Focus group

Surveys and Focus Groups To Support Outcomes-Focused Management (Recreation Survey and Focus Groups)

MB_Focus Group Questions - Combined Original and Underserved Questions - OMB

Focus group

OMB: 1004-0217

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Focus Group Questions for OMB Process – BLM Data collection Project

Codes: The following questions will be coded for use by type of question [OE for open ended – to be recorded by audio, flipcharts and/or note taker; AP for audience poll – to be recorded by audience polling devices (clickers), handouts and/or scantron forms; IM – Interactive Map recorded by audience putting marks on wall maps or handout maps]; by use {G for general question to be used in any focus group; NA for a recreational needs assessment – typically used before planning for SRMA or RMP; EM for evaluation and monitoring – used to determine if management plan is achieving objectives; CE for community engagement – used before and during planning process or evaluation process to determine impact/opportunities of land management decisions and actions on local area communities; UC for exploring relationships between underserved communities proximate to the field office-managed lands, recreation, and use of public lands}. While each question has only one type, several of the questions might be applicable for multiple uses such as NA and CE, or EM and CE, or even all three.

Topic Area 1: Participant Affiliation With Landscape

  1. RESIDENCE – ZIP CODE (RES1): What is your home zip code? Or country (if you are not a US resident)? [AP] {G}

  1. AFFILIATION (ROLE 1): Which of the following choices best describes your association with (location) __________? [AP] {G}

    1. Visitor

    2. Local Resident

    3. Community Leader (elected/non-elected)

    4. Outfitter/Guide

    5. Business Owner

    6. Other (please specify): ___________________________________

  1. LEGTH OF AFFILIATION (ROLE2): How long have you been connected to the ___________area with the affiliation you identified? [AP] {G}

    1. Less than a year

    2. 1-5 years

    3. 6-10 years

    4. 11-25 years

    5. Over 25 years

Topic Area 2: Management

  1. MANAGER FOR DAY (MGMT1): If you were the public lands manager for a day and could set management priorities for _______________ area, what would your priorities be? [OE] {NA or CE}

  1. MANAGEMENT BOUNDARIES (MGMT2): When traveling in the ____________ area are you aware when you travel across administrative boundaries (BLM, NPS, USFS, private land, state land, tribal land, etc.)? If so, how does that influence what you do, your expectations, or your perceptions? [OE] {NA}

  1. WILDERNESS BOUNDARIES (MGMT3): When traveling in the ____________ area are you aware when you go into and out of Wilderness Study Areas? If so, how does that influence what you do, your expectations, or your perceptions? [OE] {NA}

  1. MANAGEMENT SUGGESTIONS (MGMT4): As you think about this __________________area, what is/are the most important improvements(s) that recreation managers could make to enhance your visits in the future? [OE] {NA, CE and EM}

  1. COLABORATIVE MANAGEMENT (MGMT5): What do you believe are the appropriate collaborative roles for each of the BLM’s land managing partners in managing and planning for federal public lands? [AP] {NA or CE}

  1. Local Governments

  2. Local Businesses

  3. Resource developers

  4. Visitors

  5. Tourism Industry

  6. Community Residents

  7. Non-profit organizations

  8. [Add Specific potential partners depending on location]

This question would be repeated for Options for each of these include:

1 = Planning

2 = Managing

3= Both planning and managing

4= Neither planning nor managing

5 = I don’t know

Topic Area 3: Location

  1. LOCATION 1 (LOC1): When choosing where to recreate in this region, where do you spend the most time? (Choose up to 3) [AP] {NA or EM}

    1. List of area landscapes, attractions (include neighboring non-BLM lands when applicable)

  1. RECREATION ZONES (LOC 2): For the purposes of facilitating this discussion, the recreational managers of the area have divided the landscape into several recreation zones (labeled on map), please indicate which zone you would like to tell us more about. (Choose one and unless we tell you otherwise, assume that zone as a focus when answering future questions) [AP or IM] {NA, CE or EM}

    1. Zone 1

    2. Zone 2

    3. Zone 3

    4. Zone 4

    5. [Additional zones numbered as needed by local managers map division]

  1. SPECIAL PLACES MAP (LOC3): Please take a couple moments to think about a few areas or places on BLM managed public lands in the ________ Field Office (highlighted on the _(N)_ maps below or on the wall) that have special personal meaning and importance for you (alternate wording: that are and area of outstanding recreational opportunity). For each of these places please do the following: [IM] {NA OR EM}

  1. circle it and number it on the four attached maps;

  2. then in writing below name and locate the place;

  3. indicate the things you do when you visit there;

  4. indicate the reason that this place has special meaning for you (or is an area of outstanding recreational opportunity)

  5. circle the name of the most special place for you (or is the area of outstanding recreational opportunity you would like to tell us more about)

Topic Area 4: Special Places - Settings

  1. SPECIAL PLACE 1 (SPC1): What are the qualities of ______________ area or zone that make it a special place for you? [OE] {NA}

  1. SPECIAL PLACE 2 (SPC 2): What are the qualities of ______________ area or zone that make it a special place for you? (Choose up to 5) [AP] {NA}

  1. It’s my back yard

  2. It’s where I spend quality time with friends and family

  3. Historic qualities - how previous generations used the area

  4. Productive qualities - grazing and hunting

  5. Biological resources - plants, animals, etc.

  6. Physical resources - geology, paleontology, etc.

  7. Cultural resources -archeology, etc.

  8. Scenic quality

  9. Spiritual and/or religious qualities

  10. Sense of freedom

  11. Wild, unspoiled, and natural

  12. Remote and rugged

  13. Sense of solitude and privacy

  14. Natural quietness

  15. Dark night skies

  16. Sense of discovery/learning opportunities

  17. Dogs and/or horses are allowed

  18. Lack of development or improvements

  19. It’s where I engage in recreational activities I enjoy

  20. Other (please specify): __________________________________

  1. SPECIAL DIMINISH 1 (SPC3): What could diminish the specialness of the place for you? [OE] {NA}

  1. SPECIAL DIMINISH 2 (SPC4): What could diminish the specialness of the place for you (Choose up to 5) [AP] {NA}

  1. Additional fees, permits, or restrictions

  2. Increased use and crowding

  3. Increased traffic

  4. Increased use of wider array of vehicles

  5. Group size limits I consider to be inappropriate (too high or too low)

  6. Limitations on historic uses and productive qualities

  7. Additional facilities and improvements

  8. Lack of facilities and improvements

  9. Increased access

  10. Limited access

  11. Vandalism, litter, graffiti, and/or human waste

  12. Damage to soils and vegetation

  13. Lack of solitude and privacy

  14. Noise

  15. Artificial light

  16. Livestock or evidence of them

  17. Culture clashes – locals vs. visitors or long-time locals vs. move-ins

  18. Lack of connection to or education about place

  19. Residential or industrial development (utility lines, pipelines, etc.)

  20. Other (please specify): _____________________________________

Topic Area 5: Change

  1. CHANGE OVER 5 YEARS (CHG1): At the places you enjoy visiting, has use increased or decreased in the last five (5) years? [AP] {EM}

  1. Strongly Decreased

  2. Slightly Decreased

  3. No Change

  4. Slightly Increased

  5. Strongly Increased

  1. VALUE OF CHANGE (CHG2): If use at that these places has changed in the last five (5) years, has it been for the better or worse? Why did you choose as you did? [AP and OE] {NA}

  1. Much worse

  2. Somewhat worse

  3. No change

  4. Somewhat better

  5. Much better

Topic Area 6: Outcomes, Interests and Expectations

  1. INTERESTS AND EXPECTATIONS 1 (OIE1): When going to your area of interest, describe the interests and expectations you have for your time there? In other words, why do you go there and what do you hope to experience? [OE] {NA}

  1. INTERESTS AND EXPECTATIONS 2 (OIE2): When you go to your area of interest, which of these phrases best captures your interests and expectations for going there? (Choose up to 3) [AP] {NA}

  1. Natural Landscapes

  2. Rural Landscapes

  3. Cultural & Heritage History

  4. Natural History & Science

  5. Health & Fitness

  6. Self-Reliant Adventure

  7. Tranquil Escapes

  8. Youth, Family & Friends

  9. Community Life

  10. Economic

  11. Well-being

  12. Learning & instructing

  13. Stewardship & Caretaking

  1. MEET EXPECTATIONS (OIE3): Did your last recreational or outdoor outing in the _____________ area meet your expectations? Why or why not? [OE] {EM}

  1. SURPRISES (OIE4): What was the most surprising thing about your visit compared to what you expected? [OE] {EM}

  1. EXPERIENCES 1 (EXPER1): When visiting _______________ area or zone, what experiences are you most interested in achieving? [OE] {NA}

  1. EXPERIENCES 2 (EXPER2): When visiting _______________ area or zone, which of these experiences are you most interested in achieving? (Choose up to 3) [AP] {NA}

  1. Developing your skills and abilities

  2. Enjoying the area’s wildlife

  3. To enjoy the scenery

  4. Enjoying risk-taking adventure

  5. Enjoying closeness to family/friends

  6. Enjoying group affiliation and togetherness

  7. To experience the natural surroundings

  8. Learning more about things here

  9. Being able to be more contemplative

  10. Getting some needed physical exercise

  11. To experience adventure and excitement

  12. Releasing or reducing some built-up mental tensions

  13. Escaping everyday responsibilities for a while

  14. Enjoying the solitude

  15. Enjoying frequent access to outdoor physical activity

  16. Gaining a greater sense of self-confidence

  17. To test my equipment

  18. To be with other who enjoy the same things I do

  19. For the challenge or sport

  20. [Add/allow for other site-specific experiences]

  1. EXPERIENCES 3 (EXPER3): When visiting _______________ area or zone, which of these experiences were you most able to attain if you wanted to? [OE] {EM}

  1. EXPERIENCES 4 (EXPER4): When visiting _______________ area or zone, which of these experiences were you most able to attain if you wanted to? (Choose up to 3) [AP] {EM}

  1. Developing your skills and abilities

  2. Enjoying the area’s wildlife

  3. To enjoy the scenery

  4. Enjoying risk-taking adventure

  5. Enjoying closeness to family/friends

  6. Enjoying group affiliation and togetherness

  7. To experience the natural surroundings

  8. Learning more about things here

  9. Being able to be more contemplative

  10. Getting some needed physical exercise

  11. To experience adventure and excitement

  12. Releasing or reducing some built-up mental tensions

  13. Escaping everyday responsibilities for a while

  14. Enjoying the solitude

  15. Enjoying frequent access to outdoor physical activity

  16. Gaining a greater sense of self-confidence

  17. To test my equipment

  18. To be with other who enjoy the same things I do

  19. For the challenge or sport

  20. [Add/allow for other site-specific experiences]

  1. OUTCOMES - PERSONAL BENEFITS (OTCM1): When visiting _______________ area which of the following personal benefits are most important to you? [AP] {NA}

  1. Restored my mind from stress/tension/anxiety

  2. Improved physical fitness

  3. To improve/maintain health

  4. Improved outdoor knowledge

  5. Greater self-reliance

  6. Enhance sense of personal freedom

  7. Improved sense of control over my life

  8. Improved self-confidence

  9. Living a more outdoor-oriented lifestyle

  10. Restored my body from fatigue

  11. Greater appreciation for our cultural heritage

  12. Greater awareness and appreciation of natural landscapes

  13. Greater freedom from urban living

  14. Improved ability to relate to local residents and their culture

  15. Increased personal accountability to act responsibly on public lands

  16. Greater respect for private property

  17. Closer relationship with natural world

  18. Greater understanding of the importance of wildlife to my quality of life

  19. Greater aesthetic appreciation

  20. [Add/allow for other site-specific personal benefits]

  1. OUTCOMES – HOUSEHOLD/RELATIONAL BENEFITS (OTCM2): When visiting _______________ area which of the following household and relational benefits are most important to you? [AP] {NA}

  1. Strengthened relationships with family and/or friends

  2. Improved health

  3. Greater recreation opportunities for your family

  4. Reduced health maintenance costs

  5. Improved family bonding

  6. More well-rounded development for our children

  7. Improved parenting skills

  8. Improved desirability as a place to live

  9. Increased work productivity

  10. Lifestyle improvement or maintenance

  11. Developing stronger ties with my family or friends

  12. [Add/allow for other site-specific household benefits]

  1. OUTCOMES – COMMUNITY AND ENVIRONMENT BENEFITS (OTCM3): When visiting _______________ area which of the following community and environmental benefits are most important to you? [AP] {NA}

  1. Greater community engagement in recreating on public lands

  2. Maintenance/preservation of distinctive community atmosphere

  3. Heightened sense of community pride

  4. Improved desirability as a place to retire

  5. Heightened sense of community satisfaction

  6. Improved respect for privately-owned lands

  7. Increased awareness and protection of natural landscapes

  8. Greater community ownership and stewardship of recreation and natural resources

  9. Greater protection of fish, wildlife, and plant habitat from growth, development, and public use impacts

  10. Maintenance/preservation of distinctive public land recreation setting character

  11. Increased local work productivity

  12. Increased local tourism revenue

  13. Reduced local health maintenance cost

  14. [Add/allow for other site-specific benefits]

Topic Area 7: Activities

  1. ACTIVITIES 1 (ACT1): When visiting that area or zone, what activities do you engage in most often? (Choose up to 3) [AP] {NA, EM or CE}

  1. Scenic Driving

  2. Exploring or discovering new areas

  3. Hiking/Walking/Running

  4. Backpacking

  5. Car Camping

  6. Picnicking

  7. Rock Climbing/Canyoneering

  8. Nature Study (Wildlife Viewing/ Bird Watching/Geology/Plants)

  9. 4x4 Driving (Jeep, Truck, SUV)

  10. ATV/UTV riding

  11. Bicycling/ Mountain Biking

  12. Horseback Riding

  13. Organized group activities (i.e. civic groups, clubs, scouts, church, etc.) including historic reenactments

  14. Ranching activities

  15. Hunting

  16. Photography

  17. Learning activities (interpretive programs, educational outings, etc.)

  18. Art/Writing activities

  19. Spiritual renewal activities

  20. Other (please specify) :_________________________________

  21. [Can add location specific activities or eliminate some activities above that are not offered at location]

Topic Area 8: Services

  1. INFORMATION SOURCES (INFO): Which sources of information do you depend upon to plan your recreation or use of outdoor spaces in the _____________ area? (Choose all that apply) [AP] {NA or EM}

  1. Friends and family

  2. Past experience

  3. Area business owners

  4. Area residents

  5. Visitor Center staff

  6. Contact with park rangers in the field

  7. Visitor Center exhibits

  8. On-Site signage, kiosks, bulletin boards

  9. Travel and tourism councils and associations

  10. Free guides and maps

  11. Guidebooks

  12. Websites (.gov)

  13. Websites (.org or .com)

  14. Digital apps

  15. Social media

  16. Historic references

  17. Maps (topographic, National Geographic, etc.)

  18. Other (please specify): ___________________________________________

  1. SERVICES (SERV1): What services do you depend on to have a successful recreational or outdoor experience? (Choose all that apply.) [AP] {NA or EM}

  1. Gas stations

  2. Gear stores

  3. Grocery stores

  4. Lodging (hotels, B&B’s, etc.)

  5. Outfitters/guides

  6. RV parks/campgrounds

  7. Restaurants

  8. Visitor information

  9. Wireless/cellular coverage

  10. Other (please specify): __________________________________________

  1. SERVICE LOCATION (SERV2): Where are those services located? (Choose all that apply.) [AP] {NA or EM}

  1. List of local communities and nearby large communities, online and other.

  1. MISSING SERVICES: (SERV3) Are there services that are missing and prevent you from having a successful experience? Why? [OE] {NA or EM}

Topic Area 9: Community Vision

  1. COMMUNITY LIFE (COMM1): What are the things you like about living in or visiting this community? [OE] {CE}

  1. PUBLIC LANDS IMPACT ON COMMUNITY (COMM2): How do public lands in the area affect the quality of life issues you just described? [OE] {CE}

  1. POSITIVE ACTIONS FOR COMMUNITY (COMM3): What could the BLM or managing partners do in planning or managing the _______________area that would positively impact those values and vision for this community you expressed earlier? [OE] {CE}

  1. NEGATIVE ACTIONS FOR COMMUNITY (COMM4): What could the BLM do in planning or managing the _______________area that would negatively impact those values and vision for this community you expressed earlier? [OE] {CE}

Topic Area 10: Barriers or Constraints to Recreational Use of Lands

[Note: This topic area is for focus groups directed toward specific, underserved communities. For these focus groups, choose from questions in this topic area and the next. Some questions in this topic area are the same as or closely match some questions in preceding topic areas, above. Underserved community focus groups could also draw questions from topic areas above, including Topic Area 6: Outcomes, Interests, and Expectations, using either the same wording or wording adapted to the community context.]

  1. GENERAL RECREATION (GENREC1): What do you do for recreation in general? [OE] {NA, CE, EM, and UC}

  1. GENERAL RECREATION – OUTDOOR RECREATION DEFINITION (GENREC2): When you think of outdoor recreation, what activities or images comes to mind? [OE] {NA, CE, EM, and UC}

  1. GENERAL RECREATION – OUTDOOR RECREATION (GENREC3): What activities do you do outside? Do these fit what you normally think of as outdoor recreation? [OE] {NA, CE, EM, and UC}

  1. CULTURAL LAND RELATIONSHIP (CULTUR1): Are there cultural and/or religious considerations that impact your use of public lands (or outdoor recreation spaces)? Please tell us about them. [OE] {NA, CE, EM, and UC}

  1. ACTIVITIES 2 (ACT2): When recreating outside, what activities do you engage in most often? (Choose up to 5) [AP] {NA, CE, EM, and UC}

  1. Scenic Driving

  2. Exploring or discovering new areas

  3. Hiking/Walking/Running

  4. Backpacking

  5. Car Camping

  6. Picnicking

  7. Rock Climbing/Canyoneering

  8. Nature Study (Wildlife Viewing/ Bird Watching/Geology/Plants)

  9. 4x4 Driving (Jeep, Truck, SUV)

  10. ATV/UTV riding

  11. Bicycling/ Mountain Biking

  12. Horseback Riding

  13. Organized group activities (i.e. civic groups, clubs, scouts, church, etc.) including historic reenactments

  14. Ranching activities

  15. Hunting

  16. Photography

  17. Learning activities (interpretive programs, educational outings, etc.)

  18. Art/Writing activities

  19. Spiritual renewal activities

  20. Barbequing

  21. Fishing

  22. Playing outdoor sports or in tournaments (e.g., soccer, basketball, tennis)

  23. Attending outdoor sports events

  24. Attending outdoor concerts

  25. Family gatherings outdoors

  26. Yard games (e.g., horseshoes)

  27. Skating/rollerblading

  28. Gardening/landscaping for pleasure

  29. Visiting gardens or agricultural sites

  30. Other (Please specify): ___________________________________________

  31. [Add location specific activities or eliminate activities above that are not applicable to the area. When activities seem too similar or overlap, choose the version most appropriate to the community.]

  1. LOCATION 4 (LOC4): When choosing where to recreate or use outdoor spaces in this region, where do you spend the most time, whether outdoors or indoors? (please all that apply) [AP] {NA, CE, EM, and UC}

    1. Home (indoor or outdoor)

    2. Fitness center / gym

    3. _________________ Recreation Area [insert name of BLM recreation area(s) of interest]

    4. National Parks

    5. State Parks

    6. National Forests

    7. Municipal Parks

    8. Different outdoor recreation area or park (please specify): _______________________

    9. Sports field

    10. Other sports complex or facility (e.g., ice rink) (please specify):____________________

    11. Roads or paths along roads

    12. Work

    13. Other (please specify): ________________________________________________

    14. [add site or community specific recreation areas, landscapes, attractions (include both BLM and neighboring non-BLM lands when applicable)]

  1. GENERAL RECREATION – FREQUENCY (GENREC5): How frequently do you recreate or do activities outdoors? [AP] {NA, CE, EM, and UC}

  1. ACTIVITIES 3 (ACT3): Are there any activities from the above list that you would like to participate in but haven’t been able to up to now? Which ones? Why? [OE] {NA, CE, EM, and UC}

  1. INTERESTS AND EXPECTATIONS 1 (OIE1): When going to your area of interests, describe the interests and expectations you have for your time there? In other words, why do you go there and what do you hope to experience? [OE] {NA, CE, EM, and UC}

  1. INFORMATION SOURCES (INFO): Which sources of information do you depend upon to plan your recreation or use of outdoor spaces in the area? (Choose all that apply) [AP] {NA, EM and UC}

  1. Friends and family

  2. Past experience

  3. Area business owners

  4. Area residents

  5. Visitor Center staff

  6. Contact with park rangers in the field

  7. Visitor Center exhibits

  8. On-Site signage, kiosks, bulletin boards

  9. Travel and tourism councils and associations

  10. Free guides and maps

  11. Guidebooks

  12. Websites (.gov)

  13. Websites (.org or .com)

  14. Digital apps

  15. Social media

  16. Historic references

  17. Maps (topographic, National Geographic, etc.)

  18. Other (please specify): ______________________________________

  1. CONSTRAINTS 1 (CONSTR1): What factors keep you from recreating outdoors or using outdoor spaces at all or more often? [OE] {NA, CE, EM, and UC}

  1. CONSTRAINTS 2 (CONSTR2): What factors keep you from coming to or recreating in ______________ area [insert name of BLM recreation area(s) of interest] (more often [as applicable])? [OE] {NA, CE, EM, and UC}

  1. CONSTRAINTS 3 (CONSTR3): Check all the factors that keep you from coming to or recreating in __________ area (more often [as applicable])? (please all that apply) [AP] {NA, CE, EM, and UC}

    1. Not enough time

    2. Family obligations

    3. Not enough energy

    4. Having no one to go with

    5. You or family members have been in poor health

    6. Not interested in outdoor recreational activities

    7. Pursue recreation elsewhere

    8. Fear of physical assault

    9. Fear of crime

    10. Feeling unwelcome

    11. Fear of racial conflict

    12. Location is too far away

    13. This area does not offer activities I want

    14. Not enough money

    15. Not enough lighting

    16. Sites are too crowded

    17. Lack of transportation to sites

    18. Lack of information (e.g., about trails, allowed uses)

    19. Poor weather

    20. Lack of ADA compliant trails

    21. None of these are factors that keep me from visiting the [insert name of recreation area]

    22. [add site or community specific items]

  1. EQUITY 1 (EQU1): How equitable is access to outdoor recreation or use of outdoor spaces in this area? Do all parts of this community participate with equal ease and comfort? Why is this the case? What factors affect your communities’ access in particular? [OE] {NA, CE, EM, and UC}

  1. COMMUNITY LIFE (COMM1): What are the things you like about living in or visiting this community? [OE] {CE and UC}

  1. PUBLIC LANDS IMPACT ON COMMUNITY (COMM2): How do public lands in the area affect the quality of life issues you just described? [OE] {CE and UC}

  1. EQUITY 2 (EQU2): What policies, improvements to parks or recreation areas, or other actions by land management agencies, government, or local organizations could improve your or your communities’ experience of outdoor recreation or use of outdoor spaces in this area? [OE] {NA, CE, EM, and UC}

  1. [Add community or site specific questions generated in consultation with field office and representatives of the underserved community of interest]

Topic Area 11: Demographics

[Note: Questions from this topic area are intended to be included when determined useful to a particular field office or focus group. These may be of particular importance in focus groups with underserved communities. This list is inclusive of all demographic questions that might be of interest in particular study sites/field offices. The selection and number of questions from this section used in specific focus groups will be decided based on field office, site, and community needs. Thus the total number of questions used in specific focus groups will be smaller than the total listed here. If possible, the number of demographic questions should be limited to 5 or fewer to reduce burden.]

  1. Whis is your sex? (please check one) [AP] {G}

a. Male b. Female c. Self-identify as________ d. Prefer not to respond

56a. With which gender identity do you identify (please check one)

  1. Male

  2. Female

  3. Transgender

  4. Non-binary / non-conforming

  5. Prefer to self-describe_____________

  6. Prefer not to answer

  1. AGE (AGE1): a. In what year were you born? __________ b. Prefer not to answer [AP] {G}

  1. EDUCATION (ED1): Please indicate the highest level of education you have attained. (please check one) [AP] {G}

  1. Less than a high school diploma

  2. High school diploma or GED

  3. Technical/vocational degree beyond high school

  4. Some college/vocational

  5. 4-year college degree

  6. Advanced degree beyond 4-year college degree

  7. Prefer not to answer

  1. RACE/ETHNICITY 1 (RACE/ETH1): Do you consider yourself to be Hispanic or Latino/a/x (please check one) [AP] {G}

a. Yes b. No c. Prefer not to answer

  1. RACE/ETHNICITY 2 (RACE/ETH2): With which racial group(s) do you identify? (please check all that apply) [AP] {G}

  1. American Indian or Alaska Native

  2. Asian

  3. Black or African American

  4. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

  5. White

  6. Prefer not to answer

  1. HOUSEHOLD INCOME (INCOME1): Which of the following broad categories best describes your total annual household income for the last calendar year? (please check one) [AP] {G}

  1. $25,000 or less

  2. $25,001 – $50,000

  3. $50,001 – $75,000

  4. $75,001 – $100,000

  5. $100,001 – $125,000

  6. $125,001 – $150,000

  7. More than $150,000

  8. Prefer not to answer

  1. HOUSEHOLD SIZE (HHSIZE1): How many people live in your household? [AP] {G} ____________________________

  1. RESIDENCE – ZIP CODE (RES1): What is your home zip code? Or country (if you are not a US resident)? [AP] {G}


The following Notices will be provided to the Focus Group Participants:

Privacy Notice: The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is authorized by 43 U.S.C. 1711 and 1712 to collect this information. This information will be used by BLM managers to better understand recreational visits to public lands managed by the BLM. Your response to this request is voluntary and completely anonymous. Your name will never be associated with your answers, and all contact information will be destroyed when the information collection is concluded. No action may be taken against you for refusing to supply the information requested. DOI will not share this information unless authorized or as required by Federal law for security or law enforcement purposes.

These focus groups may be recorded. These recordings will be limited to the research team and will be used to ensure the accuracy of reporting the findings of the focus group. Recordings will be destroyed after the research is concluded. PLEASE INFORM YOUR FOCUS GROUP FACILITTOR IF YOU ARE NOT COMFORTABLE BEING RECORDED.

PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT STATEMENT: An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number and expiration date. The OMB control number for this survey is 1004-0217 (expiration date: 04/30/2025).

BURDEN ESTIMATE STATEMENT: Public reporting for this form is estimated to average 90 minutes per response. Please direct comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this information collection to: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau Information Collection Clearance Officer (WO-630), 1849 C St., N.W., Room 2134LM, Washington, DC 20240.

[Note: Clearly, not all of these questions can or should be asked in a single focus group. Depending on the purpose of the focus group (Needs Assessment, Evaluation and Monitoring, Community Engagement, or Underserved Community) a smaller subset of these questions would be used. Please see the accompanying excel spread sheet that indicates which questions would be used in which type of focus group/public meeting. Within those subsets, the field office staff would eliminate possible duplicate questions (there are often several ways offered to get at similar information), or shorten the overall set of questions in response to management needs or time constraints (focus groups should not go over 90 minutes).]

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