BRACE (EH21-2101) Performance Measures Reporting Tool

[OADPS] The Performance Measures Project: Improving Performance Measurement and Monitoring by CDC Programs

AppB_EH21-2101 PM Reporting Tool

OMB: 0920-1282

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BRACE Performance Measures
Page 1

1 Stakeholder Plan
CDC estimates the average public reporting burden for this collection of information as 5 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data/information sources,
gathering and maintaining the data/information needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond
to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions
for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Information Collection Review Office, 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-1282).

Record ID

Has the program developed an overarching written
stakeholder analysis and engagement plan?

06/21/2022 11:54am

OMB Control Number 0920-1282
(expires 1/31/2023)

Not started
Yes, in early stages of development
Yes, now a mature document ready for actualization

BRACE Performance Measures
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2 Stakeholders
Record ID


This section collects information about stakeholder engagement in terms of the Climate Impact Compendium,
developing adaptation action plan(s), and deploying adaptation action plans. Please include stakeholders and
partners who are most engaged in the overall program. Include up to 10. Answer all the questions for one
stakeholder and repeat by adding a new instance for each subsequent stakeholder.
Please provide the name of the stakeholder
organization or individual consulted or engaged.

What is the type of organization? Please select the
option that best describes the organization.

Please specify the "Other" type of organization
How was the stakeholder engaged? Please select all
that apply.

Please specify the "Other" type of engagement from
this stakeholder.
How has the relationship between the program and the
stakeholder changed since the last report? Select the
best option.

To what extent does the stakeholder include members of
populations disproportionately impacted by climate
change in the jurisdiction?

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("Engaged" means that the organization provided
data, content, feedback, resources, or technical
assistance for the Compendium or adaptation action
Health care
Social services
Private for profit
Not for profit

Organization provided data
Organization provided non-data content
Organization provided feedback
Organization provided technical assistance
Organization co-implemented action(s)

This is the first time reported
Relationship decreased
No change in relationship
Relationship expanded
("Expanded" means that the relationship has
strengthened as evidenced through more frequent
communication, information communicated, resource
sharing, jointly implemented projects, or the
establishment of MOUs or other similar processes to
establish a durable collaborative relationship. )
Not at all
A little
To a great extent

Page 2

Optional: You may use this space to provide any
additional context or information regarding your
previous responses.

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3 Increased Knowledge
Record ID

BRACE Performance Measures
Page 1


This section collects information about the attributes of adaptation actions implemented by the recipient, including
type of adaptation action, stage, implementation, communication, evaluation methodologies, intended population(s),
geographic scale of implementation, expected outcomes, and the evaluation approach. Answer all the questions for
one action and then repeat by adding a new instance for each subsequent action.
What is the title of the climate adaptation action?
Please use the same title throughout the REDCap tool.

(Please use the same title throughout the REDCap

What are the primary capacity building activities for
this action? Please select all that apply.

Coalition building
Policy and advocacy development
Research and investigation
Workforce development
Tool creation and use
Outreach to public health partners
(Capacity building actions increase an individual's
or organization's ability to implement
population-facing actions. Capacity building
actions are not intended to directly improve the
climate resiliency of the community or public. )

What are the primary population facing activities for
this action? Please select all that apply.

Communication campaigns
Education and instruction
Screening and treatment programs
Infrastructure and environmental modifications
Financial and resource assistance
Service access
Policy implementation
(Population-facing actions improve climate
resiliency by interrupting the pathways from risk
to exposure to health outcomes. )

What evidence supports the approach used for the
action? Please select all that apply.

Climate Impact Compendium
Local social vulnerability data
Expert opinion
Previous projects or programs
Existing input or relationships with stakeholders
Peer review literature
Health systems or behavior change theory

Please specify the "Other" evidence that supports this


Please describe these data. What are the sources? What
year(s) was/were the data collected? Please limit to
150 words.


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Page 2

How were social determinants of health (SDOH)
incorporated into the conceptualization of the action?
Please limit to 150 words.

What vital conditions are addressed by the action?
Please select all that apply.

How were health equity considerations incorporated
into the development of the action? If not applicable,
write N/A. Please limit to 150 words.
What are the main activities, approaches, or methods
of the climate action? Please select all that apply.

Please specify the "Other" main activity of the
climate action?

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(Social determinants of health are conditions in
the environment in which people are born, live,
learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect a
wide range of health, functioning, and
quality-of-life outcomes and risks.)
Thriving natural world
Basic needs for health and safety
Humane housing
Meaningful work and wealth
Lifelong learning
Reliable transportation
Belonging and civic muscle
(Vital conditions are the properties of place and
institutions that people depend on to reach full
potential for well-being.)

Develop curricula
Provide training
Conduct community outreach
Public education
Distribute educational materials to public
Distribute resources to the public (other than
education or information)
Distribute resources and information to
Support or operate cooling centers
Support home weatherization
Conduct state-level planning
Conduct city-level planning
Issue alerts
Conduct public communication campaign
Provide TA to other partners
Collect and/or analyze data
Implement infrastructure improvements


Page 3

What sectors are relevant to this action? Please
select all that apply.

Please specify the "Other" sector relevant to this
For this action, please describe the theory of change,
in terms of achieving improved health outcomes and
health equity. That is, how will this action improve
health outcomes and achieve health equity? This should
also be reflected in the program's logic model. Please
limit to 150 words.

Public health
Healthcare systems
Built environment
Parks and recreation
Vector control
Coastal management
Wastewater or storm water management
Emergency preparedness and response



What is the current stage of implementation?

Conceptual development
Initial implementation
On-going implementation

To what extent does the program currently have in
place the resources and inputs needed to implement the
planned action? This includes resources such as staff,
equipment, technology, or organizational
relationships. This may include the program's or
committed partners' resources.

Not at all

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Page 4

What is the climate hazard addressed by the action?
Please select all that apply.

Please specify the "Other" climate hazard addressed by
the action.
What is the geographic scale of the adaptation action
in terms of the population immediately served or
directly benefiting from the climate action?

What is the approximate size of the population that
will benefit from this action? This should be a number
representing your response to the previous questions.

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Air pollution
Changes in vector ecology
Changes in water supply, safety, or security
Changes in food supply, safety, or security
Coastal flooding
Cold wave
Extreme rainfall
Heat wave
Ice storm
Increasing allergens
Riverine flooding
Strong wind
Winter weather
All hazards

Zip code
Within state region
Sub-national region
Not applicable (e.g., climate course at a


Page 5

What is the priority population, i.e., the population
immediately served or intended to directly benefit
from the action? Please select all that apply.

Please specify the "Other" priority population for
this action.
What are the main health outcomes addressed by the
climate action?

Please specify the "Other" main health outcome
addressed by the climate action?
Briefly state the expected changes to occur (i.e.,
intended outcomes) in the short term (1-6 months).
These can be from the logic model. Please limit to 100

Older adults, 65 years of age and older
Children under 5
People who live alone
People with lower incomes
People who are unemployed or underemployed
People with high school diploma or less
People/communities of color
People who work outdoors
People who live in single parent households
People who are immunocompromised
People who are disabled
People who live in/near climate-threatened area
(low-lying coast, flood plains, wilderness-urban
interface, heat island, etc.)
Residents of facilities (dorms, long-term care,
People who are insufficiently housed (unsound
structures, insufficient filtration, insufficient
insulation, etc.)
People who are energy poor
People who live in rural/frontier areas
People who live in urban areas

Heat-related illness or death
Cardiovascular disease or failure
Other respiratory disease
Lyme disease
Other vector-borne disease
Waterborne disease
Foodborne illness
Mental illness
Injury or death
All hazards



Briefly state the expected changes to occur (i.e.,
intended outcomes) in the medium term (6-18 months)?
Please limit to 100 words.


Briefly state the expected changes to occur (i.e.,
intended outcomes) in the long term (18 months to 5
years)? Please limit to 100 words.


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Page 6

Please select the options that best reflect the intent
of the adaptation action in terms of individual- or
systems-level outcomes expected in the funding period.
Please select all that apply.

Changes in individual, group, or organizational
behaviors and norms
Adoption of new strategies, policies, plans or
Changes in the availability of health care or
community services
Changes in physical environment or infrastructure
Sustainable funding sources
Changes in community or social connectedness

Is there an evaluation planned for this adaptation


What is the current stage of the evaluation?

Conceptual development
Initial data collection
On-going data collection and analyses
Reporting and dissemination (data collection

What is the purpose of the evaluation for this action?
Please select all that apply.

Develop insight into how to select or develop the
adaptation action
Track implementation progress
Assess reach or uptake of the action
Assess achievement of objectives
Assess effectiveness
Assess effectiveness among different groups of
Assess community impact
Assess cost effectiveness

What is the evaluation question? Please write this in
the frame of a question, rather than a statement.
Please limit to 100 words.


Please select the options that best reflect the
evaluation design used to answer the evaluation

Experimental (comparison involving random
Quasi-experimental (comparison not involving
random assignment)
Non-experimental (no comparison)
Entirely qualitative
Only monitoring

What data collection methods were used? Please select
all that apply.

Focus groups
Document review
Medical chart review
Use of existing data
N/A, no data collected yet

Would you like to share a second evaluation question
for this action?


What is the second evaluation question? Please write
this in the frame of a question rather than a
statement. Please limit to 100 words.

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Page 7

Please select the options that best reflect the
evaluation design that was used to answer the
evaluation question.

Experimental design (comparison involving random
Quasi-experimental design (comparison not
involving random assignment)
Non-experimental designs (no comparison)
Entirely qualitative
Only monitoring

What data collection methods were used? Please select
all that apply.

Focus groups
Document review
Medical chart review
Use of existing data
N/A, no data collected yet

Is there a third evaluation question for this action?


What is the third evaluation question? Please write
this in the frame of a question rather than a
statement. Please limit to 100 words.


Please select the options that best reflect the
evaluation design that was used to answer the
evaluation question.

Experimental design (comparison involving random
Quasi-experimental design (comparison not
involving random assignment)
Non-experimental designs (no comparison)
Entirely qualitative
Only monitoring

What data collection methods were used? Please select
all that apply.

Focus groups
Document review
Medical chart review
Use of existing data
N/A, no data collected yet

Is there a fourth evaluation question for this action?


What is the fourth evaluation question? Please write
this in the frame of a question rather than a
statement. Please limit to 100 words.
Please select the options that best reflect the
evaluation design that was used to answer the
evaluation question.

06/21/2022 11:55am


Experimental design (comparison involving random
Quasi-experimental design (comparison not
involving random assignment)
Non-experimental designs (no comparison)
Entirely qualitative
Only monitoring

Page 8

What data collection methods were used? Please select
all that apply.

Focus groups
Document review
Medical chart review
Use of existing data
N/A, no data collected yet

Is there a fifth evaluation question for this action?


What is the fifth evaluation question? Please write
this in the frame of a question rather than a
statement. Please limit to 100 words.


Please select the options that best reflect the
evaluation design that was used to answer the
evaluation question.

Experimental design (comparison involving random
Quasi-experimental design (comparison not
involving random assignment)
Non-experimental designs (no comparison)
Entirely qualitative
Only monitoring

What data collection methods were used? Please select
all that apply.

Focus groups
Document review
Medical chart review
Use of existing data
N/A, no data collected yet

Select the types of individual- and system-level
outcomes that will be/were evaluated during the
reporting period. Please select all that apply.

Knowledge change
Behavior change
Attitude change
Skill change
Increased access
Institutional policies or procedures
Environmental modifications
Infrastructure modifications
Availability or access to resources
Availability or access to services
Enforcement or implementation of policy or plans

Please list the most important outcome metrics or
measures for this action. List up to three.

What are the main approaches for this capacity
building action? Please select all that apply.

Please specify the "Other" approach for this action.

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Develop curricula
Provide training
Distribute resources and information to
Conduct state-level planning
Conduct city-level planning
Provide TA to other partners
Collect and/or analyze data


Page 9

What sectors are relevant to this action? Please
select all that apply.

Please specify the "Other" sector relevant to this
What is the climate hazard addressed by the action?
Please select all that apply.

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Public health
Healthcare systems
Built environment
Parks and recreation
Vector control
Coastal management
Wastewater or storm water management
Emergency preparedness and response
Private or buisness

Air pollution
Changes in vector ecology
Changes in water supply, safety, or security
Changes in food supply, safety, or security
Coastal flooding
Cold wave
Extreme rainfall
Heat wave
Ice storm
Increasing allergens
Riverine flooding
Strong wind
Winter weather
All hazards

Page 10

What is the priority population, i.e., the population
immediately served or intended to directly benefit
from the capacity building activity? Please select all
that apply.

Please specify the "Other" priority population for
this action.

Older adults, 65 years of age and older
Children under 5
People who live alone
People with lower incomes
People who are unemployed or underemployed
People with high school diploma or less
People/communities of color
People who work outdoors
People who live in single parent households
People who are immunocompromised
People who are disabled
People who live in/near climate-threatened area
(low-lying coast, flood plains, wilderness-urban
interface, heat island etc.)
Residents of facilities (dorms, long-term care,
People who are insufficiently housed (unsound
structures, insufficient filtration, insufficient
insulation, etc.)
People who are energy poor
People who live in rural/frontier areas
People who live in urban areas


Please select the options that best reflect the intent
of the capacity building action in terms of
individual- or systems-level outcomes expected in the
funding period. Please select all that apply.

Changes in individual, group, or organizational
behaviors and norms
Adoption of new strategies, policies, plans or
Changes in the availability oh health care or
community services
Changes in physical environment or infrastructure
Sustainable funding sources
Changes in community or social connectedness

What are the main health outcomes addressed by the
climate action? Please select all that apply.

Heat-related illness or death
Cardiovascular disease or failure
Other respiratory disease
Lyme disease
Other vector-borne disease
Waterborne disease
Foodborne illness
Mental illness
Injury or death
All health outcomes

Please specify the "Other" health outcome addressed by
this action.
Is there an evaluation planned for this capacity
building action?

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Page 11

What is the purpose of the evaluation for this action?
Please select all that apply.

Optional: You may use this space to provide any
additional context or information regarding your
previous responses.

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Develop insight into how to select or develop the
capacity building action
Track implementation progress
Assess reach or uptake of the action
Assess achievement of objectives
Assess effectiveness
Assess effectiveness among different groups of
Assess community impact
Assess cost effectiveness


BRACE Performance Measures
Page 1

4 Individual- and System-level and Health Outcomes
Record ID


This section collects information about individual, systems, and health outcomes that were
achieved and documented. Answer all the questions for one action and then repeat by adding
a new instance for each subsequent action.
What is the title of the climate adaptation action?
Please use the same title throughout the REDCap tool.
What individual- or system-level outcomes were
achieved in the reporting period? This should be
substantiated with evaluation findings. Please select
all that apply. (If no outcomes achieved yet, select
nothing to report)

Please explain the findings that support the achieved
outcomes referenced in the previous question. Leave
blank if there is nothing to report at this time.
(Please limit to 200 words.)
For what health conditions did you achieve positive
change during the reporting period? These improved
outcomes should be substantiated with evaluation
findings. Please select all that apply.

Please specify the "Other" health outcomes achieved in
this reporting period.
Please explain the findings that support the achieved
outcomes referenced in the last response. Leave blank
if there is nothing to report at this time. (Please
limit to 200 words.)

06/21/2022 11:55am

Changes in individual, group, or organizational
behaviors and norms
Adoption of new strategies, policies, plans or
Changes in the availability of health care or
community services
Changes in community conditions or infrastructure
Sustainable funding sources
Changes in community or social connectedness
Nothing to report


Heat-related illness or death
Cardiovascular disease or failure
Other respiratory disease
Lyme disease
Other vector-borne disease
Waterborne disease
Foodborne illness
Mental illness
Injury or death
Nothing to report



Page 2

What health equity outcomes were achieved in the
reporting period? This may be related to individual-,
system-level, or health outcomes. This should be
substantiated with evaluation findings. Please select
all that apply.

Please specify the "Other" health equity outcomes
achieved in the reporting period.
Please explain the findings that support the achieved
outcomes referenced in the previous response. Leave
blank if there is nothing to report at this time.
(Please limit to 200 words.)
Optional: How has the community or population become
more resilient as a result of the adaptation action?
This is an opportunity to provide information not
captured in previous questions. When possible, use
local data tracked over time to substantiate the
response. (Please limit to 200 words.)

Optional: You may use this space to provide any
additional context or information regarding your
previous responses.

06/21/2022 11:55am

Reduced disparities by age
Disability status
English-speaking ability
Nothing to report



(Resilience refers to the ability of a social
system to respond and recover from disasters and
includes those inherent conditions that allow the
system to absorb impacts and cope with an event, as
well as post-event, adaptive processes that
facilitate the ability of the social system to
reorganize, change, and learn in response to a


BRACE Performance Measures
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5 Quality Improvement
Record ID


This section collects information about routine quality improvement from ongoing process evaluation activities and
documented actions taken to improve adaptation action implementation based on findings.
Do you have process evaluation findings or lessons
learned to report?
Describe at least three important findings generated
from process evaluations. Please limit your responses
to findings only. If this is related to a specific
action, please specify. The next questions will ask
you to share how you have used the findings. (Please
limit to 200 words.)
Select the ways that findings have been used to guide
or improve program implementation or improve the
action. Please select all that apply.

Please specify the "Other" way findings have been used
to guide or improve program implementation.
Please explain your response to the previous question.
(Please limit to 200 words.)

Optional: You may use this space to provide any
additional context or information regarding your
previous responses.

06/21/2022 11:55am


(A process evaluation documents whether a program
has been implemented as intended, as well as why or
not this has occured.)
Develop the program or policy
Improve the accessibility of a program or policy
Improve program performance




BRACE Performance Measures
Page 1

6 Enhanced Evidence
Record ID


This section collects information about evaluation products (e.g., reports, papers, or information) disseminated to
adaptation community through publication, presentation, or websites in order to enhance the evidence base. Answer
all the questions for one action and then repeat by adding a new instance for each subsequent action.
Do you have a dissemination product to report?

What is the title of the climate action related to
this product? Please use the same title throughout the
REDCap tool.
List the name of dissemination product.

What type of product is it?

Please specify the "Other" product type.

For this product, who was the intended audience?
Please select all that apply.

Please specify the "Other" intended audiences for this



Written report
Peer reviewed journal (submitted)
Newsletter or similar
Presentation at professional meeting
Presentation to community partner
Presentation to implementation partner
Presentation to the public
Social media

General public
Public health professionals
Healthcare system
Educational institutes


Attach product to publication here.
Include link to publication here if applicable.

Optional: You may use this space to provide any
additional context or information regarding your
previous responses.

06/21/2022 11:55am



File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2022-07-08
File Created2022-06-21

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