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pdf2023 NASA IV&V Program Values Survey
A values-based organization allows us to be energized, engaged, productive, happy, and
successful, impacting our personal well-being and our effectiveness as a team. Each of us has
a stake and a role in our Program's culture, and we have an opportunity to affect that culture
by living our Core Values.
The annual IV&V Program Values Survey is one tool we use to understand how well we are all
doing at achieving a culture that's in sync with our Core Values.
As you take the survey, please remember:
The survey is anonymous.
Results are analyzed for themes and patterns and discussed to determine needed
Please take a moment to read the descriptions of each value at the beginning of
each section and keep those descriptions in mind as you answer the questions.
Comment boxes are included throughout the survey for you to share your
thoughts and experiences pertaining to each value. Please share with us:
Your suggestions for how the Program can help resolve any concerns that you
may have.
What you feel is working and what we are doing that is good and yielding
positive results that we need to continue doing.
Click the 'Next' button below to begin the survey.
For more information about NASA IV&V Program Values, visit:
This information collection meets the requirements of 44 U.S.C 3507, as amended by section 2
of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. You do not need to answer these questions unless we
display a valid Office of Management and Budget control number. The OMB control number for
this information collection is 2700-0153 and it expires on 7/31/2024. We estimate that it will
take about twenty (20) minutes to read the instructions, gather the facts, and answer the
questions. You may send comments on our time estimate above to Send only comments relating to our time estimate to this
2023 NASA IV&V Program Values Survey
1. The NASA IV&V Program promotes engagement by fostering
involvement and
participation, providing constructive suggestions for
improvement, and effectively communicating goals and
priorities at all levels within the organization.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Please share any comments you have regarding engagement at NASA's IV&V Program. Include ideas on how
the Program could resolve any concerns that you may have and highlight actions and activities that are
yielding positive results that we need to continue doing.
2. Since the last Values Survey, in what direction do you see
engagement heading?
Greatly Improving
About the Same
None of the above
2023 NASA IV&V Program Values Survey
We consider protecting ourselves and others from unnecessary harm as a cornerstone to
success. We are committed, individually and as a team, to protecting the safety and health of
the public, our team members, and those assets that the Nation entrusts to the Agency. With
safety first, our commitment to all other values can be achieved.
Before answering the survey questions pertaining to this value, personally consider the
following questions.
Do I promote a safe environment, both at work and at home?
Does the Program promote a safe work environment by responding to concerns in a
timely and appropriate manner?
Do I actively contribute to a safe environment by being aware and reporting concerns
timely and appropriately?
Do I/we encourage others to behave in safe ways?
Do I/we protect resources and assets appropriately?
3. While considering the statements above regarding Safety,
please indicate how you rate the IV&V Program's commitment
to, and achievement of, a physically safe work environment.
The IV&V Program shows a commitment to Safety.
The IV&V Program achieves a culture of Safety.
I am committed to practicing Safety.
I work Safely.
I am empowered to be safe and raise Safety
Please share any comments you have regarding physical Safety at NASA's IV&V program. Include ideas for
how the Program could resolve any concerns that you may have and highlight actions and activities that are
yielding positive results that we need to continue doing.
4. While considering the statements above regarding Safety,
please indicate how you rate the IV&V Program's commitment
to, and achievement of, an emotionally and psychologically
safe work environment.
The IV&V Program shows a commitment to
emotional and psychological Safety.
The IV&V Program achieves a culture of emotional
and psychological Safety.
I am committed to maintaining an emotionally and
psychologically safe work environment.
I am empowered to raise emotional and
psychological Safety concerns.
Please share any comments you have regarding emotional and psychological Safety at NASA's IV&V
Program. Include ideas for how the Program could resolve any concerns that you may have and highlight
actions and activities that are yielding positive results that we need to continue doing.
2023 NASA IV&V Program Values Survey
Our success is built on an environment of trust and ethical behavior. We exhibit sincerity and
truthfulness in all actions.
Before answering the survey questions pertaining to this value, personally consider the
following questions.
Am I true to my word and do I honor my promises? Do I feel others are true to their word
and honor their promises?
Do I hold myself accountable for fulfilling my individual and team commitments?
Do I/we consistently deliver work as promised?
Do I perform to the best of my ability even when nobody is watching? Do I feel others do?
Am I honest in my assessments and authentic in my day to day activities (i.e. work
schedule, travel, etc.)? Do I feel others are honest in their assessments?
5. Considering the above statements about Integrity, please
indicate below how you rate the IV&V Program's commitment
to Integrity.
The IV&V Program shows a commitment to Integrity.
The IV&V Program achieves a culture of Integrity.
I am committed to practicing Integrity.
I consistently behave with Integrity.
I am empowered to uphold my own Integrity.
I have witnessed others disregard integrity. Please
note that the positive/negative responses to this
statement are opposite of the previous statements
(i.e., a positive response is a “disagree” response).
Please share any comments you may have regarding Integrity at NASA's IV&V Program. Include ideas for
how the Program could resolve any concerns that you may have and highlight actions and activities that are
yielding positive results that we need to continue doing.
6. What is the frequency with which you have witnessed others
disregard integrity?
Please share any comments you may have regarding the incident(s) that you are referring to.
7. Regarding your response to the previous question, how
impactful was/were the incident(s)
Not at all
Please comment on the associated incident(s).
2023 NASA IV&V Program Values Survey
We respect ourselves and each other, appreciating the creativity and broader perspective of a
diverse team. This diversity is vital to our success.
Before answering the survey questions pertaining to this value, personally consider the
following questions.
Is everyone treated fairly and do I treat others as I wish to be treated?
Do I/we share accolades in public and constructive criticism in private?
Do I/we value all constructive input, regardless of badges or roles?
Do I/we credit people for their work?
Do I/we encourage diversity?
8. Considering the above statements about Respect, please
indicate below how you rate the IV&V Program's commitment
to Respect.
The IV&V Program shows a commitment to Respect.
The IV&V Program achieves a culture of Respect.
I am committed to practicing Respect.
I behave Respectfully.
The NASA IV&V Program promotes a culture of
Respect between me and my colleagues, regardless
of rank or standing.
I am empowered to encourage Respectful behavior.
I feel safe calling out or reporting disrespectful
Please share any comments you may have regarding Respect at NASA's IV&V Program. Include ideas for how
the Program could resolve any concerns that you may have and highlight actions and activities that are
yielding positive results that we need to continue doing.
2023 NASA IV&V Program Values Survey
We are committed to a culture of diversity, inclusion, and equity, where all employees feel
welcome, respected, and engaged. To achieve the greatest mission success, we embrace
hiring, developing, and growing a diverse and inclusive workforce in a positive and safe work
environment where individuals can be authentic. This value will enable us to attract the best
talent, grow the capabilities of the entire workforce, and empower everyone to fully contribute.
Before answering the survey questions pertaining to this value, personally consider the
following questions.
Do I/we include intentionally?
Do I/we champion diversity?
Do I/we build diverse teams?
Do I/we adapt to differences?
Do I/we mitigate barriers?
Do I/we make all employees feel welcome?
Do I/we embrace hiring, developing, and growing a diverse and inclusive workforce?
Do I/we create a safe work environment where all individuals can be authentic?
9. Considering the above statements about Inclusion, please
indicate below how you rate the IV&V Program's commitment
to Inclusion.
The IV&V Program shows a commitment to
The IV&V Program achieves a culture of Inclusion.
I am committed to practicing Inclusion.
I behave Inclusively.
The NASA IV&V Program promotes a culture of
Inclusiveness between me and my colleagues,
regardless of rank or standing.
I am empowered to encourage Inclusive behavior.
I feel safe calling out or reporting exclusive
There is a positive impact from the NASA IV&V
Program D&I Committee
Please share any comments you may have regarding Inclusion at NASA's IV&V Program. Include ideas for
how the Program could resolve any concerns that you may have and highlight actions and activities that are
yielding positive results that we need to continue doing.
2023 NASA IV&V Program Values Survey
We understand and believe that thinking, planning, decision-making and actions are better
when done cooperatively. We recognize, and even assimilate, the belief that "none of us is as
good as all of us." We recognize that our function exists to serve the bigger picture.
Before answering the survey questions pertaining to this value, personally consider the
following questions.
Do I/we help others to learn and improve?
Am I constantly striving towards my team's success?
Do I/we seek opportunities to celebrate team success?
Are constructive alternatives and observations encouraged and accepted?
Do I support team decisions, even if I do not agree with them?
10. Considering the above statements about Teamwork,
please indicate below how you rate the IV&V Program's
commitment to Teamwork.
The IV&V Program shows a commitment to
The IV&V Program achieves a culture of Teamwork.
I am committed to practicing Teamwork.
I demonstrate Teamwork.
I feel empowered to engage in Teamwork
Please share any comments you have regarding Teamwork at NASA's IV&V Program. Include ideas for how
the Program could resolve any concerns that you may have and highlight actions and activities that are
yielding positive results that we need to continue doing.
2023 NASA IV&V Program Values Survey
We believe in the importance of meaningful daily achievement and enjoyment in each of our
four life quadrants: Work, Family, Friends, and Self.
Before answering the survey questions pertaining to this value, personally consider the
following questions.
Am I able to set priorities for myself?
Do I stay focused without letting the urgent, the convenient, and the immediate distract
me from the important?
Do I arrange my activities so that all aspects of life receive the necessary consideration?
Do I/we recognize and honor others' priorities?
Am I able to prioritize health or family when needed? Do I arrange my activities so that all
aspects of life receive the necessary consideration?
11. Considering the above statements about Balance, please
indicate below how you rate the IV&V Program's commitment
to Balance.
The IV&V Program shows a commitment to Balance.
The IV&V Program achieves a culture of Balance.
I am committed to practicing Balance.
I achieve work/life Balance.
I am empowered to Balance my workload with the
other aspects of my life.
Please share any comments you have regarding Balance at NASA's IV&V Program. Include ideas for how the
Program could resolve any concerns that you may have and highlight actions and activities that are yielding
positive results that we need to continue doing.
2023 NASA IV&V Program Values Survey
We cultivate creativity and seek knowledge that will strengthen our team and ourselves. We
recognize innovation as a way to energize our motivation and performance, leading to a sense
of pride and personal accomplishment.
Before answering the survey questions pertaining to this value, personally consider the
following questions.
Do I/we look for innovative ways to address challenges?
Do I have opportunities to collaborate with my peers to improve efficiency and
Do we encourage innovative ideas that help us achieve mission success?
Do I look inward for areas of improvement?
Do I have time to innovate and do I take advantage of opportunities to brainstorm
innovative ideas?
12. Considering the above statements about Innovation,
please indicate below how you rate the IV&V Program's
commitment to Innovation.
The IV&V Program shows a commitment to
The IV&V Program achieves a culture of Innovation.
I am committed to practicing Innovation.
I Innovate.
I am empowered to Innovate.
Please share any comments you may have regarding Innovation at NASA's IV&V Program. Some specific
questions to consider:
* What are barriers to Innovation within the Program?
* How can we overcome these barriers?
* Thinking about specific examples where Innovation has been successfully performed within the Program,
what are some takeaways or lessons learned that we could apply to foster innovation more widely
throughout the Program?
2023 NASA IV&V Program Values Survey
We consistently look for ways to improve ourselves and our organization by promoting
continual growth, learning and diversity of experience. We believe in providing high quality
services that bring long term value to our customers.
Before answering the survey questions pertaining to this value, personally consider the
following questions.
Do I/we continuously evaluate my/our actions/behaviors, and the products/services that
I/we produce to ensure that they are consistently excellent?
Do I look within myself to be a creative, skilled problem solver who can think critically
using sound principles and concepts?
Do I/we share accountability for successes and failures?
Are we proactive and engaged at all levels?
Do I/we manage work so that there is little wasted time and effort?
13. Considering the above statements about Excellence,
please indicate below how you rate the IV&V Program's
commitment to Excellence.
The IV&V Program shows a commitment to
The IV&V Program achieves a culture of Excellence.
I am committed to practicing Excellence.
I achieve Excellence.
I am empowered to strive for Excellence.
Please share any comments you may have regarding Excellence at NASA's IV&V Program. Include ideas for
how the Program could resolve any concerns that you may have and highlight actions and activities that are
yielding positive results that we need to continue doing.
2023 NASA IV&V Program Values Survey
Consider each of the IV&V Program's Values, and think back to how you responded to this survey in
July/August 2022. Please rate how you feel we're doing with regard to upholding our values as indicated
below. If you joined the Program after last year's survey, please indicate that these are not applicable to
14. Since the last Values Survey (July/August 2022), in what
direction do you perceive the IV&V Program's values heading?
About the same
Not applicable to me
Physical Safety
Emotional Safety
15. Please provide any additional comments you may have
about what is working with respect to the core values
2023 NASA IV&V Program Values Survey
16. Please rate the following statements.
Agree Disagree Disagree
In the last 7 days, I have received recognition or praise for
doing good work.
At work, my opinions seem to count.
There is someone at work who encourages my development.
This last year, I have had opportunities at work to learn and
In the last 6 months, someone at work has talked to me
about my progress.
17. Do you have a person or group (e.g., a D&I committee
member, the D&I Anonymous Feedback Form, someone on
your team, your management, someone from the "Who You
Gonna Call?" list, etc.) with whom you feel safe raising
If yes, please share who that is (in non-specific terms, if you’d prefer). If no, do you have a suggestion for a
safe place where you could discuss your concerns?
18. Which of the following best describes your role in the IV&V
Support staff
* 19. Which of the following describes you?
Civil Servant
2023 NASA IV&V Program Values Survey
EVS Questions for Contractors
The following items originated from the Employee Viewpoint Survey (EVS). The EVS is a federal
government survey used to determine areas of potential action and to determine “Best Place
to Work” results that often receive public attention. However, the EVS is only deployed to
federal employees, which is not representative of our entire workforce, so we’re including
these items here.
20. Please rate the following statements.
Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
My supervisor supports my need to balance work and
other life issues.
My supervisor/team leader listens to what I have to say.
My supervisor/team leader treats me with respect.
My supervisor/team leader is committed to a workforce
representative of all segments of society.
Managers promote communication among different
work units (for example: about projects, goals , needed
I feel encouraged to come up with new and better ways
of doing things.
My talents are used well in the workplace.
In my work unit, differences in performance are
recognized in a meaningful way.
In my organization, senior leaders generate high levels
of motivation and commitment in the workforce.
My organization's senior leaders maintain high
standards of honesty and integrity.
I have a high level of respect for my organization's
senior leaders.
2023 NASA IV&V Program Values Survey
Final Comments
21. Please provide additional comments you may have
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2023-06-28 |