Faculty Loan Repayment Program Application

Faculty Loan Repayment Program

FLRP User Guide

Faculty Loan Repayment Program Application

OMB: 0906-0082

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BHW Management
Information System Solution
Faculty Loan Repayment Program
FY 2021 Online Application User Guide
Last Revised: 04/05/21


Table of Contents
Introduction: FLRP Online Application User Guide ....................................................................................... 4
Section 1: Create Account ............................................................................................................................. 5
Section 2: Logging In ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Section 3: Home Page ................................................................................................................................... 7
Section 4: Eligibility ..................................................................................................................................... 10
Section 5: General Information ................................................................................................................... 12
Section 6: Qualifying Education .................................................................................................................. 15
Section 7: Loan Information ........................................................................................................................ 18
Section 8: Employment Search & Information ........................................................................................... 23
Section 9: Supporting Documents............................................................................................................... 26
Section 10: Self-Certification ....................................................................................................................... 29
Section 11: Review & Submit ...................................................................................................................... 31
Section 12: Home Page (“Submitted” status) ............................................................................................. 33
Section 13: Resolving Issues ........................................................................................................................ 34
For Technical Issues: ............................................................................................................................... 34
For Logging Issues: .................................................................................................................................. 34
For Program Related Issues: ................................................................................................................... 34


Table of Figures
Figure 1: Create Account Link ....................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 2: Account Enabled Message ............................................................................................................. 6
Figure 3: FLRP Application Home Page ......................................................................................................... 7
Figure 4: FLRP Application Home Page (continued)...................................................................................... 8
Figure 5: Application Status Page.................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 6: Eligibility Page .............................................................................................................................. 11
Figure 7: General Information Page ............................................................................................................ 13
Figure 8: General Information Page (continued) ........................................................................................ 14
Figure 9: Qualifying Education Page ........................................................................................................... 15
Figure 10: Add a New School ...................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 11: Loan Information Page ............................................................................................................... 18
Figure 12: Loan Details ................................................................................................................................ 20
Figure 13: Loan Supporting Documents ...................................................................................................... 21
Figure 14: Loan Summary Page ................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 15: Employment Search ................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 16: Employment Information ........................................................................................................... 25
Figure 17: Supporting Documents .............................................................................................................. 26
Figure 18: Uploaded Supporting Documents .............................................................................................. 28
Figure 19: Self-Certification......................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 20: Review & Submit Page ............................................................................................................... 31
Figure 21: Submitted Landing Page ............................................................................................................ 33


Introduction: FLRP Online Application User Guide
Goal: The FLRP online application user guide serves as the guidance for the Call Center to answer
applicant inquiries. In addition to this user guide, the call center analysts must be familiar with the FLRP
Application Program & Guidance, as some applicant questions will be policy based, and are not
discussed in this document. The primary intent for this user guide is to focus on the functionality
developed for the FLRP online application.
Roles: There are no roles associated with the FLRP online application, as any external user can apply.


Section 1: Create Account
In order to being the FLRP Online Application, the applicant must first create an account.
1. Applicant navigates to the online application via the Application Web Link
2. Applicant selects the “Create a FLRP Application Account” link in the bottom left hand section of
the page (Figure 1)

Figure 1: Create Account Link


Section 2: Logging In
Once an applicant activates the account, the applicant is able to log in. The applicant will enter the
email address (username) and password used when creating the account in order to log in. If the
applicant forgets the password, the applicant can select the “forgot your password?” link to reset the
password; this will be later.

Figure 2: Account Enabled Message

1. Applicant enters his/her email address and password
2. Applicant selects “Log In”
3. System re-directs applicant to the FLRP Online Application Home Page.
Business Rules:

After selecting the activation link in the email, the system notifies the applicant that the account
is activated (this only happens once on the initial log in).
After the applicant’s second failed log in attempt, the applicant will be warned that the account
will be locked if the next log in attempt is incorrect.
The applicant’s account will be locked after the third failed log in attempt and the applicant will
be required to go through the “Forgot your Password” process or contact the Call Center to
unlock their account.

Section 3: Home Page
Upon logging into the application, the applicant will first see the Home Page. The Home Page will display
content as it relates to the application status. If the applicant is in “Not Started” status, the page will
display an outline of the FLRP application and a button that allows the applicant to begin the
application. Once the application has started, the status will be “In Progress” and the Home Page will
display a table with the application progress.

Figure 3: FLRP Application Home Page


Figure 4: FLRP Application Home Page (continued)

If the applicant has already started a FLRP online application and is logging back in, the home page will
display the “In Progress” status if the applicant has already started his/her FLRP online application and
logged off, upon logging back in, he/she are directed to the Home Page. The Home Page will now
display “In Progress” status, and the applicant will be able to select “Continue” or a link to the desired
section from the table.


1. Applicant reads information on status page (Figure 5)
2. Applicant selects to navigate to a specific section by selecting the active link to the desired page
name in the table.
a. Only pages that have been completed or are in progress can be selected.
3. Applicant selects “Continue” and the system directs the applicant to the first incomplete page.
Business Rules:

The system shall only link pages that are in a “Complete” or “In Progress” status. The applicant
will not be able to navigate to a page that has a “Not Started” status.
If the applicant selects “Continue”, the applicant will be taken to the first incomplete page. For
example, if Education Information is “Complete”, the system shall direct the applicant to the
Loan Information if “Continue” is selected from the status page.

Figure 5: Application Status Page


Section 4: Eligibility
The Eligibility Page is used to determine if an applicant meets the basic eligibility requirements for the
Faculty Loan Repayment Program. If the applicant is deemed eligible based on the answers provided on
this page, the rest of the application will be available for completion. If the applicant is deemed
ineligible, the applicant will receive a screen detailing the eligibility requirements. The system will not
tell the applicant what combination of answers caused the applicant to be deemed ineligible. The
applicant has the opportunity to return to the Eligibility page to alter any answers.
1. Applicant answers all required questions (Figure 6).
2. Applicant selects “Continue” once they have answered all eligibility questions.
3. Applicant will be directed to General Information page if found eligible.
Business Rules:


If the applicant answers “Yes” to question 5, the system will display two sub-questions.
o Each sub-question is required
o If the applicant indicates “Yes” for “Will it be completely satisfied on or before the
application deadline?”, they will be required to provide supporting documentation on
the Supporting Documents section of the application.
The applicant may select any tool tip for additional information on specific questions.


Figure 6: Eligibility Page


Section 5: General Information
The General Information page consists of questions about the applicant’s contact information. The
information under Full Name (such as First and Last Name, etc.) is pre-populated from the answers the
applicant entered when creating his/her account. These fields are editable.
1. Applicant answers required fields (Figure 7 - 8)
2. Applicant selects “Continue” one they have answered all required fields.
3. Applicant will be directed to the Education Information page if all required fields are
Business Rules:

Required fields are denoted with an asterisk.
The applicant is required to answer the race and ethnicity demographic question
o The user has an option to select “I do not wish to disclose”
 The following fields are populated from answers entered during the create account process:
o First Name
o Last Name
o Middle Initial
o Title
o Suffix
 If the applicant selects a country other than the United States, the State/Province/Region field
transforms from a dropdown to a required text field.
 Only the last four numbers of the applicant’s SSN is displayed after the page is saved (xxx-xxx1234).
 The applicant will not be able to move forward if the SSN associated with the account is found
o Have defaulted on a previous BHW obligation
o Have an existing service with an obligation end date past the application deadline
o Exist in another FLRP application account
 If applicant indicates that one of his/her phone numbers is a non-U.S. #, the field updates from
a U.S. phone format field to a text field.
 Applicant Birth Date must be prior to application cycle start date.
 The Account Settings page will contain the following pre-populated fields upon submission of
the application:
o Applicant home Current Mailing Address
o Applicant Preferred (Primary) Number
o Applicant Alternate (Secondary) Phone Number


Figure 7: General Information Page


Figure 8: General Information Page (continued)


Section 6: Qualifying Education
The Qualifying Education page collects eligible discipline, graduation status and other relevant education
information from applicants.


Applicant selects eligible discipline and answers (Figure 9)
Applicant indicates if they are currently enrolled in a health professions school.
Applicants selects ‘Save”, at which point the eligible discipline is saved.
Applicant enters required school information in the “Add a New School” section (Figure 10)
a. Applicant selects the checkbox if they did or will receive a degree in their eligible health
profession discipline
b. If the applicant indicates that they did or will receive a degree in their eligible health
profession discipline, the applicant will be required to indicate the type(s) of degree
received and date received.
Applicant selects “Choose File” to select the appropriate document (unofficial transcript) to
Applicant selects “Add and Save this school” in order to save the entered school information.
Applicant can edit or delete school information entered by selecting “Edit” or “Delete” next to
the school information he/she wish to edit or delete.
After choosing to edit a school, the applicant selects “Add/Update this school” to save changes
and updates.
Applicant selects OK to confirm intent to delete a school.
Applicant selects ‘Continue” once all schools have been added to the table and all required
fields have been entered.
Applicant will be directed to Loan Information page if all required fields are entered.

Figure 9: Qualifying Education Page


Business Rules:



If applicant checks box “I did or will receive my degree in my eligible health profession discipline
(indicated above) from this school” then the applicant must select the type of degrees receive
and date degree received in Question 4.
Applicant must enter at least one school at which the applicant received or will receive an
eligible degree/discipline in order to continue.
The School End Date and Received Degree Date (if applicable) of each school must be before or
on 6/28 of the current fiscal year in order for the applicant to be eligible.
The School End Date must be on or before the Received Degree Date.
The School Start Date must be:

After Birth Date


Prior to Current Date


Before School End Date

The applicant must submit an unofficial transcript for each school entered on the qualifying
education page in order to continue to the Loan Information.


Figure 10: Add a New School


Section 7: Loan Information
The Loan Information page collects the applicant’s information regarding the loan information the
applicant will submit with his/her FLRP Application. The applicant will be required to provide the loan
account servicing lender, original amount, balance, related dates and supporting documentation for
each loan submitted.

Figure 11: Loan Information Page




Applicant selects “Add a New Loan” (Figure 11)
Applicant is directed to the Loan Details page (Figure 12)
Applicant selects “Continue to Documents” once he/she has answered all required fields.
On the Supporting Documents page for the loan, the applicant will upload the required
documentation for each loan (Figure 13).
Applicant selects the type of document he/she wants to upload.
Applicant selects ‘Choose File” to find the file that contains the document selected.
Applicant selects “Upload” to upload the file selected.
Applicant will see the documents that have been uploaded, the type of document uploaded and
the status of the document.
a. The applicant will also have the option to remove the document in a table at the bottom of
the page.
Applicant will repeat steps 1-7 for each loan submitted for repayment.
Applicant selects ‘Save” once he/she have uploaded all required documents.
After selecting ‘Save”, the applicant will be directed to a loan summary page where he/she can
view each loan submitted under each servicing lender with the loan’s account number, balance,
and if the applicant uploaded all required documents for the loan (Figure 14).

Business Rules:
 If the applicant selects “Other” to Question 1 “Name of Current Servicing Lender,” the applicant
will be required to enter the name of the servicing lender, phone number, and fax number.
 If the applicant answers “Yes” to Question 7 “Is this loan in default?” the applicant will be
required to provide the date of default.
 If the applicant answers “Yes” to Question 8 “Is this loan under federal court judgment?” the
applicant will be required to provide the date of judgment.
 If the applicant answers “Yes” to Question 9 “Was this loan sold?” the applicant will be required
to provide the name of the original servicing lender.
 If the applicant answers “Yes” to Question 10 “Is this a consolidated loan,” the applicant will be
required to give the number of loans that have been consolidated and the original dates of each
consolidated loan.
 The applicant will be required to provide supporting documentation for each loan entered in
order to submit the application. The applicant will be prompted to upload the documents on
the Loan Supporting Documents page. The applicant may continue, but will not be able to
submit the application until all supporting documents are uploaded. The required documents
are determined by the loan type.


Figure 12: Loan Details


Figure 13: Loan Supporting Documents


Business Rules (continued):





Applicants will have the option to edit any loans that have been entered by selecting Edit in the
loan summary table. This will direct the applicant to the loan details page where the applicant
may edit the loan information or remove the loan from the application.
Applicant will have the option to delete any loan document that has been uploaded by selecting
Remove in the uploaded documents table next to the document.
The loan information page will display each servicing lender. The details associated with the
servicing lender will be collapsed, and can be expanded to view the account number, balance,
status of uploaded documents, and option to edit the loan.
System shall require that Original Date of Loan be:
o No more than (3) months prior to earliest school start date, if No to Consolidated Loan
o No more than (3) months after latest School End Date, if No to Consolidated Loan
o After Loan Consolidated Dates, if applicant indicated that the loan was consolidated
o Prior to Loan in Default/Loan Judgment Dates, if Yes to Loan in Default or Loan under
System shall require Consolidated Loan Dates to be:
o No more than 3 months prior to earliest school start date
o No more than 3 months after latest school end date
o Prior to Original Date of Loan
The application will automatically remove any document uploaded for Consolidated Loans if the
loan is edited and the Consolidated Loan supporting document is no longer required.

Figure 14: Loan Summary Page


Section 8: Employment Search & Information
The Employment Information page asks for the applicant’s current employment information. FLRP
applicants must apply with a school as the site of employment.
1. Applicant enters required information for the employment site (Figure 15)
2. Applicant selects “Search”
3. Applicant chooses the appropriate school from the list of search results. If the applicant does
not see the correct school on the list of results, the option at the bottom of the results list, “I do
not see my school listed. Please add this school with the address above as the accredited school
at which I am employed” should be selected.
4. Upon selecting a school, the applicant will be required to enter all required fields (Figure 16)
5. Applicant selects “Continue”
Business Rules:

Applicant must enter a school name and address in order to continue.
Applicant must indicate contract duration and contract appointment dates if response to
appointment status = Not Tenured
o Applicant must select appointment duration months from dropdown if “Other” is
o Appointment End Date must be after Appointment Start Date
o Appointment Start Date must be on or prior to July 31st of the current fiscal year


Figure 15: Employment Search


Figure 16: Employment Information


Section 9: Supporting Documents
The Supporting Documents page displays all required documentation that an applicant must submit with
his/her FLRP application. Applicants may be required to upload documents that correspond to the
answers provided on the application.

Figure 17: Supporting Documents


Applicant selects the type of required document intended to upload (Figure 17).
Applicant selects “Browse” to find the document he/she wishes to upload.
Applicant selects “Upload” when he/she selects the appropriate document.
Applicant repeats these steps for all of the required documents.
Applicant selects “Continue” (Figure 18).


Business Rules:




The file name of the uploaded documents will be displayed.
Applicant can upload the following formats:
o Jpg
o .doc
o .pdf
o .txt
Applicant can upload document size up to 4 MB.
The document status will be updated as:
o Not Received
o Received
A transcript will be required for each school submitted on the Qualified Education page for the
applicant to continue.
If the applicant answered “Yes” to Existing Service Complete Prior to Deadline on the Eligibility
page, a “Service Obligation Document” is required for the applicant to continue.
If the applicant answered “Yes” to Still in School on the Education page, a Letter of Good
Standing is required in lieu of a copy of diploma or certificate.
If the applicant answered “Yes” to Previously Received FLRP Award on the General page, a copy
of the most recent FLRP Payment History will be required.
The applicant will be able to view documents that have been uploaded after application
All required documents must have a status of “Received” for the applicant to submit the
The Document Type of each loan under the Loan Documents table will be displayed based on
the type of loan document:
o Required Loan Supporting Document
o Additional Loan Document
o Consolidated Loan Supporting Document
The loan service and account number will be displayed next to each loan document uploaded.
The required loan documents and required school transcripts must be uploaded on the Loan
Information page and Qualified Education page respectively. The status of the documents will
be reflected on the Supporting Documents page.


Figure 18: Uploaded Supporting Documents


Section 10: Self-Certification
The purpose of the Self-Certification page is for the applicant to confirm the statements regarding
debarment, suspension, disqualification and related matters form. The applicant also gives authorization
for disclosure of financial information. The applicant must agree to these certifications in order to
submit the FLRP application.

Figure 19: Self-Certification


1. Applicant reads the Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Disqualification and Related
Matters statement (Figure 19)
2. Applicant checks the that certifies to the statement
3. Applicant reads the Authorization for Disclosure of Financial Information
4. Applicant selects “Continue”
Business Rules:

The applicant must check both boxes to continue.
The applicant will be directed to the Review and Submit page after he/she completes the
certification page.


Section 11: Review & Submit
The Review & Submit page is the final opportunity that the applicant has to review and update the
application prior to submission. The Review & Submit page has a table with each section and the status
of that section. The applicant can select the top navigation menu or a link in the Review & Submit table
to view the chosen page.

Figure 20: Review & Submit Page


1. Applicant reviews the application (Figure 20).
2. Applicant enters the password and selects
Business Rules:

Applicant may view and edit any page of the application by clicking on the page name before
Applicant must enter in their correct password in order to submit the application.
All page statuses except for the review and submit must be complete in order for the applicant
to submit the application.


Section 12: Home Page (“Submitted” status)
After the applicant submits the FLRP application, the home page will display a “Submitted” status (see
figure 13.1). The home page will always display the overall application status. Additionally, the page will
provide the applicant links to the uploaded supporting documentation. The tables are divided by type of
documents, with the supporting documentation in the first table, transcripts in the second table, and the
loan documents in the last table. The table displays the document title, the document file, and the status
(which will all be received), and provides the applicant the ability to view each document. The applicant
will also have the ability to update the Account Settings, view the submitted application (in .pdf, noneditable form) and view the FAQs page.

Figure 21: Submitted Landing Page


Section 13: Resolving Issues
Please follow the instructions to resolve any inquiries a FLRP applicant might have:

For Technical Issues:
a. When a technical issue is encountered, e.g. Applicant cannot upload supporting documents,
the Call Center should log this issue in the BMISS Issue Tracker with the applicant’s contact
information and a description of the problem. At this point, the BMISS HyperCare Support
Team would define and resolve the issue as well as notify the Call Center analyst of the
b. Call Center email: GetHelp@hrsa.gov
c. Call Center phone number: 1-800-221-9393 or TTY for hearing impaired at 1-800-897-9910

For Logging Issues:

When logging issues into the BMISS Issue Tracker
(http://www.hrsabmissspuat.com:1000/default.aspx) – Log issues as
“FLRP Online App” for the Type of Issue field.
– Attach a screenshot to the issue (if applicable)
– Include the following details in the Summary section:
 Applicant information: Full name, email, phone number, unique ID and last
four of SSN
 The exact Online Application screen the applicant was on when the issue
 The Web Browser the applicant was using
 The frequency of the issue

For Program Related Issues:
a. If an applicant has a program question, the Call Center will try to answer the problem by
referring to the Application and Program Guidance. If the Call Center is unable to answer
the question, the Faculty Loan Repayment Program should be contacted by Call Center.
Online Application Program Related Issues Contacts:
 FLRP main email: NURSECORPSLRPSupport@hrsa.gov
 FLRP main phone number: 301-594-4098
Capturing Applicant Information:
 The following applicant information should be captured and as much detail of the issue as
o First and Last Name
o Email Address
o Phone Number
o Unique ID
o Section of online application the user was on when the problem was encountered
o Detailed summary of the problem
o Supporting Document (If applicable)

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleFY21 FLRP Online Application User Guide
AuthorMariah Fletcher
File Modified2023-11-02
File Created2021-04-05

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