Number: 0906-0044
Expiration Date: 8/31/2026.
# |
Measure Instructions |
Measure |
1 |
Identify the number and types of medical organizations and agencies in your consortium. |
2 |
Identify the number and types of social service and non-medical organizations and agencies in the consortium |
3 |
Select the option that best describes your project’s service area |
4 |
Identify the State(s)/Territories and county/counties included in the project service area. Select from the 'States/Territories' and ‘Counties’ drop-down and then click on the 'Add' button and repeat if needed. Territories are listed at the bottom of the drop-down. Please note that only HRSA-designated rural counties should be included in your service area. |
5 |
Please report the total number of people that live in the project’s rural service area. |
Total population in the project’s rural service area |
6 |
Please report the total number of consortium meetings conducted in the current reporting period in which the majority (>75%) of members participated. |
Total number of consortium meetings conducted in the current reporting period |
7 |
Please report the total unduplicated number of service delivery sites within the consortium in the target rural service area offering at least one prevention, treatment and/or recovery service within the current reporting period. |
Total number of unduplicated service delivery sites offering at least one prevention, treatment and/or recovery service
8 |
For each of the following services, please report the total number of service delivery sites within the consortium in the target rural service area that offered that service within the current reporting period. If no service delivery sites offered the service, please input 0. |
9 |
Report the total unduplicated number of service delivery sites within the consortium in the target rural service area offering at least one harm reduction service within the current reporting period. |
Total number of unduplicated service delivery sites offering at least one harm reduction service
10 |
For each of the following harm reduction services, please report the total number of service delivery sites within the consortium in the target rural service area that offered that service within the current reporting period. If no service delivery sites offered the service, please input 0. |
11 |
For each service listed, select whether it was newly established with or without RCORP-Psychostimulant Support funds, expanded with or without RCORP-Psychostimulant Support funds, remained the same, or did not exist in the current reporting period (dropdown). |
12 |
NOTE: Sustainability measures only reported in final reporting period of the grant (Sept. 2024) Will the consortium as a unit and/or at least one key consortium activity be sustained after the RCORP grant ends? |
13 |
If you selected yes in previous sub-section, what will sustain? (check all that apply) |
14 |
If you selected “At least one key consortium activity” in the previous sub-section how will the activity or activities be sustained? (check all that apply) |
These tables collect demographic information for all individuals who have received direct services for psychostimulant use disorder, within the current reporting period in the project’s rural service area. The total number of each sub-section should equal the total number of individuals who have received direct services within the current reporting period. Each sub-section should total to the same amount. Please do not leave any sections blank or use N/A (not applicable) since the measures are applicable to all RCORP grantees providing direct services. If the number for a particular category is zero (0), please put zero in the appropriate section (e.g., if the total number that is Hispanic or Latino is zero (0), enter zero in that section). If data are incomplete or have other limitations, please enter the data you have, indicate the data have limitations, and explain those limitations in the comments box below.
# |
Measure Instructions |
Measure |
15 |
Please report the number of individuals served, by ethnicity, during the current reporting period. |
16 |
Please report the number of individuals served, by race, during the current reporting period. |
17 |
Please report the number of individuals served, by age, during the current reporting period. |
18 |
Please report the number of individuals served, by insurance status, during the current reporting period. |
19 |
Please report the number of individuals served, by sex, during the current reporting period. |
20 |
Please report the number of individuals served, by LGBTQI+, during the current reporting period. |
# |
Measure Instructions |
Measure |
21 |
Please report the total number of individuals who have been screened for substance use disorder (SUD) in the current reporting period. |
Number of individuals screened for SUD
22 |
Please report the total number of individuals who screened positive for SUD, or at risk for overuse/misuse, in the current reporting period. If known, please specify the number of individuals who screened positive for specific substances. While individuals could screen positive for multiple substances, each subcategory should not exceed the total. |
23 |
Please report the total number of individuals diagnosed with substance use disorder (SUD) in the current reporting period. If known, please specify the number of individuals who were diagnosed for specific SUDs. While individuals could be diagnosed with multiple SUDs, each subcategory should not exceed the total. |
24 |
Please report the total number of individuals with a positive screen and/or diagnosis of substance use disorder (SUD) who were referred to SUD treatment during the current reporting period. |
Number of individuals with a positive screen and/or an SUD diagnosis who were referred to SUD treatment
25 |
Please report the total number of individuals who have received contingency management services in the current reporting period. |
Number of individuals who received Contingency Management services for psychostimulant use disorder
26 |
Please report the total number of individuals who received an SUD treatment service other than contingency management in the current reporting period. |
Number of individuals who received an SUD treatment service other than contingency management
27 |
Please report the total number of individuals who received recovery support services in the current reporting period. |
Number of individuals who received recovery support services |
28 |
Please report the total number of individuals who have been screened for a mental health disorder in the current reporting period. |
Total number of individuals screened for a mental health disorder
29 |
Please report the total number of individuals who screened positive and/or had a mental health diagnosis who were referred to mental health treatment during the current reporting period. |
Number of individuals who screened positive or had a mental health diagnosis who were referred to mental health treatment
30 |
Report the total number of individuals diagnosed with a mental health disorder in the current reporting period. If known, please specify the number of individuals who were diagnosed for a specific mental health disorder within the following subcategories. Each subcategory should not exceed the total. |
31 |
Please report the total number of individuals who were tested for HIV during the current reporting period. |
Number of individuals who were tested for HIV |
32 |
Please report the total number of individuals who were tested for HCV during the current reporting period. |
Number of individuals who were tested for HCV |
33 |
Report the total number of individuals with a SUD and/or mental health diagnosis who were referred to support services during the current reporting period, by type of service. While individuals could be referred to multiple services, each subcategory should not exceed the total. |
# |
Measure Instructions |
Measure |
34 |
Please report the total number of unduplicated providers within the consortium who provided SUD/OUD treatment services, mental/behavioral health services, and/or recovery support services in the target rural service area in the current reporting period. Of the total number of providers, please also report how many were newly hired with grant funds (e.g., their salary was paid for in full or in part with RCORP grant funds) during the current reporting period. |
35 |
Please report the total number of providers (i.e., individuals) within the consortium who have a Drug Addiction Treatment Act 2000 (DATA) Waiver to prescribe buprenorphine-containing products for medication-assisted treatment (MAT) within the target rural service area |
Total number of providers (i.e. individuals) who have a Drug Addiction Treatment Act 2000 (DATA) Waiver
36 |
Please report the total number of providers (i.e. individuals) within the consortium who have prescribed medications used to treat OUD during the current reporting period. |
Total number of providers (i.e. individuals) who have prescribed medications used to treat OUD |
37 |
Please report the total number of providers (i.e., individuals) within the consortium who have provided SUD/OUD treatment services, including MAT, during the current reporting period in the target rural service area. Of those providers, please specify how many were medical providers, non-medical counseling staff, peer recovery support specialists, or other (specify). |
38 |
Please report the total number of providers (i.e. individuals) within the consortium who have provided SUD/OUD treatment services other than MAT, during the current reporting period in the target rural service area. Of those providers, please specify how many were medical providers, non-medical counseling staff, peer recovery support specialists, or other (specify). |
39 |
Please report the total number of providers (i.e., individuals) within the consortium who have provided recovery support services during the current reporting period in the target rural service area. |
40 |
Please report the total number of providers (i.e., individuals) who have provided mental/behavioral health treatment services during the current reporting period in the target rural service area. Of those providers, please specify how many were medical providers, non-medical counseling staff, peer recovery support specialists, or other (specify). |
41 |
Report the total number of SUD and/or mental health disorder trainings conducted in the current reporting period as a result of RCORP funding in the target rural service area. For each topic area, please provide the number of trainings in each category. |
# |
Measure Instructions |
Measure |
42 |
Using the following scale, please indicate the degree to which non-fatal overdoses have changed within the current reporting period. |
43 |
Using the following scale, please indicate the degree to which fatal overdoses have changed within the current reporting period. |
# |
Measure Instructions |
Measure |
44 |
Among the drug types listed, please rank in order the top three drug types that currently pose the greatest concern to the health and well-being of your service area |
45 |
Among the drug types listed, please rank in order the top three drug types that your service area has the least capacity to treat. |
46 |
Among the problem areas listed, please rank in order the top three problem areas that currently pose the greatest concern to the health and well-being of your HRSA-designated rural service area. |
47 |
Among the problem areas listed, please rank in order the top three problem areas that your HRSA-designated rural service area has the least capacity to address. |
48 |
Among the populations listed, please rank in order the top three population that are currently most at risk for a substance use disorder within your HRSA-designated rural service area. |
49 |
Among the populations listed, please rank in order the top five populations at risk for an SUD that your HRSA-designated rural service area has the least capacity to address. |
50 |
Please rank the top five populations that are most vulnerable to health disparities among people with and without SUD within your service area. |
51 |
Please rank the top five populations that are vulnerable to health disparities among people with and without SUD in your service area that you have had challenges in engaging or providing services. |
52 |
Among the social determinants of health listed, please rank in order the top five areas that are pose the greatest threat to the health and well-being of your HRSA-designated rural service area. |
53 |
Among the social determinants of health listed, please rank in order the top five areas that your HRSA-designated rural service area has the least capacity to address. |
54 |
Please rate the degree to which the following pose challenges to your service system and those you are actively trying to address. |
55 |
Is your consortium currently utilizing telehealth/telemedicine as part of your RCORP project? |
56 |
If yes, please provide a 2-3 sentence overview of how your consortium is leveraging telehealth/telemedicine to implement your project |
57 |
If applicable, select the types of services your consortium is currently using telehealth/telemedicine for (select all that apply) |
58 |
If applicable, select the telehealth platform types your consortium is currently using (select all that apply) |
59 |
Select the challenges your consortium has experienced in trying to implement telehealth (select all that apply) |
60 |
Select the challenges patients/clients served by your consortium have experienced with telehealth (select all that apply) |
61 |
What MAT medications (drug name and form) are currently being prescribed/distributed by at least one partner in your HRSA-designated rural service area? (select all that apply) |
Public Burden Statement: The purpose of this activity is to collect information on Rural Communities Opioid Response Program grantees to provide HRSA with information on grant activities funded under this program. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this information collection is 0906-XXXX and it is valid until XX/XX/202X. This information collection is required to obtain or retain a benefit (42 U.S.C. 912). Data will remain private to the extent permitted by the law. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average approximately 1 hour and 22 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to HRSA Information Collection Clearance Officer, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 14N39, Rockville, Maryland, 20857 or paperwork@hrsa.gov. Please see https://www.hrsa.gov/about/508-resources for the HRSA digital accessibility statement.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | HRSA/FORHP |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-07-19 |