This is a request for a revision. There are 13 total forms being changed as a part of this revision and no new forms being added. Most of the collection activities remain the same, however, there are a few proposed revisions including minor revised language and rewording to improve clarity and readability of the data collection forms.
In response to the Notice of Decision published in the Federal Register on March 29, 2024 regarding the update of the Statistical Policy Directive No. 15: Standards for Maintaining, Collecting, and Presenting Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity (SPD 15), the EIP programs (ABCs, FoodNet, FluSurv-NET, and HAIC) under OMB 0920-0978 will comply with the updated standards set for Federal data on Race and Ethnicity by and/or before the March 2029 deadline.
Due to the timing of the Influenza data collection season (October 1), FluSurv-NET has incorporated the updated race and ethnicity (R/E) data standards in their data collection forms as part of this Revision to capture the updated R/E variable at the beginning of their data collection season. The remaining 3 EIP programs (ABCs, FoodNET, and HAIC) will update the R/E variable in a subsequent non-substantive change request to maintain data integrity since their respective data collection period begins on Jan 1. Maintaining data integrity and consistency is paramount to quality data analysis therefore, waiting to incorporate the race and ethnicity changes at the beginning of FY25 for ABCs, FoodNET and HAIC would ensure that the race ethnicity data variable will possess consistent parameters and easier for analysis at the beginning of their data collection cycle as opposed to mid-season.
this revision, EIP, specifically FluSurv-Net, is requesting an
exemption to
requirement to collect more detailed data beyond the minimum
categories. The justification
for using the minimum race and ethnicity categories are as follows:
1) Detailed data collection would potentially be more burdensome for
the state surveillance officers and may not add as much value, given
that the additional check boxes will likely have few case counts; 2)
There will not likely be sufficient number of cases identified to
allow the disaggregated racial/ethnic categories to be analyzed
separately; any analysis done will require aggregating the data into
the minimum required categories; 3) EIP data collection is primarily
conducted through medical record reviews and not through patient
interviews. The expanded data collection would be intended for
interviews rather than chart reviews, therefore not applicable to EIP
data collection; 4) The detailed race/ethnicity population groups
likely comprise a small percentage of the EIP surveillance catchment
areas and the collection of these groups could pose additional risk
to data privacy and identification of individuals.
Details of each collection instrument for the revision are as follows:
This Revision includes proposed changes to 3 of the 5 approved Active Bacterial Core surveillance (ABCs) forms and no new ABCs data collection tools (form/s) detailed below:
Approved Forms with no changes noted:
1) ABC.100.3 ABCs H. influenzae Neonatal Sepsis Expanded Surveillance Form
2) ABC.100.4 ABCs Severe GAS Infection Supplemental Form
Changes to Approved Forms:
1) ABC.100.1 ABCs Case Report Form
2) ABC.100.2 ABCs Invasive Pneumococcal Disease in Children and Adults Case Report Form
3) ABC.100.5 ABCs Neonatal Infection Expanded Tracking Form
ABCs Case Report Form (ABC.100.1) |
Type of Change |
Itemized Changes / Justification |
Impact to Burden |
Deletion |
Removal of “other prior illness” and “specify other prior illness” fields from Q27 Underlying causes or prior illnesses section. Justification: Other prior illness has been kept on the form for site use only. Removal of this option from the form will reduce confusion on when to select “No underlying conditions” for sites and improve data edit checks. |
No change to burden |
ABCs Invasive Pneumococcal Disease in Children and Adults Case Report Form (ABC.100.2) |
Type of Change |
Itemized Change / Justification |
Impact to Burden |
Addition |
Most recent influenza vaccine date Justification: Information on these vaccines will help to better assess pneumococcal disease risk and vaccine effectiveness. |
No change to burden. Surveillance staff already review patient’s medical chart as well as State immunization information systems (IIS) or vaccine registries, when possible, to check for existing pneumococcal vaccination information questions. If influenza vaccination information is available in the same source(s) influenza vaccination date will also be recorded. |
Addition |
Most recent COVID-19 vaccine date Justification: Information on these vaccines will help to better assess pneumococcal disease risk and vaccine effectiveness. |
No change to burden Surveillance staff already review patient’s medical chart as well as State immunization information systems (IIS) or vaccine registries, when possible, to check for existing pneumococcal vaccination information questions. If COVID-19 vaccination information is available in the same source(s) COVID-19 vaccination date will also be recorded. |
Addition |
RSV vaccine date (complete for adults ≥65 years only) Justification: Information on these vaccines will help to better assess pneumococcal disease risk and vaccine effectiveness. |
No change to burden Surveillance staff already review patient’s medical chart as well as State immunization information systems (IIS) or vaccine registries, when possible, to check for existing pneumococcal vaccination information questions. If RSV vaccination information is available in the same source(s) RSV vaccination date will also be recorded. This information will only be checked for adults 65 years and older. |
Addition |
RSV monoclonal antibody date (complete for children <5 years only) Justification: Information on these vaccines will help to better assess pneumococcal disease risk and vaccine effectiveness. |
No change to burden Surveillance staff already review patient’s medical chart as well as State immunization information systems (IIS) or vaccine registries, when possible, to check for existing pneumococcal vaccination information questions. If RSV preventive antibody information is available in the same source(s) RSV preventive antibody date will also be recorded. This information will only be checked for adults children under 5 years old. |
ABCs Neonatal Infection Expanded Tracking Form (ABC.100.5) |
Type of Change |
Itemized Change / Justification |
Impact to Burden |
Deletion |
Removal of “other prior illness” and “specify other prior illness” fields from Q14a Maternal underlying or prior illnesses section. Justification: Other prior illness has been kept on the form for site use only. Removal of this option from the form will reduce confusion on when to select “No underlying conditions” for sites and improve data edit checks. |
No change to burden |
This Revision includes proposed changes to 1 of the 3 approved FoodNet forms and no new FoodNet data collection tools (form/s) detailed below:
Approved Forms with no changes noted:
1) FN.200.9 Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) Surveillance
2) FN.200.10 FoodNet Clinical Laboratory Practices and Testing Volume
Changes to Approved Forms:
1) FN.200.1 – FN.200.8 FoodNet Active Surveillance Data Elements List
FoodNet Active Surveillance Data Elements List (FN.200.1) |
Type of Change |
Itemized Changes / Justification |
Impact to Burden |
Value set change for variable AgClinicTestType |
The values of “Meridian Curian Shiga Toxin” and “Lab-developed test” were added for the variable AgClinicTestType to assist data collectors in capturing data in a standardized fashion to improve accuracy. |
No impact to burden |
Value set change for variable AgSPHLTestType |
The value of “Meridian Curian Shiga Toxin” was added for the variable AgSPHLTestType assist data collectors in capturing data in a standardized fashion to improve accuracy. |
No impact to burden |
This Revision includes proposed changes to 4 of the approved FluSurv-NET forms and no new FluSurv-NET data collection tools (form/s) detailed below:
Changes to Approved Forms:
1) FSN.300.1 Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance Network (FluSurv-NET) Case Report Form
2) FSN.300.2 Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance Project Vaccination Phone Script and Consent Form (English/Spanish)
3) FSN.300.3 Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance Project Provider Vaccination History Fax Form (Children/Adults)
4) FSN.300.4 FluSurv-NET Laboratory Survey
Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance Network (FluSurv-NET) Case Report Form (FSN.300.1) |
Type of change |
Itemized changes/justification |
Impact to burden |
Revision |
C. Enrollment Information 8. Race and/or Ethnicity (select all that apply)
Minimal, <1 minute increase |
Revision |
C. Enrollment Information 14.Where did the patient reside at the time of hospitalization (Indicate type of residence)?
No change to burden |
Revision |
D. Influenza Testing Results 1-3. Test
Minimal, <1 minute decrease |
Addition |
E. Other Interventions and ICU (For Questions 1-5, select the highest level of oxygen support received)
5. Supplemental Oxygen?
Minimal, <1 minute increase |
Revision |
F. Outcome 2.If discharged alive, please indicate to where:
No change to burden |
Revision |
G. Admission and Patient History 2. Acute signs/symptoms present at admission (began or worsened within 2 weeks prior to admission)(Select all that apply) Respiratory symptoms
No change to burden |
Revision |
G. Admission and Patient History 7. Smoker (tobacco) (for patients > 12 years):
Minimal, <1 minute decrease |
Revision |
G. Admission and Patient History 9. Alcohol misuse (for patients > 12 years):
Minimal, <1 minute decrease |
Revision |
G. Admission and Patient History 10. Substance misuse (for patients > 12 years):
Minimal, <1 minute decrease |
Addition |
G. Admission and Patient History 8. Environmental tobacco smoke exposure (for pediatric patients ≤12 years)
Minimal, <1 minute increase |
Revision |
G. Admission and Patient History 11. Substance Misuse Type or Route (current use only) (select all that apply)
No change to burden |
Revision |
H. Underlying Medical Conditions 1f. Hypertension Moved “Hypertension” header category to right before “Cardiovascular Disease” section
No change to burden |
Revision |
H. Underlying Medical Conditions 1g. Congenital Heart Disease (Specify)
Minimal, <1 minute increase |
Revision |
H. Underling Medical Conditions 1c. Diabetes Mellitus (DM) Moved “Diabetes Mellitus” as new header category for before Chronic Metabolic Disease
No change to burden |
Revision |
H. Underlying Medical Conditions 1q. Other:
Minimal, <1 minute increase |
Deletion |
Removed entire Bacterial Pathogens section
2-3 minute decrease in burden |
Revision |
I. Viral Pathogens 1b. Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Moved location of “Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2” towards the top to be closer to “RSV”
No change to burden |
Revision |
K. Chest X-ray 1. Was a chest x-ray taken during the first 3 days of admission (for patients ≤17 years)?
Minimal, <1 minute decrease |
Deletion |
K. Chest X-ray 2. Were any of these chest x-rays abnormal? 2a. Date of first abnormal chest x-ray 2b. For first abnormal chest x-ray, please check all that apply
1-2 minute decrease in burden |
Addition |
N. Pregnancy Information 5. Pregnancy complications during current pregnancy? (Select all that apply)
Minimal, <1 minute increase |
Addition |
R. COVID-19 Vaccine History
Vaccine registry:
Dose Date
Dose Product:
Dose Source:
Justification: FluSurv-NET added these new optional fields in participating states where state vaccine registries or immunization information systems are reliable to collect variables related to COVID-19 vaccination status. Similar variables were previously OMB-approved and collected during the 2022-23 season. These fields are currently being extracted from immunization information systems for COVID-19-associated hospitalizations for 2023-24 season in the COVID-NET surveillance platform and used for FluSurv-NET so burden is not impacted. These data elements were added to better understand the association between receipt of COVID-19 and influenza vaccination among influenza hospitalizations. Additionally, collecting COVID-19 vaccination status on FluSurv-NET cases can be explored as an indicator to impute for missing influenza vaccination for analyses. If these elements related to COVID-19 vaccination are beneficial in imputing missing influenza vaccination status and registries remain a reliable source for COVID-19 vaccination, these elements could be collected in lieu of conducting provider and patient/proxy interviews to ascertain influenza vaccination status, which would reduce burden on respondents. |
None to minimal; data extracted from state immunization registries and linked for FluSurv-NET cases |
Phone Script and Consent Form (FSN.300.2) |
Revision |
Race and/or Ethnicity (select all that apply)
Minimal, <1 minute increase |
Revision |
Updated Spanish translation consent forms and phone scripts to reflect the new race and/or ethnicity question |
No change to burden |
Provider Vaccination History Fax Form (FSN.300.3) |
Revision |
Race and/or Ethnicity (select all that apply)
Minimal, <1 minute increase |
Revision |
Supplemental language was added in form of a notification letter that sites may mail to the patient/proxy prior to the patient interview notifying that the patient/proxy will be contacted by their state health department to obtain influenza vaccination status only. The supplemental document will not collect any data or information from the patient.
No changes to burden |
FluSurv-NET Laboratory Survey (FSN.300.4) |
Addition |
Title Justification
Minimal, <1 minute increase |
Revision |
Select the kit name(s) (manufacturer) for the rapid influenza antigen diagnostic test(s) performed or planned to be used at the laboratory
Minimal, <1 minute increase |
Revision |
Select kit name(s) (manufacturer) for all molecular assays performed or planned to be used at the laboratory: (Check all that apply)
Minimal, <1 minute increase |
This Revision includes proposed changes to 5 of 13 approved Healthcare-Associated Infections – Community Interface (HAIC) data collection tools (form/s) detailed below. There are no new collection tools for HAIC.
Approved Forms with no changes noted:
HAIC.400.2 MuGSI CA CP-CRE Health interview
HAIC.400.7 CDI Case Report and Treatment Form
HAIC.400.8 Annual Survey of Laboratory Testing Practices for C. difficile Infections
HAIC.400.9 CDI Annual Surveillance Officers Survey
HAIC.400.10 C. difficile Surveillance Nursing Home Telephone Survey (LTCF)
HAIC.400.11 Candidemia Case Report Form
HAIC.400.12 Laboratory Testing Practices for Candidemia Questionnaire
HAIC.400.13 Death Ascertainment Project
Changes to Approved Forms:
HAIC.400.1 Multi-site Gram-Negative Surveillance Initiative (MuGSI) Case Report Form
HAIC.400.3 MuGSI Supplemental Surveillance Officer Survey
HAIC.400.4 Invasive Staphylococcus aureus Infection Case Report Form
HAIC.400.5 Invasive Staphylococcus aureus Laboratory Survey
HAIC.400.6 Invasive Staphylococcus aureus Supplemental Surveillance Officer Survey
Multi-site Gram-Negative Surveillance Initiative (MuGSI) Case Report Form (HAIC.400.1) |
Type of Change |
Itemized Changes / Justification |
Impact to Burden |
Correction |
For the MuGSI CRF there has been an increase in the number of respondents (from 10 to 11), however, an error was identified in how the number of responses per respondent was previously reported. This has resulted in reduction from 4,770 to 1,581 responded per respondent. While the Avg. burden per response increase from 28 to 29 minutes, there was a decrease in the Current Total burden (in hours) from 21,922 to 8,406. |
Decrease |
Addition |
20. Risk factors: (Check all that apply) Invasive or diagnostic urologic procedure in the year before DISC: ð Yes ð No ð Unknown If yes, check all that apply: ð Prostate procedure ð Cystoscopy ð Other
0.5 minute increase. |
Addition/ Revision |
23b. Risk factors prior to CRAB DISC: ð Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (CPAP or BiPAP) at any time in the 7 calendar days before the DISC ð Nebulizer treatment at any time in the 7 calendar days before the DISC ð Mechanical ventilation at any time in the 7 calendar days before the DISC ð Visited a wound care clinic at any time in the year before the DISC ð None
0.5-minute increase |
Multi-site Gram-negative Surveillance Initiative (MuGSI) Supplemental Surveillance Officer Survey (HAIC.400.3) |
Type of Change |
Itemized Change / Justification |
Impact to Burden |
Revision |
Site: ___ CA ___ CO ___ CT ___ GA ___ MD ___ MI___ MN ___ NM ___ NY ___ OR ___ TN
No changes to burden |
Revision |
Surveillance area characteristics:
Increase in burden |
Addition/ Revision |
Surveillance area characteristics: 2. Is CRE reportable at your state/site? ___ yes ___ no
_______ Statewide _______ Defined area, such as a county(ies). Please specify
_______ yes _______ no specify _____
_______ Agent of the state _______ State Health Department Regulation _______ Other, please explain: _____________
No changes to burden. |
Addition/ Revision |
Surveillance area characteristics:
_______ Statewide _______ Defined area, such as a county(ies). Please specify
_______ yes _______ no specify _____
_______ Agent of the state _______ State Health Department Regulation _______ Other, please explain: _____________
No changes to burden. |
Addition/ Revision |
Surveillance area characteristics: 4. Is ESBL-E reportable at your state/site? ___ yes ___ no
_______ Statewide _______ Defined area, such as a county(ies). Please specify
_______ yes _______ no specify _____
_______ Agent of the state _______ State Health Department Regulation _______ Other, please explain: _____________
No change to burden. |
Revision |
Surveillance area characteristics:
_______ Statewide _______ Defined area, such as a county(ies). Please specify
_______ yes _______ no specify ______
_______ Agent of the state _______ State Health Department Regulation _______ Other, please explain: _____________
1.If yes, when does your state/site plan to make iEC reportable?
Increase in burden |
Revision |
Laboratory Participation and Isolate Testing – Part 1
Increase in burden |
Addition |
Laboratory Participation and Isolate Testing – Part 1
Increase in burden |
Addition |
Laboratory Participation and Isolate Testing – Part 1
_______ yes _______ no
Increase in burden |
Revision |
Laboratory Participation and Isolate Testing – Part 1
Increase in burden |
Revision |
Laboratory Participation and Isolate Testing – Part 1
_______ CRE; _______ CRAB; _______ ESBL; ________iEC
Increase in burden |
Revision |
Laboratory Participation and Isolate Testing – Part 1
Increase in burden |
Revision |
Laboratory Participation and Isolate Testing – Part 2
_____clinical laboratory _____public health laboratory _____research laboratory _____reference laboratory
No change in burden. |
Revision |
Laboratory Participation and Isolate Testing – Part 2
_____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC
No change in burden. |
Addition |
Laboratory Participation and Isolate Testing – Part 2
_____electronic messaging, such as HL7 _____e-mail _____fax _____EIP staff manually generate reports on-site _____other, please specify__________________ _____unknown
Increase in burden |
Revision |
Laboratory Participation and Isolate Testing – Part 2
_____automated testing instrument _____laboratory information system _____medical record _____other, please specify_____________________ _____unknown
No change in burden |
Revision |
Laboratory Participation and Isolate Testing – Part 2
kirby bauer:_____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC
other, please specify: _____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC
laboratory not testing _____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC
unknown _____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC
No change in burden |
Revision |
Laboratory Participation and Isolate Testing – Part 2
Non-molecular test methods carbaNP: _____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC
carbapenemase inactivation method: _____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC
CPO detect: _____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC
disk diffusion/ROSCO disk e-test: _____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC
modified carbapenemase inactivation method: _____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC
modified hodge test: _____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC
RAPIDEC: _____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC
Other, please specify: _____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC
laboratory not testing: _____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC
unknown: _____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC Molecular test methods automated molecular assay: _____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC
carba-R: _____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC
check points: _____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC
MALDI-TOF MS: _____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC
next generation nucleic acid sequencing: _____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC
polymerase chain reaction: _____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC
streck ARM-D: _____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC
other, please specify:____________________ _____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC
laboratory not testing: _____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC
unknown: _____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC
No change in burden |
Revision |
Laboratory Participation and Isolate Testing – Part 2
broth microdilution – ESBL well:_____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC broth microdilution – ATI flag: _____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC broth microdilution – manual: _____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC disk diffusion: _____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC e-test: _____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC molecular test, please specify_____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC other non-molecular test, please specify:_____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC laboratory not testing: _____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC unknown: _____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC
No change in burden |
Revision |
Laboratory Participation and Isolate Testing – Part 2
MALDI-TOF: _____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC polymerase chain reaction: _____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC whole genome sequencing: _____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC DNA sequencing, please specify:_____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC rRNA gene sequencing, please specify:_____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC biochemical tests, please specify:_____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC immunological techniques, please specify:_____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC other, please specify:_____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC laboratory not testing:_____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC unknown: _____CRE _____CRAB _____ESBL _____iEC Please specify the database or library for the instrument(s) selected above:________________________________________________
No change in burden |
Revision |
Laboratory Participation and Isolate Testing – Part 2
_____yes, please specify the type of test________________ If yes, is a positive test result always followed up by a culture? _______ yes _______ no _______ unknown _____no _____unknown
No change in burden |
Revision |
Laboratory Participation and Isolate Testing – Part 2
_____yes _____no _____unknown
No change in burden |
Addition |
Laboratory Participation and Isolate Testing – Part 2
Increase in burden |
Addition |
Laboratory Participation and Isolate Testing – Part 2 Please describe the participating laboratory’s policy on maximum duration of referral for antimicrobial susceptibility testing for successive isolates of the same MuGSI organism. Successive isolates are defined as two microorganisms with similar identification that was cultured from the same patient at two different time points. Please indicate if the policy differs depending on whether successive isolates were cultured from the same specimen source or different specimen source. _______________________________________
Increase in burden |
Addition |
Additional information on MuGSI surveillance activities
Increase in burden |
Addition |
Additional information on MuGSI surveillance activities
_______ yes _______ no
_______ Monthly _______ Quarterly _______ Other time frame, specify: ______________________________________ _______ Never
Increase in burden |
Addition |
Additional information on MuGSI surveillance activities
a. If yes, what is the most recent year of surveillance data that was geocoded? ___________________ b. If no, why not?
Increase in burden |
Addition |
Additional information on MuGSI surveillance activities
Increase in burden |
Addition |
Additional information on MuGSI surveillance activities
Increase in burden |
Revision |
Additional information on MuGSI surveillance activities
No change in burden |
Addition |
Additional information on MuGSI surveillance activities
No change in burden. |
Invasive Staphylococcus aureus Healthcare-Associated Infections Community Interface Case Report Form (HAIC.400.4) |
Type of Change |
Itemized Changes / Justification |
Impact to Burden |
Addition/Revision |
22. SUSCEPTIBILITY RESULTS (S=Sensitive (1), I=Intermediate (2), R=Resistant (3), NS=Non-susceptible (4), SDD=Susceptible dose-dependent (5), U=Unknown/Not Reported (9)
0.5-minute increase |
Addition |
0.5-minute increase |
Addition |
28b. Does the patient have another type of implanted prosthetic device that was associated with the infection? □ Yes, specify:_____________ □ No □ Unknown
Increase |
Revision |
29. □ Transplant, solid organ:_______
No change to burden |
Invasive Staphylococcus aureus Laboratory Survey (HAIC.400.5) |
Type of Change |
Itemized Change / Justification |
Impact to Burden |
Revision |
CDC’s Healthcare-Associated Infections Community Interface (HAIC) Staphylococcus aureus 2024 Laboratory Survey: Use of Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing (NAAT).
No change in burden |
Addition |
Date Survey Last Completed: ___________
Increase |
Revision/Addition |
5b. Which tests do you use to detect S. aureus directly from a sterile site source without culture (sterile site sources only, i.e., blood, CSF, pleural fluid, bone, etc.)? Please check all that apply. □ T2Bacteria® Panel…Date started ______ □ Other FDA-approved test, specify___ Date started __ Method: □ PCR □ Next generation sequencing (NGS) □ Other, specify __________ □ Karius TestTM… Date started______ □ Other, Lab developed test (detects MRSA or SA)… Date started _ Method: □ PCR □ Next generation sequencing (NGS) □ Other, specify __________
Increase |
Revision |
5g. Where do you plan to have these tests performed? □ On-site □ Send out, please specify lab _______ - END SURVEY
No change in burden |
Addition |
5h. Which tests do you plan to use to detect S. aureus directly from a sterile site source without culture? (sterile site sources only, i.e., blood, CSF, pleural fluid, bone, etc.)? Please check all the apply. □ T2Bacteria® Panel…Date started ______ □ Other FDA-approved test, specify___ Date started __ □ Karius TestTM… Date started______ □ Other, Lab developed test (detects MRSA or SA)… Date started _ 5i. Will all positive tests directly from sterile sources (without positive culture) appear in the S. aureus surveillance laboratory line lists? □ Yes □ No □ Unknown
5j. Will you still obtain an isolate for S. aureus or MRSA if these tests are used? □ Yes-END SURVEY □ No-END SURVEY □ Unknown – END SURVEY
0.5-minute increase |
Invasive Staphylococcus aureus Supplemental Surveillance Officer Survey (HAIC.400.6) |
Type of Change |
Itemized Change / Justification |
Impact to Burden |
Revision |
2023 HAIC Invasive Staphylococcus aureus Supplemental Surveillance Officer Survey
No change to burden |
Revision |
Please answer the following questions for the year 2023. The purpose of the survey is to verify and document current surveillance procedures, including cases ascertainment and auditing methods. Please enter your responses into the corresponding REDCap database. If you have any questions, please contact Kelly Jackson (
No change to burden |
Revision |
Surveillance area characteristics
No change to burden |
Revision |
Surveillance area characteristics 5a. If yes:
_______ Hospital MRSA LabID event _______ Hospital central line-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) data _______ Hospital Antimicrobial Use and Resistance (AUR) Option _______ Dialysis event
No change to burden |
Revision |
Surveillance area characteristics 5b. If no:
_______ Hospital MRSA LabID event _______ Hospital CLABSI data _______ Hospital AUR Option _______ Dialysis event
No change in burden |
Revision |
Lab Participation and Case Finding Please answer the following questions for hospitals and labs under surveillance for 2023.
No change in burden |
Revision |
Lab participation and case finding
No change in burden |
Revision |
Lab participation and case finding
No change in burden |
Revision |
Lab participation and case finding 4. Indicate the percentage contribution of each case finding method to your site’s total SA case counts (100%) in 2023.
_______ yes _______ no i. If yes, please explain why: _________
No change in burden |
Revision |
Lab participation and case finding 5. For labs reporting invasive SA, how many of the participating labs are providing case reports through direct electronic messaging, such as HL7 messaging? ________ a. If less <100%, how else are you receiving reports (check all that apply)? □ Secure email □ Fax □ Manual surveillance on-site □ Mailed hard copies □ State electronic reporting system □ Other, specify: _____________________________
No change in burden |
Revision/Addition |
Lab participation and case finding 6. Did any labs drop out of participation in 2023? _______ yes _______ no a. If yes, how many? _______ b. Why did these labs drop out of participation?__________ c. Approximately how many cases did this/these lab(s) identify each year among residents of your catchment area?
0.5-minute increase |
Revision |
Lab participation and case finding 7. In 2023, did you identify any additional labs, regardless of location, which identify invasive SA isolates from persons who are residents of your catchment area? _______ yes _______ no
No change in burden |
Revision |
Data Edits 2. Did your site complete CRF re-abstractions during 2023? ___ yes ____ no
No change in burden |
Revision |
Ascertainment of surveillance area and case audits 1. How did your site define an audit case in 2023?
No change in burden |
Revision |
Ascertainment of surveillance area and case audits 2. Indicate the percentage contribution of each finding method to your site’s audit counts (100%) in 2023
No change in burden |
Revision |
Ascertainment of surveillance area and case audits 3d. How many laboratories did you audit in 2023?
No change in burden |
Revision |
Ascertainment of surveillance area and case audits 4. In 2023, did your site update its inventory of facilities within the EIP catchment area? ___yes ___no
No change in burden |
Deletion |
Ascertainment of surveillance area and case audits
_______ yes _______ no a. If yes, please describe the check(s) that you use
b. If yes, how often are the check(s) used? a.If yes, do you plan to use these for MSSA once more surveillance data are available? ___yes ___ no
Decrease |
Addition |
Ascertainment of surveillance area and case audits
_______ yes _______ no a. If yes, please describe the check(s) that you use
b. If yes, how often are the check(s) used?
0.5-minute increase |
Revision |
Geocoding 1. Did your site geocode SA cases in 2023? ___yes ___no
No change in burden |
Revision |
Vital records linkages 1. Did your link SA cases to vital records (mortality matching) in 2023? ___yes ___no
No change in burden |
Deletion |
COVID-19 impact section 1. Did COVID-19 response activities affect or delay 2022 iSA surveillance work (e.g., unable to meet iSA deadlines during 2022)? ___ yes __ no a. If no, how were you able to meet iSA deadlines? b. If yes, how did COVID-19 response activities delay your iSA work?
0.5-minute decrease |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Nti-Berko, Sonja Mali (CDC/NCEZID/DIDRI/RRRSB) |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-07-27 |