Attachment I
Overview of NISVS Survey Revisions
This document describes the major revisions to the NISVS survey instrument since the previous approved survey version. Survey questions were renumbered in many cases or reordered.
Updated to reflect procedures for new contractor (e.g., incentives, contact number, navigation and help instructions).
Questions were dropped that had been used for pilot testing purposes or procedures that are no longer relevant. The major revisions are shown in the table below.
Type of Change |
Old Survey # |
Question Language |
How many of them are male? |
How many of them are female? The number of females is pre-populated using the number of adults and number of males. Please change if necessary. |
CF7_4 |
Is any person 18 years and older in this household limited in the kind OR amount of work he/she can do because of a physical, mental, or emotional problem? |
CF7_5 |
Has any person 18 years and older in this household been hospitalized OVERNIGHT in the past 12 months? Do not include an overnight stay in the emergency room. |
CF7_6a |
following questions are to classify your household. |
CF7_7 |
this house, apartment, or mobile home…. |
Revised/New Questions:
Type of Change |
Old Survey # |
Question Language |
New Survey # |
Question Language |
CF7_6b |
Do you or any member of this
household have access to the Internet using a – |
Do you or anyone living with
you have access to the Internet when you are home? Include
Internet access on cell phones. |
When you access the Internet
at home, how easy or difficult is it to use? |
CF7_1a |
you…? |
you…? |
Transgender: Updated pronouns in screening instrument to include “them” (e.g., pronouns, response options).
Revised sexual orientation and gender identity questions to reflect recent OMB guidance.
Reordered questions.
Type of Change |
Old Survey # |
Question Language |
CF21 |
Were you born in the United States, including U.S. territories and U.S. military bases? |
CF22 |
How many years have you lived in the United States? If it is less than 1 year, enter 0. |
Added back the disability questions for health equity and benchmarking purposes. These questions were included in a previous NISVS instrument.
Removed prescription misuse, depression, and suicide questions to make room for the disability questions.
Added depression and anxiety questions for benchmarking purposes and previous associations with violence victimization.
Type of Change |
New Survey # |
Question Language |
HC06 |
Have you ever been told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professional that you had diabetes? |
HC07 |
Have you ever been told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professional that you had high blood pressure? |
HC08 |
Have you ever been told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professional that you had HIV/AIDS? |
HC09 |
Are you deaf or do you have serious difficulty hearing? |
HC10 |
Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses? |
HC10 |
Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions? |
HC11 |
Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs? |
HC12 |
Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs? |
HC13 |
Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing? |
HC14 |
Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have difficulty doing errands alone such as visiting a doctor's office or shopping? |
How often do you feel worried, nervous or anxious? Would you say daily, weekly, monthly, a few times a year, or never? |
How often do you feel depressed? Would you say daily, weekly, monthly, a few times a year, or never? |
Type of Change |
Old Survey # |
Question Language |
HC06 |
Have you ever, even once, taken ANY PRESCRIPTION pain medicine without a prescription or differently than how a doctor told you to use it (for example, OxyContin, Vicodin, Lortab, or Percocet)? |
HC07 |
Have you ever been told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professional that you had ANY type of depression? |
HC08a |
The next questions are about thoughts of suicide. Please remember that your answers are confidential. Have you ever seriously thought about trying to kill yourself? |
HC08 |
Have you ever tried to kill yourself? |
Updated instructions to reflect web procedures for new contractor.
Updated instructions to provide additional examples of who not to include (i.e., “please DO NOT include bill collectors, telephone solicitors, other sales people, or others following or contacting you as part of their job.”).
Reformatted and improved the question flow in a way that was found to be easier to understand and more accurate in the responses, based on cognitive testing. This section now presents the stalking tactics up front. Respondents who do not endorse any of the items can more quickly move to the next section. Those who endorse any item in the “group” of tactics will go on to answer additional questions about what they experienced and by whom. This format allows for improved linking of behaviors to specific perpetrator types which was not possible in the previous survey version.
Revised perpetrator follow-up questions to collect the relationship-to-victim information on all perpetrators (up to maximum of 5), instead of just 1st and most recent.
Perpetrator-follow-up questions were programmed to fill the victim-perpetrator relationship type (e.g., husband, teacher, family) to improve data quality and clarity about which perpetrator and experiences are being asked about.
Revised unwanted phone calls tactic to emphasize repeated nature and provide additional examples of what not to include (see table below, ST03_5).
Split social media question into 2 questions to improve specificity (see table below, ST03_6 and ST03_8).
Split technology question to improve specificity of technology-facilitated stalking (see table below, ST03_7, ST03_9, ST03_10).
Revised follow-up criterion questions to reflect new formatting (see table below, ST04_1 and ST04_2).
Added emotional harm question to gather data on the impact of stalking (see table below, ST04_3)).
Type of Change |
Old Survey # |
Old Language |
New Survey # |
New Language |
ST05 |
made unwanted phone calls to you, sent you emails, voice, or text messages? Please do not include bill collectors or telephone solicitors. |
ST03_5 |
repeatedly make unwanted phone calls to you or send you unwanted emails, voice, or text messages? Please do not include spam, robocalls, bill collectors or telephone solicitors. |
ST06 |
sent you unwanted messages through social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, and chat rooms? |
ST03_6 |
repeatedly send you unwanted messages through social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, and chat rooms? |
ST03_8 |
use social media to monitor or track you, your communication, or your location without your permission? Examples of social media include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, SnapChat. We are talking about times when you knew or you thought someone was using social media to monitor you. |
ST03 |
used technology, such as hidden cameras, computer software, apps, or GPS (Global Positioning System) to monitor or track your location without your permission? This includes GPS used in a phone or on social media, such as Facebook. (We are talking about times when you knew or you thought someone was using GPS technology to monitor you.) |
ST03_7 |
watch or spy on you with a hidden camera? |
ST03_9 |
use location technology such as GPS (Global Positioning System) device, app, or or other electronic tracking system to track your location without your permission? This includes GPS used in a phone. We are talking about times when you knew or you thought someone was using GPS or other location technology to track you. |
ST03_10 |
use technology, such as computer software, apps, or stalkerware to monitor your communication or activities without your permission? (We are talking about times when you knew or you thought someone was using technology to monitor you.) |
ST09A |
Now, thinking ONLY about that person who followed, contacted or harassed you on more than one occasion, did he/she ever make you feel fearful, threatened, or concerned for your safety or the safety of others? |
ST04_1 |
Did you feel afraid, threatened, or concerned for your safety or the safety of others? |
ST10A |
Still thinking about that person who followed, contacted or harassed you on more than one occasion, did he/she ever make threats to physically harm you? Please include ALL people who made threats to physically harm you EVEN IF you did not take the threat seriously or did not feel fearful, threatened, or concerned for your safety or the safety of others. |
ST04_2 |
Did they make threats to physically harm you (even if you did not take the threat seriously)? |
ST04_3 |
Did you ever experience mental or emotional harm (for example, anxiety or depression) after [this/any of these things] happened to you? |
Changed question format to ask whether the participant experienced the behavior (response options are yes/no) rather than asking how many people (ever) did the behavior to the respondent.
Revised perpetrator follow-up questions to collect the relationship-to-victim information on all perpetrators (up to maximum of 5), instead of only the 1st and most recent.
Perpetrator-follow-up questions were programmed to fill the victim-perpetrator relationship type (e.g., husband, teacher, family) to improve data quality and clarity about which perpetrator and experiences are being asked about.
Added 4 questions on technology-facilitated SV (two lifetime questions, two 12-month questions). See table below (TF_INTRO – TF04).
Type of Change |
Survey # |
Question Language |
The next questions are about unwanted sexual situations that might have happened to you while using the internet, social media, text messages, or emails: |
TF01 |
In your lifetime, has anyone ever sent you an unwanted sexually explicit message or image through the internet, social media, email, or text message without your consent? Please do not include spam messages, phishing attempts, or messages that you think are from a Bot, that is, a computer program that imitates a human. Examples of social media include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, SnapChat. |
TF02 |
Did this happen to you in the past 12 months? That is since [FILL: DATE 12 MONTHS AGO]? |
TF03 |
To your knowledge, has anyone ever emailed, texted, or electronically posted a revealing or sexual photo or video of you without your consent? |
TF04 |
Did this happen to you in the past 12 months? That is since [FILL: DATE 12 MONTHS AGO]? |
Reformatted the rape and made to penetrate sections to reduce repetitiveness and inaccuracies found in cognitive testing. The alcohol/drug-facilitated and physically forced items are combined and presented at once rather than in separate sections (so respondents don’t have the sense that they are receiving the same questions twice). Then, if any SV behaviors are endorsed, the respondent answers additional questions about the context (alcohol/drug-facilitated, physically forced). Follow-up questions link the specific perpetrator to the type of rape or made to penetrate (i.e., alcohol/drug-facilitated, physically forced). This format allows for improved linking of behaviors to specific perpetrator types, improves data accuracy, and reduces confusion.
For the rape and made to penetrate sections, we added an instruction for transgender respondents to choose which set of questions to answer in response to the anatomy-specific items. Previously we routed transgender respondents to their current identity (male to female or female to male) that they selected in the demographics section. This was potentially a problem given that they didn’t know about the anatomy-specific questions they would receive later in the survey. After discussion with experts at CDC it was highly recommended that we provide the respondents the rationale and allow them to choose which set of questions (male vs. female) to answer. See table below (“QSELECT”).
Type of Change |
Survey # |
Question Language |
In this section you will be asked questions using specific language about victimization experiences related to one’s sexual anatomy. We have two sets of questions based on sex assigned at birth. In “male” set of questions, it is assumed that you have a penis. In the “female” set of questions, it is assumed that you have a vagina. We would like to give you the option to decide which set of questions best represents your experience. Would you prefer to answer the female or male set of questions? Male set of questions (go to SV_M) 1 Female set of questions (go to SV_W) 2 |
Added impact questions for rape and made to penetrate: pregnancy from rape for past 12 months (in addition to lifetime question); whether a police report was filed; experienced concussion injury from incident; emotional harm question to impact section (rape & made to penetrate only). See table below (OT01, OT02a, OT04b, OT07).
Type of Change |
Survey # |
Question Language |
OT01 |
Did you file a police report? |
OT02a |
A concussion is when a blow to the head caused you to have one or more symptoms such as blurred or double vision, sensitivity to light or noise, headaches, dizziness or balance problems, nausea, being dazed or confused, difficulty remembering, difficulty concentrating, or being knocked out. Did you ever experience a concussion when [this/any of these things] happened? Do not include situations where you were hurt accidentally. |
OT04b |
Did you get pregnant when [this/any of these things] happened in the PAST 12 MONTHS, that is, since [FILL: DATE 12 MONTHS AGO]? |
OT07 |
Did you ever experience mental or emotional harm (for example, anxiety or depression) after [this/any of these things] happened to you? |
Reformatted and improved the question flow to improve clarity and data accuracy. This section now presents all behaviors as a group up front. Respondents who do not endorse any of the items in the group can more quickly move to the next section. Those who endorse any item in the “group” of behaviors will go on to answer additional questions about what they experienced and by whom. This format allows for improved linking of behaviors to specific perpetrator types (e.g., current intimate partner, ex-intimate partner) which was not possible in the previous survey version.
Added follow-up questions to collect the relationship-to-victim information on all intimate partner perpetrators (up to maximum of 5).
Perpetrator-follow-up questions were programmed to fill the victim-perpetrator relationship type (e.g., husband, ex-girlfriend) to improve data quality and clarity about which perpetrator and experiences are being asked about.
Changed question format to ask whether the participant experienced the behavior (response options are yes/no) rather than asking how many people (ever) did the behavior to the respondent. Added a single question to gather the number of perpetrators to facilitate perpetrator follow-up (see table below, PA02).
Removed question about frequency of psychological aggression in past 12 months (see table, PA11).
Type of Change |
New Survey # |
Question Language |
PA02 |
In total, how many DIFFERENT current or ex-romantic or sexual partners did any of these things to you? |
Type of Change |
Old Survey # |
Question Language |
PA11 |
At the time that it was most frequent in the past 12 months, that is since {FILL: DATE 12 MONTHS AGO}, how often did a current or ex-partner do {FILL: “this” (ONE BEHAVIOR) / “any of these things”} in the past 12 months? |
Updated questions based on expert input to distinguish between different forms of reproductive coercion (see table below, RC12, RC13, RC14, RC15).
Added new question about threats to hurt someone as a form of reproductive coercion (see table below, RC13).
Added questions about pregnancy as a result of reproductive coercion (see table below, RC12b, RC13b, RC14b, RC15b).
Added questions to distinguish the types of reproductive coercion that occurred in the past 12 months (see table below, RC12a, RC13a, RC14a, RC15a).
Dropped questions assessing the number of perpetrators (see table below, PA15 and PA16).
Type of Change |
Old Survey # |
Old Language |
New Survey # |
New Language |
PA12 |
(If female) How many of your current or ex-partners have EVER tried to get you pregnant when you did not want to become pregnant or tried to stop you from using birth control? |
RC12 |
(If female) Has a current or ex-partner EVER tried to keep you from using your birth control so that you would get pregnant when you didn’t want to? For example, did they hide your birth control, throw it away or do anything else to keep you from using it?
PA14 |
How many current or ex-partners have done this to you in the past 12 months? That is since {FILL: DATE 12 MONTHS AGO}? |
RC12a |
(If female) Has a current or ex-partner done this to you in the past 12 months? That is since [FILL: DATE 12 MONTHS AGO]?
RC12b |
(If female) Did you EVER actually get pregnant because a current or ex- stopped you from using birth control?
RC13 |
(If female) Has a current or ex-partner ever threatened to hurt you if you did not become pregnant when you did not want to become pregnant?
PA14 |
How many current or ex-partners have done this to you in the past 12 months? That is since {FILL: DATE 12 MONTHS AGO}? |
RC13a |
(If female) Has a current or ex-partner done this to you in the past 12 months? That is since [FILL: DATE 12 MONTHS AGO]?
RC13b |
(If female) Did you EVER actually get pregnant because a current or ex-partner threatened to hurt you if you did not become pregnant even when you didn’t want to?
PA15 |
How many of your current or ex-partners have EVER refused to use a condom when you wanted them to use one? |
RC14 |
(If female) Has a current or ex-partner EVER refused to use a condom, intentionally broken a condom, or removed a condom while having sex when you wanted them to use one, to get you pregnant?
PA14 |
How many current or ex-partners have done this to you in the past 12 months? That is since {FILL: DATE 12 MONTHS AGO}? |
RC14a |
(If female) Has a current or ex-partner done this to you in the past 12 months? That is since [FILL: DATE 12 MONTHS AGO]?
RC14b |
(If female) Did you EVER actually get pregnant because a current or ex-partner refused to use a condom, intentionally broke a condom, or removed a condom when you wanted them to use one?
PA13 |
(If male) How many of your current or ex-partners have EVER tried to get pregnant when you didn’t want them to get pregnant or tried to stop you from using birth control?
RC15 |
(If male) Has a current or ex-partner EVER tried to get pregnant when you didn’t want them to get pregnant or tried to stop you from using a condom or other birth control so they would get pregnant?
PA14 |
How many current or ex-partners have done this to you in the past 12 months? That is since {FILL: DATE 12 MONTHS AGO}? |
RC15a |
Has a current or ex-partner done this to you in the past 12 months? That is since [FILL: DATE 12 MONTHS AGO]?
RC15b |
Did your current or ex-partner EVER get pregnant because she stopped you from using a condom or other birth control?
PA15 |
(For males) How many of your current or ex-partners have EVER refused to use a condom when you wanted them to use one? |
PA16 |
How many current or ex-partners have done this to you in the past 12 months? That is since {FILL: DATE 12 MONTHS AGO}? |
Reformatted and improved the question flow to improve clarity and data accuracy. This section now presents all behaviors as a group up front. Respondents who do not endorse any of the items in the group can more quickly move to the next section. Those who endorse any item in the “group” of behaviors will go on to answer additional questions about what they experienced and by whom. This format allows for improved linking of behaviors to specific perpetrator types (e.g., current intimate partner, ex-intimate partner) which was not possible in the previous survey version.
Changed question format to ask whether the participant experienced the behavior (response options are yes/no) rather than asking how many people (ever) did the behavior to the respondent. Added a single question to gather the number of perpetrators to facilitate perpetrator follow-up (see table below, PV02).
Dropped follow-up questions focused on slapping, pushing, and shoving because they were no longer needed in the reformatting. See table below (PV01, PV02).
Revised perpetrator follow-up questions to collect the relationship-to-victim information on all perpetrators (up to maximum of 5), instead of just the 1st and most recent.
Perpetrator-follow-up questions were programmed to fill the victim-perpetrator relationship type (e.g., husband, ex-girlfriend) to improve data quality and clarity about which perpetrator and experiences are being asked about.
Revised language for questions on knife use and gun use to include threats and more specific language about what types of guns to include and exclude. See table below (PV01).
Removed question about frequency of physical violence in past 12 months (see table, PV15).
Type of Change |
Old Survey # |
Old Language |
New Survey # |
New Language |
PV01 |
How many of your current or ex-partners have ever slapped, pushed, or shoved you? |
PV02 |
How old were you the first time a current or ex-partner slapped, pushed, or shoved you? |
PV09 |
How many of your current or ex-partners have ever used a knife on you? |
PV01 |
In your lifetime, has a current or ex-romantic or sexual partner ever done any of the following things to you on purpose: Used or threatened you with a knife
PV10 |
How many of your current or ex-partners have ever used a gun on you? |
PV01 |
In your lifetime, has a current or ex-romantic or sexual partner ever done any of the following things to you on purpose: Used or threatened you with a gun, such as pistols, revolvers, shotguns, and rifles (but not BB guns or paint ball guns). |
PV02 |
In total, how many DIFFERENT current or ex-romantic or sexual partners did any of these things to you in your lifetime? |
PV15 |
At the time that it was most frequent in the past 12 months, that is since {FILL: DATE 12 MONTHS AGO}, how often did a current or ex-partner do {FILL: “this” (ONE BEHAVIOR) / “any of these things”} to you? |
Revised some questions for clarity (see table below, CQ01—CQ09, CQ17, CQ27—CQ30).
Dropped question about whether respondent was able to get needed medical care (see table below, CQ19).
Type of Change |
Old Survey # |
Old Language |
New Survey # |
New Language |
CQ01 |
When any of those things happened, were you ever concerned for your safety? |
CQ01 |
Were you ever concerned for your safety because of what happened to you?
CQ02 |
When any of those things happened, were you concerned for your safety in the past 12 months? |
CQ02 |
In the past 12 months, were you concerned for your safety because of what happened to you?
CQ03 |
CQ03 |
CQ04 |
When any of those things happened, were you fearful in the past 12 months? |
CQ04 |
In the past 12 months, that is since [FILL: DATE 12 MONTHS AGO], were you fearful because of what happened to you? |
CQ05 |
Thinking back to the physical acts, unwanted sexual situations, or repeated unwanted attempts to contact, follow, or harass you by a current or ex-romantic or sexual partner …did you ever have nightmares? |
CQ05 |
Thinking back to the unwanted physical acts, sexual situations, or repeated contacting, following, or spying on you by a current or ex-romantic or sexual partner …
did you ever have nightmares because of what a current or ex-partner did to you? |
CQ06 |
…did you ever try hard not to think about or go out of your way to avoid being reminded of the things that were done to you?
CQ06 |
…did you ever try hard not to think about or go out of your way to avoid being reminded of the things that were done to you because of what a current or ex-partner did to you? |
CQ07 |
… did you ever feel like you were constantly on guard, watchful, or easily startled? |
CQ07 |
…did you ever feel like you were constantly on guard, watchful, or easily startled because of what a current or ex-partner did to you? |
CQ08 |
… did you ever feel numb or detached from others, your activities, or your surroundings? |
CQ08 |
…did you ever feel numb or detached from others, your activities, or your surroundings because of what a current or ex-partner did to you? |
CQ09 |
Did you ever feel this way in the past 12 months? |
CQ09 |
In the past 12 months, that is since [FILL: DATE 12 MONTHS AGO] did you ever feel this way because of what happened to you?
CQ19 |
Were you able to get the medical care you needed?
CQ20 |
In the past 12 months were you injured because of the things a current or ex-partner did to you?
CQ17 |
In the past 12 months, that is since [FILL: DATE 12 MONTHS AGO], were you physically injured because of the things a current or ex-partner did to you? |
CQ28 |
About how many days of work did you ever have to miss when a current or ex-partner did these things to you?
CQ27 |
Did you ever miss days of work because of the things that a current or ex-partner did to you?
CQ29 |
In the past 12 months how many days of work did you have to miss when a current or ex-partner did these things to you? |
CQ28 |
In the past 12 months, that is since [FILL: DATE 12 MONTHS AGO] did you miss days of work because of the things that a current or ex-partner did to you?
CQ30 |
About how many days of school did you ever have to miss when a current or ex-partner did these things to you? |
CQ29 |
Did you ever miss days of school because of the things that a current or ex-partner did to you?
CQ31 |
In the past 12 months how many days of school did you have to miss when a current or ex-partner did these things to you? |
CQ30 |
In the past 12 months, that is since [FILL: DATE 12 MONTHS AGO] did you miss days of school because of the things that a current or ex-partner did to you? |
Updated many sections to a yes/no response format as opposed to “how many people did …” (to reduce burden, especially for behaviors that might be common).
Perpetrator sex (throughout):
Updated response options to allow for transgender perpetrators (instead of only the choice of male or female).
Revised questions so that perpetrator sex is not embedded in the question by changing to “people” instead of male or female (for rape and made to penetrate questions). This allows for the possibility of transgender perpetrators.
Removed question about perpetrator sex in past 12 months given the new formatting.
For all perpetrator follow-up sections, we revised the broad relationship category names to include:
My spouse (husband or wife)
My ex-spouse (ex-husband or ex-wife)
Someone I was involved with romantically or sexually (other than a spouse)
Someone I used to be involved with romantically or sexually (other than an ex-spouse)
A family member
A friend
Acquaintance, for example, a neighbor, roommate, classmate, friend of a friend, etc.
Someone I knew through work, for example, a co-worker, boss/supervisor, client, customer, patient, etc.
A person of authority, for example, a teacher, doctor, police officer, etc.
Someone I knew less than 24 hours, for example, a taxi driver, someone met at party/bar
A complete stranger
Someone else
You selected “someone else”. Please specify the category that best describes how you knew them at the time they did this to you. ___________ [allow up to 40 characters]
In all perpetrator follow-up sections, for past 12-month victimization, we shortened the possible categories of relationship types to only intimate partner categories given that other categories were unlikely to change (e.g., neighbor is still a neighbor; their uncle is still their uncle). Respondents will confirm that the intimate partner relationship category selected for “lifetime” victimization was the same category in the 12-month period of the victimization (e.g., was still a current spouse at that time). If there was a change in the relationship, respondents can select the appropriate category (e.g., was an ex-spouse in the 12-month period of the victimization):
My spouse (husband or wife)
My ex-spouse (ex-husband or ex-wife)
Someone I was involved with romantically or sexually (other than a spouse)
Someone I used to be involved with romantically or sexually (other than an ex-spouse)
In the resources section, we updated suicide hotline number to 988 (“You can reach the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988.”).
Removed previous benchmarking questions from NSFG to prevent confusion given the similar content to other questions. See table below.
Type of Change |
Old Survey # |
Question Language |
This next question asks about unwanted sexual activity. We have already asked you questions about this topic, but we wanted to ask again to make sure we collect accurate information. |
(If female) At any time in your life, have you ever been forced by a male to have vaginal intercourse against your will? |
(If male) At any time in your life, have you ever been forced by a female to have vaginal intercourse against your will? |
(If male) At any time in your life, have you ever been forced by a male to have oral or anal sex against your will? |
Removed debriefing questions that were used for testing only.
Type of Change |
Old Survey # |
Question Language |
D5 |
Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with this statement:
Now that you know what the survey is about, you would have made the same choice to participate. |
D6 |
Where were you when completing the survey? |
D7 |
Was anyone else in the room while you were completing the survey? |
D10 |
Do you think anyone in your household knows what this survey is about? |
D13 |
Do you feel that the length of this interview was too long, too short, or about right? |
Some people multitask when on the internet while others do not. What, if anything, did you happen to do while filling out this web survey? Select all that apply. Watching TV/Talking on the phone Checking emails, working/studying Eating/drinking/Preparing meal On computer (reading, surfing, shopping, banking etc) Video gaming Other (please specify: ____________) |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Smith, Sharon G. (CDC/DDNID/NCIPC/DVP) |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2023-11-10 |