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pdfUnited States Government Accountability Office
Report to Congressional Addressees
April 2020
TSA Engages with
Stakeholders but
Could Better Identify
and Share Standards
and Key Practices
April 2020
TSA Engages with Stakeholders but Could Better
Identify and Share Standards and Key Practices
Highlights of GAO-20-404, a report to
congressional addressees
Why GAO Did This Study
What GAO Found
Recent physical and cyberattacks on
rail systems in U.S. and foreign
cities highlight the importance of
strengthening and securing
passenger rail systems around the
world. TSA is the primary federal
agency responsible for securing
transportation in the United States.
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) assesses passenger rail risks
through the Transportation Sector Security Risk Assessment, the Baseline
Assessment for Security Enhancement (BASE), and threat assessments. TSA
uses the risk assessment to evaluate threat, vulnerability, and consequence for
attack scenarios across various transportation modes. TSA surface inspectors
use the baseline assessment, a voluntary security review for mass transit,
passenger rail, and highway systems, to address potential vulnerabilities and
share best practices, among other things.
GAO was asked to review TSA’s
efforts to assess passenger rail risk,
as well as its role in identifying and
sharing security standards and key
practices. This report addresses (1)
TSA’s efforts to assess risk; (2) the
extent to which TSA works with U.S.
and foreign passenger rail
stakeholders to identify security
standards and key practices; and (3)
the extent to which TSA shares
passenger rail security standards
and key practices with stakeholders.
TSA works with U.S. stakeholders to identify security standards and key
practices and identifies foreign standards and practices through multilateral and
bilateral exchanges. However, TSA Representatives (TSARs), the primary
overseas point of contact for transportation security matters, lack specific
guidance on foreign rail stakeholder engagement. As a result, TSA is less likely
to be fully aware of key practices in other countries, such as station security
guidance. Specific guidance would provide TSARs with clear expectations and
encourage more consistent engagement with foreign rail stakeholders.
Examples of Security Key Practices Cited by Passenger Rail Stakeholders
GAO analyzed TSA risk
assessments from fiscal years 2015
through 2019 and reviewed TSA
program documents and guidance.
GAO interviewed officials from TSA,
and from seven domestic rail
agencies, three foreign rail
agencies, and two foreign
government agencies. The results
from these interviews are not
generalizable but provide
perspectives on topics in this review.
What GAO Recommends
GAO is making two
recommendations: (1) that TSA
update TSAR guidance to include
engaging with foreign passenger rail
stakeholders; and (2) that TSA
update the BASE cybersecurity
questions to ensure they reflect key
practices. DHS concurred with both
View GAO-20-404. For more information,
contact Triana McNeil at (202) 512-8777 or
Public Awareness Campaign
Emphasize security awareness
Canine Units
Detection of vapor from explosives
TSA shares standards and key practices with stakeholders, including those
related to cybersecurity, through various mechanisms including BASE reviews;
however, this assessment does not fully reflect current industry cybersecurity
standards and key practices. For example, it does not include any questions
related to two of the five functions outlined in the National Institute of Standards
and Technology’s Cybersecurity Framework—specifically the Detect and
Recover functions. Updating the BASE questions to align more closely with this
framework would better assist passenger rail operators in identifying current key
practices for detecting intrusion and recovering from incidents.
United States Government Accountability Office
TSA Conducts Passenger Rail Risk Assessments and
Coordinates with CISA on Cybersecurity Risk
TSA Actively Works with Domestic Stakeholders to Identify
Standards and Key Practices but Provides Limited Guidance on
Foreign Stakeholder Engagement
TSA Uses Various Mechanisms to Share Security Standards and
Key Practices but Does Not Fully Incorporate NIST
Cybersecurity Standards in the BASE
Recommendation for Executive Action
Agency Comments and Our Evaluation
Appendix I
Physical Security and Cybersecurity Key Practices Cited
by Domestic and Foreign Stakeholders
Appendix II
Comments from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Appendix III
GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments
Table 1: Mechanisms the Transportation Security Administration
(TSA) Uses to Assess Risk Elements for Passenger Rail
Table 2: Examples of Threats Identified by Domestic Passenger
Rail Stakeholders and Related Available Industry
Standards and Key Practice Documents
Table 3: Examples of Foreign Passenger Rail Security Standards
and Key Practice Documents
Table 4: Mechanisms Cited by the Transportation Security
Administration (TSA) or Domestic Passenger Rail
Stakeholders That Can be Used to Identify and Share Rail
Security Key Practice Information
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GAO-20-404 Passenger Rail Security
Table 5: Examples of Common Physical Security and
Cybersecurity Key Practices Cited by Selected Domestic
and Foreign Passenger Rail Stakeholders
Table 6: Additional Security Key Practices Cited by Selected
Foreign Passenger Rail Stakeholders
Figure 1: Examples of Physical and Cybersecurity Threats to
Passenger Rail
Figure 2: Elements of Risk Related to Infrastructure Protection
Figure 3: St. Pancras International Station in London
Figure 4: Project Servator Poster Displayed During an Exercise at
St. Pancras International Station in London
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GAO-20-404 Passenger Rail Security
American Public Transportation Association
Baseline Assessment for Security Enhancement
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Department of Homeland Security
National Infrastructure Protection Plan
National Institute of Standards and Technology
European Association of Railway Police Forces
Transportation Security Administration
Transportation Security Administration Representative
Transportation System Sector Specific Risk Assessment
This is a work of the U.S. government and is not subject to copyright protection in the
United States. The published product may be reproduced and distributed in its entirety
without further permission from GAO. However, because this work may contain
copyrighted images or other material, permission from the copyright holder may be
necessary if you wish to reproduce this material separately.
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GAO-20-404 Passenger Rail Security
441 G St. N.W.
Washington, DC 20548
April 3, 2020
Congressional Addressees
Passenger rail systems are inherently difficult to secure and vulnerable to
attack due to factors such as their open infrastructure, multiple access
points, and high ridership. 1 Recent attacks in London, Brussels, and New
York City, as well as planned attacks in New York and other U.S. cities,
highlight the importance of strengthening and securing passenger rail
systems around the world. 2 In addition, cyberattacks, such as those that
affected San Francisco’s mass transit system in 2016 and Deutsche Bahn
in Germany in 2017, as well as derailment attempts in Germany in 2018,
demonstrate the evolving nature of the threat to passenger rail. 3 In 2017,
there were more than 4.8 billion passenger trips on rail systems in the
United States. Rail operators and federal agencies are faced daily with
the challenge of protecting passengers without compromising the
accessibility and efficiency of rail travel. The Department of Homeland
Security’s (DHS) Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is the
1Passenger rail systems include heavy rail, light rail, commuter rail, and intercity rail. In
2017, there were 88 rail systems operated by public transit agencies in the United States.
Most subway systems are considered heavy rail, which is an electric railway that carries a
heavy volume of traffic, among other characteristics. Light rail systems typically operate
passenger rail cars singly (or in short, usually two-car trains) and are driven electrically
with power being drawn from an overhead electric line. Commuter rail is characterized by
passenger trains operating on railroad tracks and providing regional service, such as
between a central city and its adjacent suburbs. Intercity rail is primarily provided by the
National Railroad Passenger Corporation (commonly known as Amtrak). For purposes of
this review, we are using the term “passenger rail” to include all of these different types of
passenger rail transit systems.
suicide bomber detonated a bomb on subway train in Brussels on March 22, 2016. On
September 15, 2017, a bomb detonated on a London Underground train. On December
11, 2017, a pipe bomb detonated in a subway station adjoining the Port Authority Bus
Terminal in New York. In addition, there have been multiple thwarted attacks against New
York mass transit, including undetonated explosives that were found in a trash receptacle
near a mass transit station in Elizabeth, New Jersey on September 18, 2016. Other foiled
attacks occurred in Washington, D.C., and other U.S. cities.
2016, a cyberattack affected transit ticketing and rail agency internal computer
systems in San Francisco. In 2017, a global cyberattack (WannaCry) affected train
scheduling information for the German rail operator Deutsche Bahn. In 2018, there were
several unsuccessful attempts to derail trains in Germany, including by placing cement
blocks on the tracks in one incident, and by stringing a steel rope across tracks in another
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GAO-20-404 Passenger Rail Security
primary federal agency responsible for securing all modes of
transportation in the United States, including passenger rail. 4
We previously reported on domestic and foreign passenger rail security
practices and lessons learned in 2005 and 2012. 5 In 2005, we reported
on, among other things, security practices that federal agencies and
domestic and foreign rail operators had implemented, including foreign
rail security practices that were not in use domestically at the time. 6 In
2012, we reported on the influence of foreign attacks on domestic rail
security procedures, among other things. Further, though not specific to
passenger rail cybersecurity, federal cyber asset security has been on our
High Risk list since 1997. In 2003, we expanded this area to include
protecting systems supporting our nation’s critical infrastructure, such as
passenger rail systems. 7 We issued an update to the information security
Guard is the lead federal agency responsible for maritime transportation security,
though TSA plays a role in managing some security aspects.
GAO, Passenger Rail Security: Enhanced Federal Leadership Needed to Prioritize
and Guide Security Effort, GAO-05-851 (Washington, D.C. Sept. 9, 2005) and GAO,
Passenger Rail Security: Consistent Incident Reporting and Analysis Needed to Achieve
Program Objectives, GAO-13-20 (Washington, D.C.: Dec. 19, 2012).
reported on three practices observed in other countries that were not in use among
domestic passenger rail operators at the time. These practices included (1) the use of
covert testing to keep employees alert about their security responsibilities; (2) random
screening of passengers and their baggage; and (3) central clearinghouses on rail security
technologies and best practices. We recommended, among other things, that DHS and
the Department of Transportation collaborate with the passenger rail industry to evaluate
the potential benefits and applicability of implementing practices used by foreign rail
operators. In response, TSA reported that it took actions to expand options for covert
testing into the Intermodal Security Training Exercise Program and into Visible Intermodal
Prevention and Response team activities and spearheaded an effort to compile effective
security practices internationally. We determined that these actions addressed the intent
of our recommendation. See GAO-05-851.
biennial High Risk List identifies government programs that have greater vulnerability
to fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement or need to address challenges to economy,
efficiency, or effectiveness. We have designated federal information security as a High
Risk area since 1997; in 2003, we expanded this high risk area to include critical cyber
infrastructure protection; and, in 2015, we further expanded this area to include protecting
the privacy of personally identifiable information that is collected, maintained, and shared
by both federal and nonfederal entities. See GAO, High Risk Series: Progress on Many
High Risk Areas, While Substantial Efforts Needed on Others, GAO-17-317 (Washington,
D.C.: Feb. 15, 2017).
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high-risk area in September 2018 that identified actions needed to
address cybersecurity challenges facing the nation. 8
The FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 includes a provision for us to review
TSA’s efforts to identify and share domestic and foreign passenger
transportation security standards and key practices, particularly as they
relate to shared terminal facilities, which we refer to as intermodal
stations throughout this report, and cybersecurity. 9 In addition, we were
asked to review how TSA assesses passenger rail security risks. This
report addresses the following objectives:
1. How does TSA assess risks to the U.S. passenger rail system?
2. To what extent does TSA work with U.S. and foreign passenger rail
stakeholders to identify security standards and key practices,
including intermodal station and cybersecurity practices?
3. To what extent does TSA share passenger rail security standards and
key practices with stakeholders?
To address the first objective, we reviewed agency assessments and
documentation pertaining to the elements of risk (threat, vulnerability, and
consequence), as defined in the National Infrastructure Protection Plan
(NIPP). 10 Specifically, we reviewed TSA’s Transportation Sector Security
Risk Assessment (TSSRA) from fiscal years 2015 through 2017, 11
documents related to TSA’s Baseline Assessment for Security
Enhancement (BASE), and TSA’s annual and semiannual threat
High Risk Series: Urgent Actions Are Needed to Address Cybersecurity
Challenges Facing the Nation, GAO-18-622 (Washington, D.C.: Sept. 6, 2018).
9Pub. L. No. 115-254, § 1972, 132 Stat. 3186, 3614. The TSA Modernization Act is
Division K, title I of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018. Intermodal stations are facilities
or hubs where multiple modes of transportation intersect. For example, Washington D.C.’s
Union Station, where Amtrak, subway, commuter rail, and buses converge, is an
intermodal station. Intermodal hubs may be particularly vulnerable to attack due to factors
such as open public areas, multiple vendors, large volumes of passengers, and limited
escape routes.
of Homeland Security, 2013 National Infrastructure Protection Plan,
Partnering for Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience (Washington, D.C.: December
11According to TSA officials, the 2017 TSSRA was the most recent available at the time
we conducted our audit work.
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GAO-20-404 Passenger Rail Security
assessments from calendar years 2015 through 2019. 12 In addition to
reviewing general risks to the passenger rail system identified in these
documents, we analyzed the extent to which they address intermodal
station and cybersecurity risk. We conducted interviews with TSA officials
responsible for TSA’s passenger rail risk assessment efforts. We also
conducted interviews with officials from DHS’s Cybersecurity and
Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to understand additional efforts to
assess the cybersecurity risk in passenger rail, and how the agency
coordinates with TSA.
To address objectives two and three, we obtained information in person
or via telephone from officials at seven domestic rail agencies, including
Amtrak. 13 We also conducted site visits to two foreign countries and
interviewed government officials and officials from three passenger rail
agencies in these countries. 14 We conducted these interviews and visits
to obtain perspectives on both domestic and foreign passenger rail
security standards and key practices, as well as TSA engagement in this
area. To select domestic rail agencies, we first identified agencies with
the largest passenger volume by type of agency (heavy, light, or
commuter rail). We then selected specific agencies to interview based on
the following factors: type of system, geographic diversity, the presence
of a large intermodal station, expert referral, and experience with security
threats or incidents. We selected the foreign countries we visited based
on the size of passenger rail operations, presence of a large intermodal
station, expert referral, and experience with security threats or incidents. 15
While the perspectives of rail agencies and officials we interviewed are
12The BASE is a voluntary security assessment of mass transit, passenger rail, and
highway systems. We reviewed documents dating back to 2015 to understand how, if at
all, passenger rail risk and TSA assessment efforts changed over time.
officials we interviewed represented the following agencies: Amtrak; Chicago
Transit Authority; Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority;
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority; New York City Metropolitan Transit
Authority; San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit; and Washington Metropolitan Area
Transit Authority. One rail agency—the New York City Metropolitan Transit Authority—
provided written responses to our questions.
visited the United Kingdom and Germany and conducted interviews with officials
from the United Kingdom’s Department for Transport, Network Rail, the British Transport
Police, London Underground, and from Germany’s Deutsche Bahn and Berliner
Verkehrsbetriebe (which operates Berlin’s U-Bahn subway system).
also considered logistical factors such as visa and translator requirements.
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not generalizable to all rail agencies and countries, they provided a range
of perspectives on the topics within the scope of our review.
To further address our second objective, we reviewed documentation
from domestic and international rail security working groups and
meetings, such as those hosted by the American Public Transportation
Association (APTA), and the International Working Group on Land
Transport Security, among others. We further reviewed all available
security-related standards and recommended practice documents APTA
produced from calendar years 2009 through 2019 to determine whether
TSA participated in developing or reviewing the documents. In addition,
we interviewed TSA officials as well as representatives from APTA, the
Association of American Railroads, and the Mineta Transportation
Institute to identify current threats, existing key practices in passenger rail
security, and TSA’s role in identifying these practices. To further
understand TSA’s efforts to engage with foreign passenger rail
stakeholders, we interviewed TSA Representatives (TSARs) located in
two countries we visited. We evaluated TSA’s efforts against the NIPP,
which outlines government and private sector partnerships needed to
achieve security goals, TSA’s 2018 Administrator’s Intent, and TSA
program documentation.
To further address our third objective, we reviewed documentation from
rail security working groups and meetings, such as those identified above.
We also reviewed relevant documentation related to TSA programs such
as the BASE, the Intermodal Security Training and Exercise Program,
and the Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response program, to identify
whether TSA shares key practices, including those learned from foreign
stakeholders, through these programs. We interviewed TSA officials to
discuss their efforts to share key practices with stakeholders. We also
analyzed questions in the BASE assessment to identify the extent to
which they incorporate cybersecurity key practices as identified in the
National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Framework for
Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity. 16 We further assessed
these efforts against TSA’s Transportation Systems Sector-Specific Plan,
16National Institute of Standards and Technology, Framework for Improving Critical
Infrastructure Cybersecurity, Version 1.1 (Apr. 16, 2018).
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which calls for the adoption of the NIST Framework across all
transportation modes. 17
We conducted this performance audit from July 2019 to April 2020 in
accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards.
Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
sufficient, appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable basis for our
findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives. We believe that
the evidence obtained provides a reasonable basis for our findings and
conclusions based on our audit objectives.
TSA and Industry Roles in
Securing Passenger Rail
The Aviation and Transportation Security Act designated TSA as the
primary federal agency responsible for security in all modes of
transportation, which includes physical security and cybersecurity. 18
Passenger rail operators, however, have the day to day responsibility for
carrying out safety and security measures for their systems. Unlike the
aviation environment, where TSA has operational responsibility for
screening passengers and baggage for prohibited items prior to boarding
a commercial aircraft, the agency has a limited operational role for
securing mass transit (including rail). 19 To secure passenger rail, TSA
primarily partners with public and private transportation operators to
address their security needs by conducting vulnerability assessments and
sharing intelligence information and key practices, among other
of Homeland Security and Department of Transportation, Transportation
Systems Sector-Specific Plan (Washington, D.C.: 2015).
18Pub. L. No. 107-71, § 101(a), 115 Stat. 597 (2001) (codified at 49 U.S.C. § 114(d)).
Pursuant to the Aviation and Transportation Security Act, TSA has authority to assess
threats to transportation, develop policies, strategies, and plans for dealing with such
threats, and enforce compliance with regulations and requirements. TSA may also issue,
rescind, and revise such regulations as are necessary to carry out its transportation
security functions. 49 U.S.C. § 114(f), (l)(1). Coast Guard is the lead federal agency
responsible for maritime transportation security, though TSA plays a role in managing
some security aspects. TSA is responsible for the following five transportation modes:
mass transit and passenger rail; freight rail; highway; pipeline; and aviation.
19TSA provides operational support in the form of providing trained explosives detection
canines to operators, and random baggage screening support. TSA also partners with
mass transit and passenger rail operators through the Visible Intermodal Prevention and
Response program to augment high visibility patrols with operators as a force multiplier.
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GAO-20-404 Passenger Rail Security
measures. 20 The agency also engages with the passenger rail industry
through associations, such as APTA and Association of American
Railroads. 21 Additionally, TSA is responsible for assessing the risk from
terrorism and cyber threats to passenger rail, as well as other
transportation modes.
In addition to engaging with domestic passenger rail stakeholders, TSA’s
Office of Policy, Plans, and Engagement is responsible for coordinating
domestic and international multimodal transportation security polices,
programs, directives, strategies, and initiatives, including conducting
outreach to foreign stakeholders. TSA also engages with foreign
stakeholders through TSARs. TSARs are primarily located in posts
overseas and communicate with foreign government officials to address
transportation security matters involving all modes of transportation,
including aviation, rail, mass transit, highways, and pipelines. 22 The TSAR
role was originally created in response to the 1988 bombing of Pan Am
Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, when the Aviation Security
Improvement Act of 1990 was enacted, which provided that foreign
security liaison officers were to serve as liaisons to foreign governments
in carrying out U.S. government security requirements at specific
airports. 23 TSARs are responsible for ensuring the implementation of
TSA’s requirements primarily as they relate to passenger and cargo air
transportation departing the specific country en route to the United States.
The primary focus of the role remains on aviation; however it has evolved
over time to include maritime and land transportation.
Physical and
Cybersecurity Threats to
Passenger Rail
According to TSA, recent attacks overseas and online terrorist messaging
point to public transportation systems, which include passenger rail
20TSA has issued a limited number of requirements for mass transit and passenger rail
operators, including that rail carriers designate a rail security coordinator and report
significant security concerns. See 49 C.F.R. §§ 1580.201, .203. TSA surface inspectors
are to enforce these regulations through regulatory inspections.
21APTA is a trade association that represents all modes of public transportation, including
bus, light rail, commuter rail, subways, waterborne services (such as ferries), and inter-city
passenger rail (including Amtrak). The Association of American Railroads is a trade
association that represents the freight rail industry, as well as Amtrak.
22According to TSA officials, there are 27 TSARs in locations around the world, including
three in Miami; one additional TSAR position was vacant as of January 2020.
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49 U.S.C. § 44934.
GAO-20-404 Passenger Rail Security
systems, as continued high-value targets for terrorists. 24 In general,
passenger rail systems are open and designed to expedite the free
flowing movement of large numbers of passengers through multiple
stations. As such, these systems are inherently vulnerable to physical
attacks (such as improvised explosive devices, active shooters, and
chemical or biological attacks) due in part to factors such as high
ridership, open access points, limited exit lanes, and fixed, publically
available schedules. In addition, TSA has reported that risks increase in
urban areas where multiple transportation systems and high volumes of
travelers merge at intermodal stations.
Transportation systems, including passenger rail systems, rely on
technology and internet-connected devices to manage and secure certain
business/enterprise functions, such as the operation’s website,
communications, and reservations and ticketing mechanisms. They also
increasingly rely on computer-networked systems for tracking, signals,
and operational controls of transportation equipment and services. As
dependence on these systems increases, so does risk to the system.
Cyberattacks have the potential to significantly affect both
business/enterprise systems and operational control systems. 25
Business/Enterprise systems. Cybersecurity threats include
ransomware, malware, phishing, and website attacks that may
compromise sensitive information and affect an operator’s ability to
communicate with passengers or engage in day-to-day business
functions. 26
Operational control systems. Cybersecurity threats, which may
include malware or physical manipulation of a system, such as
jamming signals or damaging equipment, include threats to the
Security Administration, Biennial National Strategy for Transportation
Security: Report to Congress (Washington, D.C.: Apr. 4, 2018).
25American Public Transportation Association, Cybersecurity Considerations for Public
Transit (Washington, D.C.: Oct. 17, 2014.
26Ransomware is malicious software used to deny access to IT systems or data until a
ransom is paid. Phishing is a digital form of social engineering that uses authentic-looking,
but fake, emails to request information from users or direct them to a fake website that
requests information. Malware, also known as malicious code and malicious software,
refers to a program that is inserted into a system, usually covertly, with the intent of
compromising the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of the victim’s data, applications,
or operating system or otherwise annoying or disrupting the victim. Examples include logic
bombs, Trojan horses, viruses, and worms.
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GAO-20-404 Passenger Rail Security
systems that control signaling and train speed. 27 For example,
attackers could attempt to access positive train control systems, a
computer-based system designed to automatically slow or stop a train
that is not being operated safely, to disrupt services. 28
Unintentional cybersecurity threat sources may include failures in
equipment or software due to aging or user errors, such as unintentionally
inserting a flash drive infected with malware or clicking on a phishing
email. Intentional cybersecurity threats may include corrupt employees,
criminal groups, terrorists, and nations and may be used, for example, to
achieve monetary gain, or for political or military purposes. Figure 1
shows examples of the types of physical and cyber threats passenger rail
systems face.
27Passenger rail systems may be monitored and operated through Supervisory Control
and Data Acquisition systems, which is one type of computer-based control system that
performs a range of simple to complex functions. Control systems such as these are
vulnerable to cyberattacks from inside and outside the network. Once accessible to an
attacker, such systems can be exploited in a number of ways to carry out a cyberattack,
including issuing unauthorized commands to control equipment and delaying or blocking
the flow of information through the network. Congressional Research Service,
Cybersecurity for Energy Delivery Systems, R44939 (Washington, D.C.: Aug. 28, 2017).
28Forty-two railroads are required to implement positive train control by December 31,
2020, including 30 commuter railroads, Amtrak, and several freight railroads. We have
previously reported on railroads’ progress implementing positive train control, including
challenges with interoperability and securing wireless communication. See, for example,
GAO, Positive Train Control: Most Railroads Expect to Request an Extension, and
Substantial Work Remains Beyond 2018, GAO-18-692T (Washington, D.C.: Sept. 13,
2018) and Positive Train Control: As Implementation Progresses, Focus Turns to the
Complexities of Achieving System Interoperability, GAO-19-693T (Washington, D.C.: Jul.
31, 2019). The Federal Railroad Administration requires that positive train control wireless
railroad communications be encrypted; however, in 2019 we reported that a solution to
encrypt all wireless communications and data transmittal in the Northeast is currently in
lab development. See 49 C.F.R § 236.1033 and GAO-19-693T.
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Figure 1: Examples of Physical and Cybersecurity Threats to Passenger Rail
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DHS Risk Management
The NIPP outlines a risk management framework for critical infrastructure
protection. In accordance with the Homeland Security Act of 2002, as
amended, DHS created the NIPP in 2006 to guide the national effort to
manage security risk to the nation’s critical infrastructure, including
through coordination of agencies and 16 various critical infrastructure
sectors, including transportation systems. 29 Most recently updated in
2013, the NIPP uses a risk management framework as a planning
methodology intended to inform how decision makers take actions to
manage risk. The framework calls for public and private partners to
conduct risk assessments. The NIPP defines risk as a function of three
elements: threat, vulnerability, and consequence, as shown in Figure 2.
Threat is an indication of the likelihood that a specific type of attack will be
initiated against a specific target or class of targets. Vulnerability is the
probability that a particular attempted attack will succeed against a
particular target or class of targets. Consequence is the effect of a
successful attack.
Figure 2: Elements of Risk Related to Infrastructure Protection
Pub. L. No. 107-296, § 201(d)(5), 116 Stat. 2135, 2146. Presidential Policy
Directive 21, issued in February 2013, was developed to advance a national unity of effort
to strengthen and maintain secure, functioning, and resilient critical infrastructure. This
directive identifies the 16 critical infrastructure sectors and assigns roles and
responsibilities for each sector. The 16 critical infrastructure sectors include: chemical;
commercial facilities; communications; critical manufacturing; dams; defense industrial
base; emergency services; energy; financial services; food and agriculture; government
facilities; healthcare and public health; information technology; nuclear reactors, materials,
and waste; transportation systems; and water and wastewater systems.
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GAO-20-404 Passenger Rail Security
In 2010, DHS, through TSA and the U.S. Coast Guard, developed the
Transportation Systems Sector-Specific Plan to conform to requirements
in the NIPP. 30 Most recently updated in 2015, this plan describes shared
goals, priorities, and activities to mitigate critical infrastructure risks, and
acknowledges the increasing dependence of transportation companies on
cyber systems for business, security, and operational functions.
Regarding cybersecurity risks, DHS produced the Cybersecurity Strategy
in 2018 to help execute its cybersecurity responsibilities during the next 5
years. 31 In order to meet one of its objectives, DHS is to encourage the
adoption of applicable cybersecurity best practices, including the NIST
Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity (referred to
as the NIST Cybersecurity Framework). The framework is a set of
voluntary industry standards and best practices to help organizations
manage security risks specific to cybersecurity. 32 The framework consists
of five functions: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover. When
considered together, these functions provide a high-level view of an
organization’s management of cybersecurity risk. NIST issued the
framework in 2014 and updated it in April 2018. 33
CISA, formerly DHS’s National Protection and Programs Directorate,
manages the national effort to secure and protect against critical
infrastructure risks, including cybersecurity risk, for all 16 critical
30The NIPP requires sector-specific agencies to develop strategic risk management
frameworks for their sectors. TSA and the U.S. Coast Guard were the co-sector-specific
agencies for the transportation systems sector in 2010. Presidential Policy Directive 21
added the Department of Transportation as a co-sector specific agency for the
transportation systems sector in February 2013.
of Homeland Security, Cybersecurity Strategy (Washington, D.C.: May 15,
issued the Cybersecurity Framework in response to Executive Order 13636,
issued in 2013, which, among other things, called for NIST to lead the development of a
framework to reduce cybersecurity risks to critical infrastructure. Exec. Order No. 13,636,
78 Fed. Reg. 11,737 (Feb. 19, 2013).
33National Institute of Standards and Technology, Framework for Improving Critical
Infrastructure Cybersecurity (Feb. 12, 2014); Framework for Improving Critical
Infrastructure Cybersecurity Version 1.1 (Apr. 16, 2018).
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infrastructure sectors, including transportation. 34 CISA’s responsibilities
include coordinating with sector-specific agencies to carry out its
cybersecurity and critical infrastructure activities.
TSA Conducts
Passenger Rail Risk
Assessments and
Coordinates with
Cybersecurity Risk
TSA Uses Three
Mechanisms to Assess
Passenger Rail Risk
According to TSA officials, TSA uses the TSSRA, the BASE, and threat
assessments to assess risk elements for physical and cyber security in
passenger rail. Such assessments may address different elements of
risk—threat, vulnerability, or consequence—or the total risk for specific
assets, such as airport perimeters and pipeline critical facilities. Table 1
below shows the type of risk element each assessment addresses, and
whether the assessment addresses risks to intermodal stations or
cybersecurity risk.
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Act of 2018, enacted November
16, 2018, amended the Homeland Security Act of 2002 by, among other things, redesignating the DHS National Protection and Programs Directorate as the Cybersecurity
and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) with responsibility for, among other things,
leading cybersecurity and critical infrastructure security programs, operations, and
associated policy for CISA, including national cybersecurity asset response activities, and
coordinating with federal entities, including sector-specific agencies and non-federal
entities to carry out the cybersecurity and critical infrastructure activities of CISA. See Pub.
L. No. 115-278, § 2(a), 132 Stat. 4168, 4169 (codified at 6 U.S.C. § 652).
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Table 1: Mechanisms the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Uses to
Assess Risk Elements for Passenger Rail
Risk element(s)
Transportation Sector
Security Risk Assessment
(TSSRA) – a risk assessment
for attack scenarios across
the five transportation modes
for which TSA is responsible.
Threat, vulnerability,
and consequence
Baseline Assessment for
Security Enhancement (BASE)
– a voluntary assessment of
mass transit, passenger rail,
and highway systems.
Threat Assessments – annual
and semiannual assessments
that identify security threats to
mass transit and passenger
rail systems.
Source: GAO analysis of TSA documents. | GAO-20-404
Intermodal stations are facilities or hubs where multiple modes of transportation intersect.
According to TSA officials, TSA plans to add cybersecurity scenarios to the TSSRA in fiscal year
The BASE does not contain questions that directly refer to intermodal stations, as, according to TSA
officials, the BASE is intended to assess an operator’s overall security posture, including vulnerability,
as opposed to the security posture at specific stations or facilities. Questions in the BASE do,
however, address topics that selected domestic rail agencies we interviewed identified as key to
intermodal station security.
TSA’s threat assessments do not directly address intermodal stations, though stations in general,
which can include intermodal stations, are mentioned when they are the subject of an attack.
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TSSRA. TSA uses the TSSRA, a periodic risk assessment, to assess
threat, vulnerability, and consequence for various attack scenarios across
the five transportation modes for which TSA is responsible. 35 The
scenarios define a type of threat actor—including homegrown violent
extremists and transnational extremists, such as Al Qaeda and its
affiliates—a target, and an attack mode. For example, a scenario might
assess the risk of attacks using varying types of weapons on passenger
rail system assets. As part of the assessment process, TSA engages with
subject matter experts from TSA and industry stakeholder representatives
to compile vulnerabilities for each mode, and TSA analyzes both direct
and indirect consequences of the various attack scenarios. 36 According to
TSA, the agency uses the TSSRA to provide strategic insights to inform
the administration’s risk mitigation strategies, policy considerations,
security countermeasures and programs, and resource allocation
decisions. 37
35According to TSA officials, the TSSRA has been issued with various frequencies. For
example, TSA issued the TSSRA annually from calendar years 2015 through 2017. TSA
officials stated that after the 2020 TSSRA, TSA plans to issue the TSSRA biennially with
limited threat update and special issues in the interim years. TSA developed the TSSRA in
June 2010 in response to requirements to conduct risk assessments for the
Transportation Systems sector, and to fulfill TSA’s operational and strategic need for a
comprehensive risk assessment to aid in planning, risk-based decision making, and
resource allocation, as well as in response to our recommendation in a March 2009 report.
See GAO, Transportation Security: Comprehensive Risk Assessments and Stronger
Internal Controls Needed to Help Inform TSA Resource Allocation, GAO-09-492
(Washington, D.C.: Mar. 27, 2009); and Pub. L. No. 110-53, § 1511, 121 Stat. 266, 426-29
(2007) (codified at 6 U.S.C. § 1161) (requiring the submission of a nationwide risk
assessment of a terrorist attack on railroad carriers).
36According to TSA, direct consequences include costs that are the immediate result of an
event, with an immediate to one-year outlook focused on deaths and infrastructure
damage; indirect consequences include secondary costs of an event, such as long-term
effects on the industry and cascading effects on other industries, with a one to ten-year
systemic outlook focusing on economic and policy implications.
37In 2017, we reported that TSA did not fully align surface transportation inspector
activities with identified risks, and did not incorporate risk assessment results when
planning and monitoring activities. We recommended that the TSA Administrator ensure
that surface inspector activities align more closely with higher-risk modes by incorporating
the results of surface transportation risk assessments, such as the TSSRA, when it plans
and monitors surface inspector activities. TSA concurred with our recommendation and in
March 2018 the Surface Compliance Branch updated the Compliance Program Manual to
include language stating surface inspectors should consider risk as identified in the
TSSRA and modal threat assessments when planning surface activities. See GAO,
Transportation Security Administration: Surface Transportation Inspector Activities Should
Align More Closely With Identified Risks, GAO-18-180 (Washington, D.C.: Dec. 14, 2017).
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Our analysis of the TSSRAs issued during calendar years 2015 through
2017 indicates that TSA included intermodal station attack scenarios, but
did not include cybersecurity scenarios. Specifically, the assessments
featured various scenarios that targeted intermodal stations, which could
include rail systems. For example, a scenario might describe attacks
using various numbers of improvised explosive devices on an intermodal
station. TSA did not include cybersecurity attack scenarios in the calendar
year 2015, 2016, or 2017 assessments. According to the 2016
assessment and TSA officials we interviewed, threat experts have
indicated that cyber threats, due to their unique nature and other factors,
do not lend themselves to traditional TSSRA attack scenarios. However,
as discussed below, the agency does conduct cyber threat assessments.
Further, TSA’s Cybersecurity Roadmap 2018, states that, as one
objective, the agency will include cybersecurity in its risk assessments for
all modes. 38 According to TSA officials, the implementation plan for the
Roadmap, which was approved in September 2019, provides guidance
and direction for meeting this objective. TSA officials confirmed that they
plan to include basic cybersecurity scenarios for all modes in the 2020
TSSRA, and that they plan to engage with TSA mass transit experts and
consult with industry experts as needed to inform future cyberattack
BASE. The BASE is a voluntary security assessment of national mass
transit, passenger rail, and highway systems conducted by TSA surface
transportation inspectors that addresses potential vulnerabilities, among
other things. 39 It consists of an assessment template with 17 security
action items developed by TSA and the Federal Transit Administration
that address, among other best practices, security training programs, risk
information sharing, and cybersecurity. TSA developed this assessment
in 2006 to increase domain awareness, enhance prevention and
protection capabilities, and further response preparedness of passenger
transit systems nationwide. 40 The agency uses the BASE assessments to
TSA Cybersecurity Roadmap identifies four cybersecurity priorities and six goals
that will direct TSA’s efforts to improve its protection of its internal information technology
systems as well as the nation’s transportation systems. See, Transportation Security
Administration, TSA Cybersecurity Roadmap 2018 (Washington, D.C.: 2018).
39The BASE is a non-regulatory security assessment, which requires surface
transportation entities’ voluntary participation.
40Initially, the BASE was designed to assess large mass transit entities in major
metropolitan areas that transported 60,000 riders or more daily. In 2012, TSA expanded
the BASE to the highway mode to include trucking, motor coach, and school bus
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track progress in implementing specific security measures over time, offer
technical assistance and share best practices to help improve the overall
security posture of agencies, and inform transportation security grant
funding by, among other things, identifying actions agencies have taken
to reduce vulnerability.
TSA officials stated that the most recent formal update to the assessment
template began in 2014 and was fully implemented in 2015. The update
included, among other changes, revised guidance for TSA surface
inspectors and the addition of questions concerning active shooter
events. 41 In fiscal year 2016, the agency also developed a more targeted
BASE assessment that focuses the assessment on an entity’s areas of
concern as identified by surface inspectors in a previous BASE review of
that operator. As of 2017, TSA had completed initial and follow-up
assessments for the top 100 mass transit agencies in the country, which
comprise approximately 80 percent of the ridership in the United States.
TSA officials told us that their goal is to conduct follow-up assessments
every one to three years. 42
As previously shown in table 1, our analysis of the BASE template for
mass transit and passenger rail indicates that it includes questions that
address selected rail agency concerns about intermodal station security,
and questions related to cybersecurity issues. Specifically, we found that
41In fiscal year 2014, TSA established a panel comprised of mass transit experts to adjust
the BASE template by modifying topics and removing outdated questions in an effort to
improve the quality and applicability of the assessments for industry stakeholders.
provides data from BASE assessments to the Federal Emergency Management
Agency for use in its risk model that informs the Transit Security Grant Program. The
program is a Department of Homeland Security grant program that provides funds to
owners and operators of transit systems (which include intra-city bus, commuter bus,
ferries, and all forms of passenger rail) to protect critical surface transportation
infrastructure and the traveling public from acts of terrorism and to increase the resilience
of transit infrastructure. In 2012, the Federal Emergency Management Agency updated
the grant program’s risk formula to include a distinct vulnerability component, developed in
coordination with TSA, in response to our recommendation in a June 2009 report. The
vulnerability component, which includes BASE assessment scores, was independently
verified by GAO. The updated model provides a means for the Federal Emergency
Management Agency to justify lower funding as a result of actions taken by agencies to
reduce vulnerability. See GAO, DHS Allocates Grants Based on Risk, but Its Risk
Methodology, Management Controls, and Grant Oversight Can Be Strengthened,
GAO-09-491 (Washington, D.C.: June 8, 2009). In addition to providing BASE assessment
scores, TSA also provides inputs, such as mass transit ridership numbers and track miles,
to help calculate consequence. According to TSA officials, they also work with the Federal
Emergency Management Agency to inform grant priorities.
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while the template does not contain security action items or questions that
directly refer to intermodal stations, questions in the template do
correspond to topics that domestic rail agencies we interviewed identified
as significant to intermodal station security, such as coordination among
security forces, visible security measures, and establishing roles and
responsibilities. 43 For example, one BASE question asks if the agency’s
system security plan has procedures or protocols for responding to
security events with external agencies such as law enforcement or fire
departments. This question corresponds to the challenge of coordination
among security forces in intermodal stations identified by six of the seven
agencies we interviewed.
Cybersecurity is the focus of one of the security action items, which
includes a series of general questions related to whether the transit
agency has developed a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy.
According to TSA officials, the agency added cybersecurity questions to
the BASE in 2013 and the questions are intended to be a high level
review. For example, the BASE addresses whether the transit agency has
conducted a cybersecurity risk assessment, ensured employee training
covers cybersecurity roles and threats, and established a protocol for
reporting cyber incidents. It also provides a list of available cybersecurity
resources for agencies to consult.
Threat Assessments. TSA’s Intelligence and Analysis Office identifies
security threats to mass transit and passenger rail systems through
various threat assessments, including annual and semiannual Mass
Transit and Passenger Rail Terrorism Threat Assessments and annual
Cyber Modal Threat Assessments. 44
TSA’s Mass Transit and Passenger Rail Terrorism Threat
Assessment is produced annually and establishes the current mass
transit passenger rail threat level and reviews terrorist threats against
mass transit passenger rail for the past year. Threat information
includes terrorist attacks on passenger rail trains, train tracks, buses,
bus stops, and various stations. Additionally, the threat assessment
to TSA officials, the BASE is intended to assess an operator’s overall security
posture, not the security posture at specific stations or facilities. Six of the seven domestic
rail agencies we interviewed cited coordination among security forces as an issue for
intermodal stations; three cited visible security measures; and four cited establishing roles
and responsibilities.
44TSA Intelligence and Analysis provides threat estimates that inform threat elements in
the TSSRA.
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analyzes intelligence gaps for the mass transit mode. TSA
supplements the annual assessment with a semiannual threat
assessment that reviews terrorist threats against mass transit and
passenger rail for a 6-month period. Our analysis of threat
assessments TSA issued for calendar years 2015 through 2019
indicates that they addressed stations, in general, and intermodal
stations specifically, when they are the subject of an attack. For
example, an attack on Manchester, England’s Victoria station, an
intermodal station, was included in the 2018 Mass Transit and
Passenger Rail Terrorism Threat Assessment.
TSA’s Cyber Modal Threat Assessment reviews cyber threats to
transportation over the course of the previous year, establishes cyber
threat levels for the transportation modes for which TSA is
responsible, and evaluates the threat through the next year or two.
This annual assessment examines cyber threats to business and
industrial control systems from state and non-state actors, including
terrorist groups, pro-terrorist hacker groups, and hacktivists. 45
Moreover, it analyzes incidents of cyberattacks and cyber espionage
against U.S. and foreign transportation.
Both assessments analyze threat actors and their capabilities, intent, and
activities—including attacks occurring internationally—as well as tactics,
techniques, and procedures that could be employed in future attacks.
TSA calculates threat levels for transportation and cyber modes based on
assessments of threat actor intent and capability. It may also issue
additional situation-based products on emerging threats. TSA routinely
shares these threat assessments with rail agencies and other
stakeholders, such as industry security professionals.
TSA Coordinates with
CISA to Facilitate
Voluntary Cybersecurity
Assessments and Industry
In addition to TSA’s risk assessment efforts, the agency coordinates with
CISA, which conducts voluntary cybersecurity assessments as needed
and requested by TSA and industry stakeholders. 46 Specifically, CISA
offers eight different voluntary cyber assessment options for public and
private sector stakeholders, including mass transit and passenger rail
45A hacktivist is an individual or group of individuals that commits a crime by illegally
gaining access to or altering computer systems in order to further an ideological goal.
46CISA’s cybersecurity assessment services are offered on a voluntary basis and are
available upon request from industry stakeholders.
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agencies. 47 Because CISA provides services to all 16 critical
infrastructure sectors, including the transportation systems sector,
officials noted that it must balance the resources it devotes to each
sector. For example, CISA officials stated that they have conducted six
Validated Architecture Design Review assessments on rail agencies
since 2015, and currently have four pending requests from transportation
agencies. 48 The Validated Architecture Design Review evaluates
systems, networks, and security services to determine if they are
designed, built, and operated in a reliable and resilient manner. 49 CISA
officials also stated that they have conducted weekly vulnerability scans
for one rail agency since 2015. 50
While CISA coordinates with federal and private sector stakeholders to
identify and address significant risks to critical infrastructure through its
assessments, agency officials stated that they defer to TSA (as the cosector specific agency for transportation) to take the lead in broader cyber
initiatives and outreach to the transportation sector. For example, TSA
officials stated that the agency included CISA in planning its cybersecurity
workshops, a series of half-day workshops for surface transportation
agencies to learn about cybersecurity resources from DHS and discuss
nontechnical cybersecurity actions to improve their cybersecurity posture.
According to TSA’s Cybersecurity Roadmap 2018, the agency plans to
47CISA offers the following cyber assessments: 1) Cyber Resilience Review; 2) External
Dependencies Management Assessment; 3) Cyber Infrastructure Survey; 4) Phishing
Campaign Assessment; 5) Risk and Vulnerability Assessment; 6) Remote Penetration
Testing; 7) Vulnerability Scanning; 8) Validated Architecture Design Review.
48According to CISA officials, in fiscal year 2019, the agency staffed and budgeted 50
Validated Architecture Design Review assessments, 20 of which involved the
transportation sector, specifically aviation and pipelines.
49The Validated Architecture Design Review encompasses architecture and design
review, system configuration, log file review, and analysis of network traffic to develop a
detailed representation of the communications, flows, and relationships between devices
in order to identify anomalous communication flows. Reviews are based on standards,
guidelines, and best practices and are designed for operational technology and
information technology environments. After the review, the organization receives an indepth report that includes findings and recommendations for improving operations and
50Vulnerability Scanning (formerly known as Cyber Hygiene Scanning) is an external
remote scanning of internet-accessible systems for known vulnerabilities on a continual
basis. CISA performs regular network and vulnerability scans and delivers a weekly report
to the requesting organization. The report details current and previously mitigated
vulnerabilities and recommendations for migrating vulnerabilities uncovered during
vulnerability scans.
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assess the resilience of the transportation modes to malicious cyber
activity in conjunction with CISA, among other things.
According to officials, TSA and CISA are collaborating or planning to
collaborate on several cybersecurity assessments for passenger rail
systems, including a cyber risk assessment for passenger rail cars and a
cyber assessment of the mass transit and passenger rail mode. CISA
officials told us that TSA, DHS’s Science and Technology Directorate,
and CISA’s National Risk Management Center are in early phases of
developing a cyber risk assessment for select passenger rail cars that
they plan to produce in fiscal year 2020. 51 CISA officials stated that they
intend to address cyber vulnerability in the rail car assessments and plan
to reach out to operators to discuss results.
TSA officials told us that TSA and CISA also are considering a mass
transit and passenger rail cyber assessment similar to one being
developed for the pipeline mode. CISA officials stated that the planned
pipeline assessment effort will include a total of 10 Validated Architecture
Design Review assessments, in which TSA will help make arrangements
with industry and will observe the process. TSA officials explained that
expanding this effort to include passenger rail would depend on CISA’s
availability to conduct assessments and balance demands in other
sectors. CISA officials noted that they currently do not have the resources
to support a similar plan for rail.
51The National Risk Management Center is a planning, analysis, and collaboration center
working to identify and address the most significant risks to critical infrastructure.
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TSA Actively Works
with Domestic
Stakeholders to
Identify Standards
and Key Practices but
Provides Limited
Guidance on Foreign
TSA Works with
Stakeholder Groups to
Develop Domestic
Standards and
Recommended Practices
TSA participates in APTA working groups that review and develop
standards and recommended practices for passenger rail security,
including those that apply to intermodal station security and
cybersecurity. 52 Specifically, from 2009 through 2019, APTA produced 45
documents related to security and emergency management standards
and recommended practices, among other things. TSA is listed as a
participant in 37 of the 45 documents. 53 TSA officials noted that APTA
working groups regularly review documents and issues related to security
topics, including through monthly phone calls in some cases, and update
them as needed. 54 According to APTA’s Manual for the Standards
Development Program, standards address safety-critical subjects and
establish requirements that must be met by industry; 55 recommended
52APTA produces documents that apply to all public transportation modes, including
passenger rail. The APTA Manual for the Standards Development Program describes a
standardized process for developing six types of documents, including: standards,
recommended practices, guidelines, white papers, technical specifications, and
training/educational materials. APTA produces general facility and station security
standards and recommended practices that, according to APTA officials and our analysis,
apply to intermodal stations, but are not specifically directed at that those facilities.
53According to a TSA official, TSA staff also participated in an additional six recommended
practices where they were not listed as participants. The official further noted that because
TSA primarily serves in a supporting role to ensure that standards and recommended
practices do not conflict with any regulatory requirement, TSA staff names may not be
listed in some cases.
ATPA manual states that documents are to be reviewed and updated as necessary
every five years.
55Compliance with standards is voluntary. APTA does not enforce compliance – rather,
standards enforcement is the responsibility of individual transit systems.
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practices describe an established or generally recommended approach
that does not rise to the level of a standard; and white papers are
intended to provide information about complex issues that present the
industry’s prevailing philosophy on the subject matter. 56 For example:
APTA offers a series of general standards, recommended practices,
and white papers targeted at physical infrastructure protection at
passenger facilities. These documents are not specifically directed at
intermodal stations, but, according to our analysis and APTA officials,
apply to such facilities as well as others. The documents address
factors such as exterior door and window security, as well as securing
mailrooms and utility openings, among other issues. Another APTA
standard addresses security and emergency management
considerations during planned special events, such as identifying
transit hubs that are likely to be inundated with passengers going to
and from the event.
APTA offers cybersecurity recommended practices that are targeted
at transit agencies in the early stages of starting a cybersecurity
program, including how to obtain executive-level awareness and
support and how to develop a cybersecurity awareness and training
program. APTA also offers recommended practices for securing
control and communications systems in transit environments, such as
train control systems and fare collection systems.
Table 2 provides additional examples of industry standards and key
practice documents, as they relate to threats identified by domestic
passenger rail stakeholders we interviewed.
Association of American Railroads develops standards and recommended practices
for the freight rail industry that also apply to Amtrak. TSA coordinates with the Association
and industry officials through the industry-led Rail Security Working Committee and the
Rail Information Security Committee to develop strategies, policies, and security action
items, among other things.
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Table 2: Examples of Threats Identified by Domestic Passenger Rail Stakeholders and Related Available Industry Standards
and Key Practice Documents
Type of Threat
Standard or key practice document
Improvised explosive
American Public Transportation Association (APTA)
White Paper: Random Inspections of Carry-On Items
in Transit Systems
Provides information, including legal considerations,
for developing and implementing carry-on screening
programs to detect explosives.
APTA Recommended Practice: Recognizing and
Responding to Unattended Packages, Objects and
Provides broad guidelines for recognizing and
responding to unattended items. Generally, anything
that is hidden, obviously suspicious, and not typical
should be deemed suspicious.
APTA White Paper: Trash and Recycling
Receptacles for Transit Facilities
Provides guidance on the selection, design, and
placement of trash and recycling receptacles to
reduce risk from explosions–including the use of
blast-resistant and non-blast-resistant receptacles.
Vehicle ramming
APTA Recommended Practice: Anti-Vehicle Barriers
for Public Transit
Describes the types of available barriers and
considerations for barrier selection and placement,
such as how to counter the effects of vehicle
momentum if the site to be protected is located
APTA Recommended Practice: Cybersecurity
Considerations for Public Transit
Overview of cybersecurity considerations that
addresses threat and risk management, identifies four
domains of cybersecurity, and discusses system
contingency planning and resiliency.a
APTA Recommended Practice: Enterprise
Cybersecurity Training and Awareness
Includes a sample presentation to help secure
support for a basic cybersecurity training and
awareness program which highlights risk and factors
for a successful program.
Association of American Railroads: Cyber Security
Effective Practices for Information Technology
Compilation of effective practices to inform industry
interactions with railroad technology suppliers,
including access control, password policies, and
malware detection and protection.
APTA Standard: Security Program Considerations
for Public Transit
Overview of infrastructure security that recommends
a system-wide risk assessment and identifies four
pillars of security for transit security programs.b
Recommends designating different zones of
authorized access within the system, with security
measures to deter, detect, and/or delay access to
more secure zones.
General security
Source: GAO analysis of available industry passenger rail security documents. | GAO-20-404
Note: The table above reflects examples of standards or key practice documents and is not intended
to be an exhaustive list. Other agencies, governments, or associations may offer a variety of
information and resources, which may or may not be considered key practices.
APTA identifies four domains or key pillars of cybersecurity. These include information technology
infrastructure, operations (policies, procedures, and processes for implementing cybersecurity plans),
people (building a culture of awareness), and facilities (protecting physical hardware).
APTA’s four pillars of infrastructure security include: planning for potential events or incidents;
operations (guidance in the form of protocols or policies ); physical security protections that help
manage entry to an agency’s properties; and equipment and technology protections (both hardware
and software related).
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In addition to working with industry through APTA to develop standards
and practices, TSA officials stated that the Surface Transportation
Security Advisory Committee, which was established in 2019 to provide
advice and recommendations to the TSA Administrator on transportation
security matters, may serve as a mechanism for discussing or
recommending key practices as the Committee develops. 57 Officials
noted that the Committee, which includes industry and community
groups, could serve as a source for identifying forward looking best
practices for rail security. The Committee held initial meetings in July
2019, October 2019, and January 2020, and proposed establishing
subcommittees on topics such as cybersecurity and insider threats.
None of the seven domestic rail agencies we contacted identified any
security areas in which they felt recommended practices were missing.
Officials from five agencies specifically commented on the usefulness of
APTA publications. Officials from three agencies however, noted that
many transit and rail agencies are still in the early stages of starting a
cybersecurity program and that cybersecurity recommended practices are
generally targeted at those agencies, as compared to agencies that
already have a more sophisticated approach to cybersecurity. Officials
from one agency further noted that publications related to the more
technical aspects of cybersecurity (such as industrial control systems)
can become outdated quickly as industry outpaces the development of
security standards. TSA, CISA, and passenger rail agency officials we
interviewed identified the NIST Cybersecurity Framework as the primary
key practices document they reference for cybersecurity.
Domestic and foreign rail agency, and industry association officials, as
well as academic experts we interviewed noted that the possibility or
likelihood of a cyberattack causing physical damage or harm to rail
passengers or infrastructure is unlikely and largely hypothetical at this
time. Academic experts we interviewed pointed to an incident in Poland in
2008 as one of the few, if only, known incidents in which a cyber-related
attack on rail resulted in physical harm. In this incident, according to news
reports, a Polish teenager modified a television remote control so that it
57The Committee was established under the TSA Modernization Act (as part of the FAA
Reauthorization Act of 2018) to provide advice and recommendations to the TSA
administrator on transportation security matters. Pub. L. No. 115-254, § 1969, 132 Stat.
3186, 3609. The committee has 37 voting members representing mass transit and
passenger rail, freight rail, pipelines, highway and motor transportation, and community
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could be used to control signals and switch points in a local tram system.
Four vehicles derailed and 12 people were injured in the incident.
Several rail agency officials and stakeholders we spoke with noted that
successfully hacking into train control systems would require a highly
sophisticated knowledge of the system. Officials further noted that train
systems are designed to fail to safe mode and stop a train in the event of
an abnormal signal, and that train operators have the ability to take over
controls and manually stop trains if necessary. Officials from three rail
agencies, however, stated that as agencies continue to adopt new
technologies and systems become more interconnected, the potential for
a cyberattack increases. Additionally, CISA officials and officials from one
rail agency stated that, despite the lack of many incidents to date,
protecting control systems is critical given the potential catastrophic
impact of a successful attack.
TSA Identifies Foreign
Standards and Key
Practices through
Multilateral Working
Groups and Bilateral
Relationships, but
Provides Limited
Guidance to TSARs on
Engaging with Foreign
Rail Stakeholders
According to TSA officials, TSA identifies foreign passenger rail security
standards and key practices through engagement in multilateral groups
and by leveraging bilateral relationships. Examples of multilateral groups
include the International Working Group on Land Transport Security and
the European Association of Railway Police Forces (RAILPOL). The
working group, established in 2006, consists of 19 member states,
including the United States. 58 It is intended as a framework for members
to openly share best practices, exchange information, and contribute to
the development of surface transportation security initiatives. For
example, TSA and members of the working group developed a
searchable database of international surface transportation security
measures (known as the SMARTbox) as a resource for surface
transportation professionals to gain insights into security practices used
by their peers. 59 RAILPOL, founded in 2004, is an international
association of government railway police organizations. It has 22
members, including TSA and the Amtrak Police Department. Information
about intermodal stations and cybersecurity can be identified and
exchanged through both of these mechanisms. For example,
representatives from the United Kingdom delivered a presentation on
securing intermodal stations at a 2016 working group meeting, and both
working group also includes four additional observer nations.
SMARTbox contains over 350 security measures and, according to TSA officials, is
currently housed on the Homeland Security Information Network. The Homeland Security
Information Network is DHS’ official system for sharing sensitive but unclassified
information between federal, state, local, territorial, tribal, international, and private sector
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working group and RAILPOL meetings have included cybersecurity
Figure 3 provides an image of St. Pancras International Station in
London, an intermodal station where international, local, and long
distance trains converge with the London Underground.
Figure 3: St. Pancras International Station in London
Note: St. Pancras International Station is an intermodal station where international, local, and long
distance trains converge with the London Underground.
Regarding bilateral engagement, TSA identifies foreign rail security
standards and practices through one-on-one relationships with other
countries. TSA officials noted that their level of engagement with other
countries can depend on a variety of factors, including how much the
countries have in common regarding transportation systems and threats,
and whether or not there are formal agreements in place that allow for
regular, detailed information sharing. While some relationships are
ongoing, officials stated that TSA interactions with other countries are
often situational or transactional—countries may reach out either directly
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to TSA or through the TSAR for information about a specific issue, such
as perimeter protection for surface transportation. For example:
TSA holds biannual meetings with Transport Canada, the Canadian
government department responsible for transportation policies and
programs. Discussion topics from the meetings in 2017 and 2018
included Canadian efforts to develop passenger rail regulations,
results from TSA derailment device testing, 60 and opportunities for
According to TSA officials, TSARs in several countries have facilitated
engagement with foreign surface transportation officials, including
passenger rail officials. For example, officials stated that one TSAR
facilitated the use of TSA’s Exercise Information System for an
exercise on the metro system in a foreign city, as well as joint rail
security training at TSA facilities in the United States. Officials further
noted that another TSAR has taken initiative to facilitate quarterly
meetings between foreign government and TSA surface
transportation officials, including research and development and
passenger rail officials.
In addition to quarterly meetings facilitated by the TSAR, TSA officials
stated that they are in regular contact with research and development
officials in one country to share testing information, such as the
results of derailment device testing and explosives testing on railcars,
and to discuss security issues related to unmanned aircraft systems.
TSA officials also reported that representatives attended an APTAsponsored study trip to Brussels and London after the 2016 and 2017
rail attacks in those cities, in part, to observe lessons learned from the
Foreign governments and international rail associations also produce a
variety of passenger rail security standards and key practice documents.
Table 3 below provides examples of these documents and the types of
threats they address.
2017, the Al Qaeda affiliated Inspire magazine released an issue featuring
instructions for derailing trains. TSA officials stated that they conducted a series of tests to
determine whether or not the methods described in the magazine could result in
derailment. In addition to sharing the results directly with one country, TSA also provided
an unclassified briefing to RAILPOL counter terrorism working group members in 2018.
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GAO-20-404 Passenger Rail Security
Table 3: Examples of Foreign Passenger Rail Security Standards and Key Practice Documents
Type of Threat
Key practice document
Improvised explosive
British Standards Institution Publicly Available
Specification 127:2014: Checkpoint Security
Screening of People and their BelongingsGuide
Provides guidance for checkpoint security screening of
people and their possessions, including screening location
selection strategies and screening methods.
Vehicle ramming
British Standards Institution Publicly Available
Specification 69:2013: Guidance for the
Selection, Installation and Use of Vehicle
Security Barrier Systems
Provides guidance on types of vehicle security barriers, site
assessment, and barrier implementation. The document
covers issues concerning vehicle restraint measures,
vehicle access control, and a procurement strategy.
International Association of Public Transport:
Action Points: Cyber Security in Public
Identifies three domains of cybersecurity and provides
recommendations for, among other things, system
configuration, malware prevention, and incident
United Kingdom Department for Transport:
Rail Cyber Security: Guidance for Industry
Provides a high-level approach intended to help the rail
industry reduce vulnerability to cyberattack. For example,
recommends identifying all components that need patches
or updates, and recommends separating networks used for
train control and signals from networks passengers may
use. Encourages the use of the U.S. National Institute of
Standards and Technology Cybersecurity Framework in UK
companies that operate critical infrastructure.
German Federal Office for Information
Security Recommendation: IT in Production.
Industrial Control System Security: Top 10
Threats and Countermeasures 2019
Presents the top threats with the highest criticality for
industrial control systems and options to minimize residual
risk and counter these threats through methods such as
network isolation, software patching, and training
International Union of Railways: Station
Security for Station Businesses. Handbook on
Effective Solutions
Provides an overview of station security measures,
including access control gates, cameras, visible security
presence, and security considerations for design and
United Kingdom Department for Transport:
Light Rail Security Recommended Best
Developed to help operators devise and maintain a range
of best practice security measures, including those related
to the security culture of the organization, securing rail cars
and stations, and securing depots and maintenance
General security
Source: GAO analysis of available international passenger rail security documents. | GAO-20-404
The International Association of Public Transport identifies three domains or key pillars of
cybersecurity. These include people, policies and procedures, and physical protection.
Industrial control systems are used to control industrial processes such as manufacturing, product
handling, production, and distribution. They may also include transportation and passenger rail
systems. These systems include supervisory control and data acquisition systems used to control
geographically dispersed assets, as well as distributed control systems and smaller control systems
using programmable logic controllers to control localized processes.
TSA officials noted that while multilateral forums provide valuable
opportunities to communicate with other countries about evolving threats,
emerging security technologies, and potential key practices, interest in
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GAO-20-404 Passenger Rail Security
forums such as the International Working Group on Land Transport
Security has been in decline. For example, while the working group
charter calls for annual meetings and quarterly conference calls, the full
group has not met since 2016. 61 TSA and foreign government officials we
spoke with stated that interest in the working group may be in decline due
to factors such as retirements of key officials and lack of engagement
from certain countries. These officials also noted that, as leaders in rail
security, they typically provide more information about key practices to
other countries in large forums than they receive. Additionally, TSA
officials noted that other countries frequently used the working groupdeveloped SMARTbox initially, but that use declined in recent years in
part due to its location on the Homeland Security Information Network
because users may find it difficult to navigate. Further, eight of the 10
domestic and foreign rail agencies we interviewed said they were either
unfamiliar with the application or did not use it. 62 For example, officials
from one domestic agency said that there was little incentive to contribute
and that they found informal networks to be more useful for sharing
information. In contrast, TSA and other officials we spoke to stated that
bilateral relationships with trusted partners with similar sophisticated rail
operations may allow for more detailed exchanges of current and
emerging key security practices.
TSA Provides Limited
Guidance to TSARs on
Engaging with Foreign Rail
TSA has provided limited guidance to TSARs on engagement with foreign
passenger rail stakeholders through the TSAR Toolkit (or handbook),
which states that TSARs should engage with officials involved in multiple
modes of transit, including rail; however, the primary focus of the
document is engagement with aviation stakeholders. TSA further provides
comprehensive and specific guidance for TSAR aviation engagement as
part of its foreign airport assessments and air carrier inspections, but
does not do so for surface transportation. 63 As discussed above,
according to TSA officials, some TSARs have taken the initiative to
facilitate meetings and share testing and training information related to
surface transportation, including passenger rail. Passenger rail officials
we talked to in one country stated that these TSAR-led initiatives served
to TSA officials, the country scheduled to host the 2018 working group
meeting declined to do so; the next full meeting is currently planned for 2020.
remaining two agencies did not comment on the SMARTbox.
63Through its foreign airport assessment program, TSA determines whether foreign
airports that provide service to the United States are maintaining and carrying out effective
security measures. See 49 U.S.C. § 44907. There is no similar regulatory requirement for
rail or surface transportation.
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as a valuable source of information and communication with TSA. In
addition, one TSA official cited the value of discussing preliminary testing
findings, as well as new guidelines on topics such as security in station
designs, which address concerns about security in public spaces. These
efforts, however, are dependent on the individual initiative of each TSAR
and are not universal. For example, one TSAR we interviewed stated that
TSA’s expectations and priorities for surface transportation engagement
were unclear and, as a result, he focused almost exclusively on aviation.
TSA officials stated that they have focused TSAR guidance on aviation
engagement because of the agency’s regulatory role in this area, which,
as discussed above, includes foreign airport assessments and air carrier
inspections. In lieu of detailed guidance on surface transportation, officials
noted they defer to the individual TSARs on how or whether to engage
foreign surface transportation stakeholders. Officials emphasized this
individual approach and stated that in some countries, TSAR engagement
on passenger rail security issues may be limited by legal or cultural
barriers. Because rail (unlike aviation) does not directly connect to the
United States in most cases, officials noted that there may be less
incentive for some host countries to engage. Further, some countries may
not have a rail system, or may not be as advanced in rail security policies
and procedures, and therefore may be less able to offer key practices.
In November 2019, TSA officials noted that they were considering adding
guidance for engaging with surface transportation officials and addressing
intermodal concerns to TSAR Regional Operational Implementation
Plans. According to officials, these plans provide targeted guidance to
TSARs for engagement within their specific regions. As of February 2020,
officials stated that draft plans for two regions (Western Hemisphere and
Africa/Middle East) were under review at TSA. 64 Officials further stated
that these drafts, and drafts for the remaining regions currently in
development, would include surface transportation-related guidance. TSA
officials stated that they hoped to complete all regions’ plans by the end
of calendar year 2020, but they did not provide documentation for us to
verify that the final plans would contain surface transportation guidance
for TSARs.
The 2018 TSA Administrator’s Intent document includes a goal to
promote security partnerships across surface transportation systems by,
remaining two regions are Europe and Asia Pacific.
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in part, identifying and communicating best practices and lessons learned
to stakeholders and international partners. 65 In addition, the NIPP states
that officials should share actionable and relevant information across the
critical infrastructure community to build awareness and enable risk
informed decision making. The TSAR Toolkit further states that, even in
locations without modal connections to the United States, there is still
great value in establishing key points of contact who can share best
practices or facilitate the exchange of information in the event of an
emergency in modes of transit outside of aviation. As the primary
overseas point of contact for security matters involving all modes of
transportation, TSARs are responsible for developing bilateral
relationships and facilitating information sharing with foreign stakeholders,
among other things.
Further leveraging formal or informal bilateral relationships could allow
TSA to obtain additional passenger rail security information. While several
TSARs have individually taken initiative with regard to rail, without
additional guidance from TSA, there is no assurance that they will engage
in these exchanges with modes outside of aviation. As a result, TSA is
less likely to be fully aware of key passenger rail security practices in
other countries, such as those listed in table 3 above, among others.
Moreover, specific guidance will also provide TSARs with clear
expectations for engaging with stakeholders, and provide TSA with
greater assurance that they are engaging in a consistent manner. TSA’s
new Regional Operational Implementation Plans provide an opportunity
for TSA to more clearly incorporate targeted guidance to encourage
TSAR outreach and information sharing in specific areas. 66 Recent efforts
by TSARs in several countries demonstrate practices, such as opening
lines of regular communication on surface transportation, including
passenger rail, which could be replicated in other countries.
Security Administration, Administrator’s Intent, (June 1, 2018). This
document is intended to identify how TSA will execute the 2018-2026 TSA Strategy
through 2020.
66While TSARs are based in one country, they are typically responsible for one or more
countries in a specific region.
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TSA Uses Various
Mechanisms to Share
Security Standards
and Key Practices but
Does Not Fully
Incorporate NIST
Standards in the
TSA Shares Information
about Standards and Key
Practices through Its
Participation in Working
Groups, and through
Assessments and
According to TSA officials and domestic rail stakeholders we interviewed,
TSA uses various mechanisms such as the Transit Policing and Security
Peer Advisory Group, monthly conference calls with rail stakeholders, 67
and the annual APTA roundtable meeting to share and discuss a range of
security information with stakeholders, including information about
standards and key practices. 68 These mechanisms provide opportunities
to discuss issues related to intermodal stations and cybersecurity key
TSA also shares information about key practices with domestic
stakeholders through voluntary TSA programs such as BASE, the
Intermodal Security Training and Exercise Program, 69 and the Visible
67According to TSA officials, TSA’s Intelligence and Analysis Office shares information
about current threats and other topics during monthly classified calls and also holds
periodic meetings with industry members in response to imminent threats.
68We have previously reported that federal agencies use a variety of mechanisms to
implement collaborative efforts, and that these mechanisms can be used for multiple
purposes, including information sharing and communication. Mechanisms can include
national strategies, interagency groups, conferences and communities of practice, and
collaboration technologies such as shared databases and web portals, among others. We
also identified key issues to consider when implementing interagency collaborative
mechanisms. See GAO, Managing for Results: Key Considerations for Implementing
Interagency Collaborative Mechanisms, GAO-12-1022 (Washington, D.C.: Sep. 27, 2012).
69The Intermodal Security Training and Exercise Program is a voluntary program involving
multi-jurisdictional activities ranging from seminars to full-scale exercises. The exercises
are conducted across surface transportation modes and are intended to enhance security
preparedness and incident management skills, as well as share lessons learned and best
practices, among other things.
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GAO-20-404 Passenger Rail Security
Intermodal Prevention and Response program. 70 TSA officials provided
information about how they incorporate information from foreign threats
and attacks into these programs. Specifically:
TSA officials noted that TSA initially developed the BASE program
around standards that were produced by APTA and other industry
partners following the 2004 terrorist attacks on commuter trains in
Madrid and the 2005 terrorist attacks on the London subway system.
According to TSA officials, the APTA standards and recommended
practices, which evolve based on threats and lessons learned, form
the basis for the BASE assessment template. One way in which TSA
helps communicates these standards and practices to agencies is
through the questions in the template. Officials noted that lessons
learned from foreign rail security incidents have been used to further
support certain security concepts in the BASE, such as assessment
questions related to whether agencies engage in public outreach for
security awareness (e.g. “If You See Something, Say Something”)
and report suspicious activity.
TSA officials reported that they consider overseas and domestic
attack methods and tactics when planning Intermodal Security
Training and Exercise Program exercises to raise awareness of
emerging tactics and threats. These exercises are intended to share
best practices and lessons learned, among other things. Officials
noted that they recently incorporated cyber, chemical, and vehicleramming attacks into the program’s objectives based on recent
domestic and overseas incidents, and that they shared resources,
information, and best practices for security solutions. For example,
officials reported conducting two regional exercises that focused on
chemical threat elements as the result of a 2017 plot in Australia. 71
deploys teams to conduct Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response operations
as a way to augment the security of, and promote confidence in, surface transportation
systems. Deployments can include random bag searches and high-visibility patrols at
passenger rail systems.
71In August 2017, investigators in Australia reported that suspects were working with
Islamic State operatives to create an improvised chemical device and detonate it in a
public area.
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TSA further reported hosting a series of vehicle ramming program
workshops in the wake of attacks in New York City and Europe. 72
According to TSA officials, TSA has not made any recent changes to
the Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response program directly as a
result of lessons learned or key practices resulting from a foreign rail
security incident; however, officials said they regularly integrate
information about foreign incidents and threats when planning
program deployments. Officials also noted that the majority of current
deployments are for surface transportation, which includes rail. 73
Regarding cybersecurity, TSA has shared information about cybersecurity
key practices, including the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, through a
series of regional cybersecurity Intermodal Security Training and Exercise
Program workshops since 2017. 74 These “5N5” workshops listed five
nontechnical cybersecurity actions an agency could take in 5 days,
including: (1) develop familiarity with the NIST Cybersecurity Framework;
(2) implement a unique password change policy; (3) understand the latest
phishing and spam trends and how to message awareness; (4)
differentiate access control among staff; and (5) report cybersecurity
Six of the seven domestic rail agencies we spoke with were generally
satisfied with TSA’s efforts to share security and key practice
information; 75 however officials from two of these six agencies also
expressed concerns about timeliness and quality of cybersecurity
October 2017, an individual used a commercial-grade rental truck to attack
pedestrians on a bike path in New York City. In March 2017, a rental car was used to
attack pedestrians on Westminster Bridge in London, England. In July 2016, an individual
used a rental truck to attack pedestrians in Nice, France. While none of these incidents
directly involved passenger rail, officials from three domestic rail agencies we spoke to
cited vehicle rammings or the use of a vehicle as a weapon as a threat to passenger rail.
73In 2005, we recommended that TSA evaluate the applicability and potential benefits of
implementing certain practices we observed overseas, including covert testing and
random passenger screening. In 2009, in response to this recommendation, TSA reported
that it was reviewing options to expand covert testing into exercises in the mass transit
and passenger rail environment and identified the Intermodal Security Training and
Exercise Program as a venue where covert testing could be appropriate in assessing the
effectiveness of security activities and measures. TSA also reported exploring
opportunities to integrate covert testing periodically to assess the effectiveness of Visible
Intermodal Prevention and Response teams. See GAO-05-851.
officials reported that, as of October 2019, TSA had conducted 16 cybersecurity
agency did not comment on TSA’s information sharing efforts.
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information provided by TSA. For example, officials from one agency
stated that they received limited cybersecurity information from TSA and
that the information they did receive was of limited use because it was
targeted at agencies without a sophisticated cybersecurity program. An
official from another agency noted that while there were opportunities to
discuss cybersecurity, the information provided was often general in
nature and there was limited time for discussion in certain mechanisms
because of the large number of people involved. This official also noted
that while the information TSA provides is valuable and there are
mechanisms available to share information about a range topics,
discussions are typically related to security incidents and threats, as
opposed to key practices.
TSA officials acknowledged that the agency’s cybersecurity efforts were
still in the early stages. They further noted that the implementation plan
for the 2018 Cybersecurity Roadmap, which, among things, calls for
improving information sharing and partnering with stakeholders to
promote the adoption of best practices and industry and/or international
standards, was only recently signed in September 2019.
In addition to TSA’s information sharing mechanisms, domestic rail
agency officials we spoke to reported learning about foreign key practices
through personal experience and direct engagement with foreign rail
counterparts. For example, officials from two agencies we spoke to
hosted visits from foreign rail officials to study security measures, among
other things. Officials from one agency noted they provided information to
Hong Kong through APTA on key practices for managing large protest
crowds in an urban transit environment. Officials from another agency
noted that they participate in international information sharing surveys
and research to learn about cybersecurity practices by foreign rail
operators, and sent representatives to an international mass transit
training forum on the development of threat, vulnerability, and risk
Domestic rail agencies also identified several changes they have made to
their physical security systems as a result of key practices or lessons
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GAO-20-404 Passenger Rail Security
learned from foreign rail incidents. 76 For example: increasing random
patrols and high visibility deployments of security officers, changing
security camera placement to better capture station exits, and increasing
security awareness messaging to employees and passengers. 77
Additionally, officials from one agency noted that they revised subway
evacuation plans to direct people towards areas less vulnerable to an
attack after reviewing lessons learned from recent vehicle-based attacks
in Europe. With regard to cybersecurity, one domestic agency we spoke
to noted that recent wide-spread global cyberattacks reinforced
challenges they have securing legacy Information Technology systems
against threats such as ransomware threats. As a result, the agency is
focused on identifying expiring technologies and replacing those that can
no longer be patched or updated. Officials from another agency noted
that they have increased the number of firewalls they use to further
segment and protect systems.
Table 4 below provides information on mechanisms that can be used to
identify and share rail security key practice information, as identified by
TSA and domestic stakeholders.
76In 2005, we reported that certain security practices used overseas could pose political,
legal, fiscal, and cultural challenges in the United States, where residents may not be as
willing to accept more intrusive security measures. See GAO-05-851. TSA officials we
interviewed for this review stated that this remains the case today. For example, officials
cited ‘red team’ practices in one country that involve live, simulated terrorist events in
which neither the transit workers or the public are aware that the incident is a planned
2012, we reported on lessons learned from foreign attacks that U.S. rail agencies
reported incorporating into their security systems. These included enhancements to public
awareness and messaging campaigns, increased use of motorized emergency response
vehicles to reach victims after an attack, and reinforcement of the value of closed-circuit
television for forensic investigations after an attack. See GAO-13-20.
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Table 4: Mechanisms Cited by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) or Domestic Passenger Rail Stakeholders
That Can be Used to Identify and Share Rail Security Key Practice Information
APTA has 27 active working groups on a variety of topics, including
infrastructure security, risk management, and cybersecurity.
Working groups are comprised of APTA members and nonmember
volunteer stakeholders, including federal partners like TSA, who
represent key segments of the transportation industry. These
groups develop and publish standards and best practice
TSA Transit Policing and
Security Peer Advisory
TSA established the group in 2007 as a communication and liaison
group consisting of transit police chiefs and security directors from
mass transit systems across North America. The group is designed
to provide subject matter expertise on mass transit security-related
issues. The group has 33 mass transit stakeholder members and is
chaired by a transit police chief.
Annual APTA Security
APTA hosts an annual security roundtable where APTA, TSA and
other federal partners, police chiefs and security directors of APTA
member organizations exchange information. TSA shares
information on security threats, capability gaps, and technology
with mass transit stakeholders.
TSA sponsored monthly
conference calls
TSA hosts monthly information sharing teleconferences with
approximately 500 rail stakeholders from the transit security
community. These calls include threat briefings and discussions of
issues and best practices related to mass transit and passenger
rail security.
TSA Surface Transportation TSA established the committee in 2019 in response to the
Security Advisory Committee provisions of the TSA Modernization Act. The committee is
composed of members representing surface transportation
providers and users, including passenger rail, and non-voting
members representing federal departments and agencies with
surface transportation oversight. The committee is charged with
advising the TSA Administrator on surface transportation security
matters, including the development, refinement, and
implementation of policies, programs, initiatives, rulemakings, and
security directives pertaining to surface transportation security
Public Transportation
Information Sharing and
Analysis Center
Managed by APTA in collaboration with TSA, this is a 24/7 center
that collects, analyzes, and disseminates alerts and incident
reports. The center produces daily reports developed through
analysis of numerous intelligence sources.
TSA Baseline Assessment
and Security Enhancement
TSA’s BASE assessment is a voluntary review in which surface
inspectors evaluate the security programs of transportation entities,
offer technical assistance, and share best practices. The
assessment analyzes the security program for each transit system
and identifies vulnerabilities. The BASE consists of 17 security
action items that address, among other best practices, security
training and awareness programs, cybersecurity, and access
American Public
Transportation Association
(APTA) working groups
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GAO-20-404 Passenger Rail Security
TSA conducts multi-agency, multi-jurisdictional activities ranging
from seminars to full-scale exercises. Full-scale exercises focus on
implementing and analyzing plans, policies, and procedures. The
voluntary exercises are conducted across surface transportation
modes including passenger rail.
TSA cybersecurity
In fiscal year 2017, TSA developed a series of regional surface
transportation-focused cybersecurity workshops. The workshops
were intended to provide an awareness of existing U.S.
government cybersecurity support programs available resources
and provide an opportunity for participants to share best practices.
Association of American
Railroads Rail Information
Security Committee
Established in 1999 to mitigate cyber risk and counter cyber
threats. The group is comprised of chief information security
officers and cybersecurity leads from each of the Class I freight
railroads and Amtrak, among others, and is supported by the
Association of American Railroads. The group develops and
shares effective practices and threat, vulnerability, and incident
response information.
TSA Intermodal Security
Training and Exercise
Legend: — Not discussed in this mechanism ● Discussed in this mechanism
Source: GAO analysis. | GAO-20-404
Note: We previously reported on mechanisms eight high-volume rail agencies cited as useful in
obtaining and sharing rail security information. These mechanisms included the Peer Advisory Group,
the Public Transportation Information Sharing and Analysis Center, and the BASE and Intermodal
Security Training and Exercise programs, among others. See GAO, Passenger Rail Security:
Consistent Incident Reporting and Analysis Needed to Achieve Program Objectives, GAO-13-20
(Washington, D.C.: Dec. 19, 2012).
TSA Does Not Fully
Incorporate NIST
Cybersecurity Standards
into Its BASE
While TSA has taken initial steps to share cybersecurity key practices and
other information with passenger rail stakeholders, the BASE
assessment, does not fully reflect the updated cyber key practices
presented in the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, nor does it include the
framework in a list of available cyber resources. 78 As discussed above,
TSA uses the BASE assessment to share security best practices with
transit agencies, among other things. 79 Our review of the BASE
example, as discussed above, TSA has shared cybersecurity information through
APTA working groups, through training exercises such as the Intermodal Security Training
and Exercise Program, and through regional cybersecurity workshops promoting the NIST
Cybersecurity Framework. TSA further shares cybersecurity key practices through
questions in the BASE.
79The cybersecurity section of the BASE template assesses the extent to which agencies
have taken a series of steps to develop a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy.
Specifically, it assesses the extent to which agencies have conducted a cybersecurity risk
assessment; implemented protocols to ensure that all Information Technology facilities are
secured; and provided training on recognizing cyber threats to all employees, among other
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cybersecurity questions in the template found that they cover selected
activities associated with three of the five functions outlined in the
framework– Identify, Protect, and Respond. For example, the BASE asks
agencies if they ensure training reinforces cybersecurity roles and
responsibilities, which corresponds to the awareness and training
category of the NIST Protect function. However, the remaining two
functions—Detect and Recover—are not represented in the BASE.
According to the framework, when considered together, these functions
provide a high-level, strategic view of the life cycle of an organization’s
management of cybersecurity risk.
TSA officials stated that they regularly review the BASE and noted that
the questions are intended to reflect both industry key practices and
agency policy; however, they also stated that the agency has not updated
the BASE cybersecurity questions since NIST released its Cybersecurity
Framework in 2014. 80 In January 2020, officials responsible for the BASE
acknowledged that the cybersecurity questions should be updated to
reflect the framework. TSA officials also noted that they would want to
align changes to the BASE cybersecurity questions with any new
guidance or direction provided by the newly established Surface
Transportation Security Advisory Committee. As of January 2020, the
Committee is in its initial start-up phase, and has not yet provided any
reports or recommendations or published a timeline or project plan.
Further, because the framework functions organize basic cybersecurity
activities at their highest level, incorporating elements of all five functions
into the BASE template should not require additional guidance from the
The 2015 TSA Transportation Systems Sector-Specific Plan states that
encouraging the adoption of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework across
all transportation modes supports the plan’s goal to manage the security
risks to the physical, human, and cyber elements of critical transportation
infrastructure. The plan also states that encouraging the adoption of the
framework contributes to several of the NIPP’s calls to action related to
sharing actionable and relevant information. TSA considers the
framework a best practice document.
By updating the BASE cybersecurity questions to align more closely with
the core functions in the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, TSA could
80The NIST Cybersecurity Framework was first released in 2014, after TSA added
cybersecurity questions to the BASE in 2013. The framework was updated in 2018.
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better assist passenger rail and other operators in identifying current key
practices and improving their cybersecurity posture. As a result, transit
operators would be more aware of cybersecurity vulnerabilities and better
prepared to reduce the impact from a cybersecurity incident. In addition,
this would create a more consistent cybersecurity approach from TSA,
since the agency promotes the framework through other mechanisms,
such as the series of cybersecurity workshops, as noted above.
Recent physical and cyberattacks in U.S. cities and Europe demonstrate
the evolving nature of the threats to passenger rail and highlight the
importance of working with both domestic stakeholders and foreign rail
security partners. As such, TSA actively engages with domestic
passenger rail stakeholders, but could do more to engage with foreign
stakeholders. TSARs stationed abroad are well positioned to further
leverage bilateral relationships with foreign passenger rail stakeholders,
and several TSARs have taken initiative to do so. However, TSA provides
only limited guidance to TSARs on surface transportation engagement.
Without specific guidance, there is no assurance that TSARs will engage
in these exchanges with modes outside of aviation. TSA’s new Regional
Operational Implementation Plans provide an opportunity to more clearly
incorporate targeted guidance to encourage TSAR outreach and
information sharing in specific areas. Additionally, such guidance will
provide TSA with greater assurance that TSARs are engaging with
foreign stakeholders in a consistent manner.
TSA uses various mechanisms to share security standards and key
practice information with rail stakeholders, including through BASE
assessments. The cybersecurity questions in the BASE template,
however, do not fully reflect two of the five core areas identified in the
NIST Cybersecurity Framework. By updating the BASE cybersecurity
questions to align more closely with current key practices such as the
framework, TSA could better assist passenger rail and other operators in
improving their cybersecurity posture. As a result, transit operators would
be more aware of cybersecurity vulnerabilities and better prepared to
reduce the impact from a cybersecurity incident.
Recommendation for
Executive Action
We are making two recommendations to TSA.
The TSA Administrator should ensure that the TSAR Regional
Operational Implementation Plans include guidance on how TSARs are to
engage with foreign surface transportation stakeholders, including
passenger rail stakeholders. (Recommendation 1)
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GAO-20-404 Passenger Rail Security
The TSA Administrator should update the BASE cybersecurity template to
ensure it reflects cybersecurity key practices, including the Detect and
Recover functions outlined in the NIST Cybersecurity Framework.
(Recommendation 2)
Agency Comments
and Our Evaluation
We provided a draft of this report to DHS for review and comment. DHS
provided written comments, which are reprinted in appendix II, and also
provided technical comments, which we incorporated as appropriate.
DHS concurred with both recommendations and described actions TSA
plans to take to address them. Specifically, to address recommendation
1, TSA plans to draft an Operational Implementation Plan, which will
provide guidance to TSARs for engaging with foreign surface
transportation stakeholders, including in passenger rail security.
According to TSA, this plan will also serve as the outline for the
development of Regional Operational Implementation Plans, which will
help align resources worldwide. To address recommendation 2, TSA
plans to update the BASE Cybersecurity Security Action Item section to
ensure it reflects the NIST Cybersecurity Framework Detect and Recover
functions. These actions, if fully implemented by TSA, should address the
intent of both recommendations.
We are sending copies of this report to the appropriate congressional
committees and the acting Secretary of Homeland Security. In addition,
the report is available at no charge on the GAO website at
If you or your staff members have any questions about this report, please
contact Triana McNeil at (202) 512-8777 or Contact
points for our Office of Congressional Relations and Public Affairs may be
found on the last page of this report. GAO staff who made key
contributors to this report are listed in appendix III.
Triana McNeil
Director, Homeland Security and Justice
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GAO-20-404 Passenger Rail Security
List of Addressees
The Honorable Roger F. Wicker
The Honorable Maria Cantwell
Ranking Member
Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation
United States Senate
The Honorable Ron Johnson
The Honorable Gary C. Peters
Ranking Member
Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
United States Senate
The Honorable Bennie G. Thompson
The Honorable Mike Rogers
Ranking Member
Committee on Homeland Security
House of Representatives
The Honorable Michael T. McCaul
House of Representatives
The Honorable John Katko
House of Representatives
The Honorable Bonnie Watson Coleman
House of Representatives
Page 43
GAO-20-404 Passenger Rail Security
Appendix I: Physical Security and
Cybersecurity Key Practices Cited by
Domestic and Foreign Stakeholders
Appendix I: Physical Security and
Cybersecurity Key Practices Cited by
Domestic and Foreign Stakeholders
We asked domestic and foreign passenger rail agencies and foreign
passenger rail stakeholders we interviewed to identify some security
related key practices or lessons learned that they employ, including, but
not limited to, intermodal stations and cybersecurity. 1 Table 5 below
provides examples of common security practices both domestic and
foreign officials identified; table 6 shows several additional key practices
foreign rail stakeholders cited. These tables are not intended to be a
comprehensive list, but provide examples of key security practices utilized
by selected domestic and foreign rail agencies.
Table 5: Examples of Common Physical Security and Cybersecurity Key Practices
Cited by Selected Domestic and Foreign Passenger Rail Stakeholders
Key practice
Physical security
Security camera systems/Closed-circuit
Public service security announcements
(e.g. See Something, Say Something in
the U.S. and See it, Say it, Sorted in the
United Kingdom)
Employee training emphasizing security
Employee training emphasizing ways to
tell the difference between unattended
items and suspicious itemsb
High visibility security patrols
Canines trained to detect vapor from
bomb residue
Random bag inspections and random
security patrols
Internal threat monitoring and/or risk
Close partnerships with federal and
state and local partners
officials we interviewed represented the following seven domestic passenger rail
agencies: Amtrak; Chicago Transit Authority; Los Angeles County Metropolitan
Transportation Authority; Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority; New York City
Metropolitan Transit Authority; San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit; and Washington
Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. We also interviewed three foreign passenger rail
agencies in the United Kingdom and Germany (London Underground, Deutsche Bahn,
and Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe), the British Transport Police, Network Rail, and the United
Kingdom’s Department for Transport. One rail agency—the New York City Metropolitan
Transit Authority—provided written responses to our questions.
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GAO-20-404 Passenger Rail Security
Appendix I: Physical Security and
Cybersecurity Key Practices Cited by
Domestic and Foreign Stakeholders
Key practice
Access controls to the network or to
secure spaces with sensitive control
and communications equipment
Vulnerability scans and/or penetration
testing to test for system weaknesses
Network segmentation to isolate the effects of a potential
Physical security
Legend: — Key practice does not apply to this aspect of rail security ● Key practice applies to this
aspect of rail security
Source: GAO analysis. | GAO-20-404
Note: The examples shown were provided in response to the following interview question: “What are
some security related key practices or lessons learned that you employ, including, but not limited to,
intermodal stations and cybersecurity?” We asked this of domestic and foreign passenger rail
agencies and foreign passenger rail stakeholders we interviewed (seven domestic and six foreign).
Agencies may utilize certain security practices even if they did not cite them as a key practice
example during our interviews. The table above is not intended to be a comprehensive list. We did
not evaluate the appropriateness or effectiveness of the practices identified.
The type of awareness training varied in the foreign agencies we interviewed. For example, in the
United Kingdom, officials stated that all employees are trained to take an active role in security and to
actively engage customers and report suspicious incidents. In contrast, German officials said that
public service employees are not expected to take an active role in security beyond awareness. They
noted it would not be culturally acceptable for non-security employees to play an active security role.
Rail employees in the UK are encouraged to use the H-O-T method to examine an attended item. H
= is it hidden; O = is it obviously suspicious; and T = is it typical of what you would expect to find in
the location.
Table 6: Additional Security Key Practices Cited by Selected Foreign Passenger
Rail Stakeholders
Key Practice
Project Servator (combines high
visibility, random patrols, behavior
detection, public awareness, and
customer service)
Behavior detectiona
Aviation-style security screeningb
Bollards or other physical barriers
around station perimeters and open
Physical security
Legend: — Key practice does not apply to this aspect of rail security ● Key practice applies to this
aspect of rail security
Source: GAO analysis. | GAO-20-404
Note: The examples shown were provided in response to the following interview question: “What are
some security related key practices or lessons learned that you employ, including, but not limited to,
intermodal stations and cybersecurity?” We asked this of domestic and foreign passenger rail
agencies and foreign passenger rail stakeholders we interviewed (seven domestic and six foreign).
Domestic agencies may utilize certain security practices even if they did not cite them as a key
practice example during our interviews. Additionally, some practices may not be applicable to all
Page 45
GAO-20-404 Passenger Rail Security
Appendix I: Physical Security and
Cybersecurity Key Practices Cited by
Domestic and Foreign Stakeholders
passenger rail agencies. For example, it is difficult to incorporate aviation-style security screening in
subway systems due to factors such as the high volume of passengers and multiple access points.
In the United Kingdom, officials we talked to placed an emphasis on the use of behavior detection
techniques in security patrols. Employees are encouraged to apply the W-H-A-T protocol to evaluate
behavior: W = What are they doing; H = How are they behaving; A = Alone or acting with others; T =
Threat – what Type do they pose?
Passengers travelling internationally via the Eurostar train line (between London and European cities
such as Paris and Brussels) undergo security screening similar to aviation screening, such as bag
screening and passing through metal detectors. Unlike airline travel, the volume of liquid a passenger
may carry is not restricted.
United Kingdom officials stated that regulations require certain categories of stations (e.g. those with
high passenger volume and historic or cultural significance) to install bollards or other physical
barriers in part to protect against vehicle attacks. According to officials we interviewed, Germany does
not require bollards or physical barriers around any stations. In the U.S., anti-vehicle barriers are an
American Public Transportation Association recommend practice, but are not required.
Figure 4 below shows an example of a Project Servator poster displayed
during an exercise at St. Pancras International Station in London. As
noted in table 6 above, foreign passenger rail stakeholders cited Project
Servator as a key rail security practice.
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GAO-20-404 Passenger Rail Security
Appendix I: Physical Security and
Cybersecurity Key Practices Cited by
Domestic and Foreign Stakeholders
Figure 4: Project Servator Poster Displayed During an Exercise at St. Pancras
International Station in London
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GAO-20-404 Passenger Rail Security
Appendix II: Comments from the U.S.
Department of Homeland Security
Appendix II: Comments from the U.S.
Department of Homeland Security
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GAO-20-404 Passenger Rail Security
Appendix II: Comments from the U.S.
Department of Homeland Security
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GAO-20-404 Passenger Rail Security
Appendix II: Comments from the U.S.
Department of Homeland Security
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GAO-20-404 Passenger Rail Security
Appendix III: GAO Contact and Staff
Appendix III: GAO Contact and Staff
GAO Contact
Triana McNeil (202) 512-8777 or
In additional to the contact named above, Christopher Ferencik (Assistant
Director), Sarah Turpin (Analyst in Charge), Chuck Bausell, Benjamin
Crossley, Suzanne Kaasa, Tracey King, Ronald La Due Lake, William
Reed, and Adam Vogt made key contributions to this report.
Page 51
GAO-20-404 Passenger Rail Security
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File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | GAO-20-404, Passenger Rail Security: TSA Engages with Stakeholders but Could Better Identify and Share Standards and Key Practic |
Author | U.S. Government Accountability Office, |
File Modified | 2020-04-02 |
File Created | 2020-03-31 |