
Application for Public Safety Officers' Educational Assistance


OMB: 1121-0220

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Section/Heading Subheading Modal? Question Field Type Answer Choices (If applicable) Required/Not Required Instructional Text
Public Safety Officers' Education Benefits Prescreen

In which capacity are you filing for education benefits? Radio Student, Student's Parent, Authorized Representative, Other (please describe) Required

If "other" selected, describe your filing type: Text Box NA Only required if "other" is chosen as an answer for the previous questions.

Parent, Authorized Representative, or "Other" information.

Parent, Authorized Representative, or "other" Prefix Dropdown
Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss, Dr., Other(please describe) Not Required

Describe "other" here Text Box NA Required (if "other" is chosen)

Parent, Authorized Representative, or "other" First Name Text Box NA Required

Parent, Authorized Representative, or "other" Last Name Text Box NA Required

Parent, Authorized Representative, or "other" Suffix Text Box NA Not Required

Parent, Authorized Representative, or "other" Phone Number Text Box NA Required

Parent, Authorized Representative, or "other" Alternate Phone Number Text Box NA Not Required

Parent, Authorized Representative, or "other" Email Text Box NA Required

Student Information

Student Prefix Dropdown
Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss, Dr., Other(please describe) Not Required

Describe "other" here Text Box NA Required (if "other" is chosen)

Student First Name Text Box NA Required

Student Last Name Text Box NA Required

Student Suffix Text Box NA Not Required

Student Date of Birth Text Box/Date Picker NA Required

Student Phone Number Text Box NA Required

Student Alternate Phone Number Text Box NA Not Required

Student Email Address Text Box NA Required

Primary Contact Information

Are you the primary contact person for all matters related to the PSOEA Program? Radio Yes/No Required

Enter the Primary Contact Information

Primary Contact Person Prefix Dropdown
Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss, Dr., Other(please describe) Not Required

Describe "other" here Text Box NA Required (if "other" is chosen)

Primary Contact Person First Name Text Box NA Required

Primary Contact Person Last Name Text Box NA Required

Primary Contact Person Suffix Text Box NA Not Required

Primary Contact Person Phone Number Text Box NA Required

Primary Contact Person Alternate Phone Number Text Box NA Not Required

Primary Contact Person Email Address Text Box NA Required

Student's Record of Education

Add information about your program of study at an institution of higher education (type of school, dates attended, etc…)

"Add School" modal

Student's Record of Education

Name of School Text Box NA Required

School City Text Box NA Required

School State Dropdown Alabama (AL)
Alaska (AK)
Arizona (AZ)
Arkansas (AR)
California (CA)
Colorado (CO)
Connecticut (CT)
Delaware (DE)
Florida (FL)
Georgia (GA)
Hawaii (HI)
Idaho (ID)
Illinois (IL)
Indiana (IN)
Iowa (IA)
Kansas (KS)
Kentucky (KY)
Louisiana (LA)
Maine (ME)
Maryland (MD)
Massachusetts (MA)
Michigan (MI)
Minnesota (MN)
Mississippi (MS)
Missouri (MO)
Montana (MT)
Nebraska (NE)
Nevada (NV)
New Hampshire (NH)
New Jersey (NJ)
New Mexico (NM)
New York (NY)
North Carolina (NC)
North Dakota (ND)
Ohio (OH)
Oklahoma (OK)
Oregon (OR)
Pennsylvania (PA)
Rhode Island (RI)
South Carolina (SC)
South Dakota (SD)
Tennessee (TN)
Texas (TX)
Utah (UT)
Vermont (VT)
Virginia (VA)
Washington (WA)
West Virginia (WV)
Wisconsin (WI)
Wyoming (WY)
American Samoa
Northern Mariana Islands
Puerto Rico (PR)
US Virgin Islands
Other (outside U.S. Territories)

Describe "other" here Text Box NA Required (if "other" is chosen)

School Country Text Box NA Not Required

Type of School Dropdown
College/University, Vocational/Trade School, Other Required

Describe "other" here Text Box NA Required (if "other" is chosen) as an answer to the previous question.

Dates Attended From Text Box/Date Picker NA Required

Dates Attended To Text Box/Date Picker NA Required

Degree/Certification Attempting or Achieved Text Box NA Required

Graduation or Expected Graduation Date Text Box/Date Picker NA Required

Educational Benefits Prescreen Enter the Public Safety Officer’s information

Prefix Dropdown
Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss, Dr., Other(please describe) Not Required

Describe "other" here Text Box
Required (if "other" is chosen)

Public Safety Officer First Name Text Box NA Required

Public Safety Officer Last Name Text Box NA Required

Public Safety Officer Suffix Text Box NA Not Required

Public Safety Officer's Employing Agency Name Text Box NA Required

Public Safety Officer Date of Death or Injury Text Box/Date Picker NA Not Required

Was there an approved Death or Disability claim? Radio Yes/No/I don’t know Required

Which type of claim was the approved claim? Radio Death Claim/Disability Claim Only required if "yes" chosen as an answer to the previous question.

Enter PSOB Death or Disability claim number, if known. Text Box NA Not Required

What is the Student's relationship to the Public Safety Officer? Radio Spouse, Child, Other (please describe) Required

Describe "other" here: Text Box NA Only required if "other" chosen as an answer to the previous question.

PRESCREEN PREVIEW Please Review and Confirm

The following is a summary of the information you have entered. Please review and make any necessary changes to this page before submitting your education Prescreen.

Required Documents

Based on your responses, a customized checklist has been generated. The following required documents must be uploaded for the Prescreen to be considered complete. If you have any questions, please contact the PSOB Customer Resource Center at 1-888-744-6513 or

Association Static Text Box NA Auto filled

Document Type Static Text Box NA Auto filled

Date Uploaded Static Text Box NA Auto filled

Instructions Static Text Box NA Auto filled All doc instructions are located in the "Required Documents and Instructions" tab

Review Status Static Text Box NA Auto filled

Add document clarifying notes if necessary. Text Box NA Not Required

Missing Document Justification Text Box NA Required only if a required document is not uploaded

FINAL REVIEW FORM Please Review and Confirm

This final review form serves as the version of the Prescreen you are about to submit. If you wish to make edits, return to the editable preview screen to do so.
Public Safety Officers’ Educational Assistance (PSOEA) Prescreen Successfully Submitted

You have successfully submitted your Education Benefits Prescreen, the initial step in applying for PSOEA Program Benefits.
An Education Specialist will review your Prescreen to confirm eligibility to apply. After submitting your Prescreen and receiving confirmation to apply, you will be granted access to complete the Public Safety Officers Education Benefits Application.
If you have questions about your Education Benefits Prescreen or any of the subsequent steps in filing for these benefits, please do not hesitate to call the PSOB Customer Resource Center at 1-888-744-6513 Monday through Friday between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, or email

How to Apply for Public Safety Officers’ Educational Assistance (PSOEA) Program Benefits

Eligibility for PSOEA Benefits:
Spouses or children of Public Safety Officers whose PSOB death or disability claims have previously been approved are eligible to apply for PSOEA benefits. As a PSOEA applicant, there MUST have been a previously approved PSOB death or disability claim for the applicable Public Safety Officer.
Public Safety Officers’ children are no longer eligible for assistance after their 27th birthday, absent a finding of extraordinary circumstances by the Attorney General.
Assistance under the PSOEA Program is available for 45 months of full-time education or training or for a proportional period of time for a part-time program.

Application Instructions for PSOEA Benefits:

Step 1:
To begin your benefits application for the Public Safety Officers’ Educational Assistance (PSOEA) Program, you must first complete the Education Benefits Prescreen. After clicking the "Prescreen" link below, you will be asked to provide the minimally required materials needed to confirm your eligibility for benefits prior to beginning your Education Benefits Application.

Step 2: After submitting your Education Benefits Prescreen and receiving notice that your Prescreen has been accepted, you will be granted access to complete the Education Benefits Application/Term information. After clicking the Application/Term link below, you will be asked to provide further information about your education claim, including evidential documents and educational information.

Public Safety Officers’ Education Benefits Application

Review the information below for accuracy. If the information has changed, please make the alterations where necessary.

In which capacity are you filing for education benefits? Radio Student, Student's Parent, Authorized Representative, Other (please describe) Required

If "other" selected, describe your filing type: Text Box NA Only required if "other" is chosen as an answer for the previous questions.

Parent, Authorized Representative, or "other" Prefix Dropdown
Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss, Dr., Other(please describe) Not Required

Describe "other" here Text Box NA Required (if "other" is chosen)

Parent, Authorized Representative, or "other" First Name Text Box NA Required

Parent, Authorized Representative, or "other" Last Name Text Box NA Required

Parent, Authorized Representative, or "other" Suffix Text Box NA Not Required

Parent, Authorized Representative, or "other" Phone Number Text Box NA Required

Parent, Authorized Representative, or "other" Alternate Phone Number Text Box NA Not Required

Parent, Authorized Representative, or "other" Email Text Box NA Required

Student Prefix Dropdown
Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss, Dr., Other(please describe) Not Required

Describe "other" here Text Box NA Required (if "other" is chosen)

Student First Name Text Box NA Required

Student Last Name Text Box NA Required

Student Suffix Text Box NA Not Required

Student Date of Birth Text Box/Date Picker NA Required

Student Phone Number Text Box NA Required

Student Alternate Phone Number Text Box NA Not Required

Student Email Address Text Box NA Required

Primary Contact Person Prefix Dropdown
Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss, Dr., Other(please describe) Not Required

Describe "other" here Text Box NA Required (if "other" is chosen)

Are you the primary contact person for all matters related to the PSOEA Program? Radio Yes/No Required

Primary Contact Person First Name Text Box NA Required

Primary Contact Person Last Name Text Box NA Required

Primary Contact Person Suffix Text Box NA Not Required

Primary Contact Person Phone Number Text Box NA Required

Primary Contact Person Alternate Phone Number Text Box NA Not Required

Primary Contact Person Email Address Text Box NA Required

Student's Record of Education

"Add School" modal

Student's Record of Education

Education Term Payment Add school or term information
Name of School Text Box NA Required

School City Text Box NA Required

School State Dropdown Alabama (AL)
Alaska (AK)
Arizona (AZ)
Arkansas (AR)
California (CA)
Colorado (CO)
Connecticut (CT)
Delaware (DE)
Florida (FL)
Georgia (GA)
Hawaii (HI)
Idaho (ID)
Illinois (IL)
Indiana (IN)
Iowa (IA)
Kansas (KS)
Kentucky (KY)
Louisiana (LA)
Maine (ME)
Maryland (MD)
Massachusetts (MA)
Michigan (MI)
Minnesota (MN)
Mississippi (MS)
Missouri (MO)
Montana (MT)
Nebraska (NE)
Nevada (NV)
New Hampshire (NH)
New Jersey (NJ)
New Mexico (NM)
New York (NY)
North Carolina (NC)
North Dakota (ND)
Ohio (OH)
Oklahoma (OK)
Oregon (OR)
Pennsylvania (PA)
Rhode Island (RI)
South Carolina (SC)
South Dakota (SD)
Tennessee (TN)
Texas (TX)
Utah (UT)
Vermont (VT)
Virginia (VA)
Washington (WA)
West Virginia (WV)
Wisconsin (WI)
Wyoming (WY)
American Samoa
Northern Mariana Islands
Puerto Rico (PR)
US Virgin Islands
Other (outside U.S. Territories)

Describe "other" here Text Box NA Required (if "other" is chosen)

School Country Text Box NA Not Required

Type of School Dropdown
College/University, Vocational/Trade School, Other Required

Describe "other" here Text Box NA Required (if "other" is chosen) as an answer to the previous question.

Dates Attended From Text Box/Date Picker NA Required

Dates Attended To Text Box/Date Picker NA Required

Degree/Certification Attempting or Achieved Text Box NA Required

Graduation or Expected Graduation Date Text Box/Date Picker NA Required

Public Safety Officers’ Education Benefits Application

Use the grid below to add information about the educational terms for which you are seeking benefits.

"Add Term/School" modal

Education Term Payment Add school or term information
Term Dropdown
Fall, Spring, Summer, Winter, Other (please describe) Required

Describe "other" here: Text Box NA Only required if "other" chosen as an answer to the previous question

Year Text Box NA Required

Name of School Text Box NA Required

City Text Box NA Required

State/Country Text Box NA Required

Did you receive any assistance for this term? Radio Yes/No Required

Information about Educational Assistance Add Educational Assistance

Please list all additional public and private educational assistance you received or will receive for the term(s) for which you are applying. Include assistance such as tuition waivers, grants, or scholarships from public and private sources. Do not list any loans.

"Add Assistance" modal

Term Dropdown
Fall, Spring, Summer, Winter, Other (please describe) Required

Describe "other" here: Text Box NA Only required if "other" chosen as an answer to the previous question

Year Text Box NA Required

Source/Organization/Institution Name Text Box NA Required

Amount Received Text Box NA Required

Student Loan Status Verification

Section 32.35(a) of the PSOEA Regulations states that an individual who is in default on any student loan obtained through Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 will not receive PSOEA benefits unless those benefits are used for repayment of the defaulted loans and the student provides evidence of this in the form of an approved repayment plan. Please select only one from the following: Radio I have not obtained any student loans (such as Stafford Loans) through Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965.
I have obtained students loans (such as Stafford Loans) through Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 but am not in default on any of them.
I am currently in default on loans (such as Stafford Loans) obtained through Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965. Assistance under the PSOEA Program is to be used for repayment of the defaulted loans and I am submitting an approved repayment plan with this form.
I am currently in default on loans (such as Stafford Loans) obtained through Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965. I do not have an approved repayment plan.

APPLICATION PREVIEW Please Review and Confirm

The following is a summary of the information you have entered. Please review and make any necessary changes to this page before submitting your application.
Education Application/Terms Required Documents

Based on your responses, a customized checklist has been generated. The following required documents must be uploaded for the application to be considered complete. If you have any questions, please contact the PSOB Customer Resource Center at 1-888-744-6513 or

Document Type Static Text Box NA Auto filled

Association Static Text Box NA Auto filled

Date Requested Static Text Box NA Auto filled

Date Uploaded Static Text Box NA Auto filled

Review Status Static Text Box NA Auto filled

Instructions Static Text Box NA Auto filled

Add document clarifying notes if necessary. Text Box NA Not Required

Missing Documents

Your application is missing one or more required documents needed to successfully submit your application. Please go to the previous screen to review the list of required documents, to upload all required documents or to provide an explanation of why a document is missing.


I certify that all information set forth above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I authorize the release of school records to the Department of Justice for the sole purpose of administering the PSOEA Program. I understand that I must provide the PSOB Office with a copy of my transcript each time I apply for benefits, and that failure to maintain satisfactory progress may result in a loss of additional assistance.
I certify that the PSOEA benefits being provided to me will only be used for educational or vocational purposes consistent with 42 USC § 3796d and 28 CFR § 32. I further certify that I am not in default on any student loans provided or guaranteed by the United States Government.
I know of no facts or circumstances that would render the person identified here as ineligible for the benefit. I understand that knowingly and willfully making a false or incomplete statement or failing to fully disclose pertinent information concerning this claim may be grounds for non-payment of benefits or for prosecution for a false statement under 18 U.S.C. § 1001.

Checking this box asserts that all of the information you provided on this form is true and correct, and will be treated as an electronic signature by the applicant.
Checkbox NA Required

FINAL REVIEW FORM Please Review and Confirm

This final review form serves as the version of the application you are about to submit. If you wish to make edits, return to the editable preview screen to do so.

Public Safety Officers’ Education Assistance (PSOEA) Program - Successful Submission of Term Documents Public Safety Officers’ Education Assistance (PSOEA) Program - Successful Submission of Term Documents

You have successfully submitted your term documents as part of your PSOEA Application. An Education Specialist will review your expense-related documentation to confirm that you have provided all the required documents needed to assess your eligibility for educational assistance.
If you have questions about your PSOEA Application or any of the subsequent steps in filing for Education Benefits, please do not hesitate to call the PSOB Customer Resource Center at 1-888-744-6513 Monday through Friday between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, or email

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