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pdfPrivacy Impact Assessment (PIA): CDC - TAC - QTR3 - 2023 - CDC6788460
Created Date: 7/4/2023 1:30 AM Last Updated: 11/22/2023 1:41 PM
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ATO - Authorization to Operate
CAC - Common Access Card
FISMA - Federal Information Security Management Act
ISA - Information Sharing Agreement
HHS - Department of Health and Human Services
MOU - Memorandum of Understanding
NARA - National Archives and Record Administration
OMB - Office of Management and Budget
PIA - Privacy Impact Assessment
PII - Personally Identifiable Information
POC - Point of Contact
PTA - Privacy Threshold Assessment
SORN - System of Records Notice
SSN - Social Security Number
URL - Uniform Resource Locator
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General Information
PIA Name:
CDC - TAC - QTR3 - 2023 - CDC6788460
Name of
Technical Assistance Center
Name of ATO
Technical Assistance Center
Migrated Sub-Component PIA
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Overall Status:
PIA Queue:
# Days Open:
PATEL, Anusha
Submit Date:
Expiration Date: 11/16/2026
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Legacy PIA ID:
Identify the Enterprise Performance Lifecycle Phase of the system
Operations and Maintenance
Is this a FISMA-Reportable system?
Does the system have or is it covered by a Security Authorization to
Operate (ATO)?
ATO Date or Planned ATO Date
Privacy Threshold Analysis (PTA)
PTA Name
CDC - TAC - QTR2 - 2023 - CDC6757254
History Log:
View History Log
PTA - 2:
Indicate the following reason(s) for this PTA. Choose from the following
PIA Validation (PIA Refresh)
PTA - 2A:
Describe in further detail any changes to the system that have occurred
since the last PIA.
The system name was changed from Technical
Assistance Hub (TAH) to Technical Assistance Center
PTA - 3:
Is the data contained in the system owned by the agency or contractor?
PTA - 4:
Please give a brief overview and purpose of the system by describing
what the functions of the system are and how the system carries out
those functions.
The purpose of this system is to support a Technical
Assistance Center (TAC) that delivers comprehensive
technical assistance and training to support the
successful implementation and evaluation of
surveillance and prevention activities for the
recipients of Division of Overdose Prevention (DOP)
programs, such as the Overdose Data to Action
(OD2A). The DOP Technical Assistance Center (TAC)
websites offers a repository of overdose
surveillance and prevention resources for both
Division of Overdose Prevention (DOP) staff and
recipients of Division of Overdose Prevention (DOP)
programs. Additionally, the Technical Assistance
Center (TAC) website is used to track and monitor
the technical assistance that is delivered to Division
of Overdose Prevention (DOP) recipients.
PTA - 5:
List and/or describe all the types of information that are collected (into), The system will collect the following data: Basic
program information on Overdose Data to Action
maintained, and/or shared in the system regardless of whether that
information is PII and how long that information is stored.
Overdose Data to Action (OD2A) program
participants request for Technical Assistance Center,
The administration and execution of the Technical
Assistance Center, Events and activities that can be
attended by program participants and interested
parties, Resources and publications that are curated
and disseminated by Overdose Data to Action
(OD2A) subject matter experts, and User
information for program participants (Username,
name, business/organizational email address).
PTA - 5A:
Are user credentials used to access the system?
PTA - 5B:
Please identify the type of user credentials used to access the system.
Non-HHS User Credentials
Email Address
PTA - 6:
Describe why all types of information is collected (into), maintained,
and/or shared with another system. This description should specify
what information is collected about each category of individual.
Technical Assistance Center (TAC) collects data from
stakeholders who oversee, implement, and support
the program activities under OD2A, including state
agency administrators, program staff, local health
department staff, and evaluators. Data collection
will include the TA utility, preferences, needs, and
interests for the optimal delivery of TA content
across a diverse group of stakeholders who are
directly involved in building or sustaining opioid
surveillance and prevention program activities.
The Overdose Data to Action (OD2A) Technical
Assistance Center (TAC) evaluation surveys involves
the use of web-based data collection methods. The
website does use cookies, and access to the webbased questionnaire will use a link to an anonymous
survey. The data will be used in the administering of
the Technical Assistance. Monthly reports will be
created from the analytics within the system, and it
will be shared with the Program team and CDC
program officers and managers.
PII Information (Username, name,
Business/organizational email address) is collected
solely for the purposes of providing passwordprotected access to the OD2A-TAC website,
facilitating internal communication among OD2ATAC website users, sending system notifications,
follow-up, and sending communications and
announcements from OD2A-TAC, and monitoring
and tracking reach and use so to meet users’ needs.
No data is extracted from this system and fed into
another system.
PTA - 7:
Does the system collect, maintain, use or share PII?
PTA - 7A:
Does this include Sensitive PII as defined by HHS?
PTA - 8:
Does the system include a website or online application?
PTA - 8A:
Are any of the URLs listed accessible by the general public (to include
publicly accessible log in and internet websites/online applications)?
PTA - 9:
Describe the purpose of the website, who has access to it, and how
users access the web site (via public URL, log in, etc.). Please address
each element in your response.
The Technical Assistance (TAC) publicly available
website is used for user login activities (login and
password reset) and contact information for the
Division of Overdose Prevention for those seeking
help or access to the system.
Only authorized users are allowed to access the
non-publicly available portion of Technical
Assistance Center (TAC) system. The purpose of TAC
is to deliver comprehensive technical assistance and
training to support the successful implementation
and evaluation of surveillance and prevention
activities for the recipients of Division of Overdose
Prevention (DOP) programs, such as the Overdose
Data to Action (OD2A). The Division of Overdose
Prevention (DOP) TAC websites offers a repository
of overdose surveillance and prevention resources
for both Division of Overdose Prevention (DOP) staff
and recipients of Division of Overdose Prevention
(DOP) programs. Additionally, the TAC website is
used to track and monitor the technical assistance
that is delivered to DOP recipients. Recipients and
program participants must request for site access
with the CDC. Once their application for access has
been reviewed and approved, a user profile is
created for the user and they are sent a welcoming
email to their email address. Once they have access
to the website, they can log into the site via a
browser and view resources, event announcements,
other members. Program recipients can request
technical assistance. This assistance is performed
outside of the system, but the interactions are
recorded in a Technical Assistance Assignment and
then generate a Technical Assistance report that
summarizes the interaction and outcomes.
PTA - 10:
Does the website have a posted privacy notice?
PTA - 11:
Does the website contain links to non-federal government websites
external to HHS?
PTA - 11A:
Is a disclaimer notice provided to users that follow external links to
websites not owned or operated by HHS?
PTA - 12:
Does the website use web measurement and customization
PTA - 12A:
Select the type(s) of website measurement and customization
technologies in use and if it is used to collect PII.
PTA - 13:
Does the website have any information or pages directed at children
under the age of thirteen?
PTA - 13A:
Does the website collect PII from children under the age thirteen?
PTA - 13B:
Is there a unique privacy policy for the website and does the unique
privacy policy address the process for obtaining parental consent if any
information is collected?
PTA - 14:
Does the system have a mobile application?
PTA - 14A:
Is the mobile application HHS developed and managed or a third-party
PTA - 15:
Describe the purpose of the mobile application, who has access to it,
and how users access it. Please address each element in your response.
PTA - 16:
Does the mobile application/ have a privacy notice?
PTA - 17:
Does the mobile application contain links to non-federal government
website external to HHS?
PTA - 17A:
Is a disclaimer notice provided to users that follow external links to
resources not owned or operated by HHS?
PTA - 18:
Does the mobile application use measurement and customization
PTA - 18A:
Describe the type(s) of measurement and customization technologies or
techniques in use and what information is collected.
PTA - 19:
Does the mobile application have any information or pages directed at
children under the age of thirteen?
PTA - 19A:
Does the mobile application collect PII from children under the age
PTA - 19B:
Is there a unique privacy policy for the mobile application and does the
unique privacy policy address the process for obtaining parental
consent if any information is collected?
PTA - 20:
Is there a third-party website or application (TPWA) associated with the
PTA - 21:
Does this system use artificial intelligence (AI) tools or technologies?
PIA - 1:
Indicate the type(s) of personally identifiable information (PII) that the
system will collect, maintain, or share.
Email Address
Phone numbers
Employment Status
User Credentials
PIA - 2:
Indicate the categories of individuals about whom PII is collected,
maintained or shared.
Business Partners/Contacts (Federal, state, local
Employees/ HHS Direct Contractors
Vendors/Suppliers/Third-Party Contractors
(Contractors other than HHS Direct Contractors)
PIA - 3:
Indicate the approximate number of individuals whose PII is maintained
in the system.
Above 2000
PIA - 4:
For what primary purpose is the PII used?
The PII Information is used for user registration,
login and contact and follow-up.
PIA - 5:
Describe any secondary uses for which the PII will be used (e.g. testing,
training or research).
PIA - 6:
Describe the function of the SSN and/or Taxpayer ID.
PIA - 6A:
Cite the legal authority to use the SSN.
PIA - 7:
Identify legal authorities, governing information use and disclosure
specific to the system and program.
Public Health Service Act, Section 301, "Research
and Investigation" (42 U.S.C. 241)
PIA - 8:
Are records in the system retrieved by one or more PII data elements?
PIA - 8A:
Please specify which PII data elements are used to retrieve records.
PIA - 8B:
Provide the number, title, and URL of the Privacy Act System of Records
Notice (SORN) that is being used to cover the system or indicate
whether a new or revised SORN is in development.
PIA - 9:
Identify the sources of PII in the system.
Directly from an individual about whom the
information pertains
Government Sources
PIA - 10:
Is there an Office of Management and Budget (OMB) information
collection approval number?
PIA - 10A:
Provide the information collection approval number.
OMB # 0920-1355.
PIA - 10B:
Identify the OMB information collection approval number expiration
PIA - 10C:
Explain why an OMB information collection approval number is not
The OMB # is required.
PIA - 11:
Is the PII shared with other organizations outside the system’s
Operating Division?
PIA - 11A:
Identify with whom the PII is shared or disclosed.
PIA - 11B:
Please provide the purpose(s) for the disclosures described in PIA - 11A.
PIA - 11C:
List any agreements in place that authorize the information sharing or
disclosure (e.g., Computer Matching Agreement (CMA), Memorandum
of Understanding (MOU), or Information Sharing Agreement (ISA)).
PIA - 11D:
Describe process and procedures for logging/tracking/accounting for
the sharing and/or disclosing of PII. If no process or procedures are in
place, please explain why not.
PIA - 12:
Is the submission of PII by individuals voluntary or mandatory?
PIA - 12A:
If PII submission is mandatory, provide the specific legal requirement
that requires individuals to provide information or face potential civil or
criminal penalties.
PIA - 13:
Describe the method for individuals to opt-out of the collection or use
of their PII. If there is no option to object to the information collection,
provide a reason.
There is no method to opt out of the collection of
the PII for this systems since the PII collected is
name, email address, and employment status is
required in order to communicate with the site
users. We could not communicate or authenticate
the users without the PII requested.
PIA - 14:
Describe the process to notify and obtain consent from the individuals
whose PII is in the system when major changes occur to the system
(e.g., disclosure and/or data uses have changed since the notice at the
time of original collection). Alternatively, describe why they cannot be
notified or have their consent obtained.
The participants are contacted via email to notify
and obtain consent when major changes occur.
PIA - 15:
Describe the process in place to resolve an individual's concerns when
they believe their PII has been inappropriately obtained, used, or
disclosed, or that the PII is inaccurate. If no process exists, explain why
User PII is limited to name, email, jurisdiction, and
role – all of which are intended to be shared within
the system with other users, via a member
directory. Internal sharing of this information
facilitates connections and communication among
OD2A recipients, who are eager to learn from and
support one another. The notice on the member
directory records reminds users “Personally
identifiable information (e.g., name, email address)
is provided solely for the purposes of internal
communication among OD2A Technical Assistance
Center (TAC) website users and for system
notifications.”. Users also have access to their own
account profile, which they can update or correct at
any time, to fix any inaccurate PII. Users can
contact with
concerns about the use of their personal
PIA - 16:
Describe the process in place for periodic reviews of PII contained in the
system to ensure the data's integrity, availability, accuracy and
relevancy. Please address each element in your response. If no
processes are in place, explain why not.
The system automatically prompts users (via email)
every 60 days to update their password and review
their profile information. This encourages selfmaintenance of PII. New requests for system access
are reviewed to ensure that only agency email
addresses are used and to check for correct role
selection. They are also reviewed and approved by
DOP before being added to the system. This process
takes place on a rolling basis to ensure new users
are added to the system in a timely manner.
Contractor Administrators and Developers may also
access user profiles when needed – for example to
delete them if DOP leadership requests this (for a
recipient who had retired or resigned, for example).
PIA - 17:
Identify who will have access to the PII in the system.
PIA - 17A:
Select the type of contractor.
HHS/OpDiv Direct Contractors
PIA - 17B:
Do contracts include Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and other
appropriate clauses ensuring adherence to privacy provisions and
PIA - 18:
Provide the reason why each of the groups identified in PIA - 17 needs
access to PII.
Users: The users have access to PII for collaboration
and or editing.
Administrators: Indirect contractors add, edit,
remove; PII to ensure integrity, accuracy and
relevancy of information.
Developers: Indirect contractors debugging datarelated issues.
Contractors: Indirect contractors add, edit, remove;
PII to ensure integrity, accuracy and relevancy of
Users' roles are approved by the program
management team and they do not have access to
PII. The program management team must approve
all user role classifications before they are assigned
by the site administrator. This ensures only
authorized users can have access to the PII.
PIA - 19:
Describe the administrative procedures in place to determine which
system users (administrators, developers, contractors, etc.) may access
PIA - 20:
Describe the technical methods in place to allow those with access to PII The site will only collect the bare minimum PII in
order to register the user on the site and ensure
to only access the minimum amount of information necessary to
that the user is who they say they are. Furthermore,
perform their job.
role-based access control are in place to ensure the
concept of "least privilege" is implemented. Job
function determines the level of access and users
are assigned only those rights necessary to fulfill
responsibilities for approved roles and system-level
audit controls to safeguard and audit use.
PIA - 21:
Identify the general security and privacy awareness training provided to
system users (system owners, managers, operators, contractors and/or
program managers) using the system to make them aware of their
responsibilities for protecting the information being collected and
All staff are required to take annual training in
cybersecurity, security awareness, and privacy
training. This training has been reviewed and is in
accordance with the CDC requirements.
PIA - 22:
Describe training system users receive (above and beyond general
security and privacy awareness training).
Training for administrators and developers is
tailored to the TAC information system and their
PIA - 23:
Describe the process and guidelines in place with regard to the
retention and destruction of PII. Cite specific National Archives and
Records Administration (NARA) records retention schedule(s) and
include the retention period(s).
Records are retained and disposed of in accordance
with the CDC Records Control Schedule (N1-442-091) and in accordance with contractual agreement.
Record copy of study reports are maintained in the
agency from two to three years in accordance with
retention schedules. Source documents for
computers are disposed of when they are no longer
needed by program officials. Personal identifiers
may be deleted from records when no longer
needed in the study as determined by the system
manager, and as provided in the signed consent
form, as appropriate. Disposal methods include
erasing computer tapes, burning or shredding paper
materials or transferring records to the Federal
Records Center when no longer needed for
evaluation and analysis. Records are retained for 20
years; for longer periods if further study is needed.
PIA - 24:
Describe how the PII will be secured in the system using administrative,
technical, and physical controls. Please address each element in your
The administrative security controls employed
include adhering to department, policies and
procedures around security and privacy; and annual
awareness training for all users holding accounts for
the system.
The technical controls are shared between the
system and Acquia's Amazon Web Service (AWS)
platform. The system provides controls such as
multi- factor authentication for all users to include
Personal Identity Verification (PIV) login capability
and role-based system access to control the amount
of PII available to a user; 2 rounds of two-factor
authentication for each individual accessing a data
center floor. Acquia's AWS provides infrastructure
controls such as secure network access points.
Physical access authorizations at entry/exit points to
the facility where the information system resides by
verifying individual access authorizations before
granting access to the facility; and controlling
ingress/egress to the facility Cloud Service Provider
(Acquia hosting is using the Amazon Web Service
(AWS) cloud) defined physical access control
systems/devices and guards. The organization also
maintains physical access audit logs for entry/exit
points and provides security safeguards to control
access to areas within the facility officially
designated as publicly accessible and escorts visitors
and monitors visitor activity in all circumstances
within restricted access area where the information
system resides; secures keys, combinations, and
other physical access devices; inventories of
organization-defined physical access devices at least
annually. Following are the AWS Data Center Access
AWS provides physical data center access only to
approved employees. All employees who need data
center access must first apply for access and provide
a valid business justification. These requests are
granted based on the principle of least privilege,
where requests must specify to which layer of the
data center the individual needs access, and are
time-bound. Requests are reviewed and approved
by authorized personnel, and access is revoked after
the requested time expires. Once granted
admittance, individuals are restricted to areas
specified in their permissions.
Third-party access is requested by approved AWS
employees, who must apply for third-party access
and provide a valid business justification. These
requests are granted based on the principle of least
privilege, where requests must specify to which
layer of the data center the individual needs access,
and are time-bound. These requests are approved
by authorized personnel, and access is revoked after
request time expires. Once granted admittance,
individuals are restricted to areas specified in their
permissions. Anyone granted visitor badge access
must present identification when arriving on site
and are signed in and escorted by authorized staff.
Physical access to data centers in AWS GovCloud
(US) is restricted to employees who have been
validated as being US citizens.
Review & Comments
Privacy Analyst Review
OpDiv Privacy
Analyst Review
Privacy Analyst
Review Date:
Privacy Analyst
OpDiv Privacy Analyst: Joshua Mosios
Privacy Analyst
Days Open:
Status: Approved
Date: October 3, 2023
Appears that acronym at issue was removed in PIA
SOP Review
SOP Review
SOP Comments: Approved on behalf of Beverly Walker
SOP Signature:
JWO Signature.docx
SOP Review
SOP Days Open: 6
Agency Privacy Analyst Review
Agency Privacy
Analyst Review
Agency Privacy
Analyst Review
Agency Privacy
Analyst Review
Reviewer: Jim Laskowski
Agency Privacy
Analyst Days
This PIA is ready for SAOP review and approval.
There was only one comment but it is for the next
iteration of the PTA:
On the next iteration of the PTA:
PTA-5 and PTA-6: please include "Employment
Status" as one of the PII data element collected.
SAOP Review
SAOP Review
SAOP Signature:
On behalf of Bridget Guenther
SAOP Review
In the next iteration of the PIA, please address the
comments regarding PTA-5 and PTA-6. Please also
confirm the type of web customization and
measurement technology used (i.e., cookie or other
technology) to resolve the inconsistency in the
Supporting Document(s)
Upload Date
No Records Found
Question Name
PIA - 1
MOSIOS, Joshua
Employment status was previously
listed as a data element collected by
this system. Is this still true? If so,
please include here. If not, please
explain in the comment section (the
yellow note pad on the right of the
screen). If the latter, please address
the following questions: when that
data was removed? Why was the data
removed? How was the data
removed? Was the data destroyed? If
so, how was it destroyed? If not,
where is the data now? How is the
data being secured? Who is protecting
the data?
PIA - 24
MOSIOS, Joshua
Physical controls cannot be provided
by a technical platform. Please
elaborate on the physical control
owners and their processes.
PIA - 24
OSHODI, Jarell
Define CSP.
PIA - 1
Data Feed Service,
On the next iteration of the PTA:
PTA-5 and PTA-6: please include
"Employment Status" as one of the PII
data element collected.
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2024-09-30 |
File Created | 2024-09-30 |