Jersey Township of Washington Local Health Agency - New Jersey West Caldwell Health Department - New Jersey West Milford Health Department - New Jersey West Orange Health Department - New Jersey Westfield Regional Health Department - New Jersey Woodbridge Township Department of Health and Human Services - New Jersey Somerset County Health Department - New Jersey Hopewell Township Health Department - New Jersey Atlantic City Health Department - New Jersey North Bergen Health Department - New Jersey Clark Health Department - New Jersey Plainfield Health Department - New Jersey West New York Health Department - New Jersey Washington Township Health Department - New Jersey Monmouth County Health Department - New Jersey West Windsor Health Department - New Jersey Hudson Regional Health Commission - New Jersey Essex Regional Health Commission - New Jersey Westwood Board of Health - New Jersey Wayne Health Department - New Jersey City of Orange Township - New Jersey Catron County Public Health Office - New Mexico Chaves County - Dexter Public Health Office - New Mexico Chaves County - Roswell Health Office - New Mexico Cibola County Public Health Office - New Mexico Colfax County Public Health Office - New Mexico Curry County Public Health Office - New Mexico De Baca County Public Health Office - New Mexico Dona Ana County - Anthony Public Health Office - New Mexico Dona Ana County - Chaparral Public Health Office - New Mexico Dona Ana County - Las Cruces Central Public Health Office - New Mexico Eddy County Public Health Office - New Mexico Eddy County - Carlsbad Public Health Office - New Mexico Grant County Public Health Office - New Mexico Guadalupe County Public Health Office - New Mexico Harding County Public Health Office - New Mexico Hidalgo County Public Health Office - New Mexico Lea County - Hobbs Public Health Office - New Mexico Lea County - Lovington Public Health Office - New Mexico Lincoln County Health Office - New Mexico Los Alamos County Public Health Office - New Mexico Luna County Public Health Office - New Mexico Mora County Public Health Office - New Mexico Otero County Public Health Office - New Mexico Rio Arriba North Public Health Office - New Mexico Roosevelt County Public Health Office - New Mexico San Juan County Public Health Office - New Mexico San Miguel County Public Health Office - New Mexico Sandoval County - Cuba Public Health Office - New Mexico Sandoval Commons Public Health Office - New Mexico Santa Fe County Health Office - New Mexico Sierra County Public Health Office - New Mexico Socorro County Health Office - New Mexico Taos County Public Health Office - New Mexico Torrance County Public Health Office - New Mexico Union County Public Health Office - New Mexico Valencia County - Belen Public Health Office - New Mexico Valencia County - Los Lunas Public Health Office - New Mexico Bernalillo County - Southeast Public Health Office - New Mexico Albuquerque City Environmental Health Department - New Mexico Bernalillo County Environmental Health Department - New Mexico McKinley County Public Health Office - New Mexico San Juan County - Bloomfield Public Health Office - New Mexico Pueblo of Jemez - New Mexico Bernalillo County - Northeast Heights Public Health Office - New Mexico Bernalillo County - North Valley Public Health Office - New Mexico Bernalillo County - Southwest Public Health Office - New Mexico Bernalillo County - Stanford Public Health Office - New Mexico Dona Ana County - Dona Ana Village Public Health Office - New Mexico Dona Ana County - East Mesa Public Health Office - New Mexico Dona Ana County - Hatch Public Health Office - New Mexico Dona Ana County - Las Cruces West Public Health Office - New Mexico Dona Ana County - Sunland Park Public Health Office - New Mexico McKinley County - Crown Point Healthcare Facility - New Mexico Otero County - Holloman Public Health Office - New Mexico Otero County - Tularosa Public Health Office - New Mexico Rio Arriba South Public Health Office - New Mexico Torrance County - Moriarty Public Health Office - New Mexico New Mexico Department of Health, Northern Region - New Mexico New Mexico Department of Health, Southern Region - New Mexico Tri-County Partnership of Chaves, Curry and Roosevelt Counties - New Mexico Southern Nevada Health District - Nevada Washoe County District Health Department - Nevada Fallon Paiute Shoshone Tribal Health Station - Nevada Las Vegas Paiute Tribe Health and Human Services - Nevada Carson City Health and Human Services - Nevada State of Nevada Department of Health & Human Services, State Health Division - Nevada Churchill County Health Center - Nevada Douglas County Clinic - Nevada Elko County Clinic - Nevada Humboldt County Clinic - Nevada Lander County Clinic - Nevada Lincoln County Clinic - Nevada Lyon County Clinic - Nevada Mineral County Public Health Nurses Office - Nevada Nye County Clinic - Nevada Nye and Esmeralda Counties Clinic - Nevada Pershing County Clinic - Nevada White Pine County Clinic - Nevada Lyon County/Dayton Clinic - Nevada Lyon County/Yerington Clinic - Nevada Reno Sparks Tribal Health Center - Nevada Yerington Paiute Tribal Clinic - Nevada Albany County Department of Health - New York Allegany County Health Department - New York Broome County Health Department - New York Cattaraugus County Health Department - New York Cayuga County Department of Health and Human Services - New York Chautauqua County Health Department - New York Chemung County Health Department - New York Chenango County Public Health - New York Clinton County Department of Public Health - New York Columbia County Department of Health - New York Cortland County Health Department - New York Delaware County Public Health - New York Dutchess County Department of Health - New York Erie County Department of Health - New York Essex County Public Health Department - New York Franklin County Public Health Services - New York Fulton County Public Health Department - New York Genesee County Health Department - New York Greene County Public Health Nursing Service - New York Hamilton County Public Health Nursing Service - New York Herkimer County Public Health Nursing Service - New York Jefferson County Public Health Service - New York Lewis County Public Health Agency - New York Livingston County Department of Health - New York Madison County Health Department - New York Monroe County Department of Public Health - New York Montgomery County Public Health - New York Nassau County Department of Health - New York New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene - New York Niagara County Health Department - New York Oneida County Health Department - New York Onondaga County Health Department - New York Ontario County Public Health - New York Orleans County Health Department - New York Otsego County Department of Health - New York Oswego County Health Department - New York Putnam County Health Department - New York Rensselaer County Health Department - New York Rockland County Department of Health - New York Saratoga County Public Health Nursing Services - New York Schenectady County Public Health Services - New York Schoharie County Health Department - New York Schuyler County Public Health - New York Seneca County Health Department - New York St. Lawrence County Health Department - New York Steuben County Public Health and Nursing Services - New York Suffolk County Department of Health Services - New York Sullivan County Public Health Services - New York Tioga County Health Department - New York Tompkins County Health Department - New York Ulster County Health Department - New York Warren County Health Services - New York Washington County Public Health Department - New York Wayne County Public Health Service - New York Westchester County Health Department - New York Wyoming County Health Department - New York Yates County Public Health Department - New York Orange County Department of Health - New York Seneca Nation of Indians (New York) Health Department - New York Adams County Health District - Ohio Akron City Health Department - Ohio Allen County Health Department - Ohio Alliance City Health Department - Ohio Ashland County/City Health Department - Ohio Ashtabula County Health District - Ohio Ashtabula City Health District - Ohio Athens County Health Department - Ohio Auglaize County Health District - Ohio Barberton City Health District - Ohio Belmont County Health Department - Ohio Belpre City Health Department - Ohio Brown County Health Department - Ohio Butler County Health Department - Ohio Canton City Health District - Ohio Carroll County Health District - Ohio Champaign County Health District - Ohio Cincinnati Health Department - Ohio Shaker Heights City Health District - Ohio Clark County Combined Health District - Ohio Clermont County Health District - Ohio Cleveland City Department of Public Health - Ohio Clinton County Health District - Ohio Columbiana County Health District - Ohio Columbus Public Health - Ohio Conneaut City Health District - Ohio Coshocton City Health Department - Ohio Crawford County General Health District - Ohio Cuyahoga County Board of Health - Ohio Darke County Health District - Ohio Defiance County General Health District - Ohio Delaware General Health District - Ohio East Liverpool City Health District - Ohio East Palestine City Health District - Ohio Elyria City Health District - Ohio Erie County Health District - Ohio Fairfield County Health District - Ohio Fayette County Health Department - Ohio City of Findlay Health District - Ohio Franklin County Health District - Ohio Fulton County Health Department - Ohio City of Galion Health District - Ohio Gallia County Health District - Ohio Geauga County Health District - Ohio City of Girard Health District - Ohio Greene County Combined Health District - Ohio Cambridge-Guernsey County Health District - Ohio City of Hamilton Health Department - Ohio Hamilton County General Health District - Ohio Hancock County Health Department - Ohio Harrison County Health Department - Ohio Henry County Health Department - Ohio Highland County Health District - Ohio Holmes County Health District - Ohio Huron County General Health District - Ohio City of Ironton Health District - Ohio Jackson County Health Department - Ohio Jefferson County General Health District - Ohio Kent City Health District - Ohio Lorain City Health District - Ohio Kenton-Hardin County Health District - Ohio Knox County Health Department - Ohio Lorain County Health District - Ohio Lake County Health District - Ohio Toledo-Lucas County Health Department - Ohio Lawrence County Health District - Ohio Madison County-London City Health District - Ohio Licking County Health District - Ohio District Board of Health Mahoning County - Ohio Logan County Health District - Ohio Mansfield/Ontario/Richland County Health Department - Ohio Logan-Hocking County Health Department - Ohio City of Marietta Health District - Ohio Massillon City Health District - Ohio Medina County Health District - Ohio Meigs County Health Department - Ohio Mercer County-Celina City Health Department - Ohio Miami County Health District - Ohio Middletown City Health District - Ohio Monroe County Health Department - Ohio Morgan County Health District - Ohio Public Health-Dayton and Montgomery County - Ohio Morrow County Health Department - Ohio New Philadelphia City Health - Ohio Niles City Health District - Ohio Noble County Health Department - Ohio Oakwood City Health District - Ohio Ottawa County Health Department - Ohio Paulding County Health District - Ohio Perry County Health Department - Ohio Putnam County Health Department - Ohio Pickaway County Health District - Ohio Pike County Health District - Ohio Ravenna City Health District - Ohio Piqua City Health District - Ohio Ross County Health District - Ohio Portage County Health District - Ohio Scioto County Health District - Ohio Portsmouth City Health District - Ohio Seneca County Health District - Ohio Preble County Health District - Ohio Sharonville City Health District - Ohio Sidney-Shelby County Health Department - Ohio Springdale City Health District - Ohio St. Bernard City Health District - Ohio Stark County Combined General Health District - Ohio Steubenville City Health Department - Ohio Summit County Health District - Ohio Van Wert County Health District - Ohio Trumbull County Health Department - Ohio Tuscarawas County Health District - Ohio Vinton County Health District - Ohio Union County Health District - Ohio Warren County Combined Health District - Ohio Warren City Health District - Ohio Washington County Health Department - Ohio Wayne County Health District - Ohio Williams County Health District - Ohio Wood County Health District - Ohio Wyandot County Health District - Ohio Youngstown City Health District - Ohio Adair County Health Department - Oklahoma Zanesville-Muskingum County Health Department - Ohio Struthers City Health Department - Ohio Atoka County Health Department - Oklahoma Coshocton County Health Department - Ohio Beaver County Health Department - Oklahoma Marion Public Health Department - Ohio Beckham County Health Department - Oklahoma City of Salem Health Department - Ohio Blaine County Health Department - Oklahoma Bryan County Health Department - Oklahoma Canadian County Health Department - Oklahoma Carter County Health Department - Oklahoma Cherokee County Health Department - Oklahoma Choctaw County Health Department - Oklahoma Cleveland County Health Department - Oklahoma Coal County Health Department - Oklahoma Creek County Health Department - Oklahoma Comanche County Health Department - Oklahoma Cotton County Health Department - Oklahoma Custer County Health Department - Oklahoma Craig County Health Department - Oklahoma Delaware County Health Department - Oklahoma Garfield County Health Department - Oklahoma Garvin County Health Department - Oklahoma Grady County Health Department - Oklahoma Grant County Health Department - Oklahoma Greer County Health Department - Oklahoma Harmon County Health Department - Oklahoma Haskell County Health Department - Oklahoma Kingfisher County Health Department - Oklahoma Hughes County Health Department - Oklahoma Kiowa County Health Department - Oklahoma Jackson County Health Department - Oklahoma Latimer County Health Department - Oklahoma Jefferson County Health Department - Oklahoma LeFlore County Health Department - Oklahoma Johnston County Health Department - Oklahoma Lincoln County Health Department - Oklahoma Kay County Health Department - Oklahoma Logan County Health Department - Oklahoma Love County Health Department - Oklahoma Major County Health Department - Oklahoma Marshall County Health Department - Oklahoma Mayes County Health Department - Oklahoma McClain County Health Department - Oklahoma McCurtain County Health Department - Oklahoma McIntosh County Health Department - Oklahoma Murray County Health Department - Oklahoma Noble County Health Department - Oklahoma Muskogee County Health Department - Oklahoma Harper County Health Department - Oklahoma Okfuskee County Health Department - Oklahoma Oklahoma City-County Health Department - Oklahoma Okmulgee County Health Department - Oklahoma Ottawa County Health Department - Oklahoma Pawnee County Health Department - Oklahoma Payne County Health Department - Oklahoma Pittsburg County Health Department - Oklahoma Pontotoc County Health Department - Oklahoma Stephens County Health Department - Oklahoma Pottawatomie County Health Department - Oklahoma Texas County Health Department - Oklahoma Pushmataha County Health Department - Oklahoma Tillman County Health Department - Oklahoma Rogers County Health Department - Oklahoma Tulsa City-County Health Department - Oklahoma Seminole County Health Department - Oklahoma Wagoner County Health Department - Oklahoma Sequoyah County Health Department - Oklahoma Washington County Health Department - Oklahoma Woods County Health Department - Oklahoma Woodward County Health Department - Oklahoma Broken Bow-Choctaw Nation Health Center - Oklahoma Choctaw Nation Health Care Center - Oklahoma Hugo-Choctaw Nation Indian Health Clinic - Oklahoma McAlester-Choctaw Nation Indian Health Clinic - Oklahoma Benton County Health Department - Oregon Osage County Health Department - Oklahoma Cimarron County Health Department - Oklahoma Clackamas County Community Health Division - Oregon Baker County Health Department - Oregon Clatsop County Health and Human Services Department - Oregon Columbia Health District - Oregon Coos County Health Department - Oregon Crook County Health Department - Oregon Curry County Health Department - Oregon Deschutes County Health Department - Oregon Douglas County Health and Social Services - Oregon Grant County Health Office - Oregon Harney County Health Department - Oregon Lake County Public Health Department - Oregon Hood River County Health Department - Oregon Lane County Public Health Department - Oregon Jefferson County Health Department - Oregon Lincoln County Health and Human Services - Oregon Josephine County Public Health Department - Oregon Linn County Health Department - Oregon Klamath County Department of Public Health - Oregon Morrow County Health Department - Oregon Multnomah County Health Department - Oregon Polk County Public Health - Oregon Tillamook County Health Department - Oregon Umatilla County Public Health Department - Oregon Union County Health Department - Oregon Wallowa County Health Department - Oregon Washington County Department of Health and Human Services - Oregon Jackson County Health and Human Services - Oregon Wheeler County Health Department - Oregon Yamhill County HandH Serv-Public Health - Oregon Klamath Tribal Health and Family Services - Oregon Malheur County Health Department - Oregon North Central Public Health District - Oregon Allegheny County Health Department - Pennsylvania Allentown City Bureau of Health - Pennsylvania Bethlehem City Bureau of Health - Pennsylvania Bucks County Department of Health - Pennsylvania Chester County Health Department - Pennsylvania Cumberland County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Erie County Department of Health - Pennsylvania Forest County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Lancaster County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Lebanon County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Wilkes-Barre City Health Department - Pennsylvania Montgomery County Department of Health - Pennsylvania Northcentral District Office - Pennsylvania Northwest District Office - Pennsylvania Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Pennsylvania Southcentral District Office - Pennsylvania Southeast District Offiice - Pennsylvania Southwest District Office - Pennsylvania York City Bureau of Health - Pennsylvania Adams County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Armstrong County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Centre County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Beaver County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Bedford County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Blair County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Clarion County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Bradford County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Clearfield County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Cambria County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Clinton County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Carbon County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Columbia County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Crawford County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Dauphin County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Delaware County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Elk County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Fayette County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Franklin County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Fulton County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Jefferson County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Greene County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Huntingdon County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Juniata County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Indiana County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Lackawanna County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Lawrence County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Lehigh County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Luzerne County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Lycoming County State Health Center - Pennsylvania McKean County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Mercer County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Mifflin County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Monroe County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Perry County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Montour County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Pike County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Northampton County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Potter County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Northumberland County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Schuylkill County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Northeast District Office - Pennsylvania Snyder County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Somerset County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Susquehanna County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Tioga County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Union County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Venango County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Warren County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Washington County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Springfield Township - Pennsylvania Wayne County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Westmoreland County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Northampton County Board of Health - Pennsylvania Wyoming County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Berks County Community Health Project - Berks Visiting Nurse Association - Pennsylvania York County State Health Center - Pennsylvania Narragansett Indian Tribe - Rhode Island Region 1 - Public Health Regional Office - South Carolina Region 2 - Public Health Regional Office - South Carolina Region 5 - Public Health Regional Office - South Carolina Region 3 - Public Health Regional Office - South Carolina Region 8 - Public Health Regional Office - South Carolina Region 7 - Public Health Regional Office - South Carolina Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe Health Clinic - South Dakota Region 6 - Public Health Regional Office - South Carolina Region 4 - Public Health Regional Office - South Carolina Miner County - South Dakota Lake County Health Department - South Dakota Edmunds County Public Health Services - South Dakota Sioux Falls City Health Department - South Dakota Tripp County Public Health Services - South Dakota Hand County Public Health Services - South Dakota Meade County - South Dakota Harding County, Buffalo Regional Medical Clinic - South Dakota Perkins County - South Dakota Butte County - South Dakota Lawrence County - South Dakota Spink County - South Dakota Ziebach County - South Dakota Dewey County - South Dakota Beadle County - South Dakota Clay County - South Dakota Day County - South Dakota Brown County Community Health Center - South Dakota Marshall County - South Dakota Faulk County - South Dakota Kingsbury County - South Dakota Jerauld County - South Dakota Sanborn County - South Dakota Brule County - South Dakota Aurora County - South Dakota Davison County - South Dakota Hanson County - South Dakota Bon Homme County - South Dakota Douglas County Memorial Hospital - South Dakota Hutchinson County Public Health Services - South Dakota Turner County Public Health Services - South Dakota Gregory County - South Dakota Lyman County - South Dakota Charles Mix County - South Dakota Jones County - South Dakota Haakon County - South Dakota Stanley County - South Dakota Hughes County - South Dakota Potter County - South Dakota Roberts County - South Dakota Lincoln County - South Dakota Grant County - South Dakota Codington County - South Dakota Hamlin County - South Dakota McCook County - South Dakota McPherson County Public Health Services - South Dakota Deuel County Community Memorial Services - South Dakota Clark County - South Dakota Minnehaha County - South Dakota Brookings County - South Dakota Moody County Public Health Services - South Dakota Pennington County - South Dakota Jackson County - South Dakota Bennett County - South Dakota Shannon County Public Health Service Hospital - South Dakota Fall River County - South Dakota Custer County - South Dakota Buffalo County Office (Indian Health Service Clinic) - South Dakota Union County - South Dakota Walworth County Public Health Services - South Dakota Campbell County Clinic - South Dakota Yankton County - South Dakota Charles Mix County - Platte Clinic - South Dakota Sully County - Onida Clinic - South Dakota Corson County Clinic - South Dakota Lawrence County - Spearfish Community Health Clinic - South Dakota Meade County - Faith Community Health Services - South Dakota Mellette County Health Clinic - South Dakota Perkins County - Lemmon Community Health Services - South Dakota DBA Mission Medical Clinic - South Dakota South Dakota Region 6 - Mitchell - South Dakota South Dakota Region 4 - Watertown - South Dakota South Dakota Region 7 - Rapid City - South Dakota South Dakota Region 1 - Sturgis - South Dakota Region 2 Pierre - South Dakota Black Hills Center American Indian Health - South Dakota Region 3 Aberdeen - South Dakota Anderson County Health Department - Tennessee South Dakota Region 5 - Sioux Falls - South Dakota Bedford County Health Department - Tennessee Benton County Health Department - Tennessee Bledsoe County Health Department - Tennessee Blount County Health Department - Tennessee Bradley County Health Department - Tennessee Campbell County Health Department - Tennessee Cannon County Health Department - Tennessee Claiborne County Health Department - Tennessee Carroll County Health Department - Tennessee Carter County Health Department - Tennessee Clay County Health Department - Tennessee Chattanooga-Hamilton County Health Department - Tennessee Cocke County Health Department - Tennessee Cheatham County Health Department - Tennessee Coffee County Health Department - Tennessee Chester County Health Department - Tennessee Crockett County Health Center - Tennessee Cumberland County Health Department - Tennessee Metro Public Health Department - Tennessee Decatur County Health Department - Tennessee Dekalb County Health Department - Tennessee Dickson County Health Department - Tennessee Hawkins County Health Department / Church Hill Office - Tennessee Dyer County Health Department - Tennessee Franklin County Health Department - Tennessee East Region, Tennessee Department of Health - Tennessee Gibson County Health Department - Tennessee Fayette County Health Department - Tennessee Giles County Health Department - Tennessee Fentress County Health Department - Tennessee Grainger County Health Department - Tennessee Greene County Health Department - Tennessee Grundy County Health Department - Tennessee Hamblen County Health Department - Tennessee Hancock County Health Department - Tennessee Hardeman County Health Department - Tennessee Hardin County Health Department - Tennessee Hawkins County Health Department - Tennessee Haywood County Health Department - Tennessee Houston County Health Department - Tennessee Henderson County Health Department - Tennessee Humphreys County Health Department - Tennessee Henry County Health Department - Tennessee Jackson County Health Department - Tennessee Hickman County Health Department - Tennessee Jackson - Madison County Health Department - Tennessee Jefferson County Health Department - Tennessee Johnson County Health Department - Tennessee Knox County Health Department - Tennessee Lake County Health Department - Tennessee Lauderdale County Health Department - Tennessee Lawrence County Health Department - Tennessee Marshall County Health Department - Tennessee Lewis County Health District - Tennessee Maury County Health Department - Tennessee Lincoln County Health Department - Tennessee McMinn County Health Department - Tennessee Loudon County Health Department - Tennessee McNairy County Health Department - Tennessee Macon County Health Department - Tennessee Meigs County Health Department - Tennessee Marion County Health Department - Tennessee Shelby County Health Department - Tennessee Monroe County Health Department - Tennessee Montgomery County Health Department - Tennessee Moore County Health Department - Tennessee Morgan County Health Department - Tennessee Obion County Health Department - Tennessee Overton County Health Department - Tennessee Perry County Health Department - Tennessee Putnam County Health Department - Tennessee Pickett County Health Department - Tennessee Polk County Health Department - Tennessee Rhea County Health Department - Tennessee Roane County Health Department - Tennessee Robertson County Health Department - Tennessee Rutherford County Health Department - Tennessee Scott County Health Department - Tennessee Sequatchie County Health Department - Tennessee Sevier County Health Department - Tennessee Smith County Health Department - Tennessee Union County Health Department - Tennessee Stewart County Health Department - Tennessee Sullivan County Regional Health Department - Tennessee Van Buren County Health Department - Tennessee Sumner County Health Department - Tennessee Warren County Health Department - Tennessee Tipton County Health Department - Tennessee Washington County Health Department - Tennessee Trousdale County Health Department - Tennessee Wayne County Health Department - Tennessee Unicoi County Health Department - Tennessee Weakley County Health Department - Tennessee White County Health Department - Tennessee Williamson County Health Department - Tennessee Wilson County Health Department - Tennessee Northeast Region, Tennessee Department of Health - Tennessee Southeast Region, Tennessee Department of Health - Tennessee Upper Cumberland Region, Tennessee Department of Health - Tennessee Mid-Cumberland Region, Tennessee Department of Health - Tennessee Abilene-Taylor County Public Health District - Texas South Central Region, Tennessee Department of Health - Tennessee West Tennessee Region, Tennessee Department of Health - Tennessee Andrews County Health Department - Texas Angelina County/Cities Health District - Texas Arlington Environmental Health Department - Texas Austin/Travis County Health and Human Services - Texas Beaumont City Health Department - Texas Bell County Public Health District - Texas Town of Pampa Department of Sanitation - Texas Frisco City Health Department - Texas Lake Dallas Health Department - Texas Garland City Health Department - Texas Rowlett City Health Department - Texas Town of Flower Mound Health Department - Texas Mesquite City Health Department - Texas Ellis County Human Services Department - Texas Farmers Branch City Health Department - Texas Ennis City Health Department - Texas Waxahachie City Health Department - Texas Coppell City Health Department - Texas Granbury City - Code Enforcement - Texas City of the Colony Health Department - Texas Cleburne City - Code Enforcement - Texas Rockwall City - Code Enforcement - Texas Euless City - Code Enforcement - Texas Gregg County Health Department - Texas City of Deer Park Family Clinic - Texas Hedwig Village Health Department - Texas Llano County Department of Natural Resources - Texas City of Brenham - Texas Bandera County Permits and Inspections Courthouse - Texas Seguin City Health Inspections - Texas Real County Department of Sanitation - Texas City of Big Lake - Texas Ward County Health Officer - Texas Bee County Health Department - Texas Kingsville City-Kleberg County Health Unit - Texas Brazoria County Health Department - Texas Brazos County Health District - Texas Brownwood-Brown County Health Department - Texas Calhoun County Health Department - Texas Comal County Health Department - Texas Cameron County Health Department - Texas Cass County Health Department - Texas Corpus Christi-Nueces County Health Department - Texas Chambers County Health Department - Texas Corsicana-Navarro County Public Health Department - Texas Cherokee County Health Department - Texas Cuero-Dewitt County Health Department - Texas Collin County Health Department - Texas Denton County Health Department - Texas Ector County Health Department - Texas City of El Paso Department of Public Health - Texas Fort Bend County Health Department - Texas Galveston County Health District - Texas Grayson County Health Department - Texas Greenville-Hunt County Health Department - Texas Hardin County Health Department - Texas Irving Public Health and Environmental Services - Texas Harris County Public Health and Environmental Services - Texas Hidalgo County Health Department - Texas Jackson County Health Department - Texas Houston Department of Health and Human Services - Texas Jasper-Newton County Public Health District - Texas Jefferson County Health and Welfare Department - Texas Kaufman County Health Department - Texas Laredo City Health Department - Texas Live Oak County Health Department - Texas Lubbock City Health Department - Texas Marshall-Harrison County Health District - Texas Medina County Health Department - Texas Pecos County Health Department - Texas Midland County Health Department - Texas Plainview-Hale County Health Department - Texas
Milam County Health Department - Texas Plano Environmental Health Department - Texas Montgomery County Public Health Department - Texas Orange County Health Department - Texas Port Arthur City Health Department - Texas Paris-Lamar County Health Department - Texas Richardson Health Department - Texas San Angelo-Tom Green County Health Department - Texas San Antonio Metropolitan Health District - Texas Hays County Health Department - Texas San Patricio County Department of Public Health - Texas Scurry County Health Unit - Texas South Plains Public Health District - Texas Sweetwater-Nolan County Health Department - Texas Texarkana-Bowie County Health Department - Texas Victoria City-County Health Department - Texas Northeast Texas Public Health District - Texas Waco-McLennan County Public Health District - Texas Uvalde County Health Department - Texas Wichita Falls-Wichita County Public Health District - Texas Williamson County and Cities Health District - Texas Wilson County Public Health and Safety - Texas Wood County Health Department - Texas Amarillo Bi-City County Health District - Texas Dallas County Health and Human Services - Texas Addison City Health Department - Texas Falfurrias City Health Department - Texas City of Baytown Health Department - Texas Allen City Environmental Health Department - Texas Health Department of Gainseville - Texas McCulloch County Health Department - Texas Mills County Judge - Texas Hood County Health Department - Texas Burleson City Environmental Health Department - Texas Duncanville City Health Department - Texas Carrollton City Health Department - Texas Brooks County Welfare Clinic - Texas DeSoto City Health Department - Texas Gillespie County - Texas Gainesville City Health Department - Texas Graham City Health Department - Texas Harlingen City Health Department - Texas Upper Guadalupe River Authority - Texas Fayette County Department of Sanitation - Texas Lewisville Health and Code Enforcement - Texas McAllen Health Department - Texas Lockhart City Health Department - Texas Luling City Health Department - Texas Pasadena Health Department - Texas Lampasas County Health Department - Texas Caldwell County Sanitation Department - Texas Madison County Courthouse - Texas Mineral Wells City Health Department - Texas North Richland Hills Health Department - Texas Parker County Health Department - Texas Texas Department of Health/Region 7 - Texas Guadalupe County Environmental Health - Texas Weatherford City Health Department - Texas Texas Department of Health/Region 8 - Texas Tarrant County Public Health Department - Texas Texas Department of Health/Regions 9 and 10 - Texas Texas Department of Health/Region 1 - Texas Texas Department of Health/Region 11 - Texas Texas Department of Health/Regions 2 and 3 - Texas Willacy County Health Department - Texas Texas Department of Health/Regions 4 and 5 North - Texas City of South Padre Island Health Department - Texas Texas Department of Health/Regions 6 and 5 South - Texas Brownsville Health Department - Texas City of Longview Health Department - Texas Public Health/Sheppard Air Force Base - Texas Bear River Health Department - Utah Central Utah Public Health Department - Utah Utah County Health Department - Utah Davis County Department of Health - Utah Southeastern Utah District Health Department - Utah Southwest Utah Public Health Department - Utah Salt Lake Valley Health Department - Utah Summit County Public Health Department - Utah Tooele County Health Department - Utah Tri-County Health Department - Utah Wasatch County Health Department - Utah Weber-Morgan Health Department - Utah Eastern Shore Health District - Virginia Bath County Health Department - Virginia Albemarle/Charlottesville Health Department - Virginia Alexandria Health Department/Alexandria Health District - Virginia Bedford County Health Department - Virginia Alleghany County / Covington Health Department - Virginia Bland County Health Department - Virginia Amelia County Health Department - Virginia Alleghany Health District - Virginia Amherst County Health Department - Virginia Bristol City Health Department - Virginia Appomattox County Health Department - Virginia Brunswick County Health Department - Virginia Buchanan County Health Department - Virginia Arlington Health District - Virginia Buckingham County Health Department - Virginia Augusta-Staunton Health Department - Virginia Buena Vista City Health Department - Virginia Campbell County Health Department - Virginia Caroline County Health Department - Virginia Carroll County Health Department - Virginia Charles City County Health Department - Virginia Charlotte County Health Department - Virginia Chesapeake Health District - Virginia Chesterfield Health District - Virginia Clarke County Health Department - Virginia Clifton Forge City Health Department - Virginia Colonial Heights City Health Department - Virginia Craig County Health Department - Virginia Cumberland Plateau Health District - Virginia Fredericksburg City Health Department - Virginia Danville City Health Department - Virginia Galax City Health Department - Virginia Dickenson County Health Department - Virginia Chickahominy Health District - Virginia Dinwiddie County Health Department - Virginia Gloucester County Health Department - Virginia Fairfax County Health Department - Virginia Goochland County Health Department - Virginia Fauquier County Health Department - Virginia Grayson County Health Department - Virginia Floyd County Health Department - Virginia Greene County Health Department - Virginia Fluvanna County Health Department - Virginia Isle of Wight County Health Department - Virginia Franklin City Health Department - Virginia Halifax County Health Department - Virginia Frederick County/Winchester Health Department - Virginia Hampton City Health District - Virginia King William County Health Department - Virginia Lancaster County Health Department - Virginia Lee County Health Department - Virginia Loudoun County Health District - Virginia Louisa County Health Department - Virginia Lunenburg County Health Department - Virginia Lynchburg City Health Department - Virginia Madison County Health Department - Virginia Mathews County Health Department - Virginia Petersburg City Health Department - Virginia Mecklenburg County Health Department - Virginia Pittsylvania/Danville Health District - Virginia Middlesex County Health Department - Virginia Portsmouth Health District - Virginia New River Health District - Virginia Powhatan County Health Department - Virginia Nelson County Health Department - Virginia Prince Edward County Health Department - Virginia New Kent County Health Department - Virginia Prince George County Health Department - Virginia Norfolk City Health District - Virginia Prince William Health District - Virginia Lord Fairfax Health District - Virginia Rappahannock Health District - Virginia Northumberland County Health Department - Virginia Rappahannock/Rapidan Health District - Virginia Nottoway County Health Department - Virginia Richmond City Health Department - Virginia Orange County Health Department - Virginia Richmond County Health Department - Virginia Page County Health Department - Virginia Roanoke County/Salem Health Department - Virginia Roanoke County/Vinton Health Department - Virginia Rockbridge/Lexington Health Department - Virginia Rockingham/Harrisonburg Health Department - Virginia Russell County Health Department - Virginia Scott County Health Department - Virginia Shenandoah County Health Department - Virginia Westmoreland County Health Department - Virginia Smyth County Health Department - Virginia South Hampton County Health Department - Virginia Peninsula Health District - Virginia Spotsylvania County Health Department - Virginia Wise/Norton Health Department - Virginia Stafford County Health Department - Virginia Wythe County Health Department - Virginia Western Tidewater Health District - Virginia York/Denbigh Health Department - Virginia Surry County Health Department - Virginia Three Rivers Health District - Virginia Sussex County Health Department - Virginia Southside Health District - Virginia Tazewell County Health Department - Virginia Henrico Health District - Virginia Virginia Beach City Health District - Virginia Henry/Martinsville Health Department - Virginia Warren County Health Department - Virginia Highland County Health Department - Virginia Washington County Health Department - Virginia Hopewell City Health Department - Virginia Waynesboro City Health Department - Virginia Greensville/Emporia Health Department - Virginia King and Queen County Health Department - Virginia King George County Health Department - Virginia Pulaski County Health Department - Virginia Roanoke City Health District - Virginia Central Shenandoah Health District - Virginia Central Virginia Health District - Virginia Cumberland County Health Department - Virginia Crater Health District - Virginia Lenowisco Health District - Virginia Pittsylvania County Health Department - Virginia Mount Rogers Health District - Virginia Culpeper County Health Department - Virginia Piedmont Health District - Virginia Rappahannock County Health Department - Virginia Thomas Jefferson Health District - Virginia Essex County Health Department - Virginia Suffolk City Health Department - Virginia West Piedmont Health District - Virginia Bennington Vermont Department of Health - Vermont Botetourt County Health Department - Virginia Accomack County Health Department - Virginia Brattleboro Vermont Department of Health - Vermont Northampton County Health Department - Virginia Burlington Vermont Department of Health - Vermont St. Albans Vermont Department of Health - Vermont Hanover County Health Department - Virginia Newport News City Health Department - Virginia Barre and Morrisville Vermont Department of Health - Vermont Williamsburg City Health Department - Virginia Middlebury and Rutland Vermont Department of Health - Vermont Newport and St. Johnsbury Vermont Department of Health - Vermont Springfield and White River Junction Vermont Department of Health - Vermont Adams County Health Department - Washington Asotin County Health District - Washington Benton-Franklin Health District - Washington Kitsap County Health District - Washington Mason County Department of Health Services - Washington Chelan-Douglas Health District - Washington Clallam County Health and Human Services - Washington Northeast Tri-County Health District - Washington Columbia County Public Health Department - Washington Okanogan County Public Health - Washington Cowlitz County Health Department - Washington Pacific County Health and Human Services Department - Washington San Juan County Health and Community Services - Washington Garfield County Health District - Washington Public Health - Seattle and King County - Washington Grant County Health District - Washington Grays Harbor County Public Health and Social Services - Washington Skagit County Health Department - Washington Island County Health Department - Washington Snohomish Health District - Washington Jefferson County Public Health - Washington Clark County Public Health - Washington Spokane Regional Health District - Washington Kittitas County Health Department - Washington Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department - Washington Lewis County Public Health Department - Washington Thurston County Public Health and Social Services Department - Washington Lincoln County Health Department - Washington Wahkiakum County Health Department - Washington Walla Walla County Health Department - Washington Whatcom County Health Department - Washington Whitman County Department of Health - Washington Yakima County Health District - Washington Klickitat County Health Department - Washington Lummi Tribal Health Center - Washington Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribal Health Clinic - Washington Quinault Nation Tribal Health Facility - Washington Skamania County Health Department - Washington Adams County Health & Human Services Department - Wisconsin Appleton City Health Department - Wisconsin Ashland County Health Department - Wisconsin Barron County Health and Human Services Department - Wisconsin Bayfield County Health Department - Wisconsin Brown County Health Department - Wisconsin Caledonia/Mt. Pleasant Health Department - Wisconsin Buffalo County Department of Health and Human Services - Wisconsin Burnett County Department of Health and Human Services - Wisconsin Calumet County Health Department - Wisconsin Chippewa County Department of Public Health - Wisconsin Clark County Health Department - Wisconsin Columbia County Health Department - Wisconsin Crawford County Public Health - Wisconsin Cudahy Health Department - Wisconsin DePere Department of Public Health - Wisconsin Dodge County Human Services and Health Department - Wisconsin Door County Public Health Department - Wisconsin Douglas County Health and Human Services - Wisconsin Dunn County Health Department - Wisconsin Eau Claire City-County Health Department - Wisconsin Florence County Health Department - Wisconsin Fond du Lac County Health Department - Wisconsin Forest County Health Department - Wisconsin Franklin Health Department - Wisconsin Grant County Health Department - Wisconsin Green County Health Department - Wisconsin Green Lake County Human Services - Health Unit - Wisconsin Greendale Health Department - Wisconsin Greenfield Health Department - Wisconsin Hales Corners Health Department - Wisconsin Iowa County Health Department - Wisconsin Iron County Health Department - Wisconsin Jackson County Public Health Department - Wisconsin Jefferson County Health Department - Wisconsin Juneau County Health Department - Wisconsin Kenosha County Division of Health - Wisconsin Kewaunee County Public Health Office - Wisconsin La Crosse County Health Department - Wisconsin Lafayette County Health Department - Wisconsin Lincoln County Health Department - Wisconsin Public Health - Madison and Dane County - Wisconsin Manitowoc County Health Department - Wisconsin Marathon County Health Department - Wisconsin Marinette County Health and Human Services Department - Wisconsin Marquette County Health Department - Wisconsin Menasha Health Department - Wisconsin Menominee Tribal Clinic - Wisconsin Menominee County Human Services - Wisconsin Milwaukee City Health Department - Wisconsin Monroe County Health Agency - Wisconsin Neenah Department of Public Health - Wisconsin Oak Creek Health Department - Wisconsin Oconto County Public Health Division - Wisconsin Oneida County Health Department - Wisconsin City of Oshkosh Health Services Division - Wisconsin Outagamie County DHHS, Public Health Division - Wisconsin Ozaukee County Public Health Department - Wisconsin Pepin County Health Department - Wisconsin Pierce County Public Health Department - Wisconsin Polk County Health Department - Wisconsin Portage County Health and Human Services - Wisconsin Price County Health Department - Wisconsin Racine City Health Department - Wisconsin Richland County Health Department - Wisconsin Rock County Health Department - North Office - Wisconsin Rusk County Department of Health & Human Services - Wisconsin Sauk County Health Department - Wisconsin Sawyer County Health and Human Services - Wisconsin Shawano County Health Department - Wisconsin Sheboygan County Division of Public Health - Wisconsin Shorewood/Whitefish Bay Health Department - Wisconsin South Milwaukee Health Department - Wisconsin St. Francis Health Department - Wisconsin St. Croix County Dept. of Human and Health Services - Public Health - Wisconsin Stockbridge-Munsee Health and Wellness Center - Wisconsin Taylor County Health Department - Wisconsin Trempealeau County Public Health Department - Wisconsin Vernon County Health Department - Wisconsin Vilas County Public Health Department - Wisconsin Walworth County Health and Human Services - Wisconsin Washburn County Health - Wisconsin Washington County Health Department - Wisconsin Watertown Department of Public Health - Wisconsin Waukesha County Public Health Division - Wisconsin Waupaca County Health Services Division - Wisconsin Waushara County Health Department - Wisconsin Wauwatosa Health Department - Wisconsin West Allis Health Department - Wisconsin Winnebago County Health Department - Wisconsin Wood County Health Department - Wisconsin Langlade County Health Department - Wisconsin Western Racine County Health Department - Wisconsin North Shore Health Department - Wisconsin Bad River Tribal Health Services - Wisconsin Forest County Potawatomi Health and Wellness Center - Wisconsin Ho-Chunk Nation Health Department - Wisconsin Lac Courte Oreilles Community Health Center - Wisconsin Oneida Community Health Center - Wisconsin Peter Christensen Health Center - Wisconsin Red Cliff Community Health Center - Wisconsin St. Croix Tribal Health Center - Wisconsin Sokaogon Chippewa Health Clinic - Wisconsin Barbour County Health Department - West Virginia Beckley-Raleigh County Health Department - West Virginia Boone County Health Department - West Virginia Braxton County Health Department - West Virginia Brooke County Health Department - West Virginia Cabell-Huntington Health Department - West Virginia Clay County Health Department - West Virginia Doddridge County Health Department - West Virginia Fayette County Health Department - West Virginia Gilmer County Health Department - West Virginia Grant County Health Department - West Virginia Greenbrier County Health Department - West Virginia Hampshire County Health Department - West Virginia Hancock County Health Department - West Virginia Hardy County Health Department - West Virginia Harrison-Clarksburg Health Department - West Virginia Jackson County Health Department - West Virginia Jefferson County Health Department - West Virginia Kanawha-Charleston Health Department - West Virginia Lewis County Health Department - West Virginia Logan County Health Department - West Virginia Marion County Health Department - West Virginia Marshall County Health Department - West Virginia Mason County Health Department - West Virginia McDowell County Health Department - West Virginia Mercer County Health Department - West Virginia Mid-Ohio Valley Health Department - West Virginia Mineral County Health Department - West Virginia Mingo County Health Department - West Virginia Monongalia County Health Department - West Virginia Monroe County Health Department - West Virginia Morgan County Health Department - West Virginia Nicholas County Health Department - West Virginia Pendleton County Health Department - West Virginia Pocahontas County Health Department - West Virginia Preston County Health Department - West Virginia Putnam County Health Department - West Virginia Berkeley County Health Department - West Virginia Randolph-Elkins Health Department - West Virginia Summers County Health Department - West Virginia Grafton-Taylor County Health Department - West Virginia Tucker County Health Department - West Virginia Upshur-Buckhannon Health Department - West Virginia Wayne County Health Department - West Virginia Webster County Health Department - West Virginia Wetzel-Tyler County Health Department - West Virginia Wheeling-Ohio County Health Department - West Virginia Wyoming County Health Department - West Virginia Lincoln County Health Department - West Virginia Big Horn County Public Health Nursing Service - Wyoming Campbell County Health Department - Wyoming Carbon County Public Health Nursing - Wyoming City of Casper-Natrona County Health Department - Wyoming Cheyenne-Laramie County Health Department - Wyoming Converse County Public Health - Wyoming Crook County Public Health Nursing Service - Wyoming Fremont County Public Health Nursing - Wyoming Goshen County Public Health Nursing Service - Wyoming Hot Springs County Public Health Nursing Service - Wyoming Johnson County Health Department - Wyoming Lincoln County Health Department - Wyoming Niobrara County Public Health Nurse Services - Wyoming Park County Public Health Nursing - Wyoming Platte County Public Health Nursing Service - Wyoming Sheridan County Public Health - Wyoming Sublette County Public Health Nursing Service - Wyoming Sweetwater County Community Nursing Services - Wyoming Teton County Public Health - Wyoming Uinta County Public Health Nursing - Wyoming Washakie County Public Health Nursing - Wyoming Weston County Public Health Nursing - Wyoming Albany County Public Health Nursing - Wyoming Northern Arapaho Tribal Health Department - Wyoming Shoshone Tribal Health Department - Wyoming Alabama Department of Public Health - Alabama Alaska Department of Health and Social Services - Alaska Arizona Department of Health Services - Arizona Arkansas Department of Health - Arkansas California Health and Human Services - California Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment - Colorado Connecticut Department of Public Health - Connecticut Delaware Division of Public Health - Delaware District of Columbia Department of Health - Washington, DC Florida Department of Health - Florida Georgia Department of Community Health - Georgia Hawaii State Department of Health - Hawaii Idaho Department of Health and Welfare - Idaho Illinois Department of Public Health - Illinois Indiana Department of Health - Indiana Iowa Department of Public Health - Iowa Kansas Department of Health and Environment - Kansas Kentucky Department of Public Health - Kentucky Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals - Louisiana Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Maine Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene - Maryland Massachusetts Department of Public Health - Massachusetts Minnesota Department of Health - Minnesota Mississippi State Department of Health - Mississippi Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services - Missouri Montana Department of Public Health - Montana Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services - Nebraska Nevada Department of Health and Human Services - Nevada New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services - New Hampshire New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services - New Jersey New Mexico Department of Health - New Mexico New York Department of Health - New York NC Department of Health and Human Services - North Carolina North Dakota Department of Health - North Dakota Ohio Department of Health - Ohio West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources - West Virginia Oklahoma State Department of Health - Oklahoma Oregon Department of Human Services - Oregon Wisconsin Department of Health Services - Wisconsin Pennsylvania Department of Health - Pennsylvania Wyoming Department of Health - Wyoming Rhode Island Department of Health - Rhode Island California Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration - California SC Department of Health and Environmental Control - South Carolina South Dakota Department of Health - South Dakota Tennessee Department of Health - Tennessee Texas Department of State Health Services - Texas Utah Department of Health - Utah Vermont Department of Health - Vermont Virginia Department of Health - Virginia Washington State Department of Health - Washington Other: Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians Public Health and Human Services Division-North Carolina California Rural Indian Health Board-California California Department of Public Health-California Georgia Department of Public Health-Georgia Guam Department of Public Health and Social Services-Guam Oregon Health Authority-Oregon Louisiana Office of Public Health-Louisiana Louisiana OPH - Bureau of Family Health-Louisiana CNMI Commonwealth Healthcare Corporation-Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands University of Tennessee at Chattanooga-Tennessee |
Supervisor Lookup |
*List of supervisors will be maintained and updated by hostsites* |
CDC Campus Lookup |
Roybal Campus/Atlanta, GA Century Center/Atlanta, GA Chamblee Campus/Chamblee, GA Corporate Square/Atlanta, GA Lawrenceville Campus/Lawrenceville, GA Learning Resource Center/Atlanta, GA District at Chamblee/Atlanta, GA CDC Warehouse/Chamblee, GA CDC Anchorage Quarantine Station/Alaska CDC Los Angeles Quarantine Station/California CDC San Diego Quarantine Station/California CDC San Francisco Quarantine Station/California CDC Miami Quarantine Station/Florida CDC Honolulu Quarantine Station/Hawaii CDC Boston Quarantine Station/Massachusetts CDC Detroit Quarantine Station/Michigan CDC Minneapolis Quarantine Station/Minnesota NIOSH/Pittsburgh |
CDC Newark Quarantine Station/New Jersey CDC New York Quarantine Station/New York CDC Philadelphia Quarantine Station/Pennsylvania CDC San Juan Quarantine Station/Puerto Rico CDC Dallas/Ft. Worth Quarantine Station/Texas CDC El Paso Quarantine Station/Texas CDC Houston Quarantine Station/Texas CDC Seattle Quarantine Station/Washington CDC Washington Quarantine Station/Washington D.C. NIOSH/Anchorage, AK NIOSH Western States Office/Lakewood, CO Hyattsville/Hyattsville, MD Durham (Offices and Laboratories)/Research Triangle Park, NC Cincinnati, Hamilton Building (Offices and Laboratories)/Cincinnati, OH Cincinnati, Taft Building (Offices and Laboratories)/Cincinnati, OH Spokane/Spokane, WA Morgantown (Offices and Laboratories)/Morgantown, WV CDC Fort Collins/Colorado CDC Arctic Investigations Program/Alaska |
Language Lookup |
English Afrikaans Albanian Amharic Arabic (Egyptian) Aramaic Armenian Assamese Aymara Azerbaijani Basque Belarusian Bengali Bislama Bosnian Bulgarian Burmese Catalan Cebuano Cherokee Mandarin Croatian Czech Danish Dutch Egyptian Estonian Finnish French Georgian German Greek Guarani Gujarati Creole (Haitian) Hausa Hawaiian Hebrew
Hindi Hungarian Icelandic Irish Italian Japanese Javanese Kannada Kazakh Khmer Korean Lao Latvian Lithuanian Macedonian Malagasy Malayalam Marathi Mongolian Nahuatl Navajo Nepali Norwegian Oriya Oromo Farsi Polish Portuguese Punjabi Pashto Romanian Romany Russian Sanskrit Serbian Slovak Slovenian Somali
Spanish Swahili Swedish Tagalog Tajik Tamil Telugu Thai Tibetan Tok Pisin Turkish Turkmen Ukrainian Urdu Uzbek Vietnamese Welsh Xhosa Yiddish Yoruba Zapotec Zulu Arabic (Levantine) Arabic (Modern Standard) Arabic (Moroccan) Indonesian (Not Specified) Bahasa Melayu Balochi Berber Cantonese Dari Ilokano Inuit Kurdi Kyrgyz Lakota Ojibwa Quechua Quiche
Uyghur Yucatec Maya Arabic (Not Specified) Chinese (Not Specified) Creole (Not Specified) Malay Other Spoken Language: |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Clinebell, Carter (CDC/DDPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) (CTR) |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-12-21 |