Form Instrument 4 Instrument 4 Instrument 4: Grantee Learning Opportunities Quarterly S

ArtsHERE Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Plan Data Collection: NEA Pilot Equity Initiative

Instrument 4. Grantee Learning Opportunities Quarterly Survey

Instrument 4: Grantee Learning Opportunities Quarterly Survey

OMB: 3135-0148

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Attachment A: Instruments
Instrument 4. Grantee Learning Opportuni�es Quarterly Survey
The Na�onal Endowment for the Arts is conduc�ng an evalua�on of ArtsHERE to beter understand the
project ac�vi�es supported through this program and how grantees approached the work. As part of the
evalua�on, this required quarterly survey is an opportunity to learn about your organiza�on’s
experiences with ArtsHERE learning opportuni�es.
The term “learning opportuni�es” refers to any type of topic-based workshop, one-on-one coaching, or
consulta�on with ArtsHERE coaches, and peer cohort convenings provided to increase the knowledge,
skills, connec�ons, and/or capacity of grantee organiza�ons to work toward their project and
organiza�onal goals.
As an ArtsHERE grantee organiza�on, your par�cipa�on in this quarterly survey is required. Your
organiza�on’s feedback will be used to help ArtsHERE funders (Regional Arts Organiza�ons and the NEA)
beter respond to grantees’ needs and improve the ArtsHERE program.
These data will be made available to the program Evaluator and will not be shared with the NEA, South
Arts, and RAOs except as described below. Informa�on collected for evalua�on purposes, including
individual informa�on deemed sensi�ve in nature, is considered confiden�al and will remain anonymous
and private to the extent permited by law. When results of the ArtsHERE evalua�on are shared with the
public via reports, presenta�ons, and other materials, these results will only be shared in aggregate form
(percentages, means, summaries) to protect the iden�ty of par�cipants. Any subject-iden�fiable
informa�on (including names, contact informa�on, etc.) will not be released without a par�cipant’s
explicit permission. The Evaluator may ask to iden�fy a par�cipant to atribute direct quotes or case
studies to it in reports, presenta�ons, or other materials, and the par�cipant may choose to remain
Repor�ng on grant ac�vi�es, including annual progress and final reports, and comple�ng forms or
surveys intended to collect informa�on or feedback that can inform ArtsHERE services will be required of
all grantees. Your responses in this survey will not impact your current or future awards from the NEA or
its partners. You will not receive any compensa�on for responding to the survey. You may decline to
answer any ques�on you wish. Under the Paperwork Reduc�on Act of 1995, no persons are required to
respond to a collec�on of informa�on unless such collec�on displays a valid Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) control number. The OMB control number for this survey is OMB No. 3135-XXXX, which
expires XX/XX/XXX.
We realize how limited your �me is; the survey should take an average of 15 minutes to complete.
If you have any ques�ons, please contact Dr. Patricia Moore Shaffer, lead for the evalua�on, at
Instruc�ons: Please complete the following informa�on about the ArtsHERE learning opportuni�es you
have received in the past 3 months.

Learning Opportunity Par�cipa�on
[Text box to appear at the top of each survey page that reads: “Learning opportunities” include monthly
cohort sessions, one-on-one meetings with your assigned coach, and workshops with topic-based
1. Grant award number: [Text box]
2. [ONLY IF grantee received learning opportunities in the past three months- evaluation contractor will
provide a pre-filled summary of service types and topics from organizational tracking data. Text to
read: “Please indicate the type(s) and topic(s) of learning opportunity activities you participated in
during the past three months”]
Based on our records in the past three months (between [start date] and [end date], your
organiza�on par�cipated in learning opportuni�es in the following areas: Please confirm whether
you par�cipated in the following learning opportuni�es.
a. [Type/topic of learning opportunity to be pre-filled based on provider data ]
☐ Yes, my organiza�on par�cipated in this ac�vity.

☐ No, my organiza�on did not par�cipate in this ac�vity.
b. [Type/topic of learning opportunity to be pre-filled based on provider data]
☐ Yes, my organiza�on par�cipated in this ac�vity.

☐ No, my organiza�on did not par�cipate in this ac�vity.
c. [Type/topic of learning opportunity to be pre-filled based on provider data]
☐ Yes, my organiza�on par�cipated in this ac�vity.

☐ No, my organiza�on did not par�cipate in this ac�vity.

If No, [if none of the above are accurate], Please indicate the type(s) and topic(s) of
learning opportunity ac�vi�es you par�cipated in during the past three months:
☐ Topic based workshop
• If checked, list the topic(s): [open box]
☐ One-on-One with workshop facilitator
• If checked, list the topic(s): [open box]
☐ One-on-one consulta�on with coach
• If checked, list the topic(s): [open box]
☐ Cohort Mee�ng
• If checked, list the topic(s): [open box]
☐ My organiza�on did not par�cipate in any ArtsHERE learning opportuni�es during
the past three months. [Selection of this option will prompt the thank you screen,
and survey participation is complete.]

d. Did your organiza�on par�cipate in any other learning opportuni�es supported through
ArtsHERE not specified?

☐ Yes
o If yes, please specify type and topic of learning opportuni�es received: [open box]
☐ No
o If no, please specify type and topic of learning opportuni�es received: [open box]
3. [ONLY IF grantee did NOT receive learning opportunities in the past three months] Based on our
records in the past three months (between [start date] and [end date]), your organiza�on did not
receive learning opportuni�es. Is this accurate?
☐ Yes
o If yes, please provide addi�onal informa�on regarding why your organiza�on did not
receive learning opportuni�es: [open box]
☐ No
o If no, please specify type and topic of learning opportuni�es received: [open box]
[If no is selected, skip to Question 11 and end survey there]

Perspec�ves on Learning Opportunity Ac�vi�es in the Past Three Months
Learning opportunities include monthly cohort sessions, one-on-one meetings with your assigned coach,
and workshops with topic-based experts.
[Q4-Q8 will only be asked if respondent indicated that they received organizational services in Q1-Q3
above] Please provide your perspec�ve on all the learning opportuni�es supported through ArtsHERE
you par�cipated in the past three months by indica�ng your level of agreement with the following
4. Relevance

y agree


Overall, the learning opportuni�es I
received in the past three months
met the needs of my organiza�on
(e.g., applicability of services and/or
topics addressed to my interests,
services align with project’s and/or
community’s context, and overall

Agree nor



4.a. Please provide any addi�onal feedback you have on the relevance of learning opportuni�es you
par�cipated in over the past three months. [Open comment box]
5. Engagement



Agree nor



Overall, the learning opportuni�es I
received in the past three months
were engaging (e.g., services were
interes�ng, par�cipatory, ac�ve role
in planning).
5.a. Please provide any addi�onal feedback you have about how engaging the learning opportuni�es you
received during the past three months were for you: [Open comment box]
6. Quality/Sa�sfac�on
Overall, I was sa�sfied with the quality
of the learning opportuni�es (e.g.,
services are �mely, clear, present
informa�on in an effec�ve manner).

y agree


Neither Agree
nor Disagree



6.a. Please provide any addi�onal feedback you have on the quality of learning opportuni�es you
par�cipated in over the past three months: [Open comment box]
7. Responsiveness of Coach/Facilitator
Please rate how responsive your coach
and/or facilitator(s) were to your needs
over the past three months (e.g.,
coach/facilitator engaged in ac�ve
listening, acknowledged and was
sensi�ve to the project’s needs and
interests; was open to addressing
topics requested by the project; and
was aware of the project’s unique
organiza�onal and/or community
ArtsHERE Coach (as applicable): [prefilled text about which organization
provided coaching will be piped here]
Topic-based workshop facilitator (as
applicable): [pre-filled text about which
organization led the workshop will be
piped here]
Other service provider, specify: [open
text box]






7.a. Please provide any addi�onal feedback you have on the responsiveness of your learning
opportuni�es coach and/or workshop facilitator(s) over the past three months: [Open comment box]
8. Effec�veness of Learning Opportuni�es by Type
What best describes the
effec�veness of each of the
following (e.g., did services meet
their intended
objec�ves/purpose, producing the
intended result)?
Monthly cohort convening with
your coach
Individual session(s) with your
Topic based workshop with a
Op�onal 1:1 with workshop





Not at all

8.a. Please provide any addi�onal feedback you have on the effec�veness of learning opportuni�es you
par�cipated in over the past three months: [Open comment box]

Overall Reflec�ons (Narra�ve)
Learning opportunities include monthly cohort sessions, one-on-one meetings with your assigned coach,
and workshops with topic-based experts.
9. Were there ways the learning opportuni�es in which you par�cipated over the past three months
could be improved?
☐ Yes
o If yes, please describe how the learning opportuni�es could have been improved. [Open
comments box]
☐ No
10. What other types of learning opportuni�es would you find valuable for enhancing your knowledge,
skills, connec�ons, or capacity? [Open comments box]
11. What, if any, addi�onal feedback would you like to share about the learning opportuni�es and
support you received in the past three months? [Open comments box]

N/A; Did
not use

File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorKathryn Zickuhr
File Modified2024-04-19
File Created2024-04-19

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