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Cooperative Agreement Work Plan Template
Regional Center NOFO Templates
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Section 1. Cooperative Agreement Work Plan Component A
Objective 1 By
days post-award,establish and convene a Regional Coordinating Body
Implementation Timefame Start Date
End Date
Target Date Responsible Position or Party Progress or Process Measure(s) Status
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity 5
Activity 6
Activity 7
Activity 8
Collaboration and Coordination Describe collaboration and coordination activities with STLT health departments
and officials, health care facilities, and health care coalitions to improve public health preparedness and response.
Health Equity Considerations
1. Are considerations to increase the likelihood that health equity can be addressed integrated into the
decision-making process when developing and convening the regional coordinating body?
2. If yes to Question 1, how? If no, please explain why not.
3. Has the center considered the burden of social determinants of health on populations with access and functional
needs, low socioeconomic status, and communities experiencing racism?
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Objective 2 By
days post-award, develop a Five-Year Regional Work Plan, FY2025-2030 with priority areas and
objectives, and STLT PHPR focus areas
Implementation Timefame Start Date
End Date
Target Date Responsible Position or Party Progress or Process Measure(s) Status
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity 5
Activity 6
Activity 7
Activity 8
Collaboration and Coordination Describe collaboration and coordination activities with STLT health departments
and officials, health care facilities, and health care coalitions to improve public health preparedness and response.
Health Equity Considerations
1. Has the coordinating body considered the evidence base documenting drivers of health disparities and inequities
to inform development of the objective?
If yes, how? If no, please explain why not.
2. Are considerations for health equity integrated into the decision-making process when developing and framing
the focus areas, objectives, and priorities?
if yes, how? If no, please explain why not
3. Has the planning process considered the burden of social determinants of health on populations with access and
functional needs, low socioeconomic status, and communities experiencing racism?
4. Are there known unintended positive or negative impacts of the planning process or plan on health equity?
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Objective 3 By
days post-award, establish a Steering Committee (may be a subset of the Regional
Coordinating Body)
Implementation Timefame Start Date
End Date
Target Date Responsible Position or Party Progress or Process Measure(s) Status
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity 5
Activity 6
Activity 7
Activity 8
Collaboration and Coordination Describe collaboration and coordination activities with STLT health departments
and officials, health care facilities, and health care coalitions to improve public health preparedness and response.
Health Equity Considerations
1. Are considerations to increase the likelihood that health equity can be addressed integrated into the
decision-making process when developing and convening the Steering Committee?
If yes, how? If no, please explain why not.
Objective 4 By
days post-award, establish and maintain a regional public health preparedness and response
center (Year 1, to be maintained in years 2 - 5)
Implementation Timefame Start Date
End Date
Target Date Responsible Position or Party Progress or Process Measure(s) Status
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity 5
Activity 6
Activity 7
Activity 8
Collaboration and Coordination Describe collaboration and coordination activities with STLT health departments
and officials, health care facilities, and health care coalitions to improve public health preparedness and response.
Health Equity Considerations
1. Are considerations to increase the likelihood that health equity can be addressed integrated into the
decision-making process when developing and convening the staffing and operations of the regional center?
If yes, how? If no, please explain why not.
Objective 5 By
days post-award, develop, implement, and evaluate activities to meet objectives in the
Five-Year Regional Work Plan, FY2025-2030. The Five-Year Regional Work Plan will include focus areas, partners,
roles, and resources needed to accomplish the plan's objectives.
Implementation Timefame Start Date
End Date
Target Date Responsible Position or Party Progress or Process Measure(s) Status
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity 5
Activity 6
Activity 7
Activity 8
Collaboration and Coordination Describe collaboration and coordination activities with STLT health departments
and officials, health care facilities, and health care coalitions to improve public health preparedness and response.
Health Equity Considerations
1. Are considerations to increase the likelihood that health equity can be addressed integrated into the
decision-making process when developing and convening the staffing and operations of the regional center?
If yes, how? If no, please explain why not.
Section 2. Cooperative Agreement Work Plan Component B
Objective 1 By
days post-award, establish a Steering Committee (may be a subset of the Regional
Coordinating Body)
Implementation Timefame Start Date
End Date
Target Date Responsible Position or Party Progress or Process Measure(s) Status
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity 5
Activity 6
Activity 7
Activity 8
Collaboration and Coordination Describe collaboration and coordination activities with STLT health departments
and officials, health care facilities, and health care coalitions to improve public health preparedness and response.
Health Equity Considerations
1. Are considerations to increase the likelihood that health equity can be addressed integrated into the
decision-making process when developing and convening the staffing and operations of the regional center?
If yes, how? If no, please explain why not.
Objective 2 By
days post-award, establish and maintain a regional public health preparedness and response
center (Year 1, to be maintained in years 2 - 5)
Implementation Timefame Start Date
End Date
Target Date Responsible Position or Party Progress or Process Measure(s) Status
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity 5
Activity 6
Activity 7
Activity 8
Page 6
Collaboration and Coordination Describe collaboration and coordination activities with STLT health departments
and officials, health care facilities, and health care coalitions to improve public health preparedness and response.
Health Equity Considerations
1. Are considerations to increase the likelihood that health equity can be addressed integrated into the
decision-making process when developing and convening the staffing and operations of the regional center?
If yes, how? If no, please explain why not.
Objective 3 By
days post-award, develop, implement, and evaluate activities to meet objectives in the
Five-Year Regional Work Plan, FY2024 - 2029. The Five-Year Regional Work Plan will include focus areas, partners,
roles, and resources needed to accomplish the plan's objectives.
Implementation Timefame Start Date
End Date
Target Date Responsible Position or Party Progress or Process Measure(s) Status
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity 5
Activity 6
Activity 7
Activity 8
Collaboration and Coordination Describe collaboration and coordination activities with STLT health departments
and officials, health care facilities, and health care coalitions to improve public health preparedness and response.
Health Equity Considerations
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Page 7
1. Are considerations to increase the likelihood that health equity can be addressed integrated into the
decision-making process when developing and convening the staffing and operations of the regional center?
If yes, how? If no, please explain why not.
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File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2024-12-03 |
File Created | 2024-12-03 |