NWSS COVID Case Data Dictionary

Attachment-08_Component-3_ref-NWSS COVID Case Data Dictionary_v1_0_0.xlsx

[NCEZID] National Wastewater Surveillance System for COVID-19 and other Infectious Disease Targets of Public Health Concern

NWSS COVID Case Data Dictionary

OMB: 0920-1422

Document [xlsx]
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Read Me
Value Sets
Change Log

Sheet 1: Read Me

General Notes

The level of measure for NWSS DCIPHER COVID-19 case reporting Each row in the submitted file should have a unique case ID.
Date range: Include cases with report dates dating back to 30 days prior to the first wastewater sample collection date in the corresponding sewershed reported to CDC NWSS.
Data types: Fields are read in as strings; data type casting happens after file read in.

Submission Requirements

Required fields: These fields must be included in the data file; if they are omitted, file upload will be prohibited. For required fields that allow [empty] values, the field column header must be included in the data file even if all row values are [empty].
Non-required but non-empty fields: Some fields are "not required" but also must have non-empty values, conditional on the completion of another field. Omission of these fields will not interfere with upload of the data file, but will cause them to be flagged for quality control issues once uploaded.

Value Sets

Missing values: Missing values should be left blank, denoted as [empty] in the Value Sets. Do not use other strings, such as "NA" or "[empty]", to denote missing values."
Requesting additional values for categorical fields: For categorical fields, restrict values to those listed in the Value Sets. To request that values be added to the vocabulary, please contact NWSS staff.
Case sensitivity: Fields are not case sensitive.

Data Type Definitions

string ASCII-encoded characters; do not use line breaks within a value
category Categorical variable with a defined value set of strings


COVID-19 case definition The case classifications for COVID-19 are described in an an updated interim COVID-19 position statement and case definition issued by the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists on August 5, 2020. Please include probable and confirmed cases as defined in the CSTE case definition.

Sheet 2: Metadata

Field Name Data Type Description Value Set Units Submission Requirement Dependent Fields
local_id string State or local unique case ID [string];
[none] Not required None
res_state category State, DC, US territory, or Freely Associated State jurisdiction name (2-letter abbreviation) of the case's residence [See Value Sets: vs_res_state] [none] Required None
sewershedres string Case residence sewershed name [string] [none] Required None
cdc_ncov2019_id string CDC unique case ID. This is often created by concatenating 'res_state' and the 'local_id'. Please discuss with your jurisdiction's COVID epidemiologist to determine the ID submitted to CDC for case surveillance in the 'cdc_ncov2019_id' field. [string] [none] Required None
sewershedhosp string Hospital sewershed name [string];
[none] Not required None

Sheet 3: Value Sets

Field Value Set Name

Value Set Name:

Value Set Description
res_state vs_res_state

AL Alabama

AK Alaska

AS American Samoa

AZ Arizona

AR Arkansas

CA California

CO Colorado

MP Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands

CT Connecticut

DE Delaware

DC District of Columbia

FM Federated States of Micronesia

FL Florida

GA Georgia

GU Guam

HI Hawaii

ID Idaho

IL Illinois

IN Indiana

IA Iowa

KS Kansas

KY Kentucky

LA Louisiana

ME Maine

MD Maryland

MA Massachusetts

MI Michigan

MN Minnesota

MS Mississippi

MO Missouri

MT Montana

NE Nebraska

NV Nevada

NH New Hampshire

NJ New Jersey

NM New Mexico

NY New York

NC North Carolina

ND North Dakota

OH Ohio

OK Oklahoma

OR Oregon

PA Pennsylvania

PR Puerto Rico

MH Republic of the Marshall Islands

PW Republic of Palau

RI Rhode Island

SC South Carolina

SD South Dakota

TN Tennessee

TX Texas

VI U.S. Virgin Islands

UT Utah

VT Vermont

VA Virginia

WA Washington

WV West Virginia

WI Wisconsin

WY Wyoming

Sheet 4: Change Log

Use of semantic versioning began with v1.0.0. A description follows; see https://semver.org/ for further details.

Major changes (indicated by X in version X.Y.Z): not backwards compatible. In the context of NWSS DCIPHER data submission, these are changes that would cause submission (see note on Submission Requirements) of a data file, if unaltered, to fail upload. These may include addition of required fields or name changes to required fields.

Minor changes (indicated by Y in version X.Y.Z): backwards compatible functionality added. In the context of NWSS DCIPHER data submission, these may be additions of non-required fields, name changes to non-required fields, or changes to value sets, which will not prohibit upload but will be flagged in on-platform QC checks.

Patches (indicated by Z in version X.Y.Z): backwards compatible bug fixes. In the context of NWSS DCIPHER data submission, these may be clarifications of field descriptions, additions to value sets, or reorganization of the metadata.

Date of change New file name Version Major changes Minor changes Patches
20210323 Data specification given in "Case and Sewershed Matching Overview_20210323.pdf" NA NA NA NA
20210823 NWSS COVID Case Data Dictionary_v1_0_0_20210820.xslx 1.0.0 NA NA Made submission requirements, data types, and case definition explicit; the schema specified in this data dictionary version is back-compatible with previous CDC NWSS case data submissions
File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created0000-00-00

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