Attachment A: Instrument: Word Version
Survey Introduction
Form Approved
Control No. 0920-0879
Date: 8/31/2026
CDC Funded Recipient Experience Survey
Welcome to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) funded recipient experience survey for state, tribal, local, or territorial health agency staff. We would like your feedback on the guidance, assistance, and services that CDC provides to funded recipients like you.
This survey will give CDC information about what is working, what could be improved upon, and what direction you would like CDC to take in the future to best support you in achieving your mission and CDC’s. Your participation is greatly appreciated.
CDC will share a summary of the survey results and the actions they plan to take with funded recipients in Fall 2024.
Survey Instructions
Completing the survey is voluntary and takes about 16 minutes, on average.
Your survey link is unique. Please do not share it with others.
You do not have to complete the survey in one sitting. You may exit and return to update your responses until the survey closes.
You may only submit one response.
Please be candid. We will not share any identifying information about individual respondents with CDC. Responding to this survey will not affect your current award. Nor will it affect your eligibility for—or receipt of—future services or funding.
Please do NOT provide any names of individuals in your responses (such as those of your project officer or grants management specialist).
If you have any questions or feedback regarding the survey, please email
If you believe you received this survey in error or require technical assistance with the survey, please email
click "Next" below to begin the survey.
Burden Statement: CDC
estimates the average public reporting burden for this collection of
information as 16 minutes per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data/information sources,
gathering, and maintaining the data/information needed, and
completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may
not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a
collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB
control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any
other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions
for reducing burden to CDC/ATSDR Information Collection Review
Office, 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS H21-8, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN:
PRA (0920-0879).
[Programming Note: All 1-10 scale questions (except ACSI/Overall Satisfaction) will include a NA option. The NA column of radio buttons will be shaded gray to differentiate it from the 1-10 radio buttons.]
[Notes for Reviewers 1. The “Titles” given to each section of questions will not be visible by respondents, this is only to help with the review and feedback process. 2. The navy-blue questions are ACSI model questions, and the black questions are custom questions.]
Grant/Cooperative Agreement Selection
Please select from the drop down below one grant or cooperative agreement that you are currently working on. For ALL questions in this survey (unless noted otherwise) please only think about your interactions with the specific grant or cooperative agreement you select.
Application and Award Processes
Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) presentation/Informational webinar.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the NOFO.
CDC staff identified in the CDC NOFO.
Information on the CDC website about the NOFO.
Using a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is Poor and 10 is Excellent, please rate the:
GA7. Think about the technical review or summary statement you received with your Notice of Award (NOA) for this grant or cooperative agreement. Using a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is Poor and 10 is Excellent, please rate the:
Clarity of recommendations for changes to the work plan.
Assistance provided by CDC in making changes to the work plan.
Time given to make required changes to the work plan.
Consistency of comments and feedback (e.g., by multiple CDC personnel or over time).
Helpfulness of the information provided in the review.
Monitoring and Reporting
M1. Clarity of monitoring requirements.
M2. Reasonableness of monitoring requirements.
M3. Ease of reaching CDC personnel with questions or concerns about monitoring activities.
M4. Helpfulness of interaction(s) with CDC personnel while engaged in monitoring activities.
M5. Ease of using the required online platform(s) for monitoring activities.
M6. Consistency of guidance from CDC personnel related to monitoring activities (e.g., by multiple CDC personnel or over time).
M7. In the past 12 months, have you participated in a CDC site visit for this grant or cooperative agreement, whether in-person or virtually? (Do not include reverse site visits in your response)
Yes, in-person (on-site at your organization)
Yes, virtually
No (skip to R1)
I do not know (skip to R1)
Think about your most recent CDC site visit. Using a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is Poor and 10 is Excellent, please rate the:
SV1. Lead time you had to prepare for the site visit.
SV2. Helpfulness of your project officer (PO) in preparing for the site visit.
SV3. Helpfulness of your grants management specialist (GMS) in preparing for the site visit.
SV4. Usefulness of the site visit to achieve program outcomes.
SV5. Taking into consideration the time and resources you and your organization spent preparing for your most recent site visit, how burdensome was the site visit preparation:
Not at all burdensome.
A little burdensome.
Somewhat burdensome.
Very burdensome.
Not sure (I was not involved).
SV6. Taking into consideration the time and resources you and your organization spent on required follow up (after action) from your most recent site visit, how burdensome was the required site visit follow up:
Not at all burdensome.
A little burdensome.
Somewhat burdensome.
Very burdensome.
Not applicable (no follow up was required).
Not sure (I was not involved).
SV7. What can CDC do to improve future site visit experiences, including necessary preparation and follow up? (Please be specific).) [Optional Open End]
For the following questions, please think about the REPORTING REQUIREMENTS for this [GRANT PROGRAM]. Reporting requirements include annual progress (performance) reports and financial reports.
Using a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is Poor and 10 is Excellent, please rate the:
R1. Clarity of reporting requirements.
R2. Ease of gathering and organizing the data/information required for reporting to CDC.
R3. Ease of reaching CDC personnel with questions or concerns about reporting requirements.
R4. Helpfulness of interaction(s) with CDC personnel while engaged in reporting requirements.
R5. Ease of submitting reports to CDC via online platform(s).
R8. Consistency of guidance from CDC personnel related to reporting requirements (e.g., by multiple CDC personnel or over time).
Training and Technical Assistance
TTA2. What are the reasons you have not received training or technical assistance for this grant or cooperative agreement? (Select all that apply) (skip to C1)
I did not need training or technical assistance. (skip to C1)
Neither training nor technical assistance were made available by CDC. (skip to C1)
I received training or technical assistance from somewhere else. (skip to C1)
Funds were not available to pay for the training or technical assistance I needed. (skip to C1)
Another reason (please specify) (skip to C1) [Optional Open End]
Budget or fiscal management
Program planning, development, or management.
Best practices available to implement the intended interventions.
Program evaluation or performance improvement.
Other (Please specify) [Optional open end]
Using a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is Poor and 10 is Excellent, please rate the:
T1. Ease of requesting training or technical assistance.
T2. Responsiveness of CDC personnel to your requests for training and technical assistance.
T3. Ability of CDC personnel to address your concerns or direct you to helpful resources.
T4. Timeliness of training and technical assistance delivered.
T5. Usefulness of training and technical assistance delivered.
For the next set of questions, please think about CDC’s COMMUNICATION EFFORTS (emails, newsletters, webcasts, social media, online platforms, online chat) related to [GRANT PROGRAM].
Using a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is Poor and 10 is Excellent, please rate the:
C1. Timeliness of program communications that include actions you need to take.
C2. Use of plain language in program communications.
C3. Consistency of information provided about this program across different communication channels.
C4. Usefulness of information provided by CDC for program awareness.
For the following questions, please think about the support you receive from CDC personnel (e.g., project officers, grant management specialists, technical, or program staff) on [GRANT PROGRAM].
Using a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is Poor and 10 is Excellent, please rate the:
P1. CDC personnel’s understanding of needs and context specific to your organization.
P2. CDC personnel’s understanding of needs and context specific to your jurisdiction.
P3. Openness and transparency of CDC personnel about upcoming changes or issues that will affect your grant/cooperative agreement.
P4. CDC personnel’s ability to balance the interests and needs of your organization or program with the interests and needs of CDC.
For the following questions, think only about your current project officer (PO) for this grant or cooperative agreement.
PO1. How long have you worked with your current CDC PO for this grant or cooperative agreement?
Less than 3 months
3 months to 11 months
1 to 3 years
More than 3 years
PO2. Approximately, how often do you have contact with your CDC PO for this grant or cooperative agreement?
Every six months
Once per year
Not sure
PO3. Is the frequency of contact with your PO for this grant or cooperative agreement:
Too little
About right
Too much
Not sure
What can CDC do to improve the PO
support you receive for this grant or cooperative agreement (please
be specific)? [Optional Open End]
For the following
questions, think only about your current
grants management specialist (GMS)
for this
grant or cooperative agreement.
GM1. How long have you worked with your current CDC GMS for this grant or cooperative agreement?
Less than 3 months
3 months to 11 months
1 to 3 years
More than 3 years
GM2. Approximately, how often do you have contact with your CDC GMS for this grant or cooperative agreement?
Every six months
Once per year
Not sure
GM3. Is the frequency of contact with your CDC GMS for this grant or cooperative agreement?
Too little
About right
Too much
Not sure
GM4. What can CDC do to improve the GMS support you receive for this grant or cooperative agreement (Please be specific)? [Optional Open End]
For the following questions, please think about BOTH your PO and GMS for this grant and cooperative agreement.
P7. How often do you receive guidance from your PO that is different from the guidance you receive from your GMS for this grant or cooperative agreement?
A moderate amount
A great deal
Not sure
P8. Have you experienced PO or GMS turnover with this grant or cooperative agreement? (Select all that apply) (Turnover refers to either a permanent or temporary change to your main point of contact during this project.)
Yes, PO turnover (Skip to P9)
Yes, GMS turnover (Skip to P10)
No (Skip to P11)
Not sure (Skip to P11)
P9. How often do you receive guidance from your NEW PO that is different from what you received from your previous PO?
A moderate amount
A great deal
Not sure
P10. How often do you receive guidance from your NEW GMS that is different from what you received from your previous GMS?
A moderate amount
A great deal
Not sure
P11. Think about the budget flexibility you have with this grant or cooperative agreement. On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is Not at all satisfied and 10 is Very satisfied, how satisfied are you with your flexibility to:
Adapt to the changing needs of the intended population served.
Hire the types of staff you need to implement funded activities.
Adapt activities to meet emergent needs that align with the intent of the funding.
For the following questions, please consider your entire grant or cooperative agreement experience, from the most recent NOFO and application to today for [GRANT PROGRAM].
ACSI Benchmark (CSI)
ACSI2. On a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 now means Falls Short of your Expectations and 10 means Exceeds your Expectations, how well has your experience with this grant or cooperative agreement met your expectations?
ACSI3. On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is Not Very Close to Ideal and 10 is Very Close to Ideal, how close to your “ideal” grant experience was your experience with this grant or cooperative agreement?
Future Behaviors/Outcome Metrics
OM1. On a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is Not at all helpful and 10 is Extremely helpful, how much does CDC’s non-monetary support (e.g., communication, technical assistance, personnel) improve your ability to achieve the goals and objectives of the grant or cooperative agreement?
OM2. On a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is No trust at all and 10 is Have complete trust, how much do you trust CDC’s commitment to your success as a partner in achieving the goals and objectives of the grant or cooperative agreement?
Suggestions for Improvement
S1. If you could change one aspect of your experience with this grant or cooperative agreement, what would it be? [Optional Open End]
RE1. How long have you worked on this grant or cooperative agreement?
Less than 1 year
More than 1 but less than 3 years
More than 3 but less than 5 years
More than 5 years
Not sure
RE2. How many CDC grants or cooperative agreements have you worked on in the past 5 years?
1 grant or cooperative agreement
2-5 grants or cooperative agreements
6-10 grants or cooperative agreements
More than 10 grants or cooperative agreements
S2. Think about your overall experience with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, across all grants and cooperative agreements of the past 5 years. What changes or improvements can CDC make to improve your overall satisfaction with CDC? [Optional Open End]
Thank you for sharing your feedback and taking the time to complete the CDC funded recipient survey. We will share the results of this survey with you in the next few months.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Bhavana Kapoor |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-10-28 |