Nonsub Change Request - Form A-7 (Notification of Concern) Digitization - Appendix

Nonsub Memo Appendix A_0970-0547_Admin & Oversight_010_2024 09 16.xlsx

Administration and Oversight of the Unaccompanied Children Program

Nonsub Change Request - Form A-7 (Notification of Concern) Digitization - Appendix

OMB: 0970-0547

Document [xlsx]
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Sheet 1: NOC

Notification of Concern (Form A-7)

Section (PRS App) Field (PRS App) Field (PDF Form) Section (PDF Form) Modifications Notes
Submission Details
Fields that appear in this section depend upon the user type
Pending supervisor approval
Approved by supervisor
Certified and submitted
n/a n/a Added System-generated based on workflow
Completed Date of Report Submission Released Child Information Reworded; Changed field type System-generated based on workflow (previously entered manually)
PRS case manager n/a n/a Added Displayed conditionally based on user role, autopopulated based on workflow (pulled from user account information)
Supervisor review n/a n/a Added System-generated based on workflow
Supervisor n/a n/a Added Displayed conditionally based on user role, autopopulated based on workflow (pulled from user account information)
Submitted Date of Report Submission
View-only System-generated based on workflow
Verified By n/a n/a Added Autopopulated based on workflow (pulled from user account information)
PRS Provider n/a n/a Added Displayed conditionally based on user role, autopopulated based on workflow (pulled from user account information)
Subcontractor n/a n/a Added Displayed conditionally based on user role, autopopulated based on workflow (pulled from user account information)
Reporter Information Reporter Name Released Child Information Reworded Displayed conditionally based on user role, autopopulates name, organization, email, and phone based on workflow
Reporting Organization Type
Care Provider
PRS Provider
Reporter E-mail
Reporter Phone
Assessment Comments n/a n/a Added Appears in drawer after supervisor user clicks "Request edits" (replaces emailing comments to PRS case manager)
Do you, [Current User Name] ([Current User Organization]), verify and submit this assessment to ORR? n/a n/a Added Appears in drawer after user clicks "Certify and submit" (replaces emailing final form to ORR)
Child Information Child name Child Name Released Child Information Changed field type Autopopulated, not editable (previously entered manually)
A# A# (no spaces or dashes) Released Child Information Reworded; Changed field type Autopopulated, not editable (previously entered manually)
Also known as (AKA) n/a n/a Added Autopopulated (pulled from existing data in UC Portal approved under OMB 0970-0553), not editable
Date of birth Date of Birth Released Child Information Changed field type Autopopulated (pulled from existing data in UC Portal approved under OMB 0970-0553), not editable (previously entered manually)
Age Age Released Child Information Changed field type Autopopulated (pulled from existing data in UC Portal approved under OMB 0970-0553), not editable (previously entered manually)
Gender Gender Released Child Information Changed field type Autopopulated (pulled from existing data in UC Portal approved under OMB 0970-0553), not editable (previously entered manually)
Country of birth Country of Birth Released Child Information Changed field type Autopopulated (pulled from existing data in UC Portal approved under OMB 0970-0553), not editable (previously entered manually)
Discharge date Date of Discharge Released Child Information Reworded; Changed field type Autopopulated (pulled from existing data in UC Portal approved under OMB 0970-0553), not editable (previously entered manually)
Care provider facility Care Provider Name Released Child Information Reworded; Changed field type Autopopulated (pulled from existing data in UC Portal approved under OMB 0970-0553), not editable (previously entered manually)
Phone number n/a n/a Added Autopopulated (pulled from existing data in UC Portal approved under OMB 0970-0553), not editable
Sponsor Information Sponsor name Sponsor Name Sponsor Information Changed field type Autopopulated (pulled from existing data in UC Portal approved under OMB 0970-0553), not editable (previously entered manually)
Sponsor category Sponsor Category
Category 1
Category 2A
Category 2B
Category 3
Sponsor Information Changed field type Autopopulated (pulled from existing data in UC Portal approved under OMB 0970-0553), not editable (previously entered manually)
Sponsor relationship to child Relationship to Child Sponsor Information Reworded; Changed field type Autopopulated (pulled from existing data in UC Portal approved under OMB 0970-0553), not editable (previously entered manually)
Date of birth n/a n/a Added Autopopulated (pulled from existing data in UC Portal approved under OMB 0970-0553), not editable
Gender n/a n/a Added Autopopulated (pulled from existing data in UC Portal approved under OMB 0970-0553), not editable
Country of birth n/a n/a Added Autopopulated (pulled from existing data in UC Portal approved under OMB 0970-0553), not editable
Address Address Sponsor Information Changed field type Autopopulated (pulled from existing data in UC Portal approved under OMB 0970-0553), not editable (previously entered manually)
City City Sponsor Information Changed field type Autopopulated (pulled from existing data in UC Portal approved under OMB 0970-0553), not editable (previously entered manually)
dropdown options for 50 states + DC
dropdown options for 50 states + DC
Sponsor Information Changed field type Autopopulated (pulled from existing data in UC Portal approved under OMB 0970-0553), not editable (previously entered manually)
Zip code Zip Code Sponsor Information Changed field type Autopopulated (pulled from existing data in UC Portal approved under OMB 0970-0553), not editable (previously entered manually)
Primary phone n/a n/a Added Autopopulated (pulled from existing data in UC Portal approved under OMB 0970-0553), not editable
Backup phone number n/a n/a Added Autopopulated (pulled from existing data in UC Portal approved under OMB 0970-0553), not editable
Do you plan to enter a flag in UC Portal?
Reporter Entered/Will Enter Sponsor Flag?

Reporter Entered/Will Enter Address Flag?
Sponsor Information Reworded; Merged fields
Event Details Date of event Date of Event Event Details No change
Date reporting party informed of event Date Reporting Party Informed of Event Released Child Information Changed location
Location of Event
Sponsor's home
Foster or group home (not run by UC Bureau)
Care provider facility
Out-of-network placement
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) custody
Country of origin
Journey to U.S.
U.S. Interior (before entering DHS or ORR custody)
Location of Event
Care Provider Facility
Group Home
Foster Home
Community (field trip outside the foster home)
Out-of-Network Placement
DHS Custody
Country of Origin
Journey to U.S.
U.S. Interior (not in DHS or ORR custody)
Event Details Changed dropdown options
Only appears if user selects Foster or group home (not run by UC Bureau)
Specify foster or group home program n/a n/a Added Displayed conditionally, follow-up question to Location of Event (currently entered in Summary of Incident field)
Specify type of foster or group home
Unaccompanied Refugee Minors (URM) Program
Local social services agency
n/a n/a Added Displayed conditionally, follow-up question to Location of Event (currently entered in Summary of Incident field)
Other type of foster or group home n/a n/a Added Displayed conditionally, follow-up question for additional details is user selects "other" for Specify type of foster or group home
Only appears if user selects Community
Specify type of community location
Hospital or other medical facility
Religious institution
Field Trip
Off-site appointment
n/a n/a Added Displayed conditionally, follow-up question to Location of Event (currently entered in Summary of Incident field)
Other type of community location n/a n/a Added Displayed conditionally, follow-up question for additional details is user selects "other" for Specify type of community location
Only appears if user selects Care provider facility
Specify care provider facility n/a n/a Added Displayed conditionally, follow-up question to Location of Event (currently entered in Summary of Incident field)
Specify type of care provider facility
Congregate care
Group home
Individual foster home
n/a n/a Added Displayed conditionally, follow-up question to Location of Event (currently entered in Summary of Incident field)
Only appears is user select Congregate care
Specify location in care provider facility
Dining facility
Dormitory area
Medical area
Recreational area
Restroom or shower
School area
Specify Location if Event Occurred: at Care Provider
Dining Facility
Dormitory Area
Field Trip
Medical Facility
Off-site Appointment
Recreational Area
Restroom or Shower
School Area
Event Details Reworded; Changed dropdown options Displayed conditionally, follow-up question to Location of Event
Other location in care provider facility n/a n/a Added Displayed conditionally, follow-up question for additional details is user selects "other" for Specify location in care provider facility
Only appears is user selects Out-of-network placement
Specify out-of-network facility n/a n/a Added Displayed conditionally, follow-up question to Location of Event (currently entered in Summary of Incident field)
Only appears if user selects Department of Homeland Security (DHS) custody
Specify type of Department of Homeland Services (DHS) custody
Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) custody
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody
Specify Location if Event Occurred: in DHS Custody
CBP Custody
ICE Custody
Event Details Reworded; Changed dropdown options Displayed conditionally, follow-up question to Location of Event
Synopsis of event Synopsis of Event Event Details No change
Placement Is the child living with their sponsor?
n/a n/a Added Question allows app to dynamically display address on file when applicable
Is the child still living at the address on file?
n/a n/a Added Question allows app to dynamically display address on file when applicable
What changed?
With alternate caregiver (ACG) or non-sponsor
Living independently
Known runaway
Returned to home country
Location unknown
n/a n/a Added Displayed conditionally, follow-up question to Is the child living with their sponsor? and Is the child still living at the address on file?
More information about unknown location n/a n/a Added Displayed conditionally, follow-up question to Is the child living with their sponsor? and Is the child still living at the address on file?
Other change n/a n/a Added Displayed conditionally, follow-up question for additional details is user selects "other" for What changed?
Who are they living with?
First Name Caregiver Name Primary Caregiver Information Reworded; Split into two fields; Changed formatting Displayed conditionally; displaying as card to improve user experience
Last Name
Relationship to child n/a n/a Added Displayed conditionally; displaying as card to improve user experience, follow-up question to First Name and Last Name
Phone number n/a n/a Added Displayed conditionally; displaying as card to improve user experience, follow-up question to First Name and Last Name
Where are they living?
Address Address Primary Caregiver Information Changed formatting Displayed conditionally; displaying as card to improve user experience
City City Primary Caregiver Information Changed formatting Displayed conditionally; displaying as card to improve user experience
dropdown options for 50 states + DC
dropdown options for 50 states + DC
Primary Caregiver Information Changed formatting Displayed conditionally; displaying as card to improve user experience
Zip code Zip Code Primary Caregiver Information Changed formatting Displayed conditionally; displaying as card to improve user experience
Incident Information Notification of concern category Notification of Concern Category Incident Information No change No change to any category or subcategory checkbox options
How was this child involved?
Alleged Perpetrator
How was this child involved?
Alleged Perpetrator
Incident Information No change
Other way the child was involved n/a n/a Added Displayed conditionally, follow-up question for additional details is user selects "other" for How was this child involved?
Alleged Perpetrator(s) Add alleged perpetrator n/a n/a Added functionality Button created new card with below fields; enable addition of multiple alleged perpetrators if more than one exists
Full name of alleged perpetrator n/a n/a Added Displayed conditionally, follow-up question to Type of Alleged Perpetrator (currently entered in Summary of Incident field)
Type of alleged perpetrator
Care provider staff
HS/PRS provider staff
Released child or another UC
Other child (non-UC)
Non-staff adult
Alleged Perpetrator
Program Staff
UC or Released Child
Other Child
Non-Staff Adult
Incident Information Reworded; Changed dropdown options Displayed conditionally
Other type of alleged perpetrator n/a n/a Added Displayed conditionally, follow-up question for additional details is user selects "other" for Type of Alleged Perpetrator
Remove + / - Incident Information Added functionality Deletes card
Incident Summary and Response Summary of incident Summary of Incident Incident Information No change
PRS case manager response and intervention Case Worker Response and Intervention Incident Information Reworded
Agencies Contacted
Split Persons/Agencies Contacted table into two separate sections
Add agency contacted + / - Incident Information Reworded Button created new card with below fields
Agency name Agency or Person (Title) Incident Information Reworded Displayed conditionally
Type of agency
Local law enforcement
Residential staff
Type of Agency
Local Law Enforcement
Residential Staff
Incident Information No change Displayed conditionally
Other type of agency n/a n/a Added Displayed conditionally, follow-up question for additional details is user selects "other" for Type of Agency
Date reported Date Reported Incident Information No change Displayed conditionally
Case number Case Number Incident Information No change Displayed conditionally
dropdown options for 50 states + DC
dropdown options for 50 states + DC
Incident Information No change Displayed conditionally
Phone number Phone Number Incident Information No change Displayed conditionally
Email n/a n/a Added Displayed conditionally, follow-up question to Agency Name
Remove + / - Incident Information Reworded Deletes card
Persons Contacted
Split Persons/Agencies Contacted table into two separate sections
Add person contacted + / - Incident Information Reworded Button created new card with below fields
Full name and title Agency or Person (Title) Incident Information Reworded Displayed conditionally
Type of agency
Local law enforcement
Residential staff
Type of Agency
Local Law Enforcement
Residential Staff
Incident Information No change Displayed conditionally
Other type of person n/a n/a Added Displayed conditionally, follow-up question for additional details is user selects "other" for Type of Agency
Date reported Date Reported Incident Information No change Displayed conditionally
Phone number Phone Number Incident Information No change Displayed conditionally
Email n/a n/a Added Displayed conditionally, follow-up question to Full Name and Title
Remove + / - Incident Information Reworded Deletes card
Addendum n/a + / - Addendums Removed Instead of updating the PDF form and entering adding a description of the change in the Addendums table, users now have a separate interface to enter addendums. The interface includes the same workflow submission process as the initial form submission and only sections of form that can be updated. See Addendum tab in this workbook for details.
Completed Addendum Date Addendums Reworded
Addendum description Addendum Description Addendums No change

Sheet 2: Addendum

Notification of Concern (Form A-7) - Addendum
Instead of updating the PDF form and entering adding a description of the change in the Addendums table, users now have a separate interface to enter addendums. The interface includes the same workflow submission process as the initial form submission and only sections of form that can be updated.

Section (PRS App) Field (PRS App)
Addendum Addendum description
Submission Details
Fields that appear in this section depend upon the user type
Pending supervisor approval
Approved by supervisor
Certified and submitted
PRS case manager
Supervisor review
Verified By
PRS provider
Reporter Information
Assessment Comments
Do you, [Current User Name] ([Current User Organization]), verify and submit this assessment to ORR?
Updates to Placement Is the child living with their sponsor?
Is the child still living at the address on file?
What changed?
With alternate caregiver (ACG) or non-sponsor
Living independently
Known runaway
Returned to home country
Location unknown
More information about unknown location
Other change
Who are they living with?
First Name
Last Name
Relationship to child
Phone number
Where are they living?
dropdown options for 50 states + DC
Zip code
Updates to Incident Information Notification of concern category
How was this child involved?
Alleged Perpetrator
Other way the child was involved
Additional Agencies Contacted
Split Persons/Agencies Contacted table into two separate sections
Add agency contacted
Agency name
Type of agency
Local law enforcement
Residential staff
Other type of agency
Date reported
Case number
dropdown options for 50 states + DC
Phone number
Additional Persons Contacted
Split Persons/Agencies Contacted table into two separate sections
Add person contacted
Full name and title
Type of agency
Local law enforcement
Residential staff
Other type of person
Date reported
Phone number
File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created0000-00-00

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