Revision Summary

1810-0727_CAMP_APR_Proposed Revisions 30 Day PC.pdf

The College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) Annual Performance Report (APR)

Revision Summary

OMB: 1810-0727

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CAMP Annual Performance Report (APR) Performance Report Instructions
Proposed Revisions
OMB No. 1810-0727
The below table summarizes proposed changes for the CAMP Annual Performance Report Instructions
and Excel Data Form for FY2024.
NOTE: The proposed new forms will apply for the 2023-2024 reporting period, but depending on the
timing of release, any new data elements will be optional for the first year (2023-2024). The new
elements will be required for the following year, 2024-2025.
Not listed are overall minor typographical formatting improvements to improve clarity of document, such
as reformatting of bullets, and minor grammatical corrections.

CAMP Annual Performance Report Instructions, proposed changes

Add “* For grantees in the final year,
also attach the final project
evaluation that was proposed in the
approved grant application. Include
the attachment in the APR submission
email to OME.”
Replace “Government Performance
and Results Act (GPRA) with
“Education Department General
Administrative Regulations
(EDGAR) 34 CFR 75.110.”
Remove “GPRA indicators” and
remove parentheses
After “the MS Excel Form is
formulated to perform this
calculation,” add “based on the data
Replace “GPRA” with “Program
Performance Measure”
Update “current reporting period” to
“the performance period you are
In footnote, replace “as to their
capacity to increase these measures
and meet” with “on whether they
Move text “The program office also
will calculate an efficiency measure
for each project. Grantees do not
calculate or report on these measures.
Rather, data that grantees report will

Page number
(new document)

Rationale for Revision


EDGAR 34 CFR 75.110


EDGAR 34 CFR 75.110


Improves clarity of instructions

Throughout the
document (ex.
page 3)
document (ex.
page 3)

EDGAR 34 CFR 75.110

Grantees are required to submit final
project evaluations, but OME does not
currently collect the project evaluations.

Improves clarity of instructions

Improves clarity of footnote


Improves clarity of instructions


be used to calculate the measures,
which are provided below.” from
above to below the definition of
Efficiency Measure. Remove “also”
and “which are provided below” to be
consistent with change in order. Add
“performance towards.”
Add the following “Note: Throughout
the document, “budget period” and
“performance period” are used
interchangeably. Both “budget
period” and “performance period”
refer to a reporting period from July 1
to June 30.”
Remove “must be submitted by
November 9, 2022” and replace with
“will be due in the fall of each year,
with the exact date to be provided by
the program office.”
Remove “by October 28, 2022” and
replace with “120 days after the end
of the grant performance period.”
Remove “90” and replace with “120.”

Add “Indirect cost reimbursement on
a training grant is limited to the
recipient's actual indirect costs, as
determined in its negotiated indirect
cost rate agreement, or eight percent
of a modified total direct cost base,
whichever amount is less (34 CFR
Remove “and the entire performance
Remove all text on page 12
following “Sections A and B
contain columns…” and replace
with “Fill in the blue cells with the
numerical value corresponding to
the current reporting period.”
Add note under definition: “the
previous reporting period’s persisters
are returning participants in the
performance period you are


Improves clarity of instructions


References the generic deadline instead of
an exact date to avoid annual updates to


References the generic deadline instead of
an exact date to avoid annual updates to
OMB Circular A-110; lists 90 days.
Updated to 120 days in 2014 with OMB
Uniform Administrative Requirements,
Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements
for Federal Awards:
2 CFR 200.329(c)
2 CFR 200.344
Improves clarity of instructions





OME does not collect 5 years of data in
the Final Performance Report.
Excel data collection form only includes
one column for current reporting period.

Improves clarity of instructions


Change “should” to must”
Move “the MS Excel Form is
formulated to perform the
calculation” to after the first bullet
point under “Data quality check”
Remove “CAMP instruction” and
replace with “college courses”
Add “Example” in table title; remove
columns Y2-Y5; replace “Y1” with
“Reporting Block A1 Response.”
Add (Performance Measure 1)
Remove table columns “Y2, Y3, Y4,
Remove “Target Number of CAMP
First Academic Year Completers” and
Remove “(The MS Excel Form is
formulated to perform this
Replace “an” with “the” and add “or
transfer to another IHE”
Remove “Target number of 1st
academic year completers who
continued in postsecondary education
programs” and definition
Remove “follow-up contact was
successfully made” and replace with
“the grantee was able to collect
follow-up data.”
Add “s” to Item and remove “s” from
Add items A5.a and A5.b to the table
to break out data collection for 2-year
IHEs and 4-year IHEs
Remove “2”


Improves accuracy of instructions
The Excel form cannot perform the
calculation for the second bullet. This has
to be checked manually.


Consistency with Excel Performance
Report data form
Update table to match Excel Performance
Report data form; clarity of instructions

Add “Students may appear in more
than one row if they received more
than one service.”
Reordered definitions.


Insert “Report the number of
students who received….” For
Tutoring, Counseling or
guidance services, and
Add “Room and Board: Generally,
includes a place to live and the
amenities that come with that (bed,
electricity, water, etc.) and food.



16, 18, 19, 20,
22, 23, 25

Improves clarity of instructions
Excel data collection form only includes
one column for current reporting period.
Data is not currently being collected


The Excel form does not have a data
check for these items.


Improved clarity of definition


Data is not currently being collected


Improves clarity of instructions


Update for grammatical correctness.


Consistency with Excel Performance
Report data form


There is no block “E2.” Updated to match
Excel form.
Improves clarity of instructions and
matches Excel data form.



Updated to match order of appearance on
Excel data form
Clarify how grantees are to report

Add missing definition (pulled from HEP
Instructions) that is reported in the Excel
Data form.


Report the number of students who
received room and board.”
Remove “(The MS Excel Form is
formulated to display an error
message in case the individual
number exceeds the count reported
in A1b.)”
Update B1.b to “Report the
number of CAMP students
receiving the following financial
support services. Students may
appear in more than one row if
they received more than one
Add complete names of federal
programs (MEP, HEP, and NFJP) and
add definition for “referred:”
“The CAMP project recruited and/or
enrolled the CAMP student using
information from another federal
migrant program. For example, this
could include receiving a student’s
name, contact information, or
information regarding participation
in MEP, HEP, or NFJP from one of
these programs. Although
participation in MEP, HEP, or NFJP
is one of the possible avenues of
eligibility for CAMP, “referred”
does not pertain to eligibility any of
these programs and is solely a
measure of communication between
Remove references to Excel form
Data Quality checks for referrals
Change “Number of students who
were referred from any other program
and accepted into CAMP” To
"Number of students who were not
referred from HEP, MEP, or NFJP"
Under Item C1, add “the location or
mode of receiving instruction or
services (in-person, distance/remote,
and hybrid distance/remove)” and
“Please note that for location or mode
of instruction, a one-off or limited
virtual engagement within an inperson program design does not
constitute hybrid design.”


The Excel form does not have a data
check for these items.


Improves clarity of instructions


Improve clarity of the instructions.


There is not a Data Quality check on the
Excel form.
To include students who would be
otherwise missing from the count.



Include instructions for new data elements
on mode of learning (in-person,
distance/remote, and hybrid


Add definitions for Commuter and
Residential student:


Added missing definitions.


To account for new modes of instruction
developed and continued during the

Commuter student: The student lives
at home and commutes to the site of
the project. Please note, “Commuter
student” is not the same as
“Distance/remote” as referenced in
the modes of instruction below. A
Commuter student may receive any
of the three modes of instruction.
Residential student: The student lives
away from home at the site of the
Add definitions for “In-person only
programs,” “Distance/remote
programs,” and “Hybrid
distance/remote and in-person
Please note that for location or
mode of instruction, a one-off or
limited virtual engagement within
an in-person program design does
not constitute hybrid design.
In-person only programs: 1
Programs with students receiving
all instruction (e.g. college courses)
and services (e.g. mentoring,
tutoring, counseling, etc.) in person
on campus or at a designated
campus location.. This includes
full-time and part-time students that
receive all instruction in person on
Distance/remote programs:2
Distance/remote programs:


Adapted from:

“Distance Education in IPEDS.” National Center for Education Statistics, Accessed 27 June 2023.
Parsad, B., Lewis, L. and Tice, P. “Distance Education at Degree-Granting Postsecondary Institutions: 2006–07.” National Center for Education
Statistics, Dec. 2008, Accessed 27 June 2023.
“School Pulse Panel, December Survey, Learning Mode.” National Center for Education Statistics, Dec. 2022, Accessed 27 June 2023.





use one or more
technologies to deliver
instruction and services to
students who are separated
from the staff member and
to support regular and
substantive interaction
between the students and
the staff member;
can occur synchronously or
asynchronously; and
involve communication
through video, audio, or
computer technologies, or
by correspondence.

Programs are considered
distance/remote programs
if ALL of their programmatic
portions (e.g. instruction,
services) are completed
remotely. Non-instructional inperson requirements (e.g.,
determining eligibility,
enrollment) do not exclude a
course or program from being
classified as exclusively
distance/remote. This definition
also includes students who take
distance/remote classes
accessed on campus (for
example, a Residential student
may take distance/remote
classes in the educational

Hybrid distance/remote and inperson programs:
Hybrid/blended online programs
refer to a combination of
distance/remote and in-person
instruction or services. Programs
may vary in the proportion of
online instruction required for a
course or program to be considered
an online course or a
hybrid/blended online course or


Add data quality check and four more
rows, C1.c-f, to include modes of
• Does the project offer in
person only, distance/remote,
or hybrid distance/remote and
in-person participation to
• Report the number of
students who received inperson only programming,
• Report the number of
students who received
programming, (note: this may
or may not include Commuter
students. Commuter students
may receive any of the three
modes of instruction) and
• Report the number of
students who received hybrid
distance/remote and in-person
Update numbering (change C1.c and
C1.d to C1.f and C1.g, respectively)
Add “Two Year and Four Year” for
question g


To account for new modes of instruction
developed and continued during the


To account for additional rows


Add "Semester and quarter"
"Semester and trimester" "Quarter
and trimester" "Semester, trimester
and quarter"
Remove Item C2, which collects data
on student assessments that determine
IHE enrollment (SAT, ACT)


Some CAMP projects have multiple
campuses with different length of
Some CAMP projects have multiple
campuses with different calendars.


Data on standardized admissions tests are
decreasing in relevancy as fewer
universities are collecting and using this
information. In 2022, 12/55 grantees
reported using SAT scores and 12/55
grantees reported using ACT scores (22%
each). Of those numbers, 11 grantees used
tests, 1 used SAT only and 1 used ACT
In addition, the data is a burden for
grantees to collect, given they have to ask
their institution for it.
Removing this item may help with the
addition of the new data collection
element on in-person, distance/remote,
and hybrid learning.

Remove “Data on program
performance measures should only be
entered in section A of this form and
should not be reported in this
For grantees in the final year,
attach the final project evaluation
that was proposed in the approved
grant application. Include the
attachment in the APR submission
email to the Department.



These data are not reported to Congress or
currently used for anything in OME.
Grantees do include Program
Performance Measures in their program

Grantees are required to submit final
project evaluations, but OME does not
currently collect the project evaluations.

1. Is the final project
evaluation report
attached? [Yes/No]
a. If no, when will
the project
evaluation be
available and
submitted to the
[Enter date]


APR CAMP Excel Data Form, proposed changes

Replace “GPRA” with “Program
Performance Measures”
Remove “*Supporting documentation
required. See instructions for item
Update to: Number of persisters
(persisters were enrolled in
instructional services in the
performance period you are reporting,
did not yet complete their first
academic year of college, and have
reenrolled for instructional services in
the subsequent budget period before
the APR due date).
Replace “Item A6” with “Item A9”
Change "This reporting period" to

Tab and cell
Block A, Cells
A7, B16, B22,
A42, A43
Block A, Cell
Block A, Cell

Block A, A39
Block A, cells

Rationale for Revision
EDGAR 34 CFR 75.110

Supporting documentation is not required;
there is no reference to this in the
Improve clarity of instructions

Improves clarity of instructions

"the performance period you are
Update text in parentheses to read
"Do not report hours of services
Update B1.b to “Report the
number of CAMP students
receiving the following financial
support services. Students may
appear in more than one row if
they received more than one
Update to: “The counts reported in
each of Items B2a, B2b, B2c, and
B2d cannot exceed the total number
of students served (Item A1b) for the
reporting period.”
Update to “Number of students who
were not referred from HEP, MEP, or
Remove definitions for commuter
student and residential student.
Add four more rows, C1.c-f, to
include modes of instruction:
• Does the project offer in
person, distance/remote, or
hybrid distance/remote and
in-person participation to
• Report the number of
students who received inperson programming,
• Report the number of
students who received
programming, and
• Report the number of
students who received hybrid
distance/remote and in-person
Add a data accuracy check under C1e
(the sum of d-f cannot exceed the
number of students served)
Update numbering (change C1.c and
C1.d to C1.g and C1.h, respectively)
Add “Two Year and Four Year” for
question g


Add "Semester and quarter"
"Semester and trimester" "Quarter

Block C, Cell

Block B, Cell B6

Improves clarity of instructions

Block B, Cell

Improves clarity of instructions

Block B, Cell

Update for accuracy and to match

Block B, Cell

Include students who would otherwise be
missing from this count

Block C, Cells
Block C, Cells

Definition matching NRG will be added
to instructions.
Add reporting fields for new data element

Block C, Cell

To promote accuracy of new data

Block C, Cell
A14 and A15
Block C, Cell

Account for additional rows from new
data element
Some CAMP projects have multiple
campuses with different length of
Some CAMP projects have multiple
campuses with different calendars

and trimester" "Semester, trimester
and quarter" for question h
Update to: Provide each project
objective listed in the approved
application, performance measure
target, actual performance outcome,
and explain the outcome (maximum
2500 words).
Remove the reference to “GPRA 1”
Add five more rows to include
options for Objectives 6-10
Update GPRA 2 Formula in Hidden
Data row from N3/J3 to M3/J3
Add a row:
For grantees in the final year,
attach the final project evaluation
that was proposed in the approved
grant application. Include the
attachment in the APR submission
email to the Department.

Block D, Cell B4

Improves clarity of instructions

Block D, Cell B6
Block D, Cells
B11 – B15

Improves clarity of instructions
Many grantees have more than five
objectives, and they are unable to add
more rows.

Hidden Data tab,
Cell Y3
Block D, B17-20

Grantees are required to submit final
project evaluations, but OME does not
currently collect the project evaluations.

2. Is the final project
evaluation report
attached? [Yes/No]
a. If no, when will
the project
evaluation be
available and
submitted to the
[Enter date]


File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2024-05-06
File Created2024-05-01

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