F4EQ State Survey_OMBv3_toACF_12.08.23 (clean)

Financing for Early Care and Education: Quality and Access for All (F4EQ)

F4EQ State Survey_OMBv3_toACF_12.08.23 (clean)

OMB: 0970-0623

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State Administrator

Draft 11 | December 8, 2023

Shape1 Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Definitions 3

Funding Sources & Distribution 5

Funding Stream Regulations and Requirements 14

State Collaboration and Integration 19

Beliefs and Mindsets 26

T/TA, Guidance, and Resources for Combining Funds 30

Your Background 33

Survey Introduction



The Paperwork Reduction Act Statement

This collection of information is voluntary and will be used to study the funding models of early care and education (ECE) providers that receive Head Start funds. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 35 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number and expiration date for this collection are OMB #: 0970-XXXX, Exp: XX/XX/XXXX. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to Stacy Ehrlich Loewe at loewe-stacy@norc.org.


Combining” or “combined” funding: When more than one funding source is used to support the total cost of a provider’s early care and education (ECE) services. We use combined funding as an umbrella term for the many terms that describe bringing together funds, such as braiding, blending, coordinating, layering, pooling, stacking.

Funding / Funding Sources: These include all funds that pay for support direct services to families and children; other direct costs such as funds for professional learning, materials, books, technical assistance, and coaching; and indirect costs.

Early Care and Education (ECE) Provider/Program Any organization providing early care and education (ECE) services to children aged birth through 5. When the survey asks about “ECE providers,” we want you to think about all early care and education settings.

Head Start Provider/Program: An agency, or their delegate, that is a local public or private non-profit or for-profit entity designated by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) to operate a Head Start program to serve children age three to compulsory school age, pursuant to section 641(b) and (d) of the Head Start Act, as well as Early Head Start (EHS) program, which serve pregnant women and children birth to age 3. When the survey asks about “Head Start Programs,” we want you to think about any provider(s) that receive any form of Head Start funding. This includes EHS, American Indian/Alaska Native Head Start, Migrant and Seasonal Head Start, and EHS programs that are part of EHS-Child Care Partnership (EHS-CCP) grants. Programs may have multiple centers and multiple grants.

Non-Head Start ECE Provider: Any organization providing early care and education services to children aged birth through 5 that does not receive any form of Head Start funding. When the survey asks about “non-Head Start ECE providers,” we want you to think about only non-Head Start ECE providers.

Priority Populations: Children and families who are prioritized for Head Start/ECE enrollment based on relevant risk factors and community needs. Priority populations include but are not limited to: children living in poverty, children in foster care, children experiencing homelessness, children with disabilities, and dual language learners.

State ECE Governance System: This refers to a state's organizational structures and its placement of authority and accountability for making program policy, financing, and implementation decisions for publicly funded early care and education for children birth to age 5.

Funding Sources & Distribution

Instructions: This survey is designed for a [Head Start Collaboration Office Director / CCDF administrator / State Pre-K administrator]. To support you in answering questions accurately, you may collaborate with other administration staff, including a co-lead administrator, who are also responsible for [Head Start collaboration / CCDF funds / State Pre-k funds].

[NOTE: This section will be shown to all respondents—CCDF administrators, state pre-k administrators, and HSCOs. As noted in the instructions immediately below, throughout the survey participants will be able to see definitions of certain terms if they hover over (or tap on touchscreen devices) those terms. In this version of the survey, those terms are highlighted in yellow. The study team is continuing to investigate how to best format those terms in the survey platform.]

Throughout the survey, you may see [FORMATTING] words. If you hover over those words with your mouse, a definition will appear. If using a touchscreen, tap on the words to see definitions.

We will start this survey by asking about various ECE funding sources and how they are combined and distributed to ECE providers.

Which funding sources does your state use to support ECE programming? [Sfd_all]



I don’t know

Child Care and Development Funds (CCDF; including subsidy funds and quality funds) [Sfd_all_1]

State pre-K [Sfd_all_2]

State-funded Head Start (including state-funded Early/Head Start, Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership [EHS-CCP] funds) [Sfd_all_3]

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) (including preschool special education/Part B Section 619 IDEA, Early Intervention/Part C) Sfd_all_4]

Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (ECMHC) [Sfd_all_5]

Workforce Wages/Compensation enhancement funds [Sfd_all_6]

Other revenue sources (e.g., Tobacco Settlement Funds, casino revenue, tax credits/local taxes/earmarks, Social Impact Bonds) Sfd_all_7]

Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) programs [Sfd_all_8]

Migrant education funds [Sfd_all_9]

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) [Sfd_all_10]

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) (including Title I, Title III of ESSA Programs for Dual Language Learners, Title IV, Title VI) [Sfd_all_11]

McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act [Sfd_all_12]

Other (please specify) [Sfd_all_13; Sfd_all_13t]

How knowledgeable are you about each of these funding sources in your state? [Srg_knowl]

Not at all knowledgeable

Not too knowledgeable

Moderately knowledgeable

Very knowledgeable

Extremely knowledgeable

Child Care and Development Funds (CCDF) [Display if “CCDF” selected in Sfd_all]


State pre-K [Display if “State pre-K” selected in Sfd_all] [Srg_knowl_2]

State-funded Head Start [Display if “State-funded Head Start” selected in Sfd_all]


[If at least 2 selected for Sfd_all] You indicated that your state has more than one funding source that supports ECE programming. In some states, multiple funds are combined before being distributed to ECE providers. Does your state combine multiple ECE funding sources before awarding them? [For State Pre-k/CCDF Admins:] Include your [state pre-K/CCDF] agency funds when considering your answer. [Sbr_comb]

Hover over “combined” with definition from above: “When more than one funding source is used to support the total cost of a provider’s early care and education (ECE) services. We use combined funding as an umbrella term for the many terms that describe bringing together funds, such as braiding, blending, coordinating, layering, pooling, stacking.”

  • Yes, we combine ECE funding sources

  • No, we do not combine ECE funding sources

  • Don’t know

[If Sbr_comb = “No” skip to Sbr_no]

[If Sbr_comb = “Don’t know” skip to Srg_guid1]

[If “Yes” for Sbr_comb] Which funding sources does your state combine into any combined pot of funds before awarding them to ECE providers? [Sfd_comb]


Not combined

I don’t know

Repeat options from [Sfd_all except Other (Sfd_all_13)]


[If “Yes” for Sbr_comb] When your state combines multiple ECE funding sources before awarding, does your state create one combined pot of funds or multiple combined pots of funds? [Sdt_mult]

  • One pot of funds

  • Multiple pots of funds

  • Don’t know

[If “Yes” for Sbr_comb] Which of these types of ECE providers are eligible to receive combined ECE funding? [Sdt _elg]


Not eligible

Don’t know

School-based providers [Sdt_elg_1]

Early Head Start/Head Start community-based programs [Sdt_elg_2]

Other community/center-based providers [Sdt_elg_3]

Home-based child care providers [Sdt_elg_4]

Home visiting providers [Sdt_elg_5]

Providers in tribal nations [Sdt_elg_6]

Family, Friend, and Neighbor Care providers [Sdt_elg_7]

Other (please specify) [Sdt_elg_8; Sdt_elg_8t]

[If “Yes” for Sbr_comb] Does your state distribute its combined ECE funds to ECE providers through any of these mechanisms? [Sdt_howCB]



Don’t know

Grants directly to providers [Sdt_howCB_1]

Contracts directly to providers [Sdt_howCB_2]

Certificates/Vouchers directly to providers Sdt_howCB_3]

Allocation through intermediary agencies that distribute funds to providers [Sdt_howCB_4]

Other (please specify) [Sdt_howCB_5; Sdt_howCB_5t]

[Do not allow respondent to select this response option if “other” is filled out]

[If “Yes” for Sbr_comb] To your knowledge, what are the top two reasons your state combines multiple ECE funding sources at the state level? Select up to two. [Sbr_why]

Combining funds at the state level…

  • Makes it easier to distribute funds to ECE providers. [Sbr_why_1]

  • Makes it easier for the state to keep track of funds. [Sbr_why_2]

  • Makes it easier for ECE providers to keep track of funds. [Sbr_why_3]

  • Makes it easier for ECE providers to apply for funds. [Sbr_why_4]

  • Allows our state to provide higher pay to ECE workers. [Sbr_why_5]

  • Allows our state to provide more ECE options to parents. [Sbr_why_6]

  • Helps create a more cohesive ECE system in our state. [Sbr_why_7]

  • Helps our state meet goals related to access, quality, and/or equity. [Sbr_why_8]

  • Other (please specify) [Sbr_why_9; Sbr_why_9t]

  • Don’t know [EXCLUSIVE ANSWER] [Sbr_why_10]

[If “Yes” to Sbr_comb] What are the top three factors your state uses as criteria to prioritize the distribution of state-combined ECE funds to ECE providers? Select up to three. [Sdt_priCB]

  • Whether the ECE provider is located in a tribal nation [Sdt_priCB_1]

  • Whether the ECE provider is located in a rural area [Sdt_priCB_2]

  • Whether the ECE provider is located in an area with a high concentration of families with low incomes [Sdt_priCB_3]

  • Low supply of ECE providers in the area [Sdt_priCB_4]

  • An ECE provider’s capacity to serve priority populations [Sdt_priCB_5]

  • Whether funds would expand provider services (e.g., number of children served, age groups served, offering non-traditional days and hours) [Sdt_priCB_6]

  • Whether the ECE provider receives Head Start funds [Sdt_priCB_7]

  • Whether the ECE provider accepts child care subsidies [Sdt_priCB_8]

  • Whether the ECE provider participates in the state’s Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) [Sdt_priCB_9]

  • Other [Sdt_priCB_10]

  • None – funds are not distributed based on any priority criteria [EXCLUSIVE ANSWER] [Sdt_priCB_11]

[If “Yes” for Sbr _comb] What are the two greatest challenges your state agencies face in combining ECE funding to distribute to ECE providers? Select up to two. [Srg_chal]

  • Requirements of funding sources (e.g., enrollment, eligibility, standards, reporting) are too different from one another. [Srg_chal_1]

  • Governance structures make it logistically difficult to combine funds. [Srg_chal_2]

  • The legislature does not prioritize combining funds at the state level when passing ECE legislation. [Srg_chal_3]

  • The governor does not prioritize combining funds at the state level. [Srg_chal_4]

  • Agency leadership does not prioritize combining funds at the state level. [Srg_chal_5]

  • Agency staff turnover. [Srg_chal_6]

  • Other (please specify) [Srg_chal_7; Srg_chal_7t]

  • Don’t know [EXCLUSIVE ANSWER] [Srg_chal_8]

  • Not applicable, our state does not face any challenges in combining ECE funding. [EXCLUSIVE ANSWER] [Srg_chal_9]

[If “No” for Sbr_comb] In your opinion, what are the top two reasons why your state doesn’t combine ECE funding sources before distributing funds to ECE providers? Select up to two. [Sbr_no]

  • State regulations do not permit combining ECE funds at the state level. [Sbr_no_1]

  • Requirements of funding sources (e.g., enrollment, eligibility, standards, reporting) are too different from one another. [Sbr_no_2]

  • Governance structures make it logistically difficult to combine funds. [Sbr_no_3]

  • The legislature does not prioritize combining funds at the state level when passing ECE legislation. [Sbr_no_4]

  • The governor does not prioritize combining funds at the state level. [Sbr_no_5]

  • Agency leadership does not prioritize combining funds at the state level. [Sbr_no_6]

  • Agency staff turnover. [Sbr_no_7]

  • Combining ECE funding sources at the state level is unnecessary for ECE providers to meet their goals. [Sbr_no_8]

  • The state prefers to leave funding decisions to ECE providers. [Sbr_no_9]

  • Combining funds at the state level is too complicated. [Sbr_no_10]

  • We do not know how to combine funding sources at the state level. [Sbr_no_11]

  • Combining funds at the state level requires resources the state does not have. [Sbr_no_12]

  • Other (please specify) [Sbr_no_13; Sbr_no_13t]

  • Don’t know [EXCLUSIVE ANSWER] [Sbr_no_14]

The next question asks about the policies available for ECE providers around combining funding sources.

Does your state have any written policies that provide guidance on whether and how ECE providers can combine more than one ECE funding source? [Srg_guid1]

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

[NOTE: If “No” to Srg_guid1, SKIP] Which of the following funding sources have state-level written policies that provide guidance on whether and how ECE providers can combine more than one ECE funding source [Srg_guid2]

Yes, has written policies

No, does not have written policies

Don’t know

Not applicable

State child care [Srg_guid2_1]

State pre-K [Srg_guid2_2]

State-funded Early/Head Start [Srg_guid2_3]

State PDG B-5 [Srg_guid2_4]

EHS-Child Care Partnership [Srg_guid2_5]

Cross-ECE systems state [Srg_guid2_6]

Individual ECE Funding Sources

[NOTE: This section will only be shown to either CCDF administrators or state pre-k administrators, focused on their respective funding source.]

In this section of the survey, we will ask you questions about [state pre-K/CCDF] funding.

[“Yes” to Sbr_comb] Does your agency administer any [state pre-K/CCDF] funds to ECE providers, separate from any combined ECE funds? [Sdt_ind]

  • Yes

  • No

[If “No” to Sbr_comb AND selects “CCDF” OR “state pre-K” for [Sfd_all] OR if “yes” to Sdt_ind]

Does your state distribute [state pre-K / CCDF] funds to ECE providers through each of the following mechanisms? [Sdt_how]



Don’t know

Grants directly to providers [Sdt_how_1]

Contracts directly to providers [Sdt_how_2]

Certificates/Vouchers directly to providers [Sdt_how_3]

Allocation through intermediary agencies that distribute funds to providers [Sdt_how_4]

Other (please specify) [Sdt_how_5; [Sdt_how_5t]

Don’t know [EXCLUSIVE RESPONSE] [Sdt_how_6]

[If “yes” to either “Grants directly to providers” OR “Contracts directly to providers” OR “Certificates/Vouchers directly to providers” in Sdt_how] In your state, which of the following agencies are responsible for distributing [pre-K/CCDF] funds directly to ECE providers? [Sdt_age]

Yes, responsible

No, not responsible

Don’t know

State agencies (e.g., governor’s office, education, health and human services) [Sdt_age_1]

Regional or county agencies [Sdt_age_2]

City or town agencies [Sdt_age_3]

Local education agencies [Sdt_age_4]

Tribal agencies [Sdt_age_5]

Other (please describe) [Sdt_age_6; Sdt_age_6t]

[If respondent is pre-K administrator AND either “No” or “Don’t know” to Sbr_comb OR “yes” to Sdt_ind] What are the top three factors your state uses to prioritize the distribution of state pre-K funds to ECE providers? Select up to three. [Sdt_priPK]

  • Whether the ECE provider is located in a tribal nation [Sdt_priPK_1]

  • Whether the ECE provider is located in a rural area [Sdt_priPK_2]

  • Whether the ECE provider is located in an area with a high concentration of families with low income [Sdt_priPK_3]

  • Low supply of ECE services in the area [Sdt_priPK_4]

  • An ECE provider’s capacity to serve priority populations [Sdt_priPK_5]

  • Whether funds would increase provider reach (e.g., number of children served, age groups served, offering non-traditional days and hours) [Sdt_priPK_6]

  • Whether the ECE provider receives Head Start funds[Sdt_priPK_7]

  • Whether the ECE provider accepts child care subsidies [Sdt_priPK_8]

  • The ECE provider’s participation in the state’s Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) [Sdt_priPK_9]

  • Other [Sdt_priPK_10]

  • None – Funds are not distributed based on any priority criteria [EXCLUSIVE ANSWER] [Sdt_priPK_11]

Funding Source Regulations and Requirements

In this section of the survey, we ask you to think about the regulations and requirements that come along with individual ECE funding sources. We also ask some specific questions about Head Start programs.

Are Head Start programs eligible to receive funding from the following sources in your state? [Srg_hs]

Yes, eligible

No, not eligible

Don’t know

[fill in response categories from Sfd_all except Other (sfd_all_13]

[Srg_hs_1... Srg_hs_12]

Does your state offer incentives to Head Start programs for using multiple ECE funding sources? If so, please describe these incentives. [Srg_inc]

  • Yes (please describe: [open-ended text]) [Srg_inc_t]

  • No

  • Don’t know

Does your state require or allow Head Start programs to do any of the following? Select all that apply. [Sde_req]

Required of Head Start programs

Allowed for Head Start programs, but not required

Neither required or allowed for Head Start programs

Don’t know

Comply with state child care licensing standards [Sde_req_1]

Participate in QRIS [Sde_req_2]

Participate in common or coordinated enrollment systems [Sde_req_3]

Contribute program data to state data systems Sde_req_4]

Utilize funding from non-Head Start sources [Sde_req_5]

Partner with non-Head Start ECE providers to provide child care or pre-K education [Sde_req_6]

For this question, please think about [CCDF/state pre-K] and Head Start. To the best of your knowledge, how much are

[if CCDF admin: the most stringent CCDF standards in your state]

[if pre-K admin: the most stringent state pre-K standards]

[if HSCO: the most stringent CCDF or state pre-K standards]

aligned with federal Head Start standards in the following areas: [Srg_align]

Not at all aligned

Not too aligned

Moderately aligned

Mostly aligned

Completely aligned

Don’t know

Workforce qualifications [Srg_align_1]

Workforce supports (including professional development) [Srg_align_2]

Workforce compensation [Srg_align_3]

Instructional standards [Srg_align_4]

Group size [Srg_align_5]

Teacher to child ratios [Srg_align_6]

Health and safety standards [Srg_align_7]

Access to supports for families [Srg_align_8]

Access to mental health supports for children [Srg_align_9]

Family/child eligibility requirements [Srg_align_10]

State Collaboration and Integration

We now would like to understand more about how different agencies focusing on ECE work together in your state (or not), including how Head Start is integrated into the broader ECE system.

Does your office collaborate with local-level (e.g., regional, county) entities that are part of the state ECE governance system in any of the following ways? [Sgv_colgov]



Don’t know

To align state and local expectations for ECE financing [Sgv_colgv_1]

To conduct needs assessments [Sgv_colgv_2]

To plan, fund, and assist the implementation of ECE services [Sgv_colgv_3]

To offer training and technical assistance to local ECE providers [Sgv_colgv_4]

To track, report, and sustain progress [Sgv_colgv_5]

To inform ongoing systems-strengthening efforts [Sgv_colgv_6]

Other [Sgv_colgv_7]

How frequently does your office collaborate on ECE financing with local-level entities that are not formally part of the state ECE governance system? These might include cities or other entities that make ECE financing decisions independent of your state. [Sgv_colngv]

  • Not at all

  • Not too frequently

  • Moderately frequently

  • Frequently

  • Very frequently

How involved are people in these roles (or from these agency offices) in your state’s ECE advisory groups (e.g., State Advisory Council on Early Childhood Education and Care, PDG Birth to Five councils, early learning councils)? [Shs_inf]

Not at all involved

Not too involved

Moderately involved

Very involved

Extremely involved

Head Start Program Directors [Shs_inf_1]

Non-Head Start ECE Program Directors [Shs_inf_2]

Head Start Collaboration Office Director [Shs_inf_3]

State CCDF Administrator [Shs_inf_4]

State Pre-K Program Administrator(s) [Shs_inf_5]

Local Education Agency Administrators [Shs_inf_6]

In the past 2 years, how influential were Head Start Program Directors with the following state efforts? [Shs_hsdir]

Not at all influential

Not too influential

Moderately influential

Very influential

Extremely influential

Not applicable

Developing QRIS standards [Shs_hsdir_1]

Developing program licensing requirements [Shs_hsdir_2]

Developing professional development requirements for educators [Shs_hsdir_3]

In the past 2 years, how influential [CCDF/Pre-K: was the Head Start Collaboration Office / HSCOs: was your office] with the following state efforts? [Shs_hsco]

Not at all influential

Not too influential

Moderately influential

Very influential

Extremely influential

Not applicable

Developing QRIS standards/regulations [Shs_hsco_1]

Developing program licensing requirements [Shs_hsco_2]

Developing professional development requirements for educators [Shs_hsco_3]

Which of the following ECE provider data are included in your state’s integrated ECE data system? Select all that apply. [Shs_data]

  • Head Start [Shs_data_1]

  • State pre-K [Shs_data_2]

  • ECE programs run by public school districts and charter schools (LEAs) [Shs_data_3]

  • Private providers receiving CCDF [Shs_data_4]

  • Other non-ECE social services [Shs_data_5]

  • Our state does not have an integrated ECE data system [Shs_data_6]

  • Other [Shs_data_7]

  • Don’t know [Shs_data_8] [EXCLUSIVE ANSWER]

[If Head Start is selected in Shs_data] Are Head Start child- or family-level data linked with other state-level data systems (e.g., with a unique identifier)? [Shs_dataid]

  • Yes, both child- and family-level data

  • Yes, only child-level data

  • Yes, only family-level data

  • No

  • Don’t know

To what extent do you agree with the following statements: [Shs_inv]

Don’t agree at all

Somewhat agree

Moderately agree

Mostly agree

Strongly Agree

Don’t know

Our state takes Head Start providers’ feedback into account when making decisions about allocating state ECE funds. [Shs_inv_1]

Our state takes Head Start families’ feedback into account when making decisions about allocating state ECE funds. [Shs_inv_2]

Our state considers Head Start Program Performance Standards when setting regulations for other state ECE funding sources. [Shs_inv_3]

What do you see as the biggest barriers to better integrating Head Start providers’ or families’ perspectives into state ECE policymaking (if any)? [Shs_barr_t]

  • [Open-ended response]

How frequently, if at all, do you collaborate with the following individuals? [Srl_freq]

Not frequently at all

Not too frequently

Moderately frequently


Very frequently

[Show only to non-CCDF administrators] State CCDF administrator(s) [Srl_freq_1]

[Show only to non-State pre-K administrators] State pre-K administrator(s) [Srl_freq_2]

Early/Head Start program director(s) [Srl_freq_3]

Head Start Collaboration Office Director [ONLY SHOWN TO NON-HSCO RESPONDENTS] [Srl_freq_4]

How influential is your collaboration with [FILL PERSON TYPE (EXCEPT THOSE “NOT FREQUENTLY AT ALL”) FROM Srl_freq] for decision making on the following issues? [Srl_inf]

Not at all influential

Not too influential

Moderately influential

Very influential

Extremely influential

Do not collaborate on this

Aligning ECE funding source policies, standards, and requirements [Srl_infCC_1 / Srl_infPK_1 / Srl_infHSD_1 / Srl_infHSO_1]

Aligning ECE funding source monitoring and accountability [Srl_infCC_2 / Srl_infPK_2 / Srl_infHSD_2 / Srl_infHSO_2]

Maximizing ECE financial resources to enhance quality, access, and equity [Srl_infCC_3 / Srl_infPK_3 / Srl_infHSD_3 / Srl_infHSO_3]

Enhancing QRIS [Srl_infCC_4 / Srl_infPK_4 / Srl_infHSD_4 / Srl_infHSO_4]

Enhancing professional development systems for ECE programs [Srl_infCC_5 / Srl_infPK_5 / Srl_infHSD_5 / Srl_infHSO_5]

Issuing joint guidance on specific topics [Srl_infCC_6 / Srl_infPK_6 / Srl_infHSD_6 / Srl_infHSO_6]

[SHOWN TO HSCO RESPONDENTS ONLY] What are the top three ways your Head Start State Collaboration Office collaborates with other state-level ECE departments/agencies? Select up to three. [Srl_stdep]

  • Work together on specific initiatives [Srl_stdep_1]

  • Work together on ongoing core department/agency activities [Srl_stdep_2]

  • Jointly participate in policy workgroups or committees [Srl_stdep_3]

  • Jointly educate legislators on ECE-related issues [Srl_stdep_4]

  • Jointly develop inter-agency/inter-departmental MOUs [Srl_stdep_5]

  • Jointly develop professional development and/or training sessions for ECE program/provider staff [Srl_stdep_6]

  • Jointly develop comprehensive ECE data system [Srl_stdep_7]

  • Jointly develop guidance or regulations for ECE programs [Srl_stdep_8]

[SHOWN TO NON HSCO RESPONDENTS ONLY] What are the top three ways your department/agency collaborates with your state’s Head Start State Collaboration Office? Select up to three. [Srl_hsco]

  • [REPEAT RESPONSE OPTIONS FROM Srl_stdep] [Srl_hsco_1... Srl_hsco_8]

[SHOWN TO HSCO RESPONDENTS ONLY] How frequently do you engage with Head Start program leaders around whether and how to combine funds? [Srl_comb]

  • Not at all

  • Not too frequently

  • Moderately frequently

  • Frequently

  • Very frequently

For the next set of questions, consider your state’s most recent Preschool Development Grant (PDG) grant award.

Are Head Start programs eligible to receive PDG funds in your state? [Shs_PDGelig]

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not applicable (our state does not have a PDG grant)

  • Don’t know

[If Shs_PDGelig = yes] Did [the Head Start Collaboration Office Director in your state / you] participate in… [Shs_pdg]



Don’t know

The PDG application process? [Shs_pdg_1]

The planning of PDG fund use? [Shs_pdg_2]

The implementation of PDG activities? [Shs_pdg_3]

Beliefs and Mindsets

In this part of the survey, we ask about your specific beliefs on decisions around ECE financing policy in your state.

As a reminder, your responses will be kept private.

How much do you agree with the following statements? [Sms_fund]

Do not agree at all

Somewhat agree

Moderately agree

Mostly agree

Strongly Agree

ECE providers in my state do not access more funding sources because they have a fear of “double dipping.” [Sms_fund_1]

ECE providers in my state do not access more funding sources because it increases their fear of violating regulations. [Sms_fund_2]

The Office of Head Start allocates sufficient funding to Head Start programs to run a quality program without additional funding sources. [Sms_fund_3]

My state allocates sufficient funding to ECE. [Sms_fund_4]

ECE providers have the capacity to meet the requirements of multiple funding sources. [Sms_fund_5]

What do you believe are your state’s top three priorities for providing ECE funding? Select up to three. [Sms_prior]

  • Reduce financial burdens on local ECE providers [Sms_prior_1]

  • Extend the program day and/or year [Sms_prior_2]

  • Make it easier for families to become and stay eligible [Sms_prior_3]

  • Guide more equitable distribution of resources across a range of center- and home-based ECE program settings [Sms_prior_4]

  • Enhance quality through a more qualified, supported, and/or better compensated workforce [Sms_prior_5]

  • Enhance quality through smaller class/group sizes and/or better adult-child ratios [Sms_prior_6]

  • Enhance quality through improved services and supports to children and families [Sms_prior_7]

  • Increase affordability for families [Sms_prior_8]

  • Other (please specify) [Sms_prior_9; Sms_prior_9t]

How much do you agree with the following statements? [Spc_power]

Do not agree at all

Somewhat agree

Moderately agree

Mostly agree

Strongly agree

Don’t know

Our governor is actively involved in the work of my agency. [Spc_power_1]

Our governor is a champion for the ECE work my agency does. [Spc_power_2]

A change in governor significantly influences decision-making on financing ECE in our state. [Spc_power_3]

My state’s legislature is actively involved in making decisions that affect what my agency does around ECE funding. [Spc_power_4]

Changes in our state’s political landscape have historically affected ECE funding initiatives. [Spc_power_5]

Changes in my agency’s leadership have historically affected ECE funding initiatives. [Spc_power_6]

My agency has enough decision-making power to influence ECE financing policy in our state. [Spc_power_7]

Which of the following do you believe are the top three most influential in determining ECE financing policy in your state? Select up to three. [Spc_infl]

  • The governor [Spc_infl_1]

  • City mayors [Spc_infl_2]

  • The legislature as a whole [Spc_infl_3]

  • A specific subset of legislators (e.g., a committee or sub-committee) [Spc_infl_4]

  • My agency as a whole [Spc_infl_5]

  • Me or the leader of my agency [Spc_infl_6]

  • Another agency in my state’s government (please specify) [Spc_infl_7; Spc_infl_7t]

  • Foundations [Spc_infl_8]

  • Community group(s) [Spc_infl_9]

  • Voters [Spc_infl_10]

  • Parent group(s) [Spc_infl_11]

  • Teacher unions [Spc_infl_12]

  • Other [Spc_infl_13]

T/TA, Guidance, and Resources for Combining Funds

This section focuses on the technical assistance and supports available to you and to ECE providers in your state related to ECE funding.

Does your agency require that ECE providers receive professional development/technical assistance (TA) on the use of multiple funding sources for ECE programming? [Sta_req]

  • Yes, it is required

  • No, but we do provide guidance on whether to obtain training in this topic area

  • No, and we do not provide guidance on whether to obtain training in this topic area

  • Don’t know

Does your agency offer professional development/technical assistance regarding the use of multiple funding sources for ECE programming to…? [Sta_offer]



Don’t know

Local-level entities (e.g., regional, county level) that are part of the state ECE governance system [Sta_offer_1]

ECE provider administrators [Sta_offer_2]

[If “Yes, …” to Sta_offer] Does your agency offer training and technical assistance to ECE providers on the following topics? [Sta_topic]



Don’t know

Budgeting [Sta_topic_1]

Combining multiple funding sources [Sta_topic_2]

Cost modeling [Sta_topic_3]

Fiscal sustainability [Sta_topic_4]

Business administration [Sta_topic_5]

Grant writing [Sta_topic_6]

Financial reporting to funding administrators [Sta_topic_7]

Other [Sta_topic_8]

Who delivers fiscal- or funding-related training and technical assistance (T/TA) to ECE providers in your state? [Sta_prov]

Select all that apply:

    • National centers of the federal early childhood training and technical assistance system [Sta_prov_1]

    • Statewide T/TA Center [Sta_prov_2]

    • Other state, national, or local organizations [Sta_prov_3]

    • Other state-level administrators in your state [Sta_prov_4]

    • State-level administrators in other states [Sta_prov_5]

    • Consultant [Sta_prov_6]

    • Head Start and/or CCDF regional office staff [Sta_prov_7]

    • National Head Start Association [Sta_prov_8]

    • Regional or State Head Start Association [Sta_prov_9]

    • Other [Sta_prov_10]

[If “No” to both response options in Sta_offer ] Why doesn’t your department/agency offer training and technical assistance related to funding or fiscal activities to ECE providers in your state? Select all that apply. [Sta_whyno]

  • There is no need or interest from local-level entities or ECE providers [Sta_whyno_1]

  • We do not have sufficient resources or capacity [Sta_whyno_2]

  • That is not the responsibility of our department/agency [Sta_whyno_3]

  • Unsure [Sta_whyno_4]

  • Other (please specify) [Sta_whyno_5; Sta_whyno_5t]

[If ”yes” to Combining multiple funding sources under Sta_topic] What supports are available from the state to assist ECE providers with combining multiple ECE funding sources? [Sta_avail]



Don’t know

Trainings (e.g., webinars, in-person sessions) around using multiple funding sources [Sta_avail_1]

Technical assistance or direct supports with budgeting, including tools (e.g., toolkits, calculators) [Sta_avail_2]

Written guidance (e.g., websites, information memoranda, policy guidance) [Sta_avail_3]

Consultants [Sta_avail_4]

Access to courses for certificate or credit [Sta_avail_5]

Access to online learning networks [Sta_avail_6]

Support for preparing funding applications [Sta_avail_7]

Other (Please specify) [Sta_avail_8; Sta_avail_8t]

Your Background

How many years have you worked in your current role? [Sdg_currole]

  • [numerical entry with validation]

How many years have you worked in state-level ECE-related roles in your current state? [Sdg_state]

  • [numerical entry with validation]

How many total years have you worked in any ECE-related roles? [Sdg _total]

  • [numerical entry with validation]

Have you worked in any of the following settings? [Sdg_set]



Head Start program [Sdg_set_1]

Non-Head Start ECE provider [Sdg_set_2]

[If Sdg_set = “Head Start Program”] Have you previously worked in any of the following types of roles in a Head Start program? [Sdg_roles]



Program or center director [Sdg_roles_1]

Teaching position (e.g., lead teacher, assistant teacher, classroom aide) [Sdg_roles_2]

Non-teaching position (e.g., family advocate, disability coordinator) [Sdg_roles_3]

Administrative/leadership position other than program director (e.g., fiscal officer, education manager, family service manager, health services manager) [Sdg_roles_4]

[If either option Sdg_set is selected] Have you had any of the following experiences in an ECE program? Select all that apply. [Sdg_exp]

  • Participated in a committee that made financial decisions [Sdg_exp_1]

  • Provided input to those responsible for financial decisions [Sdg_exp_2]

  • Had primary decision-making responsibility for financial decisions [Sdg_exp_3]

  • None [Sdg_exp_4]

What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed? If currently enrolled, select highest degree received. [Sdg_hdeg]

  • Some high school, no diploma

  • High school graduate, diploma or the equivalent (for example: GED)

  • Some college credit, no degree

  • Associate degree

  • Bachelor’s degree

  • Master’s degree

  • Doctorate or other advanced degree

[If Associate or higher indicated in Sdg_hdeg] Which best describes the field in which you obtained your highest degree? Select all that apply. [Sdg_fdeg]

  • Business and/or finance [Sdg_fdeg_1]

  • Law or legal studies [Sdg_fdeg_2]

  • Public administration [Sdg_fdeg_3]

  • Social sciences (e.g., social work, sociology, psychology, economics, anthropology) [Sdg_fdeg_4]

  • Education administration [Sdg_fdeg_5]

  • Early Childhood Education [Sdg_fdeg_6]

  • K-12 Education [Sdg_fdeg_7]

  • Physical sciences (e.g., physics, biology, chemistry) [Sdg_fdeg_8]

  • Other (please specify) [Sdg_fdeg_9; Sdg_fdeg_9t]

What is your title? [Sdg_resp]

If someone helped you fill out this survey, please share their title and role. [Sdg_help]

    • [Title 1] [Sdg_help_1a]

    • [Role 1] [Sdg_help_1b]

    • [Title 2] [Sdg_help_2a]

    • [Role 2] [Sdg_help_2b]

Are you willing to be contacted in the future for other research activities related to this project? [Sdg_future]

  • Yes

  • No

Thank you for your participation. NORC will email you a $35 prepaid gift code to thank you for completing this survey. Prepaid codes can only be used online.

You are eligible for one of the following $35 electronic gift codes. Please select which gift card you would like to receive.

  • [list options for gift cards]

  • I would like to decline receipt of this gift card

[If any GC are selected] Please let NORC know what email you would like your card sent to: [TEXT BOX]

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorMelissa Gutwein
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2024-07-23

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